{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module GHC.Tc.Errors.Types ( -- * Main types TcRnMessage(..) , mkTcRnUnknownMessage , TcRnMessageDetailed(..) , TypeDataForbids(..) , ErrInfo(..) , FixedRuntimeRepProvenance(..) , pprFixedRuntimeRepProvenance , ShadowedNameProvenance(..) , RecordFieldPart(..) , IllegalNewtypeReason(..) , BadRecordUpdateReason(..) , InjectivityErrReason(..) , HasKinds(..) , hasKinds , SuggestUndecidableInstances(..) , suggestUndecidableInstances , SuggestUnliftedTypes(..) , DataSort(..), ppDataSort , AllowedDataResKind(..) , NotClosedReason(..) , SuggestPartialTypeSignatures(..) , suggestPartialTypeSignatures , DeriveInstanceErrReason(..) , UsingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving(..) , usingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , DeriveAnyClassEnabled(..) , deriveAnyClassEnabled , DeriveInstanceBadConstructor(..) , HasWildcard(..) , hasWildcard , BadAnonWildcardContext(..) , SoleExtraConstraintWildcardAllowed(..) , DeriveGenericsErrReason(..) , HasAssociatedDataFamInsts(..) , hasAssociatedDataFamInsts , AssociatedTyLastVarInKind(..) , associatedTyLastVarInKind , AssociatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar(..) , associatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar , MissingSignature(..) , Exported(..) , HsDocContext(..) , FixedRuntimeRepErrorInfo(..) , ErrorItem(..), errorItemOrigin, errorItemEqRel, errorItemPred, errorItemCtLoc , SolverReport(..), SolverReportSupplementary(..) , SolverReportWithCtxt(..) , SolverReportErrCtxt(..) , getUserGivens, discardProvCtxtGivens , TcSolverReportMsg(..) , CannotUnifyVariableReason(..) , MismatchMsg(..) , MismatchEA(..) , mkPlainMismatchMsg, mkBasicMismatchMsg , WhenMatching(..) , ExpectedActualInfo(..) , TyVarInfo(..), SameOccInfo(..) , AmbiguityInfo(..) , CND_Extra(..) , FitsMbSuppressed(..) , ValidHoleFits(..), noValidHoleFits , HoleFitDispConfig(..) , RelevantBindings(..), pprRelevantBindings , PromotionErr(..), pprPECategory, peCategory , NotInScopeError(..), mkTcRnNotInScope , ImportError(..) , HoleError(..) , CoercibleMsg(..) , PotentialInstances(..) , UnsupportedCallConvention(..) , ExpectedBackends , ArgOrResult(..) , MatchArgsContext(..), MatchArgBadMatches(..) , ConversionFailReason(..) , UnrepresentableTypeDescr(..) , LookupTHInstNameErrReason(..) , SplicePhase(..) , THDeclDescriptor(..) , RunSpliceFailReason(..) , ThingBeingConverted(..) , IllegalDecls(..) , EmptyStatementGroupErrReason(..) , UnexpectedStatement(..) , DeclSort(..) , NonStandardGuards(..) , RuleLhsErrReason(..) , HsigShapeMismatchReason(..) , WrongThingSort(..) , StageCheckReason(..) , UninferrableTyVarCtx(..) , PatSynInvalidRhsReason(..) , BadFieldAnnotationReason(..) , SuperclassCycle(..) , SuperclassCycleDetail(..) , RoleValidationFailedReason(..) , DisabledClassExtension(..) , TyFamsDisabledReason(..) , HsTypeOrSigType(..) , HsTyVarBndrExistentialFlag(..) , TySynCycleTyCons , BadImportKind(..) , DodgyImportsReason (..) , ImportLookupReason (..) , UnusedImportReason (..) , UnusedImportName (..) , NestedForallsContextsIn(..) , UnusedNameProv(..) , NonCanonicalDefinition(..) , NonCanonical_Monoid(..) , NonCanonical_Monad(..) ) where import GHC.Prelude import GHC.Hs import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Types (TcIdSigInfo, TcTyThing) import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Errors.Hole.FitTypes (HoleFit) import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence (EvBindsVar) import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin ( CtOrigin (ProvCtxtOrigin), SkolemInfoAnon (SigSkol) , UserTypeCtxt (PatSynCtxt), TyVarBndrs, TypedThing , FixedRuntimeRepOrigin(..), InstanceWhat ) import GHC.Tc.Types.Rank (Rank) import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (IllegalForeignTypeReason, TcType, TcSigmaType, TcPredType) import GHC.Types.Basic import GHC.Types.Error import GHC.Types.Avail import GHC.Types.Hint (UntickedPromotedThing(..)) import GHC.Types.ForeignCall (CLabelString) import GHC.Types.Id.Info ( RecSelParent(..) ) import GHC.Types.Name (Name, OccName, getSrcLoc, getSrcSpan) import qualified GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence as OccName import GHC.Types.Name.Reader import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Types.TyThing (TyThing) import GHC.Types.Var (Id, TyCoVar, TyVar, TcTyVar, CoVar, Specificity) import GHC.Types.Var.Env (TidyEnv) import GHC.Types.Var.Set (TyVarSet, VarSet) import GHC.Unit.Types (Module) import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Core.Class (Class, ClassMinimalDef) import GHC.Core.Coercion (Coercion) import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom (CoAxBranch) import GHC.Core.ConLike (ConLike) import GHC.Core.DataCon (DataCon, FieldLabel) import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv (FamInst) import GHC.Core.InstEnv (LookupInstanceErrReason, ClsInst) import GHC.Core.PatSyn (PatSyn) import GHC.Core.Predicate (EqRel, predTypeEqRel) import GHC.Core.TyCon (TyCon, Role) import GHC.Core.Type (Kind, Type, ThetaType, PredType, ErrorMsgType) import GHC.Driver.Backend (Backend) import GHC.Unit.State (UnitState) import GHC.Utils.Misc (capitalise, filterOut) import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt import GHC.Data.FastString (FastString) import GHC.Exception.Type (SomeException) import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Basic (FieldLabelString(..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings (WarningCategory, WarningTxt) import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface import GHC.Generics ( Generic ) import GHC.Types.Name.Env (NameEnv) import GHC.Iface.Errors.Types {- Note [Migrating TcM Messages] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As part of #18516, we are slowly migrating the diagnostic messages emitted and reported in the TcM from SDoc to TcRnMessage. Historically, GHC emitted some diagnostics in 3 pieces, i.e. there were lots of error-reporting functions that accepted 3 SDocs an input: one for the important part of the message, one for the context and one for any supplementary information. Consider the following: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’ with actual type ‘Char’ • In the expression: x4 In a stmt of a 'do' block: return (x2, x4) In the expression: Under the hood, the reporting functions in Tc.Utils.Monad were emitting "Couldn't match" as the important part, "In the expression" as the context and "In a stmt..In the expression" as the supplementary, with the context and supplementary usually smashed together so that the final message would be composed only by two SDoc (which would then be bulleted like in the example). In order for us to smooth out the migration to the new diagnostic infrastructure, we introduce the 'ErrInfo' and 'TcRnMessageDetailed' types, which serve exactly the purpose of bridging the two worlds together without breaking the external API or the existing format of messages reported by GHC. Using 'ErrInfo' and 'TcRnMessageDetailed' also allows us to move away from the SDoc-ridden diagnostic API inside Tc.Utils.Monad, enabling further refactorings. In the future, once the conversion will be complete and we will successfully eradicate any use of SDoc in the diagnostic reporting of GHC, we can surely revisit the usage and existence of these two types, which for now remain a "necessary evil". -} -- The majority of TcRn messages come with extra context about the error, -- and this newtype captures it. See Note [Migrating TcM Messages]. data ErrInfo = ErrInfo { errInfoContext :: !SDoc -- ^ Extra context associated to the error. , errInfoSupplementary :: !SDoc -- ^ Extra supplementary info associated to the error. } -- | 'TcRnMessageDetailed' is an \"internal\" type (used only inside -- 'GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad' that wraps a 'TcRnMessage' while also providing -- any extra info needed to correctly pretty-print this diagnostic later on. data TcRnMessageDetailed = TcRnMessageDetailed !ErrInfo -- ^ Extra info associated with the message !TcRnMessage deriving Generic mkTcRnUnknownMessage :: (Diagnostic a, Typeable a, DiagnosticOpts a ~ NoDiagnosticOpts) => a -> TcRnMessage mkTcRnUnknownMessage diag = TcRnUnknownMessage (UnknownDiagnostic diag) -- | An error which might arise during typechecking/renaming. data TcRnMessage where {-| Simply wraps an unknown 'Diagnostic' message @a@. It can be used by plugins to provide custom diagnostic messages originated during typechecking/renaming. -} TcRnUnknownMessage :: UnknownDiagnostic -> TcRnMessage {-| Wrap an 'IfaceMessage' to a 'TcRnMessage' for when we attempt to load interface files during typechecking but encounter an error. -} TcRnInterfaceError :: !IfaceMessage -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnMessageWithInfo is a constructor which is used when extra information is needed to be provided in order to qualify a diagnostic and where it was originated (and why). It carries an extra 'UnitState' which can be used to pretty-print some names and it wraps a 'TcRnMessageDetailed', which includes any extra context associated with this diagnostic. -} TcRnMessageWithInfo :: !UnitState -- ^ The 'UnitState' will allow us to pretty-print -- some diagnostics with more detail. -> !TcRnMessageDetailed -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnWithHsDocContext annotates an error message with the context in which it originated. -} TcRnWithHsDocContext :: !HsDocContext -> !TcRnMessage -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnSolverReport is the constructor used to report unsolved constraints after constraint solving, as well as other errors such as hole fit errors. See the documentation of the 'TcSolverReportMsg' datatype for an overview of the different errors. -} TcRnSolverReport :: SolverReportWithCtxt -> DiagnosticReason -> [GhcHint] -> TcRnMessage -- TODO: split up TcRnSolverReport into several components, -- so that we can compute the reason and hints, as opposed -- to having to pass them here. {-| TcRnRedundantConstraints is a warning that is emitted when a binding has a user-written type signature which contains superfluous constraints. Example: f :: (Eq a, Ord a) => a -> a -> a f x y = (x < y) || x == y -- `Eq a` is superfluous: the `Ord a` constraint suffices. Test cases: T9939, T10632, T18036a, T20602, PluralS, T19296. -} TcRnRedundantConstraints :: [Id] -> (SkolemInfoAnon, Bool) -- ^ The contextual skolem info. -- The boolean controls whether we -- want to show it in the user message. -- (Nice to keep track of the info in either case, -- for other users of the GHC API.) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnInaccessibleCode is a warning that is emitted when the RHS of a pattern match is inaccessible, because the constraint solver has detected a contradiction. Example: data B a where { MkTrue :: B True; MkFalse :: B False } foo :: B False -> Bool foo MkFalse = False foo MkTrue = True -- Inaccessible: requires True ~ False Test cases: T7293, T7294, T15558, T17646, T18572, T18610, tcfail167. -} TcRnInaccessibleCode :: Implication -- ^ The implication containing a contradiction. -> SolverReportWithCtxt -- ^ The contradiction. -> TcRnMessage {-| A type which was expected to have a fixed runtime representation does not have a fixed runtime representation. Example: data D (a :: TYPE r) = MkD a Test cases: T11724, T18534, RepPolyPatSynArg, RepPolyPatSynUnliftedNewtype, RepPolyPatSynRes, T20423 -} TcRnTypeDoesNotHaveFixedRuntimeRep :: !Type -> !FixedRuntimeRepProvenance -> !ErrInfo -- Extra info accumulated in the TcM monad -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnImplicitLift is a warning (controlled with -Wimplicit-lift) that occurs when a Template Haskell quote implicitly uses 'lift'. Example: warning1 :: Lift t => t -> Q Exp warning1 x = [| x |] Test cases: th/T17804 -} TcRnImplicitLift :: Name -> !ErrInfo -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnusedPatternBinds is a warning (controlled with -Wunused-pattern-binds) that occurs if a pattern binding binds no variables at all, unless it is a lone wild-card pattern, or a banged pattern. Example: Just _ = rhs3 -- Warning: unused pattern binding (_, _) = rhs4 -- Warning: unused pattern binding _ = rhs3 -- No warning: lone wild-card pattern !() = rhs4 -- No warning: banged pattern; behaves like seq Test cases: rename/{T13646,T17c,T17e,T7085} -} TcRnUnusedPatternBinds :: HsBind GhcRn -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnusedQuantifiedTypeVar is a warning that occurs if there are unused quantified type variables. Examples: f :: forall a. Int -> Char Test cases: rename/should_compile/ExplicitForAllRules1 rename/should_compile/T5331 -} TcRnUnusedQuantifiedTypeVar :: HsDocContext -> HsTyVarBndrExistentialFlag -- ^ tyVar binder. -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDodgyImports is a group of warnings (controlled with -Wdodgy-imports). See 'DodgyImportsReason' for the different warnings. -} TcRnDodgyImports :: !DodgyImportsReason -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDodgyExports is a warning (controlled by -Wdodgy-exports) that occurs when an export of the form 'T(..)' for a type constructor 'T' does not actually export anything beside 'T' itself. Example: module Foo ( T(..) -- Warning: T is a type synonym , A(..) -- Warning: A is a type family , C(..) -- Warning: C is a data family ) where type T = Int type family A :: * -> * data family C :: * -> * Test cases: warnings/should_compile/DodgyExports01 -} TcRnDodgyExports :: GlobalRdrElt -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnMissingImportList is a warning (controlled by -Wmissing-import-lists) that occurs when an import declaration does not explicitly list all the names brought into scope. Test cases: rename/should_compile/T4489 -} TcRnMissingImportList :: IE GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| When a module marked trustworthy or unsafe (using -XTrustworthy or -XUnsafe) is compiled with a plugin, the TcRnUnsafeDueToPlugin warning (controlled by -Wunsafe) is used as the reason the module was inferred to be unsafe. This warning is not raised if the -fplugin-trustworthy flag is passed. Test cases: plugins/T19926 -} TcRnUnsafeDueToPlugin :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnModMissingRealSrcSpan is an error that occurs when compiling a module that lacks an associated 'RealSrcSpan'. Test cases: None -} TcRnModMissingRealSrcSpan :: Module -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIdNotExportedFromModuleSig is an error pertaining to backpack that occurs when an identifier required by a signature is not exported by the module or signature that is being used as a substitution for that signature. Example(s): None Test cases: backpack/should_fail/bkpfail36 -} TcRnIdNotExportedFromModuleSig :: Name -> Module -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIdNotExportedFromLocalSig is an error pertaining to backpack that occurs when an identifier which is necessary for implementing a module signature is not exported from that signature. Example(s): None Test cases: backpack/should_fail/bkpfail30 backpack/should_fail/bkpfail31 backpack/should_fail/bkpfail34 -} TcRnIdNotExportedFromLocalSig :: Name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnShadowedName is a warning (controlled by -Wname-shadowing) that occurs whenever an inner-scope value has the same name as an outer-scope value, i.e. the inner value shadows the outer one. This can catch typographical errors that turn into hard-to-find bugs. The warning is suppressed for names beginning with an underscore. Examples(s): f = ... let f = id in ... f ... -- NOT OK, 'f' is shadowed f x = do { _ignore <- this; _ignore <- that; return (the other) } -- suppressed via underscore Test cases: typecheck/should_compile/T10971a rename/should_compile/rn039 rename/should_compile/rn064 rename/should_compile/T1972 rename/should_fail/T2723 rename/should_compile/T3262 driver/werror -} TcRnShadowedName :: OccName -> ShadowedNameProvenance -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnInvalidWarningCategory is an error that occurs when a warning is declared with a category name that is not the special category "deprecations", and either does not begin with the prefix "x-" indicating a user-defined category, or contains characters not valid in category names. See Note [Warning categories] in GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings Examples(s): module M {-# WARNING in "invalid" "Oops" #-} where {-# WARNING in "x- spaces not allowed" foo "Oops" #-} Test cases: warnings/should_fail/WarningCategoryInvalid -} TcRnInvalidWarningCategory :: !WarningCategory -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDuplicateWarningDecls is an error that occurs whenever a warning is declared twice. Examples(s): None. Test cases: None. -} TcRnDuplicateWarningDecls :: !(LocatedN RdrName) -> !RdrName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnSimplifierTooManyIterations is an error that occurs whenever the constraint solver in the simplifier hits the iterations' limit. Examples(s): None. Test cases: None. -} TcRnSimplifierTooManyIterations :: Cts -> !IntWithInf -- ^ The limit. -> WantedConstraints -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalPatSynDecl is an error that occurs whenever there is an illegal pattern synonym declaration. Examples(s): varWithLocalPatSyn x = case x of P -> () where pattern P = () -- not valid, it can't be local, it must be defined at top-level. Test cases: patsyn/should_fail/local -} TcRnIllegalPatSynDecl :: !(LIdP GhcPs) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnLinearPatSyn is an error that occurs whenever a pattern synonym signature uses a field that is not unrestricted. Example(s): None Test cases: linear/should_fail/LinearPatSyn2 -} TcRnLinearPatSyn :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnEmptyRecordUpdate is an error that occurs whenever a record is updated without specifying any field. Examples(s): $(deriveJSON defaultOptions{} ''Bad) -- not ok, no fields selected for update of defaultOptions Test cases: th/T12788 -} TcRnEmptyRecordUpdate :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalFieldPunning is an error that occurs whenever field punning is used without the 'NamedFieldPuns' extension enabled. Examples(s): data Foo = Foo { a :: Int } foo :: Foo -> Int foo Foo{a} = a -- Not ok, punning used without extension. Test cases: parser/should_fail/RecordDotSyntaxFail12 -} TcRnIllegalFieldPunning :: !(Located RdrName) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalWildcardsInRecord is an error that occurs whenever wildcards (..) are used in a record without the relevant extension being enabled. Examples(s): data Foo = Foo { a :: Int } foo :: Foo -> Int foo Foo{..} = a -- Not ok, wildcards used without extension. Test cases: parser/should_fail/RecordWildCardsFail -} TcRnIllegalWildcardsInRecord :: !RecordFieldPart -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalWildcardInType is an error that occurs when a wildcard appears in a type in a location in which wildcards aren't allowed. Examples: Type synonyms: type T = _ Class declarations and instances: class C _ instance C _ Standalone kind signatures: type D :: _ data D Test cases: ExtraConstraintsWildcardInTypeSplice2 ExtraConstraintsWildcardInTypeSpliceUsed ExtraConstraintsWildcardNotLast ExtraConstraintsWildcardTwice NestedExtraConstraintsWildcard NestedNamedExtraConstraintsWildcard PartialClassMethodSignature PartialClassMethodSignature2 T12039 T13324_fail1 UnnamedConstraintWildcard1 UnnamedConstraintWildcard2 WildcardInADT1 WildcardInADT2 WildcardInADT3 WildcardInADTContext1 WildcardInDefault WildcardInDefaultSignature WildcardInDeriving WildcardInForeignExport WildcardInForeignImport WildcardInGADT1 WildcardInGADT2 WildcardInInstanceHead WildcardInInstanceSig WildcardInNewtype WildcardInPatSynSig WildcardInStandaloneDeriving WildcardInTypeFamilyInstanceRHS WildcardInTypeSynonymRHS saks_fail003 T15433a -} TcRnIllegalWildcardInType :: Maybe Name -- ^ the wildcard name, or 'Nothing' for an anonymous wildcard -> !BadAnonWildcardContext -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDuplicateFieldName is an error that occurs whenever there are duplicate field names in a single record. Examples(s): data R = MkR { x :: Int, x :: Bool } f r = r { x = 3, x = 4 } Test cases: T21959. -} TcRnDuplicateFieldName :: !RecordFieldPart -> NE.NonEmpty RdrName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalViewPattern is an error that occurs whenever the ViewPatterns syntax is used but the ViewPatterns language extension is not enabled. Examples(s): data Foo = Foo { a :: Int } foo :: Foo -> Int foo (a -> l) = l -- not OK, the 'ViewPattern' extension is not enabled. Test cases: parser/should_fail/ViewPatternsFail -} TcRnIllegalViewPattern :: !