{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} module GHC.Tc.Errors.Ppr ( pprTypeDoesNotHaveFixedRuntimeRep , pprScopeError -- , tidySkolemInfo , tidySkolemInfoAnon -- , pprHsDocContext , inHsDocContext , TcRnMessageOpts(..) , pprTyThingUsedWrong ) where import GHC.Prelude import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH import GHC.Builtin.Names import GHC.Builtin.Types ( boxedRepDataConTyCon, tYPETyCon, filterCTuple ) import GHC.Types.Name.Reader import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface import GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings import GHC.Core.Coercion import GHC.Core.Unify ( tcMatchTys ) import GHC.Core.TyCon import GHC.Core.Class import GHC.Core.DataCon import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom (CoAxBranch, coAxiomTyCon, coAxiomSingleBranch) import GHC.Core.ConLike import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( FamInst(..), famInstAxiom, pprFamInst ) import GHC.Core.InstEnv import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep (Type(..)) import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr (pprWithExplicitKindsWhen, pprSourceTyCon, pprTyVars, pprWithTYPE, pprTyVar, pprTidiedType) import GHC.Core.PatSyn ( patSynName, pprPatSynType ) import GHC.Core.Predicate import GHC.Core.Type import GHC.Core.FVs( orphNamesOfTypes ) import GHC.Driver.Flags import GHC.Driver.Backend import GHC.Hs import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Types( getLclEnvLoc, lclEnvInGeneratedCode, TcTyThing, pprTcTyThingCategory ) import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin import GHC.Tc.Types.Rank (Rank(..)) import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType import GHC.Types.Error import GHC.Types.Hint import GHC.Types.Hint.Ppr () -- Outputable GhcHint import GHC.Types.Basic import GHC.Types.Error.Codes ( constructorCode ) import GHC.Types.Id import GHC.Types.Id.Info ( RecSelParent(..) ) import GHC.Types.Name import GHC.Types.Name.Env import GHC.Types.Name.Set import GHC.Types.SourceFile import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Types.TyThing import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Types.TyThing.Ppr ( pprTyThingInContext ) import GHC.Types.Unique.Set ( nonDetEltsUniqSet ) import GHC.Types.Var import GHC.Types.Var.Set import GHC.Types.Var.Env import GHC.Types.Fixity (defaultFixity) import GHC.Iface.Errors.Types import GHC.Iface.Errors.Ppr import GHC.Iface.Syntax ( ShowSub(..), ShowForAllFlag(..), showToHeader ) import GHC.Unit.State import GHC.Unit.Module import GHC.Data.Bag import GHC.Data.FastString import GHC.Data.List.SetOps ( nubOrdBy ) import GHC.Data.Maybe import GHC.Settings.Constants (mAX_TUPLE_SIZE, mAX_CTUPLE_SIZE) import GHC.Utils.Misc import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Utils.Panic import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula (pprBooleanFormulaNice) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Data.Function (on) import Data.List ( groupBy, sortBy, tails , partition, unfoldr ) import Data.Ord ( comparing ) import Data.Bifunctor data TcRnMessageOpts = TcRnMessageOpts { tcOptsShowContext :: !Bool -- ^ Whether we show the error context or not , tcOptsIfaceOpts :: !IfaceMessageOpts } defaultTcRnMessageOpts :: TcRnMessageOpts defaultTcRnMessageOpts = TcRnMessageOpts { tcOptsShowContext = True , tcOptsIfaceOpts = defaultDiagnosticOpts @IfaceMessage } instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where type DiagnosticOpts TcRnMessage = TcRnMessageOpts defaultDiagnosticOpts = defaultTcRnMessageOpts diagnosticMessage opts = \case TcRnUnknownMessage (UnknownDiagnostic @e m) -> diagnosticMessage (defaultDiagnosticOpts @e) m TcRnMessageWithInfo unit_state msg_with_info -> case msg_with_info of TcRnMessageDetailed err_info msg -> messageWithInfoDiagnosticMessage unit_state err_info (tcOptsShowContext opts) (diagnosticMessage opts msg) TcRnWithHsDocContext ctxt msg -> if tcOptsShowContext opts then main_msg `unionDecoratedSDoc` ctxt_msg else main_msg where main_msg = diagnosticMessage opts msg ctxt_msg = mkSimpleDecorated (inHsDocContext ctxt) TcRnSolverReport msg _ _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprSolverReportWithCtxt msg TcRnRedundantConstraints redundants (info, show_info) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Redundant constraint" <> plural redundants <> colon <+> pprEvVarTheta redundants $$ if show_info then text "In" <+> ppr info else empty TcRnInaccessibleCode implic contra -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Inaccessible code in") 2 (ppr (ic_info implic)) $$ pprSolverReportWithCtxt contra TcRnTypeDoesNotHaveFixedRuntimeRep ty prov (ErrInfo extra supplementary) -> mkDecorated [pprTypeDoesNotHaveFixedRuntimeRep ty prov, extra, supplementary] TcRnImplicitLift id_or_name ErrInfo{..} -> mkDecorated $ ( text "The variable" <+> quotes (ppr id_or_name) <+> text "is implicitly lifted in the TH quotation" ) : [errInfoContext, errInfoSupplementary] TcRnUnusedPatternBinds bind -> mkDecorated [hang (text "This pattern-binding binds no variables:") 2 (ppr bind)] TcRnDodgyImports (DodgyImportsEmptyParent gre) -> mkDecorated [dodgy_msg (text "import") gre (dodgy_msg_insert gre)] TcRnDodgyImports (DodgyImportsHiding reason) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprImportLookup reason TcRnDodgyExports gre -> mkDecorated [dodgy_msg (text "export") gre (dodgy_msg_insert gre)] TcRnMissingImportList ie -> mkDecorated [ text "The import item" <+> quotes (ppr ie) <+> text "does not have an explicit import list" ] TcRnUnsafeDueToPlugin -> mkDecorated [text "Use of plugins makes the module unsafe"] TcRnModMissingRealSrcSpan mod -> mkDecorated [text "Module does not have a RealSrcSpan:" <+> ppr mod] TcRnIdNotExportedFromModuleSig name mod -> mkDecorated [ text "The identifier" <+> ppr (occName name) <+> text "does not exist in the signature for" <+> ppr mod ] TcRnIdNotExportedFromLocalSig name -> mkDecorated [ text "The identifier" <+> ppr (occName name) <+> text "does not exist in the local signature." ] TcRnShadowedName occ provenance -> let shadowed_locs = case provenance of ShadowedNameProvenanceLocal n -> [text "bound at" <+> ppr n] ShadowedNameProvenanceGlobal gres -> map pprNameProvenance gres in mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [text "This binding for" <+> quotes (ppr occ) <+> text "shadows the existing binding" <> plural shadowed_locs, nest 2 (vcat shadowed_locs)] TcRnInvalidWarningCategory cat -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [text "Warning category" <+> quotes (ppr cat) <+> text "is not valid", text "(user-defined category names must begin with" <+> quotes (text "x-"), text "and contain only letters, numbers, apostrophes and dashes)" ] TcRnDuplicateWarningDecls d rdr_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [text "Multiple warning declarations for" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name), text "also at " <+> ppr (getLocA d)] TcRnSimplifierTooManyIterations simples limit wc -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "solveWanteds: too many iterations" <+> parens (text "limit =" <+> ppr limit)) 2 (vcat [ text "Unsolved:" <+> ppr wc , text "Simples:" <+> ppr simples ]) TcRnIllegalPatSynDecl rdrname -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Illegal pattern synonym declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr rdrname)) 2 (text "Pattern synonym declarations are only valid at top level") TcRnLinearPatSyn ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Pattern synonyms do not support linear fields (GHC #18806):") 2 (ppr ty) TcRnEmptyRecordUpdate -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Empty record update" TcRnIllegalFieldPunning fld -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal use of punning for field" <+> quotes (ppr fld) TcRnIllegalWildcardsInRecord fld_part -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal `..' in record" <+> pprRecordFieldPart fld_part TcRnIllegalWildcardInType mb_name bad -> mkSimpleDecorated $ case bad of WildcardNotLastInConstraint -> hang notAllowed 2 constraint_hint_msg ExtraConstraintWildcardNotAllowed allow_sole -> case allow_sole of SoleExtraConstraintWildcardNotAllowed -> notAllowed SoleExtraConstraintWildcardAllowed -> hang notAllowed 2 sole_msg WildcardsNotAllowedAtAll -> notAllowed where notAllowed, what, wildcard, how :: SDoc notAllowed = what <+> quotes wildcard <+> how wildcard = case mb_name of Nothing -> pprAnonWildCard Just name -> ppr name what | Just _ <- mb_name = text "Named wildcard" | ExtraConstraintWildcardNotAllowed {} <- bad = text "Extra-constraint wildcard" | otherwise = text "Wildcard" how = case bad of WildcardNotLastInConstraint -> text "not allowed in a constraint" _ -> text "not allowed" constraint_hint_msg :: SDoc constraint_hint_msg | Just _ <- mb_name = vcat [ text "Extra-constraint wildcards must be anonymous" , nest 2 (text "e.g f :: (Eq a, _) => blah") ] | otherwise = vcat [ text "except as the last top-level constraint of a type signature" , nest 2 (text "e.g f :: (Eq a, _) => blah") ] sole_msg :: SDoc sole_msg = vcat [ text "except as the sole constraint" , nest 2 (text "e.g., deriving instance _ => Eq (Foo a)") ] TcRnDuplicateFieldName fld_part dups -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [ text "Duplicate field name" , quotes (ppr (rdrNameOcc $ NE.head dups)) , text "in record", pprRecordFieldPart fld_part ] TcRnIllegalViewPattern pat -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [text "Illegal view pattern: " <+> ppr pat] TcRnCharLiteralOutOfRange c -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "character literal out of range: '\\" <> char c <> char '\'' TcRnIllegalWildcardsInConstructor con -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Illegal `{..}' notation for constructor" <+> quotes (ppr con) , nest 2 (text "Record wildcards may not be used for constructors with unlabelled fields.") , nest 2 (text "Possible fix: Remove the `{..}' and add a match for each field of the constructor.") ] TcRnIgnoringAnnotations anns -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Ignoring ANN annotation" <> plural anns <> comma <+> text "because this is a stage-1 compiler without -fexternal-interpreter or doesn't support GHCi" TcRnAnnotationInSafeHaskell -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Annotations are not compatible with Safe Haskell." , text "See https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/10826" ] TcRnInvalidTypeApplication fun_ty hs_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Cannot apply expression of type" <+> quotes (ppr fun_ty) $$ text "to a visible type argument" <+> quotes (ppr hs_ty) TcRnTagToEnumMissingValArg -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "tagToEnum# must appear applied to one value argument" TcRnTagToEnumUnspecifiedResTy ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Bad call to tagToEnum# at type" <+> ppr ty) 2 (vcat [ text "Specify the type by giving a type signature" , text "e.g. (tagToEnum# x) :: Bool" ]) TcRnTagToEnumResTyNotAnEnum ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Bad call to tagToEnum# at type" <+> ppr ty) 2 (text "Result type must be an enumeration type") TcRnTagToEnumResTyTypeData ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Bad call to tagToEnum# at type" <+> ppr ty) 2 (text "Result type cannot be headed by a `type data` type") TcRnArrowIfThenElsePredDependsOnResultTy -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Predicate type of `ifThenElse' depends on result type" TcRnIllegalHsBootOrSigDecl boot_or_sig decls -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal" <+> what <+> text "in" <+> whr <> dot where what = case decls of BootBindsPs {} -> text "binding" BootBindsRn {} -> text "binding" BootInstanceSigs {} -> text "instance body" BootFamInst {} -> text "family instance" BootSpliceDecls {} -> text "splice" BootForeignDecls {} -> text "foreign declaration" BootDefaultDecls {} -> text "default declaration" BootRuleDecls {} -> text "RULE pragma" whr = case boot_or_sig of HsBoot -> text "an hs-boot file" Hsig -> text "a backpack signature file" TcRnBootMismatch boot_or_sig err -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprBootMismatch boot_or_sig err TcRnRecursivePatternSynonym binds -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Recursive pattern synonym definition with following bindings:") 2 (vcat $ map pprLBind . bagToList $ binds) where pprLoc loc = parens (text "defined at" <+> ppr loc) pprLBind :: CollectPass GhcRn => GenLocated (SrcSpanAnn' a) (HsBindLR GhcRn idR) -> SDoc pprLBind (L loc bind) = pprWithCommas ppr (collectHsBindBinders CollNoDictBinders bind) <+> pprLoc (locA loc) TcRnPartialTypeSigTyVarMismatch n1 n2 fn_name hs_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Couldn't match" <+> quotes (ppr n1) <+> text "with" <+> quotes (ppr n2)) 2 (hang (text "both bound by the partial type signature:") 2 (ppr fn_name <+> dcolon <+> ppr hs_ty)) TcRnPartialTypeSigBadQuantifier n fn_name m_unif_ty hs_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Can't quantify over" <+> quotes (ppr n)) 2 (vcat [ hang (text "bound by the partial type signature:") 2 (ppr fn_name <+> dcolon <+> ppr hs_ty) , extra ]) where extra | Just rhs_ty <- m_unif_ty = sep [ quotes (ppr n), text "should really be", quotes (ppr rhs_ty) ] | otherwise = empty TcRnMissingSignature what _ _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ case what of MissingPatSynSig p -> hang (text "Pattern synonym with no type signature:") 2 (text "pattern" <+> pprPrefixName (patSynName p) <+> dcolon <+> pprPatSynType p) MissingTopLevelBindingSig name ty -> hang (text "Top-level binding with no type signature:") 2 (pprPrefixName name <+> dcolon <+> pprSigmaType ty) MissingTyConKindSig tc cusks_enabled -> hang msg 2 (text "type" <+> pprPrefixName (tyConName tc) <+> dcolon <+> pprKind (tyConKind tc)) where msg | cusks_enabled = text "Top-level type constructor with no standalone kind signature or CUSK:" | otherwise = text "Top-level type constructor with no standalone kind signature:" TcRnPolymorphicBinderMissingSig n ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ text "Polymorphic local binding with no type signature:" , nest 2 $ pprPrefixName n <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty ] TcRnOverloadedSig sig -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Overloaded signature conflicts with monomorphism restriction") 2 (ppr sig) TcRnTupleConstraintInst _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "You can't specify an instance for a tuple constraint" TcRnAbstractClassInst clas -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Cannot define instance for abstract class" <+> quotes (ppr (className clas)) TcRnNoClassInstHead tau -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Instance head is not headed by a class:") 2 (pprType tau) TcRnUserTypeError ty -> mkSimpleDecorated (pprUserTypeErrorTy ty) TcRnConstraintInKind ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal constraint in a kind:" <+> pprType ty TcRnUnboxedTupleOrSumTypeFuncArg tuple_or_sum ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ text "Illegal unboxed" <+> what <+> text "type as function argument:" , pprType ty ] where what = case tuple_or_sum of UnboxedTupleType -> text "tuple" UnboxedSumType -> text "sum" TcRnLinearFuncInKind ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal linear function in a kind:" <+> pprType ty TcRnForAllEscapeError ty kind -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ hang (text "Quantified type's kind mentions quantified type variable") 2 (text "type:" <+> quotes (ppr ty)) , hang (text "where the body of the forall has this kind:") 2 (quotes (pprKind kind)) ] TcRnVDQInTermType mb_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ case mb_ty of Nothing -> main_msg Just ty -> hang (main_msg <> char ':') 2 (pprType ty) , text "(GHC does not yet support this)" ] where main_msg = text "Illegal visible, dependent quantification" <+> text "in the type of a term" TcRnBadQuantPredHead ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Quantified predicate must have a class or type variable head:") 2 (pprType ty) TcRnIllegalTupleConstraint ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal tuple constraint:" <+> pprType ty TcRnNonTypeVarArgInConstraint ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Non type-variable argument") 2 (text "in the constraint:" <+> pprType ty) TcRnIllegalImplicitParam ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal implicit parameter" <+> quotes (pprType ty) TcRnIllegalConstraintSynonymOfKind kind -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal constraint synonym of kind:" <+> quotes (pprKind kind) TcRnIllegalClassInst tcf -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Illegal instance for a" <+> ppr tcf , text "A class instance must be for a class" ] TcRnOversaturatedVisibleKindArg ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal oversaturated visible kind argument:" <+> quotes (char '@' <> pprParendType ty) TcRnBadAssociatedType clas tc -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [ text "Class", quotes (ppr clas) , text "does not have an associated type", quotes (ppr tc) ] TcRnForAllRankErr rank ty -> let herald = case tcSplitForAllTyVars ty of ([], _) -> text "Illegal qualified type:" _ -> text "Illegal polymorphic type:" extra = case rank of MonoTypeConstraint -> text "A constraint must be a monotype" _ -> empty in mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [hang herald 2 (pprType ty), extra] TcRnMonomorphicBindings bindings -> let pp_bndrs = pprBindings bindings in mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ text "The Monomorphism Restriction applies to the binding" <> plural bindings , text "for" <+> pp_bndrs ] TcRnOrphanInstance (Left cls_inst) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Orphan class instance:") 2 (pprInstanceHdr cls_inst) TcRnOrphanInstance (Right fam_inst) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Orphan family instance:") 2 (pprFamInst fam_inst) TcRnFunDepConflict unit_state sorted -> let herald = text "Functional dependencies conflict between instance declarations:" in mkSimpleDecorated $ pprWithUnitState unit_state $ (hang herald 2 (pprInstances $ NE.toList sorted)) TcRnDupInstanceDecls unit_state sorted -> let herald = text "Duplicate instance declarations:" in mkSimpleDecorated $ pprWithUnitState unit_state $ (hang herald 2 (pprInstances $ NE.toList sorted)) TcRnConflictingFamInstDecls sortedNE -> let sorted = NE.toList sortedNE in mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Conflicting family instance declarations:") 2 (vcat [ pprCoAxBranchUser (coAxiomTyCon ax) (coAxiomSingleBranch ax) | fi <- sorted , let ax = famInstAxiom fi ]) TcRnFamInstNotInjective rea fam_tc (eqn1 NE.:| rest_eqns) -> let (herald, show_kinds) = case rea of InjErrRhsBareTyVar tys -> (injectivityErrorHerald $$ text "RHS of injective type family equation is a bare" <+> text "type variable" $$ text "but these LHS type and kind patterns are not bare" <+> text "variables:" <+> pprQuotedList tys, False) InjErrRhsCannotBeATypeFam -> (injectivityErrorHerald $$ text "RHS of injective type family equation cannot" <+> text "be a type family:", False) InjErrRhsOverlap -> (text "Type family equation right-hand sides overlap; this violates" $$ text "the family's injectivity annotation:", False) InjErrCannotInferFromRhs tvs has_kinds _ -> let show_kinds = has_kinds == YesHasKinds what = if show_kinds then text "Type/kind" else text "Type" body = sep [ what <+> text "variable" <> pluralVarSet tvs <+> pprVarSet tvs (pprQuotedList . scopedSort) , text "cannot be inferred from the right-hand side." ] in (injectivityErrorHerald $$ body $$ text "In the type family equation:", show_kinds) in mkSimpleDecorated $ pprWithExplicitKindsWhen show_kinds $ hang herald 2 (vcat (map (pprCoAxBranchUser fam_tc) (eqn1 : rest_eqns))) TcRnBangOnUnliftedType ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Strictness flag has no effect on unlifted type" <+> quotes (ppr ty) TcRnLazyBangOnUnliftedType ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Lazy flag has no effect on unlifted type" <+> quotes (ppr ty) TcRnMultipleDefaultDeclarations dup_things -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Multiple default declarations") 2 (vcat (map pp dup_things)) where pp :: LDefaultDecl GhcRn -> SDoc pp (L locn (DefaultDecl _ _)) = text "here was another default declaration" <+> ppr (locA locn) TcRnBadDefaultType ty deflt_clss -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "The default type" <+> quotes (ppr ty) <+> text "is not an instance of") 2 (foldr1 (\a b -> a <+> text "or" <+> b) (map (quotes. ppr) deflt_clss)) TcRnPatSynBundledWithNonDataCon -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Pattern synonyms can be bundled only with datatypes." TcRnPatSynBundledWithWrongType expected_res_ty res_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Pattern synonyms can only be bundled with matching type constructors" $$ text "Couldn't match expected type of" <+> quotes (ppr expected_res_ty) <+> text "with actual type of" <+> quotes (ppr res_ty) TcRnDupeModuleExport mod -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [ text "Duplicate" , quotes (text "Module" <+> ppr mod) , text "in export list" ] TcRnExportedModNotImported mod -> mkSimpleDecorated $ formatExportItemError (text "module" <+> ppr mod) "is not imported" TcRnNullExportedModule mod -> mkSimpleDecorated $ formatExportItemError (text "module" <+> ppr mod) "exports nothing" TcRnMissingExportList mod -> mkSimpleDecorated $ formatExportItemError (text "module" <+> ppr mod) "is missing an export list" TcRnExportHiddenComponents export_item -> mkSimpleDecorated $ formatExportItemError (ppr export_item) "attempts to export constructors or class methods that are not visible here" TcRnDuplicateExport gre ie1 ie2 -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [ quotes (ppr $ greName gre) , text "is exported by", quotes (ppr ie1) , text "and", quotes (ppr ie2) ] TcRnExportedParentChildMismatch parent_name ty_thing child parent_names -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "The type constructor" <+> quotes (ppr parent_name) <+> text "is not the parent of the" <+> text what_is <+> quotes thing <> char '.' $$ text (capitalise what_is) <> text "s can only be exported with their parent type constructor." $$ (case parents of [] -> empty [_] -> text "Parent:" _ -> text "Parents:") <+> fsep (punctuate comma parents) where pp_category :: TyThing -> String pp_category (AnId i) | isRecordSelector i = "record selector" pp_category i = tyThingCategory i what_is = pp_category ty_thing thing = ppr $ greOccName child parents = map ppr parent_names TcRnConflictingExports occ child_gre1 ie1 child_gre2 ie2 -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Conflicting exports for" <+> quotes (ppr occ) <> colon , ppr_export child_gre1 ie1 , ppr_export child_gre2 ie2 ] where ppr_export gre ie = nest 3 $ hang (quotes (ppr ie) <+> text "exports" <+> quotes (ppr $ greName gre)) 2 (pprNameProvenance gre) TcRnDuplicateFieldExport (gre, ie1) gres_ies -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat ( hsep [ text "Duplicate record field" , quotes (ppr $ greOccName gre) , text "in export list" <> colon ] : map ppr_export ((gre,ie1) : NE.toList gres_ies) ) where ppr_export (gre,ie) = nest 3 $ hang (sep [ quotes (ppr ie) <+> text "exports the field" <+> quotes (ppr $ greName gre) , text "belonging to the constructor" <> plural fld_cons <+> pprQuotedList fld_cons ]) 2 (pprNameProvenance gre) where fld_cons :: [ConLikeName] fld_cons = nonDetEltsUniqSet $ recFieldCons $ fieldGREInfo gre TcRnAmbiguousFieldInUpdate (gre1, gre2, gres) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Ambiguous record field" <+> fld <> dot , hang (text "It could refer to any of the following:") 2 $ vcat (map pprSugg (gre1 : gre2 : gres)) ] where fld = quotes $ ppr (occNameFS $ greOccName gre1) pprSugg gre = vcat [ bullet <+> pprGRE gre <> comma , nest 2 (pprNameProvenance gre) ] pprGRE gre = case gre_info gre of IAmRecField {} -> let parent = par_is $ gre_par gre in text "record field" <+> fld <+> text "of" <+> quotes (ppr parent) _ -> text "variable" <+> fld TcRnAmbiguousRecordUpdate _rupd tc -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Ambiguous record update with parent" <+> what <> dot , hsep [ text "This type-directed disambiguation mechanism" , text "will not be supported by -XDuplicateRecordFields in future releases of GHC." ] , text "Consider disambiguating using module qualification instead." ] where what :: SDoc what = text "type constructor" <+> quotes (ppr $ RecSelData tc) TcRnMissingFields con fields -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [header, nest 2 rest] where rest | null fields = empty | otherwise = vcat (fmap pprField fields) header = text "Fields of" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+> text "not initialised" <> if null fields then empty else colon TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType prs -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Record update for insufficiently polymorphic field" <> plural prs <> colon) 2 (vcat [ ppr f <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty | (f,ty) <- prs ]) TcRnMissingStrictFields con fields -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [header, nest 2 rest] where rest | null fields = empty -- Happens for non-record constructors -- with strict fields | otherwise = vcat (fmap pprField fields) header = text "Constructor" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+> text "does not have the required strict field(s)" <> if null fields then empty else colon TcRnBadRecordUpdate upd_flds reason -> case reason of NoConstructorHasAllFields { conflictingFields = conflicts } | [fld] <- conflicts -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ header , text "No constructor in scope has the field" <+> quotes (ppr fld) ] | otherwise -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ header , hang (text "No constructor in scope has all of the following fields:") 2 (pprQuotedList conflicts) ] where header :: SDoc header = text "Invalid record update." MultiplePossibleParents (par1, par2, pars) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ hang (text "Ambiguous record update with field" <> plural upd_flds) 2 ppr_flds , hang (thisOrThese upd_flds <+> text "field" <> plural upd_flds <+> what_parent) 2 (quotedListWithAnd (map ppr (par1:par2:pars))) ] where ppr_flds, what_parent, which :: SDoc ppr_flds = quotedListWithAnd $ map ppr upd_flds what_parent = case par1 of RecSelData {} -> text "appear" <> singular upd_flds <+> text "in" <+> which <+> text "datatypes" RecSelPatSyn {} -> isOrAre upd_flds <+> text "associated with" <+> which <+> text "pattern synonyms" which = case pars of [] -> text "both" _ -> text "all of the" InvalidTyConParent tc pars -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ hang (text "No data constructor of" <+> what $$ text "has all of the fields:") 2 (pprQuotedList upd_flds) , pat_syn_msg ] where what = text "type constructor" <+> quotes (ppr (RecSelData tc)) pat_syn_msg | any (\case { RecSelPatSyn {} -> True; _ -> False}) pars = text "NB: type-directed disambiguation is not supported for pattern synonym record fields." | otherwise = empty