{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} module GHC.Tc.Errors.Hole.FitTypes ( TypedHole (..), HoleFit (..), HoleFitCandidate (..), CandPlugin, FitPlugin, HoleFitPlugin (..), HoleFitPluginR (..), hfIsLcl, pprHoleFitCand ) where import GhcPrelude import GHC.Tc.Types import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType import GHC.Types.Name.Reader import GHC.Hs.Doc import GHC.Types.Id import Outputable import GHC.Types.Name import Data.Function ( on ) data TypedHole = TyH { tyHRelevantCts :: Cts -- ^ Any relevant Cts to the hole , tyHImplics :: [Implication] -- ^ The nested implications of the hole with the -- innermost implication first. , tyHCt :: Maybe Ct -- ^ The hole constraint itself, if available. } instance Outputable TypedHole where ppr (TyH rels implics ct) = hang (text "TypedHole") 2 (ppr rels $+$ ppr implics $+$ ppr ct) -- | HoleFitCandidates are passed to hole fit plugins and then -- checked whether they fit a given typed-hole. data HoleFitCandidate = IdHFCand Id -- An id, like locals. | NameHFCand Name -- A name, like built-in syntax. | GreHFCand GlobalRdrElt -- A global, like imported ids. deriving (Eq) instance Outputable HoleFitCandidate where ppr = pprHoleFitCand pprHoleFitCand :: HoleFitCandidate -> SDoc pprHoleFitCand (IdHFCand cid) = text "Id HFC: " <> ppr cid pprHoleFitCand (NameHFCand cname) = text "Name HFC: " <> ppr cname pprHoleFitCand (GreHFCand cgre) = text "Gre HFC: " <> ppr cgre instance NamedThing HoleFitCandidate where getName hfc = case hfc of IdHFCand cid -> idName cid NameHFCand cname -> cname GreHFCand cgre -> gre_name cgre getOccName hfc = case hfc of IdHFCand cid -> occName cid NameHFCand cname -> occName cname GreHFCand cgre -> occName (gre_name cgre) instance HasOccName HoleFitCandidate where occName = getOccName instance Ord HoleFitCandidate where compare = compare `on` getName -- | HoleFit is the type we use for valid hole fits. It contains the -- element that was checked, the Id of that element as found by `tcLookup`, -- and the refinement level of the fit, which is the number of extra argument -- holes that this fit uses (e.g. if hfRefLvl is 2, the fit is for `Id _ _`). data HoleFit = HoleFit { hfId :: Id -- ^ The elements id in the TcM , hfCand :: HoleFitCandidate -- ^ The candidate that was checked. , hfType :: TcType -- ^ The type of the id, possibly zonked. , hfRefLvl :: Int -- ^ The number of holes in this fit. , hfWrap :: [TcType] -- ^ The wrapper for the match. , hfMatches :: [TcType] -- ^ What the refinement variables got matched with, if anything , hfDoc :: Maybe HsDocString -- ^ Documentation of this HoleFit, if available. } | RawHoleFit SDoc -- ^ A fit that is just displayed as is. Here so thatHoleFitPlugins -- can inject any fit they want. -- We define an Eq and Ord instance to be able to build a graph. instance Eq HoleFit where (==) = (==) `on` hfId instance Outputable HoleFit where ppr (RawHoleFit sd) = sd ppr (HoleFit _ cand ty _ _ mtchs _) = hang (name <+> holes) 2 (text "where" <+> name <+> dcolon <+> (ppr ty)) where name = ppr $ getName cand holes = sep $ map (parens . (text "_" <+> dcolon <+>) . ppr) mtchs -- We compare HoleFits by their name instead of their Id, since we don't -- want our tests to be affected by the non-determinism of `nonDetCmpVar`, -- which is used to compare Ids. When comparing, we want HoleFits with a lower -- refinement level to come first. instance Ord HoleFit where compare (RawHoleFit _) (RawHoleFit _) = EQ compare (RawHoleFit _) _ = LT compare _ (RawHoleFit _) = GT compare a@(HoleFit {}) b@(HoleFit {}) = cmp a b where cmp = if hfRefLvl a == hfRefLvl b then compare `on` (getName . hfCand) else compare `on` hfRefLvl hfIsLcl :: HoleFit -> Bool hfIsLcl hf@(HoleFit {}) = case hfCand hf of IdHFCand _ -> True NameHFCand _ -> False GreHFCand gre -> gre_lcl gre hfIsLcl _ = False -- | A plugin for modifying the candidate hole fits *before* they're checked. type CandPlugin = TypedHole -> [HoleFitCandidate] -> TcM [HoleFitCandidate] -- | A plugin for modifying hole fits *after* they've been found. type FitPlugin = TypedHole -> [HoleFit] -> TcM [HoleFit] -- | A HoleFitPlugin is a pair of candidate and fit plugins. data HoleFitPlugin = HoleFitPlugin { candPlugin :: CandPlugin , fitPlugin :: FitPlugin } -- | HoleFitPluginR adds a TcRef to hole fit plugins so that plugins can -- track internal state. Note the existential quantification, ensuring that -- the state cannot be modified from outside the plugin. data HoleFitPluginR = forall s. HoleFitPluginR { hfPluginInit :: TcM (TcRef s) -- ^ Initializes the TcRef to be passed to the plugin , hfPluginRun :: TcRef s -> HoleFitPlugin -- ^ The function defining the plugin itself , hfPluginStop :: TcRef s -> TcM () -- ^ Cleanup of state, guaranteed to be called even on error }