path: root/compiler/deSugar
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix #17112Sebastian Graf2019-08-281-27/+20
| | | | | | | | | | | | | The `mkOneConFull` function of the pattern match checker used to try to guess the type arguments of the data type's type constructor by looking at the ambient type of the match. This doesn't work well for Pattern Synonyms, where the result type isn't even necessarily a TyCon application, and it shows in #11336 and #17112. Also the effort seems futile; why try to try hard when the type checker has already done the hard lifting? After this patch, we instead supply the type constructors arguments as an argument to the function and lean on the type-annotated AST.
* Remove Bag fold specialisations (#16969)Richard Lupton2019-08-194-5/+4
* Use an empty data type in TTG extension constructors (#15247)Ryan Scott2019-07-0914-122/+122
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | To avoid having to `panic` any time a TTG extension constructor is consumed, this MR introduces an uninhabited 'NoExtCon' type and uses that in every extension constructor's type family instance where it is appropriate. This also introduces a 'noExtCon' function which eliminates a 'NoExtCon', much like 'Data.Void.absurd' eliminates a 'Void'. I also renamed the existing `NoExt` type to `NoExtField` to better distinguish it from `NoExtCon`. Unsurprisingly, there is a lot of code churn resulting from this. Bumps the Haddock submodule. Fixes #15247.
* Fix #15843 by extending Template Haskell AST for tuples to support sectionsnineonine2019-07-021-8/+16
* Move 'Platform' to ghc-bootJohn Ericson2019-06-191-1/+1
| | | | | | | ghc-pkg needs to be aware of platforms so it can figure out which subdire within the user package db to use. This is admittedly roundabout, but maybe Cabal could use the same notion of a platform as GHC to good affect too.
* Fix typo in error messageAiken Cairncross2019-06-151-1/+1
* Implement the -XUnliftedNewtypes extension.Andrew Martin2019-06-141-5/+9
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | GHC Proposal: 0013-unlifted-newtypes.rst Discussion: Issues: #15219, #1311, #13595, #15883 Implementation Details: Note [Implementation of UnliftedNewtypes] Note [Unifying data family kinds] Note [Compulsory newtype unfolding] This patch introduces the -XUnliftedNewtypes extension. When this extension is enabled, GHC drops the restriction that the field in a newtype must be of kind (TYPE 'LiftedRep). This allows types like Int# and ByteArray# to be used in a newtype. Additionally, coerce is made levity-polymorphic so that it can be used with newtypes over unlifted types. The bulk of the changes are in TcTyClsDecls.hs. With -XUnliftedNewtypes, getInitialKind is more liberal, introducing a unification variable to return the kind (TYPE r0) rather than just returning (TYPE 'LiftedRep). When kind-checking a data constructor with kcConDecl, we attempt to unify the kind of a newtype with the kind of its field's type. When typechecking a data declaration with tcTyClDecl, we again perform a unification. See the implementation note for more on this. Co-authored-by: Richard Eisenberg <>
* Use DeriveFunctor throughout the codebase (#15654)Krzysztof Gogolewski2019-06-121-3/+2
* Small refactorings in ExtractDocsSimon Jakobi2019-06-091-34/+31
* TmOracle: Replace negative term equalities by refutable PmAltConsSebastian Graf2019-06-075-542/+560
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The `PmExprEq` business was a huge hack and was at the same time vastly too powerful and not powerful enough to encode negative term equalities, i.e. facts of the form "forall y. x ≁ Just y". This patch introduces the concept of 'refutable shapes': What matters for the pattern match checker is being able to encode knowledge of the kind "x can no longer be the literal 5". We encode this knowledge in a `PmRefutEnv`, mapping a set of newly introduced `PmAltCon`s (which are just `PmLit`s at the moment) to each variable denoting above inequalities. So, say we have `x ≁ 42 ∈ refuts` in the term oracle context and try to solve an equality like `x ~ 42`. The entry in the refutable environment will immediately lead to a contradiction. This machinery renders the whole `PmExprEq` and `ComplexEq` business unnecessary, getting rid of a lot of (mostly dead) code. See the Note [Refutable shapes] in TmOracle for a place to start. Metric Decrease: T11195
* Inline `Settings` into `DynFlags`John Ericson2019-05-291-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | After the previous commit, `Settings` is just a thin wrapper around other groups of settings. While `Settings` is used by GHC-the-executable to initalize `DynFlags`, in principle another consumer of GHC-the-library could initialize `DynFlags` a different way. It therefore doesn't make sense for `DynFlags` itself (library code) to separate the settings that typically come from `Settings` from the settings that typically don't.
