{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Linker -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001 -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Jeffrey Young -- Luite Stegeman -- Sylvain Henry -- Josh Meredith -- Stability : experimental -- -- GHCJS linker, collects dependencies from the object files -- which contain linkable units with dependency information -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Linker ( jsLinkBinary , embedJsFile ) where import Prelude import GHC.Platform.Host (hostPlatformArchOS) import GHC.JS.Make import GHC.JS.Optimizer import GHC.JS.Unsat.Syntax import qualified GHC.JS.Syntax as Sat import GHC.JS.Transform import GHC.Driver.Session (DynFlags(..)) import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Module.Name import GHC.SysTools.Cpp import GHC.SysTools import GHC.Linker.Static.Utils (exeFileName) import GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Types import GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Utils import GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Opt import GHC.StgToJS.Rts.Rts import GHC.StgToJS.Object import GHC.StgToJS.Types hiding (LinkableUnit) import GHC.StgToJS.Symbols import GHC.StgToJS.Arg import GHC.StgToJS.Closure import GHC.Unit.State import GHC.Unit.Env import GHC.Unit.Home import GHC.Unit.Types import GHC.Unit.Module (moduleStableString) import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ((<>)) import GHC.Utils.Panic import GHC.Utils.Error import GHC.Utils.Logger (Logger, logVerbAtLeast) import GHC.Utils.Binary import qualified GHC.Utils.Ppr as Ppr import GHC.Utils.Monad import GHC.Utils.TmpFs import GHC.Types.Unique.Set import qualified GHC.SysTools.Ar as Ar import qualified GHC.Data.ShortText as ST import GHC.Data.FastString import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Monad import Data.Array import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Function (on) import Data.IntSet (IntSet) import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import Data.IORef import Data.List ( partition, nub, intercalate, sort , groupBy, intersperse, ) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Word import System.IO import System.FilePath ((<.>), (), dropExtension, takeDirectory) import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing , doesFileExist , getCurrentDirectory , Permissions(..) , setPermissions , getPermissions ) data LinkerStats = LinkerStats { bytesPerModule :: !(Map Module Word64) -- ^ number of bytes linked per module , packedMetaDataSize :: !Word64 -- ^ number of bytes for metadata } newtype ArchiveState = ArchiveState { loadedArchives :: IORef (Map FilePath Ar.Archive) } emptyArchiveState :: IO ArchiveState emptyArchiveState = ArchiveState <$> newIORef M.empty jsLinkBinary :: JSLinkConfig -> StgToJSConfig -> [FilePath] -> Logger -> DynFlags -> UnitEnv -> [FilePath] -> [UnitId] -> IO () jsLinkBinary lc_cfg cfg js_srcs logger dflags u_env objs dep_pkgs | lcNoJSExecutables lc_cfg = return () | otherwise = do -- additional objects to link are passed as FileOption ldInputs... let cmdline_objs = [ f | FileOption _ f <- ldInputs dflags ] -- discriminate JavaScript sources from real object files. (cmdline_js_srcs, cmdline_js_objs) <- partitionM isJsFile cmdline_objs let objs' = map ObjFile (objs ++ cmdline_js_objs) js_srcs' = js_srcs ++ cmdline_js_srcs isRoot _ = True exe = jsExeFileName dflags void $ link lc_cfg cfg logger u_env exe