path: root/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/utils/hpc/HpcMarkup.hs b/utils/hpc/HpcMarkup.hs
index 68a16fa56a..ea6f4366ac 100644
--- a/utils/hpc/HpcMarkup.hs
+++ b/utils/hpc/HpcMarkup.hs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import qualified HpcSet as Set
markup_options :: FlagOptSeq
= excludeOpt
. includeOpt
. srcDirOpt
@@ -34,22 +34,22 @@ markup_options
markup_plugin :: Plugin
markup_plugin = Plugin { name = "markup"
- , usage = "[OPTION] .. <TIX_FILE> [<MODULE> [<MODULE> ..]]"
- , options = markup_options
- , summary = "Markup Haskell source with program coverage"
- , implementation = markup_main
- , init_flags = default_flags
- , final_flags = default_final_flags
- }
+ , usage = "[OPTION] .. <TIX_FILE> [<MODULE> [<MODULE> ..]]"
+ , options = markup_options
+ , summary = "Markup Haskell source with program coverage"
+ , implementation = markup_main
+ , init_flags = default_flags
+ , final_flags = default_final_flags
+ }
markup_main :: Flags -> [String] -> IO ()
markup_main flags (prog:modNames) = do
- let hpcflags1 = flags
- { includeMods = Set.fromList modNames
- `Set.union`
- includeMods flags }
+ let hpcflags1 = flags
+ { includeMods = Set.fromList modNames
+ `Set.union`
+ includeMods flags }
let Flags
{ funTotals = theFunTotals
, altHighlight = invertOutput
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ markup_main flags (prog:modNames) = do
mods <-
sequence [ genHtmlFromMod dest_dir hpcflags1 tix theFunTotals invertOutput
- | tix <- tixs
- , allowModule hpcflags1 (tixModuleName tix)
- ]
+ | tix <- tixs
+ , allowModule hpcflags1 (tixModuleName tix)
+ ]
let index_name = "hpc_index"
index_fun = "hpc_index_fun"
@@ -77,58 +77,58 @@ markup_main flags (prog:modNames) = do
putStrLn $ "Writing: " ++ (filename ++ ".html")
- writeFileUsing (dest_dir ++ "/" ++ filename ++ ".html") $
- "<html>" ++
- "<style type=\"text/css\">" ++
- " { background-color: #f25913; }\n" ++
- " { background-color: #60de51; }\n" ++
- "td.invbar { background-color: #f25913; }\n" ++
- "table.dashboard { border-collapse: collapse ; border: solid 1px black }\n" ++
- ".dashboard td { border: solid 1px black }\n" ++
- ".dashboard th { border: solid 1px black }\n" ++
- "</style>\n" ++
- "<table class=\"dashboard\" width=\"100%\" border=1>\n" ++
- "<tr>" ++
- "<th rowspan=2><a href=\"" ++ index_name ++ ".html\">module</a></th>" ++
- "<th colspan=3><a href=\"" ++ index_fun ++ ".html\">Top Level Definitions</a></th>" ++
- "<th colspan=3><a href=\"" ++ index_alt ++ ".html\">Alternatives</a></th>" ++
- "<th colspan=3><a href=\"" ++ index_exp ++ ".html\">Expressions</a></th>" ++
- "</tr>" ++
- "<tr>" ++
- "<th>%</th>" ++
- "<th colspan=2>covered / total</th>" ++
- "<th>%</th>" ++
- "<th colspan=2>covered / total</th>" ++
- "<th>%</th>" ++
- "<th colspan=2>covered / total</th>" ++
- "</tr>" ++
- concat [ showModuleSummary (modName,fileName,modSummary)
- | (modName,fileName,modSummary) <- mods'
- ] ++
- "<tr></tr>" ++
- showTotalSummary (mconcat
- [ modSummary
- | (_,_,modSummary) <- mods'
- ])
- ++ "</table></html>\n"
+ writeFileUsing (dest_dir ++ "/" ++ filename ++ ".html") $
+ "<html>" ++
+ "<style type=\"text/css\">" ++
+ " { background-color: #f25913; }\n" ++
+ " { background-color: #60de51; }\n" ++
+ "td.invbar { background-color: #f25913; }\n" ++
+ "table.dashboard { border-collapse: collapse ; border: solid 1px black }\n" ++