* Fix missing unboxed tuple RuntimeReps (#16565)Krzysztof Gogolewski2019-05-291-2/+8
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Unboxed tuples and sums take extra RuntimeRep arguments, which must be manually passed in a few places. This was not done in deSugar/Check. This error was hidden because zipping functions in TyCoRep ignored lists with mismatching length. This is now fixed; the lengths are now checked by calling zipEqual. As suggested in #16565, I moved checking for isTyVar and isCoVar to zipTyEnv and zipCoEnv.
* Some forall-related cleanup in deriving codeRyan Scott2019-05-231-3/+14
| | | | | | | | * Tweak the parser to allow `deriving` clauses to mention explicit `forall`s or kind signatures without gratuitous parentheses. (This fixes #14332 as a consequence.) * Allow Haddock comments on `deriving` clauses with explicit `forall`s. This requires corresponding changes in Haddock.
* fix Template Haskell cross compilation on 64 bit compiler with 32 bit targetLuite Stegeman2019-05-221-1/+4
* Use HsTyPats in associated type family defaultsRyan Scott2019-05-221-30/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Associated type family default declarations behave strangely in a couple of ways: 1. If one tries to bind the type variables with an explicit `forall`, the `forall`'d part will simply be ignored. (#16110) 2. One cannot use visible kind application syntax on the left-hand sides of associated default equations, unlike every other form of type family equation. (#16356) Both of these issues have a common solution. Instead of using `LHsQTyVars` to represent the left-hand side arguments of an associated default equation, we instead use `HsTyPats`, which is what other forms of type family equations use. In particular, here are some highlights of this patch: * `FamEqn` is no longer parameterized by a `pats` type variable, as the `feqn_pats` field is now always `HsTyPats`. * The new design for `FamEqn` in chronicled in `Note [Type family instance declarations in HsSyn]`. * `TyFamDefltEqn` now becomes the same thing as `TyFamInstEqn`. This means that many of `TyFamDefltEqn`'s code paths can now reuse the code paths for `TyFamInstEqn`, resulting in substantial simplifications to various parts of the code dealing with associated type family defaults. Fixes #16110 and #16356.
* Remove all target-specific portions of Config.hsJohn Ericson2019-05-141-2/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1. If GHC is to be multi-target, these cannot be baked in at compile time. 2. Compile-time flags have a higher maintenance than run-time flags. 3. The old way makes build system implementation (various bootstrapping details) with the thing being built. E.g. GHC doesn't need to care about which integer library *will* be used---this is purely a crutch so the build system doesn't need to pass flags later when using that library. 4. Experience with cross compilation in Nixpkgs has shown things work nicer when compiler's can *optionally* delegate the bootstrapping the package manager. The package manager knows the entire end-goal build plan, and thus can make top-down decisions on bootstrapping. GHC can just worry about GHC, not even core library like base and ghc-prim!
* Pattern/expression ambiguity resolutionVladislav Zavialov2019-05-031-4/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch removes 'EWildPat', 'EAsPat', 'EViewPat', and 'ELazyPat' from 'HsExpr' by using the ambiguity resolution system introduced earlier for the command/expression ambiguity. Problem: there are places in the grammar where we do not know whether we are parsing an expression or a pattern, for example: do { Con a b <- x } -- 'Con a b' is a pattern do { Con a b } -- 'Con a b' is an expression Until we encounter binding syntax (<-) we don't know whether to parse 'Con a b' as an expression or a pattern. The old solution was to parse as HsExpr always, and rejig later: checkPattern :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> P (LPat GhcPs) This meant polluting 'HsExpr' with pattern-related constructors. In other words, limitations of the parser were affecting the AST, and all other code (the renamer, the typechecker) had to deal with these extra constructors. We fix this abstraction leak by parsing into an overloaded representation: class DisambECP b where ... newtype ECP = ECP { runECP_PV :: forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located b) } See Note [Ambiguous syntactic categories] for details. Now the intricacies of parsing have no effect on the hsSyn AST when it comes to the expression/pattern ambiguity.