(Pat GhcPs) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCharLiteralOutOfRange is an error that occurs whenever a character is out of range. Examples(s): None Test cases: None -} TcRnCharLiteralOutOfRange :: !Char -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNegativeNumTypeLiteral is an error that occurs whenever a type-level number literal is negative. type Neg = -1 Test cases: th/T8412 typecheck/should_fail/T8306 -} TcRnNegativeNumTypeLiteral :: HsType GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalWildcardsInConstructor is an error that occurs whenever the record wildcards '..' are used inside a constructor without labeled fields. Examples(s): None Test cases: rename/should_fail/T9815.hs rename/should_fail/T9815b.hs rename/should_fail/T9815ghci.hs rename/should_fail/T9815bghci.hs -} TcRnIllegalWildcardsInConstructor :: !Name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIgnoringAnnotations is a warning that occurs when the source code contains annotation pragmas but the platform in use does not support an external interpreter such as GHCi and therefore the annotations are ignored. Example(s): None Test cases: None -} TcRnIgnoringAnnotations :: [LAnnDecl GhcRn] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnAnnotationInSafeHaskell is an error that occurs if annotation pragmas are used in conjunction with Safe Haskell. Example(s): None Test cases: annotations/should_fail/T10826 -} TcRnAnnotationInSafeHaskell :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnInvalidTypeApplication is an error that occurs when a visible type application is used with an expression that does not accept "specified" type arguments. Example(s): foo :: forall {a}. a -> a foo x = x bar :: () bar = let x = foo @Int 42 in () Test cases: overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedlabelsfail03 typecheck/should_fail/ExplicitSpecificity1 typecheck/should_fail/ExplicitSpecificity10 typecheck/should_fail/ExplicitSpecificity2 typecheck/should_fail/T17173 typecheck/should_fail/VtaFail -} TcRnInvalidTypeApplication :: Type -> LHsWcType GhcRn -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTagToEnumMissingValArg is an error that occurs when the 'tagToEnum#' function is not applied to a single value argument. Example(s): tagToEnum# 1 2 Test cases: None -} TcRnTagToEnumMissingValArg :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTagToEnumUnspecifiedResTy is an error that occurs when the 'tagToEnum#' function is not given a concrete result type. Example(s): foo :: forall a. a foo = tagToEnum# 0# Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/tcfail164 -} TcRnTagToEnumUnspecifiedResTy :: Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTagToEnumResTyNotAnEnum is an error that occurs when the 'tagToEnum#' function is given a result type that is not an enumeration type. Example(s): foo :: Int -- not an enumeration TyCon foo = tagToEnum# 0# Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/tcfail164 -} TcRnTagToEnumResTyNotAnEnum :: Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTagToEnumResTyTypeData is an error that occurs when the 'tagToEnum#' function is given a result type that is headed by a @type data@ type, as the data constructors of a @type data@ do not exist at the term level. Example(s): type data Letter = A | B | C foo :: Letter foo = tagToEnum# 0# Test cases: type-data/should_fail/TDTagToEnum.hs -} TcRnTagToEnumResTyTypeData :: Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnArrowIfThenElsePredDependsOnResultTy is an error that occurs when the predicate type of an ifThenElse expression in arrow notation depends on the type of the result. Example(s): None Test cases: None -} TcRnArrowIfThenElsePredDependsOnResultTy :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalHsBootFileDecl is an error that occurs when an hs-boot file contains declarations that are not allowed, such as bindings. Example(s): None Test cases: None -} TcRnIllegalHsBootFileDecl :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnRecursivePatternSynonym is an error that occurs when a pattern synonym is defined in terms of itself, either directly or indirectly. Example(s): pattern A = B pattern B = A Test cases: patsyn/should_fail/T16900 -} TcRnRecursivePatternSynonym :: LHsBinds GhcRn -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPartialTypeSigTyVarMismatch is an error that occurs when a partial type signature attempts to unify two different types. Example(s): f :: a -> b -> _ f x y = [x, y] Test cases: partial-sigs/should_fail/T14449 -} TcRnPartialTypeSigTyVarMismatch :: Name -- ^ first type variable -> Name -- ^ second type variable -> Name -- ^ function name -> LHsSigWcType GhcRn -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPartialTypeSigBadQuantifier is an error that occurs when a type variable being quantified over in the partial type signature of a function gets unified with a type that is free in that function's context. Example(s): foo :: Num a => a -> a foo xxx = g xxx where g :: forall b. Num b => _ -> b g y = xxx + y Test cases: partial-sig/should_fail/T14479 -} TcRnPartialTypeSigBadQuantifier :: Name -- ^ user-written name of type variable being quantified -> Name -- ^ function name -> Maybe Type -- ^ type the variable unified with, if known -> LHsSigWcType GhcRn -- ^ partial type signature -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnMissingSignature is a warning that occurs when a top-level binding or a pattern synonym does not have a type signature. Controlled by the flags: -Wmissing-signatures -Wmissing-exported-signatures -Wmissing-pattern-synonym-signatures -Wmissing-exported-pattern-synonym-signatures -Wmissing-kind-signatures Test cases: T11077 (top-level bindings) T12484 (pattern synonyms) T19564 (kind signatures) -} TcRnMissingSignature :: MissingSignature -> Exported -> Bool -- ^ True: -Wmissing-signatures overrides -Wmissing-exported-signatures, -- or -Wmissing-pattern-synonym-signatures overrides -Wmissing-exported-pattern-synonym-signatures -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPolymorphicBinderMissingSig is a warning controlled by -Wmissing-local-signatures that occurs when a local polymorphic binding lacks a type signature. Example(s): id a = a Test cases: warnings/should_compile/T12574 -} TcRnPolymorphicBinderMissingSig :: Name -> Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnOverloadedSig is an error that occurs when a binding group conflicts with the monomorphism restriction. Example(s): data T a = T a mono = ... where x :: Applicative f => f a T x = ... Test cases: typecheck/should_compile/T11339 -} TcRnOverloadedSig :: TcIdSigInfo -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTupleConstraintInst is an error that occurs whenever an instance for a tuple constraint is specified. Examples(s): class C m a class D m a f :: (forall a. Eq a => (C m a, D m a)) => m a f = undefined Test cases: quantified-constraints/T15334 -} TcRnTupleConstraintInst :: !Class -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnAbstractClassInst is an error that occurs whenever an instance of an abstract class is specified. Examples(s): -- A.hs-boot module A where class C a -- B.hs module B where import {-# SOURCE #-} A instance C Int where -- A.hs module A where import B class C a where f :: a -- Main.hs import A main = print (f :: Int) Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/T13068 -} TcRnAbstractClassInst :: !Class -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNoClassInstHead is an error that occurs whenever an instance head is not headed by a class. Examples(s): instance c Test cases: typecheck/rename/T5513 typecheck/rename/T16385 -} TcRnNoClassInstHead :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUserTypeError is an error that occurs due to a user's custom type error, which can be triggered by adding a `TypeError` constraint in a type signature or typeclass instance. Examples(s): f :: TypeError (Text "This is a type error") f = undefined Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/CustomTypeErrors02 typecheck/should_fail/CustomTypeErrors03 -} TcRnUserTypeError :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnConstraintInKind is an error that occurs whenever a constraint is specified in a kind. Examples(s): data Q :: Eq a => Type where {} Test cases: dependent/should_fail/T13895 polykinds/T16263 saks/should_fail/saks_fail004 typecheck/should_fail/T16059a typecheck/should_fail/T18714 -} TcRnConstraintInKind :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnboxedTupleTypeFuncArg is an error that occurs whenever an unboxed tuple or unboxed sum type is specified as a function argument, when the appropriate extension (`-XUnboxedTuples` or `-XUnboxedSums`) isn't enabled. Examples(s): -- T15073.hs import T15073a newtype Foo a = MkFoo a deriving P -- T15073a.hs class P a where p :: a -> (# a #) Test cases: deriving/should_fail/T15073.hs deriving/should_fail/T15073a.hs typecheck/should_fail/T16059d -} TcRnUnboxedTupleOrSumTypeFuncArg :: UnboxedTupleOrSum -- ^ whether this is an unboxed tuple or an unboxed sum -> !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnLinearFuncInKind is an error that occurs whenever a linear function is specified in a kind. Examples(s): data A :: * %1 -> * Test cases: linear/should_fail/LinearKind linear/should_fail/LinearKind2 linear/should_fail/LinearKind3 -} TcRnLinearFuncInKind :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnForAllEscapeError is an error that occurs whenever a quantified type's kind mentions quantified type variable. Examples(s): type T :: TYPE (BoxedRep l) data T = MkT Test cases: unlifted-datatypes/should_fail/UnlDataNullaryPoly -} TcRnForAllEscapeError :: !Type -> !Kind -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnVDQInTermType is an error that occurs whenever a visible dependent quantification is specified in the type of a term. Examples(s): a = (undefined :: forall k -> k -> Type) @Int Test cases: dependent/should_fail/T15859 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail1 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail2 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail3 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail4 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail5 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail6 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail7 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail8 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail9 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail10 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail11 dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail12 dependent/should_fail/T17687 dependent/should_fail/T18271 -} TcRnVDQInTermType :: !(Maybe Type) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBadQuantPredHead is an error that occurs whenever a quantified predicate lacks a class or type variable head. Examples(s): class (forall a. A t a => A t [a]) => B t where type A t a :: Constraint Test cases: quantified-constraints/T16474 -} TcRnBadQuantPredHead :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalTupleConstraint is an error that occurs whenever an illegal tuple constraint is specified. Examples(s): g :: ((Show a, Num a), Eq a) => a -> a g = undefined Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/tcfail209a -} TcRnIllegalTupleConstraint :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNonTypeVarArgInConstraint is an error that occurs whenever a non type-variable argument is specified in a constraint. Examples(s): data T instance Eq Int => Eq T Test cases: ghci/scripts/T13202 ghci/scripts/T13202a polykinds/T12055a typecheck/should_fail/T10351 typecheck/should_fail/T19187 typecheck/should_fail/T6022 typecheck/should_fail/T8883 -} TcRnNonTypeVarArgInConstraint :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalImplicitParam is an error that occurs whenever an illegal implicit parameter is specified. Examples(s): type Bla = ?x::Int data T = T instance Bla => Eq T Test cases: polykinds/T11466 typecheck/should_fail/T8912 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail041 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail211 typecheck/should_fail/tcrun045 -} TcRnIllegalImplicitParam :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalConstraintSynonymOfKind is an error that occurs whenever an illegal constraint synonym of kind is specified. Examples(s): type Showish = Show f :: (Showish a) => a -> a f = undefined Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/tcfail209 -} TcRnIllegalConstraintSynonymOfKind :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalClassInst is an error that occurs whenever a class instance is specified for a non-class. Examples(s): type C1 a = (Show (a -> Bool)) instance C1 Int where Test cases: polykinds/T13267 -} TcRnIllegalClassInst :: !(TyConFlavour TyCon) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnOversaturatedVisibleKindArg is an error that occurs whenever an illegal oversaturated visible kind argument is specified. Examples(s): type family F2 :: forall (a :: Type). Type where F2 @a = Maybe a Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/T15793 typecheck/should_fail/T16255 -} TcRnOversaturatedVisibleKindArg :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBadAssociatedType is an error that occurs whenever a class doesn't have an associated type. Examples(s): $(do d <- instanceD (cxt []) (conT ''Eq `appT` conT ''Foo) [tySynInstD $ tySynEqn Nothing (conT ''Rep `appT` conT ''Foo) (conT ''Maybe)] return [d]) ======> instance Eq Foo where type Rep Foo = Maybe Test cases: th/T12387a -} TcRnBadAssociatedType :: {-Class-} !Name -> {-TyCon-} !Name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnForAllRankErr is an error that occurs whenever an illegal ranked type is specified. Examples(s): foo :: (a,b) -> (a~b => t) -> (a,b) foo p x = p Test cases: - ghci/should_run/T15806 - indexed-types/should_fail/SimpleFail15 - typecheck/should_fail/T11355 - typecheck/should_fail/T12083a - typecheck/should_fail/T12083b - typecheck/should_fail/T16059c - typecheck/should_fail/T16059e - typecheck/should_fail/T17213 - typecheck/should_fail/T18939_Fail - typecheck/should_fail/T2538 - typecheck/should_fail/T5957 - typecheck/should_fail/T7019 - typecheck/should_fail/T7019a - typecheck/should_fail/T7809 - typecheck/should_fail/T9196 - typecheck/should_fail/tcfail127 - typecheck/should_fail/tcfail184 - typecheck/should_fail/tcfail196 - typecheck/should_fail/tcfail197 -} TcRnForAllRankErr :: !Rank -> !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnMonomorphicBindings is a warning (controlled by -Wmonomorphism-restriction) that arise when the monomorphism restriction applies to the given bindings. Examples(s): {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wmonomorphism-restriction #-} bar = 10 foo :: Int foo = bar main :: IO () main = print foo The example above emits the warning (for 'bar'), because without monomorphism restriction the inferred type for 'bar' is 'bar :: Num p => p'. This warning tells us that /if/ we were to enable '-XMonomorphismRestriction' we would make 'bar' less polymorphic, as its type would become 'bar :: Int', so GHC warns us about that. Test cases: typecheck/should_compile/T13785 -} TcRnMonomorphicBindings :: [Name] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnOrphanInstance is a warning (controlled by -Worphans) that arises when a typeclass instance or family instance is an \"orphan\", i.e. if it appears in a module in which neither the class/family nor the type being instanced are declared in the same module. Examples(s): None Test cases: warnings/should_compile/T9178 typecheck/should_compile/T4912 -} TcRnOrphanInstance :: Either ClsInst FamInst -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnFunDepConflict is an error that occurs when there are functional dependencies conflicts between instance declarations. Examples(s): None Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/T2307 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail096 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail202 -} TcRnFunDepConflict :: !UnitState -> NE.NonEmpty ClsInst -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDupInstanceDecls is an error that occurs when there are duplicate instance declarations. Examples(s): class Foo a where foo :: a -> Int instance Foo Int where foo = id instance Foo Int where foo = const 42 Test cases: cabal/T12733/T12733 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail035 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail023 backpack/should_fail/bkpfail18 typecheck/should_fail/TcNullaryTCFail typecheck/should_fail/tcfail036 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail073 module/mod51 module/mod52 module/mod44 -} TcRnDupInstanceDecls :: !UnitState -> NE.NonEmpty ClsInst -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnConflictingFamInstDecls is an error that occurs when there are conflicting family instance declarations. Examples(s): None. Test cases: indexed-types/should_fail/ExplicitForAllFams4b indexed-types/should_fail/NoGood indexed-types/should_fail/Over indexed-types/should_fail/OverDirectThisMod indexed-types/should_fail/OverIndirectThisMod indexed-types/should_fail/SimpleFail11a indexed-types/should_fail/SimpleFail11b indexed-types/should_fail/SimpleFail11c indexed-types/should_fail/SimpleFail11d indexed-types/should_fail/SimpleFail2a indexed-types/should_fail/SimpleFail2b indexed-types/should_fail/T13092/T13092 indexed-types/should_fail/T13092c/T13092c indexed-types/should_fail/T14179 indexed-types/should_fail/T2334A indexed-types/should_fail/T2677 indexed-types/should_fail/T3330b indexed-types/should_fail/T4246 indexed-types/should_fail/T7102a indexed-types/should_fail/T9371 polykinds/T7524 typecheck/should_fail/UnliftedNewtypesOverlap -} TcRnConflictingFamInstDecls :: NE.NonEmpty FamInst -> TcRnMessage TcRnFamInstNotInjective :: InjectivityErrReason -> TyCon -> NE.NonEmpty CoAxBranch -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBangOnUnliftedType is a warning (controlled by -Wredundant-strictness-flags) that occurs when a strictness annotation is applied to an unlifted type. Example(s): data T = MkT !Int# -- Strictness flag has no effect on unlifted types Test cases: typecheck/should_compile/T20187a typecheck/should_compile/T20187b -} TcRnBangOnUnliftedType :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnLazyBangOnUnliftedType is a warning (controlled by -Wredundant-strictness-flags) that occurs when a lazy annotation is applied to an unlifted type. Example(s): data T = MkT ~Int# -- Lazy flag has no effect on unlifted types Test cases: typecheck/should_compile/T21951a typecheck/should_compile/T21951b -} TcRnLazyBangOnUnliftedType :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnMultipleDefaultDeclarations is an error that occurs when a module has more than one default declaration. Example: default (Integer, Int) default (Double, Float) -- 2nd default declaration not allowed Text cases: module/mod58 -} TcRnMultipleDefaultDeclarations :: [LDefaultDecl GhcRn] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBadDefaultType is an error that occurs when a type used in a default declaration does not have an instance for any of the applicable classes. Example(s): data Foo default (Foo) Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/T11974b -} TcRnBadDefaultType :: Type -> [Class] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPatSynBundledWithNonDataCon is an error that occurs when a module's export list bundles a pattern synonym with a type that is not a proper `data` or `newtype` construction. Example(s): module Foo (MyClass(.., P)) where pattern P = Nothing class MyClass a where foo :: a -> Int Test cases: patsyn/should_fail/export-class -} TcRnPatSynBundledWithNonDataCon :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPatSynBundledWithWrongType is an error that occurs when the export list of a module has a pattern synonym bundled with a type that does not match the type of the pattern synonym. Example(s): module Foo (R(P,x)) where data Q = Q Int data R = R pattern P{x} = Q x Text cases: patsyn/should_fail/export-ps-rec-sel patsyn/should_fail/export-type-synonym patsyn/should_fail/export-type -} TcRnPatSynBundledWithWrongType :: Type -> Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDupeModuleExport is a warning controlled by @-Wduplicate-exports@ that occurs when a module appears more than once in an export list. Example(s): module Foo (module Bar, module Bar) import Bar Text cases: None -} TcRnDupeModuleExport :: ModuleName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnExportedModNotImported is an error that occurs when an export list contains a module that is not imported. Example(s): None Text cases: module/mod135 module/mod8 rename/should_fail/rnfail028 backpack/should_fail/bkpfail48 -} TcRnExportedModNotImported :: ModuleName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNullExportedModule is a warning controlled by -Wdodgy-exports that occurs when an export list contains a module that has no exports. Example(s): module Foo (module Bar) where import Bar () Test cases: None -} TcRnNullExportedModule :: ModuleName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnMissingExportList is a warning controlled by -Wmissing-export-lists that occurs when a module does not have an explicit export list. Example(s): None Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/MissingExportList03 -} TcRnMissingExportList :: ModuleName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnExportHiddenComponents is an error that occurs when an export contains constructor or class methods that are not visible. Example(s): None Test cases: None -} TcRnExportHiddenComponents :: IE GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDuplicateExport is a warning (controlled by -Wduplicate-exports) that occurs when an identifier appears in an export list more than once. Example(s): None Test cases: module/MultiExport module/mod128 module/mod14 module/mod5 overloadedrecflds/should_fail/DuplicateExports patsyn/should_compile/T11959 -} TcRnDuplicateExport :: GlobalRdrElt -> IE GhcPs -> IE GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnExportedParentChildMismatch is an error that occurs when an export is bundled with a parent that it does not belong to Example(s): module Foo (T(a)) where data T a = True Test cases: module/T11970 module/T11970B module/mod17 module/mod3 overloadedrecflds/should_fail/NoParent -} TcRnExportedParentChildMismatch :: Name -- ^ parent -> TyThing -> GlobalRdrElt -- ^ child -> [Name] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnConflictingExports is an error that