The Glasgow Haskell Compiler ============================ This is the source tree for [GHC] [1], a compiler and interactive environment for the Haskell functional programming language. For more information, visit [GHC's web site] [1]. Information for developers of GHC can be found on the [GHC Trac] [2]. Getting the Source ================== There are two ways to get a source tree: 1. *Download source tarballs* Download the GHC source distribution: ghc-<version>-src.tar.bz2 which contains GHC itself and the "boot" libraries. 2. *Check out the source code from git* First clone the GHC github read-only repository: $ git clone git:// Then run the `sync-all` script in that repository to get the other repositories: $ cd ghc $ ./sync-all get This checks out the "boot" packages. **DO NOT submit pull request directly to the github repo.** *See the GHC developer team's working conventions re [contributing patches]( "").* Building & Installing ===================== For full information on building GHC, see the [GHC Building Guide] [3]. Here follows a summary - if you get into trouble, the Building Guide has all the answers. Before building GHC you may need to install some other tools and libraries. See, [Setting up your system for building GHC] [8]. *NB.* In particular, you need [GHC] [1] installed in order to build GHC, because the compiler is itself written in Haskell. You also need [Happy] [4], [Alex] [5], and [Cabal] [9]. For instructions on how to port GHC to a new platform, see the [GHC Building Guide] [3]. For building library documentation, you'll need [Haddock] [6]. To build the compiler documentation, you need a good DocBook XML toolchain and dblatex. **Quick start**: the following gives you a default build: $ perl boot $ ./configure $ make $ make install The `perl boot` step is only necessary if this is a tree checked out from git. For source distributions downloaded from [GHC's web site] [1], this step has already been performed. These steps give you the default build, which includes everything optimised and built in various ways (eg. profiling libs are built). It can take a long time. To customise the build, see the file `HACKING`. Once you have a build you need to keep it going. You need to keep all repos in sync with the [sync-all script] [7]. To get the latest changes: $ ./sync-all pull $ ./sync-all get Contributors ============ Please see the list of [GHC contributors]( ""). [1]: "" [2]: "" [3]: "" [4]: "" [5]: "" [6]: "" [7]: "" [8]: "" [9]: ""