* Stop misusing EWildPat in pattern match coverage checkingVladislav Zavialov2019-04-221-27/+22
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EWildPat is a constructor of HsExpr used in the parser to represent wildcards in ambiguous positions: * in expression context, EWildPat is turned into hsHoleExpr (see rnExpr) * in pattern context, EWildPat is turned into WildPat (see checkPattern) Since EWildPat exists solely for the needs of the parser, we could remove it by improving the parser. However, EWildPat has also been used for a different purpose since 8a50610: to represent patterns that the coverage checker cannot handle. Not only this is a misuse of EWildPat, it also stymies the removal of EWildPat.
* Make `singleConstructor` cope with pattern synonymsSebastian Graf2019-04-081-53/+92
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Previously, `singleConstructor` didn't handle singleton `COMPLETE` sets of a single pattern synonym, resulting in incomplete pattern warnings in #15753. This is fixed by making `singleConstructor` (now named `singleMatchConstructor`) query `allCompleteMatches`, necessarily making it effectful. As a result, most of this patch is concerned with threading the side-effect through to `singleMatchConstructor`. Unfortunately, this is not enough to completely fix the original reproduction from #15753 and #15884, which are related to function applications in pattern guards being translated too conservatively.
* Fix Uncovered set of literal patternsSebastian Graf2019-04-032-5/+14
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Issues #16289 and #15713 are proof that the pattern match checker did an unsound job of estimating the value set abstraction corresponding to the uncovered set. The reason is that the fix from #11303 introducing `NLit` was incomplete: The `LitCon` case desugared to `Var` rather than `LitVar`, which would have done the necessary case splitting analogous to the `ConVar` case. This patch rectifies that by introducing the fresh unification variable in `LitCon` in value abstraction position rather than pattern postition, recording a constraint equating it to the constructor expression rather than the literal. Fixes #16289 and #15713.
* Fix a few broken Trac links [skip ci]Chaitanya Koparkar2019-03-271-1/+1
| | | | This patch only attempts to fix links that don't automatically re-direct to the correct URL.
* Update Wiki URLs to point to GitLabTakenobu Tani2019-03-252-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This moves all URL references to Trac Wiki to their corresponding GitLab counterparts. This substitution is classified as follows: 1. Automated substitution using sed with Ben's mapping rule [1] Old: New: 2. Manual substitution for URLs containing `#` index Old: New: 3. Manual substitution for strings starting with `Commentary` Old: Commentary/XxxYyy... New: commentary/xxx-yyy... See also !539 [1]:
* Check.hs: Fix a few typosSimon Jakobi2019-03-201-5/+5
* Update Trac ticket URLs to point to GitLabRyan Scott2019-03-1511-30/+30
| | | | | This moves all URL references to Trac tickets to their corresponding GitLab counterparts.
* Stop inferring over-polymorphic kindsSimon Peyton Jones2019-03-091-11/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Before this patch GHC was trying to be too clever (Trac #16344); it succeeded in kind-checking this polymorphic-recursive declaration data T ka (a::ka) b = MkT (T Type Int Bool) (T (Type -> Type) Maybe Bool) As Note [No polymorphic recursion] discusses, the "solution" was horribly fragile. So this patch deletes the key lines in TcHsType, and a wodge of supporting stuff in the renamer. There were two regressions, both the same: a closed type family decl like this (T12785b) does not have a CUSK: type family Payload (n :: Peano) (s :: HTree n x) where Payload Z (Point a) = a Payload (S n) (a `Branch` stru) = a To kind-check the equations we need a dependent kind for Payload, and we don't get that any more. Solution: make it a CUSK by giving the result kind -- probably a good thing anyway. The other case (T12442) was very similar: a close type family declaration without a CUSK.