mempty dep_pkgs objs' js_srcs' isRoot mempty -- | link and write result to disk (jsexe directory) link :: JSLinkConfig -> StgToJSConfig -> Logger -> UnitEnv -> FilePath -- ^ output file/directory -> [FilePath] -- ^ include path for home package -> [UnitId] -- ^ packages to link -> [LinkedObj] -- ^ the object files we're linking -> [FilePath] -- ^ extra js files to include -> (ExportedFun -> Bool) -- ^ functions from the objects to use as roots (include all their deps) -> Set ExportedFun -- ^ extra symbols to link in -> IO () link lc_cfg cfg logger unit_env out _include units objFiles jsFiles isRootFun extraStaticDeps = do -- create output directory createDirectoryIfMissing False out ------------------------------------------------------------- -- link all Haskell code (program + dependencies) into out.js -- compute dependencies (dep_map, dep_units, all_deps, _rts_wired_functions, dep_archives) <- computeLinkDependencies cfg logger out unit_env units objFiles extraStaticDeps isRootFun -- retrieve code for dependencies mods <- collectDeps dep_map dep_units all_deps -- LTO + rendering of JS code link_stats <- withBinaryFile (out "out.js") WriteMode $ \h -> renderLinker h mods jsFiles ------------------------------------------------------------- -- dump foreign references file (.frefs) unless (lcOnlyOut lc_cfg) $ do let frefsFile = "out.frefs" -- frefs = concatMap mc_frefs mods jsonFrefs = mempty -- FIXME: toJson frefs BL.writeFile (out frefsFile <.> "json") jsonFrefs BL.writeFile (out frefsFile <.> "js") ("h$checkForeignRefs(" <> jsonFrefs <> ");") -- dump stats unless (lcNoStats lc_cfg) $ do let statsFile = "out.stats" writeFile (out statsFile) (renderLinkerStats link_stats) -- link generated RTS parts into rts.js unless (lcNoRts lc_cfg) $ do BL.writeFile (out "rts.js") ( BLC.pack rtsDeclsText <> BLC.pack (rtsText cfg)) -- link dependencies' JS files into lib.js withBinaryFile (out "lib.js") WriteMode $ \h -> do forM_ dep_archives $ \archive_file -> do Ar.Archive entries <- Ar.loadAr archive_file forM_ entries $ \entry -> do case getJsArchiveEntry entry of Nothing -> return () Just bs -> do B.hPut h bs hPutChar h '\n' -- link everything together into all.js when (generateAllJs lc_cfg) $ do _ <- combineFiles lc_cfg out writeHtml out writeRunMain out writeRunner lc_cfg out writeExterns out computeLinkDependencies :: StgToJSConfig -> Logger -> String -> UnitEnv -> [UnitId] -> [LinkedObj] -> Set ExportedFun -> (ExportedFun -> Bool) -> IO (Map Module (Deps, DepsLocation), [UnitId], Set LinkableUnit, Set ExportedFun, [FilePath]) computeLinkDependencies cfg logger target unit_env units objFiles extraStaticDeps isRootFun = do (objDepsMap, objRequiredUnits) <- loadObjDeps objFiles let roots = S.fromList . filter isRootFun $ concatMap (M.keys . depsHaskellExported . fst) (M.elems objDepsMap) rootMods = map (moduleNameString . moduleName . NE.head) . NE.group . sort . map funModule . S.toList $ roots objPkgs = map moduleUnitId $ nub (M.keys objDepsMap) when (logVerbAtLeast logger 2) $ void $ do compilationProgressMsg logger $ hcat [ text "Linking ", text target, text " (", text (intercalate "," rootMods), char ')' ] compilationProgressMsg logger $ hcat [ text "objDepsMap ", ppr objDepsMap ] compilationProgressMsg logger $ hcat [ text "objFiles ", ppr objFiles ] let (rts_wired_units, rts_wired_functions) = rtsDeps units -- all the units we want to link together, without their dependencies let root_units = filter (/= mainUnitId) $ nub $ rts_wired_units ++ reverse objPkgs ++ reverse units -- all the units we want to link together, including their dependencies, -- preload units, and backpack instantiations all_units_infos <- mayThrowUnitErr (preloadUnitsInfo' unit_env root_units) let all_units = fmap unitId all_units_infos dep_archives <- getPackageArchives cfg unit_env all_units env <- newGhcjsEnv (archsDepsMap, archsRequiredUnits) <- loadArchiveDeps env dep_archives when (logVerbAtLeast logger 2) $ logInfo logger $ hang (text "Linking with archives:") 2 (vcat (fmap text dep_archives)) -- compute dependencies let dep_units = all_units ++ [homeUnitId (ue_unsafeHomeUnit $ unit_env)] dep_map = objDepsMap `M.union` archsDepsMap excluded_units = S.empty dep_fun_roots = roots `S.union` rts_wired_functions `S.union` extraStaticDeps dep_unit_roots = archsRequiredUnits ++ objRequiredUnits all_deps <- getDeps (fmap fst dep_map) excluded_units dep_fun_roots dep_unit_roots when (logVerbAtLeast logger 2) $ logInfo logger $ hang (text "Units to link:") 2 (vcat (fmap ppr dep_units)) -- logInfo logger $ hang (text "All deps:") 2 (vcat (fmap ppr (S.toList all_deps))) return (dep_map, dep_units, all_deps, rts_wired_functions, dep_archives) -- | Compiled module data ModuleCode = ModuleCode { mc_module :: !Module , mc_js_code :: !Sat.JStat , mc_exports :: !B.ByteString -- ^ rendered exports , mc_closures :: ![ClosureInfo] , mc_statics :: ![StaticInfo] , mc_frefs :: ![ForeignJSRef] } -- | ModuleCode after link with other modules. -- -- It contains less information than ModuleCode because they have been commoned -- up into global "metadata" for the whole link. data CompactedModuleCode = CompactedModuleCode { cmc_module :: !Module , cmc_js_code :: !Sat.JStat , cmc_exports :: !B.ByteString -- ^ rendered exports } -- | Link modules and pretty-print them into the given Handle renderLinker :: Handle -> [ModuleCode] -- ^ linked code per module -> [FilePath] -- ^ additional JS files -> IO LinkerStats renderLinker h mods jsFiles = do -- link modules let (compacted_mods, meta) = linkModules mods let putBS = B.hPut h putJS x = do before <- hTell h Ppr.printLeftRender h (pretty x) hPutChar h '\n' after <- hTell h pure $! (after - before) --------------------------------------------------------- -- Pretty-print JavaScript code for all the dependencies. -- -- We have to pretty-print at link time because we want to be able to perform -- global link-time optimisations (e.g. renamings) on the whole generated JS -- file. -- modules themselves mod_sizes <- forM compacted_mods $ \m -> do !mod_size <- fromIntegral <$> putJS (cmc_js_code m) let !mod_mod = cmc_module m pure (mod_mod, mod_size) -- commoned up metadata !meta_length <- fromIntegral <$> putJS (jsOptimize $ satJStat meta) -- module exports mapM_ (putBS . cmc_exports) compacted_mods -- explicit additional JS files mapM_ (\i -> B.readFile i >>= putBS) jsFiles -- stats let link_stats = LinkerStats { bytesPerModule = M.fromList mod_sizes , packedMetaDataSize = meta_length } pure link_stats -- | Render linker stats renderLinkerStats :: LinkerStats -> String renderLinkerStats s = intercalate "\n\n" [meta_stats, package_stats, module_stats] <> "\n\n" where meta = packedMetaDataSize s meta_stats = "number of modules: " <> show (length bytes_per_mod) <> "\npacked metadata: " <> show meta bytes_per_mod = M.toList $ bytesPerModule s show_unit (UnitId fs) = unpackFS fs ps :: Map UnitId Word64 ps = M.fromListWith (+) . map (\(m,s) -> (moduleUnitId m,s)) $ bytes_per_mod pad :: Int -> String -> String pad n t = let l = length t in if l < n then t <> replicate (n-l) ' ' else t pkgMods :: [[(Module,Word64)]] pkgMods = groupBy ((==) `on` (moduleUnitId . fst)) bytes_per_mod showMod :: (Module, Word64) -> String showMod (m,s) = pad 40 (" " <> moduleStableString m <> ":") <> show s <> "\n" package_stats :: String package_stats = "code size summary per package (in bytes):\n\n" <> concatMap (\(p,s) -> pad 25 (show_unit p <> ":") <> show s <> "\n") (M.toList ps) module_stats :: String module_stats = "code size per module (in bytes):\n\n" <> unlines (map (concatMap showMod) pkgMods) getPackageArchives :: StgToJSConfig -> UnitEnv -> [UnitId] -> IO [FilePath] getPackageArchives cfg unit_env units = filterM doesFileExist [ ST.unpack p "lib" ++ ST.unpack l ++ profSuff <.> "a" | u <- units , p <- getInstalledPackageLibDirs ue_state u , l <- getInstalledPackageHsLibs ue_state u ] where ue_state = ue_units unit_env -- XXX the profiling library name is probably wrong now profSuff | csProf cfg = "_p" | otherwise = "" -- | Combine rts.js, lib.js, out.js to all.js that can be run -- directly with node.js or SpiderMonkey jsshell combineFiles :: JSLinkConfig -> FilePath -> IO () combineFiles cfg fp = do let files = map (fp ) ["rts.js", "lib.js", "out.js"] withBinaryFile (fp "all.js") WriteMode $ \h -> do let cpy i = B.readFile i >>= B.hPut h mapM_ cpy files unless (lcNoHsMain cfg) $ do B.hPut h runMainJS -- | write the index.html file that loads the program if it does not exit writeHtml :: FilePath -- ^ output directory -> IO () writeHtml out = do let htmlFile = out "index.html" e <- doesFileExist htmlFile unless e $ B.writeFile htmlFile templateHtml templateHtml :: B.ByteString templateHtml = "\n\ \\n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \" -- | write the runmain.js file that will be run with defer so that it runs after -- index.html is loaded writeRunMain :: FilePath -- ^ output directory -> IO () writeRunMain out = do let runMainFile = out "runmain.js" e <- doesFileExist runMainFile unless e $ B.writeFile runMainFile runMainJS runMainJS :: B.ByteString runMainJS = "h$main(h$mainZCZCMainzimain);\n" writeRunner :: JSLinkConfig -- ^ Settings -> FilePath -- ^ Output directory -> IO () writeRunner _settings out = do cd <- getCurrentDirectory let arch_os = hostPlatformArchOS let runner = cd exeFileName arch_os False (Just (dropExtension out)) srcFile = out "all" <.> "js" nodePgm :: B.ByteString nodePgm = "node" src <- B.readFile (cd srcFile) B.writeFile runner ("#!/usr/bin/env " <> nodePgm <> "\n" <> src) perms <- getPermissions runner setPermissions runner (perms {executable = True}) rtsExterns :: FastString rtsExterns = "// GHCJS RTS externs for closure compiler ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS\n\n" <> mconcat (map (\x -> "/** @type {*} */\nObject.d" <> mkFastString (show x) <> ";\n") [(7::Int)..16384]) writeExterns :: FilePath -> IO () writeExterns out = writeFile (out "all.js.externs") $ unpackFS rtsExterns -- | get all dependencies for a given set of roots getDeps :: Map Module Deps -- ^ loaded deps -> Set LinkableUnit -- ^ don't link these blocks -> Set ExportedFun -- ^ start here -> [LinkableUnit] -- ^ and also link these -> IO (Set LinkableUnit) getDeps loaded_deps base fun startlu = go' S.empty (S.fromList startlu) (S.toList fun) where go :: Set LinkableUnit -> Set LinkableUnit -> IO (Set