TcRnStaticFormNotClosed name reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ quotes (ppr name) <+> text "is used in a static form but it is not closed" <+> text "because it" $$ sep (causes reason) where causes :: NotClosedReason -> [SDoc] causes NotLetBoundReason = [text "is not let-bound."] causes (NotTypeClosed vs) = [ text "has a non-closed type because it contains the" , text "type variables:" <+> pprVarSet vs (hsep . punctuate comma . map (quotes . ppr)) ] causes (NotClosed n reason) = let msg = text "uses" <+> quotes (ppr n) <+> text "which" in case reason of NotClosed _ _ -> msg : causes reason _ -> let (xs0, xs1) = splitAt 1 $ causes reason in fmap (msg <+>) xs0 ++ xs1 TcRnUselessTypeable -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Deriving" <+> quotes (ppr typeableClassName) <+> text "has no effect: all types now auto-derive Typeable" TcRnDerivingDefaults cls -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ text "Both DeriveAnyClass and" <+> text "GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving are enabled" , text "Defaulting to the DeriveAnyClass strategy" <+> text "for instantiating" <+> ppr cls ] TcRnNonUnaryTypeclassConstraint ct -> mkSimpleDecorated $ quotes (ppr ct) <+> text "is not a unary constraint, as expected by a deriving clause" TcRnPartialTypeSignatures _ theta -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Found type wildcard" <+> quotes (char '_') <+> text "standing for" <+> quotes (pprTheta theta) TcRnCannotDeriveInstance cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ derivErrDiagnosticMessage cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving True reason TcRnLookupInstance cls tys reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Couldn't match instance:" <+> lookupInstanceErrDiagnosticMessage cls tys reason TcRnLazyGADTPattern -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "An existential or GADT data constructor cannot be used") 2 (text "inside a lazy (~) pattern") TcRnArrowProcGADTPattern -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Proc patterns cannot use existential or GADT data constructors" TcRnSpecialClassInst cls because_safeHaskell -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Class" <+> quotes (ppr $ className cls) <+> text "does not support user-specified instances" <> safeHaskell_msg where safeHaskell_msg | because_safeHaskell = text " when Safe Haskell is enabled." | otherwise = dot TcRnForallIdentifier rdr_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ fsep [ text "The use of" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name) <+> text "as an identifier", text "will become an error in a future GHC release." ] TcRnTypeEqualityOutOfScope -> mkDecorated [ text "The" <+> quotes (text "~") <+> text "operator is out of scope." $$ text "Assuming it to stand for an equality constraint." , text "NB:" <+> (quotes (text "~") <+> text "used to be built-in syntax but now is a regular type operator" $$ text "exported from Data.Type.Equality and Prelude.") $$ text "If you are using a custom Prelude, consider re-exporting it." , text "This will become an error in a future GHC release." ] TcRnTypeEqualityRequiresOperators -> mkSimpleDecorated $ fsep [ text "The use of" <+> quotes (text "~") <+> text "without TypeOperators", text "will become an error in a future GHC release." ] TcRnIllegalTypeOperator overall_ty op -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal operator" <+> quotes (ppr op) <+> text "in type" <+> quotes (ppr overall_ty) TcRnIllegalTypeOperatorDecl name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal declaration of a type or class operator" <+> quotes (ppr name) TcRnGADTMonoLocalBinds -> mkSimpleDecorated $ fsep [ text "Pattern matching on GADTs without MonoLocalBinds" , text "is fragile." ] TcRnIncorrectNameSpace name _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ msg where msg -- We are in a type-level namespace, -- and the name is incorrectly at the term-level. | isValNameSpace ns = text "The" <+> what <+> text "does not live in the type-level namespace" -- We are in a term-level namespace, -- and the name is incorrectly at the type-level. | otherwise = text "Illegal term-level use of the" <+> what ns = nameNameSpace name what = pprNameSpace ns <+> quotes (ppr name) TcRnNotInScope err name imp_errs _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprScopeError name err $$ vcat (map ppr imp_errs) TcRnTermNameInType name _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ quotes (ppr name) <+> (text "is a term-level binding") $+$ (text " and can not be used at the type level.") TcRnUntickedPromotedThing thing -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Unticked promoted" <+> what where what :: SDoc what = case thing of UntickedExplicitList -> text "list" <> dot UntickedConstructor fixity nm -> let con = pprUntickedConstructor fixity nm bare_sym = isBareSymbol fixity nm in text "constructor:" <+> con <> if bare_sym then empty else dot TcRnIllegalBuiltinSyntax what rdr_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [text "Illegal", what, text "of built-in syntax:", ppr rdr_name] TcRnWarnDefaulting tidy_wanteds tidy_tv default_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (hsep $ [ text "Defaulting" ] ++ (case tidy_tv of Nothing -> [] Just tv -> [text "the type variable" , quotes (ppr tv)]) ++ [ text "to type" , quotes (ppr default_ty) , text "in the following constraint" <> plural tidy_wanteds ]) 2 (pprWithArising tidy_wanteds) TcRnForeignImportPrimExtNotSet _decl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "`foreign import prim' requires GHCForeignImportPrim." TcRnForeignImportPrimSafeAnn _decl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "The safe/unsafe annotation should not be used with `foreign import prim'." TcRnForeignFunctionImportAsValue _decl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "`value' imports cannot have function types" TcRnFunPtrImportWithoutAmpersand _decl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "possible missing & in foreign import of FunPtr" TcRnIllegalForeignDeclBackend _decl _backend expectedBknds -> mkSimpleDecorated $ fsep (text "Illegal foreign declaration: requires one of these back ends:" : commafyWith (text "or") (map (text . backendDescription) expectedBknds)) TcRnUnsupportedCallConv _decl unsupportedCC -> mkSimpleDecorated $ case unsupportedCC of StdCallConvUnsupported -> text "the 'stdcall' calling convention is unsupported on this platform," $$ text "treating as ccall" PrimCallConvUnsupported -> text "The `prim' calling convention can only be used with `foreign import'" JavaScriptCallConvUnsupported -> text "The `javascript' calling convention is unsupported on this platform" TcRnIllegalForeignType mArgOrResult reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang msg 2 extra where arg_or_res = case mArgOrResult of Nothing -> empty Just Arg -> text "argument" Just Result -> text "result" msg = hsep [ text "Unacceptable", arg_or_res , text "type in foreign declaration:"] extra = case reason of TypeCannotBeMarshaled ty why -> let innerMsg = quotes (ppr ty) <+> text "cannot be marshalled in a foreign call" in case why of NotADataType -> quotes (ppr ty) <+> text "is not a data type" NewtypeDataConNotInScope _ [] -> hang innerMsg 2 $ text "because its data constructor is not in scope" NewtypeDataConNotInScope tc _ -> hang innerMsg 2 $ text "because the data constructor for" <+> quotes (ppr tc) <+> text "is not in scope" UnliftedFFITypesNeeded -> innerMsg $$ text "UnliftedFFITypes is required to marshal unlifted types" NotABoxedMarshalableTyCon -> innerMsg ForeignLabelNotAPtr -> innerMsg $$ text "A foreign-imported address (via &foo) must have type (Ptr a) or (FunPtr a)" NotSimpleUnliftedType -> innerMsg $$ text "foreign import prim only accepts simple unlifted types" NotBoxedKindAny -> text "Expected kind" <+> quotes (text "Type") <+> text "or" <+> quotes (text "UnliftedType") <> comma $$ text "but" <+> quotes (ppr ty) <+> text "has kind" <+> quotes (ppr (typeKind ty)) ForeignDynNotPtr expected ty -> vcat [ text "Expected: Ptr/FunPtr" <+> pprParendType expected <> comma, text " Actual:" <+> ppr ty ] SafeHaskellMustBeInIO -> text "Safe Haskell is on, all FFI imports must be in the IO monad" IOResultExpected -> text "IO result type expected" UnexpectedNestedForall -> text "Unexpected nested forall" LinearTypesNotAllowed -> text "Linear types are not supported in FFI declarations, see #18472" OneArgExpected -> text "One argument expected" AtLeastOneArgExpected -> text "At least one argument expected" TcRnInvalidCIdentifier target -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [quotes (ppr target) <+> text "is not a valid C identifier"] TcRnExpectedValueId thing -> mkSimpleDecorated $ ppr thing <+> text "used where a value identifier was expected" TcRnRecSelectorEscapedTyVar lbl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Cannot use record selector" <+> quotes (ppr lbl) <+> text "as a function due to escaped type variables" TcRnPatSynNotBidirectional name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "non-bidirectional pattern synonym" <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> text "used in an expression" TcRnSplicePolymorphicLocalVar ident -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Can't splice the polymorphic local variable" <+> quotes (ppr ident) TcRnIllegalDerivingItem hs_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal deriving item" <+> quotes (ppr hs_ty) TcRnUnexpectedAnnotation ty bang -> mkSimpleDecorated $ let err = case bang of HsSrcBang _ SrcUnpack _ -> "UNPACK" HsSrcBang _ SrcNoUnpack _ -> "NOUNPACK" HsSrcBang _ NoSrcUnpack SrcLazy -> "laziness" HsSrcBang _ _ _ -> "strictness" in text "Unexpected" <+> text err <+> text "annotation:" <+> ppr ty $$ text err <+> text "annotation cannot appear nested inside a type" TcRnIllegalRecordSyntax either_ty_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Record syntax is illegal here:" <+> either ppr ppr either_ty_ty TcRnUnexpectedTypeSplice ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Unexpected type splice:" <+> ppr ty TcRnInvalidVisibleKindArgument arg ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Cannot apply function of kind" <+> quotes (ppr ty) $$ text "to visible kind argument" <+> quotes (ppr arg) TcRnTooManyBinders ki bndrs -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Not a function kind:") 4 (ppr ki) $$ hang (text "but extra binders found:") 4 (fsep (map ppr bndrs)) TcRnDifferentNamesForTyVar n1 n2 -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Different names for the same type variable:") 2 info where info | nameOccName n1 /= nameOccName n2 = quotes (ppr n1) <+> text "and" <+> quotes (ppr n2) | otherwise -- Same OccNames! See C2 in -- Note [Swizzling the tyvars before generaliseTcTyCon] = vcat [ quotes (ppr n1) <+> text "bound at" <+> ppr (getSrcLoc n1) , quotes (ppr n2) <+> text "bound at" <+> ppr (getSrcLoc n2) ] TcRnInvalidReturnKind data_sort allowed_kind kind _suggested_ext -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ ppDataSort data_sort <+> text "has non-" <> allowed_kind_tycon , (if is_data_family then text "and non-variable" else empty) <+> text "return kind" <+> quotes (ppr kind) ] where is_data_family = case data_sort of DataDeclSort{} -> False DataInstanceSort{} -> False DataFamilySort -> True allowed_kind_tycon = case allowed_kind of AnyTYPEKind -> ppr tYPETyCon AnyBoxedKind -> ppr boxedRepDataConTyCon LiftedKind -> ppr liftedTypeKind TcRnClassKindNotConstraint _kind -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Kind signature on a class must end with" <+> ppr constraintKind $$ text "unobscured by type families" TcRnUnpromotableThing name err -> mkSimpleDecorated $ (hang (pprPECategory err <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> text "cannot be used here") 2 (parens reason)) where reason = case err of ConstrainedDataConPE theta -> text "it has an unpromotable context" <+> quotes (pprTheta theta) FamDataConPE -> text "it comes from a data family instance" NoDataKindsDC -> text "perhaps you intended to use DataKinds" PatSynPE -> text "pattern synonyms cannot be promoted" RecDataConPE -> same_rec_group_msg ClassPE -> same_rec_group_msg TyConPE -> same_rec_group_msg TermVariablePE -> text "term variables cannot be promoted" same_rec_group_msg = text "it is defined and used in the same recursive group" TcRnMatchesHaveDiffNumArgs argsContext (MatchArgMatches match1 bad_matches) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ (vcat [ pprMatchContextNouns argsContext <+> text "have different numbers of arguments" , nest 2 (ppr (getLocA match1)) , nest 2 (ppr (getLocA (NE.head bad_matches)))]) TcRnCannotBindScopedTyVarInPatSig sig_tvs -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "You cannot bind scoped type variable" <> plural (NE.toList sig_tvs) <+> pprQuotedList (map fst $ NE.toList sig_tvs)) 2 (text "in a pattern binding signature") TcRnCannotBindTyVarsInPatBind _offenders -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Binding type variables is not allowed in pattern bindings" TcRnTooManyTyArgsInConPattern con_like expected_number actual_number -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Too many type arguments in constructor pattern for" <+> quotes (ppr con_like) $$ text "Expected no more than" <+> ppr expected_number <> semi <+> text "got" <+> ppr actual_number TcRnMultipleInlinePragmas poly_id fst_inl_prag inl_prags -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Multiple INLINE pragmas for" <+> ppr poly_id) 2 (vcat (text "Ignoring all but the first" : map pp_inl (fst_inl_prag : NE.toList inl_prags))) where pp_inl (L loc prag) = ppr prag <+> parens (ppr loc) TcRnUnexpectedPragmas poly_id bad_sigs -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Discarding unexpected pragmas for" <+> ppr poly_id) 2 (vcat (map (ppr . getLoc) $ NE.toList bad_sigs)) TcRnNonOverloadedSpecialisePragma fun_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "SPECIALISE pragma for non-overloaded function" <+> quotes (ppr fun_name) TcRnSpecialiseNotVisible name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "You cannot SPECIALISE" <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> text "because its definition is not visible in this module" TcRnPragmaWarning {pragma_warning_occ, pragma_warning_msg, pragma_warning_import_mod, pragma_warning_defined_mod} -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ sep [ text "In the use of" <+> pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace pragma_warning_occ) <+> quotes (ppr pragma_warning_occ) , parens impMsg <> colon ] , pprWarningTxtForMsg pragma_warning_msg ] where impMsg = text "imported from" <+> ppr pragma_warning_import_mod <> extra extra | pragma_warning_import_mod == pragma_warning_defined_mod = empty | otherwise = text ", but defined in" <+> ppr pragma_warning_defined_mod TcRnIllegalHsigDefaultMethods name meths -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal default method" <> plural (NE.toList meths) <+> text "in class definition of" <+> ppr name <+> text "in hsig file" TcRnHsigFixityMismatch real_thing real_fixity sig_fixity -> let ppr_fix f = ppr f <+> if f == defaultFixity then parens (text "default") else empty in mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ppr real_thing <+> text "has conflicting fixities in the module", text "and its hsig file", text "Main module:" <+> ppr_fix real_fixity, text "Hsig file:" <+> ppr_fix sig_fixity] TcRnHsigShapeMismatch (HsigShapeSortMismatch info1 info2) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "While merging export lists, could not combine" <+> ppr info1 <+> text "with" <+> ppr info2 <+> parens (text "one is a type, the other is a plain identifier") TcRnHsigShapeMismatch (HsigShapeNotUnifiable name1 name2 notHere) -> let extra = if notHere then text "Neither name variable originates from the current signature." else empty in mkSimpleDecorated $ text "While merging export lists, could not unify" <+> ppr name1 <+> text "with" <+> ppr name2 $$ extra TcRnHsigMissingModuleExport occ unit_state impl_mod -> mkSimpleDecorated $ quotes (ppr occ) <+> text "is exported by the hsig file, but not exported by the implementing module" <+> quotes (pprWithUnitState unit_state $ ppr impl_mod) TcRnBadGenericMethod clas op -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [text "Class", quotes (ppr clas), text "has a generic-default signature without a binding", quotes (ppr op)] TcRnWarningMinimalDefIncomplete mindef -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "The MINIMAL pragma does not require:" , nest 2 (pprBooleanFormulaNice mindef) , text "but there is no default implementation." ] TcRnDefaultMethodForPragmaLacksBinding sel_id prag -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "The" <+> hsSigDoc prag <+> text "for default method" <+> quotes (ppr sel_id) <+> text "lacks an accompanying binding" TcRnIgnoreSpecialisePragmaOnDefMethod sel_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Ignoring SPECIALISE pragmas on default method" <+> quotes (ppr sel_name) TcRnBadMethodErr{badMethodErrClassName, badMethodErrMethodName} -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [text "Class", quotes (ppr badMethodErrClassName), text "does not have a method", quotes (ppr badMethodErrMethodName)] TcRnNoExplicitAssocTypeOrDefaultDeclaration name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "No explicit" <+> text "associated type" <+> text "or default declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr name) TcRnIllegalTypeData -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal type-level data declaration" TcRnTypeDataForbids feature -> mkSimpleDecorated $ ppr feature <+> text "are not allowed in type data declarations." TcRnIllegalNewtype con show_linear_types reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [msg, additional] where (msg,additional) = case reason of DoesNotHaveSingleField n_flds -> (sep [ text "A newtype constructor must have exactly one field", nest 2 $ text "but" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+> text "has" <+> speakN n_flds ], ppr con <+> dcolon <+> ppr (dataConDisplayType show_linear_types con)) IsNonLinear -> (text "A newtype constructor must be linear", ppr con <+> dcolon <+> ppr (dataConDisplayType True con)) IsGADT -> (text "A newtype must not be a GADT", ppr con <+> dcolon <+> pprWithExplicitKindsWhen sneaky_eq_spec (ppr $ dataConDisplayType show_linear_types con)) HasConstructorContext -> (text "A newtype constructor must not have a context in its type", ppr con <+> dcolon <+> ppr (dataConDisplayType show_linear_types con)) HasExistentialTyVar -> (text "A newtype constructor must not have existential type variables", ppr con <+> dcolon <+> ppr (dataConDisplayType show_linear_types con)) HasStrictnessAnnotation -> (text "A newtype constructor must not have a strictness annotation", empty) -- Is the data con a "covert" GADT? See Note [isCovertGadtDataCon] -- in GHC.Core.DataCon sneaky_eq_spec = isCovertGadtDataCon con TcRnTypedTHWithPolyType ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Illegal polytype:" <+> ppr ty , text "The type of a Typed Template Haskell expression must" <+> text "not have any quantification." ] TcRnSpliceThrewException phase _exn exn_msg expr show_code -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Exception when trying to" <+> text phaseStr <+> text "compile-time code:" , nest 2 (text exn_msg) , if show_code then text "Code:" <+> ppr expr else empty] where phaseStr = case phase of SplicePhase_Run -> "run" SplicePhase_CompileAndLink -> "compile and link" TcRnInvalidTopDecl _decl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Only function, value, annotation, and foreign import declarations may be added with addTopDecls" TcRnNonExactName name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "The binder" <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> text "is not a NameU.") 2 (text "Probable cause: you used mkName instead of newName to generate a binding.") TcRnAddInvalidCorePlugin plugin -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "addCorePlugin: invalid plugin module " <+> text (show plugin) ) 2 (text "Plugins in the current package can't be specified.") TcRnAddDocToNonLocalDefn doc_loc -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Can't add documentation to" <+> ppr_loc doc_loc <+> text "as it isn't inside the current module" where ppr_loc (TH.DeclDoc n) = text $ TH.pprint n ppr_loc (TH.ArgDoc n _) = text $ TH.pprint n ppr_loc (TH.InstDoc t) = text $ TH.pprint t ppr_loc TH.ModuleDoc = text "the module header" TcRnFailedToLookupThInstName th_type reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ case reason of NoMatchesFound -> text "Couldn't find any instances of" <+> text (TH.pprint th_type) <+> text "to add documentation to" CouldNotDetermineInstance -> text "Couldn't work out what instance" <+> text (TH.pprint th_type) <+> text "is supposed to be" TcRnCannotReifyInstance ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "reifyInstances:" <+> quotes (ppr ty)) 2 (text "is not a class constraint or type family application") TcRnCannotReifyOutOfScopeThing th_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ quotes (text (TH.pprint th_name)) <+> text "is not in scope at a reify" -- Ugh! Rather an indirect way to display the name TcRnCannotReifyThingNotInTypeEnv name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ quotes (ppr name) <+> text "is not in the type environment at a reify" TcRnNoRolesAssociatedWithThing thing -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "No roles associated with" <+> (ppr thing) TcRnCannotRepresentType sort ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [text "Can't represent" <+> sort_doc <+> text "in Template Haskell:", nest 2 (ppr ty)] where sort_doc = text $ case sort of LinearInvisibleArgument -> "linear invisible argument" CoercionsInTypes -> "coercions in types" TcRnRunSpliceFailure mCallingFnName (ConversionFail what reason) -> mkSimpleDecorated . addCallingFn . addSpliceInfo $ pprConversionFailReason reason where addCallingFn rest = case mCallingFnName of Nothing -> rest Just callingFn -> hang (text ("Error in a declaration passed to " ++ callingFn ++ ":")) 2 rest addSpliceInfo = case what of ConvDec d -> addSliceInfo' "declaration" d ConvExp e -> addSliceInfo' "expression" e ConvPat p -> addSliceInfo' "pattern" p ConvType t -> addSliceInfo' "type" t addSliceInfo' what item reasonErr = reasonErr $$ descr where -- Show the item in pretty syntax normally, -- but with all its constructors if you say -dppr-debug descr = hang (text "When splicing a TH" <+> text what <> colon) 2 (getPprDebug $ \case True -> text (show item) False -> text (TH.pprint item)) TcRnReportCustomQuasiError _ msg -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text msg TcRnUnsatisfiedMinimalDef mindef -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [text "No explicit implementation for" ,nest 2 $ pprBooleanFormulaNice mindef ] TcRnMisplacedInstSig name hs_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ hang (text "Illegal type signature in instance declaration:") 2 (hang (pprPrefixName name) 2 (dcolon <+> ppr hs_ty)) ] TcRnIllegalFamilyInstance tycon -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Illegal family instance for" <+> quotes (ppr tycon) , nest 2 $ parens (ppr tycon <+> text "is not an indexed type family")] TcRnMissingClassAssoc name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Associated type" <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> text "must be inside a class instance" TcRnNotOpenFamily tc -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal instance for closed family" <+> quotes (ppr tc) TcRnNoRebindableSyntaxRecordDot -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "RebindableSyntax is required if OverloadedRecordUpdate is enabled." TcRnNoFieldPunsRecordDot -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "For this to work enable NamedFieldPuns" TcRnIllegalStaticExpression e -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal static expression:" <+> ppr e TcRnIllegalStaticFormInSplice e -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ text "static forms cannot be used in splices:" , nest 2 $ ppr e ] TcRnListComprehensionDuplicateBinding n -> mkSimpleDecorated $ (text "Duplicate binding in parallel list comprehension for:" <+> quotes (ppr n)) TcRnEmptyStmtsGroup cause -> mkSimpleDecorated $ case cause of EmptyStmtsGroupInParallelComp -> text "Empty statement group in parallel comprehension" EmptyStmtsGroupInTransformListComp -> text "Empty statement group preceding 'group' or 'then'" EmptyStmtsGroupInDoNotation ctxt -> text "Empty" <+> pprHsDoFlavour ctxt EmptyStmtsGroupInArrowNotation -> text "Empty 'do' block in an arrow command" TcRnLastStmtNotExpr ctxt (UnexpectedStatement stmt) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang last_error 2 (ppr stmt) where last_error = text "The last statement in" <+> pprAStmtContext ctxt <+> text "must be an expression" TcRnUnexpectedStatementInContext ctxt (UnexpectedStatement stmt) _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ text "Unexpected" <+> pprStmtCat stmt <+> text "statement" , text "in" <+> pprAStmtContext ctxt ] TcRnIllegalTupleSection -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal tuple section" TcRnIllegalImplicitParameterBindings eBinds -> mkSimpleDecorated $ either msg msg eBinds where msg binds = hang (text "Implicit-parameter bindings illegal in an mdo expression") 2 (ppr binds) TcRnSectionWithoutParentheses expr -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "A section must be enclosed in parentheses") 2 (text "thus:" <+> (parens (ppr expr))) TcRnCapturedTermName tv_name shadowed_term_names -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "The type variable" <+> quotes (ppr tv_name) <+> text "is implicitly quantified," $+$ text "even though another variable of the same name is in scope:" $+$ nest 2 var_names $+$ text "This is not forward-compatible with a planned GHC extension, RequiredTypeArguments." where var_names = case shadowed_term_names of Left gbl_names -> vcat (map (\name -> quotes (ppr $ greName name) <+> pprNameProvenance name) gbl_names) Right lcl_name -> quotes (ppr lcl_name) <+> text "defined at" <+> ppr (nameSrcLoc lcl_name) TcRnBindingOfExistingName name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal binding of an existing name:" <+> ppr (filterCTuple name) TcRnMultipleFixityDecls loc rdr_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [text "Multiple fixity declarations for" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name), text "also at " <+> ppr loc] TcRnIllegalPatternSynonymDecl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal pattern synonym declaration" TcRnIllegalClassBinding dsort bind -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ what <+> text "not allowed in" <+> decl_sort , nest 2 (ppr bind) ] where decl_sort = case dsort of ClassDeclSort -> text "class declaration:" InstanceDeclSort -> text "instance declaration:" what = case bind of PatBind {} -> text "Pattern bindings (except simple variables)" PatSynBind {} -> text "Pattern synonyms" -- Associated pattern synonyms are not implemented yet _ -> pprPanic "rnMethodBind" (ppr bind) TcRnOrphanCompletePragma -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Orphan COMPLETE pragmas not