module GHC.CmmToAsm.Dwarf ( dwarfGen ) where import GhcPrelude import GHC.Cmm.CLabel import GHC.Cmm.Expr ( GlobalReg(..) ) import Config ( cProjectName, cProjectVersion ) import GHC.Core ( Tickish(..) ) import GHC.Cmm.DebugBlock import GHC.Driver.Session import Module import Outputable import GHC.Platform import Unique import UniqSupply import GHC.CmmToAsm.Dwarf.Constants import GHC.CmmToAsm.Dwarf.Types import Control.Arrow ( first ) import Control.Monad ( mfilter ) import Data.Maybe import Data.List ( sortBy ) import Data.Ord ( comparing ) import qualified Data.Map as Map import System.FilePath import System.Directory ( getCurrentDirectory ) import qualified GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label as H import qualified GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections as H -- | Generate DWARF/debug information dwarfGen :: DynFlags -> ModLocation -> UniqSupply -> [DebugBlock] -> IO (SDoc, UniqSupply) dwarfGen _ _ us [] = return (empty, us) dwarfGen df modLoc us blocks = do let platform = targetPlatform df -- Convert debug data structures to DWARF info records -- We strip out block information when running with -g0 or -g1. let procs = debugSplitProcs blocks stripBlocks dbg | debugLevel df < 2 = dbg { dblBlocks = [] } | otherwise = dbg compPath <- getCurrentDirectory let lowLabel = dblCLabel $ head procs highLabel = mkAsmTempEndLabel $ dblCLabel $ last procs dwarfUnit = DwarfCompileUnit { dwChildren = map (procToDwarf df) (map stripBlocks procs) , dwName = fromMaybe "" (ml_hs_file modLoc) , dwCompDir = addTrailingPathSeparator compPath , dwProducer = cProjectName ++ " " ++ cProjectVersion , dwLowLabel = lowLabel , dwHighLabel = highLabel , dwLineLabel = dwarfLineLabel } -- Check whether we have any source code information, so we do not -- end up writing a pointer to an empty .debug_line section -- (dsymutil on Mac Os gets confused by this). let haveSrcIn blk = isJust (dblSourceTick blk) && isJust (dblPosition blk) || any haveSrcIn (dblBlocks blk) haveSrc = any haveSrcIn procs -- .debug_abbrev section: Declare the format we're using let abbrevSct = pprAbbrevDecls platform haveSrc -- .debug_info section: Information records on procedures and blocks let -- unique to identify start and end compilation unit .debug_inf (unitU, us') = takeUniqFromSupply us infoSct = vcat [ ptext dwarfInfoLabel <> colon , dwarfInfoSection platform , compileUnitHeader platform unitU , pprDwarfInfo platform haveSrc dwarfUnit , compileUnitFooter unitU ] -- .debug_line section: Generated mainly by the assembler, but we -- need to label it let lineSct = dwarfLineSection platform $$ ptext dwarfLineLabel <> colon -- .debug_frame section: Information about the layout of the GHC stack let (framesU, us'') = takeUniqFromSupply us' frameSct = dwarfFrameSection platform $$ ptext dwarfFrameLabel <> colon $$ pprDwarfFrame platform (debugFrame framesU procs) -- .aranges section: Information about the bounds of compilation units let aranges' | gopt Opt_SplitSections df = map mkDwarfARange procs | otherwise = [DwarfARange lowLabel highLabel] let aranges = dwarfARangesSection platform $$ pprDwarfARanges platform aranges' unitU return (infoSct $$ abbrevSct $$ lineSct $$ frameSct $$ aranges, us'') -- | Build an address range entry for one proc. -- With split sections, each proc needs its own entry, since they may get -- scattered in the final binary. Without split sections, we could make a -- single arange based on the first/last proc. mkDwarfARange :: DebugBlock -> DwarfARange mkDwarfARange proc = DwarfARange start end where start = dblCLabel proc end = mkAsmTempEndLabel start -- | Header for a compilation unit, establishing global format -- parameters compileUnitHeader :: Platform -> Unique -> SDoc compileUnitHeader platform unitU = let cuLabel = mkAsmTempLabel unitU -- sits right before initialLength field length = ppr (mkAsmTempEndLabel cuLabel) <> char '-' <> ppr cuLabel <> text "-4" -- length of initialLength field in vcat [ ppr cuLabel <> colon , text "\t.long " <> length -- compilation unit size , pprHalf 3 -- DWARF version , sectionOffset platform (ptext dwarfAbbrevLabel) (ptext dwarfAbbrevLabel) -- abbrevs offset , text "\t.byte " <> ppr (platformWordSizeInBytes platform) -- word size ] -- | Compilation unit footer, mainly establishing size of debug sections compileUnitFooter :: Unique -> SDoc compileUnitFooter unitU = let cuEndLabel = mkAsmTempEndLabel $ mkAsmTempLabel unitU in ppr cuEndLabel <> colon -- | Splits the blocks by procedures. In the result all nested blocks -- will come from the same procedure as the top-level block. See -- Note [Splitting