{-# language GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} module GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.CodeGen ( cmmTopCodeGen , generateJumpTableForInstr ) where -- NCG stuff: import GHC.Prelude hiding (EQ) import Data.Word import GHC.Platform.Regs import GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Instr import GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Regs import GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Cond import GHC.CmmToAsm.CPrim import GHC.Cmm.DebugBlock import GHC.CmmToAsm.Monad ( NatM, getNewRegNat , getPicBaseMaybeNat, getPlatform, getConfig , getDebugBlock, getFileId ) -- import GHC.CmmToAsm.Instr import GHC.CmmToAsm.PIC import GHC.CmmToAsm.Format import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config import GHC.CmmToAsm.Types import GHC.Platform.Reg import GHC.Platform -- Our intermediate code: import GHC.Cmm.BlockId import GHC.Cmm import GHC.Cmm.Utils import GHC.Cmm.Switch import GHC.Cmm.CLabel import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Graph import GHC.Types.Tickish ( GenTickish(..) ) import GHC.Types.SrcLoc ( srcSpanFile, srcSpanStartLine, srcSpanStartCol ) -- The rest: import GHC.Data.OrdList import GHC.Utils.Outputable import Control.Monad ( mapAndUnzipM, foldM ) import Data.Maybe import GHC.Float import GHC.Types.Basic import GHC.Types.ForeignCall import GHC.Data.FastString import GHC.Utils.Misc import GHC.Utils.Panic import GHC.Utils.Constants (debugIsOn) -- Note [General layout of an NCG] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- @cmmTopCodeGen@ will be our main entry point to code gen. Here we'll get -- @RawCmmDecl@; see GHC.Cmm -- -- RawCmmDecl = GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics (LabelMap RawCmmStatics) CmmGraph -- -- GenCmmDecl d h g = CmmProc h CLabel [GlobalReg] g -- | CmmData Section d -- -- As a result we want to transform this to a list of @NatCmmDecl@, which is -- defined @GHC.CmmToAsm.Instr@ as -- -- type NatCmmDecl statics instr -- = GenCmmDecl statics (LabelMap RawCmmStatics) (ListGraph instr) -- -- Thus well' turn -- GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics (LabelMap RawCmmStatics) CmmGraph -- into -- [GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics (LabelMap RawCmmStatics) (ListGraph Instr)] -- -- where @CmmGraph@ is -- -- type CmmGraph = GenCmmGraph CmmNode -- data GenCmmGraph n = CmmGraph { g_entry :: BlockId, g_graph :: Graph n C C } -- type CmmBlock = Block CmmNode C C -- -- and @ListGraph Instr@ is -- -- newtype ListGraph i = ListGraph [GenBasicBlock i] -- data GenBasicBlock i = BasicBlock BlockId [i] cmmTopCodeGen :: RawCmmDecl -> NatM [NatCmmDecl RawCmmStatics Instr] -- Thus we'll have to deal with either CmmProc ... cmmTopCodeGen _cmm@(CmmProc info lab live graph) = do -- do -- traceM $ "-- -------------------------- cmmTopGen (CmmProc) -------------------------- --\n" -- ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr cmm) let blocks = toBlockListEntryFirst graph (nat_blocks,statics) <- mapAndUnzipM basicBlockCodeGen blocks picBaseMb <- getPicBaseMaybeNat let proc = CmmProc info lab live (ListGraph $ concat nat_blocks) tops = proc : concat statics case picBaseMb of Just _picBase -> panic "AArch64.cmmTopCodeGen: picBase not implemented" Nothing -> return tops -- ... or CmmData. cmmTopCodeGen _cmm@(CmmData sec dat) = do -- do -- traceM $ "-- -------------------------- cmmTopGen (CmmData) -------------------------- --\n" -- ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr cmm) return [CmmData sec dat] -- no translation, we just use CmmStatic basicBlockCodeGen :: Block CmmNode C C -> NatM ( [NatBasicBlock Instr] , [NatCmmDecl RawCmmStatics Instr]) basicBlockCodeGen block = do config <- getConfig -- do -- traceM $ "-- --------------------------- basicBlockCodeGen --------------------------- --\n" -- ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr block) let (_, nodes, tail) = blockSplit block id = entryLabel block stmts = blockToList nodes header_comment_instr | debugIsOn = unitOL $ MULTILINE_COMMENT ( text "-- --------------------------- basicBlockCodeGen --------------------------- --\n" $+$ withPprStyle defaultDumpStyle (pdoc (ncgPlatform config) block) ) | otherwise = nilOL -- Generate location directive dbg <- getDebugBlock (entryLabel block) loc_instrs <- case dblSourceTick =<< dbg of Just (SourceNote span (LexicalFastString name)) -> do fileId <- getFileId (srcSpanFile span) let line = srcSpanStartLine span; col = srcSpanStartCol span return $ unitOL $ LOCATION fileId line col (unpackFS name) _ -> return nilOL (mid_instrs,mid_bid) <- stmtsToInstrs id stmts (!tail_instrs,_) <- stmtToInstrs mid_bid tail let instrs = header_comment_instr `appOL` loc_instrs `appOL` mid_instrs `appOL` tail_instrs -- TODO: Then x86 backend run @verifyBasicBlock@ here and inserts -- unwinding info. See Ticket 19913 -- code generation may introduce new basic block boundaries, which -- are indicated by the NEWBLOCK instruction. We must split up the -- instruction stream into basic blocks again. Also, we extract -- LDATAs here too. let (top,other_blocks,statics) = foldrOL mkBlocks ([],[],[]) instrs mkBlocks (NEWBLOCK id) (instrs,blocks,statics) = ([], BasicBlock id instrs : blocks, statics) mkBlocks (LDATA sec dat) (instrs,blocks,statics) = (instrs, blocks, CmmData sec dat:statics) mkBlocks instr (instrs,blocks,statics) = (instr:instrs, blocks, statics) return (BasicBlock id top : other_blocks, statics) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Utilities ann :: SDoc -> Instr -> Instr ann doc instr {- debugIsOn -} = ANN doc instr -- ann _ instr = instr {-# INLINE ann #-} -- Using pprExpr will hide the AST, @ANN@ will end up in the assembly with -- -dppr-debug. The idea is that we can trivially see how a cmm expression -- ended up producing the assembly we see. By having the verbatim AST printed -- we can simply check the patterns that were matched to arrive at the assembly -- we generated. -- -- pprExpr will hide a lot of noise of the underlying data structure and print -- the expression into something that can be easily read by a human. However -- going back to the exact CmmExpr representation can be laborious and adds -- indirections to find the matches that lead to the assembly. -- -- An improvement oculd be to have -- -- (pprExpr genericPlatform e) <> parens (text. show e) -- -- to have the best of both worlds. -- -- Note: debugIsOn is too restrictive, it only works for debug compilers. -- However, we do not only want to inspect this for debug compilers. Ideally -- we'd have a check for -dppr-debug here already, such that we don't even -- generate the ANN expressions. However, as they are lazy, they shouldn't be -- forced until we actually force them, and without -dppr-debug they should -- never end up being forced. annExpr :: CmmExpr -> Instr -> Instr annExpr e instr {- debugIsOn -} = ANN (text . show $ e) instr -- annExpr e instr {- debugIsOn -} = ANN (pprExpr genericPlatform e) instr -- annExpr _ instr = instr {-# INLINE annExpr #-} -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generating a table-branch -- TODO jump tables would be a lot faster, but we'll use bare bones for now. -- this is usually done by sticking the jump table ids into an instruction -- and then have the @generateJumpTableForInstr@ callback produce the jump -- table as a static. -- -- See Ticket 19912 -- -- data SwitchTargets = -- SwitchTargets -- Bool -- Signed values -- (Integer, Integer) -- Range -- (Maybe Label) -- Default value -- (M.Map Integer Label) -- The branches -- -- Non Jumptable plan: -- xE <- expr -- genSwitch :: CmmExpr -> SwitchTargets -> NatM InstrBlock genSwitch expr targets = do -- pprPanic "genSwitch" (ppr expr) (reg, format, code) <- getSomeReg expr let w = formatToWidth format let mkbranch acc (key, bid) = do (keyReg, _format, code) <- getSomeReg (CmmLit (CmmInt key w)) return $ code `appOL` toOL [ CMP (OpReg w reg) (OpReg w keyReg) , BCOND EQ (TBlock bid) ] `appOL` acc def_code = case switchTargetsDefault targets of Just bid -> unitOL (B (TBlock bid)) Nothing -> nilOL switch_code <- foldM mkbranch nilOL (switchTargetsCases targets) return $ code `appOL` switch_code `appOL` def_code -- We don't do jump tables for now, see Ticket 19912 generateJumpTableForInstr :: NCGConfig -> Instr -> Maybe (NatCmmDecl RawCmmStatics Instr) generateJumpTableForInstr _ _ = Nothing -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Top-level of the instruction selector -- See Note [Keeping track of the current block] for why -- we pass the BlockId. stmtsToInstrs :: BlockId -- ^ Basic block these statement will start to be placed in. -> [CmmNode O O] -- ^ Cmm Statement -> NatM (InstrBlock, BlockId) -- ^ Resulting instruction stmtsToInstrs bid stmts = go bid stmts nilOL where go bid [] instrs = return (instrs,bid) go bid (s:stmts) instrs = do (instrs',bid') <- stmtToInstrs bid s -- If the statement introduced a new block, we use that one let !newBid = fromMaybe bid bid' go newBid stmts (instrs `appOL` instrs') -- | `bid` refers to the current block and is used to update the CFG -- if new blocks are inserted in the control flow. -- See Note [Keeping track of the current block] for