+ ".dashboard td { border: solid 1px black }\n" ++
+ ".dashboard th { border: solid 1px black }\n" ++
+ "</style>\n" ++
+ "<table class=\"dashboard\" width=\"100%\" border=1>\n" ++
+ "<tr>" ++
+ "<th rowspan=2><a href=\"" ++ index_name ++ ".html\">module</a></th>" ++
+ "<th colspan=3><a href=\"" ++ index_fun ++ ".html\">Top Level Definitions</a></th>" ++
+ "<th colspan=3><a href=\"" ++ index_alt ++ ".html\">Alternatives</a></th>" ++
+ "<th colspan=3><a href=\"" ++ index_exp ++ ".html\">Expressions</a></th>" ++
+ "</tr>" ++
+ "<tr>" ++
+ "<th>%</th>" ++
+ "<th colspan=2>covered / total</th>" ++
+ "<th>%</th>" ++
+ "<th colspan=2>covered / total</th>" ++
+ "<th>%</th>" ++
+ "<th colspan=2>covered / total</th>" ++
+ "</tr>" ++
+ concat [ showModuleSummary (modName,fileName,modSummary)
+ | (modName,fileName,modSummary) <- mods'
+ ] ++
+ "<tr></tr>" ++
+ showTotalSummary (mconcat
+ [ modSummary
+ | (_,_,modSummary) <- mods'
+ ])
+ ++ "</table></html>\n"
writeSummary index_name $ \ (n1,_,_) (n2,_,_) -> compare n1 n2
- writeSummary index_fun $ \ (_,_,s1) (_,_,s2) ->
+ writeSummary index_fun $ \ (_,_,s1) (_,_,s2) ->
compare (percent (topFunTicked s2) (topFunTotal s2))
- (percent (topFunTicked s1) (topFunTotal s1))
+ (percent (topFunTicked s1) (topFunTotal s1))
- writeSummary index_alt $ \ (_,_,s1) (_,_,s2) ->
+ writeSummary index_alt $ \ (_,_,s1) (_,_,s2) ->
compare (percent (altTicked s2) (altTotal s2))
- (percent (altTicked s1) (altTotal s1))
+ (percent (altTicked s1) (altTotal s1))
- writeSummary index_exp $ \ (_,_,s1) (_,_,s2) ->
+ writeSummary index_exp $ \ (_,_,s1) (_,_,s2) ->
compare (percent (expTicked s2) (expTotal s2))
- (percent (expTicked s1) (expTotal s1))
+ (percent (expTicked s1) (expTotal s1))
markup_main _ []
- = hpcError markup_plugin $ "no .tix file or executable name specified"
+ = hpcError markup_plugin $ "no .tix file or executable name specified"
:: String
@@ -139,61 +139,61 @@ genHtmlFromMod
-> IO (String, [Char], ModuleSummary)
genHtmlFromMod dest_dir flags tix theFunTotals invertOutput = do
let theHsPath = srcDirs flags
- let modName0 = tixModuleName tix
+ let modName0 = tixModuleName tix
(Mix origFile _ _ tabStop mix') <- readMixWithFlags flags (Right tix)
let arr_tix :: Array Int Integer
arr_tix = listArray (0,length (tixModuleTixs tix) - 1)
- $ tixModuleTixs tix
+ $ tixModuleTixs tix
let tickedWith :: Int -> Integer
- tickedWith n = arr_tix ! n
+ tickedWith n = arr_tix ! n
isTicked n = tickedWith n /= 0
let info = [ (pos,theMarkup)
- | (gid,(pos,boxLabel)) <- zip [0 ..] mix'
- , let binBox = case (isTicked gid,isTicked (gid+1)) of
- (False,False) -> []
- (True,False) -> [TickedOnlyTrue]
- (False,True) -> [TickedOnlyFalse]
- (True,True) -> []
+ | (gid,(pos,boxLabel)) <- zip [0 ..] mix'
+ , let binBox = case (isTicked gid,isTicked (gid+1)) of
+ (False,False) -> []
+ (True,False) -> [TickedOnlyTrue]
+ (False,True) -> [TickedOnlyFalse]
+ (True,True) -> []
, let tickBox = if isTicked gid
- then [IsTicked]
- else [NotTicked]
- , theMarkup <- case boxLabel of
- ExpBox {} -> tickBox
- TopLevelBox {}
- -> TopLevelDecl theFunTotals (tickedWith gid) : tickBox
- LocalBox {} -> tickBox
- BinBox _ True -> binBox
- _ -> []
+ then [IsTicked]
+ else [NotTicked]
+ , theMarkup <- case boxLabel of
+ ExpBox {} -> tickBox
+ TopLevelBox {}
+ -> TopLevelDecl theFunTotals (tickedWith gid) : tickBox
