{- (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | The @GHC.Builtin.Utils@ interface to the compiler's prelude knowledge. -- -- This module serves as the central gathering point for names which the -- compiler knows something about. This includes functions for, -- -- * discerning whether a 'Name' is known-key -- -- * given a 'Unique', looking up its corresponding known-key 'Name' -- -- See Note [Known-key names] and Note [About wired-in things] for information -- about the two types of prelude things in GHC. -- module GHC.Builtin.Utils ( -- * Known-key names isKnownKeyName, lookupKnownKeyName, lookupKnownNameInfo, -- ** Internal use -- | 'knownKeyNames' is exported to seed the original name cache only; -- if you find yourself wanting to look at it you might consider using -- 'lookupKnownKeyName' or 'isKnownKeyName'. knownKeyNames, -- * Miscellaneous wiredInIds, ghcPrimIds, primOpRules, builtinRules, ghcPrimExports, primOpId, -- * Random other things maybeCharLikeCon, maybeIntLikeCon, -- * Class categories isNumericClass, isStandardClass ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import GhcPrelude import GHC.Builtin.Uniques import GHC.Types.Unique ( isValidKnownKeyUnique ) import GHC.Core.ConLike ( ConLike(..) ) import GHC.Builtin.Names.TH ( templateHaskellNames ) import GHC.Builtin.Names import GHC.Core.Opt.ConstantFold import GHC.Types.Avail import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps import GHC.Core.DataCon import GHC.Types.Id import GHC.Types.Name import GHC.Types.Name.Env import GHC.Types.Id.Make import Outputable import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim import GHC.Builtin.Types import GHC.Driver.Types import GHC.Core.Class import GHC.Core.TyCon import GHC.Types.Unique.FM import Util import GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals ( typeNatTyCons ) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Data.List ( intercalate ) import Data.Array import Data.Maybe {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection[builtinNameInfo]{Lookup built-in names} * * ************************************************************************ Note [About wired-in things] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Wired-in things are Ids\/TyCons that are completely known to the compiler. They are global values in GHC, (e.g. listTyCon :: TyCon). * A wired-in Name contains the thing itself inside the Name: see Name.wiredInNameTyThing_maybe (E.g. listTyConName contains listTyCon. * The name cache is initialised with (the names of) all wired-in things (except tuples and sums; see Note [Infinite families of known-key names]) * The type environment itself contains no wired in things. The type checker sees if the Name is wired in before looking up the name in the type environment. * GHC.Iface.Make prunes out wired-in things before putting them in an interface file. So interface files never contain wired-in things. -} -- | This list is used to ensure that when you say "Prelude.map" in your source -- code, or in an interface file, you get a Name with the correct known key (See -- Note [Known-key names] in GHC.Builtin.Names) knownKeyNames :: [Name] knownKeyNames | debugIsOn , Just badNamesStr <- knownKeyNamesOkay all_names = panic ("badAllKnownKeyNames:\n" ++ badNamesStr) -- NB: We can't use ppr here, because this is sometimes evaluated in a -- context where there are no DynFlags available, leading to a cryptic -- "<
>" error. (This seems to happen only in the -- stage 2 compiler, for reasons I [Richard] have no clue of.) | otherwise = all_names where all_names = concat [ wired_tycon_kk_names funTyCon , concatMap wired_tycon_kk_names primTyCons , concatMap wired_tycon_kk_names wiredInTyCons -- Does not include tuples , concatMap wired_tycon_kk_names typeNatTyCons , map idName wiredInIds , map (idName . primOpId) allThePrimOps , map (idName . primOpWrapperId) allThePrimOps , basicKnownKeyNames , templateHaskellNames ] -- All of the names associated with a wired-in TyCon. -- This includes the TyCon itself, its DataCons and promoted TyCons. wired_tycon_kk_names :: TyCon -> [Name] wired_tycon_kk_names tc = tyConName tc : (rep_names tc ++ implicits) where implicits = concatMap thing_kk_names (implicitTyConThings tc) wired_datacon_kk_names :: DataCon -> [Name] wired_datacon_kk_names dc = dataConName dc : rep_names (promoteDataCon dc) thing_kk_names :: TyThing -> [Name] thing_kk_names (ATyCon tc) = wired_tycon_kk_names