more details. stmtToInstrs :: BlockId -- ^ Basic block this statement will start to be placed in. -> CmmNode e x -> NatM (InstrBlock, Maybe BlockId) -- ^ Instructions, and bid of new block if successive -- statements are placed in a different basic block. stmtToInstrs bid stmt = do -- traceM $ "-- -------------------------- stmtToInstrs -------------------------- --\n" -- ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr stmt) platform <- getPlatform case stmt of CmmUnsafeForeignCall target result_regs args -> genCCall target result_regs args bid _ -> (,Nothing) <$> case stmt of CmmComment s -> return (unitOL (COMMENT (ftext s))) CmmTick {} -> return nilOL CmmAssign reg src | isFloatType ty -> assignReg_FltCode format reg src | otherwise -> assignReg_IntCode format reg src where ty = cmmRegType reg format = cmmTypeFormat ty CmmStore addr src _alignment | isFloatType ty -> assignMem_FltCode format addr src | otherwise -> assignMem_IntCode format addr src where ty = cmmExprType platform src format = cmmTypeFormat ty CmmBranch id -> genBranch id --We try to arrange blocks such that the likely branch is the fallthrough --in GHC.Cmm.ContFlowOpt. So we can assume the condition is likely false here. CmmCondBranch arg true false _prediction -> genCondBranch bid true false arg CmmSwitch arg ids -> genSwitch arg ids CmmCall { cml_target = arg } -> genJump arg CmmUnwind _regs -> return nilOL _ -> pprPanic "stmtToInstrs: statement should have been cps'd away" (pdoc platform stmt) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'InstrBlock's are the insn sequences generated by the insn selectors. -- They are really trees of insns to facilitate fast appending, where a -- left-to-right traversal yields the insns in the correct order. -- type InstrBlock = OrdList Instr -- | Register's passed up the tree. If the stix code forces the register -- to live in a pre-decided machine register, it comes out as @Fixed@; -- otherwise, it comes out as @Any@, and the parent can decide which -- register to put it in. -- data Register = Fixed Format Reg InstrBlock | Any Format (Reg -> InstrBlock) -- | Sometimes we need to change the Format of a register. Primarily during -- conversion. swizzleRegisterRep :: Format -> Register -> Register swizzleRegisterRep format (Fixed _ reg code) = Fixed format reg code swizzleRegisterRep format (Any _ codefn) = Any format codefn -- | Grab the Reg for a CmmReg getRegisterReg :: Platform -> CmmReg -> Reg getRegisterReg _ (CmmLocal (LocalReg u pk)) = RegVirtual $ mkVirtualReg u (cmmTypeFormat pk) getRegisterReg platform (CmmGlobal reg@(GlobalRegUse mid _)) = case globalRegMaybe platform mid of Just reg -> RegReal reg Nothing -> pprPanic "getRegisterReg-memory" (ppr $ CmmGlobal reg) -- By this stage, the only MagicIds remaining should be the -- ones which map to a real machine register on this -- platform. Hence if it's not mapped to a registers something -- went wrong earlier in the pipeline. -- | Convert a BlockId to some CmmStatic data -- TODO: Add JumpTable Logic, see Ticket 19912 -- jumpTableEntry :: NCGConfig -> Maybe BlockId -> CmmStatic -- jumpTableEntry config Nothing = CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 (ncgWordWidth config)) -- jumpTableEntry _ (Just blockid) = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel blockLabel) -- where blockLabel = blockLbl blockid -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- General things for putting together code sequences -- | The dual to getAnyReg: compute an expression into a register, but -- we don't mind which one it is. getSomeReg :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Reg, Format, InstrBlock) getSomeReg expr = do r <- getRegister expr case r of Any rep code -> do tmp <- getNewRegNat rep return (tmp, rep, code tmp) Fixed rep reg code -> return (reg, rep, code) -- TODO OPT: we might be able give getRegister -- a hint, what kind of register we want. getFloatReg :: HasCallStack => CmmExpr -> NatM (Reg, Format, InstrBlock) getFloatReg expr = do r <- getRegister expr case r of Any rep code | isFloatFormat rep -> do tmp <- getNewRegNat rep return (tmp, rep, code tmp) Any II32 code -> do tmp <- getNewRegNat FF32 return (tmp, FF32, code tmp) Any II64 code -> do tmp <- getNewRegNat FF64 return (tmp, FF64, code tmp) Any _w _code -> do config <- getConfig pprPanic "can't do getFloatReg on" (pdoc (ncgPlatform config) expr) -- can't do much for fixed. Fixed rep reg code -> return (reg, rep, code) -- TODO: TODO, bounds. We can't put any immediate -- value in. They are constrained. -- See Ticket 19911 litToImm' :: CmmLit -> NatM (Operand, InstrBlock) litToImm' lit = return (OpImm (litToImm lit), nilOL) getRegister :: CmmExpr -> NatM Register getRegister e = do config <- getConfig getRegister' config (ncgPlatform config) e -- | The register width to be used for an operation on the given width -- operand. opRegWidth :: Width -> Width opRegWidth W64 = W64 -- x opRegWidth W32 = W32 -- w opRegWidth W16 = W32 -- w opRegWidth W8 = W32 -- w opRegWidth w = pprPanic "opRegWidth" (text "Unsupported width" <+> ppr w) -- Note [Signed arithmetic on AArch64] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Handling signed arithmetic on sub-word-size values on AArch64 is a bit -- tricky as Cmm's type system does not capture signedness. While 32-bit values -- are fairly easy to handle due to AArch64's 32-bit instruction variants -- (denoted by use of %wN registers), 16- and 8-bit values require quite some -- care. -- -- We handle 16-and 8-bit values by using the 32-bit operations and -- sign-/zero-extending operands and truncate results as necessary. For -- simplicity we maintain the invariant that a register containing a -- sub-word-size value always contains the zero-extended form of that value -- in between operations. -- -- For instance, consider the program, -- -- test(bits64 buffer) -- bits8 a = bits8[buffer]; -- bits8 b = %mul(a, 42); -- bits8 c = %not(b); -- bits8 d = %shrl(c, 4::bits8); -- return (d); -- } -- -- This program begins by loading `a` from memory, for which we use a -- zero-extended byte-size load. We next sign-extend `a` to 32-bits, and use a -- 32-bit multiplication to compute `b`, and truncate the result back down to -- 8-bits. -- -- Next we compute `c`: The `%not` requires no extension of its operands, but -- we must still truncate the result back down to 8-bits. Finally the `%shrl` -- requires no extension and no truncate since we can assume that -- `c` is zero-extended. -- -- TODO: -- Don't use Width in Operands -- Instructions should rather carry a RegWidth -- -- Note [Handling PIC on AArch64] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- AArch64 does not have a special PIC register, the general approach is to -- simply go through the GOT, and there is assembly support for this: -- -- // Load the address of 'sym' from the GOT using ADRP and LDR (used for -- // position-independent code on AArch64): -- adrp x0, #:got:sym -- ldr x0, [x0, #:got_lo12:sym] -- -- See also: https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0774/i/armclang-integrated-assembler-directives/assembly-expressions -- -- CmmGlobal @PicBaseReg@'s are generated in @GHC.CmmToAsm.PIC@ in the -- @cmmMakePicReference@. This is in turn called from @cmmMakeDynamicReference@ -- also in @Cmm.CmmToAsm.PIC@ from where it is also exported. There are two -- callsites for this. One is in this module to produce the @target@ in @genCCall@ -- the other is in @GHC.CmmToAsm@ in @cmmExprNative@. -- -- Conceptually we do not want any special PicBaseReg to be used on AArch64. If -- we want to distinguish between symbol loading, we need to address this through -- the way we load it, not through a register. -- getRegister' :: NCGConfig -> Platform -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register -- OPTIMIZATION WARNING: CmmExpr rewrites -- 1. Rewrite: Reg + (-n) => Reg - n -- TODO: this expression shouldn't even be generated to begin with. getRegister' config plat (CmmMachOp (MO_Add w0) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt i w1)]) | i < 0 = getRegister' config plat (CmmMachOp (MO_Sub w0) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt (-i) w1)]) getRegister' config plat (CmmMachOp (MO_Sub w0) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt i w1)]) | i < 0 = getRegister' config plat (CmmMachOp (MO_Add w0) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt (-i) w1)]) -- Generic case. getRegister' config plat expr = case expr of CmmReg (CmmGlobal (GlobalRegUse PicBaseReg _)) -> pprPanic "getRegisterReg-memory" (ppr $ PicBaseReg) CmmLit lit -> case lit of -- TODO handle CmmInt 0 specially, use wzr or xzr. CmmInt i W8 | i >= 0 -> do return (Any (intFormat W8) (\dst -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (MOV (OpReg W8 dst) (OpImm (ImmInteger (narrowU W8 i)))))) CmmInt i W16 | i >= 0 -> do return (Any (intFormat W16) (\dst -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (MOV (OpReg W16 dst) (OpImm (ImmInteger (narrowU W16 i)))))) CmmInt i W8 -> do return (Any (intFormat W8) (\dst -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (MOV (OpReg W8 dst) (OpImm (ImmInteger (narrowU W8 i)))))) CmmInt i W16 -> do return (Any (intFormat