From a52ff7619e8b7d74a9d933d922eeea49f580bca8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Marlow <>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 13:49:09 +0100
Subject: Change the way module initialisation is done (#3252, #4417)

Previously the code generator generated small code fragments labelled
with __stginit_M for each module M, and these performed whatever
initialisation was necessary for that module and recursively invoked
the initialisation functions for imported modules.  This appraoch had

 - FFI users had to call hs_add_root() to ensure the correct
   initialisation routines were called.  This is a non-standard,
   and ugly, API.

 - unless we were using -split-objs, the __stginit dependencies would
   entail linking the whole transitive closure of modules imported,
   whether they were actually used or not.  In an extreme case (#4387,
   #4417), a module from GHC might be imported for use in Template
   Haskell or an annotation, and that would force the whole of GHC to
   be needlessly linked into the final executable.

So now instead we do our initialisation with C functions marked with
__attribute__((constructor)), which are automatically invoked at
program startup time (or DSO load-time).  The C initialisers are
emitted into the stub.c file.  This means that every time we compile
with -prof or -hpc, we now get a stub file, but thanks to #3687 that
is now invisible to the user.

There are some refactorings in the RTS (particularly for HPC) to
handle the fact that initialisers now get run earlier than they did

The __stginit symbols are still generated, and the hs_add_root()
function still exists (but does nothing), for backwards compatibility.
 compiler/profiling/ProfInit.hs | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 compiler/profiling/ProfInit.hs

(limited to 'compiler/profiling/ProfInit.hs')

diff --git a/compiler/profiling/ProfInit.hs b/compiler/profiling/ProfInit.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e223f80e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/profiling/ProfInit.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2011
+-- Generate code to initialise cost centres
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+module ProfInit (profilingInitCode) where
+import CLabel
+import CostCentre
+import Outputable
+import StaticFlags
+import FastString
+import Module
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Initialising cost centres
+-- We must produce declarations for the cost-centres defined in this
+-- module;
+profilingInitCode :: Module -> CollectedCCs -> SDoc
+profilingInitCode this_mod (local_CCs, ___extern_CCs, singleton_CCSs)
+ | not opt_SccProfilingOn = empty
+ | otherwise
+ = vcat
+    [ text "static void prof_init_" <> ppr this_mod
+         <> text "(void) __attribute__((constructor));"
+    , text "static void prof_init_" <> ppr this_mod <> text "(void)"
+    , braces (vcat (
+         map emitRegisterCC           local_CCs ++
+         map emitRegisterCCS          singleton_CCSs
+       ))
+    ]
+ where
+   emitRegisterCC cc   =
+      ptext (sLit "extern CostCentre ") <> cc_lbl <> ptext (sLit "[];") $$
+      ptext (sLit "REGISTER_CC(") <> cc_lbl <> char ')' <> semi
+     where cc_lbl = ppr (mkCCLabel cc)
+   emitRegisterCCS ccs =
+      ptext (sLit "extern CostCentreStack ") <> ccs_lbl <> ptext (sLit "[];") $$
+      ptext (sLit "REGISTER_CCS(") <> ccs_lbl <> char ')' <> semi
+     where ccs_lbl = ppr (mkCCSLabel ccs)
cgit v1.2.1