occurs when different identifiers that have the same name are being exported by a module. Example(s): module Foo (Bar.f, module Baz) where import qualified Bar (f) import Baz (f) Test cases: module/mod131 module/mod142 module/mod143 module/mod144 module/mod145 module/mod146 module/mod150 module/mod155 overloadedrecflds/should_fail/T14953 overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedrecfldsfail10 rename/should_fail/rnfail029 rename/should_fail/rnfail040 typecheck/should_fail/T16453E2 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail025 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail026 -} TcRnConflictingExports :: OccName -- ^ Occurrence name shared by both exports -> GlobalRdrElt -- ^ First export -> IE GhcPs -- ^ Export decl of first export -> GlobalRdrElt -- ^ Second export -> IE GhcPs -- ^ Export decl of second export -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDuplicateFieldExport is an error that occurs when a module exports multiple record fields with the same name, without enabling DuplicateRecordFields. Example: module M1 where data D1 = MkD1 { foo :: Int } module M2 where data D2 = MkD2 { foo :: Int } module M ( D1(..), D2(..) ) where import module M1 import module M2 Test case: overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedrecfldsfail10 -} TcRnDuplicateFieldExport :: (GlobalRdrElt, IE GhcPs) -> NE.NonEmpty (GlobalRdrElt, IE GhcPs) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnAmbiguousRecordUpdate is a warning, controlled by -Wambiguous-fields, which occurs when a user relies on the type-directed disambiguation mechanism to disambiguate a record update. This will not be supported by -XDuplicateRecordFields in future releases. Example(s): data Person = MkPerson { personId :: Int, name :: String } data Address = MkAddress { personId :: Int, address :: String } bad1 x = x { personId = 4 } :: Person -- ambiguous bad2 (x :: Person) = x { personId = 4 } -- ambiguous good x = (x :: Person) { personId = 4 } -- not ambiguous Test cases: overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedrecfldsfail06 -} TcRnAmbiguousRecordUpdate :: HsExpr GhcRn -- ^ Field update -> TyCon -- ^ Record type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnMissingFields is a warning controlled by -Wmissing-fields occurring when the intialisation of a record is missing one or more (lazy) fields. Example(s): data Rec = Rec { a :: Int, b :: String, c :: Bool } x = Rec { a = 1, b = "two" } -- missing field 'c' Test cases: deSugar/should_compile/T13870 deSugar/should_compile/ds041 patsyn/should_compile/T11283 rename/should_compile/T5334 rename/should_compile/T12229 rename/should_compile/T5892a warnings/should_fail/WerrorFail2 -} TcRnMissingFields :: ConLike -> [(FieldLabelString, TcType)] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType is an error occurring when an updated field's type mentions something that is outside the universally quantified variables of the data constructor, such as an existentially quantified type. Example(s): data X = forall a. MkX { f :: a } x = (MkX ()) { f = False } Test cases: patsyn/should_fail/records-exquant typecheck/should_fail/T3323 -} TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType :: [(FieldLabelString,TcType)] -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnMissingStrictFields is an error occurring when a record field marked as strict is omitted when constructing said record. Example(s): data R = R { strictField :: !Bool, nonStrict :: Int } x = R { nonStrict = 1 } Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/T18869 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail085 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail112 -} TcRnMissingStrictFields :: ConLike -> [(FieldLabelString, TcType)] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnAmbiguousFieldInUpdate is an error that occurs when a field in a record update clashes with another field or top-level function of the same name, and the user hasn't enabled -XDisambiguateRecordFields. Example: {-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoDisambiguateRecordFields #-} module M where data A = MkA { fld :: Int } fld :: Bool fld = False f r = r { fld = 3 } -} TcRnAmbiguousFieldInUpdate :: (GlobalRdrElt, GlobalRdrElt, [GlobalRdrElt]) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBadRecordUpdate is an error when a regular (non-overloaded) record update cannot be pinned down to any one parent. The problem with the record update is stored in the 'BadRecordUpdateReason' field. Example(s): data R1 = R1 { x :: Int } data R2 = R2 { x :: Int } update r = r { x = 1 } -- ambiguous data R1 = R1 { x :: Int, y :: Int } data R2 = R2 { y :: Int, z :: Int } update r = r { x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 } -- no parent has all the fields Test cases: overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedrecfldsfail01 overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedrecfldsfail01 overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedrecfldsfail14 -} TcRnBadRecordUpdate :: [RdrName] -- ^ the fields of the record update -> BadRecordUpdateReason -- ^ the reason this record update was rejected -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnStaticFormNotClosed is an error pertaining to terms that are marked static using the -XStaticPointers extension but which are not closed terms. Example(s): f x = static x Test cases: rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail01 rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail03 -} TcRnStaticFormNotClosed :: Name -> NotClosedReason -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnSpecialClassInst is an error that occurs when a user attempts to define an instance for a built-in typeclass such as 'Coercible', 'Typeable', or 'KnownNat', outside of a signature file. Test cases: deriving/should_fail/T9687 deriving/should_fail/T14916 polykinds/T8132 typecheck/should_fail/TcCoercibleFail2 typecheck/should_fail/T12837 typecheck/should_fail/T14390 -} TcRnSpecialClassInst :: !Class -> !Bool -- ^ Whether the error is due to Safe Haskell being enabled -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUselessTypeable is a warning (controlled by -Wderiving-typeable) that occurs when trying to derive an instance of the 'Typeable' class. Deriving 'Typeable' is no longer necessary (hence the \"useless\") as all types automatically derive 'Typeable' in modern GHC versions. Example(s): None. Test cases: warnings/should_compile/DerivingTypeable -} TcRnUselessTypeable :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDerivingDefaults is a warning (controlled by -Wderiving-defaults) that occurs when both 'DeriveAnyClass' and 'GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving' are enabled, and therefore GHC defaults to 'DeriveAnyClass', which might not be what the user wants. Example(s): None. Test cases: typecheck/should_compile/T15839a deriving/should_compile/T16179 -} TcRnDerivingDefaults :: !Class -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNonUnaryTypeclassConstraint is an error that occurs when GHC encounters a non-unary constraint when trying to derive a typeclass. Example(s): class A deriving instance A data B deriving A -- We cannot derive A, is not unary (i.e. 'class A a'). Test cases: deriving/should_fail/T7959 deriving/should_fail/drvfail005 deriving/should_fail/drvfail009 deriving/should_fail/drvfail006 -} TcRnNonUnaryTypeclassConstraint :: !(LHsSigType GhcRn) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPartialTypeSignatures is a warning (controlled by -Wpartial-type-signatures) that occurs when a wildcard '_' is found in place of a type in a signature or a type class derivation Example(s): foo :: _ -> Int foo = ... deriving instance _ => Eq (Foo a) Test cases: dependent/should_compile/T11241 dependent/should_compile/T15076 dependent/should_compile/T14880-2 typecheck/should_compile/T17024 typecheck/should_compile/T10072 partial-sigs/should_fail/TidyClash2 partial-sigs/should_fail/Defaulting1MROff partial-sigs/should_fail/WildcardsInPatternAndExprSig partial-sigs/should_fail/T10615 partial-sigs/should_fail/T14584a partial-sigs/should_fail/TidyClash partial-sigs/should_fail/T11122 partial-sigs/should_fail/T14584 partial-sigs/should_fail/T10045 partial-sigs/should_fail/PartialTypeSignaturesDisabled partial-sigs/should_fail/T10999 partial-sigs/should_fail/ExtraConstraintsWildcardInExpressionSignature partial-sigs/should_fail/ExtraConstraintsWildcardInPatternSplice partial-sigs/should_fail/WildcardInstantiations partial-sigs/should_run/T15415 partial-sigs/should_compile/T10463 partial-sigs/should_compile/T15039a partial-sigs/should_compile/T16728b partial-sigs/should_compile/T15039c partial-sigs/should_compile/T10438 partial-sigs/should_compile/SplicesUsed partial-sigs/should_compile/T18008 partial-sigs/should_compile/ExprSigLocal partial-sigs/should_compile/T11339a partial-sigs/should_compile/T11670 partial-sigs/should_compile/WarningWildcardInstantiations partial-sigs/should_compile/T16728 partial-sigs/should_compile/T12033 partial-sigs/should_compile/T15039b partial-sigs/should_compile/T10403 partial-sigs/should_compile/T11192 partial-sigs/should_compile/T16728a partial-sigs/should_compile/TypedSplice partial-sigs/should_compile/T15039d partial-sigs/should_compile/T11016 partial-sigs/should_compile/T13324_compile2 linear/should_fail/LinearPartialSig polykinds/T14265 polykinds/T14172 -} TcRnPartialTypeSignatures :: !SuggestPartialTypeSignatures -> !ThetaType -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCannotDeriveInstance is an error that occurs every time a typeclass instance can't be derived. The 'DeriveInstanceErrReason' will contain the specific reason this error arose. Example(s): None. Test cases: generics/T10604/T10604_no_PolyKinds deriving/should_fail/drvfail009 deriving/should_fail/drvfail-functor2 deriving/should_fail/T10598_fail3 deriving/should_fail/deriving-via-fail2 deriving/should_fail/deriving-via-fail deriving/should_fail/T16181 -} TcRnCannotDeriveInstance :: !Class -- ^ The typeclass we are trying to derive -- an instance for -> [Type] -- ^ The typeclass arguments, if any. -> !(Maybe (DerivStrategy GhcTc)) -- ^ The derivation strategy, if any. -> !UsingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving -- ^ Is '-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving' enabled? -> !DeriveInstanceErrReason -- ^ The specific reason why we couldn't derive -- an instance for the class. -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnLazyGADTPattern is an error that occurs when a user writes a nested GADT pattern match inside a lazy (~) pattern. Test case: gadt/lazypat -} TcRnLazyGADTPattern :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnArrowProcGADTPattern is an error that occurs when a user writes a GADT pattern inside arrow proc notation. Test case: arrows/should_fail/arrowfail004. -} TcRnArrowProcGADTPattern :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnForallIdentifier is a warning (controlled with -Wforall-identifier) that occurs when a definition uses 'forall' as an identifier. Example: forall x = () g forall = () Test cases: T20609 T20609a T20609b T20609c T20609d -} TcRnForallIdentifier :: RdrName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCapturedTermName is a warning (controlled by -Wterm-variable-capture) that occurs when an implicitly quantified type variable's name is already used for a term. Example: a = 10 f :: a -> a Test cases: T22513a T22513b T22513c T22513d T22513e T22513f T22513g T22513h T22513i -} TcRnCapturedTermName :: RdrName -> Either [GlobalRdrElt] Name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTypeMultipleOccurenceOfBindVar is an error that occurs if a bound type variable's name is already in use. Example: f :: forall a. ... f (MkT @a ...) = ... Test cases: TyAppPat_ScopedTyVarConflict TyAppPat_NonlinearMultiPat TyAppPat_NonlinearMultiAppPat -} TcRnBindVarAlreadyInScope :: [LocatedN RdrName] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBindMultipleVariables is an error that occurs in the case of multiple occurrences of a bound variable. Example: foo (MkFoo @(a,a) ...) = ... Test case: typecheck/should_fail/TyAppPat_NonlinearSinglePat -} TcRnBindMultipleVariables :: HsDocContext -> LocatedN RdrName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTypeEqualityOutOfScope is a warning (controlled by -Wtype-equality-out-of-scope) that occurs when the type equality (a ~ b) is not in scope. Test case: warnings/should_compile/T18862b -} TcRnTypeEqualityOutOfScope :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTypeEqualityRequiresOperators is a warning (controlled by -Wtype-equality-requires-operators) that occurs when the type equality (a ~ b) is used without the TypeOperators extension. Example: {-# LANGUAGE NoTypeOperators #-} f :: (a ~ b) => a -> b Test case: T18862a -} TcRnTypeEqualityRequiresOperators :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalTypeOperator is an error that occurs when a type operator is used without the TypeOperators extension. Example: {-# LANGUAGE NoTypeOperators #-} f :: Vec a n -> Vec a m -> Vec a (n + m) Test case: T12811 -} TcRnIllegalTypeOperator :: !SDoc -> !RdrName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalTypeOperatorDecl is an error that occurs when a type or class operator is declared without the TypeOperators extension. See Note [Type and class operator definitions] Example: {-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module T3265 where data a :+: b = Left a | Right b class a :*: b where {} Test cases: T3265, tcfail173 -} TcRnIllegalTypeOperatorDecl :: !RdrName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnGADTMonoLocalBinds is a warning controlled by -Wgadt-mono-local-binds that occurs when pattern matching on a GADT when -XMonoLocalBinds is off. Example(s): None Test cases: T20485, T20485a -} TcRnGADTMonoLocalBinds :: TcRnMessage {-| The TcRnNotInScope constructor is used for various not-in-scope errors. See 'NotInScopeError' for more details. -} TcRnNotInScope :: NotInScopeError -- ^ what the problem is -> RdrName -- ^ the name that is not in scope -> [ImportError] -- ^ import errors that are relevant -> [GhcHint] -- ^ hints, e.g. enable DataKinds to refer to a promoted data constructor -> TcRnMessage TcRnTermNameInType :: RdrName -> [GhcHint] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUntickedPromotedThing is a warning (controlled with -Wunticked-promoted-constructors) that is triggered by an unticked occurrence of a promoted data constructor. Examples: data A = MkA type family F (a :: A) where { F MkA = Bool } type B = [ Int, Bool ] Test cases: T9778, T19984. -} TcRnUntickedPromotedThing :: UntickedPromotedThing -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalBuiltinSyntax is an error that occurs when built-in syntax appears in an unexpected location, e.g. as a data constructor or in a fixity declaration. Examples: infixl 5 : data P = (,) Test cases: rnfail042, T14907b, T15124, T15233. -} TcRnIllegalBuiltinSyntax :: SDoc -- ^ what kind of thing this is (a binding, fixity declaration, ...) -> RdrName -> TcRnMessage -- TODO: remove the SDoc argument. {-| TcRnWarnDefaulting is a warning (controlled by -Wtype-defaults) that is triggered whenever a Wanted typeclass constraint is solving through the defaulting of a type variable. Example: one = show 1 -- We get Wanteds Show a0, Num a0, and default a0 to Integer. Test cases: none (which are really specific to defaulting), but see e.g. tcfail204. -} TcRnWarnDefaulting :: [Ct] -- ^ Wanted constraints in which defaulting occurred -> Maybe TyVar -- ^ The type variable being defaulted -> Type -- ^ The default type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIncorrectNameSpace is an error that occurs when a 'Name' is used in the incorrect 'NameSpace', e.g. a type constructor or class used in a term, or a term variable used in a type. Example: f x = Int Test cases: T18740a, T20884. -} TcRnIncorrectNameSpace :: Name -> Bool -- ^ whether the error is happening -- in a Template Haskell tick -- (so we should give a Template Haskell hint) -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnForeignImportPrimExtNotSet is an error occurring when a foreign import is declared using the @prim@ calling convention without having turned on the -XGHCForeignImportPrim extension. Example(s): foreign import prim "foo" foo :: ByteArray# -> (# Int#, Int# #) Test cases: ffi/should_fail/T20116 -} TcRnForeignImportPrimExtNotSet :: ForeignImport GhcRn -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnForeignImportPrimSafeAnn is an error declaring that the safe/unsafe annotation should not be used with @prim@ foreign imports. Example(s): foreign import prim unsafe "my_primop_cmm" :: ... Test cases: None -} TcRnForeignImportPrimSafeAnn :: ForeignImport GhcRn -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnForeignFunctionImportAsValue is an error explaining that foreign @value@ imports cannot have function types. Example(s): foreign import capi "math.h value sqrt" f :: CInt -> CInt Test cases: ffi/should_fail/capi_value_function -} TcRnForeignFunctionImportAsValue :: ForeignImport GhcRn -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnFunPtrImportWithoutAmpersand is a warning controlled by @-Wdodgy-foreign-imports@ that informs the user of a possible missing @&@ in the declaration of a foreign import with a 'FunPtr' return type. Example(s): foreign import ccall "f" f :: FunPtr (Int -> IO ()) Test cases: ffi/should_compile/T1357 -} TcRnFunPtrImportWithoutAmpersand :: ForeignImport GhcRn -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnIllegalForeignDeclBackend is an error occurring when a foreign import declaration is not compatible with the code generation backend being used. Example(s): None Test cases: None -} TcRnIllegalForeignDeclBackend :: Either (ForeignExport GhcRn) (ForeignImport GhcRn) -> Backend -> ExpectedBackends -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnUnsupportedCallConv informs the user that the calling convention specified for a foreign export declaration is not compatible with the target platform. It is a warning controlled by @-Wunsupported-calling-conventions@ in the case of @stdcall@ but is otherwise considered an error. Example(s): None Test cases: None -} TcRnUnsupportedCallConv :: Either (ForeignExport GhcRn) (ForeignImport GhcRn) -> UnsupportedCallConvention -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnIllegalForeignType is an error for when a type appears in a foreign function signature that is not compatible with the FFI. Example(s): None Test cases: ffi/should_fail/T3066 ffi/should_fail/ccfail004 ffi/should_fail/T10461 ffi/should_fail/T7506 ffi/should_fail/T5664 safeHaskell/ghci/p6 safeHaskell/safeLanguage/SafeLang08 ffi/should_fail/T16702 linear/should_fail/LinearFFI ffi/should_fail/T7243 -} TcRnIllegalForeignType :: !(Maybe ArgOrResult) -> !IllegalForeignTypeReason -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnInvalidCIdentifier indicates a C identifier that is not valid. Example(s): foreign import prim safe "not valid" cmm_test2 :: Int# -> Int# Test cases: th/T10638 -} TcRnInvalidCIdentifier :: !CLabelString -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnExpectedValueId is an error occurring when something that is not a value identifier is used where one is expected. Example(s): none Test cases: none -} TcRnExpectedValueId :: !TcTyThing -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnRecSelectorEscapedTyVar is an error indicating that a record field selector containing an existential type variable is used as a function rather than in a pattern match. Example(s): data Rec = forall a. Rec { field :: a } field (Rec True) Test cases: patsyn/should_fail/records-exquant typecheck/should_fail/T3176 -} TcRnRecSelectorEscapedTyVar :: !OccName -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnPatSynNotBidirectional is an error for when a non-bidirectional pattern synonym is used as a constructor. Example(s): pattern Five :: Int pattern Five <- 5 five = Five Test cases: patsyn/should_fail/records-no-uni-update patsyn/should_fail/records-no-uni-update2 -} TcRnPatSynNotBidirectional :: !Name -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnSplicePolymorphicLocalVar is the error that occurs when the expression inside typed template haskell brackets is a polymorphic local variable. Example(s): x = \(y :: forall a. a -> a) -> [|| y ||] Test cases: quotes/T10384 -} TcRnSplicePolymorphicLocalVar :: !Id -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnIllegalDerivingItem is an error for when something other than a type class appears in a deriving statement. Example(s): data X = X deriving Int Test cases: deriving/should_fail/T5922 -} TcRnIllegalDerivingItem :: !(LHsSigType GhcRn) -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnUnexpectedAnnotation indicates the erroroneous use of an annotation such as strictness, laziness, or unpacking. Example(s): data T = T { t :: Maybe {-# UNPACK #-} Int } data C = C { f :: !IntMap Int } Test cases: parser/should_fail/unpack_inside_type typecheck/should_fail/T7210 -} TcRnUnexpectedAnnotation :: !(HsType GhcRn) -> !HsSrcBang -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnIllegalRecordSyntax is an error indicating an illegal use of record syntax. Example(s): data T = T Int { field :: Int } Test cases: rename/should_fail/T7943 rename/should_fail/T9077 -} TcRnIllegalRecordSyntax :: Either (HsType GhcPs) (HsType GhcRn) -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnUnexpectedTypeSplice is an error for a typed template haskell splice appearing unexpectedly. Example(s): none Test cases: none -} TcRnUnexpectedTypeSplice :: !