{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Wrinkle in Note [Trees That Grow] -- in module Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- Outputable {- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006 (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 \section[PatSyntax]{Abstract Haskell syntax---patterns} -} module GHC.Hs.Pat ( Pat(..), LPat, EpAnnSumPat(..), ConPatTc (..), ConLikeP, HsPatExpansion(..), XXPatGhcTc(..), HsConPatDetails, hsConPatArgs, HsConPatTyArg(..), HsRecFields(..), HsFieldBind(..), LHsFieldBind, HsRecField, LHsRecField, HsRecUpdField, LHsRecUpdField, RecFieldsDotDot(..), hsRecFields, hsRecFieldSel, hsRecFieldId, hsRecFieldsArgs, hsRecUpdFieldId, hsRecUpdFieldOcc, hsRecUpdFieldRdr, mkPrefixConPat, mkCharLitPat, mkNilPat, isSimplePat, looksLazyPatBind, isBangedLPat, gParPat, patNeedsParens, parenthesizePat, isIrrefutableHsPat, collectEvVarsPat, collectEvVarsPats, pprParendLPat, pprConArgs, pprLPat ) where import GHC.Prelude import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Pat import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr ( HsExpr ) import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Expr (pprLExpr, pprUntypedSplice, HsUntypedSpliceResult(..)) -- friends: import GHC.Hs.Binds import GHC.Hs.Lit import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension import GHC.Parser.Annotation import GHC.Hs.Extension import GHC.Hs.Type import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence import GHC.Types.Basic import GHC.Types.SourceText -- others: import GHC.Core.Ppr ( {- instance OutputableBndr TyVar -} ) import GHC.Builtin.Types import GHC.Types.Var import GHC.Types.Name.Reader ( RdrName ) import GHC.Core.ConLike import GHC.Core.DataCon import GHC.Core.TyCon import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Core.Type import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Data.Bag -- collect ev vars from pats import GHC.Data.Maybe import GHC.Types.Name (Name, dataName) import GHC.Driver.Session (DynFlags, xopt) import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt import Data.Data type instance XWildPat GhcPs = NoExtField type instance XWildPat GhcRn = NoExtField type instance XWildPat GhcTc = Type type instance XVarPat (GhcPass _) = NoExtField type instance XLazyPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -- For '~' type instance XLazyPat GhcRn = NoExtField type instance XLazyPat GhcTc = NoExtField type instance XAsPat GhcPs = EpAnnCO type instance XAsPat GhcRn = NoExtField type instance XAsPat GhcTc = NoExtField type instance XParPat (GhcPass _) = EpAnnCO type instance XBangPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -- For '!' type instance XBangPat GhcRn = NoExtField type instance XBangPat GhcTc = NoExtField type instance XListPat GhcPs = EpAnn AnnList -- After parsing, ListPat can refer to a built-in Haskell list pattern -- or an overloaded list pattern. type instance XListPat GhcRn = NoExtField -- Built-in list patterns only. -- After renaming, overloaded list patterns are expanded to view patterns. -- See Note [Desugaring overloaded list patterns] type instance XListPat GhcTc = Type -- List element type, for use in hsPatType. type instance XTuplePat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn] type instance XTuplePat GhcRn = NoExtField type instance XTuplePat GhcTc = [Type] type instance XSumPat GhcPs = EpAnn EpAnnSumPat type instance XSumPat GhcRn = NoExtField type instance XSumPat