{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- | Parsing the top of a Haskell source file to get its module name, -- imports and options. -- -- (c) Simon Marlow 2005 -- (c) Lemmih 2006 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module GHC.Parser.Header ( getImports , mkPrelImports -- used by the renamer too , getOptionsFromFile , getOptions , optionsErrorMsgs , checkProcessArgsResult ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import GHC.Prelude import GHC.Platform import GHC.Parser.Errors.Ppr import GHC.Parser.Errors import GHC.Driver.Types import GHC.Parser ( parseHeader ) import GHC.Parser.Lexer import GHC.Data.FastString import GHC.Hs import GHC.Unit.Module import GHC.Builtin.Names import GHC.Data.StringBuffer import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Driver.Session import GHC.Driver.Config import GHC.Utils.Error import GHC.Utils.Misc import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable import GHC.Utils.Panic import GHC.Data.Maybe import GHC.Data.Bag ( Bag, emptyBag, listToBag, unitBag, isEmptyBag ) import GHC.Utils.Monad import GHC.Utils.Exception as Exception import GHC.Types.Basic import Control.Monad import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe import Data.List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Parse the imports of a source file. -- -- Throws a 'SourceError' if parsing fails. getImports :: ParserOpts -- ^ Parser options -> Bool -- ^ Implicit Prelude? -> StringBuffer -- ^ Parse this. -> FilePath -- ^ Filename the buffer came from. Used for -- reporting parse error locations. -> FilePath -- ^ The original source filename (used for locations -- in the function result) -> IO (Either (Bag Error) ([(Maybe FastString, Located ModuleName)], [(Maybe FastString, Located ModuleName)], Located ModuleName)) -- ^ The source imports and normal imports (with optional package -- names from -XPackageImports), and the module name. getImports popts implicit_prelude buf filename source_filename = do let loc = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString filename) 1 1 case unP parseHeader (initParserState popts buf loc) of PFailed pst -> -- assuming we're not logging warnings here as per below return $ Left $ getErrorMessages pst POk pst rdr_module -> fmap Right $ do let (_warns, errs) = getMessages pst -- don't log warnings: they'll be reported when we parse the file -- for real. See #2500. if not (isEmptyBag errs) then throwIO $ mkSrcErr (fmap pprError errs) else let hsmod = unLoc rdr_module mb_mod = hsmodName hsmod imps = hsmodImports hsmod main_loc = srcLocSpan (mkSrcLoc (mkFastString source_filename) 1 1) mod = mb_mod `orElse` L main_loc mAIN_NAME (src_idecls, ord_idecls) = partition ((== IsBoot) . ideclSource . unLoc) imps -- GHC.Prim doesn't exist physically, so don't go looking for it. ordinary_imps = filter ((/= moduleName gHC_PRIM) . unLoc . ideclName . unLoc) ord_idecls implicit_imports = mkPrelImports (unLoc mod) main_loc implicit_prelude imps convImport (L _ i) = (fmap sl_fs (ideclPkgQual i), ideclName i) in return (map convImport src_idecls, map convImport (implicit_imports ++ ordinary_imps), mod) mkPrelImports :: ModuleName -> SrcSpan -- Attribute the "import Prelude" to this location -> Bool -> [LImportDecl GhcPs] -> [LImportDecl GhcPs] -- Construct the implicit declaration "import Prelude" (or not) -- -- NB: opt_NoImplicitPrelude is slightly different to import Prelude (); -- because the former doesn't even look at Prelude.hi for instance -- declarations, whereas the latter does. mkPrelImports this_mod loc implicit_prelude import_decls | this_mod == pRELUDE_NAME || explicit_prelude_import || not implicit_prelude = [] | otherwise = [preludeImportDecl] where explicit_prelude_import = notNull [ () | L _ (ImportDecl { ideclName = mod , ideclPkgQual = Nothing }) <- import_decls , unLoc mod == pRELUDE_NAME ] preludeImportDecl :: LImportDecl GhcPs preludeImportDecl = L loc $ ImportDecl { ideclExt = noExtField, ideclSourceSrc = NoSourceText, ideclName = L loc pRELUDE_NAME, ideclPkgQual = Nothing, ideclSource = NotBoot, ideclSafe = False, -- Not a safe import ideclQualified = NotQualified, ideclImplicit = True, -- Implicit! ideclAs = Nothing, ideclHiding = Nothing } -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get options -------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parse OPTIONS and LANGUAGE pragmas of the source file. -- -- Throws a 'SourceError' if flag parsing fails (including unsupported flags.) getOptionsFromFile :: DynFlags -> FilePath -- ^ Input file -> IO [Located String] -- ^ Parsed options, if any. getOptionsFromFile dflags filename = Exception.bracket (openBinaryFile filename ReadMode) (hClose) (\handle -> do opts <- fmap (getOptions' dflags) (lazyGetToks (initParserOpts dflags') filename handle) seqList opts $ return opts) where -- We don't need to get haddock doc tokens when we're just -- getting the options from pragmas, and lazily lexing them -- correctly is a little tricky: If there is "\n" or "\n-" -- left at the end of a buffer then the haddock doc may -- continue past the end of the buffer, despite the fact that -- we already have an apparently-complete token. -- We therefore just turn Opt_Haddock off when doing the lazy -- lex. dflags' = gopt_unset dflags Opt_Haddock blockSize :: Int -- blockSize = 17 -- for testing :-) blockSize = 1024 lazyGetToks :: ParserOpts -> FilePath -> Handle -> IO [Located Token] lazyGetToks popts filename handle = do buf <- hGetStringBufferBlock handle blockSize let prag_state = initPragState popts buf loc unsafeInterleaveIO $ lazyLexBuf handle prag_state False blockSize where loc = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString filename) 1 1 lazyLexBuf :: Handle -> PState -> Bool -> Int -> IO [Located Token] lazyLexBuf handle state eof size = do case unP (lexer False return) state of POk state' t -> do -- pprTrace "lazyLexBuf" (text (show (buffer state'))) (return ()) if atEnd (buffer state') && not eof -- if this token reached the end of the buffer, and we haven't -- necessarily read up to the end of the file, then the token might -- be truncated, so read some more of the file and lex it again. then getMore handle state size else case unLoc t of ITeof -> return [t] _other -> do rest <- lazyLexBuf handle state' eof size return (t : rest) _ | not eof -> getMore handle state size | otherwise -> return [L (mkSrcSpanPs (last_loc state)) ITeof] -- parser assumes an ITeof sentinel at the end getMore :: Handle -> PState -> Int -> IO [Located Token] getMore handle state size = do -- pprTrace "getMore" (text (show (buffer state))) (return ()) let new_size = size * 2 -- double the buffer size each time we read a new block. This -- counteracts the quadratic slowdown we otherwise get for very -- large module names (#5981) nextbuf <- hGetStringBufferBlock handle new_size if (len nextbuf == 0) then lazyLexBuf handle state True new_size else do newbuf <- appendStringBuffers (buffer state) nextbuf unsafeInterleaveIO $ lazyLexBuf handle state{buffer=newbuf} False new_size getToks :: ParserOpts -> FilePath -> StringBuffer -> [Located Token] getToks popts filename buf = lexAll pstate where pstate = initPragState popts buf loc loc = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString filename) 1 1 lexAll state = case unP (lexer False return) state of POk _ t@(L _ ITeof) -> [t] POk state' t -> t : lexAll state' _ -> [L (mkSrcSpanPs (last_loc state)) ITeof] -- | Parse OPTIONS and LANGUAGE pragmas of the source file. -- -- Throws a 'SourceError' if flag parsing fails (including unsupported flags.) getOptions :: DynFlags -> StringBuffer -- ^ Input Buffer -> FilePath -- ^ Source filename. Used for location info. -> [Located String] -- ^ Parsed options. getOptions dflags buf filename = getOptions' dflags (getToks (initParserOpts dflags) filename buf) -- The token parser is written manually because Happy can't -- return a partial result when it encounters a lexer error. -- We want to extract options before the buffer is passed through -- CPP, so we can't use the same trick as 'getImports'. getOptions' :: DynFlags -> [Located Token] -- Input buffer -> [Located String] -- Options. getOptions' dflags toks = parseToks toks where parseToks (open:close:xs) | IToptions_prag str <- unLoc open , ITclose_prag <- unLoc close = case toArgs str of Left _err -> optionsParseError str dflags $ -- #15053 combineSrcSpans (getLoc open) (getLoc close) Right args -> map (L (getLoc open)) args ++ parseToks xs parseToks (open:close:xs) | ITinclude_prag str <- unLoc open , ITclose_prag <- unLoc close = map (L (getLoc open)) ["-#include",removeSpaces str] ++ parseToks xs parseToks (open:close:xs) | ITdocOptions str <- unLoc open , ITclose_prag <- unLoc close = map (L (getLoc open)) ["-haddock-opts", removeSpaces str] ++ parseToks xs parseToks (open:xs) | ITlanguage_prag <- unLoc open = parseLanguage xs parseToks (comment:xs) -- Skip over comments | isComment (unLoc comment) = parseToks xs parseToks _ = [] parseLanguage ((L loc (ITconid fs)):rest) = checkExtension dflags (L loc fs) : case rest of (L _loc ITcomma):more -> parseLanguage more (L _loc ITclose_prag):more -> parseToks more (L loc _):_ -> languagePragParseError dflags loc [] -> panic "getOptions'.parseLanguage(1) went past eof token" parseLanguage (tok:_) = languagePragParseError dflags (getLoc tok) parseLanguage [] = panic "getOptions'.parseLanguage(2) went past eof token" isComment :: Token -> Bool isComment c = case c of (ITlineComment {}) -> True (ITblockComment {}) -> True (ITdocCommentNext {}) -> True (ITdocCommentPrev {}) -> True (ITdocCommentNamed {}) -> True (ITdocSection {}) -> True _ -> False ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Complain about non-dynamic flags in OPTIONS pragmas. -- -- Throws a 'SourceError' if the input list is non-empty claiming that the -- input flags are unknown. checkProcessArgsResult :: MonadIO m => DynFlags -> [Located String] -> m () checkProcessArgsResult dflags flags = when (notNull flags) $ liftIO $ throwIO $ mkSrcErr $ listToBag $ map mkMsg flags where mkMsg (L loc flag) = mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc $ (text "unknown flag in {-# OPTIONS_GHC #-} pragma:" <+> text flag) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- checkExtension :: DynFlags -> Located FastString -> Located String checkExtension dflags (L l ext) -- Checks if a given extension is valid, and if so returns -- its corresponding flag. Otherwise it throws an exception. = if ext' `elem` supported then L l ("-X"++ext') else unsupportedExtnError dflags l ext' where ext' = unpackFS ext supported = supportedLanguagesAndExtensions $ platformArchOS $ targetPlatform dflags languagePragParseError :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> a languagePragParseError dflags loc = throwErr dflags loc $ vcat [ text "Cannot parse LANGUAGE pragma" , text "Expecting comma-separated list of language options," , text "each starting with a capital letter" , nest 2 (text "E.g. {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, GADTs #-}") ] unsupportedExtnError :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> String -> a unsupportedExtnError dflags loc unsup = throwErr dflags loc $ text "Unsupported extension: " <> text unsup $$ if null suggestions then Outputable.empty else text "Perhaps you meant" <+> quotedListWithOr (map text suggestions) where supported = supportedLanguagesAndExtensions $ platformArchOS $ targetPlatform dflags suggestions = fuzzyMatch unsup supported optionsErrorMsgs :: DynFlags -> [String] -> [Located String] -> FilePath -> Messages optionsErrorMsgs dflags unhandled_flags flags_lines _filename = (emptyBag, listToBag (map mkMsg unhandled_flags_lines)) where unhandled_flags_lines :: [Located String] unhandled_flags_lines = [ L l f | f <- unhandled_flags , L l f' <- flags_lines , f == f' ] mkMsg (L flagSpan flag) = GHC.Utils.Error.mkPlainErrMsg dflags flagSpan $ text "unknown flag in {-# OPTIONS_GHC #-} pragma:" <+> text flag optionsParseError :: String -> DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> a -- #15053 optionsParseError str dflags loc = throwErr dflags loc $ vcat [ text "Error while parsing OPTIONS_GHC pragma." , text "Expecting whitespace-separated list of GHC options." , text " E.g. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -O2 #-}" , text ("Input was: " ++ show str) ] throwErr :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> SDoc -> a -- #15053 throwErr dflags loc doc = throw $ mkSrcErr $ unitBag $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc doc