(HsType GhcRn) -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnInvalidVisibleKindArgument is an error for a kind application on a target type that cannot accept it. Example(s): bad :: Int @Type bad = 1 type Foo :: forall a {b}. a -> b -> b type Foo x y = y type Bar = Foo @Bool @Int True 42 Test cases: indexed-types/should_fail/T16356_Fail3 typecheck/should_fail/ExplicitSpecificity7 typecheck/should_fail/T12045b typecheck/should_fail/T12045c typecheck/should_fail/T15592a typecheck/should_fail/T15816 -} TcRnInvalidVisibleKindArgument :: !(LHsType GhcRn) -- ^ The visible kind argument -> !Type -- ^ Target of the kind application -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnTooManyBinders is an error for a type constructor that is declared with more arguments then its kind specifies. Example(s): type T :: Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type data T a (b :: Type -> Type) x1 (x2 :: Type -> Type) Test cases: saks/should_fail/saks_fail008 -} TcRnTooManyBinders :: !Kind -> ![LHsTyVarBndr () GhcRn] -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnDifferentNamesForTyVar is an error that indicates different names being used for the same type variable. Example(s): data SameKind :: k -> k -> * data Q (a :: k1) (b :: k2) c = MkQ (SameKind a b) Test cases: polykinds/T11203 polykinds/T11821a saks/should_fail/T20916 typecheck/should_fail/T17566b typecheck/should_fail/T17566c -} TcRnDifferentNamesForTyVar :: !Name -> !Name -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnInvalidReturnKind is an error for a data declaration that has a kind signature with an invalid result kind. Example(s): data family Foo :: Constraint Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/T14048b typecheck/should_fail/UnliftedNewtypesConstraintFamily typecheck/should_fail/T12729 typecheck/should_fail/T15883 typecheck/should_fail/T16829a typecheck/should_fail/T16829b typecheck/should_fail/UnliftedNewtypesNotEnabled typecheck/should_fail/tcfail079 -} TcRnInvalidReturnKind :: !DataSort -- ^ classification of thing being returned -> !AllowedDataResKind -- ^ allowed kind -> !Kind -- ^ the return kind -> !(Maybe SuggestUnliftedTypes) -- ^ suggested extension -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnexpectedKindVar is an error that occurs when the user tries to use kind variables without -XPolyKinds. Example: f :: forall k a. Proxy (a :: k) Test cases: polykinds/BadKindVar polykinds/T14710 saks/should_fail/T16722 -} TcRnUnexpectedKindVar :: RdrName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalKind is used for a various illegal kinds errors including Example: type T :: forall k. Type -- without emabled -XPolyKinds Test cases: polykinds/T16762b -} TcRnIllegalKind :: HsTypeOrSigType GhcPs -- ^ The illegal kind -> Bool -- ^ Whether enabling -XPolyKinds should be suggested -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnClassKindNotConstraint is an error for a type class that has a kind that is not equivalent to Constraint. Example(s): type C :: Type -> Type class C a Test cases: saks/should_fail/T16826 -} TcRnClassKindNotConstraint :: !Kind -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnUnpromotableThing is an error that occurs when the user attempts to use the promoted version of something which is not promotable. Example(s): data T :: T -> * data X a where MkX :: Show a => a -> X a foo :: Proxy ('MkX 'True) foo = Proxy Test cases: dependent/should_fail/PromotedClass dependent/should_fail/T14845_fail1 dependent/should_fail/T14845_fail2 dependent/should_fail/T15215 dependent/should_fail/T13780c dependent/should_fail/T15245 polykinds/T5716 polykinds/T5716a polykinds/T6129 polykinds/T7433 patsyn/should_fail/T11265 patsyn/should_fail/T9161-1 patsyn/should_fail/T9161-2 dependent/should_fail/SelfDep polykinds/PolyKinds06 polykinds/PolyKinds07 polykinds/T13625 polykinds/T15116 polykinds/T15116a saks/should_fail/T16727a saks/should_fail/T16727b rename/should_fail/T12686 -} TcRnUnpromotableThing :: !Name -> !PromotionErr -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnMatchesHaveDiffNumArgs is an error occurring when something has matches that have different numbers of arguments Example(s): foo x = True foo x y = False Test cases: rename/should_fail/rnfail045 typecheck/should_fail/T20768_fail -} TcRnMatchesHaveDiffNumArgs :: !(HsMatchContext GhcTc) -- ^ Pattern match specifics -> !MatchArgBadMatches -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnexpectedPatSigType is an error occurring when there is a type signature in a pattern without -XScopedTypeVariables extension Examples: f (a :: Bool) = ... Test case: rename/should_fail/T11663 -} TcRnUnexpectedPatSigType :: HsPatSigType GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalKindSignature is an error occuring when there is a kind signature without -XKindSignatures extension Examples: data Foo (a :: Nat) = .... Test case: parser/should_fail/readFail036 -} TcRnIllegalKindSignature :: HsType GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDataKindsError is an error occurring when there is an illegal type or kind, probably required -XDataKinds and is used without the enabled extension. Examples: type Foo = [Nat, Char] type Bar = [Int, String] Test cases: linear/should_fail/T18888 polykinds/T7151 th/TH_Promoted1Tuple typecheck/should_fail/tcfail094 -} TcRnDataKindsError :: TypeOrKind -> HsType GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnCannotBindScopedTyVarInPatSig is an error stating that scoped type variables cannot be used in pattern bindings. Example(s): let (x :: a) = 5 Test cases: typecheck/should_compile/tc141 -} TcRnCannotBindScopedTyVarInPatSig :: !(NE.NonEmpty (Name, TcTyVar)) -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnCannotBindTyVarsInPatBind is an error for when type variables are introduced in a pattern binding Example(s): Just @a x = Just True Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/TyAppPat_PatternBinding typecheck/should_fail/TyAppPat_PatternBindingExistential -} TcRnCannotBindTyVarsInPatBind :: !(NE.NonEmpty (Name, TcTyVar)) -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnTooManyTyArgsInConPattern is an error occurring when a constructor pattern has more than the expected number of type arguments Example(s): f (Just @Int @Bool x) = x Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/TyAppPat_TooMany typecheck/should_fail/T20443b -} TcRnTooManyTyArgsInConPattern :: !ConLike -> !Int -- ^ Expected number of args -> !Int -- ^ Actual number of args -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnMultipleInlinePragmas is a warning signifying that multiple inline pragmas reference the same definition. Example(s): {-# INLINE foo #-} {-# INLINE foo #-} foo :: Bool -> Bool foo = id Test cases: none -} TcRnMultipleInlinePragmas :: !Id -- ^ Target of the pragmas -> !(LocatedA InlinePragma) -- ^ The first pragma -> !(NE.NonEmpty (LocatedA InlinePragma)) -- ^ Other pragmas -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnUnexpectedPragmas is a warning that occurs when unexpected pragmas appear in the source. Example(s): Test cases: none -} TcRnUnexpectedPragmas :: !Id -> !(NE.NonEmpty (LSig GhcRn)) -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnNonOverloadedSpecialisePragma is a warning for a specialise pragma being placed on a definition that is not overloaded. Example(s): {-# SPECIALISE foo :: Bool -> Bool #-} foo :: Bool -> Bool foo = id Test cases: simplCore/should_compile/T8537 typecheck/should_compile/T10504 -} TcRnNonOverloadedSpecialisePragma :: !(LIdP GhcRn) -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnSpecialiseNotVisible is a warning that occurs when the subject of a SPECIALISE pragma has a definition that is not visible from the current module. Example(s): none Test cases: none -} TcRnSpecialiseNotVisible :: !Name -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnPragmaWarning is a warning that can happen when usage of something is warned or deprecated by pragma. Test cases: DeprU T5281 T5867 rn050 rn066 (here is a warning, not deprecation) T3303 -} TcRnPragmaWarning :: { pragma_warning_occ :: OccName, pragma_warning_msg :: WarningTxt GhcRn, pragma_warning_import_mod :: ModuleName, pragma_warning_defined_mod :: ModuleName } -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalHsigDefaultMethods is an error that occurs when a binding for a class default method is provided in a Backpack signature file. Test case: bkpfail40 -} TcRnIllegalHsigDefaultMethods :: !Name -- ^ 'Name' of the class -> NE.NonEmpty (LHsBind GhcRn) -- ^ default methods -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnHsigFixityMismatch is an error indicating that the fixity decl in a Backpack signature file differs from the one in the source file for the same operator. Test cases: bkpfail37, bkpfail38 -} TcRnHsigFixityMismatch :: !TyThing -- ^ The operator whose fixity is defined -> !Fixity -- ^ the fixity used in the source file -> !Fixity -- ^ the fixity used in the signature -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnHsigShapeMismatch is a group of errors related to mismatches between backpack signatures. -} TcRnHsigShapeMismatch :: !HsigShapeMismatchReason -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnHsigMissingModuleExport is an error indicating that a module doesn't export a name exported by its signature. Test cases: bkpfail01, bkpfail05, bkpfail09, bkpfail16, bkpfail35, bkpcabal06 -} TcRnHsigMissingModuleExport :: !OccName -- ^ The missing name -> !UnitState -- ^ The module's unit state -> !Module -- ^ The implementation module -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBadGenericMethod This test ensures that if you provide a "more specific" type signatures for the default method, you must also provide a binding. Example: {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} class C a where meth :: a default meth :: Num a => a meth = 0 Test case: testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/MissingDefaultMethodBinding.hs -} TcRnBadGenericMethod :: !Name -- ^ 'Name' of the class -> !Name -- ^ Problematic method -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnWarningMinimalDefIncomplete is a warning that one must specify which methods must be implemented by all instances. Example: class Cheater a where -- WARNING LINE cheater :: a {-# MINIMAL #-} -- warning! Test case: testsuite/tests/warnings/minimal/WarnMinimal.hs: -} TcRnWarningMinimalDefIncomplete :: ClassMinimalDef -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDefaultMethodForPragmaLacksBinding is an error that occurs when a default method pragma is missing an accompanying binding. Test cases: testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T5084.hs testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T2354.hs -} TcRnDefaultMethodForPragmaLacksBinding :: Id -- ^ method -> Sig GhcRn -- ^ the pragma -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIgnoreSpecialisePragmaOnDefMethod is a warning that occurs when a specialise pragma is put on a default method. Test cases: none -} TcRnIgnoreSpecialisePragmaOnDefMethod :: !Name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBadMethodErr is an error that happens when one attempts to provide a method in a class instance, when the class doesn't have a method by that name. Test case: testsuite/tests/th/T12387 -} TcRnBadMethodErr :: { badMethodErrClassName :: !Name , badMethodErrMethodName :: !Name } -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNoExplicitAssocTypeOrDefaultDeclaration is an error that occurs when a class instance does not provide an expected associated type or default declaration. Test cases: testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T14094 testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/Simple2 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc254 -} TcRnNoExplicitAssocTypeOrDefaultDeclaration :: Name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalNewtype is an error that occurs when a newtype: * Does not have exactly one field, or * is non-linear, or * is a GADT, or * has a context in its constructor's type, or * has existential type variables in its constructor's type, or * has strictness annotations. Test cases: testsuite/tests/gadt/T14719 testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T14033 testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T2334A testsuite/tests/linear/should_fail/LinearGADTNewtype testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/readFail008 testsuite/tests/polykinds/T11459 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T15523 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T15796 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T17955 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T18891a testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T21447 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail156 -} TcRnIllegalNewtype :: DataCon -> Bool -- ^ True if linear types enabled -> IllegalNewtypeReason -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalTypeData is an error that occurs when a @type data@ declaration occurs without the TypeOperators extension. See Note [Type data declarations] Test case: testsuite/tests/type-data/should_fail/TDNoPragma -} TcRnIllegalTypeData :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTypeDataForbids is an error that occurs when a @type data@ declaration contains @data@ declaration features that are forbidden in a @type data@ declaration. See Note [Type data declarations] Test cases: testsuite/tests/type-data/should_fail/TDDeriving testsuite/tests/type-data/should_fail/TDRecordsGADT testsuite/tests/type-data/should_fail/TDRecordsH98 testsuite/tests/type-data/should_fail/TDStrictnessGADT testsuite/tests/type-data/should_fail/TDStrictnessH98 -} TcRnTypeDataForbids :: !TypeDataForbids -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTypedTHWithPolyType is an error that signifies the illegal use of a polytype in a typed template haskell expression. Example(s): bad :: (forall a. a -> a) -> () bad = $$( [|| \_ -> () ||] ) Test cases: th/T11452 -} TcRnTypedTHWithPolyType :: !TcType -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnSpliceThrewException is an error that occurrs when running a template haskell splice throws an exception. Example(s): Test cases: annotations/should_fail/annfail12 perf/compiler/MultiLayerModulesTH_Make perf/compiler/MultiLayerModulesTH_OneShot th/T10796b th/T19470 th/T19709d th/T5358 th/T5976 th/T7276a th/T8987 th/TH_exn1 th/TH_exn2 th/TH_runIO -} TcRnSpliceThrewException :: !SplicePhase -> !SomeException -> !String -- ^ Result of showing the exception (cannot be done safely outside IO) -> !(LHsExpr GhcTc) -> !Bool -- True <=> Print the expression -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnInvalidTopDecl is a template haskell error occurring when one of the 'Dec's passed to 'addTopDecls' is not a function, value, annotation, or foreign import declaration. Example(s): Test cases: -} TcRnInvalidTopDecl :: !(HsDecl GhcPs) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNonExactName is a template haskell error for when a declaration being added is bound to a name that is not fully known. Example(s): Test cases: -} TcRnNonExactName :: !RdrName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnAddInvalidCorePlugin is a template haskell error indicating that a core plugin being added has an invalid module due to being in the current package. Example(s): Test cases: -} TcRnAddInvalidCorePlugin :: !String -- ^ Module name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnAddDocToNonLocalDefn is a template haskell error for documentation being added to a definition which is not in the current module. Example(s): Test cases: showIface/should_fail/THPutDocExternal -} TcRnAddDocToNonLocalDefn :: !TH.DocLoc -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnFailedToLookupThInstName is a template haskell error that occurrs when looking up an instance fails. Example(s): Test cases: showIface/should_fail/THPutDocNonExistent -} TcRnFailedToLookupThInstName :: !TH.Type -> !LookupTHInstNameErrReason -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCannotReifyInstance is a template haskell error for when an instance being reified via `reifyInstances` is not a class constraint or type family application. Example(s): Test cases: -} TcRnCannotReifyInstance :: !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCannotReifyOutOfScopeThing is a template haskell error indicating that the given name is not in scope and therefore cannot be reified. Example(s): Test cases: th/T16976f -} TcRnCannotReifyOutOfScopeThing :: !TH.Name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCannotReifyThingNotInTypeEnv is a template haskell error occurring when the given name is not in the type environment and therefore cannot be reified. Example(s): Test cases: -} TcRnCannotReifyThingNotInTypeEnv :: !Name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNoRolesAssociatedWithName is a template haskell error for when the user tries to reify the roles of a given name but it is not something that has roles associated with it. Example(s): Test cases: -} TcRnNoRolesAssociatedWithThing :: !TcTyThing -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCannotRepresentThing is a template haskell error indicating that a type cannot be reified because it does not have a representation in template haskell. Example(s): Test cases: -} TcRnCannotRepresentType :: !UnrepresentableTypeDescr -> !Type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnRunSpliceFailure is an error indicating that a template haskell splice failed to be converted into a valid expression. Example(s): Test cases: th/T10828a th/T10828b th/T12478_4 th/T15270A th/T15270B th/T16895a th/T16895b th/T16895c th/T16895d th/T16895e th/T18740d th/T2597b th/T2674 th/T3395 th/T7484 th/T7667a th/TH_implicitParamsErr1 th/TH_implicitParamsErr2 th/TH_implicitParamsErr3 th/TH_invalid_add_top_decl -} TcRnRunSpliceFailure :: !(Maybe String) -- ^ Name of the function used to run the splice -> !RunSpliceFailReason -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUserErrReported is an error or warning thrown using 'qReport' from the 'Quasi' instance of 'TcM'. Example(s): Test cases: -} TcRnReportCustomQuasiError :: !Bool -- True => Error, False => Warning -> !String -- Error body -> TcRnMessage {- | TcRnUnsatisfiedMinimalDef is a warning that occurs when a class instance is missing methods that are required by the minimal definition. Example: class C a where foo :: a -> a instance C () -- | foo needs to be defined here Test cases: testsuite/tests/typecheck/prog001/typecheck.prog001 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc126 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T7903 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc116 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc175 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/HasKey testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc125 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc078 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc161 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T5051 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T21583 testsuite/tests/backpack/should_compile/bkp47 testsuite/tests/backpack/should_fail/bkpfail25 testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T2245 testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/read014 testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/Class3 testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/Simple2 testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T7862 testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/deriving-1935 testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T9968a testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/drv003 testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T4966 testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T14094 testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T15304 testsuite/tests/warnings/minimal/WarnMinimal testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/simpl020 testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/T14546d testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T5820 testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/ghci019 -} TcRnUnsatisfiedMinimalDef :: ClassMinimalDef -> TcRnMessage {- | 'TcRnMisplacedInstSig' is an error that happens when a method in a class instance is given a type signature, but the user has not enabled the @InstanceSigs@ extension. Test case: testsuite/tests/module/mod45 -} TcRnMisplacedInstSig :: Name -> (LHsSigType GhcRn) -> TcRnMessage {- | 'TcRnBadBootFamInstDecl' is an error that is triggered by a type family instance being declared in an hs-boot file. Test case: testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/HsBootFam -} TcRnBadBootFamInstDecl :: {} -> TcRnMessage {- | 'TcRnIllegalFamilyInstance' is an error that occurs when an associated type or data family is given a top-level instance. Test case: testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T3092 -} TcRnIllegalFamilyInstance :: TyCon -> TcRnMessage {- | 'TcRnMissingClassAssoc' is an error that occurs when a class instance for a class with an associated type or data family is missing a corresponding family instance declaration. Test case: testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/SimpleFail7 -} TcRnMissingClassAssoc :: TyCon -> TcRnMessage {- | 'TcRnNotOpenFamily' is an error that is triggered by attempting to give a top-level (open) type family instance for a closed type family. Test cases: testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/Overlap7 testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/Overlap3 -} TcRnNotOpenFamily :: TyCon -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNoRebindableSyntaxRecordDot is an error triggered by an overloaded record update without RebindableSyntax enabled. Example(s): Test cases: parser/should_fail/RecordDotSyntaxFail5 -} TcRnNoRebindableSyntaxRecordDot :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNoFieldPunsRecordDot is an error triggered by the use of record field puns in an overloaded record update without enabling NamedFieldPuns. Example(s): print $ a{ foo.bar.baz.quux } Test cases: parser/should_fail/RecordDotSyntaxFail12 -} TcRnNoFieldPunsRecordDot :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalStaticExpression is an error thrown when user creates a static pointer via TemplateHaskell without enabling the StaticPointers extension. Example(s): Test cases: th/T14204 -} TcRnIllegalStaticExpression :: HsExpr GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalStaticFormInSplice is an error when a user attempts to define a static pointer in a Template Haskell splice. Example(s): Test cases: th/TH_StaticPointers02 -} TcRnIllegalStaticFormInSplice :: HsExpr GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnListComprehensionDuplicateBinding is an error triggered by duplicate let-bindings in a list comprehension. Example(s): [ () | let a = 13 | let a = 17 ] Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/tcfail092 -} TcRnListComprehensionDuplicateBinding :: Name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnEmptyStmtsGroup is an error triggered by an empty list of statements in a statement block. For more information, see 'EmptyStatementGroupErrReason' Example(s): [() | then ()] do proc () -> do Test cases: rename/should_fail/RnEmptyStatementGroup1 -} TcRnEmptyStmtsGroup:: EmptyStatementGroupErrReason -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnLastStmtNotExpr is an error caused by the last statement in a statement block not being an expression. Example(s): do x <- pure () do let x = 5 Test cases: rename/should_fail/T6060 parser/should_fail/T3811g parser/should_fail/readFail028 -} TcRnLastStmtNotExpr :: HsStmtContext GhcRn -> UnexpectedStatement -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnexpectedStatementInContext is an error when a statement appears in an unexpected context (e.g. an arrow statement appears in a list comprehension). Example(s): Test cases: parser/should_fail/readFail042 parser/should_fail/readFail038 parser/should_fail/readFail043 -} TcRnUnexpectedStatementInContext :: HsStmtContext GhcRn -> UnexpectedStatement -> Maybe LangExt.Extension -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalTupleSection is an error triggered by usage of a tuple section without enabling the TupleSections extension. Example(s): (5,) Test cases: rename/should_fail/rnfail056 -} TcRnIllegalTupleSection :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalImplicitParameterBindings is an error triggered by binding an implicit parameter in an mdo block. Example(s): mdo { let { ?x = 5 }; () } Test cases: rename/should_fail/RnImplicitBindInMdoNotation -} TcRnIllegalImplicitParameterBindings :: Either (HsLocalBindsLR GhcPs GhcPs) (HsLocalBindsLR GhcRn GhcPs) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnSectionWithoutParentheses is an error triggered by attempting to use an operator section without parentheses. Example(s): (`head` x, ()) Test cases: rename/should_fail/T2490 rename/should_fail/T5657 -} TcRnSectionWithoutParentheses :: HsExpr GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {- TcRnBindingOfExistingName is an error triggered by an attempt to rebind built-in syntax, punned list or tuple syntax, or a name quoted via Template Haskell. Examples: data [] data (->) $(pure [ValD (VarP 'succ) (NormalB (ConE 'True)) []]) Test cases: rename/should_fail/T14907b rename/should_fail/T22839 rename/should_fail/rnfail042 th/T13968 -} TcRnBindingOfExistingName :: RdrName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnMultipleFixityDecls is an error triggered by multiple fixity declarations for the same operator. Example(s): infixr 6 $$ infixl 4 $$ Test cases: rename/should_fail/RnMultipleFixityFail -} TcRnMultipleFixityDecls :: SrcSpan -> RdrName -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalPatternSynonymDecl is an error thrown when a user defines a pattern synonyms without enabling the PatternSynonyms extension. Example: pattern O :: Int pattern O = 0 Test cases: rename/should_fail/RnPatternSynonymFail -} TcRnIllegalPatternSynonymDecl :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalClassBinding is an error triggered by a binding in a class or instance declaration of an illegal form. Examples: class ZeroOne a where zero :: a one :: a instance ZeroOne Int where (zero,one) = (0,1) class C a where pattern P = () Test cases: module/mod48 patsyn/should_fail/T9705-1 patsyn/should_fail/T9705-2 typecheck/should_fail/tcfail021 -} TcRnIllegalClassBinding :: DeclSort -> HsBindLR GhcPs GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnOrphanCompletePragma is an error triggered by a {-# COMPLETE #-} pragma which does not mention any data constructors or pattern synonyms defined in the current module. Test cases: patsyn/should_fail/T13349 -} TcRnOrphanCompletePragma :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnEmptyCase is an error thrown when a user uses a case expression with an empty list of alternatives without enabling the EmptyCase extension. Example(s): case () of Test cases: rename/should_fail/RnEmptyCaseFail -} TcRnEmptyCase :: HsMatchContext GhcRn -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNonStdGuards is a warning thrown when a user uses non-standard guards (e.g. patterns in guards) without enabling the PatternGuards extension. More realistically: the user has explicitly disabled PatternGuards, as it is enabled by default with `-XHaskell2010`. Example(s): f | 5 <- 2 + 3 = ... Test cases: rename/should_compile/rn049 -} TcRnNonStdGuards :: NonStandardGuards -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDuplicateSigDecl is an error triggered by two or more signatures for one entity. Examples: f :: Int -> Bool f :: Int -> Bool f _ = True g x = x {-# INLINE g #-} {-# NOINLINE g #-} pattern P = () {-# COMPLETE P #-} {-# COMPLETE P #-} Test cases: module/mod68 parser/should_fail/OpaqueParseFail4 patsyn/should_fail/T12165 rename/should_fail/rnfail048 rename/should_fail/T5589 rename/should_fail/T7338 rename/should_fail/T7338a -} TcRnDuplicateSigDecl :: NE.NonEmpty (LocatedN RdrName, Sig GhcPs) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnMisplacedSigDecl is an error triggered by the pragma application in the wrong context, like `MINIMAL` applied to a function or `SPECIALIZE` to an instance. Example: f x = x {-# MINIMAL f #-} Test cases: rename/should_fail/T18138 warnings/minimal/WarnMinimalFail1 -} TcRnMisplacedSigDecl :: Sig GhcRn -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnexpectedDefaultSig is an error thrown when a user uses default signatures without enabling the DefaultSignatures extension. Example: class C a where m :: a default m :: Num a => a m = 0 Test cases: rename/should_fail/RnDefaultSigFail -} TcRnUnexpectedDefaultSig :: Sig GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBindInBootFile is an error triggered by a binding in hs-boot file. Example: -- in an .hs-boot file: x = 3 Test cases: rename/should_fail/T19781 -} TcRnBindInBootFile :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDuplicateMinimalSig is an error triggered by two or more minimal signatures for one type class. Example: class C where f :: () {-# MINIMAL f #-} {-# MINIMAL f #-} Test cases: rename/should_fail/RnMultipleMinimalPragmaFail -} TcRnDuplicateMinimalSig :: LSig GhcPs -> LSig GhcPs -> [LSig GhcPs] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnLoopySuperclassSolve is a warning, controlled by @-Wloopy-superclass-solve@, that is triggered when GHC solves a constraint in a possibly-loopy way, violating the class instance termination rules described in the section "Undecidable instances and loopy superclasses" of the user's guide. Example: class Foo f class Foo f => Bar f g instance Bar f f => Bar f (h k) Test cases: T20666, T20666{a,b}, T22891, T22912. -} TcRnLoopySuperclassSolve :: CtLoc -- ^ Wanted 'CtLoc' -> PredType -- ^ Wanted 'PredType' -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalInstanceHeadDecl is an error triggered by malformed head of type class instance Examples: instance 42 instance !Show D Test cases: parser/should_fail/T3811c rename/should_fail/T18240a -} TcRnIllegalInstanceHeadDecl :: LHsType GhcRn -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneDerivingDecl is an error thrown when a user uses standalone deriving without enabling the StandaloneDeriving extension. Example: deriving instance Eq Foo Test cases: rename/should_fail/RnUnexpectedStandaloneDeriving -} TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneDerivingDecl :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnusedVariableInRuleDecl is an error triggered by forall'd variable in rewrite rule that does not appear on left-hand side Example: {-# RULES "rule" forall a. id = id #-} Test cases: rename/should_fail/ExplicitForAllRules2 -} TcRnUnusedVariableInRuleDecl :: FastString -> Name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneKindSig is an error thrown when a user uses standalone kind signature without enabling the StandaloneKindSignatures extension. Example: type D :: Type data D = D Test cases: saks/should_fail/saks_fail001 -} TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneKindSig :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalRuleLhs is an error triggered by malformed left-hand side of rewrite rule Examples: {-# RULES "test" forall x. f x = x #-} {-# RULES "test" forall x. case x of = x #-} Test cases: rename/should_fail/T15659 -} TcRnIllegalRuleLhs :: RuleLhsErrReason -> FastString -- Rule name -> LHsExpr GhcRn -- Full expression -> HsExpr GhcRn -- Bad expression -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBadAssocRhs is an error triggered by out-of-scope type variables occurred in right-hand side of an associated type declaration Example: instance forall a. C Int where data instance D Int = MkD1 a cases: indexed-types/should_fail/T5515 polykinds/T9574 rename/should_fail/T18021 -} TcRnBadAssocRhs :: [Name] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDuplicateRoleAnnot is an error triggered by two or more role annotations for one type Example: data D a type role D phantom type role D phantom Test cases: roles/should_fail/Roles8 -} TcRnDuplicateRoleAnnot :: NE.NonEmpty (LRoleAnnotDecl GhcPs) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDuplicateKindSig is an error triggered by two or more standalone kind signatures for one type Example: type D :: Type type D :: Type data D Test cases: saks/should_fail/saks_fail002 -} TcRnDuplicateKindSig :: NE.NonEmpty (LStandaloneKindSig GhcPs) -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalDerivStrategy is an error thrown when a user uses deriving strategy without enabling the DerivingStrategies extension or uses deriving via without enabling the DerivingVia extension. Examples: data T = T deriving stock Eq data T = T deriving via Eq T Test cases: deriving/should_fail/deriving-via-fail3 deriving/should_fail/T10598_fail4 -} TcRnIllegalDerivStrategy :: DerivStrategy GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalMultipleDerivClauses is an error thrown when a user uses two or more deriving clauses without enabling the DerivingStrategies extension. Example: data T = T deriving Eq deriving Ord Test cases: deriving/should_fail/T10598_fail5 -} TcRnIllegalMultipleDerivClauses :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNoDerivStratSpecified is a warning implied by -Wmissing-deriving-strategies and triggered by deriving clause without specified deriving strategy. Example: data T = T deriving Eq Test cases: rename/should_compile/T15798a rename/should_compile/T15798b rename/should_compile/T15798c -} TcRnNoDerivStratSpecified :: Bool -- True if DerivingStrategies is enabled -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnStupidThetaInGadt is an error triggered by data contexts in GADT-style data declaration Example: data (Eq a) => D a where MkD :: D Int Test cases: rename/should_fail/RnStupidThetaInGadt -} TcRnStupidThetaInGadt :: HsDocContext -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBadImplicitSplice is an error thrown when a user uses top-level implicit TH-splice without enabling the TemplateHaskell extension. Example: pure [] -- on top-level Test cases: ghci/prog019/prog019 ghci/scripts/T1914 ghci/scripts/T6106 rename/should_fail/T4042 rename/should_fail/T12146 -} TcRnBadImplicitSplice :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnShadowedTyVarNameInFamResult is an error triggered by type variable in type family result that shadows type variable from left hand side Example: type family F a b c = b Test cases: ghci/scripts/T6018ghcirnfail rename/should_fail/T6018rnfail -} TcRnShadowedTyVarNameInFamResult :: IdP GhcPs -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIncorrectTyVarOnRhsOfInjCond is an error caused by a situation where the left-hand side of an injectivity condition of a type family is not a variable referring to the type family result. See Note [Renaming injectivity annotation] for more details. Example: type family F a = r | a -> a Test cases: ghci/scripts/T6018ghcirnfail rename/should_fail/T6018rnfail -} TcRnIncorrectTyVarOnLhsOfInjCond :: IdP GhcRn -- Expected -> LIdP GhcPs -- Actual -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnknownTyVarsOnRhsOfInjCond is an error triggered by out-of-scope type variables on the right-hand side of a of an injectivity condition of a type family Example: type family F a = res | res -> b Test cases: ghci/scripts/T6018ghcirnfail rename/should_fail/T6018rnfail -} TcRnUnknownTyVarsOnRhsOfInjCond :: [Name] -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnLookupInstance groups several errors emitted when looking up class instances. Test cases: none -} TcRnLookupInstance :: !Class -> ![Type] -> !LookupInstanceErrReason -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBadlyStaged is an error that occurs when a TH binding is used in an invalid stage. Test cases: T17820d -} TcRnBadlyStaged :: !StageCheckReason -- ^ The binding being spliced. -> !Int -- ^ The binding stage. -> !Int -- ^ The stage at which the binding is used. -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnStageRestriction is an error that occurs when a top level splice refers to a local name. Test cases: T17820, T21547, T5795, qq00[1-4], annfail0{3,4,6,9} -} TcRnStageRestriction :: !StageCheckReason -- ^ The binding being spliced. -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTyThingUsedWrong is an error that occurs when a thing is used where another thing was expected. Test cases: none -} TcRnTyThingUsedWrong :: !WrongThingSort -- ^ Expected thing. -> !TcTyThing -- ^ Thing used wrongly. -> !Name -- ^ Name of the thing used wrongly. -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCannotDefaultKindVar is an error that occurs when attempting to use unconstrained kind variables whose type isn't @Type@, without -XPolyKinds. Test cases: T11334b -} TcRnCannotDefaultKindVar :: !TyVar -- ^ The unconstrained variable. -> !Kind -- ^ Kind of the variable. -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUninferrableTyVar is an error that occurs when metavariables in a type could not be defaulted. Test cases: T17301, T17562, T17567, T17567StupidTheta, T15474, T21479 -} TcRnUninferrableTyVar :: ![TyCoVar] -- ^ The variables that could not be defaulted. -> !UninferrableTyVarCtx -- ^ Description of the surrounding context. -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnSkolemEscape is an error that occurs when type variables from an outer scope is used in a context where they should be locally scoped. Test cases: T15076, T15076b, T14880-2, T15825, T14880, T15807, T16946, T14350, T14040A, T15795, T15795a, T14552 -} TcRnSkolemEscape :: ![TcTyVar] -- ^ The variables that would escape. -> !TcTyVar -- ^ The variable that is being quantified. -> !Type -- ^ The type in which they occur. -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPatSynEscapedCoercion is an error indicating that a coercion escaped from a pattern synonym into a type. See Note [Coercions that escape] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.PatSyn Test cases: T14507 -} TcRnPatSynEscapedCoercion :: !Id -- ^ The pattern-bound variable -> !(NE.NonEmpty CoVar) -- ^ The escaped coercions -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPatSynExistentialInResult is an error indicating that the result type of a pattern synonym mentions an existential type variable. Test cases: PatSynExistential -} TcRnPatSynExistentialInResult :: !Name -- ^ The name of the pattern synonym -> !TcSigmaType -- ^ The result type -> ![TyVar] -- ^ The escaped existential variables -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPatSynArityMismatch is an error indicating that the number of arguments in a pattern synonym's equation differs from the number of parameters in its signature. Test cases: PatSynArity -} TcRnPatSynArityMismatch :: !Name -- ^ The name of the pattern synonym -> !Arity -- ^ The number of equation arguments -> !Arity -- ^ The difference -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPatSynInvalidRhs is an error group indicating that the pattern on the right hand side of a pattern synonym is invalid. Test cases: unidir, T14112 -} TcRnPatSynInvalidRhs :: !Name -- ^ The name of the pattern synonym -> !(LPat GhcRn) -- ^ The pattern -> ![LIdP GhcRn] -- ^ The LHS args -> !PatSynInvalidRhsReason -- ^ The number of equation arguments -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCannotDefaultConcrete is an error occurring when a concrete type variable cannot be defaulted. Test cases: T23153 -} TcRnCannotDefaultConcrete :: !FixedRuntimeRepOrigin -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnMultiAssocTyFamDefaults is an error indicating that multiple default declarations were specified for an associated type family. Test cases: none -} TcRnMultiAssocTyFamDefaults :: !(IdP GhcRn) -- ^ Name of the associated type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTyFamDepsDisabled is an error indicating that a type family injectivity annotation was used without enabling the extension TypeFamilyDependencies. Test cases: T11381 -} TcRnTyFamDepsDisabled :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnAbstractClosedTyFamDecl is an error indicating that an abstract closed type family was declared in a regular source file, while it is only allowed in hs-boot files. Test cases: ClosedFam4 -} TcRnAbstractClosedTyFamDecl :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPartialFieldSelector is a warning indicating that a record selector was not defined for all constructors of a data type. Test cases: DRFPartialFields, T7169 -} TcRnPartialFieldSelector :: !FieldLabel -- ^ The selector -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBadFieldAnnotation is an error/warning group indicating that a strictness/unpack related data type field annotation is invalid. -} TcRnBadFieldAnnotation :: !Int -- ^ The index of the field -> !DataCon -- ^ The constructor in which the field is defined -> !BadFieldAnnotationReason -- ^ The error specifics -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnSuperclassCycle is an error indicating that a class has a superclass cycle. Test cases: mod40, tcfail027, tcfail213, tcfail216, tcfail217, T9415, T9739 -} TcRnSuperclassCycle :: !SuperclassCycle -- ^ The details of the cycle -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDefaultSigMismatch is an error indicating that a default method signature doesn't match the regular method signature. Test cases: T7437, T12918a, T12918b, T12151 -} TcRnDefaultSigMismatch :: !Id -- ^ The name of the method -> !Type -- ^ The type of the default signature -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTyFamsDisabled is an error indicating that a type family or instance was declared while the extension TypeFamilies was disabled. Test cases: TyFamsDisabled -} TcRnTyFamsDisabled :: !TyFamsDisabledReason -- ^ The name of the family or instance -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTyFamResultDisabled is an error indicating that a result variable was used on a type family while the extension TypeFamilyDependencies was disabled. Test cases: T13571, T13571a -} TcRnTyFamResultDisabled :: !Name -- ^ The name of the type family -> !