W16) (\dst -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (MOV (OpReg W16 dst) (OpImm (ImmInteger (narrowU W16 i)))))) -- We need to be careful to not shorten this for negative literals. -- Those need the upper bits set. We'd either have to explicitly sign -- or figure out something smarter. Lowered to -- `MOV dst XZR` CmmInt i w | isNbitEncodeable 16 i, i >= 0 -> do return (Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (MOV (OpReg W16 dst) (OpImm (ImmInteger i))))) CmmInt i w | isNbitEncodeable 32 i, i >= 0 -> do let half0 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral i :: Word16) half1 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 16) :: Word16) return (Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> toOL [ annExpr expr $ MOV (OpReg W32 dst) (OpImm (ImmInt half0)) , MOVK (OpReg W32 dst) (OpImmShift (ImmInt half1) SLSL 16) ])) -- fallback for W32 CmmInt i W32 -> do let half0 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral i :: Word16) half1 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 16) :: Word16) return (Any (intFormat W32) (\dst -> toOL [ annExpr expr $ MOV (OpReg W32 dst) (OpImm (ImmInt half0)) , MOVK (OpReg W32 dst) (OpImmShift (ImmInt half1) SLSL 16) ])) -- anything else CmmInt i W64 -> do let half0 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral i :: Word16) half1 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 16) :: Word16) half2 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 32) :: Word16) half3 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 48) :: Word16) return (Any (intFormat W64) (\dst -> toOL [ annExpr expr $ MOV (OpReg W64 dst) (OpImm (ImmInt half0)) , MOVK (OpReg W64 dst) (OpImmShift (ImmInt half1) SLSL 16) , MOVK (OpReg W64 dst) (OpImmShift (ImmInt half2) SLSL 32) , MOVK (OpReg W64 dst) (OpImmShift (ImmInt half3) SLSL 48) ])) CmmInt _i rep -> do (op, imm_code) <- litToImm' lit return (Any (intFormat rep) (\dst -> imm_code `snocOL` annExpr expr (MOV (OpReg rep dst) op))) -- floatToBytes (fromRational f) CmmFloat 0 w -> do (op, imm_code) <- litToImm' lit return (Any (floatFormat w) (\dst -> imm_code `snocOL` annExpr expr (MOV (OpReg w dst) op))) CmmFloat _f W8 -> pprPanic "getRegister' (CmmLit:CmmFloat), no support for bytes" (pdoc plat expr) CmmFloat _f W16 -> pprPanic "getRegister' (CmmLit:CmmFloat), no support for halfs" (pdoc plat expr) CmmFloat f W32 -> do let word = castFloatToWord32 (fromRational f) :: Word32 half0 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral word :: Word16) half1 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (word `shiftR` 16) :: Word16) tmp <- getNewRegNat (intFormat W32) return (Any (floatFormat W32) (\dst -> toOL [ annExpr expr $ MOV (OpReg W32 tmp) (OpImm (ImmInt half0)) , MOVK (OpReg W32 tmp) (OpImmShift (ImmInt half1) SLSL 16) , MOV (OpReg W32 dst) (OpReg W32 tmp) ])) CmmFloat f W64 -> do let word = castDoubleToWord64 (fromRational f) :: Word64 half0 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral word :: Word16) half1 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (word `shiftR` 16) :: Word16) half2 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (word `shiftR` 32) :: Word16) half3 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (word `shiftR` 48) :: Word16) tmp <- getNewRegNat (intFormat W64) return (Any (floatFormat W64) (\dst -> toOL [ annExpr expr $ MOV (OpReg W64 tmp) (OpImm (ImmInt half0)) , MOVK (OpReg W64 tmp) (OpImmShift (ImmInt half1) SLSL 16) , MOVK (OpReg W64 tmp) (OpImmShift (ImmInt half2) SLSL 32) , MOVK (OpReg W64 tmp) (OpImmShift (ImmInt half3) SLSL 48) , MOV (OpReg W64 dst) (OpReg W64 tmp) ])) CmmFloat _f _w -> pprPanic "getRegister' (CmmLit:CmmFloat), unsupported float lit" (pdoc plat expr) CmmVec _ -> pprPanic "getRegister' (CmmLit:CmmVec): " (pdoc plat expr) CmmLabel _lbl -> do (op, imm_code) <- litToImm' lit let rep = cmmLitType plat lit format = cmmTypeFormat rep return (Any format (\dst -> imm_code `snocOL` (annExpr expr $ LDR format (OpReg (formatToWidth format) dst) op))) CmmLabelOff _lbl off | isNbitEncodeable 12 (fromIntegral off) -> do (op, imm_code) <- litToImm' lit let rep = cmmLitType plat lit format = cmmTypeFormat rep -- width = typeWidth rep return (Any format (\dst -> imm_code `snocOL` LDR format (OpReg (formatToWidth format) dst) op)) CmmLabelOff lbl off -> do (op, imm_code) <- litToImm' (CmmLabel lbl) let rep = cmmLitType plat lit format = cmmTypeFormat rep width = typeWidth rep (off_r, _off_format, off_code) <- getSomeReg $ CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral off) width) return (Any format (\dst -> imm_code `appOL` off_code `snocOL` LDR format (OpReg (formatToWidth format) dst) op `snocOL` ADD (OpReg width dst) (OpReg width dst) (OpReg width off_r))) CmmLabelDiffOff _ _ _ _ -> pprPanic "getRegister' (CmmLit:CmmLabelOff): " (pdoc plat expr) CmmBlock _ -> pprPanic "getRegister' (CmmLit:CmmLabelOff): " (pdoc plat expr) CmmHighStackMark -> pprPanic "getRegister' (CmmLit:CmmLabelOff): " (pdoc plat expr) CmmLoad mem rep _ -> do Amode addr addr_code <- getAmode plat (typeWidth rep) mem let format = cmmTypeFormat rep return (Any format (\dst -> addr_code `snocOL` LDR format (OpReg (formatToWidth format) dst) (OpAddr addr))) CmmStackSlot _ _ -> pprPanic "getRegister' (CmmStackSlot): " (pdoc plat expr) CmmReg reg -> return (Fixed (cmmTypeFormat (cmmRegType reg)) (getRegisterReg plat reg) nilOL) CmmRegOff reg off | isNbitEncodeable 12 (fromIntegral off) -> do getRegister' config plat $ CmmMachOp (MO_Add width) [CmmReg reg, CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral off) width)] where width = typeWidth (cmmRegType reg) CmmRegOff reg off -> do (off_r, _off_format, off_code) <- getSomeReg $ CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral off) width) (reg, _format, code) <- getSomeReg $ CmmReg reg return $ Any (intFormat width) (\dst -> off_code `appOL` code `snocOL` ADD (OpReg width dst) (OpReg width reg) (OpReg width off_r)) where width = typeWidth (cmmRegType reg) -- for MachOps, see GHC.Cmm.MachOp -- For CmmMachOp, see GHC.Cmm.Expr CmmMachOp op [e] -> do (reg, _format, code) <- getSomeReg e case op of MO_Not w -> return $ Any (intFormat w) $ \dst -> let w' = opRegWidth w in code `snocOL` MVN (OpReg w' dst) (OpReg w' reg) `appOL` truncateReg w' w dst -- See Note [Signed arithmetic on AArch64] MO_S_Neg w -> negate code w reg MO_F_Neg w -> return $ Any (floatFormat w) (\dst -> code `snocOL` NEG (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg)) MO_SF_Conv from to -> return $ Any (floatFormat to) (\dst -> code `snocOL` SCVTF (OpReg to dst) (OpReg from reg)) -- (Signed ConVerT Float) MO_FS_Conv from to -> return $ Any (intFormat to) (\dst -> code `snocOL` FCVTZS (OpReg to dst) (OpReg from reg)) -- (float convert (-> zero) signed) -- TODO this is very hacky -- Note, UBFM and SBFM expect source and target register to be of the same size, so we'll use @max from to@ -- UBFM will set the high bits to 0. SBFM will copy the sign (sign extend). MO_UU_Conv from to -> return $ Any (intFormat to) (\dst -> code `snocOL` UBFM (OpReg (max from to) dst) (OpReg (max from to) reg) (OpImm (ImmInt 0)) (toImm (min from to))) MO_SS_Conv from to -> ss_conv from to reg code MO_FF_Conv from to -> return $ Any (floatFormat to) (\dst -> code `snocOL` FCVT (OpReg to dst) (OpReg from reg)) -- Conversions MO_XX_Conv _from to -> swizzleRegisterRep (intFormat to) <$> getRegister e _ -> pprPanic "getRegister' (monadic CmmMachOp):" (pdoc plat expr) where toImm W8 = (OpImm (ImmInt 7)) toImm W16 = (OpImm (ImmInt 15)) toImm W32 = (OpImm (ImmInt 31)) toImm W64 = (OpImm (ImmInt 63)) toImm W128 = (OpImm (ImmInt 127)) toImm W256 = (OpImm (ImmInt 255)) toImm W512 = (OpImm (ImmInt 511)) -- In the case of 16- or 8-bit values we need to sign-extend to 32-bits -- See Note [Signed arithmetic on AArch64]. negate code w reg = do let w' = opRegWidth w (reg', code_sx) <- signExtendReg w w' reg return $ Any (intFormat w) $ \dst -> code `appOL` code_sx `snocOL` NEG (OpReg w' dst) (OpReg w' reg') `appOL` truncateReg w' w dst ss_conv from to reg code = let w' = opRegWidth (max from to) in return $ Any (intFormat to) $ \dst -> code `snocOL` SBFM (OpReg w' dst) (OpReg w' reg) (OpImm (ImmInt 0)) (toImm (min from to)) `appOL` -- At this point an 8- or 16-bit value would be sign-extended -- to 32-bits. Truncate back down the final width. truncateReg w' to dst -- Dyadic machops: -- -- The general idea is: -- compute x <- x -- compute x <- y -- OP x, x, x -- -- TODO: for now we'll only implement the 64bit versions. And rely on the -- fallthrough to alert us if things go wrong! -- OPTIMIZATION WARNING: Dyadic CmmMachOp destructuring -- 0. TODO This should not exist! Rewrite: Reg +- 0 -> Reg CmmMachOp (MO_Add _) [expr'@(CmmReg (CmmGlobal _r)), CmmLit (CmmInt 0 _)] -> getRegister' config plat expr' CmmMachOp (MO_Sub _) [expr'@(CmmReg (CmmGlobal _r)), CmmLit (CmmInt 0 _)] -> getRegister' config plat expr' -- 1. Compute Reg +/- n directly. -- For Add/Sub we can directly encode 12bits, or 12bits lsl #12. CmmMachOp (MO_Add w) [(CmmReg reg), CmmLit (CmmInt n _)] | n > 0 && n < 4096 -> return $ Any (intFormat w) (\d -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (ADD (OpReg w