path: root/compiler/parser/ParserCore.y
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove external coreAustin Seipp2014-05-031-397/+0
* Implement GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving in terms of `coerce`.Richard Eisenberg2013-11-221-1/+1
* Globally replace "" with ""Simon Marlow2013-10-011-1/+1
* Change role annotation syntax.Richard Eisenberg2013-09-171-1/+1
* Implement "roles" into GHC.Richard Eisenberg2013-08-021-2/+5
* Implement overlapping type family instances.Richard Eisenberg2012-12-211-10/+10
* Rename remaining FastBytes usages to ByteStringIan Lynagh2012-12-141-1/+1
* Implement FastBytes, and use it for MachStrIan Lynagh2012-07-141-1/+1
* Support code generation for unboxed-tuple function argumentsunboxed-tuple-arguments2Max Bolingbroke2012-05-151-1/+1
* Refactor LHsTyVarBndrs to fix Trac #6081Simon Peyton Jones2012-05-111-5/+5
* Allow kind-variable binders in type signaturesSimon Peyton Jones2012-04-131-1/+1
* Refactor HsDecls.TyClDecl to extract the type HsTyDefn, which is theSimon Peyton Jones2012-03-221-11/+11
* Deal with kind variables brought into scope by a kind signatureSimon Peyton Jones2012-03-141-1/+1
* Hurrah! This major commit adds support for scoped kind variables,Simon Peyton Jones2012-03-021-1/+3
* Implement "value" imports with the CAPIIan Lynagh2012-02-261-1/+1
* New kind-polymorphic coreJose Pedro Magalhaes2011-11-111-8/+8
* Change the way IfExtName is serialized so (most) wired-in names get special r...Max Bolingbroke2011-09-271-12/+9
* Implement -XConstraintKindMax Bolingbroke2011-09-061-3/+0
* Remove 'threadsafe' FFI importsIan Lynagh2011-07-131-1/+1
* This BIG PATCH contains most of the work for the New Coercion RepresentationSimon Peyton Jones2011-04-191-1/+1
* remove -XNoMonomorphismRestrictionSimon Marlow2010-11-171-9/+1
* add some {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} to mollify GHCSimon Marlow2010-11-171-0/+1
* Work around missing type signature in Happysimonpj@microsoft.com2010-07-301-1/+9
* Refactor PackageTarget back into
* Substantial improvements to coercion optimisationsimonpj@microsoft.com2010-01-041-1/+2
* The Big INLINE Patch: totally reorganise way that INLINE pragmas worksimonpj@microsoft.com2009-10-291-5/+6
* Remove GHC's haskell98 dependencyIan Lynagh2009-07-241-1/+1
* New syntax for GADT-style record declarations, and associated refactoringsimonpj@microsoft.com2009-07-021-21/+14
* Put "%expect 0" directives in the .y filesIan Lynagh2009-06-081-0/+1
* Hide warnings from alex/happy sourcesIan Lynagh2009-05-141-1/+1
* Require a bang pattern when unlifted types are where/let bound; #3182Ian Lynagh2009-04-241-1/+1
* Rollback INLINE patchesSimon Marlow2008-12-161-6/+5
* Completely new treatment of INLINE pragmas (big patch)simonpj@microsoft.com2008-12-051-5/+6
* Follow OccName changes in ParserCoreMax Bolingbroke2008-07-311-2/+2
* refactoring only: use the parameterised InstalledPackageInfoSimon Marlow2007-10-031-1/+0
* Fix CodingStyle#Warnings URLsIan Lynagh2007-09-041-1/+1
* Use OPTIONS rather than OPTIONS_GHC for pragmasIan Lynagh2007-09-031-2/+2
* Add {-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-} and some blurb to all compiler modulesIan Lynagh2007-09-011-0/+7
* Retain inline-pragma information on unfoldings in interface filessimonpj@microsoft.com2007-04-251-3/+3
* Fix external core syntax (though not full compilation)Aaron Tomb2006-11-131-43/+65
* Interface file optimisation and removal of nameParentSimon Marlow2006-10-111-11/+8
* Merge Haddock comment support from ghc.haddock -- big patchdavve@dtek.chalmers.se2006-10-051-3/+3
* Migrate cvs diff from fptools-assoc branchManuel M T Chakravarty2006-09-151-2/+10
* Massive patch for the first months work adding System FC to GHC #27Manuel M T Chakravarty2006-08-041-9/+37
* Take away XXXs in GADT records related code that are no longer TODOs.audreyt@audreyt.org2006-09-121-1/+1
* Generalise Package SupportSimon Marlow2006-07-251-1/+3
* In interface files, store FastStrings rather than OccNames where possibleSimon Marlow2006-07-241-10/+10
* Remove one more IfaceInlineCallsimonpj@microsoft.com2006-06-051-1/+0
* Extcore can now handle data types without constructorsJosef Svenningsson2006-04-201-4/+4
* Reorganisation of the source treeSimon Marlow2006-04-071-0/+339