{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module GHC.Tc.Solver( simplifyInfer, InferMode(..), growThetaTyVars, simplifyAmbiguityCheck, simplifyDefault, simplifyTop, simplifyTopImplic, simplifyInteractive, solveEqualities, solveLocalEqualities, solveLocalEqualitiesX, simplifyWantedsTcM, tcCheckSatisfiability, tcNormalise, captureTopConstraints, simpl_top, promoteTyVar, promoteTyVarSet, -- For Rules we need these solveWanteds, solveWantedsAndDrop, approximateWC, runTcSDeriveds ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import GhcPrelude import Bag import GHC.Core.Class ( Class, classKey, classTyCon ) import GHC.Driver.Session import GHC.Types.Id ( idType, mkLocalId ) import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate import ListSetOps import GHC.Types.Name import Outputable import PrelInfo import PrelNames import GHC.Tc.Errors import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence import GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact import GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical ( makeSuperClasses, solveCallStack ) import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType as TcM import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad as TcM import GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad as TcS import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint import GHC.Core.Predicate import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType import GHC.Core.Type import TysWiredIn ( liftedRepTy ) import GHC.Core.Unify ( tcMatchTyKi ) import Util import GHC.Types.Var import GHC.Types.Var.Set import GHC.Types.Unique.Set import GHC.Types.Basic ( IntWithInf, intGtLimit ) import ErrUtils ( emptyMessages ) import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt import Control.Monad import Data.Foldable ( toList ) import Data.List ( partition ) import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..) ) import Maybes ( isJust ) {- ********************************************************************************* * * * External interface * * * ********************************************************************************* -} captureTopConstraints :: TcM a -> TcM (a, WantedConstraints) -- (captureTopConstraints m) runs m, and returns the type constraints it -- generates plus the constraints produced by static forms inside. -- If it fails with an exception, it reports any insolubles -- (out of scope variables) before doing so -- -- captureTopConstraints is used exclusively by GHC.Tc.Module at the top -- level of a module. -- -- Importantly, if captureTopConstraints propagates an exception, it -- reports any insoluble constraints first, lest they be lost -- altogether. This is important, because solveLocalEqualities (maybe -- other things too) throws an exception without adding any error -- messages; it just puts the unsolved constraints back into the -- monad. See GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad Note [Constraints and errors] -- #16376 is an example of what goes wrong if you don't do this. -- -- NB: the caller should bring any environments into scope before -- calling this, so that the reportUnsolved has access to the most -- complete GlobalRdrEnv captureTopConstraints thing_inside = do { static_wc_var <- TcM.newTcRef emptyWC ; ; (mb_res, lie) <- TcM.updGblEnv (\env -> env { tcg_static_wc = static_wc_var } ) $ TcM.tryCaptureConstraints thing_inside ; stWC <- TcM.readTcRef static_wc_var -- See GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad Note [Constraints and errors] -- If the thing_inside threw an exception, but generated some insoluble -- constraints, report the latter before propagating the exception -- Otherwise they will be lost altogether ; case mb_res of Just res -> return (res, lie `andWC` stWC) Nothing -> do { _ <- simplifyTop lie; failM } } -- This call to simplifyTop is the reason -- this function is here instead of GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad -- We call simplifyTop so that it does defaulting -- (esp of runtime-reps) before reporting errors simplifyTopImplic :: Bag Implication -> TcM () simplifyTopImplic implics = do { empty_binds <- simplifyTop (mkImplicWC implics) -- Since all the inputs are implications the returned bindings will be empty ; MASSERT2( isEmptyBag empty_binds, ppr empty_binds ) ; return () } simplifyTop :: WantedConstraints -> TcM (Bag EvBind) -- Simplify top-level constraints -- Usually