-- -*-haskell-*- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 1997-2003 --- -- The GHC grammar. -- -- Author(s): Simon Marlow, Sven Panne 1997, 1998, 1999 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- { {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | This module provides the generated Happy parser for Haskell. It exports -- a number of parsers which may be used in any library that uses the GHC API. -- A common usage pattern is to initialize the parser state with a given string -- and then parse that string: -- -- @ -- runParser :: DynFlags -> String -> P a -> ParseResult a -- runParser flags str parser = unP parser parseState -- where -- filename = "\" -- location = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString filename) 1 1 -- buffer = stringToStringBuffer str -- parseState = mkPState flags buffer location -- @ module GHC.Parser ( parseModule, parseSignature, parseImport, parseStatement, parseBackpack , parseDeclaration, parseExpression, parsePattern , parseTypeSignature , parseStmt, parseIdentifier , parseType, parseHeader ) where -- base import Control.Monad ( unless, liftM, when, (<=<) ) import GHC.Exts import Data.Char import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList ) import Control.Monad ( mplus ) import Control.Applicative ((<$)) import qualified Prelude -- compiler import GHC.Hs import GHC.Driver.Phases ( HscSource(..) ) import GHC.Driver.Types ( IsBootInterface, WarningTxt(..) ) import GHC.Driver.Session import GHC.Driver.Backpack.Syntax import GHC.Unit.Info -- compiler/utils import GHC.Data.OrdList import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula ( BooleanFormula(..), LBooleanFormula(..), mkTrue ) import GHC.Data.FastString import GHC.Data.Maybe ( isJust, orElse ) import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Utils.Misc ( looksLikePackageName, fstOf3, sndOf3, thdOf3 ) import GHC.Prelude -- compiler/basicTypes import GHC.Types.Name.Reader import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence ( varName, dataName, tcClsName, tvName, startsWithUnderscore ) import GHC.Core.DataCon ( DataCon, dataConName ) import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Unit.Module import GHC.Types.Basic import GHC.Types.ForeignCall import GHC.Core.Type ( funTyCon ) import GHC.Core.Class ( FunDep ) -- compiler/parser import GHC.Parser.PostProcess import GHC.Parser.PostProcess.Haddock import GHC.Parser.Lexer import GHC.Parser.Annotation import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence ( emptyTcEvBinds ) -- compiler/prelude import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim ( eqPrimTyCon ) import GHC.Builtin.Types ( unitTyCon, unitDataCon, tupleTyCon, tupleDataCon, nilDataCon, unboxedUnitTyCon, unboxedUnitDataCon, listTyCon_RDR, consDataCon_RDR, eqTyCon_RDR ) } %expect 232 -- shift/reduce conflicts {- Last updated: 04 June 2018 If you modify this parser and add a conflict, please update this comment. You can learn more about the conflicts by passing 'happy' the -i flag: happy -agc --strict compiler/GHC/Parser.y -idetailed-info How is this section formatted? Look up the state the conflict is reported at, and copy the list of applicable rules (at the top, without the rule numbers). Mark *** for the rule that is the conflicting reduction (that is, the interpretation which is NOT taken). NB: Happy doesn't print a rule in a state if it is empty, but you should include it in the list (you can look these up in the Grammar section of the info file). Obviously the state numbers are not stable across modifications to the parser, the idea is to reproduce enough information on each conflict so you can figure out what happened if the states were renumbered. Try not to gratuitously move productions around in this file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 0 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts. Conflicts: DOCNEXT (empty missing_module_keyword reduces) Ambiguity when the source file starts with "-- | doc". We need another token of lookahead to determine if a top declaration or the 'module' keyword follows. Shift parses as if the 'module' keyword follows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 60 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict. context -> btype . *** type -> btype . type -> btype . '->' ctype Conflicts: '->' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 61 contains 47 shift/reduce conflicts. *** btype -> tyapps . tyapps -> tyapps . tyapp Conflicts: '_' ':' '~' '!' '.' '`' '{' '[' '(' '(#' '`' TYPEAPP SIMPLEQUOTE VARID CONID VARSYM CONSYM QCONID QVARSYM QCONSYM STRING INTEGER TH_ID_SPLICE '$(' TH_QUASIQUOTE TH_QQUASIQUOTE and all the special ids. Example ambiguity: 'if x then y else z :: F a' Shift parses as (per longest-parse rule): 'if x then y else z :: (F a)' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 143 contains 15 shift/reduce conflicts. exp -> infixexp . '::' sigtype exp -> infixexp . '-<' exp exp -> infixexp . '>-' exp exp -> infixexp . '-<<' exp exp -> infixexp . '>>-' exp *** exp -> infixexp . infixexp -> infixexp . qop exp10 Conflicts: ':' '::' '-' '!' '-<' '>-' '-<<' '>>-' '.' '`' '*' VARSYM CONSYM QVARSYM QCONSYM Examples of ambiguity: 'if x then y else z -< e' 'if x then y else z :: T' 'if x then y else z + 1' (NB: '+' is in VARSYM) Shift parses as (per longest-parse rule): 'if x then y else (z -< T)' 'if x then y else (z :: T)' 'if x then y else (z + 1)' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 148 contains 67 shift/reduce conflicts. *** exp10 -> fexp . fexp -> fexp . aexp fexp -> fexp . TYPEAPP atype Conflicts: TYPEAPP and all the tokens that can start an aexp Examples of ambiguity: 'if x then y else f z' 'if x then y else f @ z' Shift parses as (per longest-parse rule): 'if x then y else (f z)' 'if x then y else (f @ z)' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 203 contains 27 shift/reduce conflicts. aexp2 -> TH_TY_QUOTE . tyvar aexp2 -> TH_TY_QUOTE . gtycon *** aexp2 -> TH_TY_QUOTE . Conflicts: two single quotes is error syntax with specific error message. Example of ambiguity: 'x = ''' 'x = ''a' 'x = ''T' Shift parses as (per longest-parse rule): 'x = ''a' 'x = ''T' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 299 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts. rule -> STRING . rule_activation rule_forall infixexp '=' exp Conflict: '[' (empty rule_activation reduces) We don't know whether the '[' starts the activation or not: it might be the start of the declaration with the activation being empty. --SDM 1/4/2002 Example ambiguity: '{-# RULE [0] f = ... #-}' We parse this as having a [0] rule activation for rewriting 'f', rather a rule instructing how to rewrite the expression '[0] f'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 309 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict. *** type -> btype . type -> btype . '->' ctype Conflict: '->' Same as state 61 but without contexts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 353 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts. tup_exprs -> commas . tup_tail sysdcon_nolist -> '(' commas . ')' commas -> commas . ',' Conflict: ')' (empty tup_tail reduces) A tuple section with NO free variables '(,,)' is indistinguishable from the Haskell98 data constructor for a tuple. Shift resolves in favor of sysdcon, which is good because a tuple section will get rejected if -XTupleSections is not specified. See also Note [ExplicitTuple] in GHC.Hs.Expr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 408 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts. tup_exprs -> commas . tup_tail sysdcon_nolist -> '(#' commas . '#)' commas -> commas . ',' Conflict: '#)' (empty tup_tail reduces) Same as State 354 for unboxed tuples. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 416 contains 67 shift/reduce conflicts. *** exp10 -> '-' fexp . fexp -> fexp . aexp fexp -> fexp . TYPEAPP atype Same as 149 but with a unary minus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 481 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict. oqtycon -> '(' qtyconsym . ')' *** qtyconop -> qtyconsym . Conflict: ')' Example ambiguity: 'foo :: (:%)' Shift means '(:%)' gets parsed as a type constructor, rather than than a parenthesized infix type expression of length 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 678 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts. *** aexp2 -> ipvar . dbind -> ipvar . '=' exp Conflict: '=' Example ambiguity: 'let ?x ...' The parser can't tell whether the ?x is the lhs of a normal binding or an implicit binding. Fortunately, resolving as shift gives it the only sensible meaning, namely the lhs of an implicit binding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 756 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts. rule -> STRING rule_activation . rule_forall infixexp '=' exp Conflict: 'forall' (empty rule_forall reduces) Example ambiguity: '{-# RULES "name" forall = ... #-}' 'forall' is a valid variable name---we don't know whether to treat a forall on the input as the beginning of a quantifier or the beginning of the rule itself. Resolving to shift means it's always treated as a quantifier, hence the above is disallowed. This saves explicitly defining a grammar for the rule lhs that doesn't include 'forall'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 992 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts. transformqual -> 'then' 'group' . 'using' exp transformqual -> 'then' 'group' . 'by' exp 'using' exp *** special_id -> 'group' . Conflict: 'by' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 1089 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts. rule_foralls -> 'forall' rule_vars '.' . 'forall' rule_vars '.' *** rule_foralls -> 'forall' rule_vars '.' . Conflict: 'forall' Example ambiguity: '{-# RULES "name" forall a. forall ... #-}' Here the parser cannot tell whether the second 'forall' is the beginning of a term-level quantifier, for example: '{-# RULES "name" forall a. forall x. id @a x = x #-}' or a valid variable named 'forall', for example a function @:: Int -> Int@ '{-# RULES "name" forall a. forall 0 = 0 #-}' Shift means the parser only allows the former. Also see conflict 753 above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state 1390 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict. *** atype -> tyvar . tv_bndr -> '(' tyvar . '::' kind ')' Conflict: '::' Example ambiguity: 'class C a where type D a = ( a :: * ...' Here the parser cannot tell whether this is specifying a default for the associated type like: 'class C a where type D a = ( a :: * ); type D a' or it is an injectivity signature like: 'class C a where type D a = ( r :: * ) | r -> a' Shift means the parser only allows the latter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- API Annotations -- A lot of the productions are now cluttered with calls to aa,am,ams,amms etc. These are helper functions to make sure that the locations of the various keywords such as do / let / in are captured for use by tools that want to do source to source conversions, such as refactorers or structured editors. The helper functions are defined at the bottom of this file. See https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/api-annotations and https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/ghc-ast-annotations for some background. If you modify the parser and want to ensure that the API annotations are processed correctly, see the README in (REPO)/utils/check-api-annotations for details on how to set up a test using the check-api-annotations utility, and interpret the output it generates. Note [Parsing lists] --------------------- You might be wondering why we spend so much effort encoding our lists this way: importdecls : importdecls ';' importdecl | importdecls ';' | importdecl | {- empty -} This might seem like an awfully roundabout way to declare a list; plus, to add insult to injury you have to reverse the results at the end. The answer is that left recursion prevents us from running out of stack space when parsing long sequences. See: https://www.haskell.org/happy/doc/html/sec-sequences.html for more guidance. By adding/removing branches, you can affect what lists are accepted. Here are the most common patterns, rewritten as regular expressions for clarity: -- Equivalent to: ';'* (x ';'+)* x? (can be empty, permits leading/trailing semis) xs : xs ';' x | xs ';' | x | {- empty -} -- Equivalent to x (';' x)* ';'* (non-empty, permits trailing semis) xs : xs ';' x | xs ';' | x -- Equivalent to ';'* alts (';' alts)* ';'* (non-empty, permits leading/trailing semis) alts : alts1 | ';' alts alts1 : alts1 ';' alt | alts1 ';' | alt -- Equivalent to x (',' x)+ (non-empty, no trailing semis) xs : x | x ',' xs -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} %token '_' { L _ ITunderscore } -- Haskell keywords 'as' { L _ ITas } 'case' { L _ ITcase } 'class' { L _ ITclass } 'data' { L _ ITdata } 'default' { L _ ITdefault } 'deriving' { L _ ITderiving } 'do' { L _ ITdo } 'else' { L _ ITelse } 'hiding' { L _ IThiding } 'if' { L _ ITif } 'import' { L _ ITimport } 'in' { L _ ITin } 'infix' { L _ ITinfix } 'infixl' { L _ ITinfixl } 'infixr' { L _ ITinfixr } 'instance' { L _ ITinstance } 'let' { L _ ITlet } 'module' { L _ ITmodule } 'newtype' { L _ ITnewtype } 'of' { L _ ITof } 'qualified' { L _ ITqualified } 'then' { L _ ITthen } 'type' { L _ ITtype } 'where' { L _ ITwhere } 'forall' { L _ (ITforall _) } -- GHC extension keywords 'foreign' { L _ ITforeign } 'export' { L _ ITexport } 'label' { L _ ITlabel } 'dynamic' { L _ ITdynamic } 'safe' { L _ ITsafe } 'interruptible' { L _ ITinterruptible } 'unsafe' { L _ ITunsafe } 'mdo' { L _ ITmdo } 'family' { L _ ITfamily } 'role' { L _ ITrole } 'stdcall' { L _ ITstdcallconv } 'ccall' { L _ ITccallconv } 'capi' { L _ ITcapiconv } 'prim' { L _ ITprimcallconv } 'javascript' { L _ ITjavascriptcallconv } 'proc' { L _ ITproc } -- for arrow notation extension 'rec' { L _ ITrec } -- for arrow notation extension 'group' { L _ ITgroup } -- for list transform extension 'by' { L _ ITby } -- for list transform extension 'using' { L _ ITusing } -- for list transform extension 'pattern' { L _ ITpattern } -- for pattern synonyms 'static' { L _ ITstatic } -- for static pointers extension 'stock' { L _ ITstock } -- for DerivingStrategies extension 'anyclass' { L _ ITanyclass } -- for DerivingStrategies extension 'via' { L _ ITvia } -- for DerivingStrategies extension 'unit' { L _ ITunit } 'signature' { L _ ITsignature } 'dependency' { L _ ITdependency } '{-# INLINE' { L _ (ITinline_prag _ _ _) } -- INLINE or INLINABLE '{-# SPECIALISE' { L _ (ITspec_prag _) } '{-# SPECIALISE_INLINE' { L _ (ITspec_inline_prag _ _) } '{-# SOURCE' { L _ (ITsource_prag _) } '{-# RULES' { L _ (ITrules_prag _) } '{-# CORE' { L _ (ITcore_prag _) } -- hdaume: annotated core '{-# SCC' { L _ (ITscc_prag _)} '{-# GENERATED' { L _ (ITgenerated_prag _) } '{-# DEPRECATED' { L _ (ITdeprecated_prag _) } '{-# WARNING' { L _ (ITwarning_prag _) } '{-# UNPACK' { L _ (ITunpack_prag _) } '{-# NOUNPACK' { L _ (ITnounpack_prag _) } '{-# ANN' { L _ (ITann_prag _) } '{-# MINIMAL' { L _ (ITminimal_prag _) } '{-# CTYPE' { L _ (ITctype _) } '{-# OVERLAPPING' { L _ (IToverlapping_prag _) } '{-# OVERLAPPABLE' { L _ (IToverlappable_prag _) } '{-# OVERLAPS' { L _ (IToverlaps_prag _) } '{-# INCOHERENT' { L _ (ITincoherent_prag _) } '{-# COMPLETE' { L _ (ITcomplete_prag _) } '#-}' { L _ ITclose_prag } '..' { L _ ITdotdot } -- reserved symbols ':' { L _ ITcolon } '::' { L _ (ITdcolon _) } '=' { L _ ITequal } '\\' { L _ ITlam } 'lcase' { L _ ITlcase } '|' { L _ ITvbar } '<-' { L _ (ITlarrow _) } '->' { L _ (ITrarrow _) } TIGHT_INFIX_AT { L _ ITat } '=>' { L _ (ITdarrow _) } '-' { L _ ITminus } PREFIX_TILDE { L _ ITtilde } PREFIX_BANG { L _ ITbang } '*' { L _ (ITstar _) } '-<' { L _ (ITlarrowtail _) } -- for arrow notation '>-' { L _ (ITrarrowtail _) } -- for arrow notation '-<<' { L _ (ITLarrowtail _) } -- for arrow notation '>>-' { L _ (ITRarrowtail _) } -- for arrow notation '.' { L _ ITdot } PREFIX_AT { L _ ITtypeApp } '{' { L _ ITocurly } -- special symbols '}' { L _ ITccurly } vocurly { L _ ITvocurly } -- virtual open curly (from layout) vccurly { L _ ITvccurly } -- virtual close curly (from layout) '[' { L _ ITobrack } ']' { L _ ITcbrack } '(' { L _ IToparen } ')' { L _ ITcparen } '(#' { L _ IToubxparen } '#)' { L _ ITcubxparen } '(|' { L _ (IToparenbar _) } '|)' { L _ (ITcparenbar _) } ';' { L _ ITsemi } ',' { L _ ITcomma } '`' { L _ ITbackquote } SIMPLEQUOTE { L _ ITsimpleQuote } -- 'x VARID { L _ (ITvarid _) } -- identifiers CONID { L _ (ITconid _) } VARSYM { L _ (ITvarsym _) } CONSYM { L _ (ITconsym _) } QVARID { L _ (ITqvarid _) } QCONID { L _ (ITqconid _) } QVARSYM { L _ (ITqvarsym _) } QCONSYM { L _ (ITqconsym _) } IPDUPVARID { L _ (ITdupipvarid _) } -- GHC extension LABELVARID { L _ (ITlabelvarid _) } CHAR { L _ (ITchar _ _) } STRING { L _ (ITstring _ _) } INTEGER { L _ (ITinteger _) } RATIONAL { L _ (ITrational _) } PRIMCHAR { L _ (ITprimchar _ _) } PRIMSTRING { L _ (ITprimstring _ _) } PRIMINTEGER { L _ (ITprimint _ _) } PRIMWORD { L _ (ITprimword _ _) } PRIMFLOAT { L _ (ITprimfloat _) } PRIMDOUBLE { L _ (ITprimdouble _) } DOCNEXT { L _ (ITdocCommentNext _) } DOCPREV { L _ (ITdocCommentPrev _) } DOCNAMED { L _ (ITdocCommentNamed _) } DOCSECTION { L _ (ITdocSection _ _) } -- Template Haskell '[|' { L _ (ITopenExpQuote _ _) } '[p|' { L _ ITopenPatQuote } '[t|' { L _ ITopenTypQuote } '[d|' { L _ ITopenDecQuote } '|]' { L _ (ITcloseQuote _) } '[||' { L _ (ITopenTExpQuote _) } '||]' { L _ ITcloseTExpQuote } PREFIX_DOLLAR { L _ ITdollar } PREFIX_DOLLAR_DOLLAR { L _ ITdollardollar } TH_TY_QUOTE { L _ ITtyQuote } -- ''T TH_QUASIQUOTE { L _ (ITquasiQuote _) } TH_QQUASIQUOTE { L _ (ITqQuasiQuote _) } %monad { P } { >>= } { return } %lexer { (lexer True) } { L _ ITeof } -- Replace 'lexer' above with 'lexerDbg' -- to dump the tokens fed to the parser. %tokentype { (Located Token) } -- Exported parsers %name parseModule module %name parseSignature signature %name parseImport importdecl %name parseStatement e_stmt %name parseDeclaration topdecl %name parseExpression exp %name parsePattern pat %name parseTypeSignature sigdecl %name parseStmt maybe_stmt %name parseIdentifier identifier %name parseType ktype %name parseBackpack backpack %partial parseHeader header %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Identifiers; one of the entry points