d) (OpReg w' r') (OpImm (ImmInteger n)))) -- TODO: 12bits lsl #12; e.g. lower 12 bits of n are 0; shift n >> 12, and set lsl to #12. where w' = formatToWidth (cmmTypeFormat (cmmRegType reg)) r' = getRegisterReg plat reg CmmMachOp (MO_Sub w) [(CmmReg reg), CmmLit (CmmInt n _)] | n > 0 && n < 4096 -> return $ Any (intFormat w) (\d -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (SUB (OpReg w d) (OpReg w' r') (OpImm (ImmInteger n)))) -- TODO: 12bits lsl #12; e.g. lower 12 bits of n are 0; shift n >> 12, and set lsl to #12. where w' = formatToWidth (cmmTypeFormat (cmmRegType reg)) r' = getRegisterReg plat reg CmmMachOp (MO_U_Quot w) [x, y] | w == W8 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, _format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `appOL` code_y `snocOL` annExpr expr (UXTB (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_x)) `snocOL` (UXTB (OpReg w reg_y) (OpReg w reg_y)) `snocOL` (UDIV (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_y))) CmmMachOp (MO_U_Quot w) [x, y] | w == W16 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, _format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `appOL` code_y `snocOL` annExpr expr (UXTH (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_x)) `snocOL` (UXTH (OpReg w reg_y) (OpReg w reg_y)) `snocOL` (UDIV (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_y))) -- 2. Shifts. x << n, x >> n. CmmMachOp (MO_Shl w) [x, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] | w == W32, 0 <= n, n < 32 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (LSL (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpImm (ImmInteger n)))) CmmMachOp (MO_Shl w) [x, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] | w == W64, 0 <= n, n < 64 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (LSL (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpImm (ImmInteger n)))) CmmMachOp (MO_S_Shr w) [x, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] | w == W8, 0 <= n, n < 8 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (SBFX (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpImm (ImmInteger n)) (OpImm (ImmInteger (8-n))))) CmmMachOp (MO_S_Shr w) [x, y] | w == W8 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, _format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `appOL` code_y `snocOL` annExpr expr (SXTB (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_x)) `snocOL` (ASR (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_y))) CmmMachOp (MO_S_Shr w) [x, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] | w == W16, 0 <= n, n < 16 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (SBFX (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpImm (ImmInteger n)) (OpImm (ImmInteger (16-n))))) CmmMachOp (MO_S_Shr w) [x, y] | w == W16 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, _format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `appOL` code_y `snocOL` annExpr expr (SXTH (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_x)) `snocOL` (ASR (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_y))) CmmMachOp (MO_S_Shr w) [x, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] | w == W32, 0 <= n, n < 32 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (ASR (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpImm (ImmInteger n)))) CmmMachOp (MO_S_Shr w) [x, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] | w == W64, 0 <= n, n < 64 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (ASR (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpImm (ImmInteger n)))) CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr w) [x, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] | w == W8, 0 <= n, n < 8 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (UBFX (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpImm (ImmInteger n)) (OpImm (ImmInteger (8-n))))) CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr w) [x, y] | w == W8 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, _format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `appOL` code_y `snocOL` annExpr expr (UXTB (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_x)) `snocOL` (ASR (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_y))) CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr w) [x, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] | w == W16, 0 <= n, n < 16 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (UBFX (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpImm (ImmInteger n)) (OpImm (ImmInteger (16-n))))) CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr w) [x, y] | w == W16 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, _format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `appOL` code_y `snocOL` annExpr expr (UXTH (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_x)) `snocOL` (ASR (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_y))) CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr w) [x, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] | w == W32, 0 <= n, n < 32 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (LSR (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpImm (ImmInteger n)))) CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr w) [x, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] | w == W64, 0 <= n, n < 64 -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (LSR (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpImm (ImmInteger n)))) -- 3. Logic &&, || CmmMachOp (MO_And w) [(CmmReg reg), CmmLit (CmmInt n _)] | isAArch64Bitmask (fromIntegral n) -> return $ Any (intFormat w) (\d -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (AND (OpReg w d) (OpReg w' r') (OpImm (ImmInteger n)))) where w' = formatToWidth (cmmTypeFormat (cmmRegType reg)) r' = getRegisterReg plat reg CmmMachOp (MO_Or w) [(CmmReg reg), CmmLit (CmmInt n _)] | isAArch64Bitmask (fromIntegral n) -> return $ Any (intFormat w) (\d -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (ORR (OpReg w d) (OpReg w' r') (OpImm (ImmInteger n)))) where w' = formatToWidth (cmmTypeFormat (cmmRegType reg)) r' = getRegisterReg plat reg -- Generic binary case. CmmMachOp op [x, y] -> do -- alright, so we have an operation, and two expressions. And we want to essentially do -- ensure we get float regs (TODO(Ben): What?) let withTempIntReg w op = OpReg w <$> getNewRegNat (intFormat w) >>= op -- withTempFloatReg w op = OpReg w <$> getNewRegNat (floatFormat w) >>= op -- A "plain" operation. bitOp w op = do -- compute x <- x -- compute x <- y -- x, x, x (reg_x, format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y massertPpr (isIntFormat format_x == isIntFormat format_y) $ text "bitOp: incompatible" return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `appOL` code_y `appOL` op (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_y)) -- A (potentially signed) integer operation. -- In the case of 8- and 16-bit signed arithmetic we must first -- sign-extend both arguments to 32-bits. -- See Note [Signed arithmetic on AArch64]. intOp is_signed w op = do -- compute x <- x -- compute x <- y -- x, x, x (reg_x, format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y massertPpr (isIntFormat format_x && isIntFormat format_y) $ text "intOp: non-int" -- This is the width of the registers on which the operation -- should be performed. let w' = opRegWidth w signExt r | not is_signed = return (r, nilOL) | otherwise = signExtendReg w w' r (reg_x_sx, code_x_sx) <- signExt reg_x (reg_y_sx, code_y_sx) <- signExt reg_y return $ Any (intFormat w) $ \dst -> code_x `appOL` code_y `appOL` -- sign-extend both operands code_x_sx `appOL` code_y_sx `appOL` op (OpReg w' dst) (OpReg w' reg_x_sx) (OpReg w' reg_y_sx) `appOL` truncateReg w' w dst -- truncate back to the operand's original width floatOp w op = do (reg_fx, format_x, code_fx) <- getFloatReg x (reg_fy, format_y, code_fy) <- getFloatReg y massertPpr (isFloatFormat format_x && isFloatFormat format_y) $ text "floatOp: non-float" return $ Any (floatFormat w) (\dst -> code_fx `appOL` code_fy `appOL` op (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_fx) (OpReg w reg_fy)) -- need a special one for conditionals, as they return ints floatCond w op = do (reg_fx, format_x, code_fx) <- getFloatReg x (reg_fy, format_y, code_fy) <- getFloatReg y massertPpr (isFloatFormat format_x && isFloatFormat format_y) $ text "floatCond: non-float" return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_fx `appOL` code_fy `appOL` op (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_fx) (OpReg w reg_fy)) case op of -- Integer operations -- Add/Sub should only be Integer Options. MO_Add w -> intOp False w (\d x y -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (ADD d x y)) -- TODO: Handle sub-word case MO_Sub w -> intOp False w (\d x y -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (SUB d x y)) -- Note [CSET] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Setting conditional flags: the architecture internally knows the -- following flag bits. And based on thsoe comparisons as in the -- table below. -- -- 31 30 29 28 -- .---+---+---+---+-- - - -- | N | Z | C | V | -- '---+---+---+---+-- - - -- Negative -- Zero -- Carry -- oVerflow -- -- .