{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} {- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006-2008 (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998 -} -- | Module for constructing @ModIface@ values (interface files), -- writing them to disk and comparing two versions to see if -- recompilation is required. module GHC.Iface.Make ( mkPartialIface , mkFullIface , mkIfaceTc , mkIfaceExports , coAxiomToIfaceDecl , tyThingToIfaceDecl -- Converting things to their Iface equivalents ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import GHC.Prelude import GHC.Hs import GHC.StgToCmm.Types (CgInfos (..)) import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad import GHC.Iface.Syntax import GHC.Iface.Recomp import GHC.Iface.Load import GHC.Iface.Ext.Fields import GHC.CoreToIface import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt import GHC.Core import GHC.Core.Class import GHC.Core.TyCon import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom import GHC.Core.ConLike import GHC.Core.DataCon import GHC.Core.Type import GHC.Core.Multiplicity import GHC.Core.InstEnv import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv import GHC.Driver.Env import GHC.Driver.Backend import GHC.Driver.Session import GHC.Driver.Ppr import GHC.Driver.Plugins (LoadedPlugin(..)) import GHC.Types.Id import GHC.Types.Fixity.Env import GHC.Types.SafeHaskell import GHC.Types.Annotations import GHC.Types.Var.Env import GHC.Types.Var import GHC.Types.Name import GHC.Types.Avail import GHC.Types.Name.Reader import GHC.Types.Name.Env import GHC.Types.Name.Set import GHC.Types.Unique.DSet import GHC.Types.Basic hiding ( SuccessFlag(..) ) import GHC.Types.TypeEnv import GHC.Types.SourceFile import GHC.Types.TyThing import GHC.Types.HpcInfo import GHC.Utils.Error import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Utils.Panic import GHC.Utils.Misc hiding ( eqListBy ) import GHC.Data.FastString import GHC.Data.Maybe import GHC.HsToCore.Docs import GHC.HsToCore.Usage ( mkUsageInfo, mkUsedNames, mkDependencies ) import GHC.Unit import GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface import GHC.Unit.Module.ModDetails import GHC.Unit.Module.ModGuts import GHC.Unit.Module.Deps import Data.Function import Data.List ( findIndex, mapAccumL, sortBy ) import Data.Ord import Data.IORef {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{Completing an interface} * * ************************************************************************ -} mkPartialIface :: HscEnv -> ModDetails -> ModGuts -> PartialModIface mkPartialIface hsc_env mod_details ModGuts{ mg_module = this_mod , mg_hsc_src = hsc_src , mg_usages = usages , mg_used_th = used_th , mg_deps = deps , mg_rdr_env = rdr_env , mg_fix_env = fix_env , mg_warns = warns , mg_hpc_info = hpc_info , mg_safe_haskell = safe_mode , mg_trust_pkg = self_trust , mg_doc_hdr = doc_hdr , mg_decl_docs = decl_docs , mg_arg_docs = arg_docs } = mkIface_ hsc_env this_mod hsc_src used_th deps rdr_env fix_env warns hpc_info self_trust safe_mode usages doc_hdr decl_docs arg_docs mod_details -- | Fully instantiate an interface. Adds fingerprints and potentially code -- generator produced information. -- -- CgInfos is not available when not generating code (-fno-code), or when not -- generating interface pragmas (-fomit-interface-pragmas). See also -- Note [Conveying CAF-info and LFInfo between modules] in GHC.StgToCmm.Types. mkFullIface :: HscEnv -> PartialModIface -> Maybe CgInfos -> IO ModIface mkFullIface hsc_env partial_iface mb_cg_infos = do let decls | gopt Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas (hsc_dflags hsc_env) = mi_decls