these will be implications, -- but when there is nothing to quantify we don't wrap -- in a degenerate implication, so we do that here instead simplifyTop wanteds = do { traceTc "simplifyTop {" $ text "wanted = " <+> ppr wanteds ; ((final_wc, unsafe_ol), binds1) <- runTcS $ do { final_wc <- simpl_top wanteds ; unsafe_ol <- getSafeOverlapFailures ; return (final_wc, unsafe_ol) } ; traceTc "End simplifyTop }" empty ; binds2 <- reportUnsolved final_wc ; traceTc "reportUnsolved (unsafe overlapping) {" empty ; unless (isEmptyCts unsafe_ol) $ do { -- grab current error messages and clear, warnAllUnsolved will -- update error messages which we'll grab and then restore saved -- messages. ; errs_var <- getErrsVar ; saved_msg <- TcM.readTcRef errs_var ; TcM.writeTcRef errs_var emptyMessages ; warnAllUnsolved $ WC { wc_simple = unsafe_ol , wc_impl = emptyBag } ; whyUnsafe <- fst <$> TcM.readTcRef errs_var ; TcM.writeTcRef errs_var saved_msg ; recordUnsafeInfer whyUnsafe } ; traceTc "reportUnsolved (unsafe overlapping) }" empty ; return (evBindMapBinds binds1 `unionBags` binds2) } -- | Type-check a thing that emits only equality constraints, solving any -- constraints we can and re-emitting constraints that we can't. The thing_inside -- should generally bump the TcLevel to make sure that this run of the solver -- doesn't affect anything lying around. solveLocalEqualities :: String -> TcM a -> TcM a solveLocalEqualities callsite thing_inside = do { (wanted, res) <- solveLocalEqualitiesX callsite thing_inside ; emitConstraints wanted -- See Note [Fail fast if there are insoluble kind equalities] ; when (insolubleWC wanted) $ failM ; return res } {- Note [Fail fast if there are insoluble kind equalities] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rather like in simplifyInfer, fail fast if there is an insoluble constraint. Otherwise we'll just succeed in kind-checking a nonsense type, with a cascade of follow-up errors. For example polykinds/T12593, T15577, and many others. Take care to ensure that you emit the insoluble constraints before failing, because they are what will ultimately lead to the error messsage! -} solveLocalEqualitiesX :: String -> TcM a -> TcM (WantedConstraints, a) solveLocalEqualitiesX callsite thing_inside = do { traceTc "solveLocalEqualitiesX {" (vcat [ text "Called from" <+> text callsite ]) ; (result, wanted) <- captureConstraints thing_inside ; traceTc "solveLocalEqualities: running solver" (ppr wanted) ; residual_wanted <- runTcSEqualities (solveWanteds wanted) ; traceTc "solveLocalEqualitiesX end }" $ text "residual_wanted =" <+> ppr residual_wanted ; return (residual_wanted, result) } -- | Type-check a thing that emits only equality constraints, then -- solve those constraints. Fails outright if there is trouble. -- Use this if you're not going to get another crack at solving -- (because, e.g., you're checking a datatype declaration) solveEqualities :: TcM a -> TcM a solveEqualities thing_inside = checkNoErrs $ -- See Note [Fail fast on kind errors] do { lvl <- TcM.getTcLevel ; traceTc "solveEqualities {" (text "level =" <+> ppr lvl) ; (result, wanted) <- captureConstraints thing_inside ; traceTc "solveEqualities: running solver" $ text "wanted = " <+> ppr wanted ; final_wc <- runTcSEqualities $ simpl_top wanted -- NB: Use simpl_top here so that we potentially default RuntimeRep -- vars to LiftedRep. This is needed to avoid #14991. ; traceTc "End solveEqualities }" empty ; reportAllUnsolved final_wc ; return result } -- | Simplify top-level constraints, but without reporting any unsolved -- constraints nor unsafe overlapping. simpl_top :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints -- See Note [Top-level Defaulting Plan] simpl_top wanteds = do { wc_first_go <- nestTcS (solveWantedsAndDrop wanteds) -- This is where the main work happens ; dflags <- getDynFlags ; try_tyvar_defaulting dflags wc_first_go } where try_tyvar_defaulting :: DynFlags -> WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints try_tyvar_defaulting dflags wc | isEmptyWC wc = return wc | insolubleWC wc , gopt Opt_PrintExplicitRuntimeReps dflags -- See Note [Defaulting insolubles] = try_class_defaulting wc | otherwise = do { free_tvs <- TcS.zonkTyCoVarsAndFVList (tyCoVarsOfWCList wc) ; let meta_tvs = filter (isTyVar <&&> isMetaTyVar) free_tvs -- zonkTyCoVarsAndFV: the wc_first_go is not yet zonked -- filter isMetaTyVar: we might have runtime-skolems in GHCi, -- and