GhcTc = [Type] type instance XConPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn] type instance XConPat GhcRn = NoExtField type instance XConPat GhcTc = ConPatTc type instance XViewPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn] type instance XViewPat GhcRn = Maybe (HsExpr GhcRn) -- The @HsExpr GhcRn@ gives an inverse to the view function. -- This is used for overloaded lists in particular. -- See Note [Invertible view patterns] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.PatSyn. type instance XViewPat GhcTc = Type -- Overall type of the pattern -- (= the argument type of the view function), for hsPatType. type instance XSplicePat GhcPs = NoExtField type instance XSplicePat GhcRn = HsUntypedSpliceResult (Pat GhcRn) -- See Note [Lifecycle of a splice] in GHC.Hs.Expr type instance XSplicePat GhcTc = DataConCantHappen type instance XLitPat (GhcPass _) = NoExtField type instance XNPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn] type instance XNPat GhcRn = EpAnn [AddEpAnn] type instance XNPat GhcTc = Type type instance XNPlusKPat GhcPs = EpAnn EpaLocation -- Of the "+" type instance XNPlusKPat GhcRn = NoExtField type instance XNPlusKPat GhcTc = Type type instance XSigPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn] type instance XSigPat GhcRn = NoExtField type instance XSigPat GhcTc = Type type instance XXPat GhcPs = DataConCantHappen type instance XXPat GhcRn = HsPatExpansion (Pat GhcRn) (Pat GhcRn) -- Original pattern and its desugaring/expansion. -- See Note [Rebindable syntax and HsExpansion]. type instance XXPat GhcTc = XXPatGhcTc -- After typechecking, we add extra constructors: CoPat and HsExpansion. -- HsExpansion allows us to handle RebindableSyntax in pattern position: -- see "XXExpr GhcTc" for the counterpart in expressions. type instance ConLikeP GhcPs = RdrName -- IdP GhcPs type instance ConLikeP GhcRn = Name -- IdP GhcRn type instance ConLikeP GhcTc = ConLike type instance XHsFieldBind _ = EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- API Annotations types data EpAnnSumPat = EpAnnSumPat { sumPatParens :: [AddEpAnn] , sumPatVbarsBefore :: [EpaLocation] , sumPatVbarsAfter :: [EpaLocation] } deriving Data -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Extension constructor for Pat, added after typechecking. data XXPatGhcTc = -- | Coercion Pattern (translation only) -- -- During desugaring a (CoPat co pat) turns into a cast with 'co' on the -- scrutinee, followed by a match on 'pat'. CoPat { -- | Coercion Pattern -- If co :: t1 ~ t2, p :: t2, -- then (CoPat co p) :: t1 co_cpt_wrap :: HsWrapper , -- | Why not LPat? Ans: existing locn will do co_pat_inner :: Pat GhcTc , -- | Type of whole pattern, t1 co_pat_ty :: Type } -- | Pattern expansion: original pattern, and desugared pattern, -- for RebindableSyntax and other overloaded syntax such as OverloadedLists. -- See Note [Rebindable syntax and HsExpansion]. | ExpansionPat (Pat GhcRn) (Pat GhcTc) -- See Note [Rebindable syntax and HsExpansion]. data HsPatExpansion a b = HsPatExpanded a b deriving Data -- | This is the extension field for ConPat, added after typechecking -- It adds quite a few extra fields, to support elaboration of pattern matching. data ConPatTc = ConPatTc { -- | The universal arg types 1-1 with the universal -- tyvars of the constructor/pattern synonym -- Use (conLikeResTy pat_con cpt_arg_tys) to get -- the type of the pattern cpt_arg_tys :: [Type] , -- | Existentially bound type