LinkableUnit) go result open = case S.minView open of Nothing -> return result Just (lu@(lmod,n), open') -> case M.lookup lmod loaded_deps of Nothing -> pprPanic "getDeps.go: object file not loaded for: " (pprModule lmod) Just (Deps _ _ _ b) -> let block = b!n result' = S.insert lu result in go' result' (addOpen result' open' $ map (lmod,) (blockBlockDeps block)) (blockFunDeps block) go' :: Set LinkableUnit -> Set LinkableUnit -> [ExportedFun] -> IO (Set LinkableUnit) go' result open [] = go result open go' result open (f:fs) = let key = funModule f in case M.lookup key loaded_deps of Nothing -> pprPanic "getDeps.go': object file not loaded for: " $ pprModule key Just (Deps _m _r e _b) -> let lun :: Int lun = fromMaybe (pprPanic "exported function not found: " $ ppr f) (M.lookup f e) lu = (key, lun) in go' result (addOpen result open [lu]) fs addOpen :: Set LinkableUnit -> Set LinkableUnit -> [LinkableUnit] -> Set LinkableUnit addOpen result open newUnits = let alreadyLinked s = S.member s result || S.member s open || S.member s base in open `S.union` S.fromList (filter (not . alreadyLinked) newUnits) -- | collect dependencies for a set of roots collectDeps :: Map Module (Deps, DepsLocation) -- ^ Dependency map -> [UnitId] -- ^ packages, code linked in this order -> Set LinkableUnit -- ^ All dependencides -> IO [ModuleCode] collectDeps mod_deps packages all_deps = do -- read ghc-prim first, since we depend on that for static initialization let packages' = uncurry (++) $ partition (== primUnitId) (nub packages) units_by_module :: Map Module IntSet units_by_module = M.fromListWith IS.union $ map (\(m,n) -> (m, IS.singleton n)) (S.toList all_deps) mod_deps_bypkg :: Map UnitId [(Deps, DepsLocation)] mod_deps_bypkg = M.fromListWith (++) (map (\(m,v) -> (moduleUnitId m,[v])) (M.toList mod_deps)) ar_state <- emptyArchiveState fmap (catMaybes . concat) . forM packages' $ \pkg -> mapM (uncurry $ extractDeps ar_state units_by_module) (fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup pkg mod_deps_bypkg) extractDeps :: ArchiveState -> Map Module IntSet -> Deps -> DepsLocation -> IO (Maybe ModuleCode) extractDeps ar_state units deps loc = case M.lookup mod units of Nothing -> return Nothing Just mod_units -> Just <$> do let selector n _ = fromIntegral n `IS.member` mod_units || isGlobalUnit (fromIntegral n) case loc of ObjectFile fp -> do us <- readObjectUnits fp selector pure (collectCode us) ArchiveFile a -> do obj <- readArObject ar_state mod a us <- getObjectUnits obj selector pure (collectCode us) InMemory _n obj -> do us <- getObjectUnits obj selector pure (collectCode us) where mod = depsModule deps newline = BC.pack "\n" mk_exports = mconcat . intersperse newline . filter (not . BS.null) . map oiRaw mk_js_code = mconcat . map oiStat collectCode l = ModuleCode { mc_module = mod , mc_js_code = mk_js_code l , mc_exports = mk_exports l , mc_closures = concatMap oiClInfo l , mc_statics = concatMap oiStatic l , mc_frefs = concatMap oiFImports l } readArObject :: ArchiveState -> Module -> FilePath -> IO Object readArObject ar_state mod ar_file = do loaded_ars <- readIORef (loadedArchives ar_state) (Ar.Archive entries) <- case M.lookup ar_file loaded_ars of Just a -> pure a Nothing -> do a <- Ar.loadAr ar_file modifyIORef (loadedArchives ar_state) (M.insert ar_file a) pure a -- look for the right object in archive let go_entries = \case -- XXX this shouldn't be an exception probably [] -> panic $ "could not