identifier :: { Located RdrName } : qvar { $1 } | qcon { $1 } | qvarop { $1 } | qconop { $1 } | '(' '->' ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ getRdrName funTyCon) [mop $1,mu AnnRarrow $2,mcp $3] } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Backpack stuff backpack :: { [LHsUnit PackageName] } : implicit_top units close { fromOL $2 } | '{' units '}' { fromOL $2 } units :: { OrdList (LHsUnit PackageName) } : units ';' unit { $1 `appOL` unitOL $3 } | units ';' { $1 } | unit { unitOL $1 } unit :: { LHsUnit PackageName } : 'unit' pkgname 'where' unitbody { sL1 $1 $ HsUnit { hsunitName = $2 , hsunitBody = fromOL $4 } } unitid :: { LHsUnitId PackageName } : pkgname { sL1 $1 $ HsUnitId $1 [] } | pkgname '[' msubsts ']' { sLL $1 $> $ HsUnitId $1 (fromOL $3) } msubsts :: { OrdList (LHsModuleSubst PackageName) } : msubsts ',' msubst { $1 `appOL` unitOL $3 } | msubsts ',' { $1 } | msubst { unitOL $1 } msubst :: { LHsModuleSubst PackageName } : modid '=' moduleid { sLL $1 $> $ ($1, $3) } | modid VARSYM modid VARSYM { sLL $1 $> $ ($1, sLL $2 $> $ HsModuleVar $3) } moduleid :: { LHsModuleId PackageName } : VARSYM modid VARSYM { sLL $1 $> $ HsModuleVar $2 } | unitid ':' modid { sLL $1 $> $ HsModuleId $1 $3 } pkgname :: { Located PackageName } : STRING { sL1 $1 $ PackageName (getSTRING $1) } | litpkgname { sL1 $1 $ PackageName (unLoc $1) } litpkgname_segment :: { Located FastString } : VARID { sL1 $1 $ getVARID $1 } | CONID { sL1 $1 $ getCONID $1 } | special_id { $1 } litpkgname :: { Located FastString } : litpkgname_segment { $1 } -- a bit of a hack, means p - b is parsed same as p-b, enough for now. | litpkgname_segment '-' litpkgname { sLL $1 $> $ appendFS (unLoc $1) (consFS '-' (unLoc $3)) } mayberns :: { Maybe [LRenaming] } : {- empty -} { Nothing } | '(' rns ')' { Just (fromOL $2) } rns :: { OrdList LRenaming } : rns ',' rn { $1 `appOL` unitOL $3 } | rns ',' { $1 } | rn { unitOL $1 } rn :: { LRenaming } : modid 'as' modid { sLL $1 $> $ Renaming $1 (Just $3) } | modid { sL1 $1 $ Renaming $1 Nothing } unitbody :: { OrdList (LHsUnitDecl PackageName) } : '{' unitdecls '}' { $2 } | vocurly unitdecls close { $2 } unitdecls :: { OrdList (LHsUnitDecl PackageName) } : unitdecls ';' unitdecl { $1 `appOL` unitOL $3 } | unitdecls ';' { $1 } | unitdecl { unitOL $1 } unitdecl :: { LHsUnitDecl PackageName } : maybedocheader 'module' maybe_src modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body -- XXX not accurate { sL1 $2 $ DeclD (case snd $3 of False -> HsSrcFile True -> HsBootFile) $4 (Just $ sL1 $2 (HsModule (Just $4) $6 (fst $ snd $8) (snd $ snd $8) $5 $1)) } | maybedocheader 'signature' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body { sL1 $2 $ DeclD HsigFile $3 (Just $ sL1 $2 (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7) (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1)) } -- NB: MUST have maybedocheader here, otherwise shift-reduce conflict -- will prevent us from parsing both forms. | maybedocheader 'module' maybe_src modid { sL1 $2 $ DeclD (case snd $3 of False -> HsSrcFile True -> HsBootFile) $4 Nothing } | maybedocheader 'signature' modid { sL1 $2 $ DeclD HsigFile $3 Nothing } | 'dependency' unitid mayberns { sL1 $1 $ IncludeD (IncludeDecl { idUnitId = $2 , idModRenaming = $3 , idSignatureInclude = False }) } | 'dependency' 'signature' unitid { sL1 $1 $ IncludeD (IncludeDecl { idUnitId = $3 , idModRenaming = Nothing , idSignatureInclude = True }) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Module Header -- The place for module deprecation is really too restrictive, but if it -- was allowed at its natural place just before 'module', we get an ugly -- s/r conflict with the second alternative. Another solution would be the -- introduction of a new pragma DEPRECATED_MODULE, but this is not very nice, -- either, and DEPRECATED is only expected to be used by people who really -- know what they are doing. :-) signature :: { Located HsModule } : maybedocheader 'signature' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc -> ams (L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7) (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1) ) ([mj AnnSignature $2, mj AnnWhere $6] ++ fst $7) } module :: { Located HsModule } : maybedocheader 'module' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc -> ams (L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7) (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1) ) ([mj AnnModule $2, mj AnnWhere $6] ++ fst $7) } | body2 {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc -> ams (L loc (HsModule Nothing Nothing (fst $ snd $1) (snd $ snd $1) Nothing Nothing)) (fst $1) } maybedocheader :: { Maybe LHsDocString } : moduleheader { $1 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } missing_module_keyword :: { () } : {- empty -} {% pushModuleContext } implicit_top :: { () } : {- empty -} {% pushModuleContext } maybemodwarning :: { Maybe (Located WarningTxt) } : '{-# DEPRECATED' strings '#-}' {% ajs (sLL $1 $> $ DeprecatedTxt (sL1 $1 (getDEPRECATED_PRAGs $1)) (snd $ unLoc $2)) (mo $1:mc $3: (fst $ unLoc $2)) } | '{-# WARNING' strings '#-}' {% ajs (sLL $1 $> $ WarningTxt (sL1 $1 (getWARNING_PRAGs $1)) (snd $ unLoc $2)) (mo $1:mc $3 : (fst $ unLoc $2)) } | {- empty -} { Nothing } body :: { ([AddAnn] ,([LImportDecl GhcPs], [LHsDecl GhcPs])) } : '{' top '}' { (moc $1:mcc $3:(fst $2) , snd $2) } | vocurly top close { (fst $2, snd $2) } body2 :: { ([AddAnn] ,([LImportDecl GhcPs], [LHsDecl GhcPs])) } : '{' top '}' { (moc $1:mcc $3 :(fst $2), snd $2) } | missing_module_keyword top close { ([],snd $2) } top :: { ([AddAnn] ,([LImportDecl GhcPs], [LHsDecl GhcPs])) } : semis top1 { ($1, $2) } top1 :: { ([LImportDecl GhcPs], [LHsDecl GhcPs]) } : importdecls_semi topdecls_semi { (reverse $1, cvTopDecls $2) } | importdecls_semi topdecls { (reverse $1, cvTopDecls $2) } | importdecls { (reverse $1, []) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Module declaration & imports only header :: { Located HsModule } : maybedocheader 'module' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' header_body {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc -> ams (L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 $7 [] $4 $1 )) [mj AnnModule $2,mj AnnWhere $6] } | maybedocheader 'signature' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' header_body {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc -> ams (L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 $7 [] $4 $1 )) [mj AnnModule $2,mj AnnWhere $6] } | header_body2 {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc -> return (L loc (HsModule Nothing Nothing $1 [] Nothing Nothing)) } header_body :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] } : '{' header_top { $2 } | vocurly header_top { $2 } header_body2 :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] } : '{' header_top { $2 } | missing_module_keyword header_top { $2 } header_top :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] } : semis header_top_importdecls { $2 } header_top_importdecls :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] } : importdecls_semi { $1 } | importdecls { $1 } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Export List maybeexports :: { (Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs])) } : '(' exportlist ')' {% amsL (comb2 $1 $>) [mop $1,mcp $3] >> return (Just (sLL $1 $> (fromOL $2))) } | {- empty -} { Nothing } exportlist :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) } : expdoclist ',' expdoclist {% addAnnotation (oll $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return ($1 `appOL` $3) } | exportlist1 { $1 } exportlist1 :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) } : expdoclist export expdoclist ',' exportlist1 {% (addAnnotation (oll ($1 `appOL` $2 `appOL` $3)) AnnComma (gl $4) ) >> return ($1 `appOL` $2 `appOL` $3 `appOL` $5) } | expdoclist export expdoclist { $1 `appOL` $2 `appOL` $3 } | expdoclist { $1 } expdoclist :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) } : exp_doc expdoclist { $1 `appOL` $2 } | {- empty -} { nilOL } exp_doc :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) } : docsection { unitOL (sL1 $1 (case (unLoc $1) of (n, doc) -> IEGroup noExtField n doc)) } | docnamed { unitOL (sL1 $1 (IEDocNamed noExtField ((fst . unLoc) $1))) } | docnext { unitOL (sL1 $1 (IEDoc noExtField (unLoc $1))) } -- No longer allow things like [] and (,,,) to be exported -- They are built in syntax, always available export :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) } : qcname_ext export_subspec {% mkModuleImpExp $1 (snd $ unLoc $2) >>= \ie -> amsu (sLL $1 $> ie) (fst $ unLoc $2) } | 'module' modid {% amsu (sLL $1 $> (IEModuleContents noExtField $2)) [mj AnnModule $1] } | 'pattern' qcon {% amsu (sLL $1 $> (IEVar noExtField (sLL $1 $> (IEPattern $2)))) [mj AnnPattern $1] } export_subspec :: { Located ([AddAnn],ImpExpSubSpec) } : {- empty -} { sL0 ([],ImpExpAbs) } | '(' qcnames ')' {% mkImpExpSubSpec (reverse (snd $2)) >>= \(as,ie) -> return $ sLL $1 $> (as ++ [mop $1,mcp $3] ++ fst $2, ie) } qcnames :: { ([AddAnn], [Located ImpExpQcSpec]) } : {- empty -} { ([],[]) } | qcnames1 { $1 } qcnames1 :: { ([AddAnn], [Located ImpExpQcSpec]) } -- A reversed list : qcnames1 ',' qcname_ext_w_wildcard {% case (head (snd $1)) of l@(L _ ImpExpQcWildcard) -> return ([mj AnnComma $2, mj AnnDotdot l] ,(snd (unLoc $3) : snd $1)) l -> (ams (head (snd $1)) [mj AnnComma $2] >> return (fst $1 ++ fst (unLoc $3), snd (unLoc $3) : snd $1)) } -- Annotations re-added in mkImpExpSubSpec | qcname_ext_w_wildcard { (fst (unLoc $1),[snd (unLoc $1)]) } -- Variable, data constructor or wildcard -- or tagged type constructor qcname_ext_w_wildcard :: { Located ([AddAnn], Located ImpExpQcSpec) } : qcname_ext { sL1 $1 ([],$1) } | '..' { sL1 $1 ([mj AnnDotdot $1], sL1 $1 ImpExpQcWildcard) } qcname_ext :: { Located ImpExpQcSpec } : qcname { sL1 $1 (ImpExpQcName $1) } | 'type' oqtycon {% do { n <- mkTypeImpExp $2 ; ams (sLL $1 $> (ImpExpQcType n)) [mj AnnType $1] } } qcname :: { Located RdrName } -- Variable or type constructor : qvar { $1 } -- Things which look like functions -- Note: This includes record selectors but -- also (-.->), see #11432 | oqtycon_no_varcon { $1 } -- see Note [Type constructors in export list] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Import Declarations -- importdecls and topdecls must contain at least one declaration; -- top handles the fact that these may be optional. -- One or more semicolons semis1 :: { [AddAnn] } semis1 : semis1 ';' { mj AnnSemi $2 : $1 } | ';' { [mj AnnSemi $1] } -- Zero or more semicolons semis :: { [AddAnn] } semis : semis ';' { mj AnnSemi $2 : $1 } | {- empty -} { [] } -- No trailing semicolons, non-empty importdecls :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] } importdecls : importdecls_semi importdecl { $2 : $1 } -- May have trailing semicolons, can be empty importdecls_semi :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] } importdecls_semi : importdecls_semi importdecl semis1 {% ams $2 $3 >> return ($2 : $1) } | {- empty -} { [] } importdecl :: { LImportDecl GhcPs } : 'import' maybe_src maybe_safe optqualified maybe_pkg modid optqualified maybeas maybeimpspec {% do { ; checkImportDecl $4 $7 ; ams (L (comb4 $1 $6 (snd $8) $9) $ ImportDecl { ideclExt = noExtField , ideclSourceSrc = snd $ fst $2 , ideclName = $6, ideclPkgQual = snd $5 , ideclSource = snd $2, ideclSafe = snd $3 , ideclQualified = importDeclQualifiedStyle $4 $7 , ideclImplicit = False , ideclAs = unLoc (snd $8) , ideclHiding = unLoc $9 }) (mj AnnImport $1 : fst (fst $2) ++ fst $3 ++ fmap (mj AnnQualified) (maybeToList $4) ++ fst $5 ++ fmap (mj AnnQualified) (maybeToList $7) ++ fst $8) } } maybe_src :: { (([AddAnn],SourceText),IsBootInterface) } : '{-# SOURCE' '#-}' { (([mo $1,mc $2],getSOURCE_PRAGs $1) , True) } | {- empty -} { (([],NoSourceText),False) } maybe_safe :: { ([AddAnn],Bool) } : 'safe' { ([mj AnnSafe $1],True) } | {- empty -} { ([],False) } maybe_pkg :: { ([AddAnn],Maybe StringLiteral) } : STRING {% do { let { pkgFS = getSTRING $1 } ; unless (looksLikePackageName (unpackFS pkgFS)) $ addError (getLoc $1) $ vcat [ text "Parse error" <> colon <+> quotes (ppr pkgFS), text "Version number or non-alphanumeric" <+> text "character in package name"] ; return ([mj AnnPackageName $1], Just (StringLiteral (getSTRINGs $1) pkgFS)) } } | {- empty -} { ([],Nothing) } optqualified :: { Maybe (Located Token) } : 'qualified' { Just $1 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } maybeas :: { ([AddAnn],Located (Maybe (Located ModuleName))) } : 'as' modid { ([mj AnnAs $1] ,sLL $1 $> (Just $2)) } | {- empty -} { ([],noLoc Nothing) } maybeimpspec :: { Located (Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE GhcPs])) } : impspec {% let (b, ie) = unLoc $1 in checkImportSpec ie >>= \checkedIe -> return (L (gl $1) (Just (b, checkedIe))) } | {- empty -} { noLoc Nothing } impspec :: { Located (Bool, Located [LIE GhcPs]) } : '(' exportlist ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (False, sLL $1 $> $ fromOL $2)) [mop $1,mcp $3] } | 'hiding' '(' exportlist ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (True, sLL $1 $> $ fromOL $3)) [mj AnnHiding $1,mop $2,mcp $4] } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fixity Declarations prec :: { Located (SourceText,Int) } : {- empty -} { noLoc (NoSourceText,9) } | INTEGER { sL1 $1 (getINTEGERs $1,fromInteger (il_value (getINTEGER $1))) } infix :: { Located FixityDirection } : 'infix' { sL1 $1 InfixN } | 'infixl' { sL1 $1 InfixL } | 'infixr' { sL1 $1 InfixR } ops :: { Located (OrdList (Located RdrName)) } : ops ',' op {% addAnnotation (oll $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> ((unLoc $1) `appOL` unitOL $3))} | op { sL1 $1 (unitOL $1) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Top-Level Declarations -- No trailing semicolons, non-empty topdecls :: { OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs) } : topdecls_semi topdecl { $1 `snocOL` $2 } -- May have trailing semicolons, can be empty topdecls_semi :: { OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs) } : topdecls_semi topdecl semis1 {% ams $2 $3 >> return ($1 `snocOL` $2) } | {- empty -} { nilOL } topdecl :: { LHsDecl GhcPs } : cl_decl { sL1 $1 (TyClD noExtField (unLoc $1)) } | ty_decl { sL1 $1 (TyClD noExtField (unLoc $1)) } | standalone_kind_sig { sL1 $1 (KindSigD noExtField (unLoc $1)) } | inst_decl { sL1 $1 (InstD noExtField (unLoc $1)) } | stand_alone_deriving { sLL $1 $> (DerivD noExtField (unLoc $1)) } | role_annot { sL1 $1 (RoleAnnotD noExtField (unLoc $1)) } | 'default' '(' comma_types0 ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (DefD noExtField (DefaultDecl noExtField $3))) [mj AnnDefault $1 ,mop $2,mcp $4] } | 'foreign' fdecl {% ams (sLL $1 $> (snd $ unLoc $2)) (mj AnnForeign $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) } | '{-# DEPRECATED' deprecations '#-}' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ WarningD noExtField (Warnings noExtField (getDEPRECATED_PRAGs $1) (fromOL $2))) [mo $1,mc $3] } | '{-# WARNING' warnings '#-}' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ WarningD noExtField (Warnings noExtField (getWARNING_PRAGs $1) (fromOL $2))) [mo $1,mc $3] } | '{-# RULES' rules '#-}' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ RuleD noExtField (HsRules noExtField (getRULES_PRAGs $1) (fromOL $2))) [mo $1,mc $3] } | annotation { $1 } | decl_no_th { $1 } -- Template Haskell Extension -- The $(..) form is one possible form of infixexp -- but we treat an arbitrary expression just as if -- it had a $(..) wrapped around it | infixexp {% runECP_P $1 >>= \ $1 -> return $ sLL $1 $> $ mkSpliceDecl $1 } -- Type classes -- cl_decl :: { LTyClDecl GhcPs } : 'class' tycl_hdr fds where_cls {% amms (mkClassDecl (comb4 $1 $2 $3 $4) $2 $3 (snd $ unLoc $4)) (mj AnnClass $1:(fst $ unLoc $3)++(fst $ unLoc $4)) } -- Type declarations (toplevel) -- ty_decl :: { LTyClDecl GhcPs } -- ordinary type synonyms : 'type' type '=' ktypedoc -- Note ktypedoc, not sigtype, on the right of '=' -- We allow an explicit for-all but we don't insert one -- in type Foo a = (b,b) -- Instead we just say b is out of scope -- -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows -- infix type constructors to be declared {% amms (mkTySynonym (comb2 $1 $4) $2 $4) [mj AnnType $1,mj AnnEqual $3] } -- type family declarations | 'type' 'family' type opt_tyfam_kind_sig opt_injective_info where_type_family -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows -- infix type constructors to be declared {% amms (mkFamDecl (comb4 $1 $3 $4 $5) (snd $ unLoc $6) $3 (snd $ unLoc $4) (snd $ unLoc $5)) (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4) ++ (fst $ unLoc $5) ++ (fst $ unLoc $6)) } -- ordinary data type or newtype declaration | data_or_newtype capi_ctype tycl_hdr constrs maybe_derivings {% amms (mkTyData (comb4 $1 $3 $4 $5) (snd $ unLoc $1) $2 $3 Nothing (reverse (snd $ unLoc $4)) (fmap reverse $5)) -- We need the location on tycl_hdr in case -- constrs and deriving are both empty ((fst $ unLoc $1):(fst $ unLoc $4)) } -- ordinary GADT declaration | data_or_newtype capi_ctype tycl_hdr opt_kind_sig gadt_constrlist maybe_derivings {% amms (mkTyData (comb4 $1 $3 $5 $6) (snd $ unLoc $1) $2 $3 (snd $ unLoc $4) (snd $ unLoc $5) (fmap reverse $6) ) -- We need the location on tycl_hdr in case -- constrs and deriving are both empty ((fst $ unLoc $1):(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) } -- data/newtype family | 'data' 'family' type opt_datafam_kind_sig {% amms (mkFamDecl (comb3 $1 $2 $4) DataFamily $3 (snd $ unLoc $4) Nothing) (mj AnnData $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)) } -- standalone kind signature standalone_kind_sig :: { LStandaloneKindSig GhcPs } : 'type' sks_vars '::' ktypedoc {% amms (mkStandaloneKindSig (comb2 $1 $4) $2 $4) [mj AnnType $1,mu AnnDcolon $3] } -- See also: sig_vars sks_vars :: { Located [Located RdrName] } -- Returned in reverse order : sks_vars ',' oqtycon {% addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> ($3 : unLoc $1)) } | oqtycon { sL1 $1 [$1] } inst_decl :: { LInstDecl GhcPs } : 'instance' overlap_pragma inst_type where_inst {% do { (binds, sigs, _, ats, adts, _) <- cvBindsAndSigs (snd $ unLoc $4) ; let cid = ClsInstDecl { cid_ext = noExtField , cid_poly_ty = $3, cid_binds = binds , cid_sigs = mkClassOpSigs sigs , cid_tyfam_insts = ats , cid_overlap_mode = $2 , cid_datafam_insts = adts } ; ams (L (comb3 $1 (hsSigType $3) $4) (ClsInstD { cid_d_ext = noExtField, cid_inst = cid })) (mj AnnInstance $1 : (fst $ unLoc $4)) } } -- type instance declarations | 'type' 'instance' ty_fam_inst_eqn {% ams $3 (fst $ unLoc $3) >> amms (mkTyFamInst (comb2 $1 $3) (snd $ unLoc $3)) (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnInstance $2:(fst $ unLoc $3)) } -- data/newtype instance declaration | data_or_newtype 'instance' capi_ctype tycl_hdr_inst constrs maybe_derivings {% amms (mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $5 $6) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3 (snd $ unLoc $4) Nothing (reverse (snd $ unLoc $5)) (fmap reverse $6)) ((fst $ unLoc $1):mj AnnInstance $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) } -- GADT instance declaration | data_or_newtype 'instance' capi_ctype tycl_hdr_inst opt_kind_sig gadt_constrlist maybe_derivings {% amms (mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $6 $7) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3 (snd $ unLoc $4) (snd $ unLoc $5) (snd $ unLoc $6) (fmap reverse $7)) ((fst $ unLoc $1):mj AnnInstance $2 :(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)++(fst $ unLoc $6)) } overlap_pragma :: { Maybe (Located OverlapMode) } : '{-# OVERLAPPABLE' '#-}' {% ajs (sLL $1 $> (Overlappable (getOVERLAPPABLE_PRAGs $1))) [mo $1,mc $2] } | '{-# OVERLAPPING' '#-}' {% ajs (sLL $1 $> (Overlapping (getOVERLAPPING_PRAGs $1))) [mo $1,mc $2] } | '{-# OVERLAPS' '#-}' {% ajs (sLL $1 $> (Overlaps (getOVERLAPS_PRAGs $1))) [mo $1,mc $2] } | '{-# INCOHERENT' '#-}' {% ajs (sLL $1 $> (Incoherent (getINCOHERENT_PRAGs $1))) [mo $1,mc $2] } | {- empty -} { Nothing } deriv_strategy_no_via :: { LDerivStrategy GhcPs } : 'stock' {% ams (sL1 $1 StockStrategy) [mj AnnStock $1] } | 'anyclass' {% ams (sL1 $1 AnyclassStrategy) [mj AnnAnyclass $1] } | 'newtype' {% ams (sL1 $1 NewtypeStrategy) [mj AnnNewtype $1] } deriv_strategy_via :: { LDerivStrategy GhcPs } : 'via' type {% ams (sLL $1 $> (ViaStrategy (mkLHsSigType $2))) [mj AnnVia $1] } deriv_standalone_strategy :: { Maybe (LDerivStrategy GhcPs) } : 'stock' {% ajs (sL1 $1 StockStrategy) [mj AnnStock $1] } | 'anyclass' {% ajs (sL1 $1 AnyclassStrategy) [mj AnnAnyclass $1] } | 'newtype' {% ajs (sL1 $1 NewtypeStrategy) [mj AnnNewtype $1] } | deriv_strategy_via { Just $1 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } -- Injective type families opt_injective_info :: { Located ([AddAnn], Maybe (LInjectivityAnn GhcPs)) } : {- empty -} { noLoc ([], Nothing) } | '|' injectivity_cond { sLL $1 $> ([mj AnnVbar $1] , Just ($2)) } injectivity_cond :: { LInjectivityAnn GhcPs } : tyvarid '->' inj_varids {% ams (sLL $1 $> (InjectivityAnn $1 (reverse (unLoc $3)))) [mu AnnRarrow $2] } inj_varids :: { Located [Located RdrName] } : inj_varids tyvarid { sLL $1 $> ($2 : unLoc $1) } | tyvarid { sLL $1 $> [$1] } -- Closed type families where_type_family :: { Located ([AddAnn],FamilyInfo GhcPs) } : {- empty -} { noLoc ([],OpenTypeFamily) } | 'where' ty_fam_inst_eqn_list { sLL $1 $> (mj AnnWhere $1:(fst $ unLoc $2) ,ClosedTypeFamily (fmap reverse $ snd $ unLoc $2)) } ty_fam_inst_eqn_list :: { Located ([AddAnn],Maybe [LTyFamInstEqn GhcPs]) } : '{' ty_fam_inst_eqns '}' { sLL $1 $> ([moc $1,mcc $3] ,Just (unLoc $2)) } | vocurly ty_fam_inst_eqns close { let (L loc _) = $2 in L loc ([],Just (unLoc $2)) } | '{' '..' '}' { sLL $1 $> ([moc $1,mj AnnDotdot $2 ,mcc $3],Nothing) } | vocurly '..' close { let (L loc _) = $2 in L loc ([mj AnnDotdot $2],Nothing) } ty_fam_inst_eqns :: { Located [LTyFamInstEqn GhcPs] } : ty_fam_inst_eqns ';' ty_fam_inst_eqn {% let (L loc (anns, eqn)) = $3 in asl (unLoc $1) $2 (L loc eqn) >> ams $3 anns >> return (sLL $1 $> (L loc eqn : unLoc $1)) } | ty_fam_inst_eqns ';' {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnSemi (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $1)) } | ty_fam_inst_eqn {% let (L loc (anns, eqn)) = $1 in ams $1 anns >> return (sLL $1 $> [L loc eqn]) } | {- empty -} { noLoc [] } ty_fam_inst_eqn :: { Located ([AddAnn],TyFamInstEqn GhcPs) } : 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' type '=' ktype {% do { hintExplicitForall $1 ; (eqn,ann) <- mkTyFamInstEqn (Just $2) $4 $6 ; return (sLL $1 $> (mu AnnForall $1:mj AnnDot $3:mj AnnEqual $5:ann,eqn)) } } | type '=' ktype {% do { (eqn,ann) <- mkTyFamInstEqn Nothing $1 $3 ; return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnEqual $2:ann, eqn)) } } -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows -- infix type constructors and type patterns -- Associated type family declarations -- -- * They have a different syntax than on the toplevel (no family special -- identifier). -- -- * They also need to be separate from instances; otherwise, data family -- declarations without a kind signature cause parsing conflicts with empty -- data declarations. -- at_decl_cls :: { LHsDecl GhcPs } : -- data family declarations, with optional 'family' keyword 'data' opt_family type opt_datafam_kind_sig {% amms (liftM mkTyClD (mkFamDecl (comb3 $1 $3 $4) DataFamily $3 (snd $ unLoc $4) Nothing)) (mj AnnData $1:$2++(fst $ unLoc $4)) } -- type family declarations, with optional 'family' keyword -- (can't use opt_instance because you get shift/reduce errors | 'type' type opt_at_kind_inj_sig {% amms (liftM mkTyClD (mkFamDecl (comb3 $1 $2 $3) OpenTypeFamily $2 (fst . snd $ unLoc $3) (snd . snd $ unLoc $3))) (mj AnnType $1:(fst $ unLoc $3)) } | 'type' 'family' type opt_at_kind_inj_sig {% amms (liftM mkTyClD (mkFamDecl (comb3 $1 $3 $4) OpenTypeFamily $3 (fst . snd $ unLoc $4) (snd . snd $ unLoc $4))) (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)) } -- default type instances, with optional 'instance' keyword | 'type' ty_fam_inst_eqn {% ams $2 (fst $ unLoc $2) >> amms (liftM mkInstD (mkTyFamInst (comb2 $1 $2) (snd $ unLoc $2))) (mj AnnType $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) } | 'type' 'instance' ty_fam_inst_eqn {% ams $3 (fst $ unLoc $3) >> amms (liftM mkInstD (mkTyFamInst (comb2 $1 $3) (snd $ unLoc $3))) (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnInstance $2:(fst $ unLoc $3)) } opt_family :: { [AddAnn] } : {- empty -} { [] } | 'family' { [mj AnnFamily $1] } opt_instance :: { [AddAnn] } : {- empty -} { [] } | 'instance' { [mj AnnInstance $1] } -- Associated type instances -- at_decl_inst :: { LInstDecl GhcPs } -- type instance declarations, with optional 'instance' keyword : 'type' opt_instance ty_fam_inst_eqn -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows -- infix type constructors and type patterns {% ams $3 (fst $ unLoc $3) >> amms (mkTyFamInst (comb2 $1 $3) (snd $ unLoc $3)) (mj AnnType $1:$2++(fst $ unLoc $3)) } -- data/newtype instance declaration, with optional 'instance' keyword | data_or_newtype opt_instance capi_ctype tycl_hdr_inst constrs maybe_derivings {% amms (mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $5 $6) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3 (snd $ unLoc $4) Nothing (reverse (snd $ unLoc $5)) (fmap reverse $6)) ((fst $ unLoc $1):$2++(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) } -- GADT instance declaration, with optional 'instance' keyword | data_or_newtype opt_instance capi_ctype tycl_hdr_inst opt_kind_sig gadt_constrlist maybe_derivings {% amms (mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $6 $7) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3 (snd $ unLoc $4) (snd $ unLoc $5) (snd $ unLoc $6) (fmap reverse $7)) ((fst $ unLoc $1):$2++(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)++(fst $ unLoc $6)) } data_or_newtype :: { Located (AddAnn, NewOrData) } : 'data' { sL1 $1 (mj AnnData $1,DataType) } | 'newtype' { sL1 $1 (mj AnnNewtype $1,NewType) } -- Family result/return kind signatures opt_kind_sig :: { Located ([AddAnn], Maybe (LHsKind GhcPs)) } : { noLoc ([] , Nothing) } | '::' kind { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnDcolon $1], Just $2) } opt_datafam_kind_sig :: { Located ([AddAnn], LFamilyResultSig GhcPs) } : { noLoc ([] , noLoc (NoSig noExtField) )} | '::' kind { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnDcolon $1], sLL $1 $> (KindSig noExtField $2))} opt_tyfam_kind_sig :: { Located ([AddAnn], LFamilyResultSig GhcPs) } : { noLoc ([] , noLoc (NoSig noExtField) )} | '::' kind { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnDcolon $1], sLL $1 $> (KindSig noExtField $2))} | '=' tv_bndr { sLL $1 $> ([mj AnnEqual $1] , sLL $1 $> (TyVarSig noExtField $2))} opt_at_kind_inj_sig :: { Located ([AddAnn], ( LFamilyResultSig GhcPs , Maybe (LInjectivityAnn GhcPs)))} : { noLoc ([], (noLoc (NoSig noExtField), Nothing)) } | '::' kind { sLL $1 $> ( [mu AnnDcolon $1] , (sLL $2 $> (KindSig noExtField $2), Nothing)) } | '=' tv_bndr '|' injectivity_cond { sLL $1 $> ([mj AnnEqual $1, mj AnnVbar $3] , (sLL $1 $2 (TyVarSig noExtField $2), Just $4))} -- tycl_hdr parses the header of a class or data type decl, -- which takes the form -- T a b -- Eq a => T a -- (Eq a, Ord b) => T a b -- T Int [a] -- for associated types -- Rather a lot of inlining here, else we get reduce/reduce errors tycl_hdr :: { Located (Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs), LHsType GhcPs) } : context '=>' type {% addAnnotation (gl $1) (toUnicodeAnn AnnDarrow $2) (gl $2) >> (return (sLL $1 $> (Just $1, $3))) } | type { sL1 $1 (Nothing, $1) } tycl_hdr_inst :: { Located ([AddAnn],(Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs), Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs], LHsType GhcPs)) } : 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' context '=>' type {% hintExplicitForall $1 >> (addAnnotation (gl $4) (toUnicodeAnn AnnDarrow $5) (gl $5) >> return (sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnForall $1, mj AnnDot $3] , (Just $4, Just $2, $6))) ) } | 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' type {% hintExplicitForall $1 >> return (sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnForall $1, mj AnnDot $3] , (Nothing, Just $2, $4))) } | context '=>' type {% addAnnotation (gl $1) (toUnicodeAnn AnnDarrow $2) (gl $2) >> (return (sLL $1 $>([], (Just $1, Nothing, $3)))) } | type { sL1 $1 ([], (Nothing, Nothing, $1)) } capi_ctype :: { Maybe (Located CType) } capi_ctype : '{-# CTYPE' STRING STRING '#-}' {% ajs (sLL $1 $> (CType (getCTYPEs $1) (Just (Header (getSTRINGs $2) (getSTRING $2))) (getSTRINGs $3,getSTRING $3))) [mo $1,mj AnnHeader $2,mj AnnVal $3,mc $4] } | '{-# CTYPE' STRING '#-}' {% ajs (sLL $1 $> (CType (getCTYPEs $1) Nothing (getSTRINGs $2, getSTRING $2))) [mo $1,mj AnnVal $2,mc $3] } | { Nothing } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stand-alone deriving -- Glasgow extension: stand-alone deriving declarations stand_alone_deriving :: { LDerivDecl GhcPs } : 'deriving' deriv_standalone_strategy 'instance' overlap_pragma inst_type {% do { let { err = text "in the stand-alone deriving instance" <> colon <+> quotes (ppr $5) } ; ams (sLL $1 (hsSigType $>) (DerivDecl noExtField (mkHsWildCardBndrs $5) $2 $4)) [mj AnnDeriving $1, mj AnnInstance $3] } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Role annotations role_annot :: { LRoleAnnotDecl GhcPs } role_annot : 'type' 'role' oqtycon maybe_roles {% amms (mkRoleAnnotDecl (comb3 $1 $3 $4) $3 (reverse (unLoc $4))) [mj AnnType $1,mj AnnRole $2] } -- Reversed! maybe_roles :: { Located [Located (Maybe FastString)] } maybe_roles : {- empty -} { noLoc [] } | roles { $1 } roles :: { Located [Located (Maybe FastString)] } roles : role { sLL $1 $> [$1] } | roles role { sLL $1 $> $ $2 : unLoc $1 } -- read it in as a varid for better error messages role :: { Located (Maybe FastString) } role : VARID { sL1 $1 $ Just $ getVARID $1 } | '_' { sL1 $1 Nothing } -- Pattern synonyms -- Glasgow extension: pattern synonyms pattern_synonym_decl :: { LHsDecl GhcPs } : 'pattern' pattern_synonym_lhs '=' pat {% let (name, args,as ) = $2 in ams (sLL $1 $> . ValD noExtField $ mkPatSynBind name args $4 ImplicitBidirectional) (as ++ [mj AnnPattern $1, mj AnnEqual $3]) } | 'pattern' pattern_synonym_lhs '<-' pat {% let (name, args, as) = $2 in ams (sLL $1 $> . ValD noExtField $ mkPatSynBind name args $4 Unidirectional) (as ++ [mj AnnPattern $1,mu AnnLarrow $3]) } | 'pattern' pattern_synonym_lhs '<-' pat where_decls {% do { let (name, args, as) = $2 ; mg <- mkPatSynMatchGroup name (snd $ unLoc $5) ; ams (sLL $1 $> . ValD noExtField $ mkPatSynBind name args $4 (ExplicitBidirectional mg)) (as ++ ((mj AnnPattern $1:mu AnnLarrow $3:(fst $ unLoc $5))) ) }} pattern_synonym_lhs :: { (Located RdrName, HsPatSynDetails (Located RdrName), [AddAnn]) } : con vars0 { ($1, PrefixCon $2, []) } | varid conop varid { ($2, InfixCon $1 $3, []) } | con '{' cvars1 '}' { ($1, RecCon $3, [moc $2, mcc $4] ) } vars0 :: { [Located RdrName] } : {- empty -} { [] } | varid vars0 { $1 : $2 } cvars1 :: { [RecordPatSynField (Located RdrName)] } : var { [RecordPatSynField $1 $1] } | var ',' cvars1 {% addAnnotation (getLoc $1) AnnComma (getLoc $2) >> return ((RecordPatSynField $1 $1) : $3 )} where_decls :: { Located ([AddAnn] , Located (OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs))) } : 'where' '{' decls '}' { sLL $1 $> ((mj AnnWhere $1:moc $2 :mcc $4:(fst $ unLoc $3)),sL1 $3 (snd $ unLoc $3)) } | 'where' vocurly decls close { L (comb2 $1 $3) ((mj AnnWhere $1:(fst $ unLoc $3)) ,sL1 $3 (snd $ unLoc $3)) } pattern_synonym_sig :: { LSig GhcPs } : 'pattern' con_list '::' sigtypedoc {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ PatSynSig noExtField (unLoc $2) (mkLHsSigType $4)) [mj AnnPattern $1, mu AnnDcolon $3] } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Nested declarations -- Declaration in class bodies -- decl_cls :: { LHsDecl GhcPs } decl_cls : at_decl_cls { $1 } | decl { $1 } -- A 'default' signature used with the generic-programming extension | 'default' infixexp '::' sigtypedoc {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> do { v <- checkValSigLhs $2 ; let err = text "in default signature" <> colon <+> quotes (ppr $2) ; ams (sLL $1 $> $ SigD noExtField $ ClassOpSig noExtField True [v] $ mkLHsSigType $4) [mj AnnDefault $1,mu AnnDcolon $3] } } decls_cls :: { Located ([AddAnn],OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)) } -- Reversed : decls_cls ';' decl_cls {% if isNilOL (snd $ unLoc $1) then return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1) , unitOL $3)) else ams (lastOL (snd $ unLoc $1)) [mj AnnSemi $2] >> return (sLL $1 $> (fst $ unLoc $1 ,(snd $ unLoc $1) `appOL` unitOL $3)) } | decls_cls ';' {% if isNilOL (snd $ unLoc $1) then return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1) ,snd $ unLoc $1)) else ams (lastOL (snd $ unLoc $1)) [mj AnnSemi $2] >> return (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $1)) } | decl_cls { sL1 $1 ([], unitOL $1) } | {- empty -} { noLoc ([],nilOL) } decllist_cls :: { Located ([AddAnn] , OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)) } -- Reversed : '{' decls_cls '}' { sLL $1 $> (moc $1:mcc $3:(fst $ unLoc $2) ,snd $ unLoc $2) } | vocurly decls_cls close { $2 } -- Class body -- where_cls :: { Located ([AddAnn] ,(OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs))) } -- Reversed -- No implicit parameters -- May have type declarations : 'where' decllist_cls { sLL $1 $> (mj AnnWhere $1:(fst $ unLoc $2) ,snd $ unLoc $2) } | {- empty -} { noLoc ([],nilOL) } -- Declarations in instance bodies -- decl_inst :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)) } decl_inst : at_decl_inst { sLL $1 $> (unitOL (sL1 $1 (InstD noExtField (unLoc $1)))) } | decl { sLL $1 $> (unitOL $1) } decls_inst :: { Located ([AddAnn],OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)) } -- Reversed : decls_inst ';' decl_inst {% if isNilOL (snd $ unLoc $1) then return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1) , unLoc $3)) else ams (lastOL $ snd $ unLoc $1) [mj AnnSemi $2] >> return (sLL $1 $> (fst $ unLoc $1 ,(snd $ unLoc $1) `appOL` unLoc $3)) } | decls_inst ';' {% if isNilOL (snd $ unLoc $1) then return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1) ,snd $ unLoc $1)) else ams (lastOL $ snd $ unLoc $1) [mj AnnSemi $2] >> return (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $1)) } | decl_inst { sL1 $1 ([],unLoc $1) } | {- empty -} { noLoc ([],nilOL) } decllist_inst :: { Located ([AddAnn] , OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)) } -- Reversed : '{' decls_inst '}' { sLL $1 $> (moc $1:mcc $3:(fst $ unLoc $2),snd $ unLoc $2) } | vocurly decls_inst close { L (gl $2) (unLoc $2) } -- Instance body -- where_inst :: { Located ([AddAnn] , OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)) } -- Reversed -- No implicit parameters -- May have type declarations : 'where' decllist_inst { sLL $1 $> (mj AnnWhere $1:(fst $ unLoc $2) ,(snd $ unLoc $2)) } | {- empty -} { noLoc ([],nilOL) } -- Declarations in binding groups other than classes and instances -- decls :: { Located ([AddAnn],OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)) } : decls ';' decl {% if isNilOL (snd $ unLoc $1) then return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1) , unitOL $3)) else do ams (lastOL $ snd $ unLoc $1) [mj AnnSemi $2] >> return ( let { this = unitOL $3; rest = snd $ unLoc $1; these = rest `appOL` this } in rest `seq` this `seq` these `seq` (sLL $1 $> (fst $ unLoc $1,these))) } | decls ';' {% if isNilOL (snd $ unLoc $1) then return (sLL $1 $> ((mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1) ,snd $ unLoc $1))) else ams (lastOL $ snd $ unLoc $1) [mj AnnSemi $2] >> return (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $1)) } | decl { sL1 $1 ([], unitOL $1) } | {- empty -} { noLoc ([],nilOL) } decllist :: { Located ([AddAnn],Located (OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs))) } : '{' decls '}' { sLL $1 $> (moc $1:mcc $3:(fst $ unLoc $2) ,sL1 $2 $ snd $ unLoc $2) } | vocurly decls close { L (gl $2) (fst $ unLoc $2,sL1 $2 $ snd $ unLoc $2) } -- Binding groups other than those of class and instance declarations -- binds :: { Located ([AddAnn],Located (HsLocalBinds GhcPs)) } -- May have implicit parameters -- No type declarations : decllist {% do { val_binds <- cvBindGroup (unLoc $ snd $ unLoc $1) ; return (sL1 $1 (fst $ unLoc $1 ,sL1 $1 $ HsValBinds noExtField val_binds)) } } | '{' dbinds '}' { sLL $1 $> ([moc $1,mcc $3] ,sL1 $2 $ HsIPBinds noExtField (IPBinds noExtField (reverse $ unLoc $2))) } | vocurly dbinds close { L (getLoc $2) ([] ,sL1 $2 $ HsIPBinds noExtField (IPBinds noExtField (reverse $ unLoc $2))) } wherebinds :: { Located ([AddAnn],Located (HsLocalBinds GhcPs)) } -- May have implicit parameters -- No type declarations : 'where' binds { sLL $1 $> (mj AnnWhere $1 : (fst $ unLoc $2) ,snd $ unLoc $2) } | {- empty -} { noLoc ([],noLoc emptyLocalBinds) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Transformation Rules rules :: { OrdList (LRuleDecl GhcPs) } : rules ';' rule {% addAnnotation (oll $1) AnnSemi (gl $2) >> return ($1 `snocOL` $3) } | rules ';' {% addAnnotation (oll $1) AnnSemi (gl $2) >> return $1 } | rule { unitOL $1 } | {- empty -} { nilOL } rule :: { LRuleDecl GhcPs } : STRING rule_activation rule_foralls infixexp '=' exp {%runECP_P $4 >>= \ $4 -> runECP_P $6 >>= \ $6 -> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsRule { rd_ext = noExtField , rd_name = L (gl $1) (getSTRINGs $1, getSTRING $1) , rd_act = (snd $2) `orElse` AlwaysActive , rd_tyvs = sndOf3 $3, rd_tmvs = thdOf3 $3 , rd_lhs = $4, rd_rhs = $6 }) (mj AnnEqual $5 : (fst $2) ++ (fstOf3 $3)) } -- Rules can be specified to be NeverActive, unlike inline/specialize pragmas rule_activation :: { ([AddAnn],Maybe Activation) } : {- empty -} { ([],Nothing) } | rule_explicit_activation { (fst $1,Just (snd $1)) } -- This production is used to parse the tilde syntax in pragmas such as -- * {-# INLINE[~2] ... #-} -- * {-# SPECIALISE [~ 001] ... #-} -- * {-# RULES ... [~0] ... g #-} -- Note that it can be written either -- without a space [~1] (the PREFIX_TILDE case), or -- with a space [~ 1] (the VARSYM case). -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parser.Lexer rule_activation_marker :: { [AddAnn] } : PREFIX_TILDE { [mj AnnTilde $1] } | VARSYM {% if (getVARSYM $1 == fsLit "~") then return [mj AnnTilde $1] else do { addError (getLoc $1) $ text "Invalid rule activation marker" ; return [] } } rule_explicit_activation :: { ([AddAnn] ,Activation) } -- In brackets : '[' INTEGER ']' { ([mos $1,mj AnnVal $2,mcs $3] ,ActiveAfter (getINTEGERs $2) (fromInteger (il_value (getINTEGER $2)))) } | '[' rule_activation_marker INTEGER ']' { ($2++[mos $1,mj AnnVal $3,mcs $4] ,ActiveBefore (getINTEGERs $3) (fromInteger (il_value (getINTEGER $3)))) } | '[' rule_activation_marker ']' { ($2++[mos $1,mcs $3] ,NeverActive) } rule_foralls :: { ([AddAnn], Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs], [LRuleBndr GhcPs]) } : 'forall' rule_vars '.' 