supported" $$ text "A COMPLETE pragma must mention at least one data constructor" $$ text "or pattern synonym defined in the same module." TcRnEmptyCase ctxt -> mkSimpleDecorated message where pp_ctxt = case ctxt of CaseAlt -> text "case expression" LamCaseAlt LamCase -> text "\\case expression" ArrowMatchCtxt (ArrowLamCaseAlt LamCase) -> text "\\case command" ArrowMatchCtxt ArrowCaseAlt -> text "case command" ArrowMatchCtxt KappaExpr -> text "kappa abstraction" _ -> text "(unexpected)" <+> pprMatchContextNoun ctxt message = case ctxt of LamCaseAlt LamCases -> lcases_msg <+> text "expression" ArrowMatchCtxt (ArrowLamCaseAlt LamCases) -> lcases_msg <+> text "command" _ -> text "Empty list of alternatives in" <+> pp_ctxt lcases_msg = text "Empty list of alternatives is not allowed in \\cases" TcRnNonStdGuards (NonStandardGuards guards) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "accepting non-standard pattern guards" $$ nest 4 (interpp'SP guards) TcRnDuplicateSigDecl pairs@((L _ name, sig) :| _) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Duplicate" <+> what_it_is <> text "s for" <+> quotes (ppr name) , text "at" <+> vcat (map ppr $ sortBy leftmost_smallest $ map (getLocA . fst) $ NE.toList pairs) ] where what_it_is = hsSigDoc sig TcRnMisplacedSigDecl sig -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [text "Misplaced" <+> hsSigDoc sig <> colon, ppr sig] TcRnUnexpectedDefaultSig sig -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Unexpected default signature:") 2 (ppr sig) TcRnDuplicateMinimalSig sig1 sig2 otherSigs -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Multiple minimal complete definitions" , text "at" <+> vcat (map ppr $ sortBy leftmost_smallest $ map getLocA sigs) , text "Combine alternative minimal complete definitions with `|'" ] where sigs = sig1 : sig2 : otherSigs TcRnLoopySuperclassSolve wtd_loc wtd_pty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ header, warning, user_manual ] where header, warning, user_manual :: SDoc header = vcat [ text "I am solving the constraint" <+> quotes (ppr wtd_pty) <> comma , nest 2 $ pprCtOrigin (ctLocOrigin wtd_loc) <> comma , text "in a way that might turn out to loop at runtime." ] warning = vcat [ text "Starting from GHC 9.10, this warning will turn into an error." ] user_manual = vcat [ text "See the user manual, § Undecidable instances and loopy superclasses." ] TcRnIllegalInstanceHeadDecl head_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Illegal head of an instance declaration:" <+> quotes (ppr head_ty)) 2 (vcat [ text "Instance heads must be of the form" , nest 2 $ text "C ty_1 ... ty_n" , text "where" <+> quotes (char 'C') <+> text "is a class" ]) TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneDerivingDecl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal standalone deriving declaration" TcRnUnusedVariableInRuleDecl name var -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [text "Rule" <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name) <> colon, text "Forall'd variable" <+> quotes (ppr var) <+> text "does not appear on left hand side"] TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneKindSig -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal standalone kind signature" TcRnIllegalRuleLhs errReason name lhs bad_e -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [text "Rule" <+> pprRuleName name <> colon, nest 2 (vcat [err, text "in left-hand side:" <+> ppr lhs])] $$ text "LHS must be of form (f e1 .. en) where f is not forall'd" where err = case errReason of UnboundVariable uv nis -> pprScopeError uv nis IllegalExpression -> text "Illegal expression:" <+> ppr bad_e TcRnBadAssocRhs ns -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "The RHS of an associated type declaration mentions" <+> text "out-of-scope variable" <> plural ns <+> pprWithCommas (quotes . ppr) ns) 2 (text "All such variables must be bound on the LHS") TcRnDuplicateRoleAnnot list -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Duplicate role annotations for" <+> quotes (ppr $ roleAnnotDeclName first_decl) <> colon) 2 (vcat $ map pp_role_annot $ NE.toList sorted_list) where sorted_list = NE.sortBy cmp_loc list ((L _ first_decl) :| _) = sorted_list pp_role_annot (L loc decl) = hang (ppr decl) 4 (text "-- written at" <+> ppr (locA loc)) cmp_loc = leftmost_smallest `on` getLocA TcRnDuplicateKindSig list -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Duplicate standalone kind signatures for" <+> quotes (ppr $ standaloneKindSigName first_decl) <> colon) 2 (vcat $ map pp_kisig $ NE.toList sorted_list) where sorted_list = NE.sortBy cmp_loc list ((L _ first_decl) :| _) = sorted_list pp_kisig (L loc decl) = hang (ppr decl) 4 (text "-- written at" <+> ppr (locA loc)) cmp_loc = leftmost_smallest `on` getLocA TcRnIllegalDerivStrategy ds -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal deriving strategy" <> colon <+> derivStrategyName ds TcRnIllegalMultipleDerivClauses -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal use of multiple, consecutive deriving clauses" TcRnNoDerivStratSpecified{} -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "No deriving strategy specified. Did you want stock, newtype, or anyclass?" TcRnStupidThetaInGadt{} -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [text "No context is allowed on a GADT-style data declaration", text "(You can put a context on each constructor, though.)"] TcRnBadImplicitSplice -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Parse error: module header, import declaration" $$ text "or top-level declaration expected." TcRnShadowedTyVarNameInFamResult resName -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [ text "Type variable", quotes (ppr resName) <> comma , text "naming a type family result," ] $$ text "shadows an already bound type variable" TcRnIncorrectTyVarOnLhsOfInjCond resName injFrom -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text $ "Incorrect type variable on the LHS of " ++ "injectivity condition" , nest 5 ( vcat [ text "Expected :" <+> ppr resName , text "Actual :" <+> ppr injFrom ])] TcRnUnknownTyVarsOnRhsOfInjCond errorVars -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [ text "Unknown type variable" <> plural errorVars , text "on the RHS of injectivity condition:" , interpp'SP errorVars ] TcRnBadlyStaged reason bind_lvl use_lvl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Stage error:" <+> pprStageCheckReason reason <+> hsep [text "is bound at stage" <+> ppr bind_lvl, text "but used at stage" <+> ppr use_lvl] TcRnStageRestriction reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ text "GHC stage restriction:" , nest 2 (vcat [ pprStageCheckReason reason <+> text "is used in a top-level splice, quasi-quote, or annotation," , text "and must be imported, not defined locally"])] TcRnTyThingUsedWrong sort thing name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprTyThingUsedWrong sort thing name TcRnCannotDefaultKindVar var knd -> mkSimpleDecorated $ (vcat [ text "Cannot default kind variable" <+> quotes (ppr var) , text "of kind:" <+> ppr knd , text "Perhaps enable PolyKinds or add a kind signature" ]) TcRnUninferrableTyVar tidied_tvs context -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprWithExplicitKindsWhen True $ vcat [ text "Uninferrable type variable" <> plural tidied_tvs <+> pprWithCommas pprTyVar tidied_tvs <+> text "in" , pprUninferrableTyVarCtx context ] TcRnSkolemEscape escapees tv orig_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprWithExplicitKindsWhen True $ vcat [ sep [ text "Cannot generalise type; skolem" <> plural escapees , quotes $ pprTyVars escapees , text "would escape" <+> itsOrTheir escapees <+> text "scope" ] , sep [ text "if I tried to quantify" , pprTyVar tv , text "in this type:" ] , nest 2 (pprTidiedType orig_ty) , text "(Indeed, I sometimes struggle even printing this correctly," , text " due to its ill-scoped nature.)" ] TcRnPatSynEscapedCoercion arg bad_co_ne -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Iceland Jack! Iceland Jack! Stop torturing me!" , hang (text "Pattern-bound variable") 2 (ppr arg <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType arg)) , nest 2 $ hang (text "has a type that mentions pattern-bound coercion" <> plural bad_co_list <> colon) 2 (pprWithCommas ppr bad_co_list) , text "Hint: use -fprint-explicit-coercions to see the coercions" , text "Probable fix: add a pattern signature" ] where bad_co_list = NE.toList bad_co_ne TcRnPatSynExistentialInResult name pat_ty bad_tvs -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (sep [ text "The result type of the signature for" <+> quotes (ppr name) <> comma , text "namely" <+> quotes (ppr pat_ty) ]) 2 (text "mentions existential type variable" <> plural bad_tvs <+> pprQuotedList bad_tvs) TcRnPatSynArityMismatch name decl_arity missing -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Pattern synonym" <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> text "has" <+> speakNOf decl_arity (text "argument")) 2 (text "but its type signature has" <+> int missing <+> text "fewer arrows") TcRnPatSynInvalidRhs ps_name lpat _ reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ hang (text "Invalid right-hand side of bidirectional pattern synonym" <+> quotes (ppr ps_name) <> colon) 2 (pprPatSynInvalidRhsReason reason) , text "RHS pattern:" <+> ppr lpat ] TcRnMultiAssocTyFamDefaults name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "More than one default declaration for" <+> ppr name TcRnTyFamDepsDisabled -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal injectivity annotation" TcRnAbstractClosedTyFamDecl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "You may define an abstract closed type family" $$ text "only in a .hs-boot file" TcRnPartialFieldSelector fld -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [text "Use of partial record field selector" <> colon, nest 2 $ quotes (ppr (occName fld))] TcRnBadFieldAnnotation n con reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (pprBadFieldAnnotationReason reason) 2 (text "on the" <+> speakNth n <+> text "argument of" <+> quotes (ppr con)) TcRnSuperclassCycle (MkSuperclassCycle cls definite details) -> let herald | definite = text "Superclass cycle for" | otherwise = text "Potential superclass cycle for" in mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ herald <+> quotes (ppr cls), nest 2 (vcat (pprSuperclassCycleDetail <$> details))] TcRnDefaultSigMismatch sel_id dm_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "The default type signature for" <+> ppr sel_id <> colon) 2 (ppr dm_ty) $$ (text "does not match its corresponding" <+> text "non-default type signature") TcRnTyFamsDisabled reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal family" <+> text sort <+> text "for" <+> quotes name where (sort, name) = case reason of TyFamsDisabledFamily n -> ("declaration", ppr n) TyFamsDisabledInstance n -> ("instance", ppr n) TcRnTyFamResultDisabled tc_name tvb -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal result type variable" <+> ppr tvb <+> text "for" <+> quotes (ppr tc_name) TcRnRoleValidationFailed role reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [text "Internal error in role inference:", pprRoleValidationFailedReason role reason, text "Please report this as a GHC bug: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/reportabug"] TcRnCommonFieldResultTypeMismatch con1 con2 field_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [sep [text "Constructors" <+> ppr con1 <+> text "and" <+> ppr con2, text "have a common field" <+> quotes (ppr field_name) <> comma], nest 2 $ text "but have different result types"] TcRnCommonFieldTypeMismatch con1 con2 field_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [text "Constructors" <+> ppr con1 <+> text "and" <+> ppr con2, text "give different types for field", quotes (ppr field_name)] TcRnClassExtensionDisabled cls reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprDisabledClassExtension cls reason TcRnAssocNoClassTyVar cls fam_tc -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ text "The associated type" <+> quotes (ppr fam_tc <+> hsep (map ppr (tyConTyVars fam_tc))) , text "mentions none of the type or kind variables of the class" <+> quotes (ppr cls <+> hsep (map ppr (classTyVars cls)))] TcRnDataConParentTypeMismatch data_con res_ty_tmpl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr data_con) <+> text "returns type" <+> quotes (ppr actual_res_ty)) 2 (text "instead of an instance of its parent type" <+> quotes (ppr res_ty_tmpl)) where actual_res_ty = dataConOrigResTy data_con TcRnGADTsDisabled tc_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal generalised algebraic data declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr tc_name) TcRnExistentialQuantificationDisabled con -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sdocOption sdocLinearTypes (\show_linear_types -> hang (text "Data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+> text "has existential type variables, a context, or a specialised result type") 2 (ppr con <+> dcolon <+> ppr (dataConDisplayType show_linear_types con))) TcRnGADTDataContext tc_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "A data type declared in GADT style cannot have a context:" <+> quotes (ppr tc_name) TcRnMultipleConForNewtype tycon n -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [text "A newtype must have exactly one constructor,", nest 2 $ text "but" <+> quotes (ppr tycon) <+> text "has" <+> speakN n] TcRnKindSignaturesDisabled thing -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal kind signature" <+> quotes (either ppr with_sig thing) where with_sig (tc_name, ksig) = ppr tc_name <+> dcolon <+> ppr ksig TcRnEmptyDataDeclsDisabled tycon -> mkSimpleDecorated $ quotes (ppr tycon) <+> text "has no constructors" TcRnFamilyCategoryMismatch family -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Wrong category of family instance; declaration was for a" <+> kindOfFamily where kindOfFamily | isTypeFamilyTyCon family = text "type family" | isDataFamilyTyCon family = text "data family" | otherwise = pprPanic "wrongKindOfFamily" (ppr family) TcRnFamilyArityMismatch _ max_args -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Number of parameters must match family declaration; expected" <+> ppr max_args TcRnRoleMismatch var annot inferred -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Role mismatch on variable" <+> ppr var <> colon) 2 (sep [ text "Annotation says", ppr annot , text "but role", ppr inferred , text "is required" ]) TcRnRoleCountMismatch tyvars d@(L _ (RoleAnnotDecl _ _ annots)) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Wrong number of roles listed in role annotation;" $$ text "Expected" <+> (ppr tyvars) <> comma <+> text "got" <+> (ppr $ length annots) <> colon) 2 (ppr d) TcRnIllegalRoleAnnotation (RoleAnnotDecl _ tycon _) -> mkSimpleDecorated $ (text "Illegal role annotation for" <+> ppr tycon <> char ';' $$ text "they are allowed only for datatypes and classes.") TcRnRoleAnnotationsDisabled tc -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal role annotation for" <+> ppr tc TcRnIncoherentRoles _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ (text "Roles other than" <+> quotes (text "nominal") <+> text "for class parameters can lead to incoherence.") TcRnTyFamNameMismatch fam_tc_name eqn_tc_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Mismatched type name in type family instance.") 2 (vcat [ text "Expected:" <+> ppr fam_tc_name , text " Actual:" <+> ppr eqn_tc_name ]) TcRnBindVarAlreadyInScope tv_names_in_scope -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Type variable" <> plural tv_names_in_scope <+> hcat (punctuate (text ",") (map (quotes . ppr) tv_names_in_scope)) <+> isOrAre tv_names_in_scope <+> text "already in scope." , text "Type applications in patterns must bind fresh variables, without shadowing." ] TcRnBindMultipleVariables ctx tv_name_w_loc -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Variable" <+> text "`" <> ppr tv_name_w_loc <> text "'" <+> text "would be bound multiple times by" <+> pprHsDocContext ctx <> text "." TcRnUnexpectedKindVar tv_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Unexpected kind variable" <+> quotes (ppr tv_name) TcRnNegativeNumTypeLiteral tyLit -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal literal in type (type literals must not be negative):" <+> ppr tyLit TcRnIllegalKind ty_thing _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal kind:" <+> (ppr ty_thing) TcRnPrecedenceParsingError op1 op2 -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Precedence parsing error") 4 (hsep [text "cannot mix", ppr_opfix op1, text "and", ppr_opfix op2, text "in the same infix expression"]) TcRnSectionPrecedenceError op arg_op section -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [text "The operator" <+> ppr_opfix op <+> text "of a section", nest 4 (sep [text "must have lower precedence than that of the operand,", nest 2 (text "namely" <+> ppr_opfix arg_op)]), nest 4 (text "in the section:" <+> quotes (ppr section))] TcRnUnexpectedPatSigType ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Illegal type signature:" <+> quotes (ppr ty)) 2 (text "Type signatures are only allowed in patterns with ScopedTypeVariables") TcRnIllegalKindSignature ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal kind signature:" <+> quotes (ppr ty) TcRnUnusedQuantifiedTypeVar doc tyVar -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Unused quantified type variable" <+> quotes (ppr tyVar) , inHsDocContext doc ] TcRnDataKindsError typeOrKind thing -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal" <+> (text $ levelString typeOrKind) <> colon <+> quotes (ppr thing) TcRnTypeSynonymCycle decl_or_tcs -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ text "Cycle in type synonym declarations:" , nest 2 (vcat (map ppr_decl decl_or_tcs)) ] where ppr_decl = \case Right (L loc decl) -> ppr (locA loc) <> colon <+> ppr decl Left tc -> let n = tyConName tc in ppr (getSrcSpan n) <> colon <+> ppr (tyConName tc) <+> text "from external module" TcRnCannotDefaultConcrete frr -> mkSimpleDecorated $ ppr (frr_context frr) $$ text "cannot be assigned a fixed runtime representation," <+> text "not even by defaulting." TcRnInterfaceError reason -> diagnosticMessage (tcOptsIfaceOpts opts) reason TcRnSelfImport imp_mod_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "A module cannot import itself:" <+> ppr imp_mod_name TcRnNoExplicitImportList mod -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "The module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> text "does not have an explicit import list" TcRnSafeImportsDisabled _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "safe import can't be used as Safe Haskell isn't on!" TcRnDeprecatedModule mod txt -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ text "Module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <> text extra <> colon, nest 2 (vcat (map (ppr . hsDocString . unLoc) msg)) ] where (extra, msg) = case txt of WarningTxt _ _ msg -> ("", msg) DeprecatedTxt _ msg -> (" is deprecated", msg) TcRnCompatUnqualifiedImport decl -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "To ensure compatibility with future core libraries changes" , text "imports to" <+> ppr (ideclName decl) <+> text "should be" , text "either qualified or have an explicit import list." ] TcRnRedundantSourceImport mod_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Unnecessary {-# SOURCE #-} in the import of module" <+> quotes (ppr mod_name) TcRnImportLookup reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprImportLookup reason TcRnUnusedImport decl reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprUnusedImport decl reason TcRnDuplicateDecls name sorted_names -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [text "Multiple declarations of" <+> quotes (ppr name), -- NB. print the OccName, not the Name, because the -- latter might not be in scope in the RdrEnv and so will -- be printed qualified. text "Declared at:" <+> vcat (NE.toList $ ppr . nameSrcLoc <$> sorted_names)] TcRnPackageImportsDisabled -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Package-qualified imports are not enabled" TcRnIllegalDataCon name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [text "Illegal data constructor name", quotes (ppr name)] TcRnNestedForallsContexts entity -> mkSimpleDecorated $ what <+> text "cannot contain nested" <+> quotes forAllLit <> text "s or contexts" where what = case entity of NFC_Specialize -> text "SPECIALISE instance type" NFC_ViaType -> quotes (text "via") <+> text "type" NFC_GadtConSig -> text "GADT constructor type signature" NFC_InstanceHead -> text "Instance head" NFC_StandaloneDerivedInstanceHead -> text "Standalone-derived instance head" NFC_DerivedClassType -> text "Derived class type" TcRnRedundantRecordWildcard -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Record wildcard does not bind any new variables" TcRnUnusedRecordWildcard _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "No variables bound in the record wildcard match are used" TcRnUnusedName name reason -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprUnusedName name reason TcRnQualifiedBinder rdr_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Qualified name in binding position:" <+> ppr rdr_name TcRnTypeApplicationsDisabled tok t -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal visible" <+> text what <+> text "application" <+> quotes (char '@' <> ppr t) where what = case tok of TypeLevel -> "type" KindLevel -> "kind" TcRnInvalidRecordField con field -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hsep [text "Constructor" <+> quotes (ppr con), text "does not have field", quotes (ppr field)] TcRnTupleTooLarge tup_size -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [text "A" <+> int tup_size <> text "-tuple is too large for GHC", nest 2 (parens (text "max size is" <+> int mAX_TUPLE_SIZE)), nest 2 (text "Workaround: use nested tuples or define a data type")] TcRnCTupleTooLarge tup_size -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Constraint tuple arity too large:" <+> int tup_size <+> parens (text "max arity =" <+> int mAX_CTUPLE_SIZE)) 2 (text "Instead, use a nested tuple") TcRnIllegalInferredTyVars _ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Inferred type variables are not allowed" TcRnAmbiguousName gre_env name gres -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [ text "Ambiguous occurrence" <+> quotes (ppr name) <> dot , text "It could refer to" , nest 3 (vcat msgs) ] where np1 NE.:| nps = gres msgs = punctuateFinal comma dot $ text "either" <+> ppr_gre np1 : [text " or" <+> ppr_gre np | np <- nps] ppr_gre gre = pprAmbiguousGreName gre_env gre TcRnBindingNameConflict name locs -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [text "Conflicting definitions for" <+> quotes (ppr name), locations] where locations = text "Bound at:" <+> vcat (map ppr (sortBy leftmost_smallest (NE.toList locs))) TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition reason inst_ty -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprNonCanonicalDefinition inst_ty reason TcRnUnexpectedDeclarationSplice {} -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Declaration splices are not permitted" <+> text "inside top-level declarations added with" <+> quotes (text "addTopDecls") <> dot TcRnImplicitImportOfPrelude -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Module" <+> quotes (text "Prelude") <+> text "implicitly imported." TcRnMissingMain explicit_export_list main_mod main_occ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "The" <+> ppMainFn main_occ <+> text "is not" <+> defOrExp <+> text "module" <+> quotes (ppr main_mod) where defOrExp :: SDoc defOrExp | explicit_export_list = text "exported by" | otherwise = text "defined in" TcRnGhciUnliftedBind id -> mkSimpleDecorated $ sep [ text "GHCi can't bind a variable of unlifted type:" , nest 2 (pprPrefixOcc id <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType id)) ] TcRnGhciMonadLookupFail ty lookups -> mkSimpleDecorated $ hang (text "Can't find type" <+> pp_ty <> dot $$ ambig_msg) 2 (text "When checking that" <+> pp_ty <> text "is a monad that can execute GHCi statements.") where pp_ty = quotes (text ty) ambig_msg = case lookups of Just (_:_:_) -> text "The type is ambiguous." _ -> empty diagnosticReason = \case TcRnUnknownMessage m -> diagnosticReason m TcRnMessageWithInfo _ msg_with_info -> case msg_with_info of TcRnMessageDetailed _ m -> diagnosticReason m TcRnWithHsDocContext _ msg -> diagnosticReason msg TcRnSolverReport _ reason _ -> reason -- Error, or a Warning if we are deferring type errors TcRnRedundantConstraints {} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnRedundantConstraints TcRnInaccessibleCode {} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnInaccessibleCode TcRnTypeDoesNotHaveFixedRuntimeRep{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnImplicitLift{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnImplicitLift TcRnUnusedPatternBinds{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnUnusedPatternBinds TcRnDodgyImports{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnDodgyImports TcRnDodgyExports{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnDodgyExports TcRnMissingImportList{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMissingImportList TcRnUnsafeDueToPlugin{} -> WarningWithoutFlag TcRnModMissingRealSrcSpan{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIdNotExportedFromModuleSig{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIdNotExportedFromLocalSig{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnShadowedName{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnNameShadowing TcRnInvalidWarningCategory{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDuplicateWarningDecls{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnSimplifierTooManyIterations{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalPatSynDecl{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnLinearPatSyn{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnEmptyRecordUpdate -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalFieldPunning{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalWildcardsInRecord{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalWildcardInType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDuplicateFieldName{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalViewPattern{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCharLiteralOutOfRange{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalWildcardsInConstructor{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIgnoringAnnotations{} -> WarningWithoutFlag TcRnAnnotationInSafeHaskell -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnInvalidTypeApplication{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTagToEnumMissingValArg -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTagToEnumUnspecifiedResTy{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTagToEnumResTyNotAnEnum{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTagToEnumResTyTypeData{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnArrowIfThenElsePredDependsOnResultTy -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalHsBootOrSigDecl {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBootMismatch {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnRecursivePatternSynonym{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPartialTypeSigTyVarMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPartialTypeSigBadQuantifier{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnMissingSignature what exported overridden -> WarningWithFlag $ missingSignatureWarningFlag what exported overridden TcRnPolymorphicBinderMissingSig{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMissingLocalSignatures TcRnOverloadedSig{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTupleConstraintInst{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnAbstractClassInst{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNoClassInstHead{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUserTypeError{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnConstraintInKind{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnboxedTupleOrSumTypeFuncArg{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnLinearFuncInKind{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnForAllEscapeError{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnVDQInTermType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBadQuantPredHead{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalTupleConstraint{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNonTypeVarArgInConstraint{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalImplicitParam{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalConstraintSynonymOfKind{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalClassInst{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnOversaturatedVisibleKindArg{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBadAssociatedType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnForAllRankErr{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnMonomorphicBindings{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMonomorphism TcRnOrphanInstance{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnOrphans TcRnFunDepConflict{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDupInstanceDecls{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnConflictingFamInstDecls{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnFamInstNotInjective{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBangOnUnliftedType{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnRedundantStrictnessFlags TcRnLazyBangOnUnliftedType{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnRedundantStrictnessFlags TcRnMultipleDefaultDeclarations{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBadDefaultType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPatSynBundledWithNonDataCon{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPatSynBundledWithWrongType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDupeModuleExport{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnDuplicateExports TcRnExportedModNotImported{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNullExportedModule{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnDodgyExports TcRnMissingExportList{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMissingExportList TcRnExportHiddenComponents{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDuplicateExport{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnDuplicateExports TcRnExportedParentChildMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnConflictingExports{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDuplicateFieldExport {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnAmbiguousFieldInUpdate {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnAmbiguousRecordUpdate{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnAmbiguousFields TcRnMissingFields{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMissingFields TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnMissingStrictFields{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBadRecordUpdate{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnStaticFormNotClosed{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUselessTypeable -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnDerivingTypeable TcRnDerivingDefaults{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnDerivingDefaults TcRnNonUnaryTypeclassConstraint{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPartialTypeSignatures{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnPartialTypeSignatures TcRnCannotDeriveInstance _ _ _ _ rea -> case rea of DerivErrNotWellKinded{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrSafeHaskellGenericInst -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrDerivingViaWrongKind{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrNoEtaReduce{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrBootFileFound -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrDataConsNotAllInScope{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrGNDUsedOnData -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrNullaryClasses -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrLastArgMustBeApp -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrNoFamilyInstance{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrNotStockDeriveable{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrHasAssociatedDatatypes{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrNewtypeNonDeriveableClass -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrCannotEtaReduceEnough{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrOnlyAnyClassDeriveable{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrNotDeriveable{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrNotAClass{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrNoConstructors{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrLangExtRequired{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrDunnoHowToDeriveForType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrMustBeEnumType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrMustHaveExactlyOneConstructor{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrMustHaveSomeParameters{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrMustNotHaveClassContext{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrBadConstructor{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrGenerics{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag DerivErrEnumOrProduct{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnLookupInstance _ _ _ -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnLazyGADTPattern -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnArrowProcGADTPattern -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnSpecialClassInst {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnForallIdentifier {} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnForallIdentifier TcRnTypeEqualityOutOfScope -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnTypeEqualityOutOfScope TcRnTypeEqualityRequiresOperators -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnTypeEqualityRequiresOperators TcRnIllegalTypeOperator {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalTypeOperatorDecl {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnGADTMonoLocalBinds {} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnGADTMonoLocalBinds TcRnIncorrectNameSpace {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNotInScope {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTermNameInType {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUntickedPromotedThing {} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnUntickedPromotedConstructors TcRnIllegalBuiltinSyntax {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnWarnDefaulting {} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnTypeDefaults TcRnForeignImportPrimExtNotSet{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnForeignImportPrimSafeAnn{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnForeignFunctionImportAsValue{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnFunPtrImportWithoutAmpersand{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnDodgyForeignImports TcRnIllegalForeignDeclBackend{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnsupportedCallConv _ unsupportedCC -> case unsupportedCC of StdCallConvUnsupported -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnUnsupportedCallingConventions _ -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalForeignType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnInvalidCIdentifier{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnExpectedValueId{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnRecSelectorEscapedTyVar{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPatSynNotBidirectional{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnSplicePolymorphicLocalVar{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalDerivingItem{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnexpectedAnnotation{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalRecordSyntax{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnexpectedTypeSplice{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnInvalidVisibleKindArgument{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTooManyBinders{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDifferentNamesForTyVar{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnInvalidReturnKind{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnClassKindNotConstraint{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnpromotableThing{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnMatchesHaveDiffNumArgs{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCannotBindScopedTyVarInPatSig{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCannotBindTyVarsInPatBind{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTooManyTyArgsInConPattern{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnMultipleInlinePragmas{} -> WarningWithoutFlag TcRnUnexpectedPragmas{} -> WarningWithoutFlag TcRnNonOverloadedSpecialisePragma{} -> WarningWithoutFlag TcRnSpecialiseNotVisible{} -> WarningWithoutFlag TcRnPragmaWarning{pragma_warning_msg} -> WarningWithCategory (warningTxtCategory pragma_warning_msg) TcRnIllegalHsigDefaultMethods{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnHsigFixityMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnHsigShapeMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnHsigMissingModuleExport{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBadGenericMethod{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnWarningMinimalDefIncomplete{} -> WarningWithoutFlag TcRnDefaultMethodForPragmaLacksBinding{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIgnoreSpecialisePragmaOnDefMethod{} -> WarningWithoutFlag TcRnBadMethodErr{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNoExplicitAssocTypeOrDefaultDeclaration{} -> WarningWithFlag (Opt_WarnMissingMethods) TcRnIllegalTypeData -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTypeDataForbids{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalNewtype{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTypedTHWithPolyType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnSpliceThrewException{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnInvalidTopDecl{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNonExactName{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnAddInvalidCorePlugin{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnAddDocToNonLocalDefn{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnFailedToLookupThInstName{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCannotReifyInstance{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCannotReifyOutOfScopeThing{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCannotReifyThingNotInTypeEnv{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNoRolesAssociatedWithThing{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCannotRepresentType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnRunSpliceFailure{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnReportCustomQuasiError isError _ -> if isError then ErrorWithoutFlag else WarningWithoutFlag TcRnUnsatisfiedMinimalDef{} -> WarningWithFlag (Opt_WarnMissingMethods) TcRnMisplacedInstSig{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalFamilyInstance{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnMissingClassAssoc{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNotOpenFamily{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNoRebindableSyntaxRecordDot{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNoFieldPunsRecordDot{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalStaticExpression{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalStaticFormInSplice{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnListComprehensionDuplicateBinding{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnEmptyStmtsGroup{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnLastStmtNotExpr{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnexpectedStatementInContext{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnSectionWithoutParentheses{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalImplicitParameterBindings{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalTupleSection{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCapturedTermName{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnTermVariableCapture TcRnBindingOfExistingName{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnMultipleFixityDecls{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalPatternSynonymDecl{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalClassBinding{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnOrphanCompletePragma{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnEmptyCase{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNonStdGuards{} -> WarningWithoutFlag TcRnDuplicateSigDecl{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnMisplacedSigDecl{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnexpectedDefaultSig{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDuplicateMinimalSig{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnLoopySuperclassSolve{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnLoopySuperclassSolve TcRnIllegalInstanceHeadDecl{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneDerivingDecl{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnusedVariableInRuleDecl{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneKindSig{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalRuleLhs{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBadAssocRhs{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDuplicateRoleAnnot{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDuplicateKindSig{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalDerivStrategy{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalMultipleDerivClauses{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNoDerivStratSpecified{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMissingDerivingStrategies TcRnStupidThetaInGadt{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBadImplicitSplice{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnShadowedTyVarNameInFamResult{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIncorrectTyVarOnLhsOfInjCond{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnknownTyVarsOnRhsOfInjCond{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBadlyStaged{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnStageRestriction{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTyThingUsedWrong{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCannotDefaultKindVar{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUninferrableTyVar{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnSkolemEscape{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPatSynEscapedCoercion{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPatSynExistentialInResult{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPatSynArityMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPatSynInvalidRhs{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnMultiAssocTyFamDefaults{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTyFamDepsDisabled{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnAbstractClosedTyFamDecl{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPartialFieldSelector{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnPartialFields TcRnBadFieldAnnotation _ _ LazyFieldsDisabled -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBadFieldAnnotation{} -> WarningWithoutFlag TcRnSuperclassCycle{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDefaultSigMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTyFamsDisabled{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTyFamResultDisabled{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnRoleValidationFailed{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCommonFieldResultTypeMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCommonFieldTypeMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnClassExtensionDisabled{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnAssocNoClassTyVar{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDataConParentTypeMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnGADTsDisabled{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnExistentialQuantificationDisabled{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnGADTDataContext{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnMultipleConForNewtype{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnKindSignaturesDisabled{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnEmptyDataDeclsDisabled{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnFamilyCategoryMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnFamilyArityMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnRoleMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnRoleCountMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalRoleAnnotation{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnRoleAnnotationsDisabled{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIncoherentRoles{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTyFamNameMismatch{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBindVarAlreadyInScope{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBindMultipleVariables{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnexpectedKindVar{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNegativeNumTypeLiteral{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalKind{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPrecedenceParsingError{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnSectionPrecedenceError{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnexpectedPatSigType{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalKindSignature{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnusedQuantifiedTypeVar{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnUnusedForalls TcRnDataKindsError{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTypeSynonymCycle{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCannotDefaultConcrete{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnInterfaceError err -> interfaceErrorReason err TcRnSelfImport{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNoExplicitImportList{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMissingImportList TcRnSafeImportsDisabled{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnDeprecatedModule _ txt -> WarningWithCategory (warningTxtCategory txt) TcRnCompatUnqualifiedImport{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnCompatUnqualifiedImports TcRnRedundantSourceImport{} -> WarningWithoutFlag TcRnImportLookup{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnUnusedImport{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnUnusedImports TcRnDuplicateDecls{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnPackageImportsDisabled -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalDataCon{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNestedForallsContexts{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnRedundantRecordWildcard -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnRedundantRecordWildcards TcRnUnusedRecordWildcard{} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnUnusedRecordWildcards TcRnUnusedName _ prov -> WarningWithFlag $ case prov of UnusedNameTopDecl -> Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds UnusedNameImported _ -> Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds UnusedNameTypePattern -> Opt_WarnUnusedTypePatterns UnusedNameMatch -> Opt_WarnUnusedMatches UnusedNameLocalBind -> Opt_WarnUnusedLocalBinds TcRnQualifiedBinder{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTypeApplicationsDisabled{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnInvalidRecordField{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnTupleTooLarge{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnCTupleTooLarge{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnIllegalInferredTyVars{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnAmbiguousName{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnBindingNameConflict{} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition (NonCanonicalMonoid _) _ -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition (NonCanonicalMonad _) _ -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances TcRnUnexpectedDeclarationSplice {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnImplicitImportOfPrelude {} -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude TcRnMissingMain {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnGhciUnliftedBind {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag TcRnGhciMonadLookupFail {} -> ErrorWithoutFlag diagnosticHints = \case TcRnUnknownMessage m -> diagnosticHints m TcRnMessageWithInfo _ msg_with_info -> case msg_with_info of TcRnMessageDetailed _ m -> diagnosticHints m TcRnWithHsDocContext _ msg -> diagnosticHints msg TcRnSolverReport _ _ hints -> hints TcRnRedundantConstraints{} -> noHints TcRnInaccessibleCode{} -> noHints TcRnTypeDoesNotHaveFixedRuntimeRep{} -> noHints TcRnImplicitLift{} -> noHints TcRnUnusedPatternBinds{} -> noHints TcRnDodgyImports{} -> noHints TcRnDodgyExports{} -> noHints TcRnMissingImportList{} -> noHints TcRnUnsafeDueToPlugin{} -> noHints TcRnModMissingRealSrcSpan{} -> noHints TcRnIdNotExportedFromModuleSig name mod -> [SuggestAddToHSigExportList name $ Just mod] TcRnIdNotExportedFromLocalSig name -> [SuggestAddToHSigExportList name Nothing] TcRnShadowedName{} -> noHints TcRnInvalidWarningCategory{} -> noHints TcRnDuplicateWarningDecls{} -> noHints TcRnSimplifierTooManyIterations{} -> [SuggestIncreaseSimplifierIterations] TcRnIllegalPatSynDecl{} -> noHints TcRnLinearPatSyn{} -> noHints TcRnEmptyRecordUpdate{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalFieldPunning{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.NamedFieldPuns] TcRnIllegalWildcardsInRecord{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.RecordWildCards] TcRnIllegalWildcardInType{} -> noHints TcRnDuplicateFieldName{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalViewPattern{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.ViewPatterns] TcRnCharLiteralOutOfRange{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalWildcardsInConstructor{} -> noHints TcRnIgnoringAnnotations{} -> noHints TcRnAnnotationInSafeHaskell -> noHints TcRnInvalidTypeApplication{} -> noHints TcRnTagToEnumMissingValArg -> noHints TcRnTagToEnumUnspecifiedResTy{} -> noHints TcRnTagToEnumResTyNotAnEnum{} -> noHints TcRnTagToEnumResTyTypeData{} -> noHints TcRnArrowIfThenElsePredDependsOnResultTy -> noHints TcRnIllegalHsBootOrSigDecl {} -> noHints TcRnBootMismatch boot_or_sig err | Hsig <- boot_or_sig , BootMismatch _ _ (BootMismatchedTyCons _boot_tc real_tc tc_errs) <- err , any is_synAbsData_etaReduce (NE.toList tc_errs) -> [SuggestEtaReduceAbsDataTySyn real_tc] | otherwise -> noHints where is_synAbsData_etaReduce (SynAbstractData SynAbsDataTySynNotNullary) = True is_synAbsData_etaReduce _ = False TcRnRecursivePatternSynonym{} -> noHints TcRnPartialTypeSigTyVarMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnPartialTypeSigBadQuantifier{} -> noHints TcRnMissingSignature {} -> noHints TcRnPolymorphicBinderMissingSig{} -> noHints TcRnOverloadedSig{} -> noHints TcRnTupleConstraintInst{} -> noHints TcRnAbstractClassInst{} -> noHints TcRnNoClassInstHead{} -> noHints TcRnUserTypeError{} -> noHints TcRnConstraintInKind{} -> noHints TcRnUnboxedTupleOrSumTypeFuncArg tuple_or_sum _ -> [suggestExtension $ unboxedTupleOrSumExtension tuple_or_sum] TcRnLinearFuncInKind{} -> noHints TcRnForAllEscapeError{} -> noHints TcRnVDQInTermType{} -> noHints TcRnBadQuantPredHead{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalTupleConstraint{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.ConstraintKinds] TcRnNonTypeVarArgInConstraint{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.FlexibleContexts] TcRnIllegalImplicitParam{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalConstraintSynonymOfKind{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.ConstraintKinds] TcRnIllegalClassInst{} -> noHints TcRnOversaturatedVisibleKindArg{} -> noHints TcRnBadAssociatedType{} -> noHints TcRnForAllRankErr rank _ -> case rank of LimitedRank{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.RankNTypes] MonoTypeRankZero -> [suggestExtension LangExt.RankNTypes] MonoTypeTyConArg -> [suggestExtension LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes] MonoTypeSynArg -> [suggestExtension LangExt.LiberalTypeSynonyms] MonoTypeConstraint -> [suggestExtension LangExt.QuantifiedConstraints] _ -> noHints TcRnMonomorphicBindings bindings -> case bindings of [] -> noHints (x:xs) -> [SuggestAddTypeSignatures $ NamedBindings (x NE.:| xs)] TcRnOrphanInstance clsOrFamInst -> [SuggestFixOrphanInst { isFamilyInstance = isFam }] where isFam = case clsOrFamInst :: Either ClsInst FamInst of Left _clsInst -> Nothing Right famInst -> Just $ fi_flavor famInst TcRnFunDepConflict{} -> noHints TcRnDupInstanceDecls{} -> noHints TcRnConflictingFamInstDecls{} -> noHints TcRnFamInstNotInjective rea _ _ -> case rea of InjErrRhsBareTyVar{} -> noHints InjErrRhsCannotBeATypeFam -> noHints InjErrRhsOverlap -> noHints InjErrCannotInferFromRhs _ _ suggestUndInst | YesSuggestUndecidableInstaces <- suggestUndInst -> [suggestExtension LangExt.UndecidableInstances] | otherwise -> noHints TcRnBangOnUnliftedType{} -> noHints TcRnLazyBangOnUnliftedType{} -> noHints TcRnMultipleDefaultDeclarations{} -> noHints TcRnBadDefaultType{} -> noHints TcRnPatSynBundledWithNonDataCon{} -> noHints TcRnPatSynBundledWithWrongType{} -> noHints TcRnDupeModuleExport{} -> noHints TcRnExportedModNotImported{} -> noHints TcRnNullExportedModule{} -> noHints TcRnMissingExportList{} -> noHints TcRnExportHiddenComponents{} -> noHints TcRnDuplicateExport{} -> noHints TcRnExportedParentChildMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnConflictingExports{} -> noHints TcRnDuplicateFieldExport {} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.DuplicateRecordFields] TcRnAmbiguousFieldInUpdate {} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.DisambiguateRecordFields] TcRnAmbiguousRecordUpdate{} -> noHints TcRnMissingFields{} -> noHints TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType{} -> noHints TcRnMissingStrictFields{} -> noHints TcRnBadRecordUpdate{} -> noHints TcRnStaticFormNotClosed{} -> noHints TcRnUselessTypeable -> noHints TcRnDerivingDefaults{} -> [useDerivingStrategies] TcRnNonUnaryTypeclassConstraint{} -> noHints TcRnPartialTypeSignatures suggestParSig _ -> case suggestParSig of YesSuggestPartialTypeSignatures -> let info = text "to use the inferred type" in [suggestExtensionWithInfo info LangExt.PartialTypeSignatures] NoSuggestPartialTypeSignatures -> noHints TcRnCannotDeriveInstance cls _ _ newtype_deriving rea -> deriveInstanceErrReasonHints cls newtype_deriving rea TcRnLookupInstance _ _ _ -> noHints TcRnLazyGADTPattern -> noHints TcRnArrowProcGADTPattern -> noHints TcRnSpecialClassInst {} -> noHints TcRnForallIdentifier {} -> [SuggestRenameForall] TcRnTypeEqualityOutOfScope -> noHints TcRnTypeEqualityRequiresOperators -> [suggestExtension LangExt.TypeOperators] TcRnIllegalTypeOperator {} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.TypeOperators] TcRnIllegalTypeOperatorDecl {} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.TypeOperators] TcRnGADTMonoLocalBinds {} -> [suggestAnyExtension [LangExt.GADTs, LangExt.TypeFamilies]] TcRnIncorrectNameSpace nm is_th_use | is_th_use -> [SuggestAppropriateTHTick $ nameNameSpace nm] | otherwise -> noHints TcRnNotInScope err _ _ hints -> scopeErrorHints err ++ hints TcRnTermNameInType _ hints -> hints TcRnUntickedPromotedThing thing -> [SuggestAddTick thing] TcRnIllegalBuiltinSyntax {} -> noHints TcRnWarnDefaulting {} -> noHints TcRnForeignImportPrimExtNotSet{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.GHCForeignImportPrim] TcRnForeignImportPrimSafeAnn{} -> noHints TcRnForeignFunctionImportAsValue{} -> noHints TcRnFunPtrImportWithoutAmpersand{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalForeignDeclBackend{} -> noHints TcRnUnsupportedCallConv{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalForeignType _ reason -> case reason of TypeCannotBeMarshaled _ why | NewtypeDataConNotInScope tc _ <- why -> let tc_nm = tyConName tc dc = dataConName $ head $ tyConDataCons tc in [ ImportSuggestion (occName dc) $ ImportDataCon Nothing (nameOccName tc_nm) ] | UnliftedFFITypesNeeded <- why -> [suggestExtension LangExt.UnliftedFFITypes] _ -> noHints TcRnInvalidCIdentifier{} -> noHints TcRnExpectedValueId{} -> noHints TcRnRecSelectorEscapedTyVar{} -> [SuggestPatternMatchingSyntax] TcRnPatSynNotBidirectional{} -> noHints TcRnSplicePolymorphicLocalVar{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalDerivingItem{} -> noHints TcRnUnexpectedAnnotation{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalRecordSyntax{} -> noHints TcRnUnexpectedTypeSplice{} -> noHints TcRnInvalidVisibleKindArgument{} -> noHints TcRnTooManyBinders{} -> noHints TcRnDifferentNamesForTyVar{} -> noHints TcRnInvalidReturnKind _ _ _ mb_suggest_unlifted_ext -> case mb_suggest_unlifted_ext of Nothing -> noHints Just SuggestUnliftedNewtypes -> [suggestExtension LangExt.UnliftedNewtypes] Just SuggestUnliftedDatatypes -> [suggestExtension LangExt.UnliftedDatatypes] TcRnClassKindNotConstraint{} -> noHints TcRnUnpromotableThing{} -> noHints TcRnMatchesHaveDiffNumArgs{} -> noHints TcRnCannotBindScopedTyVarInPatSig{} -> noHints TcRnCannotBindTyVarsInPatBind{} -> noHints TcRnTooManyTyArgsInConPattern{} -> noHints TcRnMultipleInlinePragmas{} -> noHints TcRnUnexpectedPragmas{} -> noHints TcRnNonOverloadedSpecialisePragma{} -> noHints TcRnSpecialiseNotVisible name -> [SuggestSpecialiseVisibilityHints name] TcRnPragmaWarning{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalHsigDefaultMethods{} -> noHints TcRnHsigFixityMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnHsigShapeMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnHsigMissingModuleExport{} -> noHints TcRnBadGenericMethod{} -> noHints TcRnWarningMinimalDefIncomplete{} -> noHints TcRnDefaultMethodForPragmaLacksBinding{} -> noHints TcRnIgnoreSpecialisePragmaOnDefMethod{} -> noHints TcRnBadMethodErr{} -> noHints TcRnNoExplicitAssocTypeOrDefaultDeclaration{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalTypeData -> [suggestExtension LangExt.TypeData] TcRnTypeDataForbids{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalNewtype{} -> noHints TcRnTypedTHWithPolyType{} -> noHints TcRnSpliceThrewException{} -> noHints TcRnInvalidTopDecl{} -> noHints TcRnNonExactName{} -> noHints TcRnAddInvalidCorePlugin{} -> noHints TcRnAddDocToNonLocalDefn{} -> noHints TcRnFailedToLookupThInstName{} -> noHints TcRnCannotReifyInstance{} -> noHints TcRnCannotReifyOutOfScopeThing{} -> noHints TcRnCannotReifyThingNotInTypeEnv{} -> noHints TcRnNoRolesAssociatedWithThing{} -> noHints TcRnCannotRepresentType{} -> noHints TcRnRunSpliceFailure{} -> noHints TcRnReportCustomQuasiError{} -> noHints TcRnUnsatisfiedMinimalDef{} -> noHints TcRnMisplacedInstSig{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.InstanceSigs] TcRnIllegalFamilyInstance{} -> noHints TcRnMissingClassAssoc{} -> noHints TcRnNotOpenFamily{} -> noHints TcRnNoRebindableSyntaxRecordDot{} -> noHints TcRnNoFieldPunsRecordDot{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalStaticExpression{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.StaticPointers] TcRnIllegalStaticFormInSplice{} -> noHints TcRnListComprehensionDuplicateBinding{} -> noHints TcRnEmptyStmtsGroup EmptyStmtsGroupInDoNotation{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.NondecreasingIndentation] TcRnEmptyStmtsGroup{} -> noHints TcRnLastStmtNotExpr{} -> noHints TcRnUnexpectedStatementInContext _ _ mExt | Nothing <- mExt -> noHints | Just ext <- mExt -> [suggestExtension ext] TcRnSectionWithoutParentheses{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalImplicitParameterBindings{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalTupleSection{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.TupleSections] TcRnCapturedTermName{} -> [SuggestRenameTypeVariable] TcRnBindingOfExistingName{} -> noHints TcRnMultipleFixityDecls{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalPatternSynonymDecl{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.PatternSynonyms] TcRnIllegalClassBinding{} -> noHints TcRnOrphanCompletePragma{} -> noHints TcRnEmptyCase ctxt -> case ctxt of LamCaseAlt LamCases -> noHints -- cases syntax doesn't support empty case. ArrowMatchCtxt (ArrowLamCaseAlt LamCases) -> noHints _ -> [suggestExtension LangExt.EmptyCase] TcRnNonStdGuards{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.PatternGuards] TcRnDuplicateSigDecl{} -> noHints TcRnMisplacedSigDecl{} -> noHints TcRnUnexpectedDefaultSig{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.DefaultSignatures] TcRnDuplicateMinimalSig{} -> noHints TcRnLoopySuperclassSolve wtd_loc wtd_pty -> [LoopySuperclassSolveHint wtd_pty cls_or_qc] where cls_or_qc :: ClsInstOrQC cls_or_qc = case ctLocOrigin wtd_loc of ScOrigin c_or_q _ -> c_or_q _ -> IsClsInst -- shouldn't happen TcRnIllegalInstanceHeadDecl{} -> noHints TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneDerivingDecl{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.StandaloneDeriving] TcRnUnusedVariableInRuleDecl{} -> noHints TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneKindSig{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.StandaloneKindSignatures] TcRnIllegalRuleLhs{} -> noHints TcRnBadAssocRhs{} -> noHints TcRnDuplicateRoleAnnot{} -> noHints TcRnDuplicateKindSig{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalDerivStrategy ds -> case ds of ViaStrategy{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.DerivingVia] _ -> [suggestExtension LangExt.DerivingStrategies] TcRnIllegalMultipleDerivClauses{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.DerivingStrategies] TcRnNoDerivStratSpecified isDSEnabled -> if isDSEnabled then noHints else [suggestExtension LangExt.DerivingStrategies] TcRnStupidThetaInGadt{} -> noHints TcRnBadImplicitSplice{} -> noHints TcRnShadowedTyVarNameInFamResult{} -> noHints TcRnIncorrectTyVarOnLhsOfInjCond{} -> noHints TcRnUnknownTyVarsOnRhsOfInjCond{} -> noHints TcRnBadlyStaged{} -> noHints TcRnStageRestriction{} -> noHints TcRnTyThingUsedWrong{} -> noHints TcRnCannotDefaultKindVar{} -> noHints TcRnUninferrableTyVar{} -> noHints TcRnSkolemEscape{} -> noHints TcRnPatSynEscapedCoercion{} -> noHints TcRnPatSynExistentialInResult{} -> noHints TcRnPatSynArityMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnPatSynInvalidRhs name pat args (PatSynNotInvertible _) -> [SuggestExplicitBidiPatSyn name pat args] TcRnPatSynInvalidRhs{} -> noHints TcRnMultiAssocTyFamDefaults{} -> noHints TcRnTyFamDepsDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.TypeFamilyDependencies] TcRnAbstractClosedTyFamDecl{} -> noHints TcRnPartialFieldSelector{} -> noHints TcRnBadFieldAnnotation _ _ LazyFieldsDisabled -> [suggestExtension LangExt.StrictData] TcRnBadFieldAnnotation{} -> noHints TcRnSuperclassCycle{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.UndecidableSuperClasses] TcRnDefaultSigMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnTyFamsDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.TypeFamilies] TcRnTyFamResultDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.TypeFamilyDependencies] TcRnRoleValidationFailed{} -> noHints TcRnCommonFieldResultTypeMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnCommonFieldTypeMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnClassExtensionDisabled _ MultiParamDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.MultiParamTypeClasses] TcRnClassExtensionDisabled _ FunDepsDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.FunctionalDependencies] TcRnClassExtensionDisabled _ ConstrainedClassMethodsDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.ConstrainedClassMethods] TcRnAssocNoClassTyVar{} -> noHints TcRnDataConParentTypeMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnGADTsDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.GADTs] TcRnExistentialQuantificationDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.ExistentialQuantification, suggestExtension LangExt.GADTs] TcRnGADTDataContext{} -> noHints TcRnMultipleConForNewtype{} -> noHints TcRnKindSignaturesDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.KindSignatures] TcRnEmptyDataDeclsDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.EmptyDataDecls] TcRnFamilyCategoryMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnFamilyArityMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnRoleMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnRoleCountMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalRoleAnnotation{} -> noHints TcRnRoleAnnotationsDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.RoleAnnotations] TcRnIncoherentRoles{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.IncoherentInstances] TcRnTyFamNameMismatch{} -> noHints TcRnBindVarAlreadyInScope{} -> noHints TcRnBindMultipleVariables{} -> noHints TcRnUnexpectedKindVar{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.PolyKinds] TcRnNegativeNumTypeLiteral{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalKind _ suggest_polyKinds -> if suggest_polyKinds then [suggestExtension LangExt.PolyKinds] else noHints TcRnPrecedenceParsingError{} -> noHints TcRnSectionPrecedenceError{} -> noHints TcRnUnexpectedPatSigType{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.ScopedTypeVariables] TcRnIllegalKindSignature{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.KindSignatures] TcRnUnusedQuantifiedTypeVar{} -> noHints TcRnDataKindsError{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.DataKinds] TcRnTypeSynonymCycle{} -> noHints TcRnCannotDefaultConcrete{} -> [SuggestAddTypeSignatures UnnamedBinding] TcRnInterfaceError reason -> interfaceErrorHints reason TcRnSelfImport{} -> noHints TcRnNoExplicitImportList{} -> noHints TcRnSafeImportsDisabled{} -> [SuggestSafeHaskell] TcRnDeprecatedModule{} -> noHints TcRnCompatUnqualifiedImport{} -> noHints TcRnRedundantSourceImport{} -> noHints TcRnImportLookup (ImportLookupBad k _ is ie patsyns_enabled) -> let mod = is_mod is occ = rdrNameOcc $ ieName ie in case k of BadImportAvailVar -> [ImportSuggestion occ $ CouldRemoveTypeKeyword mod] BadImportNotExported -> noHints BadImportAvailTyCon -> [ImportSuggestion occ $ CouldAddTypeKeyword (is_mod is)] BadImportAvailDataCon par -> [ImportSuggestion occ $ ImportDataCon (Just (is_mod is, patsyns_enabled)) par] BadImportNotExportedSubordinates{} -> noHints TcRnImportLookup{} -> noHints TcRnUnusedImport{} -> noHints TcRnDuplicateDecls{} -> noHints TcRnPackageImportsDisabled -> [suggestExtension LangExt.PackageImports] TcRnIllegalDataCon{} -> noHints TcRnNestedForallsContexts{} -> noHints TcRnRedundantRecordWildcard -> [SuggestRemoveRecordWildcard] TcRnUnusedRecordWildcard{} -> [SuggestRemoveRecordWildcard] TcRnUnusedName{} -> noHints TcRnQualifiedBinder{} -> noHints TcRnTypeApplicationsDisabled{} -> [suggestExtension LangExt.TypeApplications] TcRnInvalidRecordField{} -> noHints TcRnTupleTooLarge{} -> noHints TcRnCTupleTooLarge{} -> noHints TcRnIllegalInferredTyVars{} -> noHints TcRnAmbiguousName{} -> noHints TcRnBindingNameConflict{} -> noHints TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition reason _ -> suggestNonCanonicalDefinition reason TcRnUnexpectedDeclarationSplice {} -> noHints TcRnImplicitImportOfPrelude {} -> noHints TcRnMissingMain {} -> noHints TcRnGhciUnliftedBind {} -> noHints TcRnGhciMonadLookupFail {} -> noHints diagnosticCode :: TcRnMessage -> Maybe DiagnosticCode diagnosticCode = constructorCode -- | Change [x] to "x", [x, y] to "x and y", [x, y, z] to "x, y, and z", -- and so on. The `and` stands for any `conjunction`, which is passed in. commafyWith :: SDoc -> [SDoc] -> [SDoc] commafyWith _ [] = [] commafyWith _ [x] = [x] commafyWith conjunction [x, y] = [x <+> conjunction <+> y] commafyWith conjunction xs = addConjunction $ punctuate comma xs where addConjunction [x, y] = [x, conjunction, y] addConjunction (x : xs) = x : addConjunction xs addConjunction _ = panic "commafyWith expected 2 or more elements" deriveInstanceErrReasonHints :: Class -> UsingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving -> DeriveInstanceErrReason -> [GhcHint] deriveInstanceErrReasonHints cls newtype_deriving = \case DerivErrNotWellKinded _ _ n_args_to_keep | cls `hasKey` gen1ClassKey && n_args_to_keep >= 0 -> [suggestExtension LangExt.PolyKinds] | otherwise -> noHints DerivErrSafeHaskellGenericInst -> noHints DerivErrDerivingViaWrongKind{} -> noHints DerivErrNoEtaReduce{} -> noHints DerivErrBootFileFound -> noHints DerivErrDataConsNotAllInScope{} -> noHints DerivErrGNDUsedOnData -> noHints DerivErrNullaryClasses -> noHints DerivErrLastArgMustBeApp -> noHints DerivErrNoFamilyInstance{} -> noHints DerivErrNotStockDeriveable deriveAnyClassEnabled | deriveAnyClassEnabled == NoDeriveAnyClassEnabled -> [suggestExtension LangExt.DeriveAnyClass] | otherwise -> noHints DerivErrHasAssociatedDatatypes{} -> noHints DerivErrNewtypeNonDeriveableClass | newtype_deriving == NoGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving -> [useGND] | otherwise -> noHints DerivErrCannotEtaReduceEnough{} | newtype_deriving == NoGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving -> [useGND] | otherwise -> noHints DerivErrOnlyAnyClassDeriveable _ deriveAnyClassEnabled | deriveAnyClassEnabled == NoDeriveAnyClassEnabled -> [suggestExtension LangExt.DeriveAnyClass] | otherwise -> noHints DerivErrNotDeriveable deriveAnyClassEnabled | deriveAnyClassEnabled == NoDeriveAnyClassEnabled -> [suggestExtension LangExt.DeriveAnyClass] | otherwise -> noHints DerivErrNotAClass{} -> noHints DerivErrNoConstructors{} -> let info = text "to enable deriving for empty data types" in [useExtensionInOrderTo info LangExt.EmptyDataDeriving] DerivErrLangExtRequired{} -- This is a slightly weird corner case of GHC: we are failing -- to derive a typeclass instance because a particular 'Extension' -- is not enabled (and so we report in the main error), but here -- we don't want to /repeat/ to enable the extension in the hint. -> noHints DerivErrDunnoHowToDeriveForType{} -> noHints DerivErrMustBeEnumType rep_tc -- We want to suggest GND only if this /is/ a newtype. | newtype_deriving == NoGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving && isNewTyCon rep_tc -> [useGND] | otherwise -> noHints DerivErrMustHaveExactlyOneConstructor{} -> noHints DerivErrMustHaveSomeParameters{} -> noHints DerivErrMustNotHaveClassContext{} -> noHints DerivErrBadConstructor wcard _ -> case wcard of Nothing -> noHints Just YesHasWildcard -> [SuggestFillInWildcardConstraint] Just NoHasWildcard -> [SuggestAddStandaloneDerivation] DerivErrGenerics{} -> noHints DerivErrEnumOrProduct{} -> noHints messageWithInfoDiagnosticMessage :: UnitState -> ErrInfo -> Bool -> DecoratedSDoc -> DecoratedSDoc messageWithInfoDiagnosticMessage unit_state ErrInfo{..} show_ctxt important = let err_info' = map (pprWithUnitState unit_state) ([errInfoContext | show_ctxt] ++ [errInfoSupplementary]) in (mapDecoratedSDoc (pprWithUnitState unit_state) important) `unionDecoratedSDoc` mkDecorated err_info' dodgy_msg :: Outputable ie => SDoc -> GlobalRdrElt -> ie -> SDoc dodgy_msg kind tc ie = vcat [ text "The" <+> kind <+> text "item" <+> quotes (ppr ie) <+> text "suggests that" , quotes (ppr $ greName tc) <+> text "has" <+> sep rest ] where rest :: [SDoc] rest = case gre_info tc of IAmTyCon ClassFlavour -> [ text "(in-scope) class methods or associated types" <> comma , text "but it has none" ] IAmTyCon _ -> [ text "(in-scope) constructors or record fields" <> comma , text "but it has none" ] _ -> [ text "children" <> comma , text "but it is not a type constructor or a class" ] dodgy_msg_insert :: GlobalRdrElt -> IE GhcRn dodgy_msg_insert tc_gre = IEThingAll noAnn ii where ii = noLocA (IEName noExtField $ noLocA $ greName tc_gre) pprTypeDoesNotHaveFixedRuntimeRep :: Type -> FixedRuntimeRepProvenance -> SDoc pprTypeDoesNotHaveFixedRuntimeRep ty prov = let what = pprFixedRuntimeRepProvenance prov in text "The" <+> what <+> text "does not have a fixed runtime representation:" $$ format_frr_err ty format_frr_err :: Type -- ^ the type which doesn't have a fixed runtime representation -> SDoc format_frr_err ty = (bullet <+> ppr tidy_ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr tidy_ki) where (tidy_env, tidy_ty) = tidyOpenType emptyTidyEnv ty tidy_ki = tidyType tidy_env (typeKind ty) pprField :: (FieldLabelString, TcType) -> SDoc pprField (f,ty) = ppr f <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty pprRecordFieldPart :: RecordFieldPart -> SDoc pprRecordFieldPart = \case RecordFieldDecl {} -> text "declaration" RecordFieldConstructor{} -> text "construction" RecordFieldPattern{} -> text "pattern" RecordFieldUpdate -> text "update" ppr_opfix :: (OpName, Fixity) -> SDoc ppr_opfix (op, fixity) = pp_op <+> brackets (ppr fixity) where pp_op | NegateOp <- op = text "prefix `-'" | otherwise = quotes (ppr op) pprBindings :: [Name] -> SDoc pprBindings = pprWithCommas (quotes . ppr) injectivityErrorHerald :: SDoc injectivityErrorHerald = text "Type family equation violates the family's injectivity annotation." formatExportItemError :: SDoc -> String -> SDoc formatExportItemError exportedThing reason = hsep [ text "The export item" , quotes exportedThing , text reason ] -- | What warning flag is associated with the given missing signature? missingSignatureWarningFlag :: MissingSignature -> Exported -> Bool -> WarningFlag missingSignatureWarningFlag (MissingTopLevelBindingSig {}) exported overridden | IsExported <- exported , not overridden = Opt_WarnMissingExportedSignatures | otherwise = Opt_WarnMissingSignatures missingSignatureWarningFlag (MissingPatSynSig {}) exported overridden | IsExported <- exported , not overridden = Opt_WarnMissingExportedPatternSynonymSignatures | otherwise = Opt_WarnMissingPatternSynonymSignatures missingSignatureWarningFlag (MissingTyConKindSig {}) _ _ = Opt_WarnMissingKindSignatures useDerivingStrategies :: GhcHint useDerivingStrategies = useExtensionInOrderTo (text "to pick a different strategy") LangExt.DerivingStrategies useGND :: GhcHint useGND = let info = text "for GHC's" <+> text "newtype-deriving extension" in suggestExtensionWithInfo info LangExt.GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald :: Class -> [Type] -> Maybe (DerivStrategy GhcTc) -> UsingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving -> Bool -- ^ If False, only prints the why. -> SDoc -> SDoc cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_args mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald why = if pprHerald then sep [(hang (text "Can't make a derived instance of") 2 (quotes (ppr pred) <+> via_mechanism) $$ nest 2 extra) <> colon, nest 2 why] else why where strat_used = isJust mb_strat extra | not strat_used, (newtype_deriving == YesGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving) = text "(even with cunning GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving)" | otherwise = empty pred = mkClassPred cls cls_args via_mechanism | strat_used , Just strat <- mb_strat = text "with the" <+> (derivStrategyName strat) <+> text "strategy" | otherwise = empty badCon :: DataCon -> SDoc -> SDoc badCon con msg = text "Constructor" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+> msg derivErrDiagnosticMessage :: Class -> [Type] -> Maybe (DerivStrategy GhcTc) -> UsingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving -> Bool -- If True, includes the herald \"can't make a derived..\" -> DeriveInstanceErrReason -> SDoc derivErrDiagnosticMessage cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald = \case DerivErrNotWellKinded tc cls_kind _ -> sep [ hang (text "Cannot derive well-kinded instance of form" <+> quotes (pprClassPred cls cls_tys <+> parens (ppr tc <+> text "..."))) 2 empty , nest 2 (text "Class" <+> quotes (ppr cls) <+> text "expects an argument of kind" <+> quotes (pprKind cls_kind)) ] DerivErrSafeHaskellGenericInst -> text "Generic instances can only be derived in" <+> text "Safe Haskell using the stock strategy." DerivErrDerivingViaWrongKind cls_kind via_ty via_kind -> hang (text "Cannot derive instance via" <+> quotes (pprType via_ty)) 2 (text "Class" <+> quotes (ppr cls) <+> text "expects an argument of kind" <+> quotes (pprKind cls_kind) <> char ',' $+$ text "but" <+> quotes (pprType via_ty) <+> text "has kind" <+> quotes (pprKind via_kind)) DerivErrNoEtaReduce inst_ty -> sep [text "Cannot eta-reduce to an instance of form", nest 2 (text "instance (...) =>" <+> pprClassPred cls (cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]))] DerivErrBootFileFound -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (text "Cannot derive instances in hs-boot files" $+$ text "Write an instance declaration instead") DerivErrDataConsNotAllInScope tc -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (hang (text "The data constructors of" <+> quotes (ppr tc) <+> text "are not all in scope") 2 (text "so you cannot derive an instance for it")) DerivErrGNDUsedOnData -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (text "GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving cannot be used on non-newtypes") DerivErrNullaryClasses -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (text "Cannot derive instances for nullary classes") DerivErrLastArgMustBeApp -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald ( text "The last argument of the instance must be a" <+> text "data or newtype application") DerivErrNoFamilyInstance tc tc_args -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (text "No family instance for" <+> quotes (pprTypeApp tc tc_args)) DerivErrNotStockDeriveable _ -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (quotes (ppr cls) <+> text "is not a stock derivable class (Eq, Show, etc.)") DerivErrHasAssociatedDatatypes hasAdfs at_last_cls_tv_in_kinds at_without_last_cls_tv -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald $ vcat [ ppWhen (hasAdfs == YesHasAdfs) adfs_msg , case at_without_last_cls_tv of YesAssociatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar tc -> at_without_last_cls_tv_msg tc NoAssociatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar -> empty , case at_last_cls_tv_in_kinds of YesAssocTyLastVarInKind tc -> at_last_cls_tv_in_kinds_msg tc NoAssocTyLastVarInKind -> empty ] where adfs_msg = text "the class has associated data types" at_without_last_cls_tv_msg at_tc = hang (text "the associated type" <+> quotes (ppr at_tc) <+> text "is not parameterized over the last type variable") 2 (text "of the class" <+> quotes (ppr cls)) at_last_cls_tv_in_kinds_msg at_tc = hang (text "the associated type" <+> quotes (ppr at_tc) <+> text "contains the last type variable") 2 (text "of the class" <+> quotes (ppr cls) <+> text "in a kind, which is not (yet) allowed") DerivErrNewtypeNonDeriveableClass -> derivErrDiagnosticMessage cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (DerivErrNotStockDeriveable NoDeriveAnyClassEnabled) DerivErrCannotEtaReduceEnough eta_ok -> let cant_derive_err = ppUnless eta_ok eta_msg eta_msg = text "cannot eta-reduce the representation type enough" in cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald cant_derive_err DerivErrOnlyAnyClassDeriveable tc _ -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (quotes (ppr tc) <+> text "is a type class," <+> text "and can only have a derived instance" $+$ text "if DeriveAnyClass is enabled") DerivErrNotDeriveable _ -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald empty DerivErrNotAClass predType -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (quotes (ppr predType) <+> text "is not a class") DerivErrNoConstructors rep_tc -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+> text "must have at least one data constructor") DerivErrLangExtRequired ext -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (text "You need " <> ppr ext <+> text "to derive an instance for this class") DerivErrDunnoHowToDeriveForType ty -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (hang (text "Don't know how to derive" <+> quotes (ppr cls)) 2 (text "for type" <+> quotes (ppr ty))) DerivErrMustBeEnumType rep_tc -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (sep [ quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+> text "must be an enumeration type" , text "(an enumeration consists of one or more nullary, non-GADT constructors)" ]) DerivErrMustHaveExactlyOneConstructor rep_tc -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+> text "must have precisely one constructor") DerivErrMustHaveSomeParameters rep_tc -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (text "Data type" <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc) <+> text "must have some type parameters") DerivErrMustNotHaveClassContext rep_tc bad_stupid_theta -> cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (text "Data type" <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc) <+> text "must not have a class context:" <+> pprTheta bad_stupid_theta) DerivErrBadConstructor _ reasons -> let why = vcat $ map renderReason reasons in cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald why where renderReason = \case DerivErrBadConExistential con -> badCon con $ text "must be truly polymorphic in the last argument of the data type" DerivErrBadConCovariant con -> badCon