------+-------------------------------------+-----------------+----------. -- | Code | Meaning | Flags | Encoding | -- |------+-------------------------------------+-----------------+----------| -- | EQ | Equal | Z = 1 | 0000 | -- | NE | Not Equal | Z = 0 | 0001 | -- | HI | Unsigned Higher | C = 1 && Z = 0 | 1000 | -- | HS | Unsigned Higher or Same | C = 1 | 0010 | -- | LS | Unsigned Lower or Same | C = 0 || Z = 1 | 1001 | -- | LO | Unsigned Lower | C = 0 | 0011 | -- | GT | Signed Greater Than | Z = 0 && N = V | 1100 | -- | GE | Signed Greater Than or Equal | N = V | 1010 | -- | LE | Signed Less Than or Equal | Z = 1 || N /= V | 1101 | -- | LT | Signed Less Than | N /= V | 1011 | -- | CS | Carry Set (Unsigned Overflow) | C = 1 | 0010 | -- | CC | Carry Clear (No Unsigned Overflow) | C = 0 | 0011 | -- | VS | Signed Overflow | V = 1 | 0110 | -- | VC | No Signed Overflow | V = 0 | 0111 | -- | MI | Minus, Negative | N = 1 | 0100 | -- | PL | Plus, Positive or Zero (!) | N = 0 | 0101 | -- | AL | Always | Any | 1110 | -- | NV | Never | Any | 1111 | --- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' -- N.B. We needn't sign-extend sub-word size (in)equality comparisons -- since we don't care about ordering. MO_Eq w -> bitOp w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d EQ ]) MO_Ne w -> bitOp w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d NE ]) -- Signed multiply/divide MO_Mul w -> intOp True w (\d x y -> unitOL $ MUL d x y) MO_S_MulMayOflo w -> do_mul_may_oflo w x y MO_S_Quot w -> intOp True w (\d x y -> unitOL $ SDIV d x y) -- No native rem instruction. So we'll compute the following -- Rd <- Rx / Ry | 2 <- 7 / 3 -- SDIV Rd Rx Ry -- Rd' <- Rx - Rd * Ry | 1 <- 7 - 2 * 3 -- MSUB Rd' Rd Ry Rx -- | '---|----------------|---' | -- | '----------------|-------' -- '--------------------------' -- Note the swap in Rx and Ry. MO_S_Rem w -> withTempIntReg w $ \t -> intOp True w (\d x y -> toOL [ SDIV t x y, MSUB d t y x ]) -- Unsigned multiply/divide MO_U_Quot w -> intOp False w (\d x y -> unitOL $ UDIV d x y) MO_U_Rem w -> withTempIntReg w $ \t -> intOp False w (\d x y -> toOL [ UDIV t x y, MSUB d t y x ]) -- Signed comparisons -- see Note [CSET] MO_S_Ge w -> intOp True w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d SGE ]) MO_S_Le w -> intOp True w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d SLE ]) MO_S_Gt w -> intOp True w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d SGT ]) MO_S_Lt w -> intOp True w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d SLT ]) -- Unsigned comparisons MO_U_Ge w -> intOp False w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d UGE ]) MO_U_Le w -> intOp False w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d ULE ]) MO_U_Gt w -> intOp False w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d UGT ]) MO_U_Lt w -> intOp False w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d ULT ]) -- Floating point arithmetic MO_F_Add w -> floatOp w (\d x y -> unitOL $ ADD d x y) MO_F_Sub w -> floatOp w (\d x y -> unitOL $ SUB d x y) MO_F_Mul w -> floatOp w (\d x y -> unitOL $ MUL d x y) MO_F_Quot w -> floatOp w (\d x y -> unitOL $ SDIV d x y) -- Floating point comparison MO_F_Eq w -> floatCond w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d EQ ]) MO_F_Ne w -> floatCond w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d NE ]) -- careful with the floating point operations. -- SLE is effectively LE or unordered (NaN) -- SLT is the same. ULE, and ULT will not return true for NaN. -- This is a bit counter-intuitive. Don't let yourself be fooled by -- the S/U prefix for floats, it's only meaningful for integers. MO_F_Ge w -> floatCond w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d OGE ]) MO_F_Le w -> floatCond w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d OLE ]) -- x <= y <=> y > x MO_F_Gt w -> floatCond w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d OGT ]) MO_F_Lt w -> floatCond w (\d x y -> toOL [ CMP x y, CSET d OLT ]) -- x < y <=> y >= x -- Bitwise operations MO_And w -> bitOp w (\d x y -> unitOL $ AND d x y) MO_Or w -> bitOp w (\d x y -> unitOL $ ORR d x y) MO_Xor w -> bitOp w (\d x y -> unitOL $ EOR d x y) MO_Shl w -> intOp False w (\d x y -> unitOL $ LSL d x y) MO_U_Shr w -> intOp False w (\d x y -> unitOL $ LSR d x y) MO_S_Shr w -> intOp True w (\d x y -> unitOL $ ASR d x y) -- TODO op -> pprPanic "getRegister' (unhandled dyadic CmmMachOp): " $ (pprMachOp op) <+> text "in" <+> (pdoc plat expr) -- Generic ternary case. CmmMachOp op [x, y, z] -> case op of -- Floating-point fused multiply-add operations -- x86 fmadd x * y + z <=> AArch64 fmadd : d = r1 * r2 + r3 -- x86 fmsub x * y - z <=> AArch64 fnmsub: d = r1 * r2 - r3 -- x86 fnmadd - x * y + z <=> AArch64 fmsub : d = - r1 * r2 + r3 -- x86 fnmsub - x * y - z <=> AArch64 fnmadd: d = - r1 * r2 - r3 MO_FMA var w -> case var of FMAdd -> float3Op w (\d n m a -> unitOL $ FMA FMAdd d n m a) FMSub -> float3Op w (\d n m a -> unitOL $ FMA FNMSub d n m a) FNMAdd -> float3Op w (\d n m a -> unitOL $ FMA FMSub d n m a) FNMSub -> float3Op w (\d n m a -> unitOL $ FMA FNMAdd d n m a) _ -> pprPanic "getRegister' (unhandled ternary CmmMachOp): " $ (pprMachOp op) <+> text "in" <+> (pdoc plat expr) where float3Op w op = do (reg_fx, format_x, code_fx) <- getFloatReg x (reg_fy, format_y, code_fy) <- getFloatReg y (reg_fz, format_z, code_fz) <- getFloatReg z massertPpr (isFloatFormat format_x && isFloatFormat format_y && isFloatFormat format_z) $ text "float3Op: non-float" return $ Any (floatFormat w) $ \ dst -> code_fx `appOL` code_fy `appOL` code_fz `appOL` op (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_fx) (OpReg w reg_fy) (OpReg w reg_fz) CmmMachOp _op _xs -> pprPanic "getRegister' (variadic CmmMachOp): " (pdoc plat expr) where isNbitEncodeable :: Int -> Integer -> Bool isNbitEncodeable n i = let shift = n - 1 in (-1 `shiftL` shift) <= i && i < (1 `shiftL` shift) -- N.B. MUL does not set the overflow flag. do_mul_may_oflo :: Width -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register do_mul_may_oflo w@W64 x y = do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, _format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y lo <- getNewRegNat II64 hi <- getNewRegNat II64 return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `appOL` code_y `snocOL` MUL (OpReg w lo) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_y) `snocOL` SMULH (OpReg w hi) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_y) `snocOL` CMP (OpReg w hi) (OpRegShift w lo SASR 63) `snocOL` CSET (OpReg w dst) NE) do_mul_may_oflo w x y = do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, _format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y let tmp_w = case w of W32 -> W64 W16 -> W32 W8 -> W32 _ -> panic "do_mul_may_oflo: impossible" -- This will hold the product tmp <- getNewRegNat (intFormat tmp_w) let ext_mode = case w of W32 -> ESXTW W16 -> ESXTH W8 -> ESXTB _ -> panic "do_mul_may_oflo: impossible" mul = case w of W32 -> SMULL W16 -> MUL W8 -> MUL _ -> panic "do_mul_may_oflo: impossible" return $ Any (intFormat w) (\dst -> code_x `appOL` code_y `snocOL` mul (OpReg tmp_w tmp) (OpReg w reg_x) (OpReg w reg_y) `snocOL` CMP (OpReg tmp_w tmp) (OpRegExt tmp_w tmp ext_mode 0) `snocOL` CSET (OpReg w dst) NE) -- | Is a given number encodable as a bitmask immediate? -- -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30904718/range-of-immediate-values-in-armv8-a64-assembly isAArch64Bitmask :: Integer -> Bool -- N.B. zero and ~0 are not encodable as bitmask immediates isAArch64Bitmask 0 = False isAArch64Bitmask n | n == bit 64 - 1 = False isAArch64Bitmask n = check 64 || check 32 || check 16 || check 8 where -- Check whether @n@ can be represented as a subpattern of the given -- width. check width | hasOneRun subpat = let n' = fromIntegral (mkPat width subpat) in n == n' | otherwise = False where subpat :: Word64 subpat = fromIntegral (n .&. (bit width - 1)) -- Construct a bit-pattern from a repeated subpatterns the given width. mkPat :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 mkPat width subpat = foldl' (.|.) 