'forall' rule_vars '.' {% let tyvs = mkRuleTyVarBndrs $2 in hintExplicitForall $1 >> checkRuleTyVarBndrNames (mkRuleTyVarBndrs $2) >> return ([mu AnnForall $1,mj AnnDot $3, mu AnnForall $4,mj AnnDot $6], Just (mkRuleTyVarBndrs $2), mkRuleBndrs $5) } | 'forall' rule_vars '.' { ([mu AnnForall $1,mj AnnDot $3], Nothing, mkRuleBndrs $2) } | {- empty -} { ([], Nothing, []) } rule_vars :: { [LRuleTyTmVar] } : rule_var rule_vars { $1 : $2 } | {- empty -} { [] } rule_var :: { LRuleTyTmVar } : varid { sLL $1 $> (RuleTyTmVar $1 Nothing) } | '(' varid '::' ctype ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (RuleTyTmVar $2 (Just $4))) [mop $1,mu AnnDcolon $3,mcp $5] } {- Note [Parsing explicit foralls in Rules] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We really want the above definition of rule_foralls to be: rule_foralls : 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' 'forall' rule_vars '.' | 'forall' rule_vars '.' | {- empty -} where rule_vars (term variables) can be named "forall", "family", or "role", but tv_vars (type variables) cannot be. However, such a definition results in a reduce/reduce conflict. For example, when parsing: > {-# RULE "name" forall a ... #-} before the '...' it is impossible to determine whether we should be in the first or second case of the above. This is resolved by using rule_vars (which is more general) for both, and ensuring that type-level quantified variables do not have the names "forall", "family", or "role" in the function 'checkRuleTyVarBndrNames' in GHC.Parser.PostProcess. Thus, whenever the definition of tyvarid (used for tv_bndrs) is changed relative to varid (used for rule_vars), 'checkRuleTyVarBndrNames' must be updated. -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Warnings and deprecations (c.f. rules) warnings :: { OrdList (LWarnDecl GhcPs) } : warnings ';' warning {% addAnnotation (oll $1) AnnSemi (gl $2) >> return ($1 `appOL` $3) } | warnings ';' {% addAnnotation (oll $1) AnnSemi (gl $2) >> return $1 } | warning { $1 } | {- empty -} { nilOL } -- SUP: TEMPORARY HACK, not checking for `module Foo' warning :: { OrdList (LWarnDecl GhcPs) } : namelist strings {% amsu (sLL $1 $> (Warning noExtField (unLoc $1) (WarningTxt (noLoc NoSourceText) $ snd $ unLoc $2))) (fst $ unLoc $2) } deprecations :: { OrdList (LWarnDecl GhcPs) } : deprecations ';' deprecation {% addAnnotation (oll $1) AnnSemi (gl $2) >> return ($1 `appOL` $3) } | deprecations ';' {% addAnnotation (oll $1) AnnSemi (gl $2) >> return $1 } | deprecation { $1 } | {- empty -} { nilOL } -- SUP: TEMPORARY HACK, not checking for `module Foo' deprecation :: { OrdList (LWarnDecl GhcPs) } : namelist strings {% amsu (sLL $1 $> $ (Warning noExtField (unLoc $1) (DeprecatedTxt (noLoc NoSourceText) $ snd $ unLoc $2))) (fst $ unLoc $2) } strings :: { Located ([AddAnn],[Located StringLiteral]) } : STRING { sL1 $1 ([],[L (gl $1) (getStringLiteral $1)]) } | '[' stringlist ']' { sLL $1 $> $ ([mos $1,mcs $3],fromOL (unLoc $2)) } stringlist :: { Located (OrdList (Located StringLiteral)) } : stringlist ',' STRING {% addAnnotation (oll $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $1 `snocOL` (L (gl $3) (getStringLiteral $3)))) } | STRING { sLL $1 $> (unitOL (L (gl $1) (getStringLiteral $1))) } | {- empty -} { noLoc nilOL } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Annotations annotation :: { LHsDecl GhcPs } : '{-# ANN' name_var aexp '#-}' {% runECP_P $3 >>= \ $3 -> ams (sLL $1 $> (AnnD noExtField $ HsAnnotation noExtField (getANN_PRAGs $1) (ValueAnnProvenance $2) $3)) [mo $1,mc $4] } | '{-# ANN' 'type' tycon aexp '#-}' {% runECP_P $4 >>= \ $4 -> ams (sLL $1 $> (AnnD noExtField $ HsAnnotation noExtField (getANN_PRAGs $1) (TypeAnnProvenance $3) $4)) [mo $1,mj AnnType $2,mc $5] } | '{-# ANN' 'module' aexp '#-}' {% runECP_P $3 >>= \ $3 -> ams (sLL $1 $> (AnnD noExtField $ HsAnnotation noExtField (getANN_PRAGs $1) ModuleAnnProvenance $3)) [mo $1,mj AnnModule $2,mc $4] } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Foreign import and export declarations fdecl :: { Located ([AddAnn],HsDecl GhcPs) } fdecl : 'import' callconv safety fspec {% mkImport $2 $3 (snd $ unLoc $4) >>= \i -> return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnImport $1 : (fst $ unLoc $4),i)) } | 'import' callconv fspec {% do { d <- mkImport $2 (noLoc PlaySafe) (snd $ unLoc $3); return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnImport $1 : (fst $ unLoc $3),d)) }} | 'export' callconv fspec {% mkExport $2 (snd $ unLoc $3) >>= \i -> return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnExport $1 : (fst $ unLoc $3),i) ) } callconv :: { Located CCallConv } : 'stdcall' { sLL $1 $> StdCallConv } | 'ccall' { sLL $1 $> CCallConv } | 'capi' { sLL $1 $> CApiConv } | 'prim' { sLL $1 $> PrimCallConv} | 'javascript' { sLL $1 $> JavaScriptCallConv } safety :: { Located Safety } : 'unsafe' { sLL $1 $> PlayRisky } | 'safe' { sLL $1 $> PlaySafe } | 'interruptible' { sLL $1 $> PlayInterruptible } fspec :: { Located ([AddAnn] ,(Located StringLiteral, Located RdrName, LHsSigType GhcPs)) } : STRING var '::' sigtypedoc { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnDcolon $3] ,(L (getLoc $1) (getStringLiteral $1), $2, mkLHsSigType $4)) } | var '::' sigtypedoc { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnDcolon $2] ,(noLoc (StringLiteral NoSourceText nilFS), $1, mkLHsSigType $3)) } -- if the entity string is missing, it defaults to the empty string; -- the meaning of an empty entity string depends on the calling -- convention ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type signatures opt_sig :: { ([AddAnn], Maybe (LHsType GhcPs)) } : {- empty -} { ([],Nothing) } | '::' sigtype { ([mu AnnDcolon $1],Just $2) } opt_tyconsig :: { ([AddAnn], Maybe (Located RdrName)) } : {- empty -} { ([], Nothing) } | '::' gtycon { ([mu AnnDcolon $1], Just $2) } sigtype :: { LHsType GhcPs } : ctype { $1 } sigtypedoc :: { LHsType GhcPs } : ctypedoc { $1 } sig_vars :: { Located [Located RdrName] } -- Returned in reversed order : sig_vars ',' var {% addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> ($3 : unLoc $1)) } | var { sL1 $1 [$1] } sigtypes1 :: { (OrdList (LHsSigType GhcPs)) } : sigtype { unitOL (mkLHsSigType $1) } | sigtype ',' sigtypes1 {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (unitOL (mkLHsSigType $1) `appOL` $3) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types unpackedness :: { Located ([AddAnn], SourceText, SrcUnpackedness) } : '{-# UNPACK' '#-}' { sLL $1 $> ([mo $1, mc $2], getUNPACK_PRAGs $1, SrcUnpack) } | '{-# NOUNPACK' '#-}' { sLL $1 $> ([mo $1, mc $2], getNOUNPACK_PRAGs $1, SrcNoUnpack) } forall_vis_flag :: { (AddAnn, ForallVisFlag) } : '.' { (mj AnnDot $1, ForallInvis) } | '->' { (mu AnnRarrow $1, ForallVis) } -- A ktype/ktypedoc is a ctype/ctypedoc, possibly with a kind annotation ktype :: { LHsType GhcPs } : ctype { $1 } | ctype '::' kind {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsKindSig noExtField $1 $3) [mu AnnDcolon $2] } ktypedoc :: { LHsType GhcPs } : ctypedoc { $1 } | ctypedoc '::' kind {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsKindSig noExtField $1 $3) [mu AnnDcolon $2] } -- A ctype is a for-all type ctype :: { LHsType GhcPs } : 'forall' tv_bndrs forall_vis_flag ctype {% let (fv_ann, fv_flag) = $3 in hintExplicitForall $1 *> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = fv_flag , hst_bndrs = $2 , hst_xforall = noExtField , hst_body = $4 }) [mu AnnForall $1,fv_ann] } | context '=>' ctype {% addAnnotation (gl $1) (toUnicodeAnn AnnDarrow $2) (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> $ HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = $1 , hst_xqual = noExtField , hst_body = $3 }) } | ipvar '::' type {% ams (sLL $1 $> (HsIParamTy noExtField $1 $3)) [mu AnnDcolon $2] } | type { $1 } -- Note [ctype and ctypedoc] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- It would have been nice to simplify the grammar by unifying `ctype` and -- ctypedoc` into one production, allowing comments on types everywhere (and -- rejecting them after parsing, where necessary). This is however not possible -- since it leads to ambiguity. The reason is the support for comments on record -- fields: -- data R = R { field :: Int -- ^ comment on the field } -- If we allow comments on types here, it's not clear if the comment applies -- to 'field' or to 'Int'. So we must use `ctype` to describe the type. ctypedoc :: { LHsType GhcPs } : 'forall' tv_bndrs forall_vis_flag ctypedoc {% let (fv_ann, fv_flag) = $3 in hintExplicitForall $1 *> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = fv_flag , hst_bndrs = $2 , hst_xforall = noExtField , hst_body = $4 }) [mu AnnForall $1,fv_ann] } | context '=>' ctypedoc {% addAnnotation (gl $1) (toUnicodeAnn AnnDarrow $2) (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> $ HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = $1 , hst_xqual = noExtField , hst_body = $3 }) } | ipvar '::' type {% ams (sLL $1 $> (HsIParamTy noExtField $1 $3)) [mu AnnDcolon $2] } | typedoc { $1 } ---------------------- -- Notes for 'context' -- We parse a context as a btype so that we don't get reduce/reduce -- errors in ctype. The basic problem is that -- (Eq a, Ord a) -- looks so much like a tuple type. We can't tell until we find the => context :: { LHsContext GhcPs } : btype {% do { (anns,ctx) <- checkContext $1 ; if null (unLoc ctx) then addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnUnit (gl $1) else return () ; ams ctx anns } } -- See Note [Constr variations of non-terminals] constr_context :: { LHsContext GhcPs } : constr_btype {% do { (anns,ctx) <- checkContext $1 ; if null (unLoc ctx) then addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnUnit (gl $1) else return () ; ams ctx anns } } {- Note [GADT decl discards annotations] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The type production for btype `->` ctypedoc btype docprev `->` ctypedoc add the AnnRarrow annotation twice, in different places. This is because if the type is processed as usual, it belongs on the annotations for the type as a whole. But if the type is passed to mkGadtDecl, it discards the top level SrcSpan, and the top-level annotation will be disconnected. Hence for this specific case it is connected to the first type too. -} type :: { LHsType GhcPs } : btype { $1 } | btype '->' ctype {% ams $1 [mu AnnRarrow $2] -- See note [GADT decl discards annotations] >> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsFunTy noExtField $1 $3) [mu AnnRarrow $2] } typedoc :: { LHsType GhcPs } : btype { $1 } | btype docprev { sLL $1 $> $ HsDocTy noExtField $1 $2 } | docnext btype { sLL $1 $> $ HsDocTy noExtField $2 $1 } | btype '->' ctypedoc {% ams $1 [mu AnnRarrow $2] -- See note [GADT decl discards annotations] >> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsFunTy noExtField $1 $3) [mu AnnRarrow $2] } | btype docprev '->' ctypedoc {% ams $1 [mu AnnRarrow $3] -- See note [GADT decl discards annotations] >> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsFunTy noExtField (L (comb2 $1 $2) (HsDocTy noExtField $1 $2)) $4) [mu AnnRarrow $3] } | docnext btype '->' ctypedoc {% ams $2 [mu AnnRarrow $3] -- See note [GADT decl discards annotations] >> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsFunTy noExtField (L (comb2 $1 $2) (HsDocTy noExtField $2 $1)) $4) [mu AnnRarrow $3] } -- See Note [Constr variations of non-terminals] constr_btype :: { LHsType GhcPs } : constr_tyapps {% mergeOps (unLoc $1) } -- See Note [Constr variations of non-terminals] constr_tyapps :: { Located [Located TyEl] } -- NB: This list is reversed : constr_tyapp { sL1 $1 [$1] } | constr_tyapps constr_tyapp { sLL $1 $> $ $2 : (unLoc $1) } -- See Note [Constr variations of non-terminals] constr_tyapp :: { Located TyEl } : tyapp { $1 } | docprev { sL1 $1 $ TyElDocPrev (unLoc $1) } btype :: { LHsType GhcPs } : tyapps {% mergeOps $1 } tyapps :: { [Located TyEl] } -- NB: This list is reversed : tyapp { [$1] } | tyapps tyapp { $2 : $1 } tyapp :: { Located TyEl } : atype { sL1 $1 $ TyElOpd (unLoc $1) } -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parser.Lexer | PREFIX_AT atype { sLL $1 $> $ (TyElKindApp (comb2 $1 $2) $2) } | qtyconop { sL1 $1 $ TyElOpr (unLoc $1) } | tyvarop { sL1 $1 $ TyElOpr (unLoc $1) } | SIMPLEQUOTE qconop {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ TyElOpr (unLoc $2)) [mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mj AnnVal $2] } | SIMPLEQUOTE varop {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ TyElOpr (unLoc $2)) [mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mj AnnVal $2] } | unpackedness { sL1 $1 $ TyElUnpackedness (unLoc $1) } atype :: { LHsType GhcPs } : ntgtycon { sL1 $1 (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted $1) } -- Not including unit tuples | tyvar { sL1 $1 (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted $1) } -- (See Note [Unit tuples]) | '*' {% do { warnStarIsType (getLoc $1) ; return $ sL1 $1 (HsStarTy noExtField (isUnicode $1)) } } -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parser.Lexer | PREFIX_TILDE atype {% ams (sLL $1 $> (mkBangTy SrcLazy $2)) [mj AnnTilde $1] } | PREFIX_BANG atype {% ams (sLL $1 $> (mkBangTy SrcStrict $2)) [mj AnnBang $1] } | '{' fielddecls '}' {% amms (checkRecordSyntax (sLL $1 $> $ HsRecTy noExtField $2)) -- Constructor sigs only [moc $1,mcc $3] } | '(' ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsTupleTy noExtField HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple []) [mop $1,mcp $2] } | '(' ktype ',' comma_types1 ')' {% addAnnotation (gl $2) AnnComma (gl $3) >> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsTupleTy noExtField HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ($2 : $4)) [mop $1,mcp $5] } | '(#' '#)' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsTupleTy noExtField HsUnboxedTuple []) [mo $1,mc $2] } | '(#' comma_types1 '#)' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsTupleTy noExtField HsUnboxedTuple $2) [mo $1,mc $3] } | '(#' bar_types2 '#)' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsSumTy noExtField $2) [mo $1,mc $3] } | '[' ktype ']' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsListTy noExtField $2) [mos $1,mcs $3] } | '(' ktype ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsParTy noExtField $2) [mop $1,mcp $3] } | quasiquote { mapLoc (HsSpliceTy noExtField) $1 } | splice_untyped { mapLoc (HsSpliceTy noExtField) $1 } -- see Note [Promotion] for the followings | SIMPLEQUOTE qcon_nowiredlist {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsTyVar noExtField IsPromoted $2) [mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mj AnnName $2] } | SIMPLEQUOTE '(' ktype ',' comma_types1 ')' {% addAnnotation (gl $3) AnnComma (gl $4) >> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField ($3 : $5)) [mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mop $2,mcp $6] } | SIMPLEQUOTE '[' comma_types0 ']' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsExplicitListTy noExtField IsPromoted $3) [mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mos $2,mcs $4] } | SIMPLEQUOTE var {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsTyVar noExtField IsPromoted $2) [mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mj AnnName $2] } -- Two or more [ty, ty, ty] must be a promoted list type, just as -- if you had written '[ty, ty, ty] -- (One means a list type, zero means the list type constructor, -- so you have to quote those.) | '[' ktype ',' comma_types1 ']' {% addAnnotation (gl $2) AnnComma (gl $3) >> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsExplicitListTy noExtField NotPromoted ($2 : $4)) [mos $1,mcs $5] } | INTEGER { sLL $1 $> $ HsTyLit noExtField $ HsNumTy (getINTEGERs $1) (il_value (getINTEGER $1)) } | STRING { sLL $1 $> $ HsTyLit noExtField $ HsStrTy (getSTRINGs $1) (getSTRING $1) } | '_' { sL1 $1 $ mkAnonWildCardTy } -- An inst_type is what occurs in the head of an instance decl -- e.g. (Foo a, Gaz b) => Wibble a b -- It's kept as a single type for convenience. inst_type :: { LHsSigType GhcPs } : sigtype { mkLHsSigType $1 } deriv_types :: { [LHsSigType GhcPs] } : ktypedoc { [mkLHsSigType $1] } | ktypedoc ',' deriv_types {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (mkLHsSigType $1 : $3) } comma_types0 :: { [LHsType GhcPs] } -- Zero or more: ty,ty,ty : comma_types1 { $1 } | {- empty -} { [] } comma_types1 :: { [LHsType GhcPs] } -- One or more: ty,ty,ty : ktype { [$1] } | ktype ',' comma_types1 {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return ($1 : $3) } bar_types2 :: { [LHsType GhcPs] } -- Two or more: ty|ty|ty : ktype '|' ktype {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnVbar (gl $2) >> return [$1,$3] } | ktype '|' bar_types2 {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnVbar (gl $2) >> return ($1 : $3) } tv_bndrs :: { [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs] } : tv_bndr tv_bndrs { $1 : $2 } | {- empty -} { [] } tv_bndr :: { LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs } : tyvar { sL1 $1 (UserTyVar noExtField $1) } | '(' tyvar '::' kind ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (KindedTyVar noExtField $2 $4)) [mop $1,mu AnnDcolon $3 ,mcp $5] } fds :: { Located ([AddAnn],[Located (FunDep (Located RdrName))]) } : {- empty -} { noLoc ([],[]) } | '|' fds1 { (sLL $1 $> ([mj AnnVbar $1] ,reverse (unLoc $2))) } fds1 :: { Located [Located (FunDep (Located RdrName))] } : fds1 ',' fd {% addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> ($3 : unLoc $1)) } | fd { sL1 $1 [$1] } fd :: { Located (FunDep (Located RdrName)) } : varids0 '->' varids0 {% ams (L (comb3 $1 $2 $3) (reverse (unLoc $1), reverse (unLoc $3))) [mu AnnRarrow $2] } varids0 :: { Located [Located RdrName] } : {- empty -} { noLoc [] } | varids0 tyvar { sLL $1 $> ($2 : unLoc $1) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Kinds kind :: { LHsKind GhcPs } : ctype { $1 } {- Note [Promotion] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Syntax of promoted qualified names We write 'Nat.Zero instead of Nat.'Zero when dealing with qualified names. Moreover ticks are only allowed in types, not in kinds, for a few reasons: 1. we don't need quotes since we cannot define names in kinds 2. if one day we merge types and kinds, tick would mean look in DataName 3. we don't have a kind namespace anyway - Name resolution When the user write Zero instead of 'Zero in types, we parse it a HsTyVar ("Zero", TcClsName) instead of HsTyVar ("Zero", DataName). We deal with this in the renamer. If a HsTyVar ("Zero", TcClsName) is not bounded in the type level, then we look for it in the term level (we change its namespace to DataName, see Note [Demotion] in GHC.Types.Names.OccName). And both become a HsTyVar ("Zero", DataName) after the renamer. -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Datatype declarations gadt_constrlist :: { Located ([AddAnn] ,[LConDecl GhcPs]) } -- Returned in order : 'where' '{' gadt_constrs '}' {% checkEmptyGADTs $ L (comb2 $1 $3) ([mj AnnWhere $1 ,moc $2 ,mcc $4] , unLoc $3) } | 'where' vocurly gadt_constrs close {% checkEmptyGADTs $ L (comb2 $1 $3) ([mj AnnWhere $1] , unLoc $3) } | {- empty -} { noLoc ([],[]) } gadt_constrs :: { Located [LConDecl GhcPs] } : gadt_constr_with_doc ';' gadt_constrs {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnSemi (gl $2) >> return (L (comb2 $1 $3) ($1 : unLoc $3)) } | gadt_constr_with_doc { L (gl $1) [$1] } | {- empty -} { noLoc [] } -- We allow the following forms: -- C :: Eq a => a -> T a -- C :: forall a. Eq a => !a -> T a -- D { x,y :: a } :: T a -- forall a. Eq a => D { x,y :: a } :: T a gadt_constr_with_doc :: { LConDecl GhcPs } gadt_constr_with_doc : maybe_docnext ';' gadt_constr {% return $ addConDoc $3 $1 } | gadt_constr {% return $1 } gadt_constr :: { LConDecl GhcPs } -- see Note [Difference in parsing GADT and data constructors] -- Returns a list because of: C,D :: ty : con_list '::' sigtypedoc {% let (gadt,anns) = mkGadtDecl (unLoc $1) $3 in ams (sLL $1 $> gadt) (mu AnnDcolon $2:anns) } {- Note [Difference in parsing GADT and data constructors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GADT constructors have simpler syntax than usual data constructors: in GADTs, types cannot occur to the left of '::', so they cannot be mixed with constructor names (see Note [Parsing data constructors is hard]). Due to simplified syntax, GADT constructor names (left-hand side of '::') use simpler grammar production than usual data constructor names. As a consequence, GADT constructor names are restricted (names like '(*)' are allowed in usual data constructors, but not in GADTs). -} constrs :: { Located ([AddAnn],[LConDecl GhcPs]) } : maybe_docnext '=' constrs1 { L (comb2 $2 $3) ([mj AnnEqual $2] ,addConDocs (unLoc $3) $1)} constrs1 :: { Located [LConDecl GhcPs] } : constrs1 maybe_docnext '|' maybe_docprev constr {% addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnVbar (gl $3) >> return (sLL $1 $> (addConDoc $5 $2 : addConDocFirst (unLoc $1) $4)) } | constr { sL1 $1 [$1] } {- Note [Constr variations of non-terminals] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In record declarations we assume that 'ctype' used to parse the type will not consume the trailing docprev: data R = R { field :: Int -- ^ comment on the field } In 'R' we expect the comment to apply to the entire field, not to 'Int'. The same issue is detailed in Note [ctype and ctypedoc]. So, we do not want 'ctype' to consume 'docprev', therefore we do not want 'btype' to consume 'docprev', therefore we do not want 'tyapps' to consume 'docprev'. At the same time, when parsing a 'constr', we do want to consume 'docprev': data T = C Int -- ^ comment on Int Bool -- ^ comment on Bool So, we do want 'constr_stuff' to consume 'docprev'. The problem arises because the clauses in 'constr' have the following structure: (a) context '=>' constr_stuff (e.g. data T a = Ord a => C a) (b) constr_stuff (e.g. data T a = C a) and to avoid a reduce/reduce conflict, 'context' and 'constr_stuff' must be compatible. And for 'context' to be compatible with 'constr_stuff', it must consume 'docprev'. So, we want 'context' to consume 'docprev', therefore we want 'btype' to consume 'docprev', therefore we want 'tyapps' to consume 'docprev'. Our requirements end up conflicting: for parsing record types, we want 'tyapps' to leave 'docprev' alone, but for parsing constructors, we want it to consume 'docprev'. As the result, we maintain two parallel hierarchies of non-terminals that either consume 'docprev' or not: tyapps constr_tyapps btype constr_btype context constr_context ... They must be kept identical except for their treatment of 'docprev'. -} constr :: { LConDecl GhcPs } : maybe_docnext forall constr_context '=>' constr_stuff {% ams (let (con,details,doc_prev) = unLoc $5 in addConDoc (L (comb4 $2 $3 $4 $5) (mkConDeclH98 con (snd $ unLoc $2) (Just $3) details)) ($1 `mplus` doc_prev)) (mu AnnDarrow $4:(fst $ unLoc $2)) } | maybe_docnext forall constr_stuff {% ams ( let (con,details,doc_prev) = unLoc $3 in addConDoc (L (comb2 $2 $3) (mkConDeclH98 con (snd $ unLoc $2) Nothing -- No context details)) ($1 `mplus` doc_prev)) (fst $ unLoc $2) } forall :: { Located ([AddAnn], Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]) } : 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnForall $1,mj AnnDot $3], Just $2) } | {- empty -} { noLoc ([], Nothing) } constr_stuff :: { Located (Located RdrName, HsConDeclDetails GhcPs, Maybe LHsDocString) } : constr_tyapps {% do { c <- mergeDataCon (unLoc $1) ; return $ sL1 $1 c } } fielddecls :: { [LConDeclField GhcPs] } : {- empty -} { [] } | fielddecls1 { $1 } fielddecls1 :: { [LConDeclField GhcPs] } : fielddecl maybe_docnext ',' maybe_docprev fielddecls1 {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (gl $3) >> return ((addFieldDoc $1 $4) : addFieldDocs $5 $2) } | fielddecl { [$1] } fielddecl :: { LConDeclField GhcPs } -- A list because of f,g :: Int : maybe_docnext sig_vars '::' ctype maybe_docprev {% ams (L (comb2 $2 $4) (ConDeclField noExtField (reverse (map (\ln@(L l n) -> L l $ FieldOcc noExtField ln) (unLoc $2))) $4 ($1 `mplus` $5))) [mu AnnDcolon $3] } -- Reversed! maybe_derivings :: { HsDeriving GhcPs } : {- empty -} { noLoc [] } | derivings { $1 } -- A list of one or more deriving clauses at the end of a datatype derivings :: { HsDeriving GhcPs } : derivings deriving { sLL $1 $> $ $2 : unLoc $1 } | deriving { sLL $1 $> [$1] } -- The outer Located is just to allow the caller to -- know the rightmost extremity of the 'deriving' clause deriving :: { LHsDerivingClause GhcPs } : 'deriving' deriv_clause_types {% let { full_loc = comb2 $1 $> } in ams (L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause noExtField Nothing $2) [mj AnnDeriving $1] } | 'deriving' deriv_strategy_no_via deriv_clause_types {% let { full_loc = comb2 $1 $> } in ams (L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause noExtField (Just $2) $3) [mj AnnDeriving $1] } | 'deriving' deriv_clause_types deriv_strategy_via {% let { full_loc = comb2 $1 $> } in ams (L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause noExtField (Just $3) $2) [mj AnnDeriving $1] } deriv_clause_types :: { Located [LHsSigType GhcPs] } : qtycondoc { sL1 $1 [mkLHsSigType $1] } | '(' ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> []) [mop $1,mcp $2] } | '(' deriv_types ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $2) [mop $1,mcp $3] } -- Glasgow extension: allow partial -- applications in derivings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Value definitions {- Note [Declaration/signature overlap] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There's an awkward overlap with a type signature. Consider f :: Int -> Int = ...rhs... Then we can't tell whether it's a type signature or a value definition with a result signature until we see the '='. So we have to inline enough to postpone reductions until we know. -} {- ATTENTION: Dirty Hackery Ahead! If the second alternative of vars is var instead of qvar, we get another shift/reduce-conflict. Consider the following programs: { (^^) :: Int->Int ; } Type signature; only var allowed { (^^) :: Int->Int = ... ; } Value defn with result signature; qvar allowed (because of instance decls) We can't tell whether to reduce var to qvar until after we've read the signatures. -} docdecl :: { LHsDecl GhcPs } : docdecld { sL1 $1 (DocD noExtField (unLoc $1)) } docdecld :: { LDocDecl } : docnext { sL1 $1 (DocCommentNext (unLoc $1)) } | docprev { sL1 $1 (DocCommentPrev (unLoc $1)) } | docnamed { sL1 $1 (case (unLoc $1) of (n, doc) -> DocCommentNamed n doc) } | docsection { sL1 $1 (case (unLoc $1) of (n, doc) -> DocGroup n doc) } decl_no_th :: { LHsDecl GhcPs } : sigdecl { $1 } | infixexp opt_sig rhs {% runECP_P $1 >>= \ $1 -> do { (ann,r) <- checkValDef $1 (snd $2) $3; let { l = comb2 $1 $> }; -- Depending upon what the pattern looks like we might get either -- a FunBind or PatBind back from checkValDef. See Note -- [FunBind vs PatBind] case r of { (FunBind _ n _ _) -> amsL l (mj AnnFunId n:(fst $2)) >> return () ; (PatBind _ (L lh _lhs) _rhs _) -> amsL lh (fst $2) >> return () } ; _ <- amsL l (ann ++ (fst $ unLoc $3)); return $! (sL l $ ValD noExtField r) } } | pattern_synonym_decl { $1 } | docdecl { $1 } decl :: { LHsDecl GhcPs } : decl_no_th { $1 } -- Why do we only allow naked declaration splices in top-level -- declarations and not here? Short answer: because readFail009 -- fails terribly with a panic in cvBindsAndSigs otherwise. | splice_exp { sLL $1 $> $ mkSpliceDecl $1 } rhs :: { Located ([AddAnn],GRHSs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)) } : '=' exp wherebinds {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ sL (comb3 $1 $2 $3) ((mj AnnEqual $1 : (fst $ unLoc $3)) ,GRHSs noExtField (unguardedRHS (comb3 $1 $2 $3) $2) (snd $ unLoc $3)) } | gdrhs wherebinds { sLL $1 $> (fst $ unLoc $2 ,GRHSs noExtField (reverse (unLoc $1)) (snd $ unLoc $2)) } gdrhs :: { Located [LGRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] } : gdrhs gdrh { sLL $1 $> ($2 : unLoc $1) } | gdrh { sL1 $1 [$1] } gdrh :: { LGRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) } : '|' guardquals '=' exp {% runECP_P $4 >>= \ $4 -> ams (sL (comb2 $1 $>) $ GRHS noExtField (unLoc $2) $4) [mj AnnVbar $1,mj AnnEqual $3] } sigdecl :: { LHsDecl GhcPs } : -- See Note [Declaration/signature overlap] for why we need infixexp here infixexp '::' sigtypedoc {% do { $1 <- runECP_P $1 ; v <- checkValSigLhs $1 ; _ <- amsL (comb2 $1 $>) [mu AnnDcolon $2] ; return (sLL $1 $> $ SigD noExtField $ TypeSig noExtField [v] (mkLHsSigWcType $3))} } | var ',' sig_vars '::' sigtypedoc {% do { let sig = TypeSig noExtField ($1 : reverse (unLoc $3)) (mkLHsSigWcType $5) ; addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (gl $2) ; ams ( sLL $1 $> $ SigD noExtField sig ) [mu AnnDcolon $4] } } | infix prec ops {% checkPrecP $2 $3 >> ams (sLL $1 $> $ SigD noExtField (FixSig noExtField (FixitySig noExtField (fromOL $ unLoc $3) (Fixity (fst $ unLoc $2) (snd $ unLoc $2) (unLoc $1))))) [mj AnnInfix $1,mj AnnVal $2] } | pattern_synonym_sig { sLL $1 $> . SigD noExtField . unLoc $ $1 } | '{-# COMPLETE' con_list opt_tyconsig '#-}' {% let (dcolon, tc) = $3 in ams (sLL $1 $> (SigD noExtField (CompleteMatchSig noExtField (getCOMPLETE_PRAGs $1) $2 tc))) ([ mo $1 ] ++ dcolon ++ [mc $4]) } -- This rule is for both INLINE and INLINABLE pragmas | '{-# INLINE' activation qvar '#-}' {% ams ((sLL $1 $> $ SigD noExtField (InlineSig noExtField $3 (mkInlinePragma (getINLINE_PRAGs $1) (getINLINE $1) (snd $2))))) ((mo $1:fst $2) ++ [mc $4]) } | '{-# SCC' qvar '#-}' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (SigD noExtField (SCCFunSig noExtField (getSCC_PRAGs $1) $2 Nothing))) [mo $1, mc $3] } | '{-# SCC' qvar STRING '#-}' {% do { scc <- getSCC $3 ; let str_lit = StringLiteral (getSTRINGs $3) scc ; ams (sLL $1 $> (SigD noExtField (SCCFunSig noExtField (getSCC_PRAGs $1) $2 (Just ( sL1 $3 str_lit))))) [mo $1, mc $4] } } | '{-# SPECIALISE' activation qvar '::' sigtypes1 '#-}' {% ams ( let inl_prag = mkInlinePragma (getSPEC_PRAGs $1) (NoUserInline, FunLike) (snd $2) in sLL $1 $> $ SigD noExtField (SpecSig noExtField $3 (fromOL $5) inl_prag)) (mo $1:mu AnnDcolon $4:mc $6:(fst $2)) } | '{-# SPECIALISE_INLINE' activation qvar '::' sigtypes1 '#-}' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ SigD noExtField (SpecSig noExtField $3 (fromOL $5) (mkInlinePragma (getSPEC_INLINE_PRAGs $1) (getSPEC_INLINE $1) (snd $2)))) (mo $1:mu AnnDcolon $4:mc $6:(fst $2)) } | '{-# SPECIALISE' 'instance' inst_type '#-}' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ SigD noExtField (SpecInstSig noExtField (getSPEC_PRAGs $1) $3)) [mo $1,mj AnnInstance $2,mc $4] } -- A minimal complete definition | '{-# MINIMAL' name_boolformula_opt '#-}' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ SigD noExtField (MinimalSig noExtField (getMINIMAL_PRAGs $1) $2)) [mo $1,mc $3] } activation :: { ([AddAnn],Maybe Activation) } : {- empty -} { ([],Nothing) } | explicit_activation { (fst $1,Just (snd $1)) } explicit_activation :: { ([AddAnn],Activation) } -- In brackets : '[' INTEGER ']' { ([mj AnnOpenS $1,mj AnnVal $2,mj AnnCloseS $3] ,ActiveAfter (getINTEGERs $2) (fromInteger (il_value (getINTEGER $2)))) } | '[' rule_activation_marker INTEGER ']' { ($2++[mj AnnOpenS $1,mj AnnVal $3,mj AnnCloseS $4] ,ActiveBefore (getINTEGERs $3) (fromInteger (il_value (getINTEGER $3)))) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Expressions quasiquote :: { Located (HsSplice GhcPs) } : TH_QUASIQUOTE { let { loc = getLoc $1 ; ITquasiQuote (quoter, quote, quoteSpan) = unLoc $1 ; quoterId = mkUnqual varName quoter } in sL1 $1 (mkHsQuasiQuote quoterId (mkSrcSpanPs quoteSpan) quote) } | TH_QQUASIQUOTE { let { loc = getLoc $1 ; ITqQuasiQuote (qual, quoter, quote, quoteSpan) = unLoc $1 ; quoterId = mkQual varName (qual, quoter) } in sL (getLoc $1) (mkHsQuasiQuote quoterId (mkSrcSpanPs quoteSpan) quote) } exp :: { ECP } : infixexp '::' sigtype { ECP $ runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> rejectPragmaPV $1 >> amms (mkHsTySigPV (comb2 $1 $>) $1 $3) [mu AnnDcolon $2] } | infixexp '-<' exp {% runECP_P $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_P $3 >>= \ $3 -> fmap ecpFromCmd $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp noExtField $1 $3 HsFirstOrderApp True) [mu Annlarrowtail $2] } | infixexp '>-' exp {% runECP_P $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_P $3 >>= \ $3 -> fmap ecpFromCmd $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp noExtField $3 $1 HsFirstOrderApp False) [mu Annrarrowtail $2] } | infixexp '-<<' exp {% runECP_P $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_P $3 >>= \ $3 -> fmap ecpFromCmd $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp noExtField $1 $3 HsHigherOrderApp True) [mu AnnLarrowtail $2] } | infixexp '>>-' exp {% runECP_P $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_P $3 >>= \ $3 -> fmap ecpFromCmd $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp noExtField $3 $1 HsHigherOrderApp False) [mu AnnRarrowtail $2] } | infixexp { $1 } | exp_prag(exp) { $1 } -- See Note [Pragmas and operator fixity] infixexp :: { ECP } : exp10 { $1 } | infixexp qop exp10p -- See Note [Pragmas and operator fixity] { ECP $ superInfixOp $ $2 >>= \ $2 -> runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_PV $3 >>= \ $3 -> rejectPragmaPV $1 >> amms (mkHsOpAppPV (comb2 $1 $>) $1 $2 $3) [mj AnnVal $2] } -- AnnVal annotation for NPlusKPat, which discards the operator exp10p :: { ECP } : exp10 { $1 } | exp_prag(exp10p) { $1 } -- See Note [Pragmas and operator fixity] exp_prag(e) :: { ECP } : prag_e e -- See Note [Pragmas and operator fixity] {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsPragE noExtField (snd $ unLoc $1) $2) (fst $ unLoc $1) } exp10 :: { ECP } : '-' fexp { ECP $ runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 -> amms (mkHsNegAppPV (comb2 $1 $>) $2) [mj AnnMinus $1] } | fexp { $1 } optSemi :: { ([Located Token],Bool) } : ';' { ([$1],True) } | {- empty -} { ([],False) } {- Note [Pragmas and operator fixity] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'prag_e' is an expression pragma, such as {-# SCC ... #-}, {-# CORE ... #-}, or {-# GENERATED ... #-}. It must be used with care, or else #15730 happens. Consider this infix expression: 1 / 2 / 2 There are two ways to parse it: 1. (1 / 2) / 2 = 0.25 2. 