+ LocalBox {} -> tickBox
+ BinBox _ True -> binBox
+ _ -> []
- let modSummary = foldr (.) id
- [ \ st ->
- case boxLabel of
- ExpBox False
- -> st { expTicked = ticked (expTicked st)
- , expTotal = succ (expTotal st)
- }
- ExpBox True
- -> st { expTicked = ticked (expTicked st)
- , expTotal = succ (expTotal st)
- , altTicked = ticked (altTicked st)
- , altTotal = succ (altTotal st)
- }
- TopLevelBox _ ->
- st { topFunTicked = ticked (topFunTicked st)
- , topFunTotal = succ (topFunTotal st)
- }
+ let modSummary = foldr (.) id
+ [ \ st ->
+ case boxLabel of
+ ExpBox False
+ -> st { expTicked = ticked (expTicked st)
+ , expTotal = succ (expTotal st)
+ }
+ ExpBox True
+ -> st { expTicked = ticked (expTicked st)
+ , expTotal = succ (expTotal st)
+ , altTicked = ticked (altTicked st)
+ , altTotal = succ (altTotal st)
+ }
+ TopLevelBox _ ->
+ st { topFunTicked = ticked (topFunTicked st)
+ , topFunTotal = succ (topFunTotal st)
+ }
_ -> st
- | (gid,(_pos,boxLabel)) <- zip [0 ..] mix'
+ | (gid,(_pos,boxLabel)) <- zip [0 ..] mix'
, let ticked = if isTicked gid
- then succ
- else id
+ then succ
+ else id
] $ mempty
-- add prefix to modName argument
@@ -201,74 +201,74 @@ genHtmlFromMod dest_dir flags tix theFunTotals invertOutput = do
let content' = markup tabStop info content
let show' = reverse . take 5 . (++ " ") . reverse . show
- let addLine n xs = "<span class=\"lineno\">" ++ show' n ++ " </span>" ++ xs
+ let addLine n xs = "<span class=\"lineno\">" ++ show' n ++ " </span>" ++ xs
let addLines = unlines . map (uncurry addLine) . zip [1 :: Int ..] . lines
let fileName = modName0 ++ ".hs.html"
putStrLn $ "Writing: " ++ fileName
writeFileUsing (dest_dir ++ "/" ++ fileName) $
- unlines [ "<html><style type=\"text/css\">",
- "span.lineno { color: white; background: #aaaaaa; border-right: solid white 12px }",
- if invertOutput
- then "span.nottickedoff { color: #404040; background: white; font-style: oblique }"
- else "span.nottickedoff { background: " ++ yellow ++ "}",
- if invertOutput
- then "span.istickedoff { color: black; background: #d0c0ff; font-style: normal; }"
- else "span.istickedoff { background: white }",
- "span.tickonlyfalse { margin: -1px; border: 1px solid " ++ red ++ "; background: " ++ red ++ " }",
- "span.tickonlytrue { margin: -1px; border: 1px solid " ++ green ++ "; background: " ++ green ++ " }",
- "span.funcount { font-size: small; color: orange; z-index: 2; position: absolute; right: 20 }",
- if invertOutput
- then "span.decl { font-weight: bold; background: #d0c0ff }"
- else "span.decl { font-weight: bold }",
- "span.spaces { background: white }",
- "</style>",
- "<pre>"] ++ addLines content' ++ "\n</pre>\n</html>\n";
+ unlines [ "<html><style type=\"text/css\">",
+ "span.lineno { color: white; background: #aaaaaa; border-right: solid white 12px }",
+ if invertOutput
+ then "span.nottickedoff { color: #404040; background: white; font-style: oblique }"
+ else "span.nottickedoff { background: " ++ yellow ++ "}",
+ if invertOutput
+ then "span.istickedoff { color: black; background: #d0c0ff; font-style: normal; }"
+ else "span.istickedoff { background: white }",
+ "span.tickonlyfalse { margin: -1px; border: 1px solid " ++ red ++ "; background: " ++ red ++ " }",
+ "span.tickonlytrue { margin: -1px; border: 1px solid " ++ green ++ "; background: " ++ green ++ " }",
+ "span.funcount { font-size: small; color: orange; z-index: 2; position: absolute; right: 20 }",