variables -- in correctly-scoped order e.g. [k:* x:k] cpt_tvs :: [TyVar] , -- | Ditto *coercion variables* and *dictionaries* -- One reason for putting coercion variable here I think -- is to ensure their kinds are zonked cpt_dicts :: [EvVar] , -- | Bindings involving those dictionaries cpt_binds :: TcEvBinds , -- | Extra wrapper to pass to the matcher -- Only relevant for pattern-synonyms; -- ignored for data cons cpt_wrap :: HsWrapper } hsRecFieldId :: HsRecField GhcTc arg -> Id hsRecFieldId = hsRecFieldSel hsRecUpdFieldRdr :: HsRecUpdField (GhcPass p) q -> Located RdrName hsRecUpdFieldRdr = fmap ambiguousFieldOccRdrName . reLoc . hfbLHS hsRecUpdFieldId :: HsFieldBind (LAmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) arg -> Located Id hsRecUpdFieldId = fmap foExt . reLoc . hsRecUpdFieldOcc hsRecUpdFieldOcc :: HsFieldBind (LAmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) arg -> LFieldOcc GhcTc hsRecUpdFieldOcc = fmap unambiguousFieldOcc . hfbLHS {- ************************************************************************ * * * Printing patterns * * ************************************************************************ -} instance Outputable (HsPatSigType p) => Outputable (HsConPatTyArg p) where ppr (HsConPatTyArg _ ty) = char '@' <> ppr ty instance (Outputable arg, Outputable (XRec p (HsRecField p arg)), XRec p RecFieldsDotDot ~ Located RecFieldsDotDot) => Outputable (HsRecFields p arg) where ppr (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds, rec_dotdot = Nothing }) = braces (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr flds))) ppr (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds, rec_dotdot = Just (unLoc -> RecFieldsDotDot n) }) = braces (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr (take n flds) ++ [dotdot]))) where dotdot = text ".." <+> whenPprDebug (ppr (drop n flds)) instance (Outputable p, OutputableBndr p, Outputable arg) => Outputable (HsFieldBind p arg) where ppr (HsFieldBind { hfbLHS = f, hfbRHS = arg, hfbPun = pun }) = pprPrefixOcc f <+> (ppUnless pun $ equals <+> ppr arg) instance OutputableBndrId p => Outputable (Pat (GhcPass p)) where ppr = pprPat -- See Note [Rebindable syntax and HsExpansion]. instance (Outputable a, Outputable b) => Outputable (HsPatExpansion a b) where ppr (HsPatExpanded a b) = ifPprDebug (vcat [ppr a, ppr b]) (ppr a) pprLPat :: (OutputableBndrId p) => LPat (GhcPass p) -> SDoc pprLPat (L _ e) = pprPat e -- | Print with type info if -dppr-debug is on pprPatBndr :: OutputableBndr name => name -> SDoc pprPatBndr var = getPprDebug $ \case True -> parens (pprBndr LambdaBind var) -- Could pass the site to pprPat -- but is it worth it? False -> pprPrefixOcc var pprParendLPat :: (OutputableBndrId p) => PprPrec -> LPat (GhcPass p) -> SDoc pprParendLPat p = pprParendPat p . unLoc pprParendPat :: forall p. OutputableBndrId p => PprPrec -> Pat (GhcPass p) -> SDoc pprParendPat p pat = sdocOption sdocPrintTypecheckerElaboration $ \ print_tc_elab -> if need_parens print_tc_elab pat then parens (pprPat pat) else pprPat pat where need_parens print_tc_elab pat | GhcTc <- ghcPass @p , XPat (CoPat {}) <- pat = print_tc_elab | otherwise = patNeedsParens p pat -- For a CoPat we need parens if we are going to show it, which -- we do if -fprint-typechecker-elaboration is on (c.f. pprHsWrapper) -- But otherwise the CoPat is discarded, so it -- is the pattern inside that matters. Sigh. pprPat :: forall p. (OutputableBndrId p) => Pat (GhcPass p) -> SDoc