DebugBlocks] for details. debugSplitProcs :: [DebugBlock] -> [DebugBlock] debugSplitProcs b = concat $ H.mapElems $ mergeMaps $ map (split Nothing) b where mergeMaps = foldr (H.mapUnionWithKey (const (++))) H.mapEmpty split :: Maybe DebugBlock -> DebugBlock -> H.LabelMap [DebugBlock] split parent blk = H.mapInsert prc [blk'] nested where prc = dblProcedure blk blk' = blk { dblBlocks = own_blks , dblParent = parent } own_blks = fromMaybe [] $ H.mapLookup prc nested nested = mergeMaps $ map (split parent') $ dblBlocks blk -- Figure out who should be the parent of nested blocks. -- If @blk@ is optimized out then it isn't a good choice -- and we just use its parent. parent' | Nothing <- dblPosition blk = parent | otherwise = Just blk {- Note [Splitting DebugBlocks] DWARF requires that we break up the nested DebugBlocks produced from the C-- AST. For instance, we begin with tick trees containing nested procs. For example, proc A [tick1, tick2] block B [tick3] proc C [tick4] when producing DWARF we need to procs (which are represented in DWARF as TAG_subprogram DIEs) to be top-level DIEs. debugSplitProcs is responsible for this transform, pulling out the nested procs into top-level procs. However, in doing this we need to be careful to preserve the parentage of the nested procs. This is the reason DebugBlocks carry the dblParent field, allowing us to reorganize the above tree as, proc A [tick1, tick2] block B [tick3] proc C [tick4] parent=B Here we have annotated the new proc C with an attribute giving its original parent, B. -} -- | Generate DWARF info for a procedure debug block procToDwarf :: DynFlags -> DebugBlock -> DwarfInfo procToDwarf df prc = DwarfSubprogram { dwChildren = map blockToDwarf (dblBlocks prc) , dwName = case dblSourceTick prc of Just s@SourceNote{} -> sourceName s _otherwise -> showSDocDump df $ ppr $ dblLabel prc , dwLabel = dblCLabel prc , dwParent = fmap mkAsmTempDieLabel $ mfilter goodParent $ fmap dblCLabel (dblParent prc) } where goodParent a | a == dblCLabel prc = False -- Omit parent if it would be self-referential goodParent a | not (externallyVisibleCLabel a) , debugLevel df < 2 = False -- We strip block information when running -g0 or -g1, don't -- refer to blocks in that case. Fixes #14894. goodParent _ = True -- | Generate DWARF info for a block blockToDwarf :: DebugBlock -> DwarfInfo blockToDwarf blk = DwarfBlock { dwChildren = concatMap tickToDwarf (dblTicks blk) ++ map blockToDwarf (dblBlocks blk) , dwLabel = dblCLabel blk , dwMarker = marker } where marker | Just _ <- dblPosition blk = Just $ mkAsmTempLabel $ dblLabel blk | otherwise = Nothing -- block was optimized out tickToDwarf :: Tickish () -> [DwarfInfo] tickToDwarf (SourceNote ss _) = [DwarfSrcNote ss] tickToDwarf _ = [] -- | Generates the data for the debug frame section, which encodes the -- desired stack unwind behaviour for the debugger debugFrame :: Unique -> [DebugBlock] -> DwarfFrame debugFrame u procs = DwarfFrame { dwCieLabel = mkAsmTempLabel u , dwCieInit = initUws , dwCieProcs = map (procToFrame initUws) procs } where initUws :: UnwindTable initUws = Map.fromList [(Sp, Just (UwReg Sp 0))] -- | Generates unwind information for a procedure debug block procToFrame :: UnwindTable -> DebugBlock -> DwarfFrameProc procToFrame initUws blk = DwarfFrameProc { dwFdeProc = dblCLabel blk , dwFdeHasInfo = dblHasInfoTbl blk , dwFdeBlocks = map (uncurry blockToFrame) (setHasInfo blockUws) } where blockUws :: [(DebugBlock, [UnwindPoint])] blockUws = map snd $ sortBy (comparing fst) $ flatten blk flatten :: DebugBlock -> [(Int, (DebugBlock, [UnwindPoint]))] flatten b@DebugBlock{ dblPosition=pos, dblUnwind=uws, dblBlocks=blocks } | Just p <- pos = (p, (b, uws')):nested | otherwise = nested -- block was optimized out where uws' = addDefaultUnwindings initUws uws nested = concatMap flatten blocks -- | If the current procedure has an info table, then we also say that -- its first block has one to ensure that it gets the necessary -1 -- offset applied to its start address. -- See Note [Info Offset] in Dwarf.Types. setHasInfo :: [(DebugBlock, [UnwindPoint])] -> [(DebugBlock, [UnwindPoint])] setHasInfo [] = [] setHasInfo (c0:cs) = first setIt c0 : cs where setIt child = child { dblHasInfoTbl = dblHasInfoTbl child || dblHasInfoTbl blk } blockToFrame :: DebugBlock -> [UnwindPoint] -> DwarfFrameBlock blockToFrame blk uws = DwarfFrameBlock { dwFdeBlkHasInfo = dblHasInfoTbl blk , dwFdeUnwind = uws } addDefaultUnwindings :: UnwindTable -> [UnwindPoint] -> [UnwindPoint] addDefaultUnwindings tbl pts = [ UnwindPoint lbl (tbl' `mappend` tbl) -- mappend is left-biased | UnwindPoint lbl tbl' <- pts ]