(LHsTyVarBndr () GhcRn) -- ^ Name of the result variable -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnRoleValidationFailed is an error indicating that a variable was assigned an invalid role by the inference algorithm. This is only performed with -dcore-lint. -} TcRnRoleValidationFailed :: !Role -- ^ The validated role -> !RoleValidationFailedReason -- ^ The failure reason -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCommonFieldResultTypeMismatch is an error indicating that a sum type declares the same field name in multiple constructors, but the constructors' result types differ. Test cases: CommonFieldResultTypeMismatch -} TcRnCommonFieldResultTypeMismatch :: !DataCon -- ^ First constructor -> !DataCon -- ^ Second constructor -> !FieldLabelString -- ^ Field name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCommonFieldTypeMismatch is an error indicating that a sum type declares the same field name in multiple constructors, but their types differ. Test cases: CommonFieldTypeMismatch -} TcRnCommonFieldTypeMismatch :: !DataCon -- ^ First constructor -> !DataCon -- ^ Second constructor -> !FieldLabelString -- ^ Field name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnClassExtensionDisabled is an error indicating that a class was declared with an extension feature while the extension was disabled. -} TcRnClassExtensionDisabled :: !Class -- ^ The class -> !DisabledClassExtension -- ^ The extension -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnAssocNoClassTyVar is an error indicating that no class parameters are used in an associated type family. Test cases: T2888, T9167, T12867 -} TcRnAssocNoClassTyVar :: !Class -- ^ The class -> !TyCon -- ^ The associated family -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDataConParentTypeMismatch is an error indicating that a data constructor was declared with a type that doesn't match its type constructor (i.e. a GADT result type and its data name). Test cases: T7175, T13300, T14719, T18357, T18357b, gadt11, tcfail155, tcfail176 -} TcRnDataConParentTypeMismatch :: !DataCon -- ^ The data constructor -> !Type -- ^ The parent type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnGADTsDisabled is an error indicating that a GADT was declared while the extension GADTs was disabled. Test cases: ghci057, T9293 -} TcRnGADTsDisabled :: !Name -- ^ The name of the GADT -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnExistentialQuantificationDisabled is an error indicating that a data constructor was declared with existential features while the extension ExistentialQuantification was disabled. Test cases: ghci057, T9293, gadtSyntaxFail001, gadtSyntaxFail002, gadtSyntaxFail003, prog006, rnfail053, T12083a -} TcRnExistentialQuantificationDisabled :: !DataCon -- ^ The constructor -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnGADTDataContext is an error indicating that a GADT was declared with a data type context. This error is emitted in the tc, but it is also caught in the renamer. -} TcRnGADTDataContext :: !Name -- ^ The data type name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnMultipleConForNewtype is an error indicating that a newtype was declared with multiple constructors. This error is caught by the parser. -} TcRnMultipleConForNewtype :: !Name -- ^ The newtype name -> !Int -- ^ The number of constructors -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnKindSignaturesDisabled is an error indicating that a kind signature was used in a data type declaration while the extension KindSignatures was disabled. Test cases: T20873c, readFail036 -} TcRnKindSignaturesDisabled :: !(Either (HsType GhcPs) (Name, HsType GhcRn)) -- ^ The data type name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnEmptyDataDeclsDisabled is an error indicating that a data type was declared with no constructors while the extension EmptyDataDecls was disabled. Test cases: readFail035 -} TcRnEmptyDataDeclsDisabled :: !Name -- ^ The data type name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnFamilyCategoryMismatch is an error indicating that a family instance was declared for a family of a different kind, i.e. data vs type family. Test cases: T9896, SimpleFail3a -} TcRnFamilyCategoryMismatch :: !TyCon -- ^ The family tycon -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnFamilyArityMismatch is an error indicating that a family instance was declared with a different number of arguments than the family. See Note [Oversaturated type family equations] in "GHC.Tc.Validity". Test cases: TyFamArity1, TyFamArity2, T11136, Overlap4, AssocTyDef05, AssocTyDef06, T14110 -} TcRnFamilyArityMismatch :: !TyCon -- ^ The family tycon -> !Arity -- ^ The right number of parameters -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnRoleMismatch is an error indicating that the role specified in an annotation differs from its inferred role. Test cases: T7253, Roles11 -} TcRnRoleMismatch :: !Name -- ^ The type variable -> !Role -- ^ The annotated role -> !Role -- ^ The inferred role -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnRoleCountMismatch is an error indicating that the number of roles in an annotation doesn't match the number of type parameters. Test cases: Roles6 -} TcRnRoleCountMismatch :: !Int -- ^ The number of type variables -> !(LRoleAnnotDecl GhcRn) -- ^ The role annotation -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalRoleAnnotation is an error indicating that a role annotation was attached to a decl that doesn't allow it. Test cases: Roles5 -} TcRnIllegalRoleAnnotation :: !(RoleAnnotDecl GhcRn) -- ^ The role annotation -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnRoleAnnotationsDisabled is an error indicating that a role annotation was declared while the extension RoleAnnotations was disabled. Test cases: Roles5, TH_Roles1 -} TcRnRoleAnnotationsDisabled :: !TyCon -- ^ The annotated type -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIncoherentRoles is an error indicating that a role annotation for a class parameter was declared as not nominal. Test cases: T8773 -} TcRnIncoherentRoles :: !TyCon -- ^ The class tycon -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIncoherentRoles is an error indicating that a type family equation used a different name than the family. Test cases: Overlap5, T15362, T16002, T20260, T11623 -} TcRnTyFamNameMismatch :: !Name -- ^ The family name -> !Name -- ^ The name used in the equation -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPrecedenceParsingError is an error caused by attempting to use operators with the same precedence in one infix expression. Example: eq :: (a ~ b ~ c) :~: () Test cases: module/mod61 parser/should_fail/readFail016 rename/should_fail/rnfail017 rename/should_fail/T9077 typecheck/should_fail/T18252a -} TcRnPrecedenceParsingError :: (OpName, Fixity) -- ^ first operator's name and fixity -> (OpName, Fixity) -- ^ second operator's name and fixity -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPrecedenceParsingError is an error caused by attempting to use an operator with higher precedence than the operand. Example: k = (-3 **) where (**) = const infixl 7 ** Test cases: overloadedrecflds/should_fail/T13132_duplicaterecflds parser/should_fail/readFail023 rename/should_fail/rnfail019 th/TH_unresolvedInfix2 -} TcRnSectionPrecedenceError :: (OpName, Fixity) -- ^ first operator's name and fixity -> (OpName, Fixity) -- ^ argument operator -> HsExpr GhcPs -- ^ Section -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTypeSynonymCycle is an error indicating that a cycle between type synonyms has occurred. Test cases: mod27, ghc-e-fail2, bkpfail29 -} TcRnTypeSynonymCycle :: !TySynCycleTyCons -- ^ The tycons involved in the cycle -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnSelfImport is an error indicating that a module contains an import of itself. Test cases: T9032 -} TcRnSelfImport :: !ModuleName -- ^ The module -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNoExplicitImportList is a warning indicating that an import statement did not include an explicit import list. Test cases: T1789, T4489 -} TcRnNoExplicitImportList :: !ModuleName -- ^ The imported module -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnSafeImportsDisabled is an error indicating that an import was declared using the @safe@ keyword while SafeHaskell wasn't active. Test cases: Mixed01 -} TcRnSafeImportsDisabled :: !ModuleName -- ^ The imported module -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDeprecatedModule is a warning indicating that an imported module is annotated with a warning or deprecation pragma. Test cases: DeprU -} TcRnDeprecatedModule :: !ModuleName -- ^ The imported module -> !(WarningTxt GhcRn) -- ^ The pragma data -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCompatUnqualifiedImport is a warning indicating that a special module (right now only Data.List) was imported unqualified without import list, for compatibility reasons. Test cases: T17244A -} TcRnCompatUnqualifiedImport :: !(ImportDecl GhcPs) -- ^ The import -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnRedundantSourceImport is a warning indicating that a {-# SOURCE #-} import was used when there is no import cycle. Test cases: none -} TcRnRedundantSourceImport :: !ModuleName -- ^ The imported module -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnImportLookup is a group of errors about bad imported names. -} TcRnImportLookup :: !ImportLookupReason -- ^ Details about the error -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnusedImport is a group of errors about unused imports. -} TcRnUnusedImport :: !(ImportDecl GhcRn) -- ^ The import -> !UnusedImportReason -- ^ Details about the error -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnDuplicateDecls is an error indicating that the same name was used for multiple declarations. Test cases: FieldSelectors, overloadedrecfldsfail03, T17965, NFSDuplicate, T9975a, TDMultiple01, mod19, mod38, mod21, mod66, mod20, TDPunning, mod18, mod22, TDMultiple02, T4127a, ghci048, T8932, rnfail015, rnfail010, rnfail011, rnfail013, rnfail002, rnfail003, rn_dup, rnfail009, T7164, rnfail043, TH_dupdecl, rnfail012 -} TcRnDuplicateDecls :: !OccName -- ^ The name of the declarations -> !(NE.NonEmpty Name) -- ^ The individual declarations -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnPackageImportsDisabled is an error indicating that an import uses a package qualifier while the extension PackageImports was disabled. Test cases: PackageImportsDisabled -} TcRnPackageImportsDisabled :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalDataCon is an error indicating that a data constructor was defined using a lowercase name, or a symbolic name in prefix position. Mostly caught by PsErrNotADataCon. Test cases: None -} TcRnIllegalDataCon :: !RdrName -- ^ The constructor name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNestedForallsContexts is an error indicating that multiple foralls or contexts are nested/curried where this is not supported, like @∀ x. ∀ y.@ instead of @∀ x y.@. Test cases: T12087, T14320, T16114, T16394, T16427, T18191, T18240a, T18240b, T18455, T5951 -} TcRnNestedForallsContexts :: !NestedForallsContextsIn -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnRedundantRecordWildcard is a warning indicating that a pattern uses a record wildcard even though all of the record's fields are bound explicitly. Test cases: T15957_Fail -} TcRnRedundantRecordWildcard :: TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnusedRecordWildcard is a warning indicating that a pattern uses a record wildcard while none of the fields bound by it are used. Test cases: T15957_Fail -} TcRnUnusedRecordWildcard :: ![Name] -- ^ The names bound by the wildcard -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnUnusedName is a warning indicating that a defined or imported name is not used in the module. Test cases: ds053, mc10, overloadedrecfldsfail05, overloadedrecfldsfail06, prog018, read014, rn040, rn041, rn047, rn063, T13839, T13839a, T13919, T17171b, T17a, T17b, T17d, T17e, T18470, T1972, t22391, t22391j, T2497, T3371, T3449, T7145b, T7336, TH_recover_warns, unused_haddock, WarningGroups, werror -} TcRnUnusedName :: !OccName -- ^ The unused name -> !UnusedNameProv -- ^ The provenance of the name -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnQualifiedBinder is an error indicating that a qualified name was used in binding position. Test cases: mod62, rnfail021, rnfail034, rnfail039, rnfail046 -} TcRnQualifiedBinder :: !RdrName -- ^ The name used as a binder -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTypeApplicationsDisabled is an error indicating that a type application was used while the extension TypeApplications was disabled. Test cases: T12411, T12446, T15527, T16133, T18251c -} TcRnTypeApplicationsDisabled :: !TypeOrKind -- ^ Type or kind application -> !(HsType GhcPs) -- ^ The type being applied -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnInvalidRecordField is an error indicating that a record field was used that doesn't exist in a constructor. Test cases: T13644, T13847, T17469, T8448, T8570, tcfail083, tcfail084 -} TcRnInvalidRecordField :: !Name -- ^ The constructor name -> !FieldLabelString -- ^ The name of the field -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnTupleTooLarge is an error indicating that the arity of a tuple exceeds mAX_TUPLE_SIZE. Test cases: T18723a, T18723b, T18723c, T6148a, T6148b, T6148c, T6148d -} TcRnTupleTooLarge :: !Int -- ^ The arity of the tuple -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnCTupleTooLarge is an error indicating that the arity of a constraint tuple exceeds mAX_CTUPLE_SIZE. Test cases: T10451 -} TcRnCTupleTooLarge :: !Int -- ^ The arity of the constraint tuple -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnIllegalInferredTyVars is an error indicating that some type variables were quantified as inferred (like @∀ {a}.@) in a place where this is not allowed, like in an instance declaration. Test cases: ExplicitSpecificity5, ExplicitSpecificity6, ExplicitSpecificity8, ExplicitSpecificity9 -} TcRnIllegalInferredTyVars :: !(NE.NonEmpty (HsTyVarBndr Specificity GhcPs)) -- ^ The offending type variables -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnAmbiguousName is an error indicating that an unbound name might refer to multiple names in scope. Test cases: BootFldReexport, DRFUnused, duplicaterecfldsghci01, GHCiDRF, mod110, mod151, mod152, mod153, mod164, mod165, NoFieldSelectorsFail, overloadedrecfldsfail02, overloadedrecfldsfail04, overloadedrecfldsfail11, overloadedrecfldsfail12, overloadedrecfldsfail13, overloadedrecfldswasrunnowfail06, rnfail044, T11167_ambig, T11167_ambiguous_fixity, T13132_duplicaterecflds, T15487, T16745, T17420, T18999_NoDisambiguateRecordFields, T19397E1, T19397E2, T23010_fail, tcfail037 -} TcRnAmbiguousName :: !GlobalRdrEnv -> !RdrName -- ^ The name -> !(NE.NonEmpty GlobalRdrElt) -- ^ The possible matches -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnBindingNameConflict is an error indicating that multiple local or top-level bindings have the same name. Test cases: dsrun006, mdofail002, mdofail003, mod23, mod24, qq006, rnfail001, rnfail004, SimpleFail6, T14114, T16110_Fail1, tcfail038, TH_spliceD1 -} TcRnBindingNameConflict :: !RdrName -- ^ The conflicting name -> !(NE.NonEmpty SrcSpan) -- ^ The locations of the duplicates -> TcRnMessage {-| TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition is a warning indicating that an instance defines an implementation for a method that should not be defined in a way that deviates from its default implementation, for example because it has been scheduled to be absorbed into another method, like @pure@ making @return@ obsolete. Test cases: WCompatWarningsOn, WCompatWarningsOff, WCompatWarningsOnOff -} TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition :: !NonCanonicalDefinition -- ^ Specifics -> !(LHsSigType GhcRn) -- ^ The instance type -> TcRnMessage deriving Generic -- | Things forbidden in @type data@ declarations. -- See Note [Type data declarations] data TypeDataForbids = TypeDataForbidsDatatypeContexts | TypeDataForbidsLabelledFields | TypeDataForbidsStrictnessAnnotations | TypeDataForbidsDerivingClauses deriving Generic instance Outputable TypeDataForbids where ppr TypeDataForbidsDatatypeContexts = text "Data type contexts" ppr TypeDataForbidsLabelledFields = text "Labelled fields" ppr TypeDataForbidsStrictnessAnnotations = text "Strictness flags" ppr TypeDataForbidsDerivingClauses = text "Deriving clauses" data RunSpliceFailReason = ConversionFail !ThingBeingConverted !ConversionFailReason deriving Generic -- | Identifies the TH splice attempting to be converted data ThingBeingConverted = ConvDec !TH.Dec | ConvExp !TH.Exp | ConvPat !TH.Pat | ConvType !TH.Type -- | The reason a TH splice could not be converted to a Haskell expression data ConversionFailReason = IllegalOccName !OccName.NameSpace !String | SumAltArityExceeded !TH.SumAlt !TH.SumArity | IllegalSumAlt !TH.SumAlt | IllegalSumArity !TH.SumArity | MalformedType !TypeOrKind !TH.Type | IllegalLastStatement !HsDoFlavour !(LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)) | KindSigsOnlyAllowedOnGADTs | IllegalDeclaration !THDeclDescriptor !IllegalDecls | CannotMixGADTConsWith98Cons | EmptyStmtListInDoBlock | NonVarInInfixExpr | MultiWayIfWithoutAlts | CasesExprWithoutAlts | ImplicitParamsWithOtherBinds | InvalidCCallImpent !String -- ^ Source | RecGadtNoCons | GadtNoCons | InvalidTypeInstanceHeader !TH.Type | InvalidTyFamInstLHS !TH.Type | InvalidImplicitParamBinding | DefaultDataInstDecl ![LDataFamInstDecl GhcPs] | FunBindLacksEquations !TH.Name deriving Generic data IllegalDecls = IllegalDecls !(NE.NonEmpty (LHsDecl GhcPs)) | IllegalFamDecls !(NE.NonEmpty (LFamilyDecl GhcPs)) -- | Label for a TH declaration data THDeclDescriptor = InstanceDecl | WhereClause | LetBinding | LetExpression | ClssDecl -- | Specifies which back ends can handle a requested foreign import or export type ExpectedBackends = [Backend] -- | Specifies which calling convention is unsupported on the current platform data UnsupportedCallConvention = StdCallConvUnsupported | PrimCallConvUnsupported | JavaScriptCallConvUnsupported deriving Eq -- | Whether the error pertains to a function argument or a result. data ArgOrResult = Arg | Result -- | Which parts of a record field are affected by a particular error or warning. data RecordFieldPart = RecordFieldDecl !Name | RecordFieldConstructor !Name | RecordFieldPattern !Name | RecordFieldUpdate -- | Why did we reject a record update? data BadRecordUpdateReason -- | No constructor has all of the required fields. = NoConstructorHasAllFields { conflictingFields :: [FieldLabelString] } -- | There are several possible parents which have all of the required fields, -- and we weren't able to disambiguate in any way. | MultiplePossibleParents (RecSelParent, RecSelParent, [RecSelParent]) -- ^ The possible parents (at least 2) -- | We used type-directed disambiguation, but this resulted in -- an invalid parent (the type-directed parent is not among the -- parents we computed from the field labels alone). | InvalidTyConParent TyCon (NE.NonEmpty RecSelParent) deriving Generic -- | Where a shadowed name comes from data ShadowedNameProvenance = ShadowedNameProvenanceLocal !SrcLoc -- ^ The shadowed name is local to the module | ShadowedNameProvenanceGlobal [GlobalRdrElt] -- ^ The shadowed name is global, typically imported from elsewhere. -- | In what context did we require a type to have a fixed runtime representation? -- -- Used by 'GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType.checkTypeHasFixedRuntimeRep' for throwing -- representation polymorphism errors when validity checking. -- -- See Note [Representation polymorphism checking] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete data FixedRuntimeRepProvenance -- | Data constructor fields must have a fixed runtime representation. -- -- Tests: T11734, T18534. = FixedRuntimeRepDataConField -- | Pattern synonym signature arguments must have a fixed runtime representation. -- -- Test: RepPolyPatSynArg. | FixedRuntimeRepPatSynSigArg -- | Pattern synonym signature scrutinee must have a fixed runtime representation. -- -- Test: RepPolyPatSynRes. | FixedRuntimeRepPatSynSigRes pprFixedRuntimeRepProvenance :: FixedRuntimeRepProvenance -> SDoc pprFixedRuntimeRepProvenance FixedRuntimeRepDataConField = text "data constructor field" pprFixedRuntimeRepProvenance FixedRuntimeRepPatSynSigArg = text "pattern synonym argument" pprFixedRuntimeRepProvenance FixedRuntimeRepPatSynSigRes = text "pattern synonym scrutinee" -- | Why the particular illegal newtype error arose together with more -- information, if any. data IllegalNewtypeReason = DoesNotHaveSingleField !Int | IsNonLinear | IsGADT | HasConstructorContext | HasExistentialTyVar | HasStrictnessAnnotation deriving Generic -- | Why the particular injectivity error arose together with more information, -- if any. data InjectivityErrReason = InjErrRhsBareTyVar [Type] | InjErrRhsCannotBeATypeFam | InjErrRhsOverlap | InjErrCannotInferFromRhs !TyVarSet !HasKinds !SuggestUndecidableInstances data HasKinds = YesHasKinds | NoHasKinds deriving (Show, Eq) hasKinds :: Bool -> HasKinds hasKinds True = YesHasKinds hasKinds False = NoHasKinds data SuggestUndecidableInstances = YesSuggestUndecidableInstaces | NoSuggestUndecidableInstaces deriving (Show, Eq) suggestUndecidableInstances :: Bool -> SuggestUndecidableInstances suggestUndecidableInstances True = YesSuggestUndecidableInstaces suggestUndecidableInstances False = NoSuggestUndecidableInstaces data SuggestUnliftedTypes = SuggestUnliftedNewtypes | SuggestUnliftedDatatypes -- | A description of whether something is a -- -- * @data@ or @newtype@ ('DataDeclSort') -- -- * @data instance@ or @newtype instance@ ('DataInstanceSort') -- -- * @data family@ ('DataFamilySort') -- -- At present, this data type is only consumed by 'checkDataKindSig'. data DataSort = DataDeclSort NewOrData | DataInstanceSort NewOrData | DataFamilySort ppDataSort :: DataSort -> SDoc ppDataSort data_sort = text $ case data_sort of DataDeclSort DataType -> "Data type" DataDeclSort NewType -> "Newtype" DataInstanceSort DataType -> "Data instance" DataInstanceSort NewType -> "Newtype instance" DataFamilySort -> "Data family" -- | Helper type used in 'checkDataKindSig'. -- -- Superficially similar to 'ContextKind', but it lacks 'AnyKind' -- and 'AnyBoxedKind', and instead of @'TheKind' liftedTypeKind@ -- provides 'LiftedKind', which is much simpler to match on and -- handle in 'isAllowedDataResKind'. data AllowedDataResKind = AnyTYPEKind | AnyBoxedKind | LiftedKind -- | A data type to describe why a variable is not closed. -- See Note [Not-closed error messages] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr data NotClosedReason = NotLetBoundReason | NotTypeClosed VarSet | NotClosed Name NotClosedReason data SuggestPartialTypeSignatures = YesSuggestPartialTypeSignatures | NoSuggestPartialTypeSignatures