con $ text "must not use the type variable in a function argument" DerivErrBadConFunTypes con -> badCon con $ text "must not contain function types" DerivErrBadConWrongArg con -> badCon con $ text "must use the type variable only as the last argument of a data type" DerivErrBadConIsGADT con -> badCon con $ text "is a GADT" DerivErrBadConHasExistentials con -> badCon con $ text "has existential type variables in its type" DerivErrBadConHasConstraints con -> badCon con $ text "has constraints in its type" DerivErrBadConHasHigherRankType con -> badCon con $ text "has a higher-rank type" DerivErrGenerics reasons -> let why = vcat $ map renderReason reasons in cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald why where renderReason = \case DerivErrGenericsMustNotHaveDatatypeContext tc_name -> ppr tc_name <+> text "must not have a datatype context" DerivErrGenericsMustNotHaveExoticArgs dc -> ppr dc <+> text "must not have exotic unlifted or polymorphic arguments" DerivErrGenericsMustBeVanillaDataCon dc -> ppr dc <+> text "must be a vanilla data constructor" DerivErrGenericsMustHaveSomeTypeParams rep_tc -> text "Data type" <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc) <+> text "must have some type parameters" DerivErrGenericsMustNotHaveExistentials con -> badCon con $ text "must not have existential arguments" DerivErrGenericsWrongArgKind con -> badCon con $ text "applies a type to an argument involving the last parameter" $$ text "but the applied type is not of kind * -> *" DerivErrEnumOrProduct this that -> let ppr1 = derivErrDiagnosticMessage cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving False this ppr2 = derivErrDiagnosticMessage cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving False that in cannotMakeDerivedInstanceHerald cls cls_tys mb_strat newtype_deriving pprHerald (ppr1 $$ text " or" $$ ppr2) lookupInstanceErrDiagnosticMessage :: Class -> [Type] -> LookupInstanceErrReason -> SDoc lookupInstanceErrDiagnosticMessage cls tys = \case LookupInstErrNotExact -> text "Not an exact match (i.e., some variables get instantiated)" LookupInstErrFlexiVar -> text "flexible type variable:" <+> (ppr $ mkTyConApp (classTyCon cls) tys) LookupInstErrNotFound -> text "instance not found" <+> (ppr $ mkTyConApp (classTyCon cls) tys) {- ********************************************************************* * * Outputable SolverReportErrCtxt (for debugging) * * **********************************************************************-} instance Outputable SolverReportErrCtxt where ppr (CEC { cec_binds = bvar , cec_defer_type_errors = dte , cec_expr_holes = eh , cec_type_holes = th , cec_out_of_scope_holes = osh , cec_warn_redundant = wr , cec_expand_syns = es , cec_suppress = sup }) = text "CEC" <+> braces (vcat [ text "cec_binds" <+> equals <+> ppr bvar , text "cec_defer_type_errors" <+> equals <+> ppr dte , text "cec_expr_holes" <+> equals <+> ppr eh , text "cec_type_holes" <+> equals <+> ppr th , text "cec_out_of_scope_holes" <+> equals <+> ppr osh , text "cec_warn_redundant" <+> equals <+> ppr wr , text "cec_expand_syns" <+> equals <+> ppr es , text "cec_suppress" <+> equals <+> ppr sup ]) {- ********************************************************************* * * Outputting TcSolverReportMsg errors * * **********************************************************************-} -- | Pretty-print a 'SolverReportWithCtxt', containing a 'TcSolverReportMsg' -- with its enclosing 'SolverReportErrCtxt'. pprSolverReportWithCtxt :: SolverReportWithCtxt -> SDoc pprSolverReportWithCtxt (SolverReportWithCtxt { reportContext = ctxt, reportContent = msg }) = pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt msg -- | Pretty-print a 'TcSolverReportMsg', with its enclosing 'SolverReportErrCtxt'. pprTcSolverReportMsg :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> TcSolverReportMsg -> SDoc pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (BadTelescope telescope skols) = hang (text "These kind and type variables:" <+> ppr telescope $$ text "are out of dependency order. Perhaps try this ordering:") 2 (pprTyVars sorted_tvs) where sorted_tvs = scopedSort skols pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (UserTypeError ty) = pprUserTypeErrorTy ty pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (UnsatisfiableError ty) = pprUserTypeErrorTy ty pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (ReportHoleError hole err) = pprHoleError ctxt hole err pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (CannotUnifyVariable { mismatchMsg = msg , cannotUnifyReason = reason }) = pprMismatchMsg ctxt msg $$ pprCannotUnifyVariableReason ctxt reason pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (Mismatch { mismatchMsg = mismatch_msg , mismatchTyVarInfo = tv_info , mismatchAmbiguityInfo = ambig_infos , mismatchCoercibleInfo = coercible_info }) = vcat ([ pprMismatchMsg ctxt mismatch_msg , maybe empty (pprTyVarInfo ctxt) tv_info , maybe empty pprCoercibleMsg coercible_info ] ++ (map pprAmbiguityInfo ambig_infos)) pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (FixedRuntimeRepError frr_origs) = vcat (map make_msg frr_origs) where -- Assemble the error message: pair up each origin with the corresponding type, e.g. -- • FixedRuntimeRep origin msg 1 ... -- a :: TYPE r1 -- • FixedRuntimeRep origin msg 2 ... -- b :: TYPE r2 make_msg :: FixedRuntimeRepErrorInfo -> SDoc make_msg (FRR_Info { frr_info_origin = FixedRuntimeRepOrigin { frr_type = ty , frr_context = frr_ctxt } , frr_info_not_concrete = mb_not_conc }) = -- Add bullet points if there is more than one error. (if length frr_origs > 1 then (bullet <+>) else id) $ vcat [ sep [ pprFixedRuntimeRepContext frr_ctxt , text "does not have a fixed runtime representation." ] , type_printout ty , case mb_not_conc of Nothing -> empty Just (conc_tv, not_conc) -> unsolved_concrete_eq_explanation conc_tv not_conc ] -- Don't print out the type (only the kind), if the type includes -- a confusing cast, unless the user passed -fprint-explicit-coercions. -- -- Example: -- -- In T20363, we have a representation-polymorphism error with a type -- of the form -- -- ( (# #) |> co ) :: TYPE NilRep -- -- where NilRep is a nullary type family application which reduces to TupleRep '[]. -- We prefer avoiding showing the cast to the user, but we also don't want to -- print the confusing: -- -- (# #) :: TYPE NilRep -- -- So in this case we simply don't print the type, only the kind. confusing_cast :: Type -> Bool confusing_cast ty = case ty of CastTy inner_ty _ -- A confusing cast is one that is responsible -- for a representation-polymorphism error. -> isConcreteType (typeKind inner_ty) _ -> False type_printout :: Type -> SDoc type_printout ty = sdocOption sdocPrintExplicitCoercions $ \ show_coercions -> if confusing_cast ty && not show_coercions then vcat [ text "Its kind is:" , nest 2 $ pprWithTYPE (typeKind ty) , text "(Use -fprint-explicit-coercions to see the full type.)" ] else vcat [ text "Its type is:" , nest 2 $ ppr ty <+> dcolon <+> pprWithTYPE (typeKind ty) ] unsolved_concrete_eq_explanation :: TcTyVar -> Type -> SDoc unsolved_concrete_eq_explanation tv not_conc = text "Cannot unify" <+> quotes (ppr not_conc) <+> text "with the type variable" <+> quotes (ppr tv) $$ text "because it is not a concrete" <+> what <> dot where ki = tyVarKind tv what :: SDoc what | isRuntimeRepTy ki = quotes (text "RuntimeRep") | isLevityTy ki = quotes (text "Levity") | otherwise = text "type" pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (UntouchableVariable tv implic) | Implic { ic_given = given, ic_info = skol_info } <- implic = sep [ quotes (ppr tv) <+> text "is untouchable" , nest 2 $ text "inside the constraints:" <+> pprEvVarTheta given , nest 2 $ text "bound by" <+> ppr skol_info , nest 2 $ text "at" <+> ppr (getLclEnvLoc (ic_env implic)) ] pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (BlockedEquality item) = vcat [ hang (text "Cannot use equality for substitution:") 2 (ppr (errorItemPred item)) , text "Doing so would be ill-kinded." ] pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (ExpectingMoreArguments n thing) = text "Expecting" <+> speakN (abs n) <+> more <+> quotes (ppr thing) where more | n == 1 = text "more argument to" | otherwise = text "more arguments to" -- n > 1 pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (UnboundImplicitParams (item :| items)) = let givens = getUserGivens ctxt in if null givens then addArising (errorItemCtLoc item) $ sep [ text "Unbound implicit parameter" <> plural preds , nest 2 (pprParendTheta preds) ] else pprMismatchMsg ctxt (CouldNotDeduce givens (item :| items) Nothing) where preds = map errorItemPred (item : items) pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (AmbiguityPreventsSolvingCt item ambigs) = pprAmbiguityInfo (Ambiguity True ambigs) <+> pprArising (errorItemCtLoc item) $$ text "prevents the constraint" <+> quotes (pprParendType $ errorItemPred item) <+> text "from being solved." pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt@(CEC {cec_encl = implics}) (CannotResolveInstance item unifiers candidates imp_errs suggs binds) = vcat [ no_inst_msg , nest 2 extra_note , mb_patsyn_prov `orElse` empty , ppWhen (has_ambigs && not (null unifiers && null useful_givens)) (vcat [ ppUnless lead_with_ambig $ pprAmbiguityInfo (Ambiguity False (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs)) , pprRelevantBindings binds , potential_msg ]) , ppWhen (isNothing mb_patsyn_prov) $ -- Don't suggest fixes for the provided context of a pattern -- synonym; the right fix is to bind more in the pattern show_fixes (ctxtFixes has_ambigs pred implics ++ drv_fixes ++ naked_sc_fixes) , ppWhen (not (null candidates)) (hang (text "There are instances for similar types:") 2 (vcat (map ppr candidates))) -- See Note [Report candidate instances] , vcat $ map ppr imp_errs , vcat $ map ppr suggs ] where orig = errorItemOrigin item pred = errorItemPred item (clas, tys) = getClassPredTys pred -- See Note [Highlighting ambiguous type variables] in GHC.Tc.Errors (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs) = ambigTkvsOfTy pred ambigs = ambig_kvs ++ ambig_tvs has_ambigs = not (null ambigs) useful_givens = discardProvCtxtGivens orig (getUserGivensFromImplics implics) -- useful_givens are the enclosing implications with non-empty givens, -- modulo the horrid discardProvCtxtGivens lead_with_ambig = not (null ambigs) && not (any isRuntimeUnkSkol ambigs) && not (null unifiers) && null useful_givens no_inst_msg :: SDoc no_inst_msg | lead_with_ambig = pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt $ AmbiguityPreventsSolvingCt item (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs) | otherwise = pprMismatchMsg ctxt $ CouldNotDeduce useful_givens (item :| []) Nothing -- Report "potential instances" only when the constraint arises -- directly from the user's use of an overloaded function want_potential (TypeEqOrigin {}) = False want_potential _ = True potential_msg = ppWhen (not (null unifiers) && want_potential orig) $ potential_hdr $$ potentialInstancesErrMsg (PotentialInstances { matches = [], unifiers }) potential_hdr = ppWhen lead_with_ambig $ text "Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what" <+> pprQuotedList ambig_tvs <+> text "should be." mb_patsyn_prov :: Maybe SDoc mb_patsyn_prov | not lead_with_ambig , ProvCtxtOrigin PSB{ psb_def = L _ pat } <- orig = Just (vcat [ text "In other words, a successful match on the pattern" , nest 2 $ ppr pat , text "does not provide the constraint" <+> pprParendType pred ]) | otherwise = Nothing extra_note | any isFunTy (filterOutInvisibleTypes (classTyCon clas) tys) = text "(maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?)" | className clas == typeableClassName -- Avoid mysterious "No instance for (Typeable T) , [_,ty] <- tys -- Look for (Typeable (k->*) (T k)) , Just (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty , not (isTypeFamilyTyCon tc) = hang (text "GHC can't yet do polykinded") 2 (text "Typeable" <+> parens (ppr ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind ty))) | otherwise = empty drv_fixes = case orig of DerivClauseOrigin -> [drv_fix False] StandAloneDerivOrigin -> [drv_fix True] DerivOriginDC _ _ standalone -> [drv_fix standalone] DerivOriginCoerce _ _ _ standalone -> [drv_fix standalone] _ -> [] drv_fix standalone_wildcard | standalone_wildcard = text "fill in the wildcard constraint yourself" | otherwise = hang (text "use a standalone 'deriving instance' declaration,") 2 (text "so you can specify the instance context yourself") -- naked_sc_fix: try to produce a helpful error message for -- superclass constraints caught by the subtleties described by -- Note [Recursive superclasses] in GHC.TyCl.Instance naked_sc_fixes | ScOrigin _ NakedSc <- orig -- A superclass wanted with no instance decls used yet , any non_tyvar_preds useful_givens -- Some non-tyvar givens = [vcat [ text "If the constraint looks soluble from a superclass of the instance context," , text "read 'Undecidable instances and loopy superclasses' in the user manual" ]] | otherwise = [] non_tyvar_preds :: UserGiven -> Bool non_tyvar_preds = any non_tyvar_pred . ic_given non_tyvar_pred :: EvVar -> Bool -- Tells if the Given is of form (C ty1 .. tyn), where the tys are not all tyvars non_tyvar_pred given = case getClassPredTys_maybe (idType given) of Just (_, tys) -> not (all isTyVarTy tys) Nothing -> False pprTcSolverReportMsg (CEC {cec_encl = implics}) (OverlappingInstances item matches unifiers) = vcat [ addArising ct_loc $ (text "Overlapping instances for" <+> pprType (mkClassPred clas tys)) , ppUnless (null matching_givens) $ sep [text "Matching givens (or their superclasses):" , nest 2 (vcat matching_givens)] , potentialInstancesErrMsg (PotentialInstances { matches = NE.toList matches, unifiers }) , ppWhen (null matching_givens && null (NE.tail matches) && null unifiers) $ -- Intuitively, some given matched the wanted in their -- flattened or rewritten (from given equalities) form -- but the matcher can't figure that out because the -- constraints are non-flat and non-rewritten so we -- simply report back the whole given -- context. Accelerate Smart.hs showed this problem. sep [ text "There exists a (perhaps superclass) match:" , nest 2 (vcat (pp_givens useful_givens))] , ppWhen (null $ NE.tail matches) $ parens (vcat [ ppUnless (null tyCoVars) $ text "The choice depends on the instantiation of" <+> quotes (pprWithCommas ppr tyCoVars) , ppUnless (null famTyCons) $ if (null tyCoVars) then text "The choice depends on the result of evaluating" <+> quotes (pprWithCommas ppr famTyCons) else text "and the result of evaluating" <+> quotes (pprWithCommas ppr famTyCons) , ppWhen (null (matching_givens)) $ vcat [ text "To pick the first instance above, use IncoherentInstances" , text "when compiling the other instance declarations"] ])] where ct_loc = errorItemCtLoc item orig = ctLocOrigin ct_loc pred = errorItemPred item (clas, tys) = getClassPredTys pred tyCoVars = tyCoVarsOfTypesList tys famTyCons = filter isFamilyTyCon $ concatMap (nonDetEltsUniqSet . tyConsOfType) tys useful_givens = discardProvCtxtGivens orig (getUserGivensFromImplics implics) matching_givens = mapMaybe matchable useful_givens matchable implic@(Implic { ic_given = evvars, ic_info = skol_info }) = case ev_vars_matching of [] -> Nothing _ -> Just $ hang (pprTheta ev_vars_matching) 2 (sep [ text "bound by" <+> ppr skol_info , text "at" <+> ppr (getLclEnvLoc (ic_env implic)) ]) where ev_vars_matching = [ pred | ev_var <- evvars , let pred = evVarPred ev_var , any can_match (pred : transSuperClasses pred) ] can_match pred = case getClassPredTys_maybe pred of Just (clas', tys') -> clas' == clas && isJust (tcMatchTys tys tys') Nothing -> False pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (UnsafeOverlap item match unsafe_overlapped) = vcat [ addArising ct_loc (text "Unsafe overlapping instances for" <+> pprType (mkClassPred clas tys)) , sep [text "The matching instance is:", nest 2 (pprInstance match)] , vcat [ text "It is compiled in a Safe module and as such can only" , text "overlap instances from the same module, however it" , text "overlaps the following instances from different" <+> text "modules:" , nest 2 (vcat [pprInstances $ NE.toList unsafe_overlapped]) ] ] where ct_loc = errorItemCtLoc item pred = errorItemPred item (clas, tys) = getClassPredTys pred pprCannotUnifyVariableReason :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> CannotUnifyVariableReason -> SDoc pprCannotUnifyVariableReason ctxt (CannotUnifyWithPolytype item tv1 ty2 mb_tv_info) = vcat [ (if isSkolemTyVar tv1 then text "Cannot equate type variable" else text "Cannot instantiate unification variable") <+> quotes (ppr tv1) , hang (text "with a" <+> what <+> text "involving polytypes:") 2 (ppr ty2) , maybe empty (pprTyVarInfo ctxt) mb_tv_info ] where what = text $ levelString $ ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe (errorItemCtLoc item) `orElse` TypeLevel pprCannotUnifyVariableReason _ (SkolemEscape item implic esc_skols) = let esc_doc = sep [ text "because" <+> what <+> text "variable" <> plural esc_skols <+> pprQuotedList esc_skols , text "would escape" <+> if isSingleton esc_skols then text "its scope" else text "their scope" ] in vcat [ nest 2 $ esc_doc , sep [ (if isSingleton esc_skols then text "This (rigid, skolem)" <+> what <+> text "variable is" else text "These (rigid, skolem)" <+> what <+> text "variables are") <+> text "bound by" , nest 2 $ ppr (ic_info implic) , nest 2 $ text "at" <+> ppr (getLclEnvLoc (ic_env implic)) ] ] where what = text $ levelString $ ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe (errorItemCtLoc item) `orElse` TypeLevel pprCannotUnifyVariableReason ctxt (OccursCheck { occursCheckInterestingTyVars = interesting_tvs , occursCheckAmbiguityInfos = ambig_infos }) = ppr_interesting_tyVars interesting_tvs $$ vcat (map pprAmbiguityInfo ambig_infos) where ppr_interesting_tyVars [] = empty ppr_interesting_tyVars (tv:tvs) = hang (text "Type variable kinds:") 2 $ vcat (map (tyvar_binding . tidyTyCoVarOcc (cec_tidy ctxt)) (tv:tvs)) tyvar_binding tyvar = ppr tyvar <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tyVarKind tyvar) pprCannotUnifyVariableReason ctxt (DifferentTyVars tv_info) = pprTyVarInfo ctxt tv_info pprCannotUnifyVariableReason ctxt (RepresentationalEq tv_info mb_coercible_msg) = pprTyVarInfo ctxt tv_info $$ maybe empty pprCoercibleMsg mb_coercible_msg pprMismatchMsg :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> MismatchMsg -> SDoc pprMismatchMsg ctxt (BasicMismatch { mismatch_ea = ea , mismatch_item = item , mismatch_ty1 = ty1 -- Expected , mismatch_ty2 = ty2 -- Actual , mismatch_whenMatching = mb_match_txt , mismatch_mb_same_occ = same_occ_info }) = vcat [ addArising (errorItemCtLoc item) msg , ea_extra , maybe empty (pprWhenMatching ctxt) mb_match_txt , maybe empty pprSameOccInfo same_occ_info ] where msg | (isLiftedRuntimeRep ty1 && isUnliftedRuntimeRep ty2) || (isLiftedRuntimeRep ty2 && isUnliftedRuntimeRep ty1) || (isLiftedLevity ty1 && isUnliftedLevity ty2) || (isLiftedLevity ty2 && isUnliftedLevity ty1) = text "Couldn't match a lifted type with an unlifted type" | isAtomicTy ty1 || isAtomicTy ty2 = -- Print with quotes sep [ text herald1 <+> quotes (ppr ty1) , nest padding $ text herald2 <+> quotes (ppr ty2) ] | otherwise = -- Print with vertical layout vcat [ text herald1 <> colon <+> ppr ty1 , nest padding $ text herald2 <> colon <+> ppr ty2 ] herald1 = conc [ "Couldn't match" , if is_repr then "representation of" else "" , if want_ea then "expected" else "" , what ] herald2 = conc [ "with" , if is_repr then "that of" else "" , if want_ea then ("actual " ++ what) else "" ] padding = length herald1 - length herald2 (want_ea, ea_extra) = case ea of NoEA -> (False, empty) EA mb_extra -> (True , maybe empty (pprExpectedActualInfo ctxt) mb_extra) is_repr = case errorItemEqRel item of { ReprEq -> True; NomEq -> False } what = levelString (ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe (errorItemCtLoc item) `orElse` TypeLevel) conc :: [String] -> String conc = foldr1 add_space add_space :: String -> String -> String add_space s1 s2 | null s1 = s2 | null s2 = s1 | otherwise = s1 ++ (' ' : s2) pprMismatchMsg _ (KindMismatch { kmismatch_what = thing , kmismatch_expected = exp , kmismatch_actual = act }) = hang (text "Expected" <+> kind_desc <> comma) 2 (text "but" <+> quotes (ppr thing) <+> text "has kind" <+> quotes (ppr act)) where kind_desc | isConstraintLikeKind exp = text "a constraint" | Just arg <- kindRep_maybe exp -- TYPE t0 , tcIsTyVarTy arg = sdocOption sdocPrintExplicitRuntimeReps $ \case True -> text "kind" <+> quotes (ppr exp) False -> text "a type" | otherwise = text "kind" <+> quotes (ppr exp) pprMismatchMsg ctxt (TypeEqMismatch { teq_mismatch_ppr_explicit_kinds = ppr_explicit_kinds , teq_mismatch_item = item , teq_mismatch_ty1 = ty1 -- These types are the actual types , teq_mismatch_ty2 = ty2 -- that don't match; may be swapped , teq_mismatch_expected = exp -- These are the context of , teq_mismatch_actual = act -- the mis-match , teq_mismatch_what = mb_thing , teq_mb_same_occ = mb_same_occ }) = addArising ct_loc $ pprWithExplicitKindsWhen ppr_explicit_kinds msg $$ maybe empty pprSameOccInfo mb_same_occ where msg | Just (torc, rep) <- sORTKind_maybe exp = msg_for_exp_sort torc rep | Just nargs_msg <- num_args_msg , Right ea_msg <- mk_ea_msg ctxt (Just item) level orig = nargs_msg $$ pprMismatchMsg ctxt ea_msg | ea_looks_same ty1 ty2 exp act , Right ea_msg <- mk_ea_msg ctxt (Just item) level orig = pprMismatchMsg ctxt ea_msg | otherwise = bale_out_msg -- bale_out_msg: the mismatched types are /inside/ exp and act bale_out_msg = vcat errs where errs = case mk_ea_msg ctxt Nothing level orig of Left ea_info -> pprMismatchMsg ctxt mismatch_err : map (pprExpectedActualInfo ctxt) ea_info Right ea_err -> [ pprMismatchMsg ctxt mismatch_err , pprMismatchMsg ctxt ea_err ] mismatch_err = mkBasicMismatchMsg NoEA item ty1 ty2 -- 'expected' is (TYPE rep) or (CONSTRAINT rep) msg_for_exp_sort exp_torc exp_rep | Just (act_torc, act_rep) <- sORTKind_maybe act = -- (TYPE exp_rep) ~ (CONSTRAINT act_rep) etc msg_torc_torc act_torc act_rep | otherwise = -- (TYPE _) ~ Bool, etc maybe_num_args_msg $$ sep [ text "Expected a" <+> ppr_torc exp_torc <> comma , text "but" <+> case mb_thing of Nothing -> text "found something with kind" Just thing -> quotes (ppr thing) <+> text "has kind" , quotes (pprWithTYPE act) ] where msg_torc_torc act_torc act_rep | exp_torc == act_torc = msg_same_torc act_torc act_rep | otherwise = sep [ text "Expected a" <+> ppr_torc exp_torc <> comma , text "but" <+> case mb_thing of Nothing -> text "found a" Just thing -> quotes (ppr thing) <+> text "is a" <+> ppr_torc act_torc ] msg_same_torc act_torc act_rep | Just exp_doc <- describe_rep exp_rep , Just act_doc <- describe_rep act_rep = sep [ text "Expected" <+> exp_doc <+> ppr_torc exp_torc <> comma , text "but" <+> case mb_thing of Just thing -> quotes (ppr thing) <+> text "is" Nothing -> text "got" <+> act_doc <+> ppr_torc act_torc ] msg_same_torc _ _ = bale_out_msg ct_loc = errorItemCtLoc item orig = errorItemOrigin item level = ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe ct_loc `orElse` TypeLevel num_args_msg = case level of KindLevel | not (isMetaTyVarTy exp) && not (isMetaTyVarTy act) -- if one is a meta-tyvar, then it's possible that the user -- has asked for something impredicative, and we couldn't unify. -- Don't bother with counting arguments. -> let n_act = count_args act n_exp = count_args exp in case n_act - n_exp of n | n > 0 -- we don't know how many args there are, so don't -- recommend removing args that aren't , Just thing <- mb_thing -> Just $ pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (ExpectingMoreArguments n thing) _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing maybe_num_args_msg = num_args_msg `orElse` empty count_args ty = count isVisiblePiTyBinder $ fst $ splitPiTys ty ppr_torc TypeLike = text "type"; ppr_torc ConstraintLike = text "constraint" describe_rep :: RuntimeRepType -> Maybe SDoc -- describe_rep IntRep = Just "an IntRep" -- describe_rep (BoxedRep Lifted) = Just "a lifted" -- etc describe_rep rep | Just (rr_tc, rr_args) <- splitRuntimeRep_maybe rep = case rr_args of [lev_ty] | rr_tc `hasKey` boxedRepDataConKey , Just lev <- levityType_maybe lev_ty -> case lev of Lifted -> Just (text "a lifted") Unlifted -> Just (text "a boxed unlifted") [] | rr_tc `hasKey` tupleRepDataConTyConKey -> Just (text "a zero-bit") | starts_with_vowel rr_occ -> Just (text "an" <+> text rr_occ) | otherwise -> Just (text "a" <+> text rr_occ) where rr_occ = occNameString (getOccName rr_tc) _ -> Nothing -- Must be TupleRep [r1..rn] | otherwise = Nothing starts_with_vowel (c:_) = c `elem` "AEIOU" starts_with_vowel [] = False pprMismatchMsg ctxt (CouldNotDeduce useful_givens (item :| others) mb_extra) = main_msg $$ case supplementary of Left infos -> vcat (map (pprExpectedActualInfo ctxt) infos) Right other_msg -> pprMismatchMsg ctxt other_msg where main_msg | null useful_givens = addArising ct_loc (no_instance_msg <+> missing) | otherwise = vcat (addArising ct_loc (no_deduce_msg <+> missing) : pp_givens useful_givens) supplementary = case mb_extra of Nothing -> Left [] Just (CND_Extra level ty1 ty2) -> mk_supplementary_ea_msg ctxt level ty1 ty2 orig ct_loc = errorItemCtLoc item orig = ctLocOrigin ct_loc wanteds = map errorItemPred (item:others) no_instance_msg = case wanteds of [wanted] | Just (tc, _) <- splitTyConApp_maybe wanted -- Don't say "no instance" for a constraint such as "c" for a type variable c. , isClassTyCon tc -> text "No instance for" _ -> text "Could not solve:" no_deduce_msg = case wanteds of [_wanted] -> text "Could not deduce" _ -> text "Could not deduce:" missing = case wanteds of [wanted] -> quotes (ppr wanted) _ -> pprTheta wanteds {- ********************************************************************* * * Displaying potential instances * * **********************************************************************-} -- | Directly display the given matching and unifying instances, -- with a header for each: `Matching instances`/`Potentially matching instances`. pprPotentialInstances :: (ClsInst -> SDoc) -> PotentialInstances -> SDoc pprPotentialInstances ppr_inst (PotentialInstances { matches, unifiers }) = vcat [ ppWhen (not $ null matches) $ text "Matching instance" <> plural matches <> colon $$ nest 2 (vcat (map ppr_inst matches)) , ppWhen (not $ null unifiers) $ (text "Potentially matching instance" <> plural unifiers <> colon) $$ nest 2 (vcat (map ppr_inst unifiers)) ] -- | Display a summary of available instances, omitting those involving -- out-of-scope types, in order to explain why we couldn't solve a particular -- constraint, e.g. due to instance overlap or out-of-scope types. -- -- To directly display a collection of matching/unifying instances, -- use 'pprPotentialInstances'. potentialInstancesErrMsg :: PotentialInstances -> SDoc -- See Note [Displaying potential instances] potentialInstancesErrMsg potentials = sdocOption sdocPrintPotentialInstances $ \print_insts -> getPprStyle $ \sty -> potentials_msg_with_options potentials print_insts sty -- | Display a summary of available instances, omitting out-of-scope ones. -- -- Use 'potentialInstancesErrMsg' to automatically set the pretty-printing -- options. potentials_msg_with_options :: PotentialInstances -> Bool -- ^ Whether to print /all/ potential instances -> PprStyle -> SDoc potentials_msg_with_options (PotentialInstances { matches, unifiers }) show_all_potentials sty | null matches && null unifiers = empty | null show_these_matches && null show_these_unifiers = vcat [ not_in_scope_msg empty , flag_hint ] | otherwise = vcat [ pprPotentialInstances pprInstance -- print instance + location info (PotentialInstances { matches = show_these_matches , unifiers = show_these_unifiers }) , overlapping_but_not_more_specific_msg sorted_matches , nest 2 $ vcat [ ppWhen (n_in_scope_hidden > 0) $ text "...plus" <+> speakNOf n_in_scope_hidden (text "other") , ppWhen (not_in_scopes > 0) $ not_in_scope_msg (text "...plus") , flag_hint ] ] where n_show_matches, n_show_unifiers :: Int n_show_matches = 3 n_show_unifiers = 2 (in_scope_matches, not_in_scope_matches) = partition inst_in_scope matches (in_scope_unifiers, not_in_scope_unifiers) = partition inst_in_scope unifiers sorted_matches = sortBy fuzzyClsInstCmp in_scope_matches sorted_unifiers = sortBy fuzzyClsInstCmp in_scope_unifiers (show_these_matches, show_these_unifiers) | show_all_potentials = (sorted_matches, sorted_unifiers) | otherwise = (take n_show_matches sorted_matches ,take n_show_unifiers sorted_unifiers) n_in_scope_hidden = length sorted_matches + length sorted_unifiers - length show_these_matches - length show_these_unifiers -- "in scope" means that all the type constructors -- are lexically in scope; these instances are likely -- to be more useful inst_in_scope :: ClsInst -> Bool inst_in_scope cls_inst = nameSetAll name_in_scope $ orphNamesOfTypes (is_tys cls_inst) name_in_scope name | pretendNameIsInScope name = True -- E.g. (->); see Note [pretendNameIsInScope] in GHC.Builtin.Names | Just mod <- nameModule_maybe name = qual_in_scope (qualName sty mod (nameOccName name)) | otherwise = True qual_in_scope :: QualifyName -> Bool qual_in_scope NameUnqual = True qual_in_scope (NameQual {}) = True qual_in_scope _ = False not_in_scopes :: Int not_in_scopes = length not_in_scope_matches + length not_in_scope_unifiers not_in_scope_msg herald = hang (herald <+> speakNOf not_in_scopes (text "instance") <+> text "involving out-of-scope types") 2 (ppWhen show_all_potentials $ pprPotentialInstances pprInstanceHdr -- only print the header, not the instance location info (PotentialInstances { matches = not_in_scope_matches , unifiers = not_in_scope_unifiers })) flag_hint = ppUnless (show_all_potentials || (equalLength show_these_matches matches && equalLength show_these_unifiers unifiers)) $ text "(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)" -- | Compute a message informing the user of any instances that are overlapped -- but were not discarded because the instance overlapping them wasn't -- strictly more specific. overlapping_but_not_more_specific_msg :: [ClsInst] -> SDoc overlapping_but_not_more_specific_msg insts -- Only print one example of "overlapping but not strictly more specific", -- to avoid information overload. | overlap : _ <- overlapping_but_not_more_specific = overlap_header $$ ppr_overlapping overlap | otherwise = empty where overlap_header :: SDoc overlap_header | [_] <- overlapping_but_not_more_specific = text "An overlapping instance can only be chosen when it is strictly more specific." | otherwise = text "Overlapping instances can only be chosen when they are strictly more specific." overlapping_but_not_more_specific :: [(ClsInst, ClsInst)] overlapping_but_not_more_specific = nubOrdBy (comparing (is_dfun . fst)) [ (overlapper, overlappee) | these <- groupBy ((==) `on` is_cls_nm) insts -- Take all pairs of distinct instances... , one:others <- tails these -- if `these = [inst_1, inst_2, ...]