path: root/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeInstr.hs
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Module hierarchy: ByteCode and Runtime (cf #13009)Sylvain Henry2020-02-121-373/+0
* Module hierarchy: Cmm (cf #13009)Sylvain Henry2020-01-251-1/+1
* Fix typos, via a Levenshtein-style correctorBrian Wignall2020-01-041-1/+1
* Clean up `#include`s in the compilerJohn Ericson2019-10-051-1/+0
* Module hierarchy: StgToCmm (#13009)Sylvain Henry2019-09-101-1/+1
* GHCi supports not-necessarily-lifted join pointsRichard Eisenberg2019-08-141-2/+8
* Allow packing constructor fieldsMichal Terepeta2017-10-291-1/+51
* compiler: introduce custom "GhcPrelude" PreludeHerbert Valerio Riedel2017-09-191-0/+2
* Drop GHC 7.10 compatibilityRyan Scott2017-08-011-4/+0
* Allow bytecode interpreter to make unsafe foreign callsBen Gamari2017-06-271-5/+10
* Allow use of the external interpreter in stage1.Shea Levy2016-12-201-0/+4
* Revert "Allow use of the external interpreter in stage1."Tamar Christina2016-12-191-4/+0
* Allow use of the external interpreter in stage1.Shea Levy2016-12-171-0/+4
* Replace calls to `ptext . sLit` with `text`Jan Stolarek2016-01-181-6/+6
* Enable stack traces with ghci -fexternal-interpreter -profSimon Marlow2016-01-081-4/+6
* Maintain cost-centre stacks in the interpreterSimon Marlow2015-12-211-3/+4
* Remote GHCi, -fexternal-interpreterSimon Marlow2015-12-171-37/+18
* Create a deterministic version of tyVarsOfTypeBartosz Nitka2015-11-211-1/+1
* Convert GHCi sources from .lhs to .hsRodlogic2014-10-291-0/+327