#!/usr/bin/env python3 import glob import os import os.path import sys import argparse from textwrap import dedent import subprocess import re import shutil cwd = os.getcwd() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--validate', action='store_true', help='Run in validate mode') parser.add_argument('--hadrian', action='store_true', help='Do not assume the make base build system') args = parser.parse_args() # Packages whose libraries aren't in the submodule root EXCEPTIONS = { 'libraries/containers/': 'libraries/containers/containers/' } def print_err(s): print(dedent(s), file=sys.stderr) def die(mesg): print_err(mesg) sys.exit(1) def check_boot_packages(): # Check that we have all boot packages. for l in open('packages', 'r'): if l.startswith('#'): continue parts = [part for part in l.split(' ') if part] if len(parts) != 4: die("Error: Bad line in packages file: " + l) dir_ = parts[0] tag = parts[1] # If tag is not "-" then it is an optional repository, so its # absence isn't an error. if tag == '-': # We would like to just check for a .git directory here, # but in an lndir tree we avoid making .git directories, # so it doesn't exist. We therefore require that every repo # has a LICENSE file instead. license_path = os.path.join(EXCEPTIONS.get(dir_+'/', dir_), 'LICENSE') if not os.path.isfile(license_path): die("""\ Error: %s doesn't exist Maybe you haven't run 'git submodule update --init'? """ % license_path) # Create libraries/*/{ghc.mk,GNUmakefile} def boot_pkgs(): library_dirs = [] for package in glob.glob("libraries/*/"): packages_file = os.path.join(package, 'ghc-packages') print(package) if os.path.isfile(packages_file): for subpkg in open(packages_file, 'r'): library_dirs.append(os.path.join(package, subpkg.strip())) elif package in EXCEPTIONS: library_dirs.append(EXCEPTIONS[package]) else: library_dirs.append(package) for package in library_dirs: if package[-1] == '/': # drop trailing '/' package = package[:-1] dir_ = os.path.relpath(package, 'libraries') cabals = glob.glob(os.path.join(package, '*.cabal.in')) if len(cabals) == 0: cabals = glob.glob(os.path.join(package, '*.cabal')) if len(cabals) > 1: die('Too many .cabal files in %s' % package) elif len(cabals) == 1: cabal = cabals[0] if os.path.isfile(cabal): # strip both .cabal and .in pkg = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cabal))[0])[0] top = os.path.join(*['..'] * len(os.path.normpath(package).split(os.path.sep))) ghc_mk = os.path.join(package, 'ghc.mk') if os.path.exists(ghc_mk): print('Skipping %s which already exists' % ghc_mk) continue print('Creating %s' % ghc_mk) with open(ghc_mk, 'w') as f: f.write(dedent( """\ {package}_PACKAGE = {pkg} {package}_dist-install_GROUP = libraries $(if $(filter {dir},$(PACKAGES_STAGE0)),$(eval $(call build-package,{package},dist-boot,0))) $(if $(filter {dir},$(PACKAGES_STAGE1)),$(eval $(call build-package,{package},dist-install,1))) $(if $(filter {dir},$(PACKAGES_STAGE2)),$(eval $(call build-package,{package},dist-install,2))) """.format(package = package, pkg = pkg, dir = dir_))) makefile = os.path.join(package, 'GNUmakefile') with open(makefile, 'w') as f: f.write(dedent( """\ dir = {package} TOP = {top} include $(TOP)/mk/sub-makefile.mk FAST_MAKE_OPTS += stage=0 """.format(package = package, top = top) )) def autoreconf(): # Run autoreconf on everything that needs it. processes = {} if os.name == 'nt': # Get the normalized ACLOCAL_PATH for Windows # This is necessary since on Windows this will be a Windows # path, which autoreconf doesn't know doesn't know how to handle. ac_local = os.getenv('ACLOCAL_PATH', '') ac_local_arg = re.sub(r';', r':', ac_local) ac_local_arg = re.sub(r'\\', r'/', ac_local_arg) ac_local_arg = re.sub(r'(\w):/', r'/\1/', ac_local_arg) reconf_cmd = 'ACLOCAL_PATH=%s autoreconf' % ac_local_arg else: reconf_cmd = 'autoreconf' for dir_ in ['.'] + glob.glob('libraries/*/'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_, 'configure.ac')): print("Booting %s" % dir_) if dir_ != '.': shutil.copyfile('config.sub', os.path.join(dir_, 'config.sub')) processes[dir_] = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', reconf_cmd], cwd=dir_) # Wait for all child processes to finish. fail = False for k,v in processes.items(): code = v.wait() if code != 0: print_err('autoreconf in %s failed with exit code %d' % (k, code)) fail = True if fail: sys.exit(1) def check_build_mk(): if not args.validate and not os.path.isfile("mk/build.mk"): print(dedent( """ WARNING: You don't have a mk/build.mk file. By default a standard GHC build will be done, which uses optimisation and builds the profiling libraries. This will take a long time, so may not be what you want if you are developing GHC or the libraries, rather than simply building it to use it. For information on creating a mk/build.mk file, please see: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/building/using#build-configuration """)) check_boot_packages() if not args.hadrian: boot_pkgs() autoreconf() if not args.hadrian: check_build_mk()