+ if invertOutput
+ then "span.decl { font-weight: bold; background: #d0c0ff }"
+ else "span.decl { font-weight: bold }",
+ "span.spaces { background: white }",
+ "</style>",
+ "<pre>"] ++ addLines content' ++ "\n</pre>\n</html>\n";
modSummary `seq` return (modName0,fileName,modSummary)
data Loc = Loc !Int !Int
- deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
-data Markup
- = NotTicked
- | TickedOnlyTrue
- | TickedOnlyFalse
+data Markup
+ = NotTicked
+ | TickedOnlyTrue
+ | TickedOnlyFalse
| IsTicked
- | TopLevelDecl
- Bool -- display entry totals
- Integer
+ | TopLevelDecl
+ Bool -- display entry totals
+ Integer
deriving (Eq,Show)
-markup :: Int -- ^tabStop
- -> [(HpcPos,Markup)] -- random list of tick location pairs
- -> String -- text to mark up
- -> String
-markup tabStop mix str = addMarkup tabStop str (Loc 1 1) [] sortedTickLocs
+markup :: Int -- ^tabStop
+ -> [(HpcPos,Markup)] -- random list of tick location pairs
+ -> String -- text to mark up
+ -> String
+markup tabStop mix str = addMarkup tabStop str (Loc 1 1) [] sortedTickLocs
tickLocs = [ (Loc ln1 c1,Loc ln2 c2,mark)
- | (pos,mark) <- mix
- , let (ln1,c1,ln2,c2) = fromHpcPos pos
- ]
+ | (pos,mark) <- mix
+ , let (ln1,c1,ln2,c2) = fromHpcPos pos
+ ]
sortedTickLocs = sortBy (\(locA1,locZ1,_) (locA2,locZ2,_) ->
(locA1,locZ2) `compare` (locA2,locZ1)) tickLocs
-addMarkup :: Int -- tabStop
- -> String -- text to mark up
- -> Loc -- current location
- -> [(Loc,Markup)] -- stack of open ticks, with closing location
- -> [(Loc,Loc,Markup)] -- sorted list of tick location pairs
- -> String
+addMarkup :: Int -- tabStop
+ -> String -- text to mark up
+ -> Loc -- current location
+ -> [(Loc,Markup)] -- stack of open ticks, with closing location
+ -> [(Loc,Loc,Markup)] -- sorted list of tick location pairs
+ -> String
-- check the pre-condition.
---addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ticks
+--addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ticks
-- | not (isSorted (map fst os)) = error $ "addMarkup: bad closing ordering: " ++ show os
---addMarkup tabStop cs loc os@(_:_) ticks
+--addMarkup tabStop cs loc os@(_:_) ticks
-- | trace (show (loc,os,take 10 ticks)) False = undefined
-- close all open ticks, if we have reached the end
addMarkup _ [] _loc os [] =
- concatMap (const closeTick) os
+ concatMap (const closeTick) os
addMarkup tabStop cs loc ((o,_):os) ticks | loc > o =
closeTick ++ addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ticks
@@ -277,23 +277,23 @@ addMarkup tabStop cs loc ((o,_):os) ticks | loc > o =
addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ((t1,t2,tik0):ticks) | loc == t1 =
case os of
- ((_,tik'):_)
- | not (allowNesting tik0 tik')
+ ((_,tik'):_)
+ | not (allowNesting tik0 tik')
-> addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ticks -- already marked or bool within marked bool
_ -> openTick tik0 ++ addMarkup tabStop cs loc (addTo (t2,tik0) os) ticks
addTo (t,tik) [] = [(t,tik)]
addTo (t,tik) ((t',tik'):xs) | t <= t' = (t,tik):(t',tik'):xs
- | otherwise = (t',tik):(t',tik'):xs
+ | otherwise = (t',tik):(t',tik'):xs
addMarkup tabStop0 cs loc os ((t1,_t2,_tik):ticks) | loc > t1 =
- -- throw away this tick, because it is from a previous place ??
- addMarkup tabStop0 cs loc os ticks
+ -- throw away this tick, because it is from a previous place ??
