path: root/testsuite/tests/polykinds/BadKindVar.hs
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Treat kind/type variables identically, demolish FKTVVladislav Zavialov2019-02-271-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Implements GHC Proposal #24: .../ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0024-no-kind-vars.rst Fixes Trac #16334, Trac #16315 With this patch, scoping rules for type and kind variables have been unified: kind variables no longer receieve special treatment. This simplifies both the language and the implementation. User-facing changes ------------------- * Kind variables are no longer implicitly quantified when an explicit forall is used: p :: Proxy (a :: k) -- still accepted p :: forall k a. Proxy (a :: k) -- still accepted p :: forall a. Proxy (a :: k) -- no longer accepted In other words, now we adhere to the "forall-or-nothing" rule more strictly. Related function: RnTypes.rnImplicitBndrs * The -Wimplicit-kind-vars warning has been deprecated. * Kind variables are no longer implicitly quantified in constructor declarations: data T a = T1 (S (a :: k) | forall (b::k). T2 (S b) -- no longer accepted data T (a :: k) = T1 (S (a :: k) | forall (b::k). T2 (S b) -- still accepted Related function: RnTypes.extractRdrKindSigVars * Implicitly quantified kind variables are no longer put in front of other variables: f :: Proxy (a :: k) -> Proxy (b :: j) f :: forall k j (a :: k) (b :: j). Proxy a -> Proxy b -- old order f :: forall k (a :: k) j (b :: j). Proxy a -> Proxy b -- new order This is a breaking change for users of TypeApplications. Note that we still respect the dpendency order: 'k' before 'a', 'j' before 'b'. See "Ordering of specified variables" in the User's Guide. Related function: RnTypes.rnImplicitBndrs * In type synonyms and type family equations, free variables on the RHS are no longer implicitly quantified unless used in an outermost kind annotation: type T = Just (Nothing :: Maybe a) -- no longer accepted type T = Just Nothing :: Maybe (Maybe a) -- still accepted The latter form is a workaround due to temporary lack of an explicit quantification method. Ideally, we would write something along these lines: type T @a = Just (Nothing :: Maybe a) Related function: RnTypes.extractHsTyRdrTyVarsKindVars * Named wildcards in kinds are fixed (Trac #16334): x :: (Int :: _t) -- this compiles, infers (_t ~ Type) Related function: RnTypes.partition_nwcs Implementation notes -------------------- * One of the key changes is the removal of FKTV in RnTypes: - data FreeKiTyVars = FKTV { fktv_kis :: [Located RdrName] - , fktv_tys :: [Located RdrName] } + type FreeKiTyVars = [Located RdrName] We used to keep track of type and kind variables separately, but now that they are on equal footing when it comes to scoping, we can put them in the same list. * extract_lty and family are no longer parametrized by TypeOrKind, as we now do not distinguish kind variables from type variables. * PatSynExPE and the related Note [Pattern synonym existentials do not scope] have been removed (Trac #16315). With no implicit kind quantification, we can no longer trigger the error. * reportFloatingKvs and the related Note [Free-floating kind vars] have been removed. With no implicit kind quantification, we can no longer trigger the error.
* Refactor bindHsQTyVars and friendsSimon Peyton Jones2017-08-291-0/+9
This work was triggered by Trac #13738, which revealed to me that the code RnTypes.bindHsQTyVars and bindLHsTyVarBndrs was a huge tangled mess -- and outright wrong on occasion as the ticket showed. The big problem was that bindLHsTyVarBndrs (which is invoked at every HsForAll, including nested higher rank ones) was attempting to bind implicit kind variables, which it has absolutely no busineess doing. Imlicit kind quantification is done at the outside only, in fact precisely where we have HsImplicitBndrs or LHsQTyVars (which also has implicit binders). Achieving this move was surprisingly hard, because more and more barnacles had accreted aroud the original mistake. It's much much better now. Summary of changes. Almost all the action is in RnTypes. * Implicit kind variables are bound only by - By bindHsQTyVars, which deals with LHsQTyVars - By rnImplicitBndrs, which deals with HsImplicitBndrs * bindLHsTyVarBndrs, and bindLHsTyVarBndr are radically simplified. They simply does far less, and have lots their forest of incomprehensible accumulating parameters. (To be fair, some of the code in bindLHsTyVarBndrs just moved to bindHsQTyVars, but in much more perspicuous form.) * The code that checks if a variable appears in both a kind and a type (triggering RnTypes.mixedVarsErr) was bizarre. E.g. we had this in RnTypes.extract_hs_tv_bndrs ; check_for_mixed_vars bndr_kvs acc_tvs ; check_for_mixed_vars bndr_kvs body_tvs ; check_for_mixed_vars body_tvs acc_kvs ; check_for_mixed_vars body_kvs acc_tvs ; check_for_mixed_vars locals body_kvs I cleaned all this up; now we check for mixed use at binding sites only. * Checks for "Variable used as a kind before being bound", like data T (a :: k) k = rhs now just show up straightforwardly as "k is not in scope". See Note [Kind variable ordering] * There are some knock-on simplifications in RnSource.