we definitely don't want to try to assign to those! -- The isTyVar is needed to weed out coercion variables ; defaulted <- mapM defaultTyVarTcS meta_tvs -- Has unification side effects ; if or defaulted then do { wc_residual <- nestTcS (solveWanteds wc) -- See Note [Must simplify after defaulting] ; try_class_defaulting wc_residual } else try_class_defaulting wc } -- No defaulting took place try_class_defaulting :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints try_class_defaulting wc | isEmptyWC wc || insolubleWC wc -- See Note [Defaulting insolubles] = return wc | otherwise -- See Note [When to do type-class defaulting] = do { something_happened <- applyDefaultingRules wc -- See Note [Top-level Defaulting Plan] ; if something_happened then do { wc_residual <- nestTcS (solveWantedsAndDrop wc) ; try_class_defaulting wc_residual } -- See Note [Overview of implicit CallStacks] in GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence else try_callstack_defaulting wc } try_callstack_defaulting :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints try_callstack_defaulting wc | isEmptyWC wc = return wc | otherwise = defaultCallStacks wc -- | Default any remaining @CallStack@ constraints to empty @CallStack@s. defaultCallStacks :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints -- See Note [Overview of implicit CallStacks] in GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence defaultCallStacks wanteds = do simples <- handle_simples (wc_simple wanteds) mb_implics <- mapBagM handle_implic (wc_impl wanteds) return (wanteds { wc_simple = simples , wc_impl = catBagMaybes mb_implics }) where handle_simples simples = catBagMaybes <$> mapBagM defaultCallStack simples handle_implic :: Implication -> TcS (Maybe Implication) -- The Maybe is because solving the CallStack constraint -- may well allow us to discard the implication entirely handle_implic implic | isSolvedStatus (ic_status implic) = return (Just implic) | otherwise = do { wanteds <- setEvBindsTcS (ic_binds implic) $ -- defaultCallStack sets a binding, so -- we must set the correct binding group defaultCallStacks (ic_wanted implic) ; setImplicationStatus (implic { ic_wanted = wanteds }) } defaultCallStack ct | ClassPred cls tys <- classifyPredType (ctPred ct) , Just {} <- isCallStackPred cls tys = do { solveCallStack (ctEvidence ct) EvCsEmpty ; return Nothing } defaultCallStack ct = return (Just ct) {- Note [Fail fast on kind errors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ solveEqualities is used to solve kind equalities when kind-checking user-written types. If solving fails we should fail outright, rather than just accumulate an error message, for two reasons: * A kind-bogus type signature may cause a cascade of knock-on errors if we let it pass * More seriously, we don't have a convenient term-level place to add deferred bindings for unsolved kind-equality constraints, so we don't build evidence bindings (by usine reportAllUnsolved). That means that we'll be left with with a type that has coercion holes in it, something like |> co-hole where co-hole is not filled in. Eeek! That un-filled-in hole actually causes GHC to crash with "fvProv falls into a hole" See #11563, #11520, #11516, #11399 So it's important to use 'checkNoErrs' here! Note [When to do type-class defaulting] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In GHC 7.6 and 7.8.2, we did type-class defaulting only if insolubleWC was false, on the grounds that defaulting can't help solve insoluble constraints. But if we *don't* do defaulting we may report a whole lot of errors that would be solved by defaulting; these errors are quite spurious because fixing the single insoluble error means that defaulting happens again, which makes all the other errors go away. This is jolly confusing: #9033. So it seems better to always do type-class defaulting. However, always doing defaulting does mean that we'll do it in situations like this (#5934): run :: (forall s. GenST s) -> Int run = fromInteger 0 We don't unify the return type of fromInteger with the given function type, because the latter involves foralls. So we're left with (Num alpha, alpha ~ (forall s. GenST s) -> Int) Now we do defaulting, get alpha := Integer, and report that we can't match Integer with (forall s. GenST s) -> Int. That's not totally stupid, but perhaps a little strange. Another potential alternative would be to suppress *all* non-insoluble errors if