find object for module " ++ moduleNameString (moduleName mod) ++ " in " ++ ar_file (e:es) -> do let bs = Ar.filedata e bh <- unsafeUnpackBinBuffer bs getObjectHeader bh >>= \case Left _ -> go_entries es -- not a valid object entry Right mod_name | mod_name /= moduleName mod -> go_entries es -- not the module we're looking for | otherwise -> getObjectBody bh mod_name -- found it go_entries entries -- | A helper function to read system dependencies that are hardcoded diffDeps :: [UnitId] -- ^ Packages that are already Linked -> ([UnitId], Set ExportedFun) -- ^ New units and functions to link -> ([UnitId], Set ExportedFun) -- ^ Diff diffDeps pkgs (deps_pkgs,deps_funs) = ( filter linked_pkg deps_pkgs , S.filter linked_fun deps_funs ) where linked_fun f = moduleUnitId (funModule f) `S.member` linked_pkgs linked_pkg p = S.member p linked_pkgs linked_pkgs = S.fromList pkgs -- | dependencies for the RTS, these need to be always linked rtsDeps :: [UnitId] -> ([UnitId], Set ExportedFun) rtsDeps pkgs = diffDeps pkgs $ ( [baseUnitId, primUnitId] , S.fromList $ concat [ mkBaseFuns "GHC.Conc.Sync" ["reportError"] , mkBaseFuns "Control.Exception.Base" ["nonTermination"] , mkBaseFuns "GHC.Exception.Type" [ "SomeException" , "underflowException" , "overflowException" , "divZeroException" ] , mkBaseFuns "GHC.TopHandler" [ "runMainIO" , "topHandler" ] , mkBaseFuns "GHC.Base" ["$fMonadIO"] , mkBaseFuns "GHC.Maybe" [ "Nothing" , "Just" ] , mkBaseFuns "GHC.Ptr" ["Ptr"] , mkBaseFuns "GHC.JS.Prim" [ "JSVal" , "JSException" , "$fShowJSException" , "$fExceptionJSException" , "resolve" , "resolveIO" , "toIO" ] , mkBaseFuns "GHC.JS.Prim.Internal" [ "wouldBlock" , "blockedIndefinitelyOnMVar" , "blockedIndefinitelyOnSTM" , "ignoreException" , "setCurrentThreadResultException" , "setCurrentThreadResultValue" ] , mkPrimFuns "GHC.Types" [ ":" , "[]" ] , mkPrimFuns "GHC.Tuple.Prim" [ "(,)" , "(,,)" , "(,,,)" , "(,,,,)" , "(,,,,,)" , "(,,,,,,)" , "(,,,,,,,)" , "(,,,,,,,,)" , "(,,,,,,,,,)" ] ] ) -- | Export the functions in base mkBaseFuns :: FastString -> [FastString] -> [ExportedFun] mkBaseFuns = mkExportedFuns baseUnitId -- | Export the Prim functions mkPrimFuns :: FastString -> [FastString] -> [ExportedFun] mkPrimFuns = mkExportedFuns primUnitId -- | Given a @UnitId@, a module name, and a set of symbols in the module, -- package these into an @ExportedFun@. mkExportedFuns :: UnitId -> FastString -> [FastString] -> [ExportedFun] mkExportedFuns uid mod_name symbols = map mk_fun symbols where mod = mkModule (RealUnit (Definite uid)) (mkModuleNameFS mod_name) mk_fun sym = ExportedFun mod (LexicalFastString (mkJsSymbol True mod sym)) -- | read all dependency data from the to-be-linked files loadObjDeps :: [LinkedObj] -- ^ object files to link -> IO (Map Module (Deps, DepsLocation), [LinkableUnit]) loadObjDeps objs = (prepareLoadedDeps . catMaybes) <$> mapM readDepsFromObj objs -- | Load dependencies for the Linker from Ar loadArchiveDeps :: GhcjsEnv -> [FilePath] -> IO ( Map Module (Deps, DepsLocation) , [LinkableUnit] ) loadArchiveDeps env archives = modifyMVar (linkerArchiveDeps env) $ \m -> case M.lookup archives' m of Just r -> return (m, r) Nothing -> loadArchiveDeps' archives >>= \r -> return (M.insert archives' r m, r) where archives' = S.fromList archives loadArchiveDeps' :: [FilePath] -> IO ( Map Module (Deps, DepsLocation) , [LinkableUnit] ) loadArchiveDeps' archives = do archDeps <- forM archives $ \file -> do (Ar.Archive