* Be more careful when naming TyCon bindersSimon Peyton Jones2019-03-051-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch fixes two rather gnarly test cases: * Trac #16342 (mutual recursion) See Note [Tricky scoping in generaliseTcTyCon] * Trac #16221 (shadowing) See Note [Unification variables need fresh Names] The main changes are: * Substantial reworking of TcTyClsDecls.generaliseTcTyCon This is the big change, and involves the rather tricky function TcHsSyn.zonkRecTyVarBndrs. See Note [Inferring kinds for type declarations] and Note [Tricky scoping in generaliseTcTyCon] for the details. * bindExplicitTKBndrs_Tv and bindImplicitTKBndrs_Tv both now allocate /freshly-named/ unification variables. Indeed, more generally, unification variables are always fresh; see Note [Unification variables need fresh Names] in TcMType * Clarify the role of tcTyConScopedTyVars. See Note [Scoped tyvars in a TcTyCon] in TyCon As usual, this dragged in some more refactoring: * Renamed TcMType.zonkTyCoVarBndr to zonkAndSkolemise * I renamed checkValidTelescope to checkTyConTelescope; it's only used on TyCons, and indeed takes a TyCon as argument. * I folded the slightly-mysterious reportFloatingKvs into checkTyConTelescope. (Previously all its calls immediately followed a call to checkTyConTelescope.) It makes much more sense there. * I inlined some called-once functions to simplify checkValidTyFamEqn. It's less spaghetti-like now. * This patch also fixes Trac #16251. I'm not quite sure why #16251 went wrong in the first place, nor how this patch fixes it, but hey, it's good, and life is short.
* Visible dependent quantificationRyan Scott2019-03-011-5/+12
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This implements GHC proposal 35 ( by adding the ability to write kinds with visible dependent quantification (VDQ). Most of the work for supporting VDQ was actually done _before_ this patch. That is, GHC has been able to reason about kinds with VDQ for some time, but it lacked the ability to let programmers directly write these kinds in the source syntax. This patch is primarly about exposing this ability, by: * Changing `HsForAllTy` to add an additional field of type `ForallVisFlag` to distinguish between invisible `forall`s (i.e, with dots) and visible `forall`s (i.e., with arrows) * Changing `Parser.y` accordingly The rest of the patch mostly concerns adding validity checking to ensure that VDQ is never used in the type of a term (as permitting this would require full-spectrum dependent types). This is accomplished by: * Adding a `vdqAllowed` predicate to `TcValidity`. * Introducing `splitLHsSigmaTyInvis`, a variant of `splitLHsSigmaTy` that only splits invisible `forall`s. This function is used in certain places (e.g., in instance declarations) to ensure that GHC doesn't try to split visible `forall`s (e.g., if it tried splitting `instance forall a -> Show (Blah a)`, then GHC would mistakenly allow that declaration!) This also updates Template Haskell by introducing a new `ForallVisT` constructor to `Type`. Fixes #16326. Also fixes #15658 by documenting this feature in the users' guide.
* Expression/command ambiguity resolutionVladislav Zavialov2019-02-231-2/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch removes 'HsArrApp' and 'HsArrForm' from 'HsExpr' by introducing a new ambiguity resolution system in the parser. Problem: there are places in the grammar where we do not know whether we are parsing an expression or a command: proc x -> do { (stuff) -< x } -- 'stuff' is an expression proc x -> do { (stuff) } -- 'stuff' is a command Until we encounter arrow syntax (-<) we don't know whether to parse 'stuff' as an expression or a command. The old solution was to parse as HsExpr always, and rejig later: checkCommand :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> P (LHsCmd GhcPs) This meant polluting 'HsExpr' with command-related constructors. In other words, limitations of the parser were affecting the AST, and all other code (the renamer, the typechecker) had to deal with these extra constructors by panicking. We fix this abstraction leak by parsing into an intermediate representation, 'ExpCmd': data ExpCmdG b where ExpG :: ExpCmdG HsExpr CmdG :: ExpCmdG HsCmd type ExpCmd = forall b. ExpCmdG b -> PV (Located (b GhcPs)) checkExp :: ExpCmd -> PV (LHsExpr GhcPs) checkCmd :: ExpCmd -> PV (LHsCmd GhcPs) checkExp f = f ExpG -- interpret as an expression checkCmd f = f CmdG -- interpret as a command See Note [Ambiguous syntactic categories] for details. Now the intricacies of parsing have no effect on the hsSyn AST when it comes to the expression/command ambiguity. Future work: apply the same principles to the expression/pattern ambiguity.