there are *any* insoluble errors, anywhere, but that seems too drastic. Note [Must simplify after defaulting] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We may have a deeply buried constraint (t:*) ~ (a:Open) which we couldn't solve because of the kind incompatibility, and 'a' is free. Then when we default 'a' we can solve the constraint. And we want to do that before starting in on type classes. We MUST do it before reporting errors, because it isn't an error! #7967 was due to this. Note [Top-level Defaulting Plan] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have considered two design choices for where/when to apply defaulting. (i) Do it in SimplCheck mode only /whenever/ you try to solve some simple constraints, maybe deep inside the context of implications. This used to be the case in GHC 7.4.1. (ii) Do it in a tight loop at simplifyTop, once all other constraints have finished. This is the current story. Option (i) had many disadvantages: a) Firstly, it was deep inside the actual solver. b) Secondly, it was dependent on the context (Infer a type signature, or Check a type signature, or Interactive) since we did not want to always start defaulting when inferring (though there is an exception to this, see Note [Default while Inferring]). c) It plainly did not work. Consider typecheck/should_compile/DfltProb2.hs: f :: Int -> Bool f x = const True (\y -> let w :: a -> a w a = const a (y+1) in w y) We will get an implication constraint (for beta the type of y): [untch=beta] forall a. 0 => Num beta which we really cannot default /while solving/ the implication, since beta is untouchable. Instead our new defaulting story is to pull defaulting out of the solver loop and go with option (ii), implemented at SimplifyTop. Namely: - First, have a go at solving the residual constraint of the whole program - Try to approximate it with a simple constraint - Figure out derived defaulting equations for that simple constraint - Go round the loop again if you did manage to get some equations Now, that has to do with class defaulting. However there exists type variable /kind/ defaulting. Again this is done at the top-level and the plan is: - At the top-level, once you had a go at solving the constraint, do figure out /all/ the touchable unification variables of the wanted constraints. - Apply defaulting to their kinds More details in Note [DefaultTyVar]. Note [Safe Haskell Overlapping Instances] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Safe Haskell, we apply an extra restriction to overlapping instances. The motive is to prevent untrusted code provided by a third-party, changing the behavior of trusted code through type-classes. This is due to the global and implicit nature of type-classes that can hide the source of the dictionary. Another way to state this is: if a module M compiles without importing another module N, changing M to import N shouldn't change the behavior of M. Overlapping instances with type-classes can violate this principle. However, overlapping instances aren't always unsafe. They are just unsafe when the most selected dictionary comes from untrusted code (code compiled with -XSafe) and overlaps instances provided by other modules. In particular, in Safe Haskell at a call site with overlapping instances, we apply the following rule to determine if it is a 'unsafe' overlap: 1) Most specific instance, I1, defined in an `-XSafe` compiled module. 2) I1 is an orphan instance or a MPTC. 3) At least one overlapped instance, Ix, is both: A) from a different module than I1 B) Ix is not marked `OVERLAPPABLE` This is a slightly involved heuristic, but captures the situation of an imported module N changing the behavior of existing code. For example, if condition (2) isn't violated, then the module author M must depend either on a type-class or type defined in N. Secondly, when should these heuristics be enforced? We enforced them when the type-class method call site is in a module marked `-XSafe` or `-XTrustworthy`. This allows `-XUnsafe` modules to operate without restriction, and for Safe Haskell inferrence to infer modules with unsafe overlaps as unsafe. One alternative design would be to also consider if an instance was imported as a `safe` import or not and only apply the restriction to instances imported safely. However, since instances are global and can be imported through more than one path, this alternative doesn't work. Note [Safe Haskell Overlