#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ A tool for uploading GHC's core libraries to Hackage. This is a utility for preparing and uploading source distributions and documentation of GHC's core libraries to Hackage. This should be run in a GHC tree of the release commit after having run ./configure. There are two modes, preparation and upload. * The `prepare` mode takes a link to a bindist and creates a folder containing the source and doc tarballs ready to upload to hackage. * The `upload` mode takes the folder created by prepare and performs the upload to hackage. """ from subprocess import run, check_call from getpass import getpass import shutil from pathlib import Path from typing import NamedTuple, Callable, List, Dict, Optional import tempfile import re import pickle import os WORK_DIR = Path('.upload-libs') WORK_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True) OUT_DIR = WORK_DIR / 'docs' OUT_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True) class Package(NamedTuple): name: str path: Path prepare_sdist: Callable[[], None] class Credentials(NamedTuple): username: str password: str def no_prep(): pass def prep_base(): shutil.copy('config.guess', 'libraries/base') shutil.copy('config.sub', 'libraries/base') def build_copy_file(pkg: Package, f: Path): target = Path('_build') / 'stage1' / pkg.path / 'build' / f dest = pkg.path / f print(f'Building {target} for {dest}...') build_cabal = Path('hadrian') / 'build-cabal' if not build_cabal.is_file(): build_cabal = Path('hadrian') / 'build.cabal.sh' run([build_cabal, target], check=True) dest.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) shutil.copyfile(target, dest) def modify_file(pkg: Package, fname: Path, f: Callable[[str], str]): target = pkg.path / fname s = target.read_text() target.write_text(f(s)) def prep_ghc_prim(): build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc-prim'], Path('GHC/PrimopWrappers.hs')) def prep_ghc_bignum(): shutil.copy('config.guess', 'libraries/base') shutil.copy('config.sub', 'libraries/base') def prep_ghc_boot(): build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc-boot'], Path('GHC/Platform/Host.hs')) build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc-boot'], Path('GHC/Version.hs')) def prep_ghc(): # Drop RTS includes from `include-dirs` as Hackage rejects this modify_file(PACKAGES['ghc'], 'ghc.cabal', lambda s: s.replace('../rts/dist/build', '')) build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc'], 'GHC/Platform/Constants.hs') build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc'], 'GHC/Settings/Config.hs') PACKAGES = { pkg.name: pkg for pkg in [ Package('base', Path("libraries/base"), prep_base), Package('ghc-prim', Path("libraries/ghc-prim"), prep_ghc_prim), Package('integer-gmp', Path("libraries/integer-gmp"), no_prep), Package('ghc-bignum', Path("libraries/ghc-bignum"), prep_ghc_bignum), Package('template-haskell', Path("libraries/template-haskell"), no_prep), Package('ghc-heap', Path("libraries/ghc-heap"), no_prep), Package('ghc-boot', Path("libraries/ghc-boot"), prep_ghc_boot), Package('ghc-boot-th', Path("libraries/ghc-boot-th"), no_prep), Package('ghc-compact', Path("libraries/ghc-compact"), no_prep), Package('libiserv', Path("libraries/libiserv"), no_prep), Package('ghc', Path("compiler"), prep_ghc), ] } # Dict[str, Package] def cabal_upload(tarball: Path, creds: Credentials, publish: bool=False, extra_args=[]): if publish: extra_args += ['--publish'] creds_args = [ f'--username={creds.username}', f'--password={creds.password}' ] run(['cabal', 'upload'] + extra_args + [tarball] + creds_args, check=True) def prepare_sdist(pkg: Package): print(f'Preparing package {pkg.name}...') shutil.rmtree(pkg.path / 'dist-newstyle', ignore_errors=True) pkg.prepare_sdist() # Upload source tarball run(['cabal', 'sdist'], cwd=pkg.path, check=True) sdist = list((pkg.path / 'dist-newstyle' / 'sdist').glob('*.tar.gz'))[0] res_path = shutil.copy(sdist, OUT_DIR) return os.path.relpath(res_path, OUT_DIR) def upload_pkg_sdist(sdist : Path, pkg: Package, publish: bool, creds: Credentials): publish_tag = '-publish' if publish else '' stamp = WORK_DIR / f'{pkg.name}-sdist{publish_tag}' if stamp.is_file(): return print(f'Uploading package {pkg.name}...') cabal_upload(sdist, publish=publish, creds=creds) stamp.write_text('') def get_version(cabal_file: Path) -> Optional[str]: m = re.search(r'^version:\s*(\d+(\.\d+)*)', cabal_file.read_text(), re.I | re.M) return None if m is None else m.group(1) def prepare_docs(bindist: Path, pkg: Package): """ Prepare Haddock documentation for a package. bindist is the path to an extract binary distribution produced by hadrian. """ cabal_file = pkg.path / f'{pkg.name}.cabal' version = get_version(cabal_file) assert version is not None docdir = bindist / 'doc' / 'html' / 'libraries' / (pkg.name + "-" + version) # Build the documentation tarball from the bindist documentation stem = f'{pkg.name}-{version}-docs' tmp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(stem) shutil.copytree(docdir, Path(tmp.name) / stem) tarball = Path(f'{stem}.tar.gz') run(['tar', '-czf', OUT_DIR / tarball, '-H', 'ustar', '-C', tmp.name, stem]) return tarball def upload_docs(tarball : Path, pkg : Package, publish : bool, creds: Credentials): publish_tag = '-publish' if publish else '' stamp = WORK_DIR / f'{pkg.name}-docs{publish_tag}' if stamp.is_file(): return # Upload the documentation tarball print(f'Uploading documentation for {pkg.name}...') cabal_upload(tarball, publish=publish, extra_args=['--documentation'], creds=creds) stamp.write_text('') def upload_pkg(pkg: Package, d : Path, meta, publish : bool, creds: Credentials): print(f'Uploading {pkg.name}...') upload_pkg_sdist(d / meta['sdist'], pkg, publish=publish, creds=creds) upload_docs(d / meta['docs'], pkg, publish=publish, creds=creds) def prepare_pkg(bindist : Path, pkg : Package): if pkg.path.exists(): print(f'Processing {pkg.name}...') p1 = prepare_sdist(pkg) p2 = prepare_docs(bindist, pkg) return { 'sdist' : p1, 'docs': p2 } else: print(f"Package {pkg.name} doesn't exist... skipping") def main() -> None: import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('pkg', type=str, nargs='*', help='package to upload') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command") parser_prepare = subparsers.add_parser('prepare') parser_prepare.add_argument('--bindist', required=True, type=Path, help='extracted binary distribution') parser_upload = subparsers.add_parser('upload') parser_upload.add_argument('--docs', required = True, type=Path, help='folder created by --prepare') parser_upload.add_argument('--publish', action='store_true', help='Publish Hackage packages instead of just uploading candidates') args = parser.parse_args() pkgs = args.pkg for pkg_name in pkgs: assert pkg_name in PACKAGES if pkgs == []: pkgs = PACKAGES.keys() if args.command == "prepare": manifest = {} for pkg_name in pkgs: print(pkg_name) pkg = PACKAGES[pkg_name] pkg_meta = prepare_pkg(args.bindist, pkg) manifest[pkg] = pkg_meta manifest_path = WORK_DIR / 'docs' / 'manifest.pickle' with open(WORK_DIR / 'docs' / 'manifest.pickle', 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(manifest, fout) elif args.command == "upload": username = input('Hackage username: ') password = getpass('Hackage password: ') creds = Credentials(username, password) manifest_path = args.docs with open(manifest_path / 'manifest.pickle', 'rb') as fin: manifest = pickle.load(fin) for pkg, item in manifest.items(): if pkg.name in pkgs: print(pkg, item) upload_pkg(pkg, manifest_path, item, publish=args.publish, creds=creds) if __name__ == '__main__': main()