{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Core utils module GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils where import GHC.Prelude import GHC.JS.Unsat.Syntax import GHC.JS.Transform import GHC.StgToJS.Types import GHC.Stg.Syntax import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType import GHC.Builtin.Types import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim import GHC.Core.DataCon import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep import GHC.Core.TyCon import GHC.Core.Type import GHC.Types.RepType import GHC.Types.Var import GHC.Types.Id import GHC.Utils.Misc import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Utils.Panic import qualified Data.Bits as Bits -- | can we unbox C x to x, only if x is represented as a Number isUnboxableCon :: DataCon -> Bool isUnboxableCon dc | [t] <- dataConRepArgTys dc , [t1] <- typeVt (scaledThing t) = isUnboxable t1 && dataConTag dc == 1 && length (tyConDataCons $ dataConTyCon dc) == 1 | otherwise = False -- | one-constructor types with one primitive field represented as a JS Number -- can be unboxed isUnboxable :: VarType -> Bool isUnboxable DoubleV = True isUnboxable IntV = True -- includes Char# isUnboxable _ = False -- | Number of slots occupied by a PrimRep data SlotCount = NoSlot | OneSlot | TwoSlots deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) instance Outputable SlotCount where ppr = text . show -- | Return SlotCount as an Int slotCount :: SlotCount -> Int slotCount = \case NoSlot -> 0 OneSlot -> 1 TwoSlots -> 2 -- | Number of slots occupied by a value with the given VarType varSize :: VarType -> Int varSize = slotCount . varSlotCount varSlotCount :: VarType -> SlotCount varSlotCount VoidV = NoSlot varSlotCount LongV = TwoSlots -- hi, low varSlotCount AddrV = TwoSlots -- obj/array, offset varSlotCount _ = OneSlot typeSize :: Type -> Int typeSize t = sum . map varSize . typeVt $ t isVoid :: VarType -> Bool isVoid VoidV = True isVoid _ = False isPtr :: VarType -> Bool isPtr PtrV = True isPtr _ = False isSingleVar :: VarType -> Bool isSingleVar v = varSlotCount v == OneSlot isMultiVar :: VarType -> Bool isMultiVar v = case varSlotCount v of NoSlot -> False OneSlot -> False TwoSlots -> True -- | can we pattern match on these values in a case? isMatchable :: [VarType] -> Bool isMatchable [DoubleV] = True isMatchable [IntV] = True isMatchable _ = False tyConVt :: HasDebugCallStack => TyCon -> [VarType] tyConVt = typeVt . mkTyConTy idVt :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> [VarType] idVt = typeVt . idType typeVt :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> [VarType] typeVt t | isRuntimeRepKindedTy t = [] typeVt t = map primRepVt (typePrimRep t)-- map uTypeVt (repTypeArgs t) -- only use if you know it's not an unboxed tuple uTypeVt :: HasDebugCallStack => UnaryType -> VarType uTypeVt ut | isRuntimeRepKindedTy ut = VoidV -- | isRuntimeRepTy ut = VoidV -- GHC panics on this otherwise | Just (tc, ty_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ut , length ty_args /= tyConArity tc = PtrV | isPrimitiveType ut = (primTypeVt ut) | otherwise = case typePrimRep' ut of [] -> VoidV [pt] -> primRepVt pt _ -> pprPanic "uTypeVt: not unary" (ppr ut) primRepVt :: HasDebugCallStack => PrimRep -> VarType primRepVt VoidRep = VoidV primRepVt LiftedRep = PtrV -- fixme does ByteArray# ever map to this? primRepVt UnliftedRep = RtsObjV primRepVt IntRep = IntV primRepVt Int8Rep = IntV primRepVt Int16Rep = IntV primRepVt Int32Rep = IntV primRepVt WordRep = IntV primRepVt Word8Rep = IntV primRepVt Word16Rep = IntV primRepVt Word32Rep = IntV primRepVt Int64Rep = LongV primRepVt Word64Rep = LongV primRepVt AddrRep = AddrV primRepVt FloatRep = DoubleV primRepVt DoubleRep = DoubleV primRepVt (VecRep{}) = error "uTypeVt: vector types are unsupported" typePrimRep' :: HasDebugCallStack => UnaryType -> [PrimRep] typePrimRep' ty = kindPrimRep' empty (typeKind ty) -- | Find the primitive representation of a 'TyCon'. Defined here to -- avoid module loops. Call this only on unlifted tycons. tyConPrimRep' :: HasDebugCallStack => TyCon -> [PrimRep] tyConPrimRep' tc = kindPrimRep' empty res_kind where res_kind = tyConResKind tc -- | Take a kind (of shape @TYPE rr@) and produce the 'PrimRep's -- of values of types of this kind. kindPrimRep' :: HasDebugCallStack => SDoc -> Kind -> [PrimRep] kindPrimRep' doc ki | Just ki' <- coreView ki = kindPrimRep' doc ki' kindPrimRep' doc (TyConApp _typ [runtime_rep]) = -- ASSERT( typ `hasKey` tYPETyConKey ) runtimeRepPrimRep doc runtime_rep