0 [ subpat `shiftL` p | p <- [0, width..63] ] -- Does the given number's bit representation match the regular expression -- @0*1*0*@? hasOneRun :: Word64 -> Bool hasOneRun m = 64 == popCount m + countLeadingZeros m + countTrailingZeros m -- | Instructions to sign-extend the value in the given register from width @w@ -- up to width @w'@. signExtendReg :: Width -> Width -> Reg -> NatM (Reg, OrdList Instr) signExtendReg w w' r = case w of W64 -> noop W32 | w' == W32 -> noop | otherwise -> extend SXTH W16 -> extend SXTH W8 -> extend SXTB _ -> panic "intOp" where noop = return (r, nilOL) extend instr = do r' <- getNewRegNat II64 return (r', unitOL $ instr (OpReg w' r') (OpReg w' r)) -- | Instructions to truncate the value in the given register from width @w@ -- down to width @w'@. truncateReg :: Width -> Width -> Reg -> OrdList Instr truncateReg w w' r = case w of W64 -> nilOL W32 | w' == W32 -> nilOL _ -> unitOL $ UBFM (OpReg w r) (OpReg w r) (OpImm (ImmInt 0)) (OpImm $ ImmInt $ widthInBits w' - 1) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The 'Amode' type: Memory addressing modes passed up the tree. data Amode = Amode AddrMode InstrBlock getAmode :: Platform -> Width -- ^ width of loaded value -> CmmExpr -> NatM Amode -- TODO: Specialize stuff we can destructure here. -- OPTIMIZATION WARNING: Addressing modes. -- Addressing options: -- LDUR/STUR: imm9: -256 - 255 getAmode platform _ (CmmRegOff reg off) | -256 <= off, off <= 255 = return $ Amode (AddrRegImm reg' off') nilOL where reg' = getRegisterReg platform reg off' = ImmInt off -- LDR/STR: imm12: if reg is 32bit: 0 -- 16380 in multiples of 4 getAmode platform W32 (CmmRegOff reg off) | 0 <= off, off <= 16380, off `mod` 4 == 0 = return $ Amode (AddrRegImm reg' off') nilOL where reg' = getRegisterReg platform reg off' = ImmInt off -- LDR/STR: imm12: if reg is 64bit: 0 -- 32760 in multiples of 8 getAmode platform W64 (CmmRegOff reg off) | 0 <= off, off <= 32760, off `mod` 8 == 0 = return $ Amode (AddrRegImm reg' off') nilOL where reg' = getRegisterReg platform reg off' = ImmInt off -- For Stores we often see something like this: -- CmmStore (CmmMachOp (MO_Add w) [CmmLoad expr, CmmLit (CmmInt n w')]) (expr2) -- E.g. a CmmStoreOff really. This can be translated to `str $expr2, [$expr, #n ] -- for `n` in range. getAmode _platform _ (CmmMachOp (MO_Add _w) [expr, CmmLit (CmmInt off _w')]) | -256 <= off, off <= 255 = do (reg, _format, code) <- getSomeReg expr return $ Amode (AddrRegImm reg (ImmInteger off)) code getAmode _platform _ (CmmMachOp (MO_Sub _w) [expr, CmmLit (CmmInt off _w')]) | -256 <= -off, -off <= 255 = do (reg, _format, code) <- getSomeReg expr return $ Amode (AddrRegImm reg (ImmInteger (-off))) code -- Generic case getAmode _platform _ expr = do (reg, _format, code) <- getSomeReg expr return $ Amode (AddrReg reg) code -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generating assignments -- Assignments are really at the heart of the whole code generation -- business. Almost all top-level nodes of any real importance are -- assignments, which correspond to loads, stores, or register -- transfers. If we're really lucky, some of the register transfers -- will go away, because we can use the destination register to -- complete the code generation for the right hand side. This only -- fails when the right hand side is forced into a fixed register -- (e.g. the result of a call). assignMem_IntCode :: Format -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock assignReg_IntCode :: Format -> CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock assignMem_FltCode :: Format -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock assignReg_FltCode :: Format -> CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock assignMem_IntCode rep addrE srcE = do (src_reg, _format, code) <- getSomeReg srcE platform <- getPlatform let w = formatToWidth rep Amode addr addr_code <- getAmode platform w addrE return $ COMMENT (text "CmmStore" <+> parens (text (show addrE)) <+> parens (text (show srcE))) `consOL` (code `appOL` addr_code `snocOL` STR rep (OpReg w src_reg) (OpAddr addr)) assignReg_IntCode _ reg src = do platform <- getPlatform let dst = getRegisterReg platform reg r <- getRegister src return $ case r of Any _ code -> COMMENT (text "CmmAssign" <+> parens (text (show reg)) <+> parens (text (show src))) `consOL` code dst Fixed format freg fcode -> COMMENT (text "CmmAssign" <+> parens (text (show reg)) <+> parens (text (show src))) `consOL` (fcode `snocOL` MOV (OpReg (formatToWidth format) dst) (OpReg (formatToWidth format) freg)) -- Let's treat Floating point stuff -- as integer code for now. Opaque. assignMem_FltCode = assignMem_IntCode assignReg_FltCode = assignReg_IntCode -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Jumps genJump :: CmmExpr{-the branch target-} -> NatM InstrBlock genJump expr@(CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) = return $ unitOL (annExpr expr (J (TLabel lbl))) genJump expr = do (target, _format, code) <- getSomeReg expr return (code `appOL` unitOL (annExpr expr (J (TReg target)))) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unconditional branches genBranch :: BlockId -> NatM InstrBlock genBranch = return . toOL . mkJumpInstr -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Conditional branches genCondJump :: BlockId -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock genCondJump bid expr = do case expr of -- Optimized == 0 case. CmmMachOp (MO_Eq w) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt 0 _)] -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ code_x `snocOL` (annExpr expr (CBZ (OpReg w reg_x) (TBlock bid))) -- Optimized /= 0 case. CmmMachOp (MO_Ne w) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt 0 _)] -> do (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x return $ code_x `snocOL` (annExpr expr (CBNZ (OpReg w reg_x) (TBlock bid))) -- Generic case. CmmMachOp mop [x, y] -> do let ubcond w cmp = do -- compute both sides. (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, _format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y let x' = OpReg w reg_x y' = OpReg w reg_y return $ case w of W8 -> code_x `appOL` code_y `appOL` toOL [ UXTB x' x', UXTB y' y', CMP x' y', (annExpr expr (BCOND cmp (TBlock bid))) ] W16 -> code_x `appOL` code_y `appOL` toOL [ UXTH x' x', UXTH y' y', CMP x' y', (annExpr expr (BCOND cmp (TBlock bid))) ] _ -> code_x `appOL` code_y `appOL` toOL [ CMP x' y', (annExpr expr (BCOND cmp (TBlock bid))) ] sbcond w cmp = do -- compute both sides. (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x (reg_y, _format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y let x' = OpReg w reg_x y' = OpReg w reg_y return $ case w of W8 -> code_x `appOL` code_y `appOL` toOL [ SXTB x' x', SXTB y' y', CMP x' y', (annExpr expr (BCOND cmp (TBlock bid))) ] W16 -> code_x `appOL` code_y `appOL` toOL [ SXTH x' x', SXTH y' y', CMP x' y', (annExpr expr (BCOND cmp (TBlock bid))) ] _ -> code_x `appOL` code_y `appOL` toOL [ CMP x' y', (annExpr expr (BCOND cmp (TBlock bid))) ] fbcond w cmp = do -- ensure we get float regs (reg_fx, _format_fx, code_fx) <- getFloatReg x (reg_fy, _format_fy, code_fy) <- getFloatReg y return $ code_fx `appOL` code_fy `snocOL` CMP (OpReg w reg_fx) (OpReg w reg_fy) `snocOL` (annExpr expr (BCOND cmp (TBlock bid))) case mop of MO_F_Eq w -> fbcond w EQ MO_F_Ne w -> fbcond w NE MO_F_Gt w -> fbcond w OGT MO_F_Ge w -> fbcond w OGE MO_F_Lt w -> fbcond w OLT MO_F_Le w -> fbcond w OLE MO_Eq w -> sbcond w EQ MO_Ne w -> sbcond w NE MO_S_Gt w -> sbcond w SGT MO_S_Ge w -> sbcond w SGE MO_S_Lt w -> sbcond w SLT MO_S_Le w -> sbcond w SLE MO_U_Gt w -> ubcond w UGT MO_U_Ge w -> ubcond w UGE MO_U_Lt w -> ubcond w ULT MO_U_Le w -> ubcond w ULE _ -> pprPanic "AArch64.genCondJump:case mop: " (text $ show expr) _ -> pprPanic "AArch64.genCondJump: " (text $ show expr) genCondBranch :: BlockId -- the source of the jump -> BlockId -- the true branch target -> BlockId -- the false branch target -> CmmExpr -- the condition on which to branch -> NatM InstrBlock -- Instructions genCondBranch _ true false expr = do b1 <- genCondJump true expr b2 <- genBranch false return (b1 `appOL` b2) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generating C calls -- Now the biggest nightmare---calls. Most of the nastiness is buried in -- @get_arg@, which moves the arguments to the correct registers/stack -- locations. Apart from that, the code is easy. -- -- As per *convention*: -- x0-x7: (volatile) argument registers -- x8: (volatile) indirect result register / Linux syscall no -- x9-x15: (volatile) caller saved regs -- x16,x17: (volatile) intra-procedure-call registers -- x18: (volatile) platform register. don't use for portability -- x19-x28: (non-volatile) callee save regs -- x29: (non-volatile) frame pointer -- x30: link register -- x31: stack pointer / zero reg -- -- Thus, this is what a c function will expect. Find the arguments in x0-x7, -- anything above that on the stack. We'll ignore c functions with more than -- 8 arguments for now. Sorry. -- -- We need to make sure we preserve x9-x15, don't want to touch x16, x17. -- Note [PLT vs GOT relocations] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- When linking objects together, we may need to lookup foreign references. That -- is symbolic references to functions or values in other objects. When -- compiling the object, we can not know where those elements will end up in -- memory (relative to the current location). Thus the use of symbols. There -- are two types of items we are interested, code segments we want to jump to -- and continue execution there (functions, ...), and data items we want to look -- up (strings, numbers, ...). For functions we can use the fact that we can use -- an intermediate jump without visibility to the programs execution. If we -- want to jump to a function that is simply too far away to reach for the B/BL -- instruction, we can create a small piece of code that loads the full target -- address and jumps to that on demand. Say f wants to call g, however g is out -- of range for a direct jump, we can create a function h in range for f, that -- will load the address of g, and jump there. The area where we construct h -- is called the Procedure Linking Table (PLT), we have essentially