1 / (2 / 2) = 1.0 Due to the fixity of the (/) operator (assuming it comes from Prelude), option 1 is the correct parse. However, in the past GHC's parser used to get confused by the SCC annotation when it occurred in the middle of an infix expression: 1 / {-# SCC ann #-} 2 / 2 -- used to get parsed as option 2 There are several ways to address this issue, see GHC Proposal #176 for a detailed exposition: https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0176-scc-parsing.rst The accepted fix is to disallow pragmas that occur within infix expressions. Infix expressions are assembled out of 'exp10', so 'exp10' must not accept pragmas. Instead, we accept them in exactly two places: * at the start of an expression or a parenthesized subexpression: f = {-# SCC ann #-} 1 / 2 / 2 -- at the start of the expression g = 5 + ({-# SCC ann #-} 1 / 2 / 2) -- at the start of a parenthesized subexpression * immediately after the last operator: f = 1 / 2 / {-# SCC ann #-} 2 In both cases, the parse does not depend on operator fixity. The second case may sound unnecessary, but it's actually needed to support a common idiom: f $ {-# SCC ann $-} ... -} prag_e :: { Located ([AddAnn], HsPragE GhcPs) } : '{-# SCC' STRING '#-}' {% do scc <- getSCC $2 ; return $ sLL $1 $> ([mo $1,mj AnnValStr $2,mc $3], HsPragSCC noExtField (getSCC_PRAGs $1) (StringLiteral (getSTRINGs $2) scc)) } | '{-# SCC' VARID '#-}' { sLL $1 $> ([mo $1,mj AnnVal $2,mc $3], HsPragSCC noExtField (getSCC_PRAGs $1) (StringLiteral NoSourceText (getVARID $2))) } | '{-# GENERATED' STRING INTEGER ':' INTEGER '-' INTEGER ':' INTEGER '#-}' { let getINT = fromInteger . il_value . getINTEGER in sLL $1 $> $ ([mo $1,mj AnnVal $2 ,mj AnnVal $3,mj AnnColon $4 ,mj AnnVal $5,mj AnnMinus $6 ,mj AnnVal $7,mj AnnColon $8 ,mj AnnVal $9,mc $10], HsPragTick noExtField (getGENERATED_PRAGs $1) (getStringLiteral $2, (getINT $3, getINT $5), (getINT $7, getINT $9)) ((getINTEGERs $3, getINTEGERs $5), (getINTEGERs $7, getINTEGERs $9) )) } | '{-# CORE' STRING '#-}' { sLL $1 $> $ ([mo $1,mj AnnVal $2,mc $3], HsPragCore noExtField (getCORE_PRAGs $1) (getStringLiteral $2)) } fexp :: { ECP } : fexp aexp { ECP $ superFunArg $ runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 -> mkHsAppPV (comb2 $1 $>) $1 $2 } -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parser.Lexer | fexp PREFIX_AT atype {% runECP_P $1 >>= \ $1 -> runPV (checkExpBlockArguments $1) >>= \_ -> fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsAppType noExtField $1 (mkHsWildCardBndrs $3)) [mj AnnAt $2] } | 'static' aexp {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsStatic noExtField $2) [mj AnnStatic $1] } | aexp { $1 } aexp :: { ECP } -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parser.Lexer : qvar TIGHT_INFIX_AT aexp { ECP $ runECP_PV $3 >>= \ $3 -> amms (mkHsAsPatPV (comb2 $1 $>) $1 $3) [mj AnnAt $2] } -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parser.Lexer | PREFIX_TILDE aexp { ECP $ runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 -> amms (mkHsLazyPatPV (comb2 $1 $>) $2) [mj AnnTilde $1] } | PREFIX_BANG aexp { ECP $ runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 -> amms (mkHsBangPatPV (comb2 $1 $>) $2) [mj AnnBang $1] } | '\\' apat apats '->' exp { ECP $ runECP_PV $5 >>= \ $5 -> amms (mkHsLamPV (comb2 $1 $>) (mkMatchGroup FromSource [sLL $1 $> $ Match { m_ext = noExtField , m_ctxt = LambdaExpr , m_pats = $2:$3 , m_grhss = unguardedGRHSs $5 }])) [mj AnnLam $1, mu AnnRarrow $4] } | 'let' binds 'in' exp { ECP $ runECP_PV $4 >>= \ $4 -> amms (mkHsLetPV (comb2 $1 $>) (snd (unLoc $2)) $4) (mj AnnLet $1:mj AnnIn $3 :(fst $ unLoc $2)) } | '\\' 'lcase' altslist {% runPV $3 >>= \ $3 -> fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsLamCase noExtField (mkMatchGroup FromSource (snd $ unLoc $3))) (mj AnnLam $1:mj AnnCase $2:(fst $ unLoc $3)) } | 'if' exp optSemi 'then' exp optSemi 'else' exp {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ ECP $ runECP_PV $5 >>= \ $5 -> runECP_PV $8 >>= \ $8 -> amms (mkHsIfPV (comb2 $1 $>) $2 (snd $3) $5 (snd $6) $8) (mj AnnIf $1:mj AnnThen $4 :mj AnnElse $7 :(map (\l -> mj AnnSemi l) (fst $3)) ++(map (\l -> mj AnnSemi l) (fst $6))) } | 'if' ifgdpats {% hintMultiWayIf (getLoc $1) >>= \_ -> fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsMultiIf noExtField (reverse $ snd $ unLoc $2)) (mj AnnIf $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) } | 'case' exp 'of' altslist {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ ECP $ $4 >>= \ $4 -> amms (mkHsCasePV (comb3 $1 $3 $4) $2 (mkMatchGroup FromSource (snd $ unLoc $4))) (mj AnnCase $1:mj AnnOf $3 :(fst $ unLoc $4)) } | 'do' stmtlist { ECP $ $2 >>= \ $2 -> amms (mkHsDoPV (comb2 $1 $2) (mapLoc snd $2)) (mj AnnDo $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) } | 'mdo' stmtlist {% runPV $2 >>= \ $2 -> fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (L (comb2 $1 $2) (mkHsDo MDoExpr (snd $ unLoc $2))) (mj AnnMdo $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) } | 'proc' aexp '->' exp {% (checkPattern <=< runECP_P) $2 >>= \ p -> runECP_P $4 >>= \ $4@cmd -> fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsProc noExtField p (sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdTop noExtField cmd)) -- TODO: is LL right here? [mj AnnProc $1,mu AnnRarrow $3] } | aexp1 { $1 } aexp1 :: { ECP } : aexp1 '{' fbinds '}' { ECP $ runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> $3 >>= \ $3 -> amms (mkHsRecordPV (comb2 $1 $>) (comb2 $2 $4) $1 (snd $3)) (moc $2:mcc $4:(fst $3)) } | aexp2 { $1 } aexp2 :: { ECP } : qvar { ECP $ mkHsVarPV $! $1 } | qcon { ECP $ mkHsVarPV $! $1 } | ipvar { ecpFromExp $ sL1 $1 (HsIPVar noExtField $! unLoc $1) } | overloaded_label { ecpFromExp $ sL1 $1 (HsOverLabel noExtField Nothing $! unLoc $1) } | literal { ECP $ mkHsLitPV $! $1 } -- This will enable overloaded strings permanently. Normally the renamer turns HsString -- into HsOverLit when -foverloaded-strings is on. -- | STRING { sL (getLoc $1) (HsOverLit $! mkHsIsString (getSTRINGs $1) -- (getSTRING $1) noExtField) } | INTEGER { ECP $ mkHsOverLitPV (sL1 $1 $ mkHsIntegral (getINTEGER $1)) } | RATIONAL { ECP $ mkHsOverLitPV (sL1 $1 $ mkHsFractional (getRATIONAL $1)) } -- N.B.: sections get parsed by these next two productions. -- This allows you to write, e.g., '(+ 3, 4 -)', which isn't -- correct Haskell (you'd have to write '((+ 3), (4 -))') -- but the less cluttered version fell out of having texps. | '(' texp ')' { ECP $ runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 -> amms (mkHsParPV (comb2 $1 $>) $2) [mop $1,mcp $3] } | '(' tup_exprs ')' { ECP $ $2 >>= \ $2 -> amms (mkSumOrTuplePV (comb2 $1 $>) Boxed (snd $2)) ((mop $1:fst $2) ++ [mcp $3]) } | '(#' texp '#)' { ECP $ runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 -> amms (mkSumOrTuplePV (comb2 $1 $>) Unboxed (Tuple [L (gl $2) (Just $2)])) [mo $1,mc $3] } | '(#' tup_exprs '#)' { ECP $ $2 >>= \ $2 -> amms (mkSumOrTuplePV (comb2 $1 $>) Unboxed (snd $2)) ((mo $1:fst $2) ++ [mc $3]) } | '[' list ']' { ECP $ $2 (comb2 $1 $>) >>= \a -> ams a [mos $1,mcs $3] } | '_' { ECP $ mkHsWildCardPV (getLoc $1) } -- Template Haskell Extension | splice_untyped { ECP $ mkHsSplicePV $1 } | splice_typed { ecpFromExp $ mapLoc (HsSpliceE noExtField) $1 } | SIMPLEQUOTE qvar {% fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (VarBr noExtField True (unLoc $2))) [mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mj AnnName $2] } | SIMPLEQUOTE qcon {% fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (VarBr noExtField True (unLoc $2))) [mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mj AnnName $2] } | TH_TY_QUOTE tyvar {% fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (VarBr noExtField False (unLoc $2))) [mj AnnThTyQuote $1,mj AnnName $2] } | TH_TY_QUOTE gtycon {% fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (VarBr noExtField False (unLoc $2))) [mj AnnThTyQuote $1,mj AnnName $2] } | TH_TY_QUOTE {- nothing -} {% reportEmptyDoubleQuotes (getLoc $1) } | '[|' exp '|]' {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (ExpBr noExtField $2)) (if (hasE $1) then [mj AnnOpenE $1, mu AnnCloseQ $3] else [mu AnnOpenEQ $1,mu AnnCloseQ $3]) } | '[||' exp '||]' {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (TExpBr noExtField $2)) (if (hasE $1) then [mj AnnOpenE $1,mc $3] else [mo $1,mc $3]) } | '[t|' ktype '|]' {% fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (TypBr noExtField $2)) [mo $1,mu AnnCloseQ $3] } | '[p|' infixexp '|]' {% (checkPattern <=< runECP_P) $2 >>= \p -> fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (PatBr noExtField p)) [mo $1,mu AnnCloseQ $3] } | '[d|' cvtopbody '|]' {% fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (DecBrL noExtField (snd $2))) (mo $1:mu AnnCloseQ $3:fst $2) } | quasiquote { ECP $ mkHsSplicePV $1 } -- arrow notation extension | '(|' aexp2 cmdargs '|)' {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> fmap ecpFromCmd $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrForm noExtField $2 Prefix Nothing (reverse $3)) [mu AnnOpenB $1,mu AnnCloseB $4] } splice_exp :: { LHsExpr GhcPs } : splice_untyped { mapLoc (HsSpliceE noExtField) $1 } | splice_typed { mapLoc (HsSpliceE noExtField) $1 } splice_untyped :: { Located (HsSplice GhcPs) } -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parser.Lexer : PREFIX_DOLLAR aexp2 {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> ams (sLL $1 $> $ mkUntypedSplice DollarSplice $2) [mj AnnDollar $1] } splice_typed :: { Located (HsSplice GhcPs) } -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parser.Lexer : PREFIX_DOLLAR_DOLLAR aexp2 {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> ams (sLL $1 $> $ mkTypedSplice DollarSplice $2) [mj AnnDollarDollar $1] } cmdargs :: { [LHsCmdTop GhcPs] } : cmdargs acmd { $2 : $1 } | {- empty -} { [] } acmd :: { LHsCmdTop GhcPs } : aexp2 {% runECP_P $1 >>= \ cmd -> return (sL1 cmd $ HsCmdTop noExtField cmd) } cvtopbody :: { ([AddAnn],[LHsDecl GhcPs]) } : '{' cvtopdecls0 '}' { ([mj AnnOpenC $1 ,mj AnnCloseC $3],$2) } | vocurly cvtopdecls0 close { ([],$2) } cvtopdecls0 :: { [LHsDecl GhcPs] } : topdecls_semi { cvTopDecls $1 } | topdecls { cvTopDecls $1 } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tuple expressions -- "texp" is short for tuple expressions: -- things that can appear unparenthesized as long as they're -- inside parens or delimitted by commas texp :: { ECP } : exp { $1 } -- Note [Parsing sections] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- We include left and right sections here, which isn't -- technically right according to the Haskell standard. -- For example (3 +, True) isn't legal. -- However, we want to parse bang patterns like -- (!x, !y) -- and it's convenient to do so here as a section -- Then when converting expr to pattern we unravel it again -- Meanwhile, the renamer checks that real sections appear -- inside parens. | infixexp qop {% runECP_P $1 >>= \ $1 -> runPV (rejectPragmaPV $1) >> runPV $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ ecpFromExp $ sLL $1 $> $ SectionL noExtField $1 $2 } | qopm infixexp { ECP $ superInfixOp $ runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 -> $1 >>= \ $1 -> mkHsSectionR_PV (comb2 $1 $>) $1 $2 } -- View patterns get parenthesized above | exp '->' texp { ECP $ runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_PV $3 >>= \ $3 -> amms (mkHsViewPatPV (comb2 $1 $>) $1 $3) [mu AnnRarrow $2] } -- Always at least one comma or bar. -- Though this can parse just commas (without any expressions), it won't -- in practice, because (,,,) is parsed as a name. See Note [ExplicitTuple] -- in GHC.Hs.Expr. tup_exprs :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV ([AddAnn],SumOrTuple b) } : texp commas_tup_tail { runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> $2 >>= \ $2 -> do { addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (fst $2) ; return ([],Tuple ((sL1 $1 (Just $1)) : snd $2)) } } | texp bars { runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> return $ (mvbars (fst $2), Sum 1 (snd $2 + 1) $1) } | commas tup_tail { $2 >>= \ $2 -> do { mapM_ (\ll -> addAnnotation ll AnnComma ll) (fst $1) ; return ([],Tuple (map (\l -> L l Nothing) (fst $1) ++ $2)) } } | bars texp bars0 { runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ (mvbars (fst $1) ++ mvbars (fst $3), Sum (snd $1 + 1) (snd $1 + snd $3 + 1) $2) } -- Always starts with commas; always follows an expr commas_tup_tail :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (SrcSpan,[Located (Maybe (Located b))]) } commas_tup_tail : commas tup_tail { $2 >>= \ $2 -> do { mapM_ (\ll -> addAnnotation ll AnnComma ll) (tail $ fst $1) ; return ( (head $ fst $1 ,(map (\l -> L l Nothing) (tail $ fst $1)) ++ $2)) } } -- Always follows a comma tup_tail :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV [Located (Maybe (Located b))] } : texp commas_tup_tail { runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> $2 >>= \ $2 -> addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (fst $2) >> return ((L (gl $1) (Just $1)) : snd $2) } | texp { runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> return [L (gl $1) (Just $1)] } | {- empty -} { return [noLoc Nothing] } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- List expressions -- The rules below are little bit contorted to keep lexps left-recursive while -- avoiding another shift/reduce-conflict. -- Never empty. list :: { forall b. DisambECP b => SrcSpan -> PV (Located b) } : texp { \loc -> runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> mkHsExplicitListPV loc [$1] } | lexps { \loc -> $1 >>= \ $1 -> mkHsExplicitListPV loc (reverse $1) } | texp '..' { \loc -> runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> ams (L loc $ ArithSeq noExtField Nothing (From $1)) [mj AnnDotdot $2] >>= ecpFromExp' } | texp ',' exp '..' { \loc -> runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_PV $3 >>= \ $3 -> ams (L loc $ ArithSeq noExtField Nothing (FromThen $1 $3)) [mj AnnComma $2,mj AnnDotdot $4] >>= ecpFromExp' } | texp '..' exp { \loc -> runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_PV $3 >>= \ $3 -> ams (L loc $ ArithSeq noExtField Nothing (FromTo $1 $3)) [mj AnnDotdot $2] >>= ecpFromExp' } | texp ',' exp '..' exp { \loc -> runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_PV $3 >>= \ $3 -> runECP_PV $5 >>= \ $5 -> ams (L loc $ ArithSeq noExtField Nothing (FromThenTo $1 $3 $5)) [mj AnnComma $2,mj AnnDotdot $4] >>= ecpFromExp' } | texp '|' flattenedpquals { \loc -> checkMonadComp >>= \ ctxt -> runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> ams (L loc $ mkHsComp ctxt (unLoc $3) $1) [mj AnnVbar $2] >>= ecpFromExp' } lexps :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV [Located b] } : lexps ',' texp { $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_PV $3 >>= \ $3 -> addAnnotation (gl $ head $ $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (((:) $! $3) $! $1) } | texp ',' texp { runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> runECP_PV $3 >>= \ $3 -> addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return [$3,$1] } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- List Comprehensions flattenedpquals :: { Located [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] } : pquals { case (unLoc $1) of [qs] -> sL1 $1 qs -- We just had one thing in our "parallel" list so -- we simply return that thing directly qss -> sL1 $1 [sL1 $1 $ ParStmt noExtField [ParStmtBlock noExtField qs [] noSyntaxExpr | qs <- qss] noExpr noSyntaxExpr] -- We actually found some actual parallel lists so -- we wrap them into as a ParStmt } pquals :: { Located [[LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]] } : squals '|' pquals {% addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnVbar (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> (reverse (unLoc $1) : unLoc $3)) } | squals { L (getLoc $1) [reverse (unLoc $1)] } squals :: { Located [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] } -- In reverse order, because the last -- one can "grab" the earlier ones : squals ',' transformqual {% addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> amsL (comb2 $1 $>) (fst $ unLoc $3) >> return (sLL $1 $> [sLL $1 $> ((snd $ unLoc $3) (reverse (unLoc $1)))]) } | squals ',' qual {% runPV $3 >>= \ $3 -> addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> ($3 : unLoc $1)) } | transformqual {% ams $1 (fst $ unLoc $1) >> return (sLL $1 $> [L (getLoc $1) ((snd $ unLoc $1) [])]) } | qual {% runPV $1 >>= \ $1 -> return $ sL1 $1 [$1] } -- | transformquals1 ',' '{|' pquals '|}' { sLL $1 $> ($4 : unLoc $1) } -- | '{|' pquals '|}' { sL1 $1 [$2] } -- It is possible to enable bracketing (associating) qualifier lists -- by uncommenting the lines with {| |} above. Due to a lack of -- consensus on the syntax, this feature is not being used until we -- get user demand. transformqual :: { Located ([AddAnn],[LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] -> Stmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)) } -- Function is applied to a list of stmts *in order* : 'then' exp {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ sLL $1 $> ([mj AnnThen $1], \ss -> (mkTransformStmt ss $2)) } | 'then' exp 'by' exp {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 -> runECP_P $4 >>= \ $4 -> return $ sLL $1 $> ([mj AnnThen $1,mj AnnBy $3], \ss -> (mkTransformByStmt ss $2 $4)) } | 'then' 'group' 'using' exp {% runECP_P $4 >>= \ $4 -> return $ sLL $1 $> ([mj AnnThen $1,mj AnnGroup $2,mj AnnUsing $3], \ss -> (mkGroupUsingStmt ss $4)) } | 'then' 'group' 'by' exp 'using' exp {% runECP_P $4 >>= \ $4 -> runECP_P $6 >>= \ $6 -> return $ sLL $1 $> ([mj AnnThen $1,mj AnnGroup $2,mj AnnBy $3,mj AnnUsing $5], \ss -> (mkGroupByUsingStmt ss $4 $6)) } -- Note that 'group' is a special_id, which means that you can enable -- TransformListComp while still using Data.List.group. However, this -- introduces a shift/reduce conflict. Happy chooses to resolve the conflict -- in by choosing the "group by" variant, which is what we want. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Guards guardquals :: { Located [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] } : guardquals1 { L (getLoc $1) (reverse (unLoc $1)) } guardquals1 :: { Located [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] } : guardquals1 ',' qual {% runPV $3 >>= \ $3 -> addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> ($3 : unLoc $1)) } | qual {% runPV $1 >>= \ $1 -> return $ sL1 $1 [$1] } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Case alternatives altslist :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located ([AddAnn],[LMatch GhcPs (Located b)])) } : '{' alts '}' { $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ sLL $1 $> ((moc $1:mcc $3:(fst $ unLoc $2)) ,(reverse (snd $ unLoc $2))) } | vocurly alts close { $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ L (getLoc $2) (fst $ unLoc $2 ,(reverse (snd $ unLoc $2))) } | '{' '}' { return $ sLL $1 $> ([moc $1,mcc $2],[]) } | vocurly close { return $ noLoc ([],[]) } alts :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located ([AddAnn],[LMatch GhcPs (Located b)])) } : alts1 { $1 >>= \ $1 -> return $ sL1 $1 (fst $ unLoc $1,snd $ unLoc $1) } | ';' alts { $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ sLL $1 $> ((mj AnnSemi $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) ,snd $ unLoc $2) } alts1 :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located ([AddAnn],[LMatch GhcPs (Located b)])) } : alts1 ';' alt { $1 >>= \ $1 -> $3 >>= \ $3 -> if null (snd $ unLoc $1) then return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1) ,[$3])) else (ams (head $ snd $ unLoc $1) (mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1)) >> return (sLL $1 $> ([],$3 : (snd $ unLoc $1))) ) } | alts1 ';' { $1 >>= \ $1 -> if null (snd $ unLoc $1) then return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1) ,snd $ unLoc $1)) else (ams (head $ snd $ unLoc $1) (mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1)) >> return (sLL $1 $> ([],snd $ unLoc $1))) } | alt { $1 >>= \ $1 -> return $ sL1 $1 ([],[$1]) } alt :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (LMatch GhcPs (Located b)) } : pat alt_rhs { $2 >>= \ $2 -> ams (sLL $1 $> (Match { m_ext = noExtField , m_ctxt = CaseAlt , m_pats = [$1] , m_grhss = snd $ unLoc $2 })) (fst $ unLoc $2)} alt_rhs :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located ([AddAnn],GRHSs GhcPs (Located b))) } : ralt wherebinds { $1 >>= \alt -> return $ sLL alt $> (fst $ unLoc $2, GRHSs noExtField (unLoc alt) (snd $ unLoc $2)) } ralt :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located [LGRHS GhcPs (Located b)]) } : '->' exp { runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 -> ams (sLL $1 $> (unguardedRHS (comb2 $1 $2) $2)) [mu AnnRarrow $1] } | gdpats { $1 >>= \gdpats -> return $ sL1 gdpats (reverse (unLoc gdpats)) } gdpats :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located [LGRHS GhcPs (Located b)]) } : gdpats gdpat { $1 >>= \gdpats -> $2 >>= \gdpat -> return $ sLL gdpats gdpat (gdpat : unLoc gdpats) } | gdpat { $1 >>= \gdpat -> return $ sL1 gdpat [gdpat] } -- layout for MultiWayIf doesn't begin with an open brace, because it's hard to -- generate the open brace in addition to the vertical bar in the lexer, and -- we don't need it. ifgdpats :: { Located ([AddAnn],[LGRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]) } : '{' gdpats '}' {% runPV $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ sLL $1 $> ([moc $1,mcc $3],unLoc $2) } | gdpats close {% runPV $1 >>= \ $1 -> return $ sL1 $1 ([],unLoc $1) } gdpat :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (LGRHS GhcPs (Located b)) } : '|' guardquals '->' exp { runECP_PV $4 >>= \ $4 -> ams (sL (comb2 $1 $>) $ GRHS noExtField (unLoc $2) $4) [mj AnnVbar $1,mu AnnRarrow $3] } -- 'pat' recognises a pattern, including one with a bang at the top -- e.g. "!x" or "!(x,y)" or "C a b" etc -- Bangs inside are parsed as infix operator applications, so that -- we parse them right when bang-patterns are off pat :: { LPat GhcPs } pat : exp {% (checkPattern <=< runECP_P) $1 } bindpat :: { LPat GhcPs } bindpat : exp {% -- See Note [Parser-Validator ReaderT SDoc] in GHC.Parser.PostProcess checkPattern_msg (text "Possibly caused by a missing 'do'?") (runECP_PV $1) } apat :: { LPat GhcPs } apat : aexp {% (checkPattern <=< runECP_P) $1 } apats :: { [LPat GhcPs] } : apat apats { $1 : $2 } | {- empty -} { [] } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Statement sequences stmtlist :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located ([AddAnn],[LStmt GhcPs (Located b)])) } : '{' stmts '}' { $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ sLL $1 $> ((moc $1:mcc $3:(fst $ unLoc $2)) ,(reverse $ snd $ unLoc $2)) } -- AZ:performance of reverse? | vocurly stmts close { $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $ L (gl $2) (fst $ unLoc $2 ,reverse $ snd $ unLoc $2) } -- do { ;; s ; s ; ; s ;; } -- The last Stmt should be an expression, but that's hard to enforce -- here, because we need too much lookahead if we see do { e ; } -- So we use BodyStmts throughout, and switch the last one over -- in ParseUtils.checkDo instead stmts :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located ([AddAnn],[LStmt GhcPs (Located b)])) } : stmts ';' stmt { $1 >>= \ $1 -> $3 >>= \ $3 -> if null (snd $ unLoc $1) then return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1) ,$3 : (snd $ unLoc $1))) else do { ams (head $ snd $ unLoc $1) [mj AnnSemi $2] ; return $ sLL $1 $> (fst $ unLoc $1,$3 :(snd $ unLoc $1)) }} | stmts ';' { $1 >>= \ $1 -> if null (snd $ unLoc $1) then return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnSemi $2:(fst $ unLoc $1),snd $ unLoc $1)) else do { ams (head $ snd $ unLoc $1) [mj AnnSemi $2] ; return $1 } } | stmt { $1 >>= \ $1 -> return $ sL1 $1 ([],[$1]) } | {- empty -} { return $ noLoc ([],[]) } -- For typing stmts at the GHCi prompt, where -- the input may consist of just comments. maybe_stmt :: { Maybe (LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)) } : stmt {% fmap Just (runPV $1) } | {- nothing -} { Nothing } -- For GHC API. e_stmt :: { LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) } : stmt {% runPV $1 } stmt :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (LStmt GhcPs (Located b)) } : qual { $1 } | 'rec' stmtlist { $2 >>= \ $2 -> ams (sLL $1 $> $ mkRecStmt (snd $ unLoc $2)) (mj AnnRec $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) } qual :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (LStmt GhcPs (Located b)) } : bindpat '<-' exp { runECP_PV $3 >>= \ $3 -> ams (sLL $1 $> $ mkPsBindStmt $1 $3) [mu AnnLarrow $2] } | exp { runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 -> return $ sL1 $1 $ mkBodyStmt $1 } | 'let' binds { ams (sLL $1 $> $ LetStmt noExtField (snd $ unLoc $2)) (mj AnnLet $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Record Field Update/Construction fbinds :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV ([AddAnn],([LHsRecField GhcPs (Located b)], Maybe SrcSpan)) } : fbinds1 { $1 } | {- empty -} { return ([],([], Nothing)) } fbinds1 :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV ([AddAnn],([LHsRecField GhcPs (Located b)], Maybe SrcSpan)) } : fbind ',' fbinds1 { $1 >>= \ $1 -> $3 >>= \ $3 -> addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (case $3 of (ma,(flds, dd)) -> (ma,($1 : flds, dd))) } | fbind { $1 >>= \ $1 -> return ([],([$1], Nothing)) } | '..' { return ([mj AnnDotdot $1],([], Just (getLoc $1))) } fbind :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (LHsRecField GhcPs (Located b)) } : qvar '=' texp { runECP_PV $3 >>= \ $3 -> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsRecField (sL1 $1 $ mkFieldOcc $1) $3 False) [mj AnnEqual $2] } -- RHS is a 'texp', allowing view patterns (#6038) -- and, incidentally, sections. Eg -- f (R { x = show -> s }) = ... | qvar { placeHolderPunRhs >>= \rhs -> return $ sLL $1 $> $ HsRecField (sL1 $1 $ mkFieldOcc $1) rhs True } -- In the punning case, use a place-holder -- The renamer fills in the final value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implicit Parameter Bindings dbinds :: { Located [LIPBind GhcPs] } : dbinds ';' dbind {% addAnnotation (gl $ last $ unLoc $1) AnnSemi (gl $2) >> return (let { this = $3; rest = unLoc $1 } in rest `seq` this `seq` sLL $1 $> (this : rest)) } | dbinds ';' {% addAnnotation (gl $ last $ unLoc $1) AnnSemi (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $1)) } | dbind { let this = $1 in this `seq` sL1 $1 [this] } -- | {- empty -} { [] } dbind :: { LIPBind GhcPs } dbind : ipvar '=' exp {% runECP_P $3 >>= \ $3 -> ams (sLL $1 $> (IPBind noExtField (Left $1) $3)) [mj AnnEqual $2] } ipvar :: { Located HsIPName } : IPDUPVARID { sL1 $1 (HsIPName (getIPDUPVARID $1)) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Overloaded labels overloaded_label :: { Located FastString } : LABELVARID { sL1 $1 (getLABELVARID $1) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Warnings and deprecations name_boolformula_opt :: { LBooleanFormula (Located RdrName) } : name_boolformula { $1 } | {- empty -} { noLoc mkTrue } name_boolformula :: { LBooleanFormula (Located RdrName) } : name_boolformula_and { $1 } | name_boolformula_and '|' name_boolformula {% aa $1 (AnnVbar, $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> (Or [$1,$3])) } name_boolformula_and :: { LBooleanFormula (Located RdrName) } : name_boolformula_and_list { sLL (head $1) (last $1) (And ($1)) } name_boolformula_and_list :: { [LBooleanFormula (Located RdrName)] } : name_boolformula_atom { [$1] } | name_boolformula_atom ',' name_boolformula_and_list {% aa $1 (AnnComma, $2) >> return ($1 : $3) } name_boolformula_atom :: { LBooleanFormula (Located RdrName) } : '(' name_boolformula ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (Parens $2)) [mop $1,mcp $3] } | name_var { sL1 $1 (Var $1) } namelist :: { Located [Located RdrName] } namelist : name_var { sL1 $1 [$1] } | name_var ',' namelist {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> ($1 : unLoc $3)) } name_var :: { Located RdrName } name_var : var { $1 } | con { $1 } ----------------------------------------- -- Data constructors -- There are two different productions here as lifted list constructors -- are parsed differently. qcon_nowiredlist :: { Located RdrName } : gen_qcon { $1 } | sysdcon_nolist { sL1 $1 $ nameRdrName (dataConName (unLoc $1)) } qcon :: { Located RdrName } : gen_qcon { $1} | sysdcon { sL1 $1 $ nameRdrName (dataConName (unLoc $1)) } gen_qcon :: { Located RdrName } : qconid { $1 } | '(' qconsym ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal $2,mcp $3] } con :: { Located RdrName } : conid { $1 } | '(' consym ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal $2,mcp $3] } | sysdcon { sL1 $1 $ nameRdrName (dataConName (unLoc $1)) } con_list :: { Located [Located RdrName] } con_list : con { sL1 $1 [$1] } | con ',' con_list {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >> return (sLL $1 $> ($1 : unLoc $3)) } -- See Note [ExplicitTuple] in GHC.Hs.Expr sysdcon_nolist :: { Located DataCon } -- Wired in data constructors : '(' ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> unitDataCon) [mop $1,mcp $2] } | '(' commas ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ tupleDataCon Boxed (snd $2 + 1)) (mop $1:mcp $3:(mcommas (fst $2))) } | '(#' '#)' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ unboxedUnitDataCon) [mo $1,mc $2] } | '(#' commas '#)' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ tupleDataCon Unboxed (snd $2 + 1)) (mo $1:mc $3:(mcommas (fst $2))) } -- See Note [Empty lists] in GHC.Hs.Expr sysdcon :: { Located DataCon } : sysdcon_nolist { $1 } | '[' ']' {% ams (sLL $1 $> nilDataCon) [mos $1,mcs $2] } conop :: { Located RdrName } : consym { $1 } | '`' conid '`' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mj AnnBackquote $1,mj AnnVal $2 ,mj AnnBackquote $3] } qconop :: { Located RdrName } : qconsym { $1 } | '`' qconid '`' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mj AnnBackquote $1,mj AnnVal $2 ,mj AnnBackquote $3] } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type constructors -- See Note [Unit tuples] in GHC.Hs.Types for the distinction -- between gtycon and ntgtycon gtycon :: { Located RdrName } -- A "general" qualified tycon, including unit tuples : ntgtycon { $1 } | '(' ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ getRdrName unitTyCon) [mop $1,mcp $2] } | '(#' '#)' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ getRdrName unboxedUnitTyCon) [mo $1,mc $2] } ntgtycon :: { Located RdrName } -- A "general" qualified tycon, excluding unit tuples : oqtycon { $1 } | '(' commas ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ getRdrName (tupleTyCon Boxed (snd $2 + 1))) (mop $1:mcp $3:(mcommas (fst $2))) } | '(#' commas '#)' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ getRdrName (tupleTyCon Unboxed (snd $2 + 1))) (mo $1:mc $3:(mcommas (fst $2))) } | '(' '->' ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ getRdrName funTyCon) [mop $1,mu AnnRarrow $2,mcp $3] } | '[' ']' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ listTyCon_RDR) [mos $1,mcs $2] } oqtycon :: { Located RdrName } -- An "ordinary" qualified tycon; -- These can appear in export lists : qtycon { $1 } | '(' qtyconsym ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal $2,mcp $3] } oqtycon_no_varcon :: { Located RdrName } -- Type constructor which cannot be mistaken -- for variable constructor in export lists -- see Note [Type constructors in export list] : qtycon { $1 } | '(' QCONSYM ')' {% let { name :: Located RdrName ; name = sL1 $2 $! mkQual tcClsName (getQCONSYM $2) } in ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc name)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal name,mcp $3] } | '(' CONSYM ')' {% let { name :: Located RdrName ; name = sL1 $2 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (getCONSYM $2) } in ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc name)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal name,mcp $3] } | '(' ':' ')' {% let { name :: Located RdrName ; name = sL1 $2 $! consDataCon_RDR } in ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc name)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal name,mcp $3] } {- Note [Type constructors in export list] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mixing type constructors and data constructors in export lists introduces ambiguity in grammar: e.g. (*) may be both a type constructor and a function. -XExplicitNamespaces allows to disambiguate by explicitly prefixing type constructors with 'type' keyword. This ambiguity causes reduce/reduce conflicts in parser, which are always resolved in favour of data constructors. To get rid of conflicts we demand that ambiguous type constructors (those, which are formed by the same productions as variable constructors) are always prefixed with 'type' keyword. Unambiguous type constructors may occur both with or without 'type' keyword. Note that in the parser we still parse data constructors as type constructors. As such, they still end up in the type constructor namespace until after renaming when we resolve the proper namespace for each exported child. -} qtyconop :: { Located RdrName } -- Qualified or unqualified : qtyconsym { $1 } | '`' qtycon '`' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mj AnnBackquote $1,mj AnnVal $2 ,mj AnnBackquote $3] } qtycon :: { Located RdrName } -- Qualified or unqualified : QCONID { sL1 $1 $! mkQual tcClsName (getQCONID $1) } | tycon { $1 } qtycondoc :: { LHsType GhcPs } -- Qualified or unqualified : qtycon { sL1 $1 (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted $1) } | qtycon docprev { sLL $1 $> (HsDocTy noExtField (sL1 $1 (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted $1)) $2) } tycon :: { Located RdrName } -- Unqualified : CONID { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (getCONID $1) } qtyconsym :: { Located RdrName } : QCONSYM { sL1 $1 $! mkQual tcClsName (getQCONSYM $1) } | QVARSYM { sL1 $1 $! mkQual tcClsName (getQVARSYM $1) } | tyconsym { $1 } tyconsym :: { Located RdrName } : CONSYM { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (getCONSYM $1) } | VARSYM { sL1 $1 $! -- See Note [eqTyCon (~) is built-in syntax] in GHC.Builtin.Types if getVARSYM $1 == fsLit "~" then eqTyCon_RDR else mkUnqual tcClsName (getVARSYM $1) } | ':' { sL1 $1 $! consDataCon_RDR } | '-' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (fsLit "-") } | '.' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (fsLit ".") } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Operators op :: { Located RdrName } -- used in infix decls : varop { $1 } | conop { $1 } | '->' { sL1 $1 $ getRdrName funTyCon } varop :: { Located RdrName } : varsym { $1 } | '`' varid '`' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mj AnnBackquote $1,mj AnnVal $2 ,mj AnnBackquote $3] } qop :: { forall b. DisambInfixOp b => PV (Located b) } -- used in sections : qvarop { mkHsVarOpPV $1 } | qconop { mkHsConOpPV $1 } | hole_op { $1 } qopm :: { forall b. DisambInfixOp b => PV (Located b) } -- used in sections : qvaropm { mkHsVarOpPV $1 } | qconop { mkHsConOpPV $1 } | hole_op { $1 } hole_op :: { forall b. DisambInfixOp b => PV (Located b) } -- used in sections hole_op : '`' '_' '`' { amms (mkHsInfixHolePV (comb2 $1 $>)) [mj AnnBackquote $1,mj AnnVal $2 ,mj AnnBackquote $3] } qvarop :: { Located RdrName } : qvarsym { $1 } | '`' qvarid '`' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mj AnnBackquote $1,mj AnnVal $2 ,mj AnnBackquote $3] } qvaropm :: { Located RdrName } : qvarsym_no_minus { $1 } | '`' qvarid '`' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mj AnnBackquote $1,mj AnnVal $2 ,mj AnnBackquote $3] } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type variables tyvar :: { Located RdrName } tyvar : tyvarid { $1 } tyvarop :: { Located RdrName } tyvarop : '`' tyvarid '`' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mj AnnBackquote $1,mj AnnVal $2 ,mj AnnBackquote $3] } tyvarid :: { Located RdrName } : VARID { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tvName (getVARID $1) } | special_id { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tvName (unLoc $1) } | 'unsafe' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tvName (fsLit "unsafe") } | 'safe' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tvName (fsLit "safe") } | 'interruptible' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tvName (fsLit "interruptible") } -- If this changes relative to varid, update 'checkRuleTyVarBndrNames' -- in GHC.Parser.PostProcess -- See Note [Parsing explicit foralls in Rules] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Variables var :: { Located RdrName } : varid { $1 } | '(' varsym ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal $2,mcp $3] } qvar :: { Located RdrName } : qvarid { $1 } | '(' varsym ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal $2,mcp $3] } | '(' qvarsym1 ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal $2,mcp $3] } -- We've inlined qvarsym here so that the decision about -- whether it's a qvar or a var can be postponed until -- *after* we see the close paren. qvarid :: { Located RdrName } : varid { $1 } | QVARID { sL1 $1 $! mkQual varName (getQVARID $1) } -- Note that 'role' and 'family' get lexed separately regardless of -- the use of extensions. However, because they are listed here, -- this is OK and they can be used as normal varids. -- See Note [Lexing type pseudo-keywords] in GHC.Parser.Lexer varid :: { Located RdrName } : VARID { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual varName (getVARID $1) } | special_id { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual varName (unLoc $1) } | 'unsafe' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual varName (fsLit "unsafe") } | 'safe' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual varName (fsLit "safe") } | 'interruptible' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual varName (fsLit "interruptible")} | 'forall' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual varName (fsLit "forall") } | 'family' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual varName (fsLit "family") } | 'role' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual varName (fsLit "role") } -- If this changes relative to tyvarid, update 'checkRuleTyVarBndrNames' -- in GHC.Parser.PostProcess -- See Note [Parsing explicit foralls in Rules] qvarsym :: { Located RdrName } : varsym { $1 } | qvarsym1 { $1 } qvarsym_no_minus :: { Located RdrName } : varsym_no_minus { $1 } | qvarsym1 { $1 } qvarsym1 :: { Located RdrName } qvarsym1 : QVARSYM { sL1 $1 $ mkQual varName (getQVARSYM $1) } varsym :: { Located RdrName } : varsym_no_minus { $1 } | '-' { sL1 $1 $ mkUnqual varName (fsLit "-") } varsym_no_minus :: { Located RdrName } -- varsym not including '-' : VARSYM { sL1 $1 $ mkUnqual varName (getVARSYM $1) } | special_sym { sL1 $1 $ mkUnqual varName (unLoc $1) } -- These special_ids are treated as keywords in various places, -- but as ordinary ids elsewhere. 