kindPrimRep' doc ki = pprPanic "kindPrimRep'" (ppr ki $$ doc) primTypeVt :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> VarType primTypeVt t = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (unwrapType t) of Nothing -> error "primTypeVt: not a TyCon" Just tc | tc == charPrimTyCon -> IntV | tc == intPrimTyCon -> IntV | tc == wordPrimTyCon -> IntV | tc == floatPrimTyCon -> DoubleV | tc == doublePrimTyCon -> DoubleV | tc == int8PrimTyCon -> IntV | tc == word8PrimTyCon -> IntV | tc == int16PrimTyCon -> IntV | tc == word16PrimTyCon -> IntV | tc == int32PrimTyCon -> IntV | tc == word32PrimTyCon -> IntV | tc == int64PrimTyCon -> LongV | tc == word64PrimTyCon -> LongV | tc == addrPrimTyCon -> AddrV | tc == stablePtrPrimTyCon -> AddrV | tc == stableNamePrimTyCon -> RtsObjV | tc == statePrimTyCon -> VoidV | tc == proxyPrimTyCon -> VoidV | tc == realWorldTyCon -> VoidV | tc == threadIdPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV | tc == weakPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV | tc == arrayPrimTyCon -> ArrV | tc == smallArrayPrimTyCon -> ArrV | tc == byteArrayPrimTyCon -> ObjV -- can contain any JS reference, used for JSVal | tc == mutableArrayPrimTyCon -> ArrV | tc == smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon -> ArrV | tc == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon -> ObjV -- can contain any JS reference, used for JSVal | tc == mutVarPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV | tc == mVarPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV | tc == tVarPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV | tc == bcoPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV -- unsupported? | tc == stackSnapshotPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV | tc == ioPortPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV -- unsupported? | tc == anyTyCon -> PtrV | tc == compactPrimTyCon -> ObjV -- unsupported? | tc == eqPrimTyCon -> VoidV -- coercion token? | tc == eqReprPrimTyCon -> VoidV -- role | tc == unboxedUnitTyCon -> VoidV -- Void# | otherwise -> PtrV -- anything else must be some boxed thing argVt :: StgArg -> VarType argVt a = uTypeVt . stgArgType $ a dataConType :: DataCon -> Type dataConType dc = idType (dataConWrapId dc) isBoolDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool isBoolDataCon dc = isBoolTy (dataConType dc) -- standard fixed layout: payload types -- payload starts at .d1 for heap objects, entry closest to Sp for stack frames fixedLayout :: [VarType] -> CILayout fixedLayout vts = CILayoutFixed (sum (map varSize vts)) vts -- 2-var values might have been moved around separately, use DoubleV as substitute -- ObjV is 1 var, so this is no problem for implicit metadata stackSlotType :: Id -> VarType stackSlotType i | OneSlot <- varSlotCount otype = otype | otherwise = DoubleV where otype = uTypeVt (idType i) idPrimReps :: Id -> [PrimRep] idPrimReps = typePrimReps . idType typePrimReps :: Type -> [PrimRep] typePrimReps = typePrimRep . unwrapType primRepSize :: PrimRep -> SlotCount primRepSize p = varSlotCount (primRepVt p) -- | Associate the given values to each RrimRep in the given order, taking into -- account the number of slots per PrimRep assocPrimReps :: [PrimRep] -> [JExpr] -> [(PrimRep, [JExpr])] assocPrimReps [] _ = [] assocPrimReps (r:rs) vs = case (primRepSize r,vs) of (NoSlot, xs) -> (r,[]) : assocPrimReps rs xs (OneSlot, x:xs) -> (r,[x]) : assocPrimReps rs xs (TwoSlots, x:y:xs) -> (r,[x,y]) : assocPrimReps rs xs err -> pprPanic "assocPrimReps" (ppr $ map (satJExpr Nothing) <$> err) -- | Associate the given values to the Id's PrimReps, taking into account the -- number of slots per PrimRep assocIdPrimReps :: Id -> [JExpr] -> [(PrimRep, [JExpr])] assocIdPrimReps i = assocPrimReps (idPrimReps i) -- | Associate the given JExpr to the Id's PrimReps, taking into account the -- number of slots per PrimRep assocIdExprs :: Id -> [JExpr] -> [TypedExpr] assocIdExprs i es = fmap (uncurry TypedExpr) (assocIdPrimReps i es) -- | Return False only if we are *sure* it's a data type -- Look through newtypes etc as much as possible might_be_a_function :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Bool might_be_a_function ty | [LiftedRep] <- typePrimRep ty , Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe (unwrapType ty) , isDataTyCon tc = False | otherwise = True mkArityTag :: Int -> Int -> Int mkArityTag arity registers = arity Bits..|. (registers `Bits.shiftL` 8) toTypeList :: [VarType] -> [Int] toTypeList = concatMap (\x -> replicate (varSize x) (fromEnum x))