+ addMarkup tabStop0 cs loc os ticks
-addMarkup tabStop0 ('\n':cs) loc@(Loc ln col) os@((Loc ln2 col2,_):_) ticks
- | ln == ln2 && col < col2
- = addMarkup tabStop0 (' ':'\n':cs) loc os ticks
+addMarkup tabStop0 ('\n':cs) loc@(Loc ln col) os@((Loc ln2 col2,_):_) ticks
+ | ln == ln2 && col < col2
+ = addMarkup tabStop0 (' ':'\n':cs) loc os ticks
addMarkup tabStop0 (c0:cs) loc@(Loc _ p) os ticks =
if c0=='\n' && os/=[] then
concatMap (const closeTick) (downToTopLevel os) ++
@@ -314,42 +314,42 @@ addMarkup tabStop0 (c0:cs) loc@(Loc _ p) os ticks =
escape c = [c]
expand :: Int -> String -> String
- expand _ "" = ""
+ expand _ "" = ""
expand c ('\t':s) = replicate (c' - c) ' ' ++ expand c' s
c' = tabStopAfter 8 c
expand c (' ':s) = ' ' : expand (c+1) s
expand _ _ = error "bad character in string for expansion"
incBy :: Char -> Loc -> Loc
incBy '\n' (Loc ln _c) = Loc (succ ln) 1
incBy '\t' (Loc ln c) = Loc ln (tabStopAfter tabStop0 c)
incBy _ (Loc ln c) = Loc ln (succ c)
tabStopAfter :: Int -> Int -> Int
tabStopAfter tabStop c = fromJust (find (>c) [1,(tabStop + 1)..])
addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ticks = "ERROR: " ++ show (take 10 cs,tabStop,loc,take 10 os,take 10 ticks)
openTick :: Markup -> String
-openTick NotTicked = "<span class=\"nottickedoff\">"
-openTick IsTicked = "<span class=\"istickedoff\">"
-openTick TickedOnlyTrue = "<span class=\"tickonlytrue\">"
-openTick TickedOnlyFalse = "<span class=\"tickonlyfalse\">"
+openTick NotTicked = "<span class=\"nottickedoff\">"
+openTick IsTicked = "<span class=\"istickedoff\">"
+openTick TickedOnlyTrue = "<span class=\"tickonlytrue\">"
+openTick TickedOnlyFalse = "<span class=\"tickonlyfalse\">"
openTick (TopLevelDecl False _) = openTopDecl
-openTick (TopLevelDecl True 0)
- = "<span class=\"funcount\">-- never entered</span>" ++
- openTopDecl
-openTick (TopLevelDecl True 1)
- = "<span class=\"funcount\">-- entered once</span>" ++
- openTopDecl
-openTick (TopLevelDecl True n0)
- = "<span class=\"funcount\">-- entered " ++ showBigNum n0 ++ " times</span>" ++ openTopDecl
+openTick (TopLevelDecl True 0)
+ = "<span class=\"funcount\">-- never entered</span>" ++
+ openTopDecl
+openTick (TopLevelDecl True 1)
+ = "<span class=\"funcount\">-- entered once</span>" ++
+ openTopDecl
+openTick (TopLevelDecl True n0)
+ = "<span class=\"funcount\">-- entered " ++ showBigNum n0 ++ " times</span>" ++ openTopDecl
where showBigNum n | n <= 9999 = show n
- | otherwise = showBigNum' (n `div` 1000) ++ "," ++ showWith (n `mod` 1000)
+ | otherwise = showBigNum' (n `div` 1000) ++ "," ++ showWith (n `mod` 1000)
showBigNum' n | n <= 999 = show n
- | otherwise = showBigNum' (n `div` 1000) ++ "," ++ showWith (n `mod` 1000)
+ | otherwise = showBigNum' (n `div` 1000) ++ "," ++ showWith (n `mod` 1000)
showWith n = take 3 $ reverse $ ("000" ++) $ reverse $ show n
closeTick :: String
@@ -366,17 +366,17 @@ downToTopLevel [] = []
-- build in logic for nesting bin boxes
-allowNesting :: Markup -- innermost
- -> Markup -- outermost
- -> Bool
-allowNesting n m | n == m = False -- no need to double nest
+allowNesting :: Markup -- innermost
+ -> Markup -- outermost
+ -> Bool
+allowNesting n m | n == m = False -- no need to double nest
allowNesting IsTicked TickedOnlyFalse = False
allowNesting IsTicked TickedOnlyTrue = False
-allowNesting _ _ = True
+allowNesting _ _ = True
-data ModuleSummary = ModuleSummary
+data ModuleSummary = ModuleSummary
{ expTicked :: !Int