` , other <- others -- then we get pairs `(one, other) = (inst_i, inst_j)` with `i < j` -- ... such that one instance in the pair overlaps the other... , let mb_overlapping | hasOverlappingFlag (overlapMode $ is_flag one) || hasOverlappableFlag (overlapMode $ is_flag other) = [(one, other)] | hasOverlappingFlag (overlapMode $ is_flag other) || hasOverlappableFlag (overlapMode $ is_flag one) = [(other, one)] | otherwise = [] , (overlapper, overlappee) <- mb_overlapping -- ... but the overlapper is not more specific than the overlappee. , not (overlapper `more_specific_than` overlappee) ] more_specific_than :: ClsInst -> ClsInst -> Bool is1 `more_specific_than` is2 = isJust (tcMatchTys (is_tys is1) (is_tys is2)) ppr_overlapping :: (ClsInst, ClsInst) -> SDoc ppr_overlapping (overlapper, overlappee) = text "The first instance that follows overlaps the second, but is not more specific than it:" $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map pprInstanceHdr [overlapper, overlappee]) {- Note [Displaying potential instances] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When showing a list of instances for - overlapping instances (show ones that match) - no such instance (show ones that could match) we want to give it a bit of structure. Here's the plan * Say that an instance is "in scope" if all of the type constructors it mentions are lexically in scope. These are the ones most likely to be useful to the programmer. * Show at most n_show in-scope instances, and summarise the rest ("plus N others") * Summarise the not-in-scope instances ("plus 4 not in scope") * Add the flag -fshow-potential-instances which replaces the summary with the full list -} {- ********************************************************************* * * Outputting additional solver report information * * **********************************************************************-} -- | Pretty-print an informational message, to accompany a 'TcSolverReportMsg'. pprExpectedActualInfo :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> ExpectedActualInfo -> SDoc pprExpectedActualInfo _ (ExpectedActual { ea_expected = exp, ea_actual = act }) = vcat [ text "Expected:" <+> ppr exp , text " Actual:" <+> ppr act ] pprExpectedActualInfo _ (ExpectedActualAfterTySynExpansion { ea_expanded_expected = exp , ea_expanded_actual = act } ) = vcat [ text "Type synonyms expanded:" , text "Expected type:" <+> ppr exp , text " Actual type:" <+> ppr act ] pprCoercibleMsg :: CoercibleMsg -> SDoc pprCoercibleMsg (UnknownRoles ty) = hang (text "NB: We cannot know what roles the parameters to" <+> quotes (ppr ty) <+> text "have;") 2 (text "we must assume that the role is nominal") pprCoercibleMsg (TyConIsAbstract tc) = hsep [ text "NB: The type constructor" , quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc) , text "is abstract" ] pprCoercibleMsg (OutOfScopeNewtypeConstructor tc dc) = hang (text "The data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr $ dataConName dc)) 2 (sep [ text "of newtype" <+> quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc) , text "is not in scope" ]) pprWhenMatching :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> WhenMatching -> SDoc pprWhenMatching ctxt (WhenMatching cty1 cty2 sub_o mb_sub_t_or_k) = sdocOption sdocPrintExplicitCoercions $ \printExplicitCoercions -> if printExplicitCoercions || not (cty1 `pickyEqType` cty2) then vcat [ hang (text "When matching" <+> sub_whats) 2 (vcat [ ppr cty1 <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind cty1) , ppr cty2 <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind cty2) ]) , supplementary ] else text "When matching the kind of" <+> quotes (ppr cty1) where sub_t_or_k = mb_sub_t_or_k `orElse` TypeLevel sub_whats = text (levelString sub_t_or_k) <> char 's' supplementary = case mk_supplementary_ea_msg ctxt sub_t_or_k cty1 cty2 sub_o of Left infos -> vcat $ map (pprExpectedActualInfo ctxt) infos Right msg -> pprMismatchMsg ctxt msg pprTyVarInfo :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> TyVarInfo -> SDoc pprTyVarInfo ctxt (TyVarInfo { thisTyVar = tv1, otherTy = mb_tv2 }) = mk_msg tv1 $$ case mb_tv2 of { Nothing -> empty; Just tv2 -> mk_msg tv2 } where mk_msg tv = case tcTyVarDetails tv of SkolemTv sk_info _ _ -> pprSkols ctxt [(getSkolemInfo sk_info, [tv])] RuntimeUnk {} -> quotes (ppr tv) <+> text "is an interactive-debugger skolem" MetaTv {} -> empty pprAmbiguityInfo :: AmbiguityInfo -> SDoc pprAmbiguityInfo (Ambiguity prepend_msg (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs)) = msg where msg | any isRuntimeUnkSkol ambig_kvs -- See Note [Runtime skolems] || any isRuntimeUnkSkol ambig_tvs = vcat [ text "Cannot resolve unknown runtime type" <> plural ambig_tvs <+> pprQuotedList ambig_tvs , text "Use :print or :force to determine these types"] | not (null ambig_tvs) = pp_ambig (text "type") ambig_tvs | otherwise = pp_ambig (text "kind") ambig_kvs pp_ambig what tkvs | prepend_msg -- "Ambiguous type variable 't0'" = text "Ambiguous" <+> what <+> text "variable" <> plural tkvs <+> pprQuotedList tkvs | otherwise -- "The type variable 't0' is ambiguous" = text "The" <+> what <+> text "variable" <> plural tkvs <+> pprQuotedList tkvs <+> isOrAre tkvs <+> text "ambiguous" pprAmbiguityInfo (NonInjectiveTyFam tc) = text "NB:" <+> quotes (ppr tc) <+> text "is a non-injective type family" pprSameOccInfo :: SameOccInfo -> SDoc pprSameOccInfo (SameOcc same_pkg n1 n2) = text "NB:" <+> (ppr_from same_pkg n1 $$ ppr_from same_pkg n2) where ppr_from same_pkg nm | isGoodSrcSpan loc = hang (quotes (ppr nm) <+> text "is defined at") 2 (ppr loc) | otherwise -- Imported things have an UnhelpfulSrcSpan = hang (quotes (ppr nm)) 2 (sep [ text "is defined in" <+> quotes (ppr (moduleName mod)) , ppUnless (same_pkg || pkg == mainUnit) $ nest 4 $ text "in package" <+> quotes (ppr pkg) ]) where pkg = moduleUnit mod mod = nameModule nm loc = nameSrcSpan nm {- ********************************************************************* * * Outputting HoleError messages * * **********************************************************************-} pprHoleError :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> Hole -> HoleError -> SDoc pprHoleError _ (Hole { hole_ty, hole_occ = rdr }) (OutOfScopeHole imp_errs) = out_of_scope_msg $$ vcat (map ppr imp_errs) where herald | isDataOcc (rdrNameOcc rdr) = text "Data constructor not in scope:" | otherwise = text "Variable not in scope:" out_of_scope_msg -- Print v :: ty only if the type has structure | boring_type = hang herald 2 (ppr rdr) | otherwise = hang herald 2 (pp_rdr_with_type rdr hole_ty) boring_type = isTyVarTy hole_ty pprHoleError ctxt (Hole { hole_ty, hole_occ}) (HoleError sort other_tvs hole_skol_info) = vcat [ hole_msg , tyvars_msg , case sort of { ExprHole {} -> expr_hole_hint; _ -> type_hole_hint } ] where hole_msg = case sort of ExprHole {} -> hang (text "Found hole:") 2 (pp_rdr_with_type hole_occ hole_ty) TypeHole -> hang (text "Found type wildcard" <+> quotes (ppr hole_occ)) 2 (text "standing for" <+> quotes pp_hole_type_with_kind) ConstraintHole -> hang (text "Found extra-constraints wildcard standing for") 2 (quotes $ pprType hole_ty) -- always kind Constraint hole_kind = typeKind hole_ty pp_hole_type_with_kind | isLiftedTypeKind hole_kind || isCoVarType hole_ty -- Don't print the kind of unlifted -- equalities (#15039) = pprType hole_ty | otherwise = pprType hole_ty <+> dcolon <+> pprKind hole_kind tyvars = tyCoVarsOfTypeList hole_ty tyvars_msg = ppUnless (null tyvars) $ text "Where:" <+> (vcat (map loc_msg other_tvs) $$ pprSkols ctxt hole_skol_info) -- Coercion variables can be free in the -- hole, via kind casts expr_hole_hint -- Give hint for, say, f x = _x | lengthFS (occNameFS (rdrNameOcc hole_occ)) > 1 -- Don't give this hint for plain "_" = text "Or perhaps" <+> quotes (ppr hole_occ) <+> text "is mis-spelled, or not in scope" | otherwise = empty type_hole_hint | ErrorWithoutFlag <- cec_type_holes ctxt = text "To use the inferred type, enable PartialTypeSignatures" | otherwise = empty loc_msg tv | isTyVar tv = case tcTyVarDetails tv of MetaTv {} -> quotes (ppr tv) <+> text "is an ambiguous type variable" _ -> empty -- Skolems dealt with already | otherwise -- A coercion variable can be free in the hole type = ppWhenOption sdocPrintExplicitCoercions $ quotes (ppr tv) <+> text "is a coercion variable" pp_rdr_with_type :: RdrName -> Type -> SDoc pp_rdr_with_type occ hole_ty = hang (pprPrefixOcc occ) 2 (dcolon <+> pprType hole_ty) {- ********************************************************************* * * Outputting ScopeError messages * * **********************************************************************-} pprScopeError :: RdrName -> NotInScopeError -> SDoc pprScopeError rdr_name scope_err = case scope_err of NotInScope {} -> hang (text "Not in scope:") 2 (what <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name)) NotARecordField {} -> hang (text "Not in scope:") 2 (text "record field" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name)) NoExactName name -> text "The Name" <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> text "is not in scope." SameName gres -> assertPpr (length gres >= 2) (text "pprScopeError SameName: fewer than 2 elements" $$ nest 2 (ppr gres)) $ hang (text "Same Name in multiple name-spaces:") 2 (vcat (map pp_one sorted_names)) where sorted_names = sortBy (leftmost_smallest `on` nameSrcSpan) $ map greName gres pp_one name = hang (pprNameSpace (occNameSpace (getOccName name)) <+> quotes (ppr name) <> comma) 2 (text "declared at:" <+> ppr (nameSrcLoc name)) MissingBinding thing _ -> sep [ text "The" <+> thing <+> text "for" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name) , nest 2 $ text "lacks an accompanying binding" ] NoTopLevelBinding -> hang (text "No top-level binding for") 2 (what <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name) <+> text "in this module") UnknownSubordinate doc -> quotes (ppr rdr_name) <+> text "is not a (visible)" <+> doc NotInScopeTc env -> vcat[text "GHC internal error:" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name) <+> text "is not in scope during type checking, but it passed the renamer", text "tcl_env of environment:" <+> ppr env] where what = pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace (rdrNameOcc rdr_name)) scopeErrorHints :: NotInScopeError -> [GhcHint] scopeErrorHints scope_err = case scope_err of NotInScope -> noHints NotARecordField -> noHints NoExactName {} -> [SuggestDumpSlices] SameName {} -> [SuggestDumpSlices] MissingBinding _ hints -> hints NoTopLevelBinding -> noHints UnknownSubordinate {} -> noHints NotInScopeTc _ -> noHints {- ********************************************************************* * * Outputting ImportError messages * * **********************************************************************-} instance Outputable ImportError where ppr (MissingModule mod_name) = hsep [ text "NB: no module named" , quotes (ppr mod_name) , text "is imported." ] ppr (ModulesDoNotExport mods occ_name) | mod NE.:| [] <- mods = hsep [ text "NB: the module" , quotes (ppr mod) , text "does not export" , quotes (ppr occ_name) <> dot ] | otherwise = hsep [ text "NB: neither" , quotedListWithNor (map ppr $ NE.toList mods) , text "export" , quotes (ppr occ_name) <> dot ] {- ********************************************************************* * * Suggested fixes for implication constraints * * **********************************************************************-} -- TODO: these functions should use GhcHint instead. show_fixes :: [SDoc] -> SDoc show_fixes [] = empty show_fixes (f:fs) = sep [ text "Possible fix:" , nest 2 (vcat (f : map (text "or" <+>) fs))] ctxtFixes :: Bool -> PredType -> [Implication] -> [SDoc] ctxtFixes has_ambig_tvs pred implics | not has_ambig_tvs , isTyVarClassPred pred -- Don't suggest adding (Eq T) to the context, say , (skol:skols) <- usefulContext implics pred , let what | null skols , SigSkol (PatSynCtxt {}) _ _ <- skol = text "\"required\"" | otherwise = empty = [sep [ text "add" <+> pprParendType pred <+> text "to the" <+> what <+> text "context of" , nest 2 $ ppr_skol skol $$ vcat [ text "or" <+> ppr_skol skol | skol <- skols ] ] ] | otherwise = [] where ppr_skol (PatSkol (RealDataCon dc) _) = text "the data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr dc) ppr_skol (PatSkol (PatSynCon ps) _) = text "the pattern synonym" <+> quotes (ppr ps) ppr_skol skol_info = ppr skol_info usefulContext :: [Implication] -> PredType -> [SkolemInfoAnon] -- usefulContext picks out the implications whose context -- the programmer might plausibly augment to solve 'pred' usefulContext implics pred = go implics where pred_tvs = tyCoVarsOfType pred go [] = [] go (ic : ics) | implausible ic = rest | otherwise = ic_info ic : rest where -- Stop when the context binds a variable free in the predicate rest | any (`elemVarSet` pred_tvs) (ic_skols ic) = [] | otherwise = go ics implausible ic | null (ic_skols ic) = True | implausible_info (ic_info ic) = True | otherwise = False implausible_info (SigSkol (InfSigCtxt {}) _ _) = True implausible_info _ = False -- Do not suggest adding constraints to an *inferred* type signature pp_givens :: [Implication] -> [SDoc] pp_givens givens = case givens of [] -> [] (g:gs) -> ppr_given (text "from the context:") g : map (ppr_given (text "or from:")) gs where ppr_given herald implic@(Implic { ic_given = gs, ic_info = skol_info }) = hang (herald <+> pprEvVarTheta (mkMinimalBySCs evVarPred gs)) -- See Note [Suppress redundant givens during error reporting] -- for why we use mkMinimalBySCs above. 2 (sep [ text "bound by" <+> ppr skol_info , text "at" <+> ppr (getLclEnvLoc (ic_env implic)) ]) {- ********************************************************************* * * CtOrigin information * * **********************************************************************-} levelString :: TypeOrKind -> String levelString TypeLevel = "type" levelString KindLevel = "kind" pprArising :: CtLoc -> SDoc -- Used for the main, top-level error message -- We've done special processing for TypeEq, KindEq, givens pprArising ct_loc | in_generated_code = empty -- See Note ["Arising from" messages in generated code] | suppress_origin = empty | otherwise = pprCtOrigin orig where orig = ctLocOrigin ct_loc in_generated_code = lclEnvInGeneratedCode (ctLocEnv ct_loc) suppress_origin | isGivenOrigin orig = True | otherwise = case orig of TypeEqOrigin {} -> True -- We've done special processing KindEqOrigin {} -> True -- for TypeEq, KindEq, givens AmbiguityCheckOrigin {} -> True -- The "In the ambiguity check" context -- is sufficient; more would be repetitive _ -> False -- Add the "arising from..." part to a message addArising :: CtLoc -> SDoc -> SDoc addArising ct_loc msg = hang msg 2 (pprArising ct_loc) pprWithArising :: [Ct] -> SDoc -- Print something like -- (Eq a) arising from a use of x at y -- (Show a) arising from a use of p at q -- Also return a location for the error message -- Works for Wanted/Derived only pprWithArising [] = panic "pprWithArising" pprWithArising (ct:cts) | null cts = addArising loc (pprTheta [ctPred ct]) | otherwise = vcat (map ppr_one (ct:cts)) where loc = ctLoc ct ppr_one ct' = hang (parens (pprType (ctPred ct'))) 2 (pprCtLoc (ctLoc ct')) {- Note ["Arising from" messages in generated code] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider code generated when we desugar code before typechecking; see Note [Rebindable syntax and HsExpansion]. In this code, constraints may be generated, but we don't want to say "arising from a call of foo" if 'foo' doesn't appear in the users code. We leave the actual CtOrigin untouched (partly because it is generated in many, many places), but suppress the "Arising from" message for constraints that originate in generated code. -} {- ********************************************************************* * * SkolemInfo * * **********************************************************************-} tidySkolemInfo :: TidyEnv -> SkolemInfo -> SkolemInfo tidySkolemInfo env (SkolemInfo u sk_anon) = SkolemInfo u (tidySkolemInfoAnon env sk_anon) ---------------- tidySkolemInfoAnon :: TidyEnv -> SkolemInfoAnon -> SkolemInfoAnon tidySkolemInfoAnon env (DerivSkol ty) = DerivSkol (tidyType env ty) tidySkolemInfoAnon env (SigSkol cx ty tv_prs) = tidySigSkol env cx ty tv_prs tidySkolemInfoAnon env (InferSkol ids) = InferSkol (mapSnd (tidyType env) ids) tidySkolemInfoAnon env (UnifyForAllSkol ty) = UnifyForAllSkol (tidyType env ty) tidySkolemInfoAnon _ info = info tidySigSkol :: TidyEnv -> UserTypeCtxt -> TcType -> [(Name,TcTyVar)] -> SkolemInfoAnon -- We need to take special care when tidying SigSkol -- See Note [SigSkol SkolemInfo] in "GHC.Tc.Types.Origin" tidySigSkol env cx ty tv_prs = SigSkol cx (tidy_ty env ty) tv_prs' where tv_prs' = mapSnd (tidyTyCoVarOcc env) tv_prs inst_env = mkNameEnv tv_prs' tidy_ty env (ForAllTy (Bndr tv vis) ty) = ForAllTy (Bndr tv' vis) (tidy_ty env' ty) where (env', tv') = tidy_tv_bndr env tv tidy_ty env ty@(FunTy af w arg res) -- Look under c => t | isInvisibleFunArg af = ty { ft_mult = tidy_ty env w , ft_arg = tidyType env arg , ft_res = tidy_ty env res } tidy_ty env ty = tidyType env ty tidy_tv_bndr :: TidyEnv -> TyCoVar -> (TidyEnv, TyCoVar) tidy_tv_bndr env@(occ_env, subst) tv | Just tv' <- lookupNameEnv inst_env (tyVarName tv) = ((occ_env, extendVarEnv subst tv tv'), tv') | otherwise = tidyVarBndr env tv pprSkols :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [(SkolemInfoAnon, [TcTyVar])] -> SDoc pprSkols ctxt zonked_ty_vars = let tidy_ty_vars = map (bimap (tidySkolemInfoAnon (cec_tidy ctxt)) id) zonked_ty_vars in vcat (map pp_one tidy_ty_vars) where no_msg = text "No skolem info - we could not find the origin of the following variables" <+> ppr zonked_ty_vars $$ text "This should not happen, please report it as a bug following the instructions at:" $$ text "https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/report-a-bug" pp_one (UnkSkol cs, tvs) = vcat [ hang (pprQuotedList tvs) 2 (is_or_are tvs "a" "(rigid, skolem)") , nest 2 (text "of unknown origin") , nest 2 (text "bound at" <+> ppr (skolsSpan tvs)) , no_msg , prettyCallStackDoc cs ] pp_one (RuntimeUnkSkol, tvs) = hang (pprQuotedList tvs) 2 (is_or_are tvs "an" "unknown runtime") pp_one (skol_info, tvs) = vcat [ hang (pprQuotedList tvs) 2 (is_or_are tvs "a" "rigid" <+> text "bound by") , nest 2 (pprSkolInfo skol_info) , nest 2 (text "at" <+> ppr (skolsSpan tvs)) ] is_or_are [_] article adjective = text "is" <+> text article <+> text adjective <+> text "type variable" is_or_are _ _ adjective = text "are" <+> text adjective <+> text "type variables" skolsSpan :: [TcTyVar] -> SrcSpan skolsSpan skol_tvs = foldr1 combineSrcSpans (map getSrcSpan skol_tvs) {- ********************************************************************* * * Utilities for expected/actual messages * * **********************************************************************-} mk_supplementary_ea_msg :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> TypeOrKind -> Type -> Type -> CtOrigin -> Either [ExpectedActualInfo] MismatchMsg mk_supplementary_ea_msg ctxt level ty1 ty2 orig | TypeEqOrigin { uo_expected = exp, uo_actual = act } <- orig , not (ea_looks_same ty1 ty2 exp act) = mk_ea_msg ctxt Nothing level orig | otherwise = Left [] ea_looks_same :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type -> Bool -- True if the faulting types (ty1, ty2) look the same as -- the expected/actual types (exp, act). -- If so, we don't want to redundantly report the latter ea_looks_same ty1 ty2 exp act = (act `looks_same` ty1 && exp `looks_same` ty2) || (exp `looks_same` ty1 && act `looks_same` ty2) where looks_same t1 t2 = t1 `pickyEqType` t2 || t1 `eqType` liftedTypeKind && t2 `eqType` liftedTypeKind -- pickyEqType is sensitive to synonyms, so only replies True -- when the types really look the same. However, -- (TYPE 'LiftedRep) and Type both print the same way. mk_ea_msg :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> Maybe ErrorItem -> TypeOrKind -> CtOrigin -> Either [ExpectedActualInfo] MismatchMsg -- Constructs a "Couldn't match" message -- The (Maybe ErrorItem) says whether this is the main top-level message (Just) -- or a supplementary message (Nothing) mk_ea_msg ctxt at_top level (TypeEqOrigin { uo_actual = act, uo_expected = exp, uo_thing = mb_thing }) | Just thing <- mb_thing , KindLevel <- level = Right $ KindMismatch { kmismatch_what = thing , kmismatch_expected = exp , kmismatch_actual = act } | Just item <- at_top , let ea = EA $ if expanded_syns then Just ea_expanded else Nothing mismatch = mkBasicMismatchMsg ea item exp act = Right mismatch | otherwise = Left $ if expanded_syns then [ea,ea_expanded] else [ea] where ea = ExpectedActual { ea_expected = exp, ea_actual = act } ea_expanded = ExpectedActualAfterTySynExpansion { ea_expanded_expected = expTy1 , ea_expanded_actual = expTy2 } expanded_syns = cec_expand_syns ctxt && not (expTy1 `pickyEqType` exp && expTy2 `pickyEqType` act) (expTy1, expTy2) = expandSynonymsToMatch exp act mk_ea_msg _ _ _ _ = Left [] {- Note [Expanding type synonyms to make types similar] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In type error messages, if -fprint-expanded-types is used, we want to expand type synonyms to make expected and found types as similar as possible, but we shouldn't expand types too much to make type messages even more verbose and harder to understand. The whole point here is to make the difference in expected and found types clearer. `expandSynonymsToMatch` does this, it takes two types, and expands type synonyms only as much as necessary. Given two types t1 and t2: * If they're already same, it just returns the types. * If they're in form `C1 t1_1 .. t1_n` and `C2 t2_1 .. t2_m` (C1 and C2 are type constructors), it expands C1 and C2 if they're different type synonyms. Then it recursively does the same thing on expanded types. If C1 and C2 are same, then it applies the same procedure to arguments of C1 and arguments of C2 to make them as similar as possible. Most important thing here is to keep number of synonym expansions at minimum. For example, if t1 is `T (T3, T5, Int)` and t2 is `T (T5, T3, Bool)` where T5 = T4, T4 = T3, ..., T1 = X, it returns `T (T3, T3, Int)` and `T (T3, T3, Bool)`. * Otherwise types don't have same shapes and so the difference is clearly visible. It doesn't do any expansions and show these types. Note that we only expand top-layer type synonyms. Only when top-layer constructors are the same we start expanding inner type synonyms. Suppose top-layer type synonyms of t1 and t2 can expand N and M times, respectively. If their type-synonym-expanded forms will meet at some point (i.e. will have same shapes according to `sameShapes` function), it's possible to find where they meet in O(N+M) top-layer type synonym expansions and O(min(N,M)) comparisons. We first collect all the top-layer expansions of t1 and t2 in two lists, then drop the prefix of the longer list so that they have same lengths. Then we search through both lists in parallel, and return the first pair of types that have same shapes. Inner types of these two types with same shapes are then expanded using the same algorithm. In case they don't meet, we return the last pair of types in the lists, which has top-layer type synonyms completely expanded. (in this case the inner types are not expanded at all, as the current form already shows the type error) -} -- | Expand type synonyms in given types only enough to make them as similar as -- possible. Returned types are the same in terms of used type synonyms. -- -- To expand all synonyms, see 'Type.expandTypeSynonyms'. -- -- See `ExpandSynsFail` tests in tests testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail for -- some examples of how this should work. expandSynonymsToMatch :: Type -> Type -> (Type, Type) expandSynonymsToMatch ty1 ty2 = (ty1_ret, ty2_ret) where (ty1_ret, ty2_ret) = go ty1 ty2 -- Returns (type synonym expanded version of first type, -- type synonym expanded version of second type) go :: Type -> Type -> (Type, Type) go t1 t2 | t1 `pickyEqType` t2 = -- Types are same, nothing to do (t1, t2) go (TyConApp tc1 tys1) (TyConApp tc2 tys2) | tc1 == tc2 , tys1 `equalLength` tys2 = -- Type constructors are same. They may be synonyms, but we don't -- expand further. The lengths of tys1 and tys2 must be equal; -- for example, with type S a = a, we don't want -- to zip (S Monad Int) and (S Bool). let (tys1', tys2') = unzip (zipWithEqual "expandSynonymsToMatch" go tys1 tys2) in (TyConApp tc1 tys1', TyConApp tc2 tys2') go (AppTy t1_1 t1_2) (AppTy t2_1 t2_2) = let (t1_1', t2_1') = go t1_1 t2_1 (t1_2', t2_2') = go t1_2 t2_2 in (mkAppTy t1_1' t1_2', mkAppTy t2_1' t2_2') go ty1@(FunTy _ w1 t1_1 t1_2) ty2@(FunTy _ w2 t2_1 t2_2) | w1 `eqType` w2 = let (t1_1', t2_1') = go t1_1 t2_1 (t1_2', t2_2') = go t1_2 t2_2 in ( ty1 { ft_arg = t1_1', ft_res = t1_2' } , ty2 { ft_arg = t2_1', ft_res = t2_2' }) go (ForAllTy b1 t1) (ForAllTy b2 t2) = -- NOTE: We may have a bug here, but we just can't reproduce it easily. -- See D1016 comments for details and our attempts at producing a test -- case. Short version: We probably need RnEnv2 to really get this right. let (t1', t2') = go t1 t2 in (ForAllTy b1 t1', ForAllTy b2 t2') go (CastTy ty1 _) ty2 = go ty1 ty2 go ty1 (CastTy ty2 _) = go ty1 ty2 go t1 t2 = -- See Note [Expanding type synonyms to make types similar] for how this -- works let t1_exp_tys = t1 : tyExpansions t1 t2_exp_tys = t2 : tyExpansions t2 t1_exps = length t1_exp_tys t2_exps = length t2_exp_tys dif = abs (t1_exps - t2_exps) in followExpansions $ zipEqual "expandSynonymsToMatch.go" (if t1_exps > t2_exps then drop dif t1_exp_tys else t1_exp_tys) (if t2_exps > t1_exps then drop dif t2_exp_tys else t2_exp_tys) -- Expand the top layer type synonyms repeatedly, collect expansions in a -- list. The list does not include the original type. -- -- Example, if you have: -- -- type T10 = T9 -- type T9 = T8 -- ... -- type T0 = Int -- -- `tyExpansions T10` returns [T9, T8, T7, ..., Int] -- -- This only expands the top layer, so if you have: -- -- type M a = Maybe a -- -- `tyExpansions (M T10)` returns [Maybe T10] (T10 is not expanded) tyExpansions :: Type -> [Type] tyExpansions = unfoldr (\t -> (\x -> (x, x)) `fmap` coreView t) -- Drop the type pairs until types in a pair look alike (i.e. the outer -- constructors are the same). followExpansions :: [(Type, Type)] -> (Type, Type) followExpansions [] = pprPanic "followExpansions" empty followExpansions [(t1, t2)] | sameShapes t1 t2 = go t1 t2 -- expand subtrees | otherwise = (t1, t2) -- the difference is already visible followExpansions ((t1, t2) : tss) -- Traverse subtrees when the outer shapes are the same | sameShapes t1 t2 = go t1 t2 -- Otherwise follow the expansions until they look alike | otherwise = followExpansions tss sameShapes :: Type -> Type -> Bool sameShapes AppTy{} AppTy{} = True sameShapes (TyConApp tc1 _) (TyConApp tc2 _) = tc1 == tc2 sameShapes (FunTy {}) (FunTy {}) = True sameShapes (ForAllTy {}) (ForAllTy {}) = True sameShapes (CastTy ty1 _) ty2 = sameShapes ty1 ty2 sameShapes ty1 (CastTy ty2 _) = sameShapes ty1 ty2 sameShapes _ _ = False {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{Contexts for renaming errors} * * ************************************************************************ -} inHsDocContext :: HsDocContext -> SDoc inHsDocContext ctxt = text "In" <+> pprHsDocContext ctxt pprHsDocContext :: HsDocContext -> SDoc pprHsDocContext (GenericCtx doc) = doc pprHsDocContext (TypeSigCtx doc) = text "the type signature for" <+> doc pprHsDocContext (StandaloneKindSigCtx doc) = text "the standalone kind signature for" <+> doc pprHsDocContext PatCtx = text "a pattern type-signature" pprHsDocContext SpecInstSigCtx = text "a SPECIALISE instance pragma" pprHsDocContext DefaultDeclCtx = text "a `default' declaration" pprHsDocContext DerivDeclCtx = text "a deriving declaration" pprHsDocContext (RuleCtx name) = text "the rewrite rule" <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name) pprHsDocContext (TyDataCtx tycon) = text "the data type declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr tycon) pprHsDocContext (FamPatCtx tycon) = text "a type pattern of family instance for" <+> quotes (ppr tycon) pprHsDocContext (TySynCtx name) = text "the declaration for type synonym" <+> quotes (ppr name) pprHsDocContext (TyFamilyCtx name) = text "the declaration for type family" <+> quotes (ppr name) pprHsDocContext (ClassDeclCtx name) = text "the declaration for class" <+> quotes (ppr name) pprHsDocContext ExprWithTySigCtx = text "an expression type signature" pprHsDocContext TypBrCtx = text "a Template-Haskell quoted type" pprHsDocContext HsTypeCtx = text "a type argument" pprHsDocContext HsTypePatCtx = text "a type argument in a pattern" pprHsDocContext GHCiCtx = text "GHCi input" pprHsDocContext (SpliceTypeCtx hs_ty) = text "the spliced type" <+> quotes (ppr hs_ty) pprHsDocContext ClassInstanceCtx = text "GHC.Tc.Gen.Splice.reifyInstances" pprHsDocContext (ForeignDeclCtx name) = text "the foreign declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr name) pprHsDocContext (ConDeclCtx [name]) = text "the definition of data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr name) pprHsDocContext (ConDeclCtx names) = text "the definition of data constructors" <+> interpp'SP names pprConversionFailReason :: ConversionFailReason -> SDoc pprConversionFailReason = \case IllegalOccName ctxt_ns occ -> text "Illegal" <+> pprNameSpace ctxt_ns <+> text "name:" <+> quotes (text occ) SumAltArityExceeded alt arity -> text "Sum alternative" <+> int alt <+> text "exceeds its arity," <+> int arity IllegalSumAlt alt -> vcat [ text "Illegal sum alternative:" <+> int alt , nest 2 $ text "Sum alternatives must start from 1" ] IllegalSumArity arity -> vcat [ text "Illegal sum arity:" <+> int arity , nest 2 $ text "Sums must have an arity of at least 2" ] MalformedType typeOrKind ty -> text "Malformed " <> text ty_str <+> text (show ty) where ty_str = case typeOrKind of TypeLevel -> "type" KindLevel -> "kind" IllegalLastStatement do_or_lc stmt -> vcat [ text "Illegal last statement of" <+> pprAHsDoFlavour do_or_lc <> colon , nest 2 $ ppr stmt , text "(It should be an expression.)" ] KindSigsOnlyAllowedOnGADTs -> text "Kind signatures are only allowed on GADTs" IllegalDeclaration declDescr bad_decls -> sep [ text "Illegal" <+> what <+> text "in" <+> descrDoc <> colon , nest 2 bads ] where (what, bads) = case bad_decls of IllegalDecls (NE.toList -> decls) -> (text "declaration" <> plural decls, vcat $ map ppr decls) IllegalFamDecls (NE.toList -> decls) -> ( text "family declaration" <> plural decls, vcat $ map ppr decls) descrDoc = text $ case declDescr of InstanceDecl -> "an instance declaration" WhereClause -> "a where clause" LetBinding -> "a let expression" LetExpression -> "a let expression" ClssDecl -> "a class declaration" CannotMixGADTConsWith98Cons -> text "Cannot mix GADT constructors with Haskell 98" <+> text "constructors" EmptyStmtListInDoBlock -> text "Empty stmt list in do-block" NonVarInInfixExpr -> text "Non-variable expression is not allowed in an infix expression" MultiWayIfWithoutAlts -> text "Multi-way if-expression with no alternatives" CasesExprWithoutAlts -> text "\\cases expression with no alternatives" ImplicitParamsWithOtherBinds -> text "Implicit parameters mixed with other bindings" InvalidCCallImpent from -> text (show from) <+> text "is not a valid ccall impent" RecGadtNoCons -> quotes (text "RecGadtC") <+> text "must have at least one constructor name" GadtNoCons -> quotes (text "GadtC") <+> text "must have at least one constructor name" InvalidTypeInstanceHeader tys -> text "Invalid type instance header:" <+> text (show tys) InvalidTyFamInstLHS lhs -> text "Invalid type family instance LHS:" <+> text (show lhs) InvalidImplicitParamBinding -> text "Implicit parameter binding only allowed in let or where" DefaultDataInstDecl adts -> (text "Default data instance declarations" <+> text "are not allowed:") $$ ppr adts FunBindLacksEquations nm -> text "Function binding for" <+> quotes (text (TH.pprint nm)) <+> text "has no equations" pprTyThingUsedWrong :: WrongThingSort -> TcTyThing -> Name -> SDoc pprTyThingUsedWrong sort thing name = pprTcTyThingCategory thing <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> text "used as a" <+> pprWrongThingSort sort pprWrongThingSort :: WrongThingSort -> SDoc pprWrongThingSort = text . \case WrongThingType -> "type" WrongThingDataCon -> "data constructor" WrongThingPatSyn -> "pattern synonym" WrongThingConLike -> "constructor-like thing" WrongThingClass -> "class" WrongThingTyCon -> "type constructor" WrongThingAxiom -> "axiom" pprStageCheckReason :: StageCheckReason -> SDoc pprStageCheckReason = \case StageCheckInstance _ t -> text "instance for" <+> quotes (ppr t) StageCheckSplice t -> quotes (ppr t) pprUninferrableTyVarCtx :: UninferrableTyVarCtx -> SDoc pprUninferrableTyVarCtx = \case UninfTyCtx_ClassContext theta -> sep [ text "the class context:", pprTheta theta ] UninfTyCtx_DataContext theta -> sep [ text "the datatype context:", pprTheta theta ] UninfTyCtx_ProvidedContext theta -> sep [ text "the provided context:" , pprTheta theta ] UninfTyCtx_TyFamRhs rhs_ty -> sep [ text "the type family equation right-hand side:" , ppr rhs_ty ] UninfTyCtx_TySynRhs rhs_ty -> sep [ text "the type synonym right-hand side:" , ppr rhs_ty ] UninfTyCtx_Sig exp_kind full_hs_ty -> hang (text "the kind" <+> ppr exp_kind) 2 (text "of the type signature:" <+> ppr full_hs_ty) pprPatSynInvalidRhsReason :: PatSynInvalidRhsReason -> SDoc pprPatSynInvalidRhsReason = \case PatSynNotInvertible p -> text "Pattern" <+> quotes (ppr p) <+> text "is not invertible" PatSynUnboundVar var -> quotes (ppr var) <+> text "is not bound by the LHS of the pattern synonym" pprBadFieldAnnotationReason :: BadFieldAnnotationReason -> SDoc pprBadFieldAnnotationReason = \case LazyFieldsDisabled -> text "Lazy field annotations (~) are disabled" UnpackWithoutStrictness -> text "UNPACK pragma lacks '!'" BackpackUnpackAbstractType -> text "Ignoring unusable UNPACK pragma" pprSuperclassCycleDetail :: SuperclassCycleDetail -> SDoc pprSuperclassCycleDetail = \case SCD_HeadTyVar pred -> hang (text "one of whose superclass constraints is headed by a type variable:") 2 (quotes (ppr pred)) SCD_HeadTyFam pred -> hang (text "one of whose superclass constraints is headed by a type family:") 2 (quotes (ppr pred)) SCD_Superclass cls -> text "one of whose superclasses is" <+> quotes (ppr cls) pprRoleValidationFailedReason :: Role -> RoleValidationFailedReason -> SDoc pprRoleValidationFailedReason role = \case TyVarRoleMismatch tv role' -> text "type variable" <+> quotes (ppr tv) <+> text "cannot have role" <+> ppr role <+> text "because it was assigned role" <+> ppr role' TyVarMissingInEnv tv -> text "type variable" <+> quotes (ppr tv) <+> text "missing in environment" BadCoercionRole co -> text "coercion" <+> ppr co <+> text "has bad role" <+> ppr role pprDisabledClassExtension :: Class -> DisabledClassExtension -> SDoc pprDisabledClassExtension cls = \case MultiParamDisabled n -> text howMany <+> text "parameters for class" <+> quotes (ppr cls) where howMany | n == 0 = "No" | otherwise = "Too many" FunDepsDisabled -> text "Fundeps in class" <+> quotes (ppr cls) ConstrainedClassMethodsDisabled sel_id pred -> vcat [ hang (text "Constraint" <+> quotes (ppr pred) <+> text "in the type of" <+> quotes (ppr sel_id)) 2 (text "constrains only the class type variables")] pprImportLookup :: ImportLookupReason -> SDoc pprImportLookup = \case ImportLookupBad k iface decl_spec ie _ps -> let pprImpDeclSpec :: ModIface -> ImpDeclSpec -> SDoc pprImpDeclSpec iface decl_spec = quotes (ppr (is_mod decl_spec)) <+> case mi_boot iface of IsBoot -> text "(hi-boot interface)" NotBoot -> empty withContext msgs = hang (text "In the import of" <+> pprImpDeclSpec iface decl_spec <> colon) 2 (vcat msgs) in case k of BadImportNotExported -> vcat [ text "Module" <+> pprImpDeclSpec iface decl_spec <+> text "does not export" <+> quotes (ppr ie) <> dot ] BadImportAvailVar -> withContext [ text "an item called" <+> quotes val <+> text "is exported, but it is not a type." ] where val_occ = rdrNameOcc $ ieName ie val = parenSymOcc val_occ (ppr val_occ) BadImportAvailTyCon {} -> withContext [ text "an item called" <+> quotes tycon <+> text "is exported, but it is a type." ] where tycon_occ = rdrNameOcc $ ieName ie tycon = parenSymOcc tycon_occ (ppr tycon_occ) BadImportNotExportedSubordinates ns -> withContext [ text "an item called" <+> quotes sub <+> text "is exported, but it does not export any children" , text "(constructors, class methods or field names) called" <+> pprWithCommas (quotes . ppr) ns <> dot ] where sub_occ = rdrNameOcc $ ieName ie sub = parenSymOcc sub_occ (ppr sub_occ) BadImportAvailDataCon dataType_occ -> withContext [ text "an item called" <+> quotes datacon , text "is exported, but it is a data constructor of" , quotes dataType <> dot ] where datacon_occ = rdrNameOcc $ ieName ie datacon = parenSymOcc datacon_occ (ppr datacon_occ) dataType = parenSymOcc dataType_occ (ppr dataType_occ) ImportLookupQualified rdr -> hang (text "Illegal qualified name in import item:") 2 (ppr rdr) ImportLookupIllegal -> text "Illegal import item" ImportLookupAmbiguous rdr gres -> hang (text "Ambiguous name" <+> quotes (ppr rdr) <+> text "in import item. It could refer to:") 2 (vcat (map (ppr . greOccName) gres)) pprUnusedImport :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> UnusedImportReason -> SDoc pprUnusedImport decl = \case UnusedImportNone -> vcat [ pp_herald <+> quotes pp_mod <+> text "is redundant" , nest 2 (text "except perhaps to import instances from" <+> quotes pp_mod) , text "To import instances alone, use:" <+> text "import" <+> pp_mod <> parens empty ] UnusedImportSome sort_unused -> sep [ pp_herald <+> quotes (pprWithCommas pp_unused sort_unused) , text "from module" <+> quotes pp_mod <+> text "is redundant"] where pp_mod = ppr (unLoc (ideclName decl)) pp_herald = text "The" <+> pp_qual <+> text "import of" pp_qual | isImportDeclQualified (ideclQualified decl) = text "qualified" | otherwise = empty pp_unused = \case UnusedImportNameRegular n -> pprNameUnqualified n UnusedImportNameRecField par fld_occ -> case par of ParentIs p -> pprNameUnqualified p <> parens (ppr fld_occ) NoParent -> ppr fld_occ pprUnusedName :: OccName -> UnusedNameProv -> SDoc pprUnusedName name reason = sep [ msg <> colon , nest 2 $ pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace name) <+> quotes (ppr name)] where msg = case reason of UnusedNameTopDecl -> defined UnusedNameImported mod -> text "Imported from" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> text "but not used" UnusedNameTypePattern -> defined <+> text "on the right hand side" UnusedNameMatch -> defined UnusedNameLocalBind -> defined defined = text "Defined but not used" -- When printing the name, take care to qualify it in the same -- way as the provenance reported by pprNameProvenance, namely -- the head of 'gre_imp'. Otherwise we get confusing reports like -- Ambiguous occurrence ‘null’ -- It could refer to either ‘T15487a.null’, -- imported from ‘Prelude’ at T15487.hs:1:8-13 -- or ... -- See #15487 pprAmbiguousGreName :: GlobalRdrEnv -> GlobalRdrElt -> SDoc pprAmbiguousGreName gre_env gre | IAmRecField fld_info <- gre_info gre = sep [ text "the field" <+> quotes (ppr occ) <+> parent_info fld_info <> comma , pprNameProvenance gre ] | otherwise = sep [ quotes (pp_qual <> dot <> ppr occ) <> comma , pprNameProvenance gre ] where occ = greOccName gre parent_info fld_info = case first_con of PatSynName ps -> text "of pattern synonym" <+> quotes (ppr ps) DataConName {} -> case gre_par gre of ParentIs par -- For a data family, only reporting the family TyCon can be -- unhelpful (see T23301). So we give a bit of additional -- info in that case. | Just par_gre <- lookupGRE_Name gre_env par , IAmTyCon tc_flav <- gre_info par_gre , OpenFamilyFlavour IAmData _ <- tc_flav -> vcat [ ppr_cons , text "in a data family instance of" <+> quotes (ppr par) ] | otherwise -> text "of record" <+> quotes (ppr par) NoParent -> ppr_cons where cons :: [ConLikeName] cons = nonDetEltsUniqSet $ recFieldCons fld_info first_con :: ConLikeName first_con = head cons ppr_cons :: SDoc ppr_cons = hsep [ text "belonging to data constructor" , quotes (ppr $ nameOccName $ conLikeName_Name first_con) , if length cons > 1 then parens (text "among others") else empty ] pp_qual | gre_lcl gre = ppr (nameModule $ greName gre) | Just imp <- headMaybe $ gre_imp gre -- This 'imp' is the one that -- pprNameProvenance chooses , ImpDeclSpec { is_as = mod } <- is_decl imp = ppr mod | otherwise = pprPanic "addNameClassErrRn" (ppr gre) -- Invariant: either 'lcl' is True or 'iss' is non-empty pprNonCanonicalDefinition :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> NonCanonicalDefinition -> SDoc pprNonCanonicalDefinition inst_ty = \case NonCanonicalMonoid sub -> case sub of NonCanonical_Sappend -> msg1 "(<>)" "mappend" NonCanonical_Mappend -> msg2 "mappend" "(<>)" NonCanonicalMonad sub -> case sub of NonCanonical_Pure -> msg1 "pure" "return" NonCanonical_ThenA -> msg1 "(*>)" "(>>)" NonCanonical_Return -> msg2 "return" "pure" NonCanonical_ThenM -> msg2 "(>>)" "(*>)" where msg1 :: String -> String -> SDoc msg1 lhs rhs = vcat [ text "Noncanonical" <+> quotes (text (lhs ++ " = " ++ rhs)) <+> text "definition detected" , inst ] msg2 :: String -> String -> SDoc msg2 lhs rhs = vcat [ text "Noncanonical" <+> quotes (text lhs) <+> text "definition detected" , inst , quotes (text lhs) <+> text "will eventually be removed in favour of" <+> quotes (text rhs) ] inst = instDeclCtxt1 inst_ty -- stolen from GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance instDeclCtxt1 :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> SDoc instDeclCtxt1 hs_inst_ty = inst_decl_ctxt (ppr (getLHsInstDeclHead hs_inst_ty)) inst_decl_ctxt :: SDoc -> SDoc inst_decl_ctxt doc = hang (text "in the instance declaration for") 2 (quotes doc <> text ".") suggestNonCanonicalDefinition :: NonCanonicalDefinition -> [GhcHint] suggestNonCanonicalDefinition reason = [action doc] where action = case reason of NonCanonicalMonoid sub -> case sub of NonCanonical_Sappend -> move sappendName mappendName NonCanonical_Mappend -> remove mappendName sappendName NonCanonicalMonad sub -> case sub of NonCanonical_Pure -> move pureAName returnMName NonCanonical_ThenA -> move thenAName thenMName NonCanonical_Return -> remove returnMName pureAName NonCanonical_ThenM -> remove thenMName thenAName move = SuggestMoveNonCanonicalDefinition remove = SuggestRemoveNonCanonicalDefinition doc = case reason of NonCanonicalMonoid _ -> doc_monoid NonCanonicalMonad _ -> doc_monad doc_monoid = "https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid" doc_monad = "https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- hs-boot mismatch errors pprBootMismatch :: HsBootOrSig -> BootMismatch -> SDoc pprBootMismatch boot_or_sig = \case MissingBootThing nm err -> let def_or_exp = case err of MissingBootDefinition -> text "defined in" MissingBootExport -> text "exported by" in quotes (ppr nm) <+> text "is exported by the" <+> ppr_boot_or_sig <> comma <+> text "but not" <+> def_or_exp <+> text "the implementing module." MissingBootInstance boot_dfun -> hang (text "instance" <+> ppr (idType boot_dfun)) 2 (text "is defined in the" <+> ppr ppr_boot_or_sig <> comma <+> text "but not in the implementing module.") BadReexportedBootThing name name' -> withUserStyle alwaysQualify AllTheWay $ vcat [ text "The" <+> ppr_boot_or_sig <+> text "(re)exports" <+> quotes (ppr name) , text "but the implementing module exports a different identifier" <+> quotes (ppr name') ] BootMismatch boot_thing real_thing err -> vcat [ ppr real_thing <+> text "has conflicting definitions in the module" , text "and its" <+> ppr_boot_or_sig <> dot, text "Main module:" <+> real_doc , (case boot_or_sig of HsBoot -> text " Boot file:" Hsig -> text " Hsig file:") <+> boot_doc , pprBootMismatchWhat boot_or_sig err ] where to_doc = pprTyThingInContext $ showToHeader { ss_forall = case boot_or_sig of HsBoot -> ShowForAllMust Hsig -> ShowForAllWhen } real_doc = to_doc real_thing boot_doc = to_doc boot_thing where ppr_boot_or_sig = case boot_or_sig of HsBoot -> text "hs-boot file" Hsig -> text "hsig file" pprBootMismatchWhat :: HsBootOrSig -> BootMismatchWhat -> SDoc pprBootMismatchWhat boot_or_sig = \case BootMismatchedIdTypes {} -> text "The two types are different." BootMismatchedTyCons tc1 tc2 errs -> vcat $ map (pprBootTyConMismatch boot_or_sig tc1 tc2) (NE.toList errs) pprBootTyConMismatch :: HsBootOrSig -> TyCon -> TyCon -> BootTyConMismatch -> SDoc pprBootTyConMismatch boot_or_sig tc1 tc2 = \case TyConKindMismatch -> text "The types have different kinds." TyConRoleMismatch sub_type -> if sub_type then text "The roles are not compatible:" $$ text "Main module:" <+> ppr (tyConRoles tc1) $$ text " Hsig file:" <+> ppr (tyConRoles tc2) else text "The roles do not match." $$ if boot_or_sig == HsBoot then text "NB: roles on abstract types default to" <+> quotes (text "representational") <+> text "in hs-boot files." else empty TyConSynonymMismatch {} -> empty -- nothing interesting to say TyConFlavourMismatch fam_flav1 fam_flav2 -> whenPprDebug $ text "Family flavours" <+> ppr fam_flav1 <+> text "and" <+> ppr fam_flav2 <+> text "do not match" TyConAxiomMismatch ax_errs -> pprBootListMismatches (text "Type family equations do not match:") pprTyConAxiomMismatch ax_errs TyConInjectivityMismatch {} -> text "Injectivity annotations do not match" TyConMismatchedClasses _ _ err -> pprBootClassMismatch boot_or_sig err TyConMismatchedData _rhs1 _rhs2 err -> pprBootDataMismatch err SynAbstractData err -> pprSynAbstractDataError err TyConsVeryDifferent -> empty -- should be obvious to the user what the problem is pprSynAbstractDataError :: SynAbstractDataError -> SDoc pprSynAbstractDataError = \case SynAbsDataTySynNotNullary -> text "Illegal parameterized type synonym in implementation of abstract data." SynAbstractDataInvalidRHS bad_sub_tys -> let msgs = mapMaybe pprInvalidAbstractSubTy (NE.toList bad_sub_tys) in case msgs of [] -> herald <> dot msg:[] -> hang (herald <> colon) 2 msg _ -> hang (herald <> colon) 2 (vcat $ map (<+> bullet) msgs) where herald = text "Illegal implementation of abstract data" pprInvalidAbstractSubTy = \case TyConApp tc _ -> assertPpr (isTypeFamilyTyCon tc) (ppr tc) $ Just $ text "Invalid type family" <+> quotes (ppr tc) <> dot ty@(ForAllTy {}) -> Just $ text "Invalid polymorphic type" <> colon <+> ppr ty <> dot ty@(FunTy af _ _ _) | not (af == FTF_T_T) -> Just $ text "Invalid qualified type" <> colon <+> ppr ty <> dot _ -> Nothing pprTyConAxiomMismatch :: BootListMismatch CoAxBranch BootAxiomBranchMismatch -> SDoc pprTyConAxiomMismatch = \case MismatchedLength -> text "The number of equations differs." MismatchedThing i br1 br2 err -> hang (text "The" <+> speakNth (i+1) <+> text "equations do not match.") 2 (pprCoAxBranchMismatch br1 br2 err) pprCoAxBranchMismatch :: CoAxBranch -> CoAxBranch -> BootAxiomBranchMismatch -> SDoc pprCoAxBranchMismatch _br1 _br2 err = text "The" <+> what <+> text "don't match." where what = case err of MismatchedAxiomBinders -> text "variables bound in the equation" MismatchedAxiomLHS -> text "equation left-hand sides" MismatchedAxiomRHS -> text "equation right-hand sides" pprBootListMismatches :: SDoc -- ^ herald -> (BootListMismatch item err -> SDoc) -> BootListMismatches item err -> SDoc pprBootListMismatches herald ppr_one errs = hang herald 2 msgs where msgs = case errs of err :| [] -> ppr_one err _ -> vcat $ map ((bullet <+>) . ppr_one) $ NE.toList errs pprBootClassMismatch :: HsBootOrSig -> BootClassMismatch -> SDoc pprBootClassMismatch boot_or_sig = \case MismatchedMethods errs -> pprBootListMismatches (text "The class methods do not match:") pprBootClassMethodListMismatch errs MismatchedATs at_errs -> pprBootListMismatches (text "The associated types do not match:") (pprATMismatch boot_or_sig) at_errs MismatchedFunDeps -> text "The functional dependencies do not match." MismatchedSuperclasses -> text "The superclass constraints do not match." MismatchedMinimalPragmas -> text "The MINIMAL pragmas are not compatible." pprATMismatch :: HsBootOrSig -> BootListMismatch ClassATItem BootATMismatch -> SDoc pprATMismatch boot_or_sig = \case MismatchedLength -> text "The number of associated type defaults differs." MismatchedThing i at1 at2 err -> pprATMismatchErr boot_or_sig i at1 at2 err pprATMismatchErr :: HsBootOrSig -> Int -> ClassATItem -> ClassATItem -> BootATMismatch -> SDoc pprATMismatchErr boot_or_sig i (ATI tc1 _) (ATI tc2 _) = \case MismatchedTyConAT err -> hang (text "The associated types differ:") 2 $ pprBootTyConMismatch boot_or_sig tc1 tc2 err MismatchedATDefaultType -> text "The types of the" <+> speakNth (i+1) <+> text "associated type default differ." pprBootClassMethodListMismatch :: BootListMismatch ClassOpItem BootMethodMismatch -> SDoc pprBootClassMethodListMismatch = \case MismatchedLength -> text "The number of class methods differs." MismatchedThing _ op1 op2 err -> pprBootClassMethodMismatch op1 op2 err pprBootClassMethodMismatch :: ClassOpItem -> ClassOpItem -> BootMethodMismatch -> SDoc pprBootClassMethodMismatch (op1, _) (op2, _) = \case MismatchedMethodNames -> text "The method names" <+> quotes pname1 <+> text "and" <+> quotes pname2 <+> text "differ." MismatchedMethodTypes {} -> text "The types of" <+> pname1 <+> text "are different." MismatchedDefaultMethods subtype_check -> if subtype_check then text "The default methods associated with" <+> pname1 <+> text "are not compatible." else text "The default methods associated with" <+> pname1 <+> text "are different." where nm1 = idName op1 nm2 = idName op2 pname1 = quotes (ppr nm1) pname2 = quotes (ppr nm2) pprBootDataMismatch :: BootDataMismatch -> SDoc pprBootDataMismatch = \case MismatchedNewtypeVsData -> text "Cannot match a" <+> quotes (text "data") <+> text "definition with a" <+> quotes (text "newtype") <+> text "definition." MismatchedConstructors dc_errs -> pprBootListMismatches (text "The constructors do not match:") pprBootDataConMismatch dc_errs MismatchedDatatypeContexts {} -> text "The datatype contexts do not match." pprBootDataConMismatch :: BootListMismatch DataCon BootDataConMismatch -> SDoc pprBootDataConMismatch = \case MismatchedLength -> text "The number of constructors differs." MismatchedThing _ dc1 dc2 err -> pprBootDataConMismatchErr dc1 dc2 err pprBootDataConMismatchErr :: DataCon -> DataCon -> BootDataConMismatch -> SDoc pprBootDataConMismatchErr dc1 dc2 = \case MismatchedDataConNames -> text "The names" <+> pname1 <+> text "and" <+> pname2 <+> text "differ." MismatchedDataConFixities -> text "The fixities of" <+> pname1 <+> text "differ." MismatchedDataConBangs -> text "The strictness annotations for" <+> pname1 <+> text "differ." MismatchedDataConFieldLabels -> text "The record label lists for" <+> pname1 <+> text "differ." MismatchedDataConTypes -> text "The types for" <+> pname1 <+> text "differ." where name1 = dataConName dc1 name2 = dataConName dc2 pname1 = quotes (ppr name1) pname2 = quotes (ppr name2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------