pprPat (VarPat _ lvar) = pprPatBndr (unLoc lvar) pprPat (WildPat _) = char '_' pprPat (LazyPat _ pat) = char '~' <> pprParendLPat appPrec pat pprPat (BangPat _ pat) = char '!' <> pprParendLPat appPrec pat pprPat (AsPat _ name _ pat) = hcat [pprPrefixOcc (unLoc name), char '@', pprParendLPat appPrec pat] pprPat (ViewPat _ expr pat) = hcat [pprLExpr expr, text " -> ", ppr pat] pprPat (ParPat _ _ pat _) = parens (ppr pat) pprPat (LitPat _ s) = ppr s pprPat (NPat _ l Nothing _) = ppr l pprPat (NPat _ l (Just _) _) = char '-' <> ppr l pprPat (NPlusKPat _ n k _ _ _) = hcat [ppr_n, char '+', ppr k] where ppr_n = case ghcPass @p of GhcPs -> ppr n GhcRn -> ppr n GhcTc -> ppr n pprPat (SplicePat ext splice) = case ghcPass @p of GhcPs -> pprUntypedSplice True Nothing splice GhcRn | HsUntypedSpliceNested n <- ext -> pprUntypedSplice True (Just n) splice GhcRn | HsUntypedSpliceTop _ p <- ext -> ppr p GhcTc -> dataConCantHappen ext pprPat (SigPat _ pat ty) = ppr pat <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty pprPat (ListPat _ pats) = brackets (interpp'SP pats) pprPat (TuplePat _ pats bx) -- Special-case unary boxed tuples so that they are pretty-printed as -- `MkSolo x`, not `(x)` | [pat] <- pats , Boxed <- bx = hcat [text (mkTupleStr Boxed dataName 1), pprParendLPat appPrec pat] | otherwise = tupleParens (boxityTupleSort bx) (pprWithCommas ppr pats) pprPat (SumPat _ pat alt arity) = sumParens (pprAlternative ppr pat alt arity) pprPat (ConPat { pat_con = con , pat_args = details , pat_con_ext = ext } ) = case ghcPass @p of GhcPs -> pprUserCon (unLoc con) details GhcRn -> pprUserCon (unLoc con) details GhcTc -> sdocOption sdocPrintTypecheckerElaboration $ \case False -> pprUserCon (unLoc con) details True -> -- Tiresome; in 'GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.tcRhs' we print out a typechecked Pat in an -- error message, and we want to make sure it prints nicely ppr con <> braces (sep [ hsep (map pprPatBndr (tvs ++ dicts)) , ppr binds ]) <+> pprConArgs details where ConPatTc { cpt_tvs = tvs , cpt_dicts = dicts , cpt_binds = binds } = ext pprPat (XPat ext) = case ghcPass @p of #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 811 GhcPs -> dataConCantHappen ext #endif GhcRn -> case ext of HsPatExpanded orig _ -> pprPat orig GhcTc -> case ext of CoPat co pat _ -> pprHsWrapper co $ \parens -> if parens then pprParendPat appPrec pat else pprPat pat ExpansionPat orig _ -> pprPat orig pprUserCon :: (OutputableBndr con, OutputableBndrId p, Outputable (Anno (IdGhcP p))) => con -> HsConPatDetails (GhcPass p) -> SDoc pprUserCon c (InfixCon p1 p2) = ppr p1 <+> pprInfixOcc c <+> ppr p2 pprUserCon c details = pprPrefixOcc c <+> pprConArgs details pprConArgs :: (OutputableBndrId p, Outputable (Anno (IdGhcP p))) => HsConPatDetails (GhcPass p) -> SDoc pprConArgs (PrefixCon ts pats) = fsep (pprTyArgs ts : map (pprParendLPat appPrec) pats) where pprTyArgs tyargs = fsep (map ppr tyargs) pprConArgs (InfixCon p1 p2) = sep [ pprParendLPat appPrec p1 , pprParendLPat appPrec p2 ] pprConArgs (RecCon rpats) = ppr rpats {- ************************************************************************ * * * Building patterns * * ************************************************************************ -} mkPrefixConPat :: DataCon -> [LPat GhcTc] -> [Type] -> LPat GhcTc -- Make a vanilla Prefix constructor pattern mkPrefixConPat dc pats tys = noLocA $ ConPat { pat_con = noLocA (RealDataCon dc) , pat_args = PrefixCon [] pats , pat_con_ext = ConPatTc { cpt_tvs = [] , cpt_dicts = [] , cpt_binds = emptyTcEvBinds , cpt_arg_tys = tys , cpt_wrap = idHsWrapper } } mkNilPat :: Type -> LPat GhcTc mkNilPat ty = mkPrefixConPat nilDataCon [] [ty] mkCharLitPat :: SourceText -> Char -> LPat GhcTc mkCharLitPat src c = mkPrefixConPat charDataCon [noLocA $ LitPat noExtField (HsCharPrim src c)] [] {- ************************************************************************ * * * Predicates for checking things about pattern-lists in EquationInfo * * * ************************************************************************ \subsection[Pat-list-predicates]{Look for interesting things in patterns} Unlike in the Wadler chapter, where patterns are either ``variables'' or ``constructors,'' here we distinguish between: \begin{description} \item[unfailable:] Patterns that cannot fail to match: variables, wildcards, and lazy patterns. These are the irrefutable patterns; the two other categories are refutable patterns. \item[constructor:] A non-literal constructor pattern (see next category). \item[literal patterns:] At least the numeric ones may be overloaded. \end{description} A pattern is in {\em exactly one} of the above three categories; `as' patterns are treated specially, of course. The 1.3 report defines what ``irrefutable'' and ``failure-free'' patterns are. -} isBangedLPat :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool isBangedLPat = isBangedPat . unLoc isBangedPat :: Pat (GhcPass p) -> Bool isBangedPat (ParPat _ _ p _) = isBangedLPat p isBangedPat (BangPat {}) = True isBangedPat _ = False looksLazyPatBind :: HsBind GhcTc -> Bool -- Returns True of anything *except* -- a StrictHsBind (as above) or -- a VarPat -- In particular, returns True of a pattern binding with a compound pattern, like (I# x) -- Looks through AbsBinds looksLazyPatBind (PatBind { pat_lhs = p }) = looksLazyLPat p looksLazyPatBind (XHsBindsLR (AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds })) = anyBag (looksLazyPatBind . unLoc) binds looksLazyPatBind _ = False looksLazyLPat :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool looksLazyLPat = looksLazyPat . unLoc looksLazyPat :: Pat (GhcPass p) -> Bool looksLazyPat (ParPat _ _ p _) = looksLazyLPat p looksLazyPat (AsPat _ _ _ p) = looksLazyLPat p looksLazyPat (BangPat {}) = False looksLazyPat (VarPat {}) = False looksLazyPat (WildPat {}) = False looksLazyPat _ = True isIrrefutableHsPat :: forall p. (OutputableBndrId p) => DynFlags -> LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool -- (isIrrefutableHsPat p) is true if matching against p cannot fail, -- in the sense of falling through to the next pattern. -- (NB: this is not quite the same as the (silly) defn -- in 3.17.2 of the Haskell 98 report.) -- -- WARNING: isIrrefutableHsPat returns False if it's in doubt. -- Specifically on a ConPatIn, which is what it sees for a -- (LPat Name) in the renamer, it doesn't know the size of the -- constructor family, so it returns False. Result: only -- tuple patterns are considered irrefutable at the renamer stage. -- -- But if it returns True, the pattern is definitely irrefutable isIrrefutableHsPat dflags = isIrrefutableHsPat' (xopt LangExt.Strict dflags) {- Note [-XStrict and irrefutability] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When -XStrict is enabled the rules for irrefutability are slightly modified. Specifically, the pattern in a program like do ~(Just hi) <- expr cannot be considered irrefutable. The ~ here merely disables the bang that -XStrict would usually apply, rendering the program equivalent to the following without -XStrict do Just hi <- expr To achieve make this pattern irrefutable with -XStrict the user would rather need to write do ~(~(Just hi)) <- expr Failing to account for this resulted in #19027. To fix this isIrrefutableHsPat takes care to check for two the irrefutability of the inner pattern when it encounters a LazyPat and -XStrict is enabled. See also Note [decideBangHood] in GHC.HsToCore.Utils. -} isIrrefutableHsPat' :: forall p. (OutputableBndrId p) => Bool -- ^ Are we in a @-XStrict@ context? -- See Note [-XStrict and irrefutability] -> LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool isIrrefutableHsPat' is_strict = goL where goL :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool goL = go . unLoc go :: Pat (GhcPass p) -> Bool go (WildPat {}) = True go (VarPat {}) = True go (LazyPat _ p') | is_strict = isIrrefutableHsPat' False p' | otherwise = True go (BangPat _ pat) = goL pat go (ParPat _ _ pat _) = goL pat go (AsPat _ _ _ pat) = goL pat go (ViewPat _ _ pat) = goL pat go (SigPat _ pat _) = goL pat go (TuplePat _ pats _) = all goL pats go (SumPat {}) = False -- See Note [Unboxed sum patterns aren't irrefutable] go (ListPat {}) = False go (ConPat { pat_con = con , pat_args = details }) = case ghcPass @p of GhcPs -> False -- Conservative GhcRn -> False -- Conservative GhcTc -> case con of L _ (PatSynCon _pat) -> False -- Conservative L _ (RealDataCon con) -> isJust (tyConSingleDataCon_maybe (dataConTyCon con)) && all goL (hsConPatArgs details) go (LitPat {}) = False go (NPat {}) = False go (NPlusKPat {}) = False -- We conservatively assume that no TH splices are irrefutable -- since we cannot know until the splice is evaluated. go (SplicePat {}) = False go (XPat ext) = case ghcPass @p of #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 811 GhcPs -> dataConCantHappen ext #endif GhcRn -> case ext of HsPatExpanded _ pat -> go pat GhcTc -> case ext of CoPat _ pat _ -> go pat ExpansionPat _ pat -> go pat -- | Is the pattern any of combination of: -- -- - (pat) -- - pat :: Type -- - ~pat -- - !pat -- - x (variable) isSimplePat :: LPat (GhcPass x) -> Maybe (IdP (GhcPass x)) isSimplePat p = case unLoc p of ParPat _ _ x _ -> isSimplePat x SigPat _ x _ -> isSimplePat x LazyPat _ x -> isSimplePat x BangPat _ x -> isSimplePat x VarPat _ x -> Just (unLoc x) _ -> Nothing {- Note [Unboxed sum patterns aren't irrefutable] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unlike unboxed tuples, unboxed sums are *not* irrefutable when used as patterns. A simple example that demonstrates this is from #14228: pattern Just' x = (# x | #) pattern Nothing' = (# | () #) foo x = case x of Nothing' -> putStrLn "nothing" Just' -> putStrLn "just" In foo, the pattern Nothing' (that is, (# x | #)) is certainly not irrefutable, as does not match an unboxed sum value of the same arity—namely, (# | y #) (covered by Just'). In fact, no unboxed sum pattern is irrefutable, since the minimum unboxed sum arity is 2. Failing to mark unboxed sum patterns as non-irrefutable would cause the Just' case in foo to be unreachable, as GHC would mistakenly believe that Nothing' is the only thing that could possibly be matched! -} -- | @'patNeedsParens' p pat@ returns 'True' if the pattern @pat@ needs -- parentheses under precedence @p@. patNeedsParens :: forall p. IsPass p => PprPrec -> Pat (GhcPass p) -> Bool