'special_id' collects all these -- except 'unsafe', 'interruptible', 'forall', 'family', 'role', 'stock', and -- 'anyclass', whose treatment differs depending on context special_id :: { Located FastString } special_id : 'as' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "as") } | 'qualified' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "qualified") } | 'hiding' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "hiding") } | 'export' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "export") } | 'label' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "label") } | 'dynamic' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "dynamic") } | 'stdcall' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "stdcall") } | 'ccall' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "ccall") } | 'capi' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "capi") } | 'prim' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "prim") } | 'javascript' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "javascript") } | 'group' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "group") } | 'stock' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "stock") } | 'anyclass' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "anyclass") } | 'via' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "via") } | 'unit' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "unit") } | 'dependency' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "dependency") } | 'signature' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "signature") } special_sym :: { Located FastString } special_sym : '.' { sL1 $1 (fsLit ".") } | '*' { sL1 $1 (fsLit (starSym (isUnicode $1))) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Data constructors qconid :: { Located RdrName } -- Qualified or unqualified : conid { $1 } | QCONID { sL1 $1 $! mkQual dataName (getQCONID $1) } conid :: { Located RdrName } : CONID { sL1 $1 $ mkUnqual dataName (getCONID $1) } qconsym :: { Located RdrName } -- Qualified or unqualified : consym { $1 } | QCONSYM { sL1 $1 $ mkQual dataName (getQCONSYM $1) } consym :: { Located RdrName } : CONSYM { sL1 $1 $ mkUnqual dataName (getCONSYM $1) } -- ':' means only list cons | ':' { sL1 $1 $ consDataCon_RDR } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Literals literal :: { Located (HsLit GhcPs) } : CHAR { sL1 $1 $ HsChar (getCHARs $1) $ getCHAR $1 } | STRING { sL1 $1 $ HsString (getSTRINGs $1) $ getSTRING $1 } | PRIMINTEGER { sL1 $1 $ HsIntPrim (getPRIMINTEGERs $1) $ getPRIMINTEGER $1 } | PRIMWORD { sL1 $1 $ HsWordPrim (getPRIMWORDs $1) $ getPRIMWORD $1 } | PRIMCHAR { sL1 $1 $ HsCharPrim (getPRIMCHARs $1) $ getPRIMCHAR $1 } | PRIMSTRING { sL1 $1 $ HsStringPrim (getPRIMSTRINGs $1) $ getPRIMSTRING $1 } | PRIMFLOAT { sL1 $1 $ HsFloatPrim noExtField $ getPRIMFLOAT $1 } | PRIMDOUBLE { sL1 $1 $ HsDoublePrim noExtField $ getPRIMDOUBLE $1 } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Layout close :: { () } : vccurly { () } -- context popped in lexer. | error {% popContext } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Miscellaneous (mostly renamings) modid :: { Located ModuleName } : CONID { sL1 $1 $ mkModuleNameFS (getCONID $1) } | QCONID { sL1 $1 $ let (mod,c) = getQCONID $1 in mkModuleNameFS (mkFastString (unpackFS mod ++ '.':unpackFS c)) } commas :: { ([SrcSpan],Int) } -- One or more commas : commas ',' { ((fst $1)++[gl $2],snd $1 + 1) } | ',' { ([gl $1],1) } bars0 :: { ([SrcSpan],Int) } -- Zero or more bars : bars { $1 } | { ([], 0) } bars :: { ([SrcSpan],Int) } -- One or more bars : bars '|' { ((fst $1)++[gl $2],snd $1 + 1) } | '|' { ([gl $1],1) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Documentation comments docnext :: { LHsDocString } : DOCNEXT {% return (sL1 $1 (mkHsDocString (getDOCNEXT $1))) } docprev :: { LHsDocString } : DOCPREV {% return (sL1 $1 (mkHsDocString (getDOCPREV $1))) } docnamed :: { Located (String, HsDocString) } : DOCNAMED {% let string = getDOCNAMED $1 (name, rest) = break isSpace string in return (sL1 $1 (name, mkHsDocString rest)) } docsection :: { Located (Int, HsDocString) } : DOCSECTION {% let (n, doc) = getDOCSECTION $1 in return (sL1 $1 (n, mkHsDocString doc)) } moduleheader :: { Maybe LHsDocString } : DOCNEXT {% let string = getDOCNEXT $1 in return (Just (sL1 $1 (mkHsDocString string))) } maybe_docprev :: { Maybe LHsDocString } : docprev { Just $1 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } maybe_docnext :: { Maybe LHsDocString } : docnext { Just $1 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } { happyError :: P a happyError = srcParseFail getVARID (L _ (ITvarid x)) = x getCONID (L _ (ITconid x)) = x getVARSYM (L _ (ITvarsym x)) = x getCONSYM (L _ (ITconsym x)) = x getQVARID (L _ (ITqvarid x)) = x getQCONID (L _ (ITqconid x)) = x getQVARSYM (L _ (ITqvarsym x)) = x getQCONSYM (L _ (ITqconsym x)) = x getIPDUPVARID (L _ (ITdupipvarid x)) = x getLABELVARID (L _ (ITlabelvarid x)) = x getCHAR (L _ (ITchar _ x)) = x getSTRING (L _ (ITstring _ x)) = x getINTEGER (L _ (ITinteger x)) = x getRATIONAL (L _ (ITrational x)) = x getPRIMCHAR (L _ (ITprimchar _ x)) = x getPRIMSTRING (L _ (ITprimstring _ x)) = x getPRIMINTEGER (L _ (ITprimint _ x)) = x getPRIMWORD (L _ (ITprimword _ x)) = x getPRIMFLOAT (L _ (ITprimfloat x)) = x getPRIMDOUBLE (L _ (ITprimdouble x)) = x getINLINE (L _ (ITinline_prag _ inl conl)) = (inl,conl) getSPEC_INLINE (L _ (ITspec_inline_prag _ True)) = (Inline, FunLike) getSPEC_INLINE (L _ (ITspec_inline_prag _ False)) = (NoInline,FunLike) getCOMPLETE_PRAGs (L _ (ITcomplete_prag x)) = x getDOCNEXT (L _ (ITdocCommentNext x)) = x getDOCPREV (L _ (ITdocCommentPrev x)) = x getDOCNAMED (L _ (ITdocCommentNamed x)) = x getDOCSECTION (L _ (ITdocSection n x)) = (n, x) getINTEGERs (L _ (ITinteger (IL src _ _))) = src getCHARs (L _ (ITchar src _)) = src getSTRINGs (L _ (ITstring src _)) = src getPRIMCHARs (L _ (ITprimchar src _)) = src getPRIMSTRINGs (L _ (ITprimstring src _)) = src getPRIMINTEGERs (L _ (ITprimint src _)) = src getPRIMWORDs (L _ (ITprimword src _)) = src -- See Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes for the following getINLINE_PRAGs (L _ (ITinline_prag src _ _)) = src getSPEC_PRAGs (L _ (ITspec_prag src)) = src getSPEC_INLINE_PRAGs (L _ (ITspec_inline_prag src _)) = src getSOURCE_PRAGs (L _ (ITsource_prag src)) = src getRULES_PRAGs (L _ (ITrules_prag src)) = src getWARNING_PRAGs (L _ (ITwarning_prag src)) = src getDEPRECATED_PRAGs (L _ (ITdeprecated_prag src)) = src getSCC_PRAGs (L _ (ITscc_prag src)) = src getGENERATED_PRAGs (L _ (ITgenerated_prag src)) = src getCORE_PRAGs (L _ (ITcore_prag src)) = src getUNPACK_PRAGs (L _ (ITunpack_prag src)) = src getNOUNPACK_PRAGs (L _ (ITnounpack_prag src)) = src getANN_PRAGs (L _ (ITann_prag src)) = src getMINIMAL_PRAGs (L _ (ITminimal_prag src)) = src getOVERLAPPABLE_PRAGs (L _ (IToverlappable_prag src)) = src getOVERLAPPING_PRAGs (L _ (IToverlapping_prag src)) = src getOVERLAPS_PRAGs (L _ (IToverlaps_prag src)) = src getINCOHERENT_PRAGs (L _ (ITincoherent_prag src)) = src getCTYPEs (L _ (ITctype src)) = src getStringLiteral l = StringLiteral (getSTRINGs l) (getSTRING l) isUnicode :: Located Token -> Bool isUnicode (L _ (ITforall iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITdarrow iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITdcolon iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITlarrow iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITrarrow iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITlarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITrarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITLarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITRarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (IToparenbar iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITcparenbar iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITopenExpQuote _ iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITcloseQuote iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode (L _ (ITstar iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax isUnicode _ = False hasE :: Located Token -> Bool hasE (L _ (ITopenExpQuote HasE _)) = True hasE (L _ (ITopenTExpQuote HasE)) = True hasE _ = False getSCC :: Located Token -> P FastString getSCC lt = do let s = getSTRING lt err = "Spaces are not allowed in SCCs" -- We probably actually want to be more restrictive than this if ' ' `elem` unpackFS s then addFatalError (getLoc lt) (text err) else return s -- Utilities for combining source spans comb2 :: Located a -> Located b -> SrcSpan comb2 a b = a `seq` b `seq` combineLocs a b comb3 :: Located a -> Located b -> Located c -> SrcSpan comb3 a b c = a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) (combineSrcSpans (getLoc b) (getLoc c)) comb4 :: Located a -> Located b -> Located c -> Located d -> SrcSpan comb4 a b c d = a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` (combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) $ combineSrcSpans (getLoc b) $ combineSrcSpans (getLoc c) (getLoc d)) -- strict constructor version: {-# INLINE sL #-} sL :: SrcSpan -> a -> Located a sL span a = span `seq` a `seq` L span a -- See Note [Adding location info] for how these utility functions are used -- replaced last 3 CPP macros in this file {-# INLINE sL0 #-} sL0 :: a -> Located a sL0 = L noSrcSpan -- #define L0 L noSrcSpan {-# INLINE sL1 #-} sL1 :: Located a -> b -> Located b sL1 x = sL (getLoc x) -- #define sL1 sL (getLoc $1) {-# INLINE sLL #-} sLL :: Located a -> Located b -> c -> Located c sLL x y = sL (comb2 x y) -- #define LL sL (comb2 $1 $>) {- Note [Adding location info] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is done using the three functions below, sL0, sL1 and sLL. Note that these functions were mechanically converted from the three macros that used to exist before, namely L0, L1 and LL. They each add a SrcSpan to their argument. sL0 adds 'noSrcSpan', used for empty productions -- This doesn't seem to work anymore -=chak sL1 for a production with a single token on the lhs. Grabs the SrcSpan from that token. sLL for a production with >1 token on the lhs. Makes up a SrcSpan from the first and last tokens. These suffice for the majority of cases. However, we must be especially careful with empty productions: sLL won't work if the first or last token on the lhs can represent an empty span. In these cases, we have to calculate the span using more of the tokens from the lhs, eg. | 'newtype' tycl_hdr '=' newconstr deriving { L (comb3 $1 $4 $5) (mkTyData NewType (unLoc $2) $4 (unLoc $5)) } We provide comb3 and comb4 functions which are useful in such cases. Be careful: there's no checking that you actually got this right, the only symptom will be that the SrcSpans of your syntax will be incorrect. -} -- Make a source location for the file. We're a bit lazy here and just -- make a point SrcSpan at line 1, column 0. Strictly speaking we should -- try to find the span of the whole file (ToDo). fileSrcSpan :: P SrcSpan fileSrcSpan = do l <- getRealSrcLoc; let loc = mkSrcLoc (srcLocFile l) 1 1; return (mkSrcSpan loc loc) -- Hint about the MultiWayIf extension hintMultiWayIf :: SrcSpan -> P () hintMultiWayIf span = do mwiEnabled <- getBit MultiWayIfBit unless mwiEnabled $ addError span $ text "Multi-way if-expressions need MultiWayIf turned on" -- Hint about explicit-forall hintExplicitForall :: Located Token -> P () hintExplicitForall tok = do forall <- getBit ExplicitForallBit rulePrag <- getBit InRulePragBit unless (forall || rulePrag) $ addError (getLoc tok) $ vcat [ text "Illegal symbol" <+> quotes forallSymDoc <+> text "in type" , text "Perhaps you intended to use RankNTypes or a similar language" , text "extension to enable explicit-forall syntax:" <+> forallSymDoc <+> text ". " ] where forallSymDoc = text (forallSym (isUnicode tok)) -- When two single quotes don't followed by tyvar or gtycon, we report the -- error as empty character literal, or TH quote that missing proper type -- variable or constructor. See #13450. reportEmptyDoubleQuotes :: SrcSpan -> P a reportEmptyDoubleQuotes span = do thQuotes <- getBit ThQuotesBit if thQuotes then addFatalError span $ vcat [ text "Parser error on `''`" , text "Character literals may not be empty" , text "Or perhaps you intended to use quotation syntax of TemplateHaskell," , text "but the type variable or constructor is missing" ] else addFatalError span $ vcat [ text "Parser error on `''`" , text "Character literals may not be empty" ] {- %************************************************************************ %* * Helper functions for generating annotations in the parser %* * %************************************************************************ For the general principles of the following routines, see Note [Api annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation -} -- |Construct an AddAnn from the annotation keyword and the location -- of the keyword itself mj :: AnnKeywordId -> Located e -> AddAnn mj a l = AddAnn a (gl l) -- |Construct an AddAnn from the annotation keyword and the Located Token. If -- the token has a unicode equivalent and this has been used, provide the -- unicode variant of the annotation. mu :: AnnKeywordId -> Located Token -> AddAnn mu a lt@(L l t) = AddAnn (toUnicodeAnn a lt) l -- | If the 'Token' is using its unicode variant return the unicode variant of -- the annotation toUnicodeAnn :: AnnKeywordId -> Located Token -> AnnKeywordId toUnicodeAnn a t = if isUnicode t then unicodeAnn a else a gl :: Located a -> SrcSpan gl = getLoc -- |Add an annotation to the located element, and return the located -- element as a pass through aa :: Located a -> (AnnKeywordId, Located c) -> P (Located a) aa a@(L l _) (b,s) = addAnnotation l b (gl s) >> return a -- |Add an annotation to a located element resulting from a monadic action am :: P (Located a) -> (AnnKeywordId, Located b) -> P (Located a) am a (b,s) = do av@(L l _) <- a addAnnotation l b (gl s) return av -- | Add a list of AddAnns to the given AST element. For example, -- the parsing rule for @let@ looks like: -- -- @ -- | 'let' binds 'in' exp {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsLet (snd $ unLoc $2) $4) -- (mj AnnLet $1:mj AnnIn $3 -- :(fst $ unLoc $2)) } -- @ -- -- This adds an AnnLet annotation for @let@, an AnnIn for @in@, as well -- as any annotations that may arise in the binds. This will include open -- and closing braces if they are used to delimit the let expressions. -- ams :: MonadP m => Located a -> [AddAnn] -> m (Located a) ams a@(L l _) bs = addAnnsAt l bs >> return a amsL :: SrcSpan -> [AddAnn] -> P () amsL sp bs = addAnnsAt sp bs >> return () -- |Add all [AddAnn] to an AST element, and wrap it in a 'Just' ajs :: MonadP m => Located a -> [AddAnn] -> m (Maybe (Located a)) ajs a bs = Just <$> ams a bs -- |Add a list of AddAnns to the given AST element, where the AST element is the -- result of a monadic action amms :: MonadP m => m (Located a) -> [AddAnn] -> m (Located a) amms a bs = do { av@(L l _) <- a ; addAnnsAt l bs ; return av } -- |Add a list of AddAnns to the AST element, and return the element as a -- OrdList amsu :: Located a -> [AddAnn] -> P (OrdList (Located a)) amsu a@(L l _) bs = addAnnsAt l bs >> return (unitOL a) -- |Synonyms for AddAnn versions of AnnOpen and AnnClose mo,mc :: Located Token -> AddAnn mo ll = mj AnnOpen ll mc ll = mj AnnClose ll moc,mcc :: Located Token -> AddAnn moc ll = mj AnnOpenC ll mcc ll = mj AnnCloseC ll mop,mcp :: Located Token -> AddAnn mop ll = mj AnnOpenP ll mcp ll = mj AnnCloseP ll mos,mcs :: Located Token -> AddAnn mos ll = mj AnnOpenS ll mcs ll = mj AnnCloseS ll -- |Given a list of the locations of commas, provide a [AddAnn] with an AnnComma -- entry for each SrcSpan mcommas :: [SrcSpan] -> [AddAnn] mcommas = map (AddAnn AnnCommaTuple) -- |Given a list of the locations of '|'s, provide a [AddAnn] with an AnnVbar -- entry for each SrcSpan mvbars :: [SrcSpan] -> [AddAnn] mvbars = map (AddAnn AnnVbar) -- |Get the location of the last element of a OrdList, or noSrcSpan oll :: OrdList (Located a) -> SrcSpan oll l = if isNilOL l then noSrcSpan else getLoc (lastOL l) -- |Add a semicolon annotation in the right place in a list. If the -- leading list is empty, add it to the tail asl :: [Located a] -> Located b -> Located a -> P () asl [] (L ls _) (L l _) = addAnnotation l AnnSemi ls asl (x:_xs) (L ls _) _x = addAnnotation (getLoc x) AnnSemi ls }