entries) <- Ar.loadAr file catMaybes <$> mapM (readEntry file) entries return (prepareLoadedDeps $ concat archDeps) where readEntry :: FilePath -> Ar.ArchiveEntry -> IO (Maybe (Deps, DepsLocation)) readEntry ar_file ar_entry = do let bs = Ar.filedata ar_entry bh <- unsafeUnpackBinBuffer bs getObjectHeader bh >>= \case Left _ -> pure Nothing -- not a valid object entry Right mod_name -> do obj <- getObjectBody bh mod_name let !deps = objDeps obj pure $ Just (deps, ArchiveFile ar_file) -- | Predicate to check that an entry in Ar is a JS source -- and to return it without its header getJsArchiveEntry :: Ar.ArchiveEntry -> Maybe B.ByteString getJsArchiveEntry entry = getJsBS (Ar.filedata entry) -- | Predicate to check that a file is a JS source isJsFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool isJsFile fp = withBinaryFile fp ReadMode $ \h -> do bs <- B.hGet h jsHeaderLength pure (isJsBS bs) isJsBS :: B.ByteString -> Bool isJsBS bs = isJust (getJsBS bs) -- | Get JS source with its header (if it's one) getJsBS :: B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString getJsBS bs = B.stripPrefix jsHeader bs -- Header added to JS sources to discriminate them from other object files. -- They all have .o extension but JS sources have this header. jsHeader :: B.ByteString jsHeader = "//JavaScript" jsHeaderLength :: Int jsHeaderLength = B.length jsHeader prepareLoadedDeps :: [(Deps, DepsLocation)] -> ( Map Module (Deps, DepsLocation) , [LinkableUnit] ) prepareLoadedDeps deps = let req = concatMap (requiredUnits . fst) deps depsMap = M.fromList $ map (\d -> (depsModule (fst d), d)) deps in (depsMap, req) requiredUnits :: Deps -> [LinkableUnit] requiredUnits d = map (depsModule d,) (IS.toList $ depsRequired d) -- | read dependencies from an object that might have already been into memory -- pulls in all Deps from an archive readDepsFromObj :: LinkedObj -> IO (Maybe (Deps, DepsLocation)) readDepsFromObj = \case ObjLoaded name obj -> do let !deps = objDeps obj pure $ Just (deps,InMemory name obj) ObjFile file -> do readObjectDeps file >>= \case Nothing -> pure Nothing Just deps -> pure $ Just (deps,ObjectFile file) -- | Embed a JS file into a .o file -- -- The JS file is merely copied into a .o file with an additional header -- ("//Javascript") in order to be recognized later on. -- -- JS files may contain option pragmas of the form: //#OPTIONS: -- For now, only the CPP option is supported. If the CPP option is set, we -- append some common CPP definitions to the file and call cpp on it. embedJsFile :: Logger -> DynFlags -> TmpFs -> UnitEnv -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () embedJsFile logger dflags tmpfs unit_env input_fn output_fn = do let profiling = False -- FIXME: add support for profiling way createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory output_fn) -- the header lets the linker recognize processed JavaScript files -- But don't add JavaScript header to object files! -- header appended to JS files stored as .o to recognize them. let header = "//JavaScript\n" jsFileNeedsCpp input_fn >>= \case False -> copyWithHeader header input_fn output_fn True -> do -- append common CPP definitions to the .js file. -- They define macros that avoid directly wiring zencoded names -- in RTS JS files pp_fn <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) TFL_CurrentModule "js" payload <- B.readFile input_fn B.writeFile pp_fn (commonCppDefs profiling <> payload) -- run CPP on