deriving (Show, Eq) suggestPartialTypeSignatures :: Bool -> SuggestPartialTypeSignatures suggestPartialTypeSignatures True = YesSuggestPartialTypeSignatures suggestPartialTypeSignatures False = NoSuggestPartialTypeSignatures data UsingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving = YesGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving | NoGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving deriving Eq usingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving :: Bool -> UsingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving usingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving True = YesGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving usingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving False = NoGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving data DeriveAnyClassEnabled = YesDeriveAnyClassEnabled | NoDeriveAnyClassEnabled deriving Eq deriveAnyClassEnabled :: Bool -> DeriveAnyClassEnabled deriveAnyClassEnabled True = YesDeriveAnyClassEnabled deriveAnyClassEnabled False = NoDeriveAnyClassEnabled -- | Why a particular typeclass instance couldn't be derived. data DeriveInstanceErrReason = -- | The typeclass instance is not well-kinded. DerivErrNotWellKinded !TyCon -- ^ The type constructor that occurs in -- the typeclass instance declaration. !Kind -- ^ The typeclass kind. !Int -- ^ The number of typeclass arguments that GHC -- kept. See Note [tc_args and tycon arity] in -- GHC.Tc.Deriv. -- | Generic instances can only be derived using the stock strategy -- in Safe Haskell. | DerivErrSafeHaskellGenericInst | DerivErrDerivingViaWrongKind !Kind !Type !Kind | DerivErrNoEtaReduce !Type -- ^ The instance type -- | We cannot derive instances in boot files | DerivErrBootFileFound | DerivErrDataConsNotAllInScope !TyCon -- | We cannot use GND on non-newtype types | DerivErrGNDUsedOnData -- | We cannot derive instances of nullary classes | DerivErrNullaryClasses -- | Last arg must be newtype or data application | DerivErrLastArgMustBeApp | DerivErrNoFamilyInstance !TyCon [Type] | DerivErrNotStockDeriveable !DeriveAnyClassEnabled | DerivErrHasAssociatedDatatypes !HasAssociatedDataFamInsts !AssociatedTyLastVarInKind !AssociatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar | DerivErrNewtypeNonDeriveableClass | DerivErrCannotEtaReduceEnough !Bool -- Is eta-reduction OK? | DerivErrOnlyAnyClassDeriveable !TyCon -- ^ Type constructor for which the instance -- is requested !DeriveAnyClassEnabled -- ^ Whether or not -XDeriveAnyClass is enabled -- already. -- | Stock deriving won't work, but perhaps DeriveAnyClass will. | DerivErrNotDeriveable !DeriveAnyClassEnabled -- | The given 'PredType' is not a class. | DerivErrNotAClass !PredType -- | The given (representation of the) 'TyCon' has no -- data constructors. | DerivErrNoConstructors !TyCon | DerivErrLangExtRequired !LangExt.Extension -- | GHC simply doesn't how to how derive the input 'Class' for the given -- 'Type'. | DerivErrDunnoHowToDeriveForType !Type -- | The given 'TyCon' must be an enumeration. -- See Note [Enumeration types] in GHC.Core.TyCon | DerivErrMustBeEnumType !TyCon -- | The given 'TyCon' must have /precisely/ one constructor. | DerivErrMustHaveExactlyOneConstructor !TyCon -- | The given data type must have some parameters. | DerivErrMustHaveSomeParameters !TyCon -- | The given data type must not have a class context. | DerivErrMustNotHaveClassContext !TyCon !ThetaType -- | We couldn't derive an instance for a particular data constructor -- for a variety of reasons. | DerivErrBadConstructor !(Maybe HasWildcard) [DeriveInstanceBadConstructor] -- | We couldn't derive a 'Generic' instance for the given type for a -- variety of reasons | DerivErrGenerics [DeriveGenericsErrReason] -- | We couldn't derive an instance either because the type was not an -- enum type or because it did have more than one constructor. | DerivErrEnumOrProduct !DeriveInstanceErrReason !DeriveInstanceErrReason deriving Generic data DeriveInstanceBadConstructor = -- | The given 'DataCon' must be truly polymorphic in the -- last argument of the data type. DerivErrBadConExistential !DataCon -- | The given 'DataCon' must not use the type variable in a function argument" | DerivErrBadConCovariant !DataCon -- | The given 'DataCon' must not contain function types | DerivErrBadConFunTypes !DataCon -- | The given 'DataCon' must use the type variable only -- as the last argument of a data type | DerivErrBadConWrongArg !DataCon -- | The given 'DataCon' is a GADT so we cannot directly -- derive an istance for it. | DerivErrBadConIsGADT !DataCon -- | The given 'DataCon' has existentials type vars in its type. | DerivErrBadConHasExistentials !DataCon -- | The given 'DataCon' has constraints in its type. | DerivErrBadConHasConstraints !DataCon -- | The given 'DataCon' has a higher-rank type. | DerivErrBadConHasHigherRankType !DataCon data DeriveGenericsErrReason = -- | The type must not have some datatype context. DerivErrGenericsMustNotHaveDatatypeContext !TyCon -- | The data constructor must not have exotic unlifted -- or polymorphic arguments. | DerivErrGenericsMustNotHaveExoticArgs !DataCon -- | The data constructor must be a vanilla constructor. | DerivErrGenericsMustBeVanillaDataCon !DataCon -- | The type must have some type parameters. -- check (d) from Note [Requirements for deriving Generic and Rep] -- in GHC.Tc.Deriv.Generics. | DerivErrGenericsMustHaveSomeTypeParams !TyCon -- | The data constructor must not have existential arguments. | DerivErrGenericsMustNotHaveExistentials !DataCon -- | The derivation applies a type to an argument involving -- the last parameter but the applied type is not of kind * -> *. | DerivErrGenericsWrongArgKind !DataCon data HasWildcard = YesHasWildcard | NoHasWildcard deriving Eq hasWildcard :: Bool -> HasWildcard hasWildcard True = YesHasWildcard hasWildcard False = NoHasWildcard -- | A context in which we don't allow anonymous wildcards. data BadAnonWildcardContext = WildcardNotLastInConstraint | ExtraConstraintWildcardNotAllowed SoleExtraConstraintWildcardAllowed | WildcardsNotAllowedAtAll -- | Whether a sole extra-constraint wildcard is allowed, -- e.g. @_ => ..@ as opposed to @( .., _ ) => ..@. data SoleExtraConstraintWildcardAllowed = SoleExtraConstraintWildcardNotAllowed | SoleExtraConstraintWildcardAllowed -- | A type representing whether or not the input type has associated data family instances. data HasAssociatedDataFamInsts = YesHasAdfs | NoHasAdfs deriving Eq hasAssociatedDataFamInsts :: Bool -> HasAssociatedDataFamInsts hasAssociatedDataFamInsts True = YesHasAdfs hasAssociatedDataFamInsts False = NoHasAdfs -- | If 'YesAssocTyLastVarInKind', the associated type of a typeclass -- contains the last type variable of the class in a kind, which is not (yet) allowed -- by GHC. data AssociatedTyLastVarInKind = YesAssocTyLastVarInKind !TyCon -- ^ The associated type family of the class | NoAssocTyLastVarInKind deriving Eq associatedTyLastVarInKind :: Maybe TyCon -> AssociatedTyLastVarInKind associatedTyLastVarInKind (Just tc) = YesAssocTyLastVarInKind tc associatedTyLastVarInKind Nothing = NoAssocTyLastVarInKind -- | If 'NoAssociatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar', the associated type of a -- typeclass is not parameterized over the last type variable of the class data AssociatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar = YesAssociatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar !TyCon -- ^ The associated type family of the class | NoAssociatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar deriving Eq associatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar :: Maybe TyCon -> AssociatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar associatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar (Just tc) = YesAssociatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar tc associatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar Nothing = NoAssociatedTyNotParamOverLastTyVar -- | What kind of thing is missing a type signature? -- -- Used for reporting @"missing signature"@ warnings, see -- 'tcRnMissingSignature'. data MissingSignature = MissingTopLevelBindingSig Name Type | MissingPatSynSig PatSyn | MissingTyConKindSig TyCon Bool -- ^ whether -XCUSKs is enabled -- | Is the object we are dealing with exported or not? -- -- Used for reporting @"missing signature"@ warnings, see -- 'TcRnMissingSignature'. data Exported = IsNotExported | IsExported instance Outputable Exported where ppr IsNotExported = text "IsNotExported" ppr IsExported = text "IsExported" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Errors used in GHC.Tc.Errors -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Note [Error report] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The idea is that error msgs are divided into three parts: the main msg, the context block ("In the second argument of ..."), and the relevant bindings block, which are displayed in that order, with a mark to divide them. The the main msg ('report_important') varies depending on the error in question, but context and relevant bindings are always the same, which should simplify visual parsing. See 'GHC.Tc.Errors.Types.SolverReport' and 'GHC.Tc.Errors.mkErrorReport'. -} -- | A collection of main error messages and supplementary information. -- -- In practice, we will: -- - display the important messages first, -- - then the error context (e.g. by way of a call to 'GHC.Tc.Errors.mkErrorReport'), -- - then the supplementary information (e.g. relevant bindings, valid hole fits), -- - then the hints ("Possible fix: ..."). -- -- So this is mostly just a way of making sure that the error context appears -- early on rather than at the end of the message. -- -- See Note [Error report] for details. data SolverReport = SolverReport { sr_important_msg :: SolverReportWithCtxt , sr_supplementary :: [SolverReportSupplementary] , sr_hints :: [GhcHint] } -- | Additional information to print in a 'SolverReport', after the -- important messages and after the error context. -- -- See Note [Error report]. data SolverReportSupplementary = SupplementaryBindings RelevantBindings | SupplementaryHoleFits ValidHoleFits | SupplementaryCts [(PredType, RealSrcSpan)] -- | A 'TcSolverReportMsg', together with context (e.g. enclosing implication constraints) -- that are needed in order to report it. data SolverReportWithCtxt = SolverReportWithCtxt { reportContext :: SolverReportErrCtxt -- ^ Context for what we wish to report. -- This can change as we enter implications, so is -- stored alongside the content. , reportContent :: TcSolverReportMsg -- ^ The content of the message to report. } deriving Generic -- | Context needed when reporting a 'TcSolverReportMsg', such as -- the enclosing implication constraints or whether we are deferring type errors. data SolverReportErrCtxt = CEC { cec_encl :: [Implication] -- ^ Enclosing implications -- (innermost first) -- ic_skols and givens are tidied, rest are not , cec_tidy :: TidyEnv , cec_binds :: EvBindsVar -- ^ We make some errors (depending on cec_defer) -- into warnings, and emit evidence bindings -- into 'cec_binds' for unsolved constraints , cec_defer_type_errors :: DiagnosticReason -- ^ Whether to defer type errors until runtime -- We might throw a warning on an error when encountering a hole, -- depending on the type of hole (expression hole, type hole, out of scope hole). -- We store the reasons for reporting a diagnostic for each type of hole. , cec_expr_holes :: DiagnosticReason -- ^ Reason for reporting holes in expressions. , cec_type_holes :: DiagnosticReason -- ^ Reason for reporting holes in types. , cec_out_of_scope_holes :: DiagnosticReason -- ^ Reason for reporting out of scope holes. , cec_warn_redundant :: Bool -- ^ True <=> -Wredundant-constraints , cec_expand_syns :: Bool -- ^ True <=> -fprint-expanded-synonyms , cec_suppress :: Bool -- ^ True <=> More important errors have occurred, -- so create bindings if need be, but -- don't issue any more errors/warnings -- See Note [Suppressing error messages] } getUserGivens :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [UserGiven] -- One item for each enclosing implication getUserGivens (CEC {cec_encl = implics}) = getUserGivensFromImplics implics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ErrorItem -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A predicate with its arising location; used to encapsulate a constraint -- that will give rise to a diagnostic. data ErrorItem -- We could perhaps use Ct here (and indeed used to do exactly that), but -- having a separate type gives to denote errors-in-formation gives us -- a nice place to do pre-processing, such as calculating ei_suppress. -- Perhaps some day, an ErrorItem could eventually evolve to contain -- the error text (or some representation of it), so we can then have all -- the errors together when deciding which to report. = EI { ei_pred :: PredType -- report about this -- The ei_pred field will never be an unboxed equality with -- a (casted) tyvar on the right; this is guaranteed by the solver , ei_evdest :: Maybe TcEvDest -- for Wanteds, where to put evidence , ei_flavour :: CtFlavour , ei_loc :: CtLoc , ei_m_reason :: Maybe CtIrredReason -- if this ErrorItem was made from a -- CtIrred, this stores the reason , ei_suppress :: Bool -- Suppress because of Note [Wanteds rewrite Wanteds] -- in GHC.Tc.Constraint } instance Outputable ErrorItem where ppr (EI { ei_pred = pred , ei_evdest = m_evdest , ei_flavour = flav , ei_suppress = supp }) = pp_supp <+> ppr flav <+> pp_dest m_evdest <+> ppr pred where pp_dest Nothing = empty pp_dest (Just ev) = ppr ev <+> dcolon pp_supp = if supp then text "suppress:" else empty errorItemOrigin :: ErrorItem -> CtOrigin errorItemOrigin = ctLocOrigin . ei_loc errorItemEqRel :: ErrorItem -> EqRel errorItemEqRel = predTypeEqRel . ei_pred errorItemCtLoc :: ErrorItem -> CtLoc errorItemCtLoc = ei_loc errorItemPred :: ErrorItem -> PredType errorItemPred = ei_pred {- Note [discardProvCtxtGivens] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In most situations we call all enclosing implications "useful". There is one exception, and that is when the constraint that causes the error is from the "provided" context of a pattern synonym declaration: pattern Pat :: (Num a, Eq a) => Show a => a -> Maybe a -- required => provided => type pattern Pat x <- (Just x, 4) When checking the pattern RHS we must check that it does actually bind all the claimed "provided" constraints; in this case, does the pattern (Just x, 4) bind the (Show a) constraint. Answer: no! But the implication we generate for this will look like forall a. (Num a, Eq a) => [W] Show a because when checking the pattern we must make the required constraints available, since they are needed to match the pattern (in this case the literal '4' needs (Num a, Eq a)). BUT we don't want to suggest adding (Show a) to the "required" constraints of the pattern synonym, thus: pattern Pat :: (Num a, Eq a, Show a) => Show a => a -> Maybe a It would then typecheck but it's silly. We want the /pattern/ to bind the alleged "provided" constraints, Show a. So we suppress that Implication in discardProvCtxtGivens. It's painfully ad-hoc but the truth is that adding it to the "required" constraints would work. Suppressing it solves two problems. First, we never tell the user that we could not deduce a "provided" constraint from the "required" context. Second, we never give a possible fix that suggests to add a "provided" constraint to the "required" context. For example, without this distinction the above code gives a bad error message (showing both problems): error: Could not deduce (Show a) ... from the context: (Eq a) ... Possible fix: add (Show a) to the context of the signature for pattern synonym `Pat' ... -} discardProvCtxtGivens :: CtOrigin -> [UserGiven] -> [UserGiven] discardProvCtxtGivens orig givens -- See Note [discardProvCtxtGivens] | ProvCtxtOrigin (PSB {psb_id = L _ name}) <- orig = filterOut (discard name) givens | otherwise = givens where discard n (Implic { ic_info = SigSkol (PatSynCtxt n') _ _ }) = n == n' discard _ _ = False -- | An error reported after constraint solving. -- This is usually, some sort of unsolved constraint error, -- but we try to be specific about the precise problem we encountered. data TcSolverReportMsg -- | Quantified variables appear out of dependency order. -- -- Example: -- -- forall (a :: k) k. ... -- -- Test cases: BadTelescope2, T16418, T16247, T16726, T18451. = BadTelescope TyVarBndrs [TyCoVar] -- | We came across a custom type error and we have decided to report it. -- -- Example: -- -- type family F a where -- F a = TypeError (Text "error") -- -- err :: F () -- err = () -- -- Test cases: CustomTypeErrors0{1,2,3,4,5}, T12104. | UserTypeError ErrorMsgType -- ^ the message to report -- | Report a Wanted constraint of the form "Unsatisfiable msg". | UnsatisfiableError ErrorMsgType -- ^ the message to report -- | We want to report an out of scope variable or a typed hole. -- See 'HoleError'. | ReportHoleError Hole HoleError -- | Trying to unify an untouchable variable, e.g. a variable from an outer scope. -- -- Test case: Simple14 | UntouchableVariable { untouchableTyVar :: TyVar , untouchableTyVarImplication :: Implication } -- | Cannot unify a variable, because of a type mismatch. | CannotUnifyVariable { mismatchMsg :: MismatchMsg , cannotUnifyReason :: CannotUnifyVariableReason } -- | A mismatch between two types. | Mismatch { mismatchMsg :: MismatchMsg , mismatchTyVarInfo :: Maybe TyVarInfo , mismatchAmbiguityInfo :: [AmbiguityInfo] , mismatchCoercibleInfo :: Maybe CoercibleMsg } -- | A violation of the representation-polymorphism invariants. -- -- See 'FixedRuntimeRepErrorInfo' and 'FixedRuntimeRepContext' for more information. | FixedRuntimeRepError [FixedRuntimeRepErrorInfo] -- | An equality between two types is blocked on a kind equality -- between their kinds. -- -- Test cases: none. | BlockedEquality ErrorItem -- These are for the "blocked" equalities, as described in -- Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical, -- wrinkle (EIK2). There should always be another unsolved wanted around, -- which will ordinarily suppress this message. But this can still be printed out -- with -fdefer-type-errors (sigh), so we must produce a message. -- | Something was not applied to sufficiently many arguments. -- -- Example: -- -- instance Eq Maybe where {..} -- -- Test case: T11563. | ExpectingMoreArguments Int TypedThing -- | Trying to use an unbound implicit parameter. -- -- Example: -- -- foo :: Int -- foo = ?param -- -- Test case: tcfail130. | UnboundImplicitParams (NE.NonEmpty ErrorItem) -- | A constraint couldn't be solved because it contains -- ambiguous type variables. -- -- Example: -- -- class C a b where -- f :: (a,b) -- -- x = fst f -- -- -- Test case: T4921. | AmbiguityPreventsSolvingCt ErrorItem -- ^ always a class constraint ([TyVar], [TyVar]) -- ^ ambiguous kind and type variables, respectively -- | Could not solve a constraint; there were several unifying candidate instances -- but no matching instances. This is used to report as much useful information -- as possible about why we couldn't choose any instance, e.g. because of -- ambiguous type variables. | CannotResolveInstance { cannotResolve_item :: ErrorItem , cannotResolve_unifiers :: [ClsInst] , cannotResolve_candidates :: [ClsInst] , cannotResolve_importErrors :: [ImportError] , cannotResolve_suggestions :: [GhcHint] , cannotResolve_relevant_bindings :: RelevantBindings } -- TODO: remove the fields of type [GhcHint] and RelevantBindings, -- in order to handle them uniformly with other diagnostic messages. -- | Could not solve a constraint using available instances -- because the instances overlap. -- -- Test cases: tcfail118, tcfail121, tcfail218. | OverlappingInstances { overlappingInstances_item :: ErrorItem , overlappingInstances_matches :: NE.NonEmpty ClsInst , overlappingInstances_unifiers :: [ClsInst] } -- | Could not solve a constraint from instances because -- instances declared in a Safe module cannot overlap instances -- from other modules (with -XSafeHaskell). -- -- Test cases: SH_Overlap{1,2,5,6,7,11}. | UnsafeOverlap { unsafeOverlap_item :: ErrorItem , unsafeOverlap_match :: ClsInst , unsafeOverlapped :: NE.NonEmpty ClsInst } deriving Generic data MismatchMsg = -- | Couldn't unify two types or kinds. -- -- Example: -- -- 3 + 3# -- can't match a lifted type with an unlifted type -- -- Test cases: T1396, T8263, ... BasicMismatch { mismatch_ea :: MismatchEA -- ^ Should this be phrased in terms of expected vs actual? , mismatch_item :: ErrorItem -- ^ The constraint in which the mismatch originated. , mismatch_ty1 :: Type -- ^ First type (the expected type if if mismatch_ea is True) , mismatch_ty2 :: Type -- ^ Second type (the actual type if mismatch_ea is True) , mismatch_whenMatching :: Maybe WhenMatching , mismatch_mb_same_occ :: Maybe SameOccInfo } -- | A type has an unexpected kind. -- -- Test cases: T2994, T7609, ... | KindMismatch { kmismatch_what :: TypedThing -- ^ What thing is 'kmismatch_actual' the kind of? , kmismatch_expected :: Type , kmismatch_actual :: Type } -- TODO: combine with 'BasicMismatch'. -- | A mismatch between two types, which arose from a type equality. -- -- Test cases: T1470, tcfail212. | TypeEqMismatch { teq_mismatch_ppr_explicit_kinds :: Bool , teq_mismatch_item :: ErrorItem , teq_mismatch_ty1 :: Type , teq_mismatch_ty2 :: Type , teq_mismatch_expected :: Type -- ^ The overall expected type , teq_mismatch_actual :: Type -- ^ The overall actual type , teq_mismatch_what :: Maybe TypedThing -- ^ What thing is 'teq_mismatch_actual' the kind of? , teq_mb_same_occ :: Maybe SameOccInfo } -- TODO: combine with 'BasicMismatch'. -- | Couldn't solve some Wanted constraints using the Givens. -- Used for messages such as @"No instance for ..."