path: root/rts/RtsMain.c
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* rts: detabify/dewhitespace RtsMain.cAustin Seipp2014-08-201-5/+5
| | | | Signed-off-by: Austin Seipp <>
* rts: add Emacs 'Local Variables' to every .c fileAustin Seipp2014-07-281-0/+8
| | | | | | | | This will hopefully help ensure some basic consistency in the forward by overriding buffer variables. In particular, it sets the wrap length, the offset to 4, and turns off tabs. Signed-off-by: Austin Seipp <>
* Improve the shutdownHaskellAndSignal and add fast exitDuncan Coutts2013-11-141-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This is the RTS part of a patch to base's topHandler to handle exiting by a signal. The intended behaviour is that on Unix, throwing ExitFailure (-sig) results in the process terminating with that signal. Previously shutdownHaskellAndSignal was only used for exiting with SIGINT due to the UserInterrupt exception. Improve shutdownHaskellAndSignal to do the signal part more carefully. In particular, it (should) now reliably terminates the process one way or another. Previusly if the signal was blocked, ignored or handled then shutdownHaskellAndSignal would actually return! Also, the topHandler code has two paths a careful shutdown and a "fast exit" where it does not give finalisers a chance to run. We want to support that mode also when we want to exit by signal. So rather than the base code directly calling stg_exit as it did before, we have a fastExit bool paramater for both shutdownHaskellAnd{Exit,Signal}.
* For now, turn off the SEH code on Win64Ian Lynagh2012-03-161-2/+2
* Drop the per-task timing stats, give a summary only (#5897)Simon Marlow2012-03-021-2/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | We were keeping around the Task struct (216 bytes) for every worker we ever created, even though we only keep a maximum of 6 workers per Capability. These Task structs accumulate and cause a space leak in programs that do lots of safe FFI calls; this patch frees the Task struct as soon as a worker exits. One reason we were keeping the Task structs around is because we print out per-Task timing stats in +RTS -s, but that isn't terribly useful. What is sometimes useful is knowing how *many* Tasks there were. So now I'm printing a single-line summary, this is for the program in TASKS: 2001 (1 bound, 31 peak workers (2000 total), using -N1) So although we created 2k tasks overall, there were only 31 workers active at any one time (which is exactly what we expect: the program makes 30 safe FFI calls concurrently). This also gives an indication of how many capabilities were being used, which is handy if you use +RTS -N without an explicit number.
* Make forkProcess work with +RTS -NSimon Marlow2011-12-061-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Consider this experimental for the time being. There are a lot of things that could go wrong, but I've verified that at least it works on the test cases we have. I also did some API cleanups while I was here. Previously we had: Capability * rts_eval (Capability *cap, HaskellObj p, /*out*/HaskellObj *ret); but this API is particularly error-prone: if you forget to discard the Capability * you passed in and use the return value instead, then you're in for subtle bugs with +RTS -N later on. So I changed all these functions to this form: void rts_eval (/* inout */ Capability **cap, /* in */ HaskellObj p, /* out */ HaskellObj *ret) It's much harder to use this version incorrectly, because you have to pass the Capability in by reference.
* Generate the C main() function when linking a binary (fixes #5373)Simon Marlow2011-11-161-8/+11
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Rather than have main() be statically compiled as part of the RTS, we now generate it into the tiny C file that we compile when linking a binary. The main motivation is that we want to pass the settings for the -rtsotps and -with-rtsopts flags into the RTS, rather than relying on fragile linking semantics to override the defaults, which don't work with DLLs on Windows (#5373). In order to do this, we need to extend the API for initialising the RTS, so now we have: void hs_init_ghc (int *argc, char **argv[], // program arguments RtsConfig rts_config); // RTS configuration hs_init_ghc() can optionally be used instead of hs_init(), and allows passing in configuration options for the RTS. RtsConfig is a struct, which currently has two fields: typedef struct { RtsOptsEnabledEnum rts_opts_enabled; const char *rts_opts; } RtsConfig; but might have more in the future. There is a default value for the struct, defaultRtsConfig, the idea being that you start with this and override individual fields as necessary. In fact, main() was in a separate static library, libHSrtsmain.a. That's now gone.
* make shutdownHaskellAndExit() shut down the RTS and exit immediatelySimon Marlow2011-08-121-1/+1
| | | | (#5402)
* Change the way module initialisation is done (#3252, #4417)Simon Marlow2011-04-121-10/+6
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Previously the code generator generated small code fragments labelled with __stginit_M for each module M, and these performed whatever initialisation was necessary for that module and recursively invoked the initialisation functions for imported modules. This appraoch had drawbacks: - FFI users had to call hs_add_root() to ensure the correct initialisation routines were called. This is a non-standard, and ugly, API. - unless we were using -split-objs, the __stginit dependencies would entail linking the whole transitive closure of modules imported, whether they were actually used or not. In an extreme case (#4387, #4417), a module from GHC might be imported for use in Template Haskell or an annotation, and that would force the whole of GHC to be needlessly linked into the final executable. So now instead we do our initialisation with C functions marked with __attribute__((constructor)), which are automatically invoked at program startup time (or DSO load-time). The C initialisers are emitted into the stub.c file. This means that every time we compile with -prof or -hpc, we now get a stub file, but thanks to #3687 that is now invisible to the user. There are some refactorings in the RTS (particularly for HPC) to handle the fact that initialisers now get run earlier than they did before. The __stginit symbols are still generated, and the hs_add_root() function still exists (but does nothing), for backwards compatibility.
* RTS tidyup sweep, first phaseSimon Marlow2009-08-021-3/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The first phase of this tidyup is focussed on the header files, and in particular making sure we are exposinng publicly exactly what we need to, and no more. - Rts.h now includes everything that the RTS exposes publicly, rather than a random subset of it. - Most of the public header files have moved into subdirectories, and many of them have been renamed. But clients should not need to include any of the other headers directly, just #include the main public headers: Rts.h, HsFFI.h, RtsAPI.h. - All the headers needed for via-C compilation have moved into the stg subdirectory, which is self-contained. Most of the headers for the rest of the RTS APIs have moved into the rts subdirectory. - I left MachDeps.h where it is, because it is so widely used in Haskell code. - I left a deprecated stub for RtsFlags.h in place. The flag structures are now exposed by Rts.h. - Various internal APIs are no longer exposed by public header files. - Various bits of dead code and declarations have been removed - More gcc warnings are turned on, and the RTS code is more warning-clean. - More source files #include "PosixSource.h", and hence only use standard POSIX (1003.1c-1995) interfaces. There is a lot more tidying up still to do, this is just the first pass. I also intend to standardise the names for external RTS APIs (e.g use the rts_ prefix consistently), and declare the internal APIs as hidden for shared libraries.
* Remove old GUM/GranSim codeSimon Marlow2009-06-021-56/+0
* Keep C main separate from rts lib and link it in for standalone progsDuncan Coutts2009-05-151-0/+179
Previously the object code for the C main function lived in the rts lib, however this is a problem when the rts is built as a shared lib. With Windows DLLs it always causes problems while on ELF systems it's a problem when the user decides to use their own C main function rather than a Haskell Main.main. So instead we now put main in it's own tiny little static lib libHSrtsmain.a which we install next to the rts libs. Whenever ghc links a program (without -no-hs-main) then it also links in -lHSrtsmain. For consistency we always do it this way now rather than trying to do it differently for static vs shared libraries.