tc thing_kk_names (AConLike (RealDataCon dc)) = wired_datacon_kk_names dc thing_kk_names thing = [getName thing] -- The TyConRepName for a known-key TyCon has a known key, -- but isn't itself an implicit thing. Yurgh. -- NB: if any of the wired-in TyCons had record fields, the record -- field names would be in a similar situation. Ditto class ops. -- But it happens that there aren't any rep_names tc = case tyConRepName_maybe tc of Just n -> [n] Nothing -> [] -- | Check the known-key names list of consistency. knownKeyNamesOkay :: [Name] -> Maybe String knownKeyNamesOkay all_names | ns@(_:_) <- filter (not . isValidKnownKeyUnique . getUnique) all_names = Just $ " Out-of-range known-key uniques: [" ++ intercalate ", " (map (occNameString . nameOccName) ns) ++ "]" | null badNamesPairs = Nothing | otherwise = Just badNamesStr where namesEnv = foldl' (\m n -> extendNameEnv_Acc (:) singleton m n n) emptyUFM all_names badNamesEnv = filterNameEnv (\ns -> ns `lengthExceeds` 1) namesEnv badNamesPairs = nonDetUFMToList badNamesEnv -- It's OK to use nonDetUFMToList here because the ordering only affects -- the message when we get a panic badNamesStrs = map pairToStr badNamesPairs badNamesStr = unlines badNamesStrs pairToStr (uniq, ns) = " " ++ show uniq ++ ": [" ++ intercalate ", " (map (occNameString . nameOccName) ns) ++ "]" -- | Given a 'Unique' lookup its associated 'Name' if it corresponds to a -- known-key thing. lookupKnownKeyName :: Unique -> Maybe Name lookupKnownKeyName u = knownUniqueName u <|> lookupUFM knownKeysMap u -- | Is a 'Name' known-key? isKnownKeyName :: Name -> Bool isKnownKeyName n = isJust (knownUniqueName $ nameUnique n) || elemUFM n knownKeysMap knownKeysMap :: UniqFM Name knownKeysMap = listToUFM [ (nameUnique n, n) | n <- knownKeyNames ] -- | Given a 'Unique' lookup any associated arbitrary SDoc's to be displayed by -- GHCi's ':info' command. lookupKnownNameInfo :: Name -> SDoc lookupKnownNameInfo name = case lookupNameEnv knownNamesInfo name of -- If we do find a doc, we add comment delimiters to make the output -- of ':info' valid Haskell. Nothing -> empty Just doc -> vcat [text "{-", doc, text "-}"] -- A map from Uniques to SDocs, used in GHCi's ':info' command. (#12390) knownNamesInfo :: NameEnv SDoc knownNamesInfo = unitNameEnv coercibleTyConName $ vcat [ text "Coercible is a special constraint with custom solving rules." , text "It is not a class." , text "Please see section `The Coercible constraint`" , text "of the user's guide for details." ] {- We let a lot of "non-standard" values be visible, so that we can make sense of them in interface pragmas. It's cool, though they all have "non-standard" names, so they won't get past the parser in user code. ************************************************************************ * * PrimOpIds * * ************************************************************************ -} primOpIds :: Array Int Id -- A cache of the PrimOp Ids, indexed by PrimOp tag primOpIds = array (1,maxPrimOpTag) [ (primOpTag op, mkPrimOpId op) | op <- allThePrimOps ] primOpId :: PrimOp -> Id primOpId op = primOpIds ! primOpTag op {- ************************************************************************ * * Export lists for pseudo-modules (GHC.Prim) * * ************************************************************************ GHC.Prim "exports" all the primops and primitive types, some wired-in Ids. -} ghcPrimExports :: [IfaceExport] ghcPrimExports = map (avail . idName) ghcPrimIds ++ map (avail . idName . primOpId) allThePrimOps ++ [ AvailTC n [n] [] | tc <- funTyCon : exposedPrimTyCons, let n = tyConName tc ] {- ************************************************************************ * * Built-in keys * * ************************************************************************ ToDo: make it do the ``like'' part properly (as in 0.26 and before). -} maybeCharLikeCon, maybeIntLikeCon :: DataCon -> Bool maybeCharLikeCon con = con `hasKey` charDataConKey maybeIntLikeCon con = con `hasKey` intDataConKey {- ************************************************************************ * * Class predicates * * ************************************************************************ -} isNumericClass, isStandardClass :: Class -> Bool isNumericClass clas = classKey clas `is_elem` numericClassKeys isStandardClass clas = classKey clas `is_elem` standardClassKeys is_elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool is_elem = isIn "is_X_Class"