partial_iface | otherwise = updateDecl (mi_decls partial_iface) mb_cg_infos full_iface <- {-# SCC "addFingerprints" #-} addFingerprints hsc_env partial_iface{ mi_decls = decls } -- Debug printing let unit_state = hsc_units hsc_env dumpIfSet_dyn (hsc_dflags hsc_env) Opt_D_dump_hi "FINAL INTERFACE" FormatText (pprModIface unit_state full_iface) return full_iface updateDecl :: [IfaceDecl] -> Maybe CgInfos -> [IfaceDecl] updateDecl decls Nothing = decls updateDecl decls (Just CgInfos{ cgNonCafs = NonCaffySet non_cafs, cgLFInfos = lf_infos }) = map update_decl decls where update_decl (IfaceId nm ty details infos) | let not_caffy = elemNameSet nm non_cafs , let mb_lf_info = lookupNameEnv lf_infos nm , WARN( isNothing mb_lf_info, text "Name without LFInfo:" <+> ppr nm ) True -- Only allocate a new IfaceId if we're going to update the infos , isJust mb_lf_info || not_caffy = IfaceId nm ty details $ (if not_caffy then (HsNoCafRefs :) else id) (case mb_lf_info of Nothing -> infos -- LFInfos not available when building .cmm files Just lf_info -> HsLFInfo (toIfaceLFInfo nm lf_info) : infos) update_decl decl = decl -- | Make an interface from the results of typechecking only. Useful -- for non-optimising compilation, or where we aren't generating any -- object code at all ('NoBackend'). mkIfaceTc :: HscEnv -> SafeHaskellMode -- The safe haskell mode -> ModDetails -- gotten from mkBootModDetails, probably -> TcGblEnv -- Usages, deprecations, etc -> IO ModIface mkIfaceTc hsc_env safe_mode mod_details tc_result@TcGblEnv{ tcg_mod = this_mod, tcg_src = hsc_src, tcg_imports = imports, tcg_rdr_env = rdr_env, tcg_fix_env = fix_env, tcg_merged = merged, tcg_warns = warns, tcg_hpc = other_hpc_info, tcg_th_splice_used = tc_splice_used, tcg_dependent_files = dependent_files } = do let used_names = mkUsedNames tc_result let pluginModules = map lpModule (hsc_plugins hsc_env) let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env deps <- mkDependencies (homeUnitId home_unit) (map mi_module pluginModules) tc_result let hpc_info = emptyHpcInfo other_hpc_info used_th <- readIORef tc_splice_used dep_files <- (readIORef dependent_files) -- Do NOT use semantic module here; this_mod in mkUsageInfo -- is used solely to decide if we should record a dependency -- or not. When we instantiate a signature, the semantic -- module is something we want to record dependencies for, -- but if you pass that in here, we'll decide it's the local -- module and does not need to be recorded as a dependency. -- See Note [Identity versus semantic module] usages <- mkUsageInfo hsc_env this_mod (imp_mods imports) used_names dep_files merged pluginModules let (doc_hdr', doc_map, arg_map) = extractDocs tc_result let partial_iface = mkIface_ hsc_env this_mod hsc_src used_th deps rdr_env fix_env warns hpc_info (imp_trust_own_pkg imports) safe_mode usages doc_hdr' doc_map arg_map mod_details mkFullIface hsc_env partial_iface Nothing mkIface_ :: HscEnv -> Module -> HscSource -> Bool -> Dependencies -> GlobalRdrEnv -> NameEnv FixItem -> Warnings -> HpcInfo -> Bool -> SafeHaskellMode -> [Usage] -> Maybe HsDocString -> DeclDocMap -> ArgDocMap -> ModDetails -> PartialModIface mkIface_ hsc_env this_mod hsc_src used_th deps rdr_env fix_env src_warns hpc_info pkg_trust_req safe_mode usages doc_hdr decl_docs arg_docs ModDetails{ md_insts = insts, md_fam_insts = fam_insts, md_rules = rules, md_anns = anns, md_types = type_env, md_exports = exports, md_complete_matches = complete_matches } -- NB: notice that mkIface does not look at the bindings -- only at the TypeEnv. The previous Tidy phase has -- put exactly the info into the TypeEnv that we want -- to expose in the interface = do let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env semantic_mod = homeModuleNameInstantiation home_unit (moduleName this_mod) entities = typeEnvElts type_env show_linear_types = xopt LangExt.LinearTypes (hsc_dflags hsc_env) decls = [ tyThingToIfaceDecl show_linear_types entity | entity <- entities, let name = getName entity, not (isImplicitTyThing entity), -- No implicit Ids and class tycons in the interface file not (isWiredInName name), -- Nor wired-in things; the compiler knows about them anyhow nameIsLocalOrFrom semantic_mod name ] -- Sigh: see Note [Root-main Id] in GHC.Tc.Module -- NB: ABSOLUTELY need to check against semantic_mod, -- because all of the names in an hsig p[H=]:H -- are going to be for , not the former id! -- See Note [Identity versus semantic module] fixities = sortBy (comparing fst) [(occ,fix) | FixItem occ fix <- nameEnvElts fix_env] -- The order of fixities returned from nameEnvElts is not -- deterministic, so we sort by OccName to canonicalize it. -- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in GHC.Types.Unique.DFM for more details. warns = src_warns iface_rules = map coreRuleToIfaceRule rules iface_insts = map instanceToIfaceInst $ fixSafeInstances safe_mode insts iface_fam_insts = map famInstToIfaceFamInst fam_insts trust_info = setSafeMode safe_mode annotations = map mkIfaceAnnotation anns icomplete_matches = map mkIfaceCompleteMatch complete_matches ModIface { mi_module = this_mod, -- Need to record this because it depends on the -instantiated-with flag -- which could change mi_sig_of = if semantic_mod == this_mod then Nothing else Just semantic_mod, mi_hsc_src = hsc_src, mi_deps = deps, mi_usages = usages, mi_exports = mkIfaceExports exports, -- Sort these lexicographically, so that -- the result is stable across compilations mi_insts = sortBy cmp_inst iface_insts, mi_fam_insts = sortBy cmp_fam_inst iface_fam_insts, mi_rules = sortBy cmp_rule iface_rules, mi_fixities = fixities, mi_warns = warns, mi_anns = annotations, mi_globals = maybeGlobalRdrEnv rdr_env, mi_used_th = used_th, mi_decls = decls, mi_hpc = isHpcUsed hpc_info, mi_trust = trust_info, mi_trust_pkg = pkg_trust_req, mi_complete_matches = icomplete_matches, mi_doc_hdr = doc_hdr, mi_decl_docs = decl_docs, mi_arg_docs = arg_docs, mi_final_exts = (), mi_ext_fields = emptyExtensibleFields } where cmp_rule = lexicalCompareFS `on` ifRuleName -- Compare these lexicographically by OccName, *not* by unique, -- because the latter is not stable across compilations: cmp_inst = comparing (nameOccName . ifDFun) cmp_fam_inst = comparing (nameOccName . ifFamInstTcName) dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env -- We only fill in mi_globals if the module was compiled to byte -- code. Otherwise, the compiler may not have retained all the -- top-level bindings and they won't be in the TypeEnv (see -- Desugar.addExportFlagsAndRules). The mi_globals field is used -- by GHCi to decide whether the module has its full top-level -- scope available. (#5534) maybeGlobalRdrEnv :: GlobalRdrEnv -> Maybe GlobalRdrEnv maybeGlobalRdrEnv rdr_env | backendRetainsAllBindings (backend dflags) = Just rdr_env | otherwise = Nothing ifFamInstTcName = ifFamInstFam {- ************************************************************************ * * COMPLETE Pragmas * * ************************************************************************ -} mkIfaceCompleteMatch :: CompleteMatch -> IfaceCompleteMatch mkIfaceCompleteMatch cls = IfaceCompleteMatch (map conLikeName (uniqDSetToList cls)) {- ************************************************************************ * * Keeping track of what we've slurped, and fingerprints * * ************************************************************************ -} mkIfaceAnnotation :: Annotation -> IfaceAnnotation mkIfaceAnnotation (Annotation { ann_target = target, ann_value = payload }) = IfaceAnnotation { ifAnnotatedTarget = fmap nameOccName target, ifAnnotatedValue = payload } mkIfaceExports :: [AvailInfo] -> [IfaceExport] -- Sort to make canonical mkIfaceExports exports = sortBy stableAvailCmp (map sort_subs exports) where sort_subs :: AvailInfo -> AvailInfo sort_subs (Avail n) = Avail n sort_subs (AvailTC n []) = AvailTC n [] sort_subs (AvailTC n (m:ms)) | NormalGreName n==m = AvailTC n (m:sortBy stableGreNameCmp ms) | otherwise = AvailTC n (sortBy stableGreNameCmp (m:ms)) -- Maintain the AvailTC Invariant {- Note [Original module] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider this: module X where { data family T } module Y( T(..) ) where { import X; data instance T Int = MkT Int } The exported Avail from Y will look like X.T{X.T, Y.MkT} That is, in Y, - only MkT is brought into scope by the data instance; - but the parent (used for grouping and naming in T(..) exports) is X.T - and in this case we export X.T too In the result of mkIfaceExports, the names are grouped by defining module, so we may need to split up a single Avail into multiple ones. -} {- ************************************************************************ * * Converting things to their Iface equivalents * * ************************************************************************ -} tyThingToIfaceDecl :: Bool -> TyThing -> IfaceDecl tyThingToIfaceDecl _ (AnId id) = idToIfaceDecl id tyThingToIfaceDecl _ (ATyCon tycon) = snd (tyConToIfaceDecl emptyTidyEnv tycon) tyThingToIfaceDecl _ (ACoAxiom ax) = coAxiomToIfaceDecl ax tyThingToIfaceDecl show_linear_types (AConLike cl) = case cl of RealDataCon dc -> dataConToIfaceDecl show_linear_types dc -- for ppr purposes only PatSynCon ps -> patSynToIfaceDecl ps -------------------------- idToIfaceDecl :: Id -> IfaceDecl -- The Id is already tidied, so that locally-bound names -- (lambdas, for-alls) already have non-clashing OccNames -- We can't tidy it here, locally, because it may have -- free variables in its type or IdInfo idToIfaceDecl id = IfaceId { ifName = getName id, ifType = toIfaceType (idType id), ifIdDetails = toIfaceIdDetails (idDetails id), ifIdInfo = toIfaceIdInfo (idInfo id) } -------------------------- dataConToIfaceDecl :: Bool -> DataCon -> IfaceDecl dataConToIfaceDecl show_linear_types dataCon = IfaceId { ifName = getName dataCon, ifType = toIfaceType (dataConDisplayType show_linear_types dataCon), ifIdDetails = IfVanillaId, ifIdInfo = [] } -------------------------- coAxiomToIfaceDecl :: CoAxiom br -> IfaceDecl -- We *do* tidy Axioms, because they are not (and cannot -- conveniently be) built in tidy form coAxiomToIfaceDecl ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = tycon, co_ax_branches = branches , co_ax_role = role }) = IfaceAxiom { ifName = getName ax , ifTyCon = toIfaceTyCon tycon , ifRole = role , ifAxBranches = map (coAxBranchToIfaceBranch tycon (map coAxBranchLHS branch_list)) branch_list } where branch_list = fromBranches branches -- 2nd parameter is the list of branch LHSs, in case of a closed type family, -- for conversion from incompatible branches to incompatible indices. -- For an open type family the list should be empty. -- See Note [Storing compatibility] in GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom coAxBranchToIfaceBranch :: TyCon -> [[Type]] -> CoAxBranch -> IfaceAxBranch coAxBranchToIfaceBranch tc lhs_s (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs, cab_cvs = cvs , cab_eta_tvs = eta_tvs , cab_lhs = lhs, cab_roles = roles , cab_rhs = rhs, cab_incomps = incomps }) = IfaceAxBranch { ifaxbTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs tvs , ifaxbCoVars = map toIfaceIdBndr cvs , ifaxbEtaTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs eta_tvs , ifaxbLHS = toIfaceTcArgs tc lhs , ifaxbRoles = roles , ifaxbRHS = toIfaceType rhs , ifaxbIncomps = iface_incomps } where iface_incomps = map (expectJust "iface_incomps" . flip findIndex lhs_s . eqTypes . coAxBranchLHS) incomps ----------------- tyConToIfaceDecl :: TidyEnv -> TyCon -> (TidyEnv, IfaceDecl) -- We *do* tidy TyCons, because they are not (and cannot -- conveniently be) built in tidy form -- The returned TidyEnv is the one after tidying the tyConTyVars tyConToIfaceDecl env tycon | Just clas <- tyConClass_maybe tycon = classToIfaceDecl env clas | Just syn_rhs <- synTyConRhs_maybe tycon = ( tc_env1 , IfaceSynonym { ifName = getName tycon, ifRoles = tyConRoles tycon, ifSynRhs = if_syn_type syn_rhs, ifBinders = if_binders, ifResKind = if_res_kind }) | Just fam_flav <- famTyConFlav_maybe tycon = ( tc_env1 , IfaceFamily { ifName = getName tycon, ifResVar = if_res_var, ifFamFlav = to_if_fam_flav fam_flav, ifBinders = if_binders, ifResKind = if_res_kind, ifFamInj = tyConInjectivityInfo tycon }) | isAlgTyCon tycon = ( tc_env1 , IfaceData { ifName = getName tycon, ifBinders = if_binders, ifResKind = if_res_kind, ifCType = tyConCType tycon, ifRoles = tyConRoles tycon, ifCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext tc_env1 (tyConStupidTheta tycon), ifCons = ifaceConDecls (algTyConRhs tycon), ifGadtSyntax = isGadtSyntaxTyCon tycon, ifParent = parent }) | otherwise -- FunTyCon, PrimTyCon, promoted TyCon/DataCon -- We only convert these TyCons to IfaceTyCons when we are -- just about to pretty-print them, not because we are going -- to put them into interface files = ( env , IfaceData { ifName = getName tycon, ifBinders = if_binders, ifResKind = if_res_kind, ifCType = Nothing, ifRoles = tyConRoles tycon, ifCtxt = [], ifCons = IfDataTyCon [], ifGadtSyntax = False, ifParent = IfNoParent }) where -- NOTE: Not all TyCons have `tyConTyVars` field. Forcing this when `tycon` -- is one of these TyCons (FunTyCon, PrimTyCon, PromotedDataCon) will cause -- an error. (tc_env1, tc_binders) = tidyTyConBinders env (tyConBinders tycon) tc_tyvars = binderVars tc_binders if_binders = toIfaceTyCoVarBinders tc_binders -- No tidying of the binders; they are already tidy if_res_kind = tidyToIfaceType tc_env1 (tyConResKind tycon) if_syn_type ty = tidyToIfaceType tc_env1 ty if_res_var = getOccFS `fmap` tyConFamilyResVar_maybe tycon parent = case tyConFamInstSig_maybe tycon of Just (tc, ty, ax) -> IfDataInstance (coAxiomName ax) (toIfaceTyCon tc) (tidyToIfaceTcArgs tc_env1 tc ty) Nothing -> IfNoParent to_if_fam_flav OpenSynFamilyTyCon = IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon to_if_fam_flav AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon = IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon to_if_fam_flav (DataFamilyTyCon {}) = IfaceDataFamilyTyCon to_if_fam_flav (BuiltInSynFamTyCon {}) = IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon to_if_fam_flav (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon Nothing) = IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon Nothing to_if_fam_flav (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon (Just ax)) = IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon (Just (axn, ibr)) where defs = fromBranches $ coAxiomBranches ax lhss = map coAxBranchLHS defs ibr = map (coAxBranchToIfaceBranch tycon lhss) defs axn = coAxiomName ax ifaceConDecls (NewTyCon { data_con = con }) = IfNewTyCon (ifaceConDecl con) ifaceConDecls (DataTyCon { data_cons = cons }) = IfDataTyCon (map ifaceConDecl cons) ifaceConDecls (TupleTyCon { data_con = con }) = IfDataTyCon [ifaceConDecl con] ifaceConDecls (SumTyCon { data_cons = cons }) = IfDataTyCon (map ifaceConDecl cons) ifaceConDecls AbstractTyCon = IfAbstractTyCon -- The AbstractTyCon case happens when a TyCon has been trimmed -- during tidying. -- Furthermore, tyThingToIfaceDecl is also used in GHC.Tc.Module -- for GHCi, when browsing a module, in which case the -- AbstractTyCon and TupleTyCon cases are perfectly sensible. -- (Tuple declarations are not serialised into interface files.) ifaceConDecl data_con = IfCon { ifConName = dataConName data_con, ifConInfix = dataConIsInfix data_con, ifConWrapper = isJust (dataConWrapId_maybe data_con), ifConExTCvs = map toIfaceBndr ex_tvs', ifConUserTvBinders = map toIfaceForAllBndr user_bndrs', ifConEqSpec = map (to_eq_spec . eqSpecPair) eq_spec, ifConCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext con_env2 theta, ifConArgTys = map (\(Scaled w t) -> (tidyToIfaceType con_env2 w , (tidyToIfaceType con_env2 t))) arg_tys, ifConFields = dataConFieldLabels data_con, ifConStricts = map (toIfaceBang con_env2) (dataConImplBangs data_con), ifConSrcStricts = map toIfaceSrcBang (dataConSrcBangs data_con)} where (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, _) = dataConFullSig data_con user_bndrs = dataConUserTyVarBinders data_con -- Tidy the univ_tvs of the data constructor to be identical -- to the tyConTyVars of the type constructor. This means -- (a) we don't need to redundantly put them into the interface file -- (b) when pretty-printing an Iface data declaration in H98-style syntax, -- we know that the type variables will line up -- The latter (b) is important because we pretty-print type constructors -- by converting to Iface syntax and pretty-printing that con_env1 = (fst tc_env1, mkVarEnv (zipEqual "ifaceConDecl" univ_tvs tc_tyvars)) -- A bit grimy, perhaps, but it's simple! (con_env2, ex_tvs') = tidyVarBndrs con_env1 ex_tvs user_bndrs' = map (tidyUserTyCoVarBinder con_env2) user_bndrs to_eq_spec (tv,ty) = (tidyTyVar con_env2 tv, tidyToIfaceType con_env2 ty) -- By this point, we have tidied every universal and existential -- tyvar. Because of the dcUserTyCoVarBinders invariant -- (see Note [DataCon user type variable binders]), *every* -- user-written tyvar must be contained in the substitution that -- tidying produced. Therefore, tidying the user-written tyvars is a -- simple matter of looking up each variable in the substitution, -- which tidyTyCoVarOcc accomplishes. tidyUserTyCoVarBinder :: TidyEnv -> InvisTVBinder -> InvisTVBinder tidyUserTyCoVarBinder env (Bndr tv vis) = Bndr (tidyTyCoVarOcc env tv) vis classToIfaceDecl :: TidyEnv -> Class -> (TidyEnv, IfaceDecl) classToIfaceDecl env clas = ( env1 , IfaceClass { ifName = getName tycon, ifRoles = tyConRoles (classTyCon clas), ifBinders = toIfaceTyCoVarBinders tc_binders, ifBody = body, ifFDs = map toIfaceFD clas_fds }) where (_, clas_fds, sc_theta, _, clas_ats, op_stuff) = classExtraBigSig clas tycon = classTyCon clas body | isAbstractTyCon tycon = IfAbstractClass | otherwise = IfConcreteClass { ifClassCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext env1 sc_theta, ifATs = map toIfaceAT clas_ats, ifSigs = map toIfaceClassOp op_stuff, ifMinDef = fmap getOccFS (classMinimalDef clas) } (env1, tc_binders) = tidyTyConBinders env (tyConBinders tycon) toIfaceAT :: ClassATItem -> IfaceAT toIfaceAT (ATI tc def) = IfaceAT if_decl (fmap (tidyToIfaceType env2 . fst) def) where (env2, if_decl) = tyConToIfaceDecl env1 tc toIfaceClassOp (sel_id, def_meth) = ASSERT( sel_tyvars == binderVars tc_binders ) IfaceClassOp (getName sel_id) (tidyToIfaceType env1 op_ty) (fmap toDmSpec def_meth) where -- Be careful when splitting the type, because of things -- like class Foo a where -- op :: (?x :: String) => a -> a -- and class Baz a where -- op :: (Ord a) => a -> a (sel_tyvars, rho_ty) = splitForAllTyCoVars (idType sel_id) op_ty = funResultTy rho_ty toDmSpec :: (Name, DefMethSpec Type) -> DefMethSpec IfaceType toDmSpec (_, VanillaDM) = VanillaDM toDmSpec (_, GenericDM dm_ty) = GenericDM (tidyToIfaceType env1 dm_ty) toIfaceFD (tvs1, tvs2) = (map (tidyTyVar env1) tvs1 ,map (tidyTyVar env1) tvs2) -------------------------- tidyTyConBinder :: TidyEnv -> TyConBinder -> (TidyEnv, TyConBinder) -- If the type variable "binder" is in scope, don't re-bind it -- In a class decl, for example, the ATD binders mention -- (amd must mention) the class tyvars tidyTyConBinder env@(_, subst) tvb@(Bndr tv vis) = case lookupVarEnv subst tv of Just tv' -> (env, Bndr tv' vis) Nothing -> tidyTyCoVarBinder env tvb tidyTyConBinders :: TidyEnv -> [TyConBinder] -> (TidyEnv, [TyConBinder]) tidyTyConBinders = mapAccumL tidyTyConBinder tidyTyVar :: TidyEnv -> TyVar -> FastString tidyTyVar (_, subst) tv = toIfaceTyVar (lookupVarEnv subst tv `orElse` tv) -------------------------- instanceToIfaceInst :: ClsInst -> IfaceClsInst instanceToIfaceInst (ClsInst { is_dfun = dfun_id, is_flag = oflag , is_cls_nm = cls_name, is_cls = cls , is_tcs = mb_tcs , is_orphan = orph }) = ASSERT( cls_name == className cls ) IfaceClsInst { ifDFun = dfun_name, ifOFlag = oflag, ifInstCls = cls_name, ifInstTys = map do_rough mb_tcs, ifInstOrph = orph } where do_rough Nothing = Nothing do_rough (Just n) = Just (toIfaceTyCon_name n) dfun_name = idName dfun_id -------------------------- famInstToIfaceFamInst :: FamInst -> IfaceFamInst famInstToIfaceFamInst (FamInst { fi_axiom = axiom, fi_fam = fam, fi_tcs = roughs }) = IfaceFamInst { ifFamInstAxiom = coAxiomName axiom , ifFamInstFam = fam , ifFamInstTys = map do_rough roughs , ifFamInstOrph = orph } where do_rough Nothing = Nothing do_rough (Just n) = Just (toIfaceTyCon_name n) fam_decl = tyConName $ coAxiomTyCon axiom mod = ASSERT( isExternalName (coAxiomName axiom) ) nameModule (coAxiomName axiom) is_local name = nameIsLocalOrFrom mod name lhs_names = filterNameSet is_local (orphNamesOfCoCon axiom) orph | is_local fam_decl = NotOrphan (nameOccName fam_decl) | otherwise = chooseOrphanAnchor lhs_names -------------------------- coreRuleToIfaceRule :: CoreRule -> IfaceRule coreRuleToIfaceRule (BuiltinRule { ru_fn = fn}) = pprTrace "toHsRule: builtin" (ppr fn) $ bogusIfaceRule fn coreRuleToIfaceRule (Rule { ru_name = name, ru_fn = fn, ru_act = act, ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_args = args, ru_rhs = rhs, ru_orphan = orph, ru_auto = auto }) = IfaceRule { ifRuleName = name, ifActivation = act, ifRuleBndrs = map toIfaceBndr bndrs, ifRuleHead = fn, ifRuleArgs = map do_arg args, ifRuleRhs = toIfaceExpr rhs, ifRuleAuto = auto, ifRuleOrph = orph } where -- For type args we must remove synonyms from the outermost -- level. Reason: so that when we read it back in we'll -- construct the same ru_rough field as we have right now; -- see tcIfaceRule do_arg (Type ty) = IfaceType (toIfaceType (deNoteType ty)) do_arg (Coercion co) = IfaceCo (toIfaceCoercion co) do_arg arg = toIfaceExpr arg bogusIfaceRule :: Name -> IfaceRule bogusIfaceRule id_name = IfaceRule { ifRuleName = fsLit "bogus", ifActivation = NeverActive, ifRuleBndrs = [], ifRuleHead = id_name, ifRuleArgs = [], ifRuleRhs = IfaceExt id_name, ifRuleOrph = IsOrphan, ifRuleAuto = True }