, expTotal :: !Int
, topFunTicked :: !Int
@@ -389,9 +389,9 @@ data ModuleSummary = ModuleSummary
showModuleSummary :: (String, String, ModuleSummary) -> String
showModuleSummary (modName,fileName,modSummary) =
- "<tr>\n" ++
- "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>module <a href=\"" ++ fileName ++ "\">"
- ++ modName ++ "</a></tt></td>\n" ++
+ "<tr>\n" ++
+ "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>module <a href=\"" ++ fileName ++ "\">"
+ ++ modName ++ "</a></tt></td>\n" ++
showSummary (topFunTicked modSummary) (topFunTotal modSummary) ++
showSummary (altTicked modSummary) (altTotal modSummary) ++
showSummary (expTicked modSummary) (expTotal modSummary) ++
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ showModuleSummary (modName,fileName,modSummary) =
showTotalSummary :: ModuleSummary -> String
showTotalSummary modSummary =
- "<tr style=\"background: #e0e0e0\">\n" ++
+ "<tr style=\"background: #e0e0e0\">\n" ++
"<th align=left>&nbsp;&nbsp;Program Coverage Total</tt></th>\n" ++
showSummary (topFunTicked modSummary) (topFunTotal modSummary) ++
showSummary (altTicked modSummary) (altTotal modSummary) ++
@@ -407,22 +407,22 @@ showTotalSummary modSummary =
showSummary :: (Integral t) => t -> t -> String
-showSummary ticked total =
- "<td align=\"right\">" ++ showP (percent ticked total) ++ "</td>" ++
- "<td>" ++ show ticked ++ "/" ++ show total ++ "</td>" ++
- "<td width=100>" ++
- (case percent ticked total of
- Nothing -> "&nbsp;"
- Just w -> bar w "bar"
- ) ++ "</td>"
+showSummary ticked total =
+ "<td align=\"right\">" ++ showP (percent ticked total) ++ "</td>" ++
+ "<td>" ++ show ticked ++ "/" ++ show total ++ "</td>" ++
+ "<td width=100>" ++
+ (case percent ticked total of
+ Nothing -> "&nbsp;"
+ Just w -> bar w "bar"
+ ) ++ "</td>"
showP Nothing = "-&nbsp;"
showP (Just x) = show x ++ "%"
bar 0 _ = bar 100 "invbar"
bar w inner = "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"100\" class=\"bar\">" ++
- "<tr><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"" ++ show w ++ "%\">" ++
- "<tr><td height=12 class=" ++ show inner ++ "></td></tr>" ++
- "</table></td></tr></table>"
+ "<tr><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"" ++ show w ++ "%\">" ++
+ "<tr><td height=12 class=" ++ show inner ++ "></td></tr>" ++
+ "</table></td></tr></table>"
percent :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> Maybe a
percent ticked total = if total == 0 then Nothing else Just (ticked * 100 `div` total)
@@ -430,15 +430,15 @@ percent ticked total = if total == 0 then Nothing else Just (ticked * 100 `div`
instance Monoid ModuleSummary where
mempty = ModuleSummary
- { expTicked = 0
- , expTotal = 0
+ { expTicked = 0
+ , expTotal = 0
, topFunTicked = 0
, topFunTotal = 0
, altTicked = 0
, altTotal = 0
mappend (ModuleSummary eTik1 eTot1 tTik1 tTot1 aTik1 aTot1)
- (ModuleSummary eTik2 eTot2 tTik2 tTot2 aTik2 aTot2)
+ (ModuleSummary eTik2 eTot2 tTik2 tTot2 aTik2 aTot2)
= ModuleSummary (eTik1 + eTik2) (eTot1 + eTot2) (tTik1 + tTik2) (tTot1 + tTot2) (aTik1 + aTik2) (aTot1 + aTot2)
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ writeFileUsing filename text = do
-- packages, and a single .tix file might contain information about
-- many package.
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 604
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 604
-- create the dest_dir if needed
when (not (null dest_dir)) $
createDirectoryIfMissing True dest_dir