@ and -- @"Could not deduce ... from"@. | CouldNotDeduce { cnd_user_givens :: [Implication] -- | The Wanted constraints we couldn't solve. -- -- N.B.: the 'ErrorItem' at the head of the list has been tidied, -- perhaps not the others. , cnd_wanted :: NE.NonEmpty ErrorItem -- | Some additional info consumed by 'mk_supplementary_ea_msg'. , cnd_extra :: Maybe CND_Extra } deriving Generic -- | Construct a basic mismatch message between two types. -- -- See 'pprMismatchMsg' for how such a message is displayed to users. mkBasicMismatchMsg :: MismatchEA -> ErrorItem -> Type -> Type -> MismatchMsg mkBasicMismatchMsg ea item ty1 ty2 = BasicMismatch { mismatch_ea = ea , mismatch_item = item , mismatch_ty1 = ty1 , mismatch_ty2 = ty2 , mismatch_whenMatching = Nothing , mismatch_mb_same_occ = Nothing } -- | Whether to use expected/actual in a type mismatch message. data MismatchEA -- | Don't use expected/actual. = NoEA -- | Use expected/actual. | EA { mismatch_mbEA :: Maybe ExpectedActualInfo -- ^ Whether to also mention type synonym expansion. } data CannotUnifyVariableReason = -- | A type equality between a type variable and a polytype. -- -- Test cases: T12427a, T2846b, T10194, ... CannotUnifyWithPolytype ErrorItem TyVar Type (Maybe TyVarInfo) -- | An occurs check. | OccursCheck { occursCheckInterestingTyVars :: [TyVar] , occursCheckAmbiguityInfos :: [AmbiguityInfo] } -- | A skolem type variable escapes its scope. -- -- Example: -- -- data Ex where { MkEx :: a -> MkEx } -- foo (MkEx x) = x -- -- Test cases: TypeSkolEscape, T11142. | SkolemEscape ErrorItem Implication [TyVar] -- | Can't unify the type variable with the other type -- due to the kind of type variable it is. -- -- For example, trying to unify a 'SkolemTv' with the -- type Int, or with a 'TyVarTv'. | DifferentTyVars TyVarInfo | RepresentationalEq TyVarInfo (Maybe CoercibleMsg) deriving Generic -- | Report a mismatch error without any extra -- information. mkPlainMismatchMsg :: MismatchMsg -> TcSolverReportMsg mkPlainMismatchMsg msg = Mismatch { mismatchMsg = msg , mismatchTyVarInfo = Nothing , mismatchAmbiguityInfo = [] , mismatchCoercibleInfo = Nothing } -- | Additional information to be given in a 'CouldNotDeduce' message, -- which is then passed on to 'mk_supplementary_ea_msg'. data CND_Extra = CND_Extra TypeOrKind Type Type -- | A cue to print out information about type variables, -- e.g. where they were bound, when there is a mismatch @tv1 ~ ty2@. data TyVarInfo = TyVarInfo { thisTyVar :: TyVar , thisTyVarIsUntouchable :: Maybe Implication , otherTy :: Maybe TyVar } -- | Add some information to disambiguate errors in which -- two 'Names' would otherwise appear to be identical. -- -- See Note [Disambiguating (X ~ X) errors]. data SameOccInfo = SameOcc { sameOcc_same_pkg :: Bool -- ^ Whether the two 'Name's also came from the same package. , sameOcc_lhs :: Name , sameOcc_rhs :: Name } -- | Add some information about ambiguity data AmbiguityInfo -- | Some type variables remained ambiguous: print them to the user. = Ambiguity { lead_with_ambig_msg :: Bool -- ^ True <=> start the message with "Ambiguous type variable ..." -- False <=> create a message of the form "The type variable is ambiguous." , ambig_tyvars :: ([TyVar], [TyVar]) -- ^ Ambiguous kind and type variables, respectively. -- Guaranteed to not both be empty. } -- | Remind the user that a particular type family is not injective. | NonInjectiveTyFam TyCon -- | Expected/actual information. data ExpectedActualInfo -- | Display the expected and actual types. = ExpectedActual { ea_expected, ea_actual :: Type } -- | Display the expected and actual types, after expanding type synonyms. | ExpectedActualAfterTySynExpansion { ea_expanded_expected, ea_expanded_actual :: Type } -- | Explain how a kind equality originated. data WhenMatching = WhenMatching TcType TcType CtOrigin (Maybe TypeOrKind) deriving Generic data BadImportKind -- | Module does not export... = BadImportNotExported -- | Missing @type@ keyword when importing a type. | BadImportAvailTyCon -- | Trying to import a data constructor directly, e.g. -- @import Data.Maybe (Just)@ instead of @import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just))@ | BadImportAvailDataCon OccName -- | The parent does not export the given children. | BadImportNotExportedSubordinates [OccName] -- | Incorrect @type@ keyword when importing something which isn't a type. | BadImportAvailVar deriving Generic -- | Some form of @"not in scope"@ error. See also the 'OutOfScopeHole' -- constructor of 'HoleError'. data NotInScopeError -- | A run-of-the-mill @"not in scope"@ error. = NotInScope -- | Something used in record syntax, but it isn't a record field. | NotARecordField -- TODO: this could be folded into NotInScope were there -- a separate namespace for record fields. -- | An exact 'Name' was not in scope. -- -- This usually indicates a problem with a Template Haskell splice. -- -- Test cases: T5971, T18263. | NoExactName Name -- The same exact 'Name' occurs in multiple name-spaces. -- -- This usually indicates a problem with a Template Haskell splice. -- -- Test case: T7241. | SameName [GlobalRdrElt] -- ^ always at least 2 elements -- A type signature, fixity declaration, pragma, standalone kind signature... -- is missing an associated binding. | MissingBinding SDoc [GhcHint] -- TODO: remove the SDoc argument. -- | Couldn't find a top-level binding. -- -- Happens when specifying an annotation for something that -- is not in scope. -- -- Test cases: annfail01, annfail02, annfail11. | NoTopLevelBinding -- | A class doesn't have a method with this name, -- or, a class doesn't have an associated type with this name, -- or, a record doesn't have a record field with this name. | UnknownSubordinate SDoc -- | A name is not in scope during type checking but passed the renamer. -- -- Test cases: -- none | NotInScopeTc (NameEnv TcTyThing) deriving Generic -- | Create a @"not in scope"@ error message for the given 'RdrName'. mkTcRnNotInScope :: RdrName -> NotInScopeError -> TcRnMessage mkTcRnNotInScope rdr err = TcRnNotInScope err rdr [] noHints -- | Configuration for pretty-printing valid hole fits. data HoleFitDispConfig = HFDC { showWrap, showWrapVars, showType, showProv, showMatches :: Bool } -- | Report an error involving a 'Hole'. -- -- This could be an out of scope data constructor or variable, -- a typed hole, or a wildcard in a type. data HoleError -- | Report an out-of-scope data constructor or variable -- masquerading as an expression hole. -- -- See Note [Insoluble holes] in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint. -- See 'NotInScopeError' for other not-in-scope errors. -- -- Test cases: T9177a. = OutOfScopeHole [ImportError] -- | Report a typed hole, or wildcard, with additional information. | HoleError HoleSort [TcTyVar] -- Other type variables which get computed on the way. [(SkolemInfoAnon, [TcTyVar])] -- Zonked and grouped skolems for the type of the hole. -- | A message that aims to explain why two types couldn't be seen -- to be representationally equal. data CoercibleMsg -- | Not knowing the role of a type constructor prevents us from -- concluding that two types are representationally equal. -- -- Example: -- -- foo :: Applicative m => m (Sum Int) -- foo = coerce (pure $ 1 :: Int) -- -- We don't know what role `m` has, so we can't coerce `m Int` to `m (Sum Int)`. -- -- Test cases: T8984, TcCoercibleFail. = UnknownRoles Type -- | The fact that a 'TyCon' is abstract prevents us from decomposing -- a 'TyConApp' and deducing that two types are representationally equal. -- -- Test cases: none. | TyConIsAbstract TyCon -- | We can't unwrap a newtype whose constructor is not in scope. -- -- Example: -- -- import Data.Ord (Down) -- NB: not importing the constructor -- foo :: Int -> Down Int -- foo = coerce -- -- Test cases: TcCoercibleFail. | OutOfScopeNewtypeConstructor TyCon DataCon -- | Explain a problem with an import. data ImportError -- | Couldn't find a module with the requested name. = MissingModule ModuleName -- | The imported modules don't export what we're looking for. | ModulesDoNotExport (NE.NonEmpty Module) OccName -- | This datatype collates instances that match or unifier, -- in order to report an error message for an unsolved typeclass constraint. data PotentialInstances = PotentialInstances { matches :: [ClsInst] , unifiers :: [ClsInst] } -- | A collection of valid hole fits or refinement fits, -- in which some fits might have been suppressed. data FitsMbSuppressed = Fits { fits :: [HoleFit] , fitsSuppressed :: Bool -- ^ Whether we have suppressed any fits because there were too many. } -- | A collection of hole fits and refinement fits. data ValidHoleFits = ValidHoleFits { holeFits :: FitsMbSuppressed , refinementFits :: FitsMbSuppressed } noValidHoleFits :: ValidHoleFits noValidHoleFits = ValidHoleFits (Fits [] False) (Fits [] False) data RelevantBindings = RelevantBindings { relevantBindingNamesAndTys :: [(Name, Type)] , ranOutOfFuel :: Bool -- ^ Whether we ran out of fuel generating the bindings. } -- | Display some relevant bindings. pprRelevantBindings :: RelevantBindings -> SDoc -- This function should be in "GHC.Tc.Errors.Ppr", -- but it's here for the moment as it's needed in "GHC.Tc.Errors". pprRelevantBindings (RelevantBindings bds ran_out_of_fuel) = ppUnless (null rel_bds) $ hang (text "Relevant bindings include") 2 (vcat (map ppr_binding rel_bds) $$ ppWhen ran_out_of_fuel discardMsg) where ppr_binding (nm, tidy_ty) = sep [ pprPrefixOcc nm <+> dcolon <+> ppr tidy_ty , nest 2 (parens (text "bound at" <+> ppr (getSrcLoc nm)))] rel_bds = filter (not . isGeneratedSrcSpan . getSrcSpan . fst) bds discardMsg :: SDoc discardMsg = text "(Some bindings suppressed;" <+> text "use -fmax-relevant-binds=N or -fno-max-relevant-binds)" data PromotionErr = TyConPE -- TyCon used in a kind before we are ready -- data T :: T -> * where ... | ClassPE -- Ditto Class | FamDataConPE -- Data constructor for a data family -- See Note [AFamDataCon: not promoting data family constructors] -- in GHC.Tc.Utils.Env. | ConstrainedDataConPE ThetaType -- Data constructor with a context -- See Note [No constraints in kinds] in GHC.Tc.Validity | PatSynPE -- Pattern synonyms -- See Note [Don't promote pattern synonyms] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Env | RecDataConPE -- Data constructor in a recursive loop -- See Note [Recursion and promoting data constructors] in GHC.Tc.TyCl | TermVariablePE -- See Note [Promoted variables in types] | NoDataKindsDC -- -XDataKinds not enabled (for a datacon) instance Outputable PromotionErr where ppr ClassPE = text "ClassPE" ppr TyConPE = text "TyConPE" ppr PatSynPE = text "PatSynPE" ppr FamDataConPE = text "FamDataConPE" ppr (ConstrainedDataConPE theta) = text "ConstrainedDataConPE" <+> parens (ppr theta) ppr RecDataConPE = text "RecDataConPE" ppr NoDataKindsDC = text "NoDataKindsDC" ppr TermVariablePE = text "TermVariablePE" pprPECategory :: PromotionErr -> SDoc pprPECategory = text . capitalise . peCategory peCategory :: PromotionErr -> String peCategory ClassPE = "class" peCategory TyConPE = "type constructor" peCategory PatSynPE = "pattern synonym" peCategory FamDataConPE = "data constructor" peCategory ConstrainedDataConPE{} = "data constructor" peCategory RecDataConPE = "data constructor" peCategory NoDataKindsDC = "data constructor" peCategory TermVariablePE = "term variable" -- | Stores the information to be reported in a representation-polymorphism -- error message. data FixedRuntimeRepErrorInfo = FRR_Info { frr_info_origin :: FixedRuntimeRepOrigin -- ^ What is the original type we checked for -- representation-polymorphism, and what specific -- check did we perform? , frr_info_not_concrete :: Maybe (TcTyVar, TcType) -- ^ Which non-concrete type did we try to -- unify this concrete type variable with? } {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{Contexts for renaming errors} * * ************************************************************************ -} -- AZ:TODO: Change these all to be Name instead of RdrName. -- Merge TcType.UserTypeContext in to it. data HsDocContext = TypeSigCtx SDoc | StandaloneKindSigCtx SDoc | PatCtx | SpecInstSigCtx | DefaultDeclCtx | ForeignDeclCtx (LocatedN RdrName) | DerivDeclCtx | RuleCtx FastString | TyDataCtx (LocatedN RdrName) | TySynCtx (LocatedN RdrName) | TyFamilyCtx (LocatedN RdrName) | FamPatCtx (LocatedN RdrName) -- The patterns of a type/data family instance | ConDeclCtx [LocatedN Name] | ClassDeclCtx (LocatedN RdrName) | ExprWithTySigCtx | TypBrCtx | HsTypeCtx | HsTypePatCtx | GHCiCtx | SpliceTypeCtx (LHsType GhcPs) | ClassInstanceCtx | GenericCtx SDoc -- | Context for a mismatch in the number of arguments data MatchArgsContext = EquationArgs !Name -- ^ Name of the function | PatternArgs !(HsMatchContext GhcTc) -- ^ Pattern match specifics -- | The information necessary to report mismatched -- numbers of arguments in a match group. data MatchArgBadMatches where MatchArgMatches :: { matchArgFirstMatch :: LocatedA (Match GhcRn body) , matchArgBadMatches :: NE.NonEmpty (LocatedA (Match GhcRn body)) } -> MatchArgBadMatches -- | The phase in which an exception was encountered when dealing with a TH splice data SplicePhase = SplicePhase_Run | SplicePhase_CompileAndLink data LookupTHInstNameErrReason = NoMatchesFound | CouldNotDetermineInstance data UnrepresentableTypeDescr = LinearInvisibleArgument | CoercionsInTypes -- | The context for an "empty statement group" error. data EmptyStatementGroupErrReason = EmptyStmtsGroupInParallelComp -- ^ Empty statement group in a parallel list comprehension | EmptyStmtsGroupInTransformListComp -- ^ Empty statement group in a transform list comprehension -- -- Example: -- [() | then ()] | EmptyStmtsGroupInDoNotation HsDoFlavour -- ^ Empty statement group in do notation -- -- Example: -- do | EmptyStmtsGroupInArrowNotation -- ^ Empty statement group in arrow notation -- -- Example: -- proc () -> do deriving (Generic) -- | An existential wrapper around @'StmtLR' GhcPs GhcPs body@. data UnexpectedStatement where UnexpectedStatement :: Outputable (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs body) => StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs body -> UnexpectedStatement data DeclSort = ClassDeclSort | InstanceDeclSort data NonStandardGuards where NonStandardGuards :: (Outputable body, Anno (Stmt GhcRn body) ~ SrcSpanAnnA) => [LStmtLR GhcRn GhcRn body] -> NonStandardGuards data RuleLhsErrReason = UnboundVariable RdrName NotInScopeError | IllegalExpression data HsigShapeMismatchReason = {-| HsigShapeSortMismatch is an error indicating that an item in the export list of a signature doesn't match the item of the same name in another signature when merging the two – one is a type while the other is a plain identifier. Test cases: none -} HsigShapeSortMismatch !AvailInfo !AvailInfo | {-| HsigShapeNotUnifiable is an error indicating that a name in the export list of a signature cannot be unified with a name of the same name in another signature when merging the two. Test cases: bkpfail20, bkpfail21 -} HsigShapeNotUnifiable !Name !Name !Bool deriving (Generic) data WrongThingSort = WrongThingType | WrongThingDataCon | WrongThingPatSyn | WrongThingConLike | WrongThingClass | WrongThingTyCon | WrongThingAxiom data StageCheckReason = StageCheckInstance !InstanceWhat !PredType | StageCheckSplice !Name data UninferrableTyVarCtx = UninfTyCtx_ClassContext [TcType] | UninfTyCtx_DataContext [TcType] | UninfTyCtx_ProvidedContext [TcType] | UninfTyCtx_TyFamRhs TcType | UninfTyCtx_TySynRhs TcType | UninfTyCtx_Sig TcType (LHsSigType GhcRn) data PatSynInvalidRhsReason = PatSynNotInvertible !(Pat GhcRn) | PatSynUnboundVar !Name deriving (Generic) data BadFieldAnnotationReason where {-| A lazy data type field annotation (~) was used without enabling the extension StrictData. Test cases: LazyFieldsDisabled -} LazyFieldsDisabled :: BadFieldAnnotationReason {-| An UNPACK pragma was applied to a field without strictness annotation (!). Test cases: T14761a, T7562 -} UnpackWithoutStrictness :: BadFieldAnnotationReason {-| An UNPACK pragma was applied to an abstract type in an indefinite package in Backpack. Test cases: unpack_sums_5, T3966, T7050 -} BackpackUnpackAbstractType :: BadFieldAnnotationReason deriving (Generic) data SuperclassCycle = MkSuperclassCycle { cls :: Class, definite :: Bool, reasons :: [SuperclassCycleDetail] } data SuperclassCycleDetail = SCD_HeadTyVar !PredType | SCD_HeadTyFam !PredType | SCD_Superclass !Class data RoleValidationFailedReason = TyVarRoleMismatch !TyVar !Role | TyVarMissingInEnv !TyVar | BadCoercionRole !Coercion deriving (Generic) data DisabledClassExtension where {-| MultiParamTypeClasses is required. Test cases: readFail037, TcNoNullaryTC -} MultiParamDisabled :: !Int -- ^ The arity -> DisabledClassExtension {-| FunctionalDependencies is required. Test cases: readFail041 -} FunDepsDisabled :: DisabledClassExtension {-| ConstrainedClassMethods is required. Test cases: mod39, tcfail150 -} ConstrainedClassMethodsDisabled :: !Id -> !TcPredType -> DisabledClassExtension deriving (Generic) data TyFamsDisabledReason = TyFamsDisabledFamily !Name | TyFamsDisabledInstance !TyCon deriving (Generic) -- | Either `HsType p` or `HsSigType p`. -- -- Used for reporting errors in `TcRnIllegalKind`. data HsTypeOrSigType p = HsType (HsType p) | HsSigType (HsSigType p) instance OutputableBndrId p => Outputable (HsTypeOrSigType (GhcPass p)) where ppr (HsType ty) = ppr ty ppr (HsSigType sig_ty) = ppr sig_ty -- | A wrapper around HsTyVarBndr. -- Used for reporting errors in `TcRnUnusedQuantifiedTypeVar`. data HsTyVarBndrExistentialFlag = forall flag. OutputableBndrFlag flag 'Renamed => HsTyVarBndrExistentialFlag (HsTyVarBndr flag GhcRn) instance Outputable HsTyVarBndrExistentialFlag where ppr (HsTyVarBndrExistentialFlag hsTyVarBndr) = ppr hsTyVarBndr type TySynCycleTyCons = [Either TyCon (LTyClDecl GhcRn)] -- | Different types of warnings for dodgy imports. data DodgyImportsReason = {-| An import of the form 'T(..)' or 'f(..)' does not actually import anything beside 'T'/'f' itself. Test cases: DodgyImports -} DodgyImportsEmptyParent !GlobalRdrElt | {-| A 'hiding' clause contains something that would be reported as an error in a regular import, but is relaxed to a warning. Test cases: DodgyImports_hiding -} DodgyImportsHiding !ImportLookupReason deriving (Generic) -- | Different types of errors for import lookup. data ImportLookupReason where {-| An item in an import statement is not exported by the corresponding module. Test cases: T21826, recomp001, retc001, mod79, mod80, mod81, mod91, T6007, T7167, T9006, T11071, T9905fail2, T5385, T10668 -} ImportLookupBad :: BadImportKind -> ModIface -> ImpDeclSpec -> IE GhcPs -> Bool -- ^ whether @-XPatternSynonyms@ was enabled -> ImportLookupReason {-| A name is specified with a qualifying module. Test cases: T3792 -} ImportLookupQualified :: !RdrName -- ^ The name extracted from the import item -> ImportLookupReason {-| Something completely unexpected is in an import list, like @module Foo@. Test cases: ImportLookupIllegal -} ImportLookupIllegal :: ImportLookupReason {-| An item in an import list matches multiple names exported from that module. Test cases: None -} ImportLookupAmbiguous :: !RdrName -- ^ The name extracted from the import item -> ![GlobalRdrElt] -- ^ The potential matches -> ImportLookupReason deriving (Generic) -- | Distinguish record fields from other names for pretty-printing. data UnusedImportName where UnusedImportNameRecField :: !Parent -> !OccName -> UnusedImportName UnusedImportNameRegular :: !Name -> UnusedImportName -- | Different types of errors for unused imports. data UnusedImportReason where {-| No names in the import list are used in the module. Test cases: overloadedrecfldsfail06, T10890_2, t22391, t22391j, T1074, prog018, mod177, rn046, rn037, T5211 -} UnusedImportNone :: UnusedImportReason {-| A set of names in the import list are not used in the module. Test cases: overloadedrecfldsfail06, T17324, mod176, T11970A, rn046, T14881, T7454, T8149, T13064 -} UnusedImportSome :: ![UnusedImportName] -- ^ The unsed names -> UnusedImportReason deriving (Generic) -- | Different places in which a nested foralls/contexts error might occur. data NestedForallsContextsIn -- | Nested forall in @SPECIALISE instance@ = NFC_Specialize -- | Nested forall in @deriving via@ (via-type) | NFC_ViaType -- | Nested forall in the type of a GADT constructor | NFC_GadtConSig -- | Nested forall in an instance head | NFC_InstanceHead -- | Nested forall in a standalone deriving instance head | NFC_StandaloneDerivedInstanceHead -- | Nested forall in deriving class type | NFC_DerivedClassType -- | Provenance of an unused name. data UnusedNameProv = UnusedNameTopDecl | UnusedNameImported !ModuleName | UnusedNameTypePattern | UnusedNameMatch | UnusedNameLocalBind -- | Different reasons for TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition. data NonCanonicalDefinition = -- | Related to @(<>)@ and @mappend@. NonCanonicalMonoid NonCanonical_Monoid | -- | Related to @(*>)@/@(>>)@ and @pure@/@return@. NonCanonicalMonad NonCanonical_Monad deriving (Generic) -- | Possible cases for the -Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances. data NonCanonical_Monoid = -- | @(<>) = mappend@ was defined. NonCanonical_Sappend | -- | @mappend@ was defined as something other than @(<>)@. NonCanonical_Mappend -- | Possible cases for the -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances. data NonCanonical_Monad = -- | @pure = return@ was defined. NonCanonical_Pure | -- | @(*>) = (>>)@ was defined. NonCanonical_ThenA | -- | @return@ was defined as something other than @pure@. NonCanonical_Return | -- | @(>>)@ was defined as something other than @(*>)@. NonCanonical_ThenM