replaced -- f -> g with f -> h -> g. This is fine for function calls. However if we -- want to lookup values, this trick doesn't work, so we need something else. -- We will instead reserve a slot in memory, and have a symbol pointing to that -- slot. Now what we essentially do is, we reference that slot, and expect that -- slot to hold the final resting address of the data we are interested in. -- Thus what that symbol really points to is the location of the final data. -- The block of memory where we hold all those slots is the Global Offset Table -- (GOT). Instead of x <- $foo, we now do y <- $fooPtr, and x <- [$y]. -- -- For JUMP/CALLs we have 26bits (+/- 128MB), for conditional branches we only -- have 19bits (+/- 1MB). Symbol lookups are also within +/- 1MB, thus for most -- of the LOAD/STOREs we'd want to use adrp, and add to compute a value within -- 4GB of the PC, and load that. For anything outside of that range, we'd have -- to go through the GOT. -- -- adrp x0, -- add x0, :lo: -- -- will compute the address of int x0 if is within 4GB of the -- PC. -- -- If we want to get the slot in the global offset table (GOT), we can do this: -- -- adrp x0, #:got: -- ldr x0, [x0, #:got_lo12:] -- -- this will compute the address anywhere in the addressable 64bit space into -- x0, by loading the address from the GOT slot. -- -- To actually get the value of , we'd need to ldr x0, x0 still, which -- for the first case can be optimized to use ldr x0, [x0, #:lo12:] -- instead of the add instruction. -- -- As the memory model for AArch64 for PIC is considered to be +/- 4GB, we do -- not need to go through the GOT, unless we want to address the full address -- range within 64bit. genCCall :: ForeignTarget -- function to call -> [CmmFormal] -- where to put the result -> [CmmActual] -- arguments (of mixed type) -> BlockId -- The block we are in -> NatM (InstrBlock, Maybe BlockId) -- TODO: Specialize where we can. -- Generic impl genCCall target dest_regs arg_regs bid = do -- we want to pass arg_regs into allArgRegs -- pprTraceM "genCCall target" (ppr target) -- pprTraceM "genCCall formal" (ppr dest_regs) -- pprTraceM "genCCall actual" (ppr arg_regs) case target of -- The target :: ForeignTarget call can either -- be a foreign procedure with an address expr -- and a calling convention. ForeignTarget expr _cconv -> do (call_target, call_target_code) <- case expr of -- if this is a label, let's just directly to it. This will produce the -- correct CALL relocation for BL... (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) -> pure (TLabel lbl, nilOL) -- ... if it's not a label--well--let's compute the expression into a -- register and jump to that. See Note [PLT vs GOT relocations] _ -> do (reg, _format, reg_code) <- getSomeReg expr pure (TReg reg, reg_code) -- compute the code and register logic for all arg_regs. -- this will give us the format information to match on. arg_regs' <- mapM getSomeReg arg_regs -- Now this is stupid. Our Cmm expressions doesn't carry the proper sizes -- so while in Cmm we might get W64 incorrectly for an int, that is W32 in -- STG; this thenn breaks packing of stack arguments, if we need to pack -- for the pcs, e.g. darwinpcs. Option one would be to fix the Int type -- in Cmm proper. Option two, which we choose here is to use extended Hint -- information to contain the size information and use that when packing -- arguments, spilled onto the stack. let (_res_hints, arg_hints) = foreignTargetHints target arg_regs'' = zipWith (\(r, f, c) h -> (r,f,h,c)) arg_regs' arg_hints platform <- getPlatform let packStack = platformOS platform == OSDarwin (stackSpace', passRegs, passArgumentsCode) <- passArguments packStack allGpArgRegs allFpArgRegs arg_regs'' 0 [] nilOL -- if we pack the stack, we may need to adjust to multiple of 8byte. -- if we don't pack the stack, it will always be multiple of 8. let stackSpace = if stackSpace' `mod` 8 /= 0 then 8 * (stackSpace' `div` 8 + 1) else stackSpace' (returnRegs, readResultsCode) <- readResults allGpArgRegs allFpArgRegs dest_regs [] nilOL let moveStackDown 0 = toOL [ PUSH_STACK_FRAME , DELTA (-16) ] moveStackDown i | odd i = moveStackDown (i + 1) moveStackDown i = toOL [ PUSH_STACK_FRAME , SUB (OpReg W64 (regSingle 31)) (OpReg W64 (regSingle 31)) (OpImm (ImmInt (8 * i))) , DELTA (-8 * i - 16) ] moveStackUp 0 = toOL [ POP_STACK_FRAME , DELTA 0 ] moveStackUp i | odd i = moveStackUp (i + 1) moveStackUp i = toOL [ ADD (OpReg W64 (regSingle 31)) (OpReg W64 (regSingle 31)) (OpImm (ImmInt (8 * i))) , POP_STACK_FRAME , DELTA 0 ] let code = call_target_code -- compute the label (possibly into a register) `appOL` moveStackDown (stackSpace `div` 8) `appOL` passArgumentsCode -- put the arguments into x0, ... `appOL` (unitOL $ BL call_target passRegs returnRegs) -- branch and link. `appOL` readResultsCode -- parse the results into registers `appOL` moveStackUp (stackSpace `div` 8) return (code, Nothing) PrimTarget MO_F32_Fabs | [arg_reg] <- arg_regs, [dest_reg] <- dest_regs -> unaryFloatOp W32 (\d x -> unitOL $ FABS d x) arg_reg dest_reg PrimTarget MO_F64_Fabs | [arg_reg] <- arg_regs, [dest_reg] <- dest_regs -> unaryFloatOp W64 (\d x -> unitOL $ FABS d x) arg_reg dest_reg -- or a possibly side-effecting machine operation -- mop :: CallishMachOp (see GHC.Cmm.MachOp) PrimTarget mop -> do -- We'll need config to construct forien targets case mop of -- 64 bit float ops MO_F64_Pwr -> mkCCall "pow" MO_F64_Sin -> mkCCall "sin" MO_F64_Cos -> mkCCall "cos" MO_F64_Tan -> mkCCall "tan" MO_F64_Sinh -> mkCCall "sinh" MO_F64_Cosh -> mkCCall "cosh" MO_F64_Tanh -> mkCCall "tanh" MO_F64_Asin -> mkCCall "asin" MO_F64_Acos -> mkCCall "acos" MO_F64_Atan -> mkCCall "atan" MO_F64_Asinh -> mkCCall "asinh" MO_F64_Acosh -> mkCCall "acosh" MO_F64_Atanh -> mkCCall "atanh" MO_F64_Log -> mkCCall "log" MO_F64_Log1P -> mkCCall "log1p" MO_F64_Exp -> mkCCall "exp" MO_F64_ExpM1 -> mkCCall "expm1" MO_F64_Fabs -> mkCCall "fabs" MO_F64_Sqrt -> mkCCall "sqrt" -- 32 bit float ops MO_F32_Pwr -> mkCCall "powf" MO_F32_Sin -> mkCCall "sinf" MO_F32_Cos -> mkCCall "cosf" MO_F32_Tan -> mkCCall "tanf" MO_F32_Sinh -> mkCCall "sinhf" MO_F32_Cosh -> mkCCall "coshf" MO_F32_Tanh -> mkCCall "tanhf" MO_F32_Asin -> mkCCall "asinf" MO_F32_Acos -> mkCCall "acosf" MO_F32_Atan -> mkCCall "atanf" MO_F32_Asinh -> mkCCall "asinhf" MO_F32_Acosh -> mkCCall "acoshf" MO_F32_Atanh -> mkCCall "atanhf" MO_F32_Log -> mkCCall "logf" MO_F32_Log1P -> mkCCall "log1pf" MO_F32_Exp -> mkCCall "expf" MO_F32_ExpM1 -> mkCCall "expm1f" MO_F32_Fabs -> mkCCall "fabsf" MO_F32_Sqrt -> mkCCall "sqrtf" -- 64-bit primops MO_I64_ToI -> mkCCall "hs_int64ToInt" MO_I64_FromI -> mkCCall "hs_intToInt64" MO_W64_ToW -> mkCCall "hs_word64ToWord" MO_W64_FromW -> mkCCall "hs_wordToWord64" MO_x64_Neg -> mkCCall "hs_neg64" MO_x64_Add -> mkCCall "hs_add64" MO_x64_Sub -> mkCCall "hs_sub64" MO_x64_Mul -> mkCCall "hs_mul64" MO_I64_Quot -> mkCCall "hs_quotInt64" MO_I64_Rem -> mkCCall "hs_remInt64" MO_W64_Quot -> mkCCall "hs_quotWord64" MO_W64_Rem -> mkCCall "hs_remWord64" MO_x64_And -> mkCCall "hs_and64" MO_x64_Or -> mkCCall "hs_or64" MO_x64_Xor -> mkCCall "hs_xor64" MO_x64_Not -> mkCCall "hs_not64" MO_x64_Shl -> mkCCall "hs_uncheckedShiftL64" MO_I64_Shr -> mkCCall "hs_uncheckedIShiftRA64" MO_W64_Shr -> mkCCall "hs_uncheckedShiftRL64" MO_x64_Eq -> mkCCall "hs_eq64" MO_x64_Ne -> mkCCall "hs_ne64" MO_I64_Ge -> mkCCall "hs_geInt64" MO_I64_Gt -> mkCCall "hs_gtInt64" MO_I64_Le -> mkCCall "hs_leInt64" MO_I64_Lt -> mkCCall "hs_ltInt64" MO_W64_Ge -> mkCCall "hs_geWord64" MO_W64_Gt -> mkCCall "hs_gtWord64" MO_W64_Le -> mkCCall "hs_leWord64" MO_W64_Lt -> mkCCall "hs_ltWord64" -- Conversion MO_UF_Conv w -> mkCCall (word2FloatLabel w) -- Arithmatic -- These are not supported on X86, so I doubt they are used much. MO_S_Mul2 _w -> unsupported mop MO_S_QuotRem _w -> unsupported mop MO_U_QuotRem _w -> unsupported mop MO_U_QuotRem2 _w -> unsupported mop MO_Add2 _w -> unsupported mop MO_AddWordC _w -> unsupported mop MO_SubWordC _w -> unsupported mop MO_AddIntC _w -> unsupported mop MO_SubIntC _w -> unsupported mop MO_U_Mul2 _w -> unsupported mop -- Memory Ordering -- TODO DMBSY is probably *way* too much! MO_ReadBarrier -> return (unitOL DMBSY, Nothing) MO_WriteBarrier -> return (unitOL DMBSY, Nothing) MO_Touch -> return (nilOL, Nothing) -- Keep variables live (when using interior pointers) -- Prefetch MO_Prefetch_Data _n -> return (nilOL, Nothing) -- Prefetch hint. -- Memory copy/set/move/cmp, with alignment for optimization -- TODO Optimize and use e.g. quad registers to move memory around instead -- of offloading this to memcpy. For small memcpys we can utilize -- the 128bit quad registers in NEON to move block of bytes around. -- Might also make sense of small memsets? Use xzr? What's the function -- call overhead? MO_Memcpy _align -> mkCCall "memcpy" MO_Memset _align -> mkCCall "memset" MO_Memmove _align -> mkCCall "memmove" MO_Memcmp _align -> mkCCall "memcmp" MO_SuspendThread -> mkCCall "suspendThread" MO_ResumeThread -> mkCCall "resumeThread" MO_PopCnt w -> mkCCall (popCntLabel w) MO_Pdep w -> mkCCall (pdepLabel w) MO_Pext w -> mkCCall (pextLabel w) MO_Clz w -> mkCCall (clzLabel w) MO_Ctz w -> mkCCall (ctzLabel w) MO_BSwap w -> mkCCall (bSwapLabel w) MO_BRev w -> mkCCall (bRevLabel w) -- -- Atomic read-modify-write. MO_AtomicRead w ord | [p_reg] <- arg_regs , [dst_reg] <- dest_regs -> do (p, _fmt_p, code_p) <- getSomeReg p_reg platform <- getPlatform let instr = case ord of MemOrderRelaxed -> LDR _ -> LDAR dst = getRegisterReg platform (CmmLocal dst_reg) code = code_p `snocOL` instr (intFormat w) (OpReg w dst) (OpAddr $ AddrReg p) return (code, Nothing) | otherwise -> panic "mal-formed AtomicRead" MO_AtomicWrite w ord | [p_reg, val_reg] <- arg_regs -> do (p, _fmt_p, code_p) <- getSomeReg p_reg (val, fmt_val, code_val) <- getSomeReg val_reg let instr = case ord of MemOrderRelaxed -> STR _ -> STLR code = code_p `appOL` code_val `snocOL` instr fmt_val (OpReg w val) (OpAddr $ AddrReg p) return (code, Nothing) | otherwise -> panic "mal-formed AtomicWrite" MO_AtomicRMW w amop -> mkCCall (atomicRMWLabel w amop) MO_Cmpxchg w -> mkCCall (cmpxchgLabel w) -- -- Should be an AtomicRMW variant eventually. -- -- Sequential consistent. -- TODO: this should be implemented properly! MO_Xchg w -> mkCCall (xchgLabel w) where unsupported :: Show a => a -> b unsupported mop = panic ("outOfLineCmmOp: " ++ show mop ++ " not supported here") mkCCall :: FastString -> NatM (InstrBlock, Maybe BlockId) mkCCall name = do config <- getConfig target <- cmmMakeDynamicReference config CallReference $ mkForeignLabel name Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction let cconv = ForeignConvention CCallConv [NoHint] [NoHint] CmmMayReturn genCCall (ForeignTarget target cconv) dest_regs arg_regs bid -- TODO: Optimize using paired stores and loads (STP, LDP). It is -- automatically done by the allocator for us. However it's not optimal, -- as we'd rather want to have control over -- all spill/load registers, so we can optimize with instructions like -- STP xA, xB, [sp, #-16]! -- and -- LDP xA, xB, sp, #16 -- passArguments :: Bool -> [Reg] -> [Reg] -> [(Reg, Format, ForeignHint, InstrBlock)] -> Int -> [Reg] -> InstrBlock -> NatM (Int, [Reg], InstrBlock) passArguments _packStack _ _ [] stackSpace accumRegs accumCode = return (stackSpace, accumRegs, accumCode) -- passArguments _ _ [] accumCode stackSpace | isEven stackSpace = return $ SUM (OpReg W64 x31) (OpReg W64 x31) OpImm (ImmInt (-8 * stackSpace)) -- passArguments _ _ [] accumCode stackSpace = return $ SUM (OpReg W64 x31) (OpReg W64 x31) OpImm (ImmInt (-8 * (stackSpace + 1))) -- passArguments [] fpRegs (arg0:arg1:args) stack accumCode = do -- -- allocate this on the stack -- (r0, format0, code_r0) <- getSomeReg arg0 -- (r1, format1, code_r1) <- getSomeReg arg1 -- let w0 = formatToWidth format0 -- w1 = formatToWidth format1 -- stackCode = unitOL $ STP (OpReg w0 r0) (OpReg w1 R1), (OpAddr (AddrRegImm x31 (ImmInt (stackSpace * 8))) -- passArguments gpRegs (fpReg:fpRegs) args (stackCode `appOL` accumCode) -- float promotion. -- According to -- ISO/IEC 9899:2018 -- Information technology — Programming languages — C -- -- e.g. -- http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1124.pdf -- http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1256.pdf -- -- GHC would need to know the prototype. -- -- > If the expression that denotes the called function has a type that does not include a -- > prototype, the integer promotions are performed on each argument, and arguments that -- > have type float are promoted to double. -- -- As we have no way to get prototypes for C yet, we'll *not* promote this -- which is in line with the x86_64 backend :( -- -- See the encode_values.cmm test. -- -- We would essentially need to insert an FCVT (OpReg W64 fpReg) (OpReg W32 fpReg) -- if w == W32. But *only* if we don't have a prototype m( -- -- For AArch64 specificies see: https://developer.arm.com/docs/ihi0055/latest/procedure-call-standard-for-the-arm-64-bit-architecture -- -- Still have GP regs, and we want to pass an GP argument. -- AArch64-Darwin: stack packing and alignment -- -- According to the "Writing ARM64 Code for Apple Platforms" document form -- Apple, specifically the section "Handle Data Types and Data Alignment Properly" -- we need to not only pack, but also align arguments on the stack. -- -- Data type Size (in bytes) Natural alignment (in bytes) -- BOOL, bool 1 1 -- char 1 1 -- short 2 2 -- int 4 4 -- long 8 8 -- long long 8 8 -- pointer 8 8 -- size_t 8 8 -- NSInteger 8 8 -- CFIndex 8 8 -- fpos_t 8 8 -- off_t 8 8 -- -- We can see that types are aligned by their sizes so the easiest way to -- guarantee alignment during packing seems to be to pad to a multiple of the -- size we want to pack. Failure to get this right can result in pretty -- subtle bugs, e.g. #20137. passArguments pack (gpReg:gpRegs) fpRegs ((r, format, hint, code_r):args) stackSpace accumRegs accumCode | isIntFormat format = do platform <- getPlatform let w = formatToWidth format mov -- Specifically, Darwin/AArch64's ABI requires that the caller -- sign-extend arguments which are smaller than 32-bits. | w < W32 , platformCConvNeedsExtension platform , SignedHint <- hint = case w of W8 -> SXTB (OpReg W64 gpReg) (OpReg w r) W16 -> SXTH (OpReg W64 gpReg) (OpReg w r) _ -> panic "impossible" | otherwise = MOV (OpReg w gpReg) (OpReg w r) accumCode' = accumCode `appOL` code_r `snocOL` ann (text "Pass gp argument: " <> ppr r) mov passArguments pack gpRegs fpRegs args stackSpace (gpReg:accumRegs) accumCode' -- Still have FP regs, and we want to pass an FP argument. passArguments pack gpRegs (fpReg:fpRegs) ((r, format, _hint, code_r):args) stackSpace accumRegs accumCode | isFloatFormat format = do let w = formatToWidth format mov = MOV (OpReg w fpReg) (OpReg w r) accumCode' = accumCode `appOL` code_r `snocOL` ann (text "Pass fp argument: " <> ppr r) mov passArguments pack gpRegs fpRegs args stackSpace (fpReg:accumRegs) accumCode' -- No mor regs left to pass. Must pass on stack. passArguments pack [] [] ((r, format, _hint, code_r):args) stackSpace accumRegs accumCode = do let w = formatToWidth format bytes = widthInBits w `div` 8 space = if pack then bytes else 8 stackSpace' | pack && stackSpace `mod` space /= 0 = stackSpace + space - (stackSpace `mod` space) | otherwise = stackSpace str = STR format (OpReg w r) (OpAddr (AddrRegImm (regSingle 31) (ImmInt stackSpace'))) stackCode = code_r `snocOL` ann (text "Pass argument (size " <> ppr w <> text ") on the stack: " <> ppr r) str passArguments pack [] [] args (stackSpace'+space) accumRegs (stackCode `appOL` accumCode) -- Still have fpRegs left, but want to pass a GP argument. Must be passed on the stack then. passArguments pack [] fpRegs ((r, format, _hint, code_r):args) stackSpace accumRegs accumCode | isIntFormat format = do let w = formatToWidth format bytes = widthInBits w `div` 8 space = if pack then bytes else 8 stackSpace' | pack && stackSpace `mod` space /= 0 = stackSpace + space - (stackSpace `mod` space) | otherwise = stackSpace str = STR format (OpReg w r) (OpAddr (AddrRegImm (regSingle 31) (ImmInt stackSpace'))) stackCode = code_r `snocOL` ann (text "Pass argument (size " <> ppr w <> text ") on the stack: " <> ppr r) str passArguments pack [] fpRegs args (stackSpace'+space) accumRegs (stackCode `appOL` accumCode) -- Still have gpRegs left, but want to pass a FP argument. Must be passed on the stack then. passArguments pack gpRegs [] ((r, format, _hint, code_r):args) stackSpace accumRegs accumCode | isFloatFormat format = do let w = formatToWidth format bytes = widthInBits w `div` 8 space = if pack then bytes else 8 stackSpace' | pack && stackSpace `mod` space /= 0 = stackSpace + space - (stackSpace `mod` space) | otherwise = stackSpace str = STR format (OpReg w r) (OpAddr (AddrRegImm (regSingle 31) (ImmInt stackSpace'))) stackCode = code_r `snocOL` ann (text "Pass argument (size " <> ppr w <> text ") on the stack: " <> ppr r) str passArguments pack gpRegs [] args (stackSpace'+space) accumRegs (stackCode `appOL` accumCode) passArguments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = pprPanic "passArguments" (text "invalid state") readResults :: [Reg] -> [Reg] -> [LocalReg] -> [Reg]-> InstrBlock -> NatM ([Reg], InstrBlock) readResults _ _ [] accumRegs accumCode = return (accumRegs, accumCode) readResults [] _ _ _ _ = do platform <- getPlatform pprPanic "genCCall, out of gp registers when reading results" (pdoc platform target) readResults _ [] _ _ _ = do platform <- getPlatform pprPanic "genCCall, out of fp registers when reading results" (pdoc platform target) readResults (gpReg:gpRegs) (fpReg:fpRegs) (dst:dsts) accumRegs accumCode = do -- gp/fp reg -> dst platform <- getPlatform let rep = cmmRegType (CmmLocal dst) format = cmmTypeFormat rep w = cmmRegWidth (CmmLocal dst) r_dst = getRegisterReg platform (CmmLocal dst) if isFloatFormat format then readResults (gpReg:gpRegs) fpRegs dsts (fpReg:accumRegs) (accumCode `snocOL` MOV (OpReg w r_dst) (OpReg w fpReg)) else readResults gpRegs (fpReg:fpRegs) dsts (gpReg:accumRegs) (accumCode `snocOL` MOV (OpReg w r_dst) (OpReg w gpReg)) unaryFloatOp w op arg_reg dest_reg = do platform <- getPlatform (reg_fx, _format_x, code_fx) <- getFloatReg arg_reg let dst = getRegisterReg platform (CmmLocal dest_reg) let code = code_fx `appOL` op (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_fx) return (code, Nothing)