the input JS file js_fn <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) TFL_CurrentModule "js" let cpp_opts = CppOpts { cppUseCc = True , cppLinePragmas = False -- LINE pragmas aren't JS compatible } doCpp logger tmpfs dflags unit_env cpp_opts pp_fn js_fn -- add header to recognize the object as a JS file copyWithHeader header js_fn output_fn jsFileNeedsCpp :: FilePath -> IO Bool jsFileNeedsCpp fn = do opts <- getOptionsFromJsFile fn pure (CPP `elem` opts) -- | Link module codes. -- -- Performs link time optimizations and produces one JStat per module plus some -- commoned up initialization code. linkModules :: [ModuleCode] -> ([CompactedModuleCode], JStat) linkModules mods = (compact_mods, meta) where compact_mods = map compact mods -- here GHCJS used to: -- - deduplicate declarations -- - rename local variables into shorter ones -- - compress initialization data -- but we haven't ported it (yet). compact m = CompactedModuleCode { cmc_js_code = mc_js_code m , cmc_module = mc_module m , cmc_exports = mc_exports m } -- common up statics: different bindings may reference the same statics, we -- filter them here to initialize them once statics = nubStaticInfo (concatMap mc_statics mods) infos = concatMap mc_closures mods debug = False -- TODO: this could be enabled in a debug build. -- It adds debug info to heap objects meta = mconcat -- render metadata as individual statements [ mconcat (map staticDeclStat statics) , mconcat (map staticInitStat statics) , mconcat (map (closureInfoStat debug) infos) ] -- | Only keep a single StaticInfo with a given name nubStaticInfo :: [StaticInfo] -> [StaticInfo] nubStaticInfo = go emptyUniqSet where go us = \case [] -> [] (x:xs) -> -- only match on siVar. There is no reason for the initializing value to -- be different for the same global name. let name = siVar x in if elementOfUniqSet name us then go us xs else x : go (addOneToUniqSet us name) xs -- | Initialize a global object. -- -- All global objects have to be declared (staticInfoDecl) first. staticInitStat :: StaticInfo -> JStat staticInitStat (StaticInfo i sv mcc) = case sv of StaticData con args -> appS "h$sti" $ add_cc_arg [ var i , var con , jsStaticArgs args ] StaticFun f args -> appS "h$sti" $ add_cc_arg [ var i , var f , jsStaticArgs args ] StaticList args mt -> appS "h$stl" $ add_cc_arg [ var i , jsStaticArgs args , toJExpr $ maybe null_ (toJExpr . TxtI) mt ] StaticThunk (Just (f,args)) -> appS "h$stc" $ add_cc_arg [ var i , var f , jsStaticArgs args ] _ -> mempty where -- add optional cost-center argument add_cc_arg as = case mcc of Nothing -> as Just cc -> as ++ [toJExpr cc] -- | declare and do first-pass init of a global object (create JS object for heap objects) staticDeclStat :: StaticInfo -> JStat staticDeclStat (StaticInfo global_name static_value _) = decl where global_ident = TxtI global_name decl_init v = global_ident ||= v decl_no_init = appS "h$di" [toJExpr global_ident] decl = case static_value of StaticUnboxed u -> decl_init (unboxed_expr u) StaticThunk Nothing -> decl_no_init -- CAF initialized in an alternative way _ -> decl_init (app "h$d" []) unboxed_expr = \case StaticUnboxedBool b -> app "h$p" [toJExpr b] StaticUnboxedInt i -> app "h$p" [toJExpr i] StaticUnboxedDouble d -> app "h$p" [toJExpr (unSaneDouble d)] StaticUnboxedString str -> app "h$rawStringData" [ValExpr (to_byte_list str)] StaticUnboxedStringOffset {} -> 0 to_byte_list = JList . map (Int . fromIntegral) . BS.unpack