patNeedsParens p = go @p where -- Remark: go needs to be polymorphic, as we call it recursively -- at a different GhcPass (see the case for GhcTc XPat below). go :: forall q. IsPass q => Pat (GhcPass q) -> Bool go (NPlusKPat {}) = p > opPrec go (SplicePat {}) = False go (ConPat { pat_args = ds }) = conPatNeedsParens p ds go (SigPat {}) = p >= sigPrec go (ViewPat {}) = True go (XPat ext) = case ghcPass @q of #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 901 GhcPs -> dataConCantHappen ext #endif GhcRn -> case ext of HsPatExpanded orig _ -> go orig GhcTc -> case ext of CoPat _ inner _ -> go inner ExpansionPat orig _ -> go orig -- ^^^^^^^ -- NB: recursive call of go at a different GhcPass. go (WildPat {}) = False go (VarPat {}) = False go (LazyPat {}) = False go (BangPat {}) = False go (ParPat {}) = False go (AsPat {}) = False -- Special-case unary boxed tuple applications so that they are -- parenthesized as `Identity (Solo x)`, not `Identity Solo x` (#18612) -- See Note [One-tuples] in GHC.Builtin.Types go (TuplePat _ [_] Boxed) = p >= appPrec go (TuplePat{}) = False go (SumPat {}) = False go (ListPat {}) = False go (LitPat _ l) = hsLitNeedsParens p l go (NPat _ lol _ _) = hsOverLitNeedsParens p (unLoc lol) -- | @'conPatNeedsParens' p cp@ returns 'True' if the constructor patterns @cp@ -- needs parentheses under precedence @p@. conPatNeedsParens :: PprPrec -> HsConDetails t a b -> Bool conPatNeedsParens p = go where go (PrefixCon ts args) = p >= appPrec && (not (null args) || not (null ts)) go (InfixCon {}) = p >= opPrec -- type args should be empty in this case go (RecCon {}) = False -- | Parenthesize a pattern without token information gParPat :: LPat (GhcPass pass) -> Pat (GhcPass pass) gParPat p = ParPat noAnn noHsTok p noHsTok -- | @'parenthesizePat' p pat@ checks if @'patNeedsParens' p pat@ is true, and -- if so, surrounds @pat@ with a 'ParPat'. Otherwise, it simply returns @pat@. parenthesizePat :: IsPass p => PprPrec -> LPat (GhcPass p) -> LPat (GhcPass p) parenthesizePat p lpat@(L loc pat) | patNeedsParens p pat = L loc (gParPat lpat) | otherwise = lpat {- % Collect all EvVars from all constructor patterns -} -- May need to add more cases collectEvVarsPats :: [Pat GhcTc] -> Bag EvVar collectEvVarsPats = unionManyBags . map collectEvVarsPat collectEvVarsLPat :: LPat GhcTc -> Bag EvVar collectEvVarsLPat = collectEvVarsPat . unLoc collectEvVarsPat :: Pat GhcTc -> Bag EvVar collectEvVarsPat pat = case pat of LazyPat _ p -> collectEvVarsLPat p AsPat _ _ _ p -> collectEvVarsLPat p ParPat _ _ p _ -> collectEvVarsLPat p BangPat _ p -> collectEvVarsLPat p ListPat _ ps -> unionManyBags $ map collectEvVarsLPat ps TuplePat _ ps _ -> unionManyBags $ map collectEvVarsLPat ps SumPat _ p _ _ -> collectEvVarsLPat p ConPat { pat_args = args , pat_con_ext = ConPatTc { cpt_dicts = dicts } } -> unionBags (listToBag dicts) $ unionManyBags $ map collectEvVarsLPat $ hsConPatArgs args SigPat _ p _ -> collectEvVarsLPat p XPat ext -> case ext of CoPat _ p _ -> collectEvVarsPat p ExpansionPat _ p -> collectEvVarsPat p _other_pat -> emptyBag {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{Anno instances} * * ************************************************************************ -} type instance Anno (Pat (GhcPass p)) = SrcSpanAnnA type instance Anno (HsOverLit (GhcPass p)) = SrcAnn NoEpAnns type instance Anno ConLike = SrcSpanAnnN type instance Anno (HsFieldBind lhs rhs) = SrcSpanAnnA type instance Anno RecFieldsDotDot = SrcSpan