{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : GHC.StgToJS.DataCon -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001 -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Jeffrey Young -- Luite Stegeman -- Sylvain Henry -- Josh Meredith -- Stability : experimental -- -- Code generation of data constructors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module GHC.StgToJS.DataCon ( genCon , allocCon , allocUnboxedCon , allocDynamicE , allocDynamic ) where import GHC.Prelude import GHC.JS.Unsat.Syntax import GHC.JS.Transform import GHC.JS.Make import GHC.StgToJS.Closure import GHC.StgToJS.ExprCtx import GHC.StgToJS.Types import GHC.StgToJS.Monad import GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils import GHC.StgToJS.Profiling import GHC.StgToJS.Utils import GHC.StgToJS.Ids import GHC.Core.DataCon import GHC.Types.CostCentre import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Utils.Panic import Data.Maybe -- | Generate a data constructor. Special handling for unboxed tuples genCon :: ExprCtx -> DataCon -> [JExpr] -> G JStat genCon ctx con args | isUnboxedTupleDataCon con = return $ assignToExprCtx ctx args | [ValExpr (JVar ctxi)] <- concatMap typex_expr (ctxTarget ctx) = allocCon ctxi con currentCCS args | xs <- concatMap typex_expr (ctxTarget ctx) = pprPanic "genCon: unhandled DataCon" (ppr (con , fmap satJExpr args , fmap satJExpr xs )) -- | Allocate a data constructor. Allocate in this context means bind the data -- constructor to 'to' allocCon :: Ident -> DataCon -> CostCentreStack -> [JExpr] -> G JStat allocCon to con cc xs | isBoolDataCon con || isUnboxableCon con = return (toJExpr to |= allocUnboxedCon con xs) {- | null xs = do i <- varForId (dataConWorkId con) return (assignj to i) -} | otherwise = do e <- varForDataConWorker con cs <- getSettings prof <- profiling ccsJ <- if prof then ccsVarJ cc else return Nothing return $ allocDynamic cs False to e xs ccsJ -- | Allocate an unboxed data constructor. If we have a bool we calculate the -- right value. If not then we expect a singleton list and unbox by converting -- ''C x' to 'x'. NB. This function may panic. allocUnboxedCon :: DataCon -> [JExpr] -> JExpr allocUnboxedCon con = \case [] | isBoolDataCon con && dataConTag con == 1 -> false_ | isBoolDataCon con && dataConTag con == 2 -> true_ [x] | isUnboxableCon con -> x xs -> pprPanic "allocUnboxedCon: not an unboxed constructor" (ppr (con, fmap satJExpr xs)) -- | Allocate an entry function. See 'GHC.StgToJS.hs' for the object layout. allocDynamicE :: Bool -- ^ csInlineAlloc from StgToJSConfig -> JExpr -> [JExpr] -> Maybe JExpr -> JExpr allocDynamicE inline_alloc entry free cc | inline_alloc || length free > jsClosureCount = newClosure $ mkClosure entry free (ValExpr (JInt 0)) cc | otherwise = ApplExpr allocFun (toJExpr entry : free ++ maybeToList cc) where allocFun = allocClsA (length free) -- | Allocate a dynamic object allocDynamic :: StgToJSConfig -> Bool -> Ident -> JExpr -> [JExpr] -> Maybe JExpr -> JStat allocDynamic s need_decl to entry free cc | need_decl = DeclStat to (Just value) | otherwise = toJExpr to |= value where value = allocDynamicE (csInlineAlloc s) entry free cc