* Add AnonArgFlag to FunTySimon Peyton Jones2019-02-234-9/+9
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The big payload of this patch is: Add an AnonArgFlag to the FunTy constructor of Type, so that (FunTy VisArg t1 t2) means (t1 -> t2) (FunTy InvisArg t1 t2) means (t1 => t2) The big payoff is that we have a simple, local test to make when decomposing a type, leading to many fewer calls to isPredTy. To me the code seems a lot tidier, and probably more efficient (isPredTy has to take the kind of the type). See Note [Function types] in TyCoRep. There are lots of consequences * I made FunTy into a record, so that it'll be easier when we add a linearity field, something that is coming down the road. * Lots of code gets touched in a routine way, simply because it pattern matches on FunTy. * I wanted to make a pattern synonym for (FunTy2 arg res), which picks out just the argument and result type from the record. But alas the pattern-match overlap checker has a heart attack, and either reports false positives, or takes too long. In the end I gave up on pattern synonyms. There's some commented-out code in TyCoRep that shows what I wanted to do. * Much more clarity about predicate types, constraint types and (in particular) equality constraints in kinds. See TyCoRep Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence] and Note [Constraints in kinds]. This made me realise that we need an AnonArgFlag on AnonTCB in a TyConBinder, something that was really plain wrong before. See TyCon Note [AnonTCB InivsArg] * When building function types we must know whether we need VisArg (mkVisFunTy) or InvisArg (mkInvisFunTy). This turned out to be pretty easy in practice. * Pretty-printing of types, esp in IfaceType, gets tidier, because we were already recording the (->) vs (=>) distinction in an ad-hoc way. Death to IfaceFunTy. * mkLamType needs to keep track of whether it is building (t1 -> t2) or (t1 => t2). See Type Note [mkLamType: dictionary arguments] Other minor stuff * Some tidy-up in validity checking involving constraints; Trac #16263
* API Annotations: AnnAt disconnected for TYPEAPPAlan Zimmerman2019-02-081-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | For the code type family F1 (a :: k) (f :: k -> Type) :: Type where F1 @Peano a f = T @Peano f a the API annotation for the first @ is not attached to a SourceSpan in the ParsedSource Closes #16236
* Fix #14729 by making the normaliser homogeneousRichard Eisenberg2019-02-081-2/+6
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This ports the fix to #12919 to the normaliser. (#12919 was about the flattener.) Because the fix is involved, this is done by moving the critical piece of code to Coercion, and then calling this from both the flattener and the normaliser. The key bit is: simplifying type families in a type is always a *homogeneous* operation. See #12919 for a discussion of why this is the Right Way to simplify type families. Also fixes #15549. test case: dependent/should_compile/T14729{,kind} typecheck/should_compile/T15549[ab]
* Use ByteString to represent Cmm string literals (#16198)Sylvain Henry2019-01-312-3/+4
| | | | Also used ByteString in some other relevant places
* Fix typo in DsExprwip/ds-expr-typoMatthew Pickering2019-01-181-1/+1
* Refactor GHCi UI to fix #11606, #12091, #15721, #16096Ömer Sinan Ağacan2019-01-131-15/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Instead of parsing and executing a statement or declaration directly we now parse them first and then execute in a separate step. This gives us the flexibility to inspect the parsed declaration before execution. Using this we now inspect parsed declarations, and if it's a single declaration of form `x = y` we execute it as `let x = y` instead, fixing a ton of problems caused by poor declaration support in GHCi. To avoid any users of the modules I left `execStmt` and `runDecls` unchanged and added `execStmt'` and `runDecls'` which work on parsed statements/declarations.
