# Circle CI "backend" for Gitlab CI # ================================= # # Usage example: # .gitlab/circle-ci-job.sh validate-x86_64-linux # # There are two things to configure to get artifacts to be # uploaded to gitlab properly: # # - At https:///admin/application_settings, expand the # Continuous Integration and Deployment section and set the # "Maximum artifacts size (MB)" field to something large enough # to contain the bindists (the test reports are tiny in comparison). # 500MB seems to work fine, but 200MB might be sufficient. # # - If gitlab is exposed behind some form of proxy (e.g nginx), make sure # the maximum client request body size is large enough to contain all the # artifacts of a build. For nginx, this would be the following configuration # option: https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#client_max_body_size # (which can be set with services.nginx.clientMaxBodySize on nixos). #!/usr/bin/env sh set -e GHCCI_URL="localhost:8888" [ $# -gt 0 ] || (echo You need to pass the Circle CI job type as argument to this script; exit 1) [ ${CI_RUNNER_ID:-} ] || (echo "CI_RUNNER_ID is not set"; exit 1) [ ${CI_JOB_ID:-} ] || (echo "CI_JOB_ID is not set"; exit 1) [ ${CI_COMMIT_SHA:-} ] || (echo "CI_COMMIT_SHA is not set"; exit 1) [ ${CI_REPOSITORY_URL:-} ] || (echo "CI_REPOSITORY_URL is not set"; exit 1) [ ${CI_PIPELINE_ID:-} ] || (echo "CI_PIPELINE_ID is not set"; exit 1) # the first argument to this script is the Circle CI job type: # validate-x86_64-linux, validate-i386-linux, ... CIRCLE_JOB="circleci-$1" gitlab_user=$(echo $CI_REPOSITORY_URL | cut -d/ -f4) gitlab_repo=$(echo $CI_REPOSITORY_URL | cut -d/ -f5 | cut -d. -f1) BODY="{ \"jobType\": \"$CIRCLE_JOB\", \"source\": { \"user\": \"$gitlab_user\", \"project\":\"$gitlab_repo\", \"commit\":\"$CI_COMMIT_SHA\" }, \"pipelineID\": $CI_PIPELINE_ID, \"runnerID\": $CI_RUNNER_ID, \"jobID\": $CI_JOB_ID }" RESP=$(curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$BODY" \ http://${GHCCI_URL}/job) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then build_num=$(echo $RESP | jq '.build_num') circle_url=$(echo $RESP | jq '.url') else echo "Couldn't submit job" echo $RESP exit 1 fi echo Circle CI build number: $build_num echo Circle CI build page: $circle_url outcome="null" STATUS_URL="http://${GHCCI_URL}/job/${build_num}" STATUS_RESP="" while [ "$outcome" == "null" ]; do sleep 30s STATUS_RESP=$(curl -s $STATUS_URL) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then new_outcome=$(echo $STATUS_RESP | jq '.outcome') jq_exitcode=$? if [ "$new_outcome" == "null" ] && [ $jq_exitcode -ne 0 ]; then echo "Couldn't read 'outcome' field in JSON:" echo $STATUS_RESP echo "Skipping" else outcome="$new_outcome" fi else echo "curl failed:" echo $STATUS_RESP echo "Skipping" fi done if [ "$outcome" == "\"success\"" ]; then echo The build passed artifactsBody=$(curl -s http://${GHCCI_URL}/job/${build_num}/artifacts) (echo $artifactsBody | jq '.[] | .url' | xargs wget -q) || echo "No artifacts" exit 0 else echo The build failed artifactsBody=$(curl -s http://${GHCCI_URL}/job/${build_num}/artifacts) (echo $artifactsBody | jq '.[] | .url' | xargs wget -q) || echo "No artifacts" failing_step=$(echo $STATUS_RESP | jq '.steps | .[] | .actions | .[] | select(.status != "success")') failing_step_name=$(echo $failing_step | jq '.name' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/\\r\\n/\n/') echo "Failing step: $failing_step_name" failing_cmds=$(echo $failing_step | jq '.bash_command' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/\\r\\n/\n/') echo "Failing command(s):" echo $failing_cmds log_url=$(echo $failing_step | jq '.output_url' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/\\r\\n/\n/') echo "Log url: $log_url" last_log_lines=$(curl -s $log_url | gunzip | jq '.[] | select(.type == "out") | .message' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/\\r\\n/\n/' | tail -50) echo End of the build log: echo $last_log_lines exit 1 fi