* Run typed splices in the zonkerMatthew Pickering2019-01-111-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Summary: This fixes #15471 In the typechecker we check that the splice has the right type but we crucially don't zonk the generated expression. This is because we might end up unifying type variables from outer scopes later on. Reviewers: simonpj, goldfire, bgamari Subscribers: rwbarton, carter GHC Trac Issues: #15471 Differential Revision:
* Visible kind applicationmynguyen2019-01-031-29/+79
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Summary: This patch implements visible kind application (GHC Proposal 15/#12045), as well as #15360 and #15362. It also refactors unnamed wildcard handling, and requires that type equations in type families in Template Haskell be written with full type on lhs. PartialTypeSignatures are on and warnings are off automatically with visible kind application, just like in term-level. There are a few remaining issues with this patch, as documented in ticket #16082. Includes a submodule update for Haddock. Test Plan: Tests T12045a/b/c/TH1/TH2, T15362, T15592a Reviewers: simonpj, goldfire, bgamari, alanz, RyanGlScott, Iceland_jack Subscribers: ningning, Iceland_jack, RyanGlScott, int-index, rwbarton, mpickering, carter GHC Trac Issues: `#12045`, `#15362`, `#15592`, `#15788`, `#15793`, `#15795`, `#15797`, `#15799`, `#15801`, `#15807`, `#15816` Differential Revision:
* Stomp a few typos and grammarosGabor Greif2018-12-171-1/+1
| | | | Also use 'id'
* Support registering Plugins through the GHC APIDaniel Gröber2018-12-111-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This allows tooling using the GHC API to use plugins internally. Hopefully this will make it possible to decouple the development of useful plugins from (currently) kitchen-sink type tooling projects such as ghc-mod or HIE -- at least to some extent. Test Plan: validate Reviewers: bgamari, mpickering Subscribers: mpickering, alanz, rwbarton, carter GHC Trac Issues: #15826 Differential Revision:
* Warn on all out-of-range literals in pats/exprsAlec Theriault2018-12-035-88/+181
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Summary: These changes were motivated by #13256. While poking around, I realized we weren't very consistent in our "-Woverflowed-literals" warnings. This patch fixes that by: * warning earlier on in the pipeline (ie. before we've desugared 'Int' patterns into 'I# Int#') * handling 'HsLit' as well as 'HsOverLit' (this covers unboxed literals) * covering more pattern / expression forms 4/6 of the warnings in the 'Overflow' test are due to this patch. The other two are mostly for completeness. Also fixed a missing empty-enumeration warning for 'Natural'. This warnings were tripped up by the 'Bounded Word' instance (see #9505), but the fix was obvious and simple: use unboxed word literals. Test Plan: make TEST=Overflow && make TEST=T10930 Reviewers: hvr, bgamari, RyanGlScott Reviewed By: RyanGlScott Subscribers: RyanGlScott, rwbarton, carter GHC Trac Issues: #13256, #10930 Differential Revision:
* Fix #15953 by consistently using dumpIfSet_dyn to print debug outputChaitanya Koparkar2018-11-291-4/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Summary: In some modules we directly dump the debugging output to STDOUT via 'putLogMsg', 'printInfoForUser' etc. However, if `-ddump-to-file` is enabled, that output should be written to a file. Easily fixed. Certain tests (T3017, Roles3, T12763 etc.) expect part of the output generated by `-ddump-types` to be in 'PprUser' style. However, generally we want all other debugging output to use 'PprDump' style. `traceTcRn` and `traceTcRnForUser` help us accomplish this. This patch also documents some missing flags in the users guide. Reviewers: RyanGlScott, bgamari, hvr Reviewed By: RyanGlScott Subscribers: rwbarton, carter GHC Trac Issues: #15953 Differential Revision:
* [TTG: Handling Source Locations] Foundation and PatShayan-Najd2018-11-2418-462/+551
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch removes the ping-pong style from HsPat (only, for now), using the plan laid out at (solution A). - the class `HasSrcSpan`, and its functions (e.g., `cL` and `dL`), are introduced - some instances of `HasSrcSpan` are introduced - some constructors `L` are replaced with `cL` - some patterns `L` are replaced with `dL->L` view pattern - some type annotation are necessarily updated (e.g., `Pat p` --> `Pat (GhcPass p)`) Phab diff: D5036 Trac Issues #15495 Updates haddock submodule
* Fix unused-import warningsDavid Eichmann2018-11-221-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch fixes a fairly long-standing bug (dating back to 2015) in RdrName.bestImport, namely commit 9376249b6b78610db055a10d05f6592d6bbbea2f Author: Simon Peyton Jones <> Date: Wed Oct 28 17:16:55 2015 +0000 Fix unused-import stuff in a better way In that patch got the sense of the comparison back to front, and thereby failed to implement the unused-import rules described in Note [Choosing the best import declaration] in RdrName This led to Trac #13064 and #15393 Fixing this bug revealed a bunch of unused imports in libraries; the ones in the GHC repo are part of this commit. The two important changes are * Fix the bug in bestImport * Modified the rules by adding (a) in Note [Choosing the best import declaration] in RdrName Reason: the previosu rules made Trac #5211 go bad again. And the new rule (a) makes sense to me. In unravalling this I also ended up doing a few other things * Refactor RnNames.ImportDeclUsage to use a [GlobalRdrElt] for the things that are used, rather than [AvailInfo]. This is simpler and more direct. * Rename greParentName to greParent_maybe, to follow GHC naming conventions * Delete dead code RdrName.greUsedRdrName Bumps a few submodules. Reviewers: hvr, goldfire, bgamari, simonmar, jrtc27 Subscribers: rwbarton, carter Differential Revision:
* Rename literal constructorsSylvain Henry2018-11-226-30/+30
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | In a previous patch we replaced some built-in literal constructors (MachInt, MachWord, etc.) with a single LitNumber constructor. In this patch we replace the `Mach` prefix of the remaining constructors with `Lit` for consistency (e.g., LitChar, LitLabel, etc.). Sadly the name `LitString` was already taken for a kind of FastString and it would become misleading to have both `LitStr` (literal constructor renamed after `MachStr`) and `LitString` (FastString variant). Hence this patch renames the FastString variant `PtrString` (which is more accurate) and the literal string constructor now uses the least surprising `LitString` name. Both `Literal` and `LitString/PtrString` have recently seen breaking changes so doing this kind of renaming now shouldn't harm much. Reviewers: hvr, goldfire, bgamari, simonmar, jrtc27, tdammers Subscribers: tdammers, rwbarton, thomie, carter Differential Revision:
* Make `UniqDSet` a newtypeSebastian Graf2018-11-131-12/+11
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Summary: This brings the situation of `UniqDSet` in line with `UniqSet`. @dfeuer said in D3146#92820 that he would do this, but probably never got around to it. Validated locally. Reviewers: AndreasK, mpickering, bgamari, dfeuer, simonpj Reviewed By: simonpj Subscribers: simonpj, rwbarton, carter, dfeuer GHC Trac Issues: #15879, #13114 Differential Revision:
* Finish fix for #14880.Tobias Dammers2018-10-281-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The real change that fixes the ticket is described in Note [Naughty quantification candidates] in TcMType. Fixing this required reworking candidateQTyVarsOfType, the function that extracts free variables as candidates for quantification. One consequence is that we now must be more careful when quantifying: any skolems around must be quantified manually, and quantifyTyVars will now only quantify over metavariables. This makes good sense, as skolems are generally user-written and are listed in the AST. As a bonus, we now have more control over the ordering of such skolems. Along the way, this commit fixes #15711 and refines the fix to #14552 (by accepted a program that was previously rejected, as we can now accept that program by zapping variables to Any). This commit also does a fair amount of rejiggering kind inference of datatypes. Notably, we now can skip the generalization step in kcTyClGroup for types with CUSKs, because we get the kind right the first time. This commit also thus fixes #15743 and #15592, which both concern datatype kind generalisation. (#15591 is also very relevant.) For this aspect of the commit, see Note [Required, Specified, and Inferred in types] in TcTyClsDecls. Test cases: dependent/should_fail/T14880{,-2}, dependent/should_fail/T15743[cd] dependent/should_compile/T15743{,e} ghci/scripts/T15743b polykinds/T15592 dependent/should_fail/T15591[bc] ghci/scripts/T15591
* plugins: search for .a files if necessarysheaf2018-10-281-40/+38
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Summary: on windows, plugins are loaded via .a files, but those paths were not being searched when loading plugins Test Plan: ./validate Reviewers: Phyx, bgamari Reviewed By: Phyx Subscribers: RyanGlScott, rwbarton, carter GHC Trac Issues: #15700 Differential Revision:
* More explicit foralls (GHC Proposal 0007)Matthew Yacavone2018-10-278-86/+138
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Allow the user to explicitly bind type/kind variables in type and data family instances (including associated instances), closed type family equations, and RULES pragmas. Follows the specification of GHC Proposal 0007, also fixes #2600. Advised by Richard Eisenberg. This modifies the Template Haskell AST -- old code may break! Other Changes: - convert HsRule to a record - make rnHsSigWcType more general - add repMaybe to DsMeta Includes submodule update for Haddock. Test Plan: validate Reviewers: goldfire, bgamari, alanz Subscribers: simonpj, RyanGlScott, goldfire, rwbarton, thomie, mpickering, carter GHC Trac Issues: #2600, #14268 Differential Revision:
* Refactor the treatment of predicate typesSimon Peyton Jones2018-10-241-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Trac #15648 showed that GHC was a bit confused about the difference between the types for * Predicates * Coercions * Evidence (in the typechecker constraint solver) This patch cleans it up. See especially Type.hs Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence] Particular changes * Coercion types (a ~# b) and (a ~#R b) are not predicate types (so isPredTy reports False for them) and are not implicitly instantiated by the type checker. This is a real change, but it consistently reflects that fact that (~#) and (~R#) really are different from predicates. * isCoercionType is renamed to isCoVarType * During type inference, simplifyInfer, we do /not/ want to infer a constraint (a ~# b), because that is no longer a predicate type. So we 'lift' it to (a ~ b). See TcType Note [Lift equality constaints when quantifying] * During type inference for pattern synonyms, we need to 'lift' provided constraints of type (a ~# b) to (a ~ b). See Note [Equality evidence in pattern synonyms] in PatSyn * But what about (forall a. Eq a => a ~# b)? Is that a predicate type? No -- it does not have kind Constraint. Is it an evidence type? Perhaps, but awkwardly so. In the end I decided NOT to make it an evidence type, and to ensure the the type inference engine never meets it. This made me /simplify/ the code in TcCanonical.makeSuperClasses; see TcCanonical Note [Equality superclasses in quantified constraints] Instead I moved the special treatment for primitive equality to TcInteract.doTopReactOther. See TcInteract Note [Looking up primitive equalities in quantified constraints] Also see Note [Evidence for quantified constraints] in Type. All this means I can have isEvVarType ty = isCoVarType ty || isPredTy ty which is nice. All in all, rather a lot of work for a small refactoring, but I think it's a real improvement.
* Normalise EmptyCase types using the constraint solverRyan Scott2018-09-281-29/+60
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Summary: Certain `EmptyCase` expressions were mistakently producing warnings since their types did not have as many type families reduced as they could have. The most direct way to fix this is to normalise these types initially using the constraint solver to solve for any local equalities that may be in scope. Test Plan: make test TEST=T14813 Reviewers: simonpj, bgamari, goldfire Reviewed By: simonpj Subscribers: rwbarton, carter GHC Trac Issues: #14813 Differential Revision:
* Add a recursivity check in nonVoidRyan Scott2018-09-231-49/+142
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Summary: Previously `nonVoid` outright refused to call itself recursively to avoid the risk of hitting infinite loops when checking recurisve types. But this is too conservative—we //can// call `nonVoid` recursively as long as we incorporate a way to detect the presence of recursive types, and bail out if we do detect one. Happily, such a mechanism already exists in the form of `checkRecTc`, so let's use it. Test Plan: make test TEST=T15584 Reviewers: simonpj, bgamari Reviewed By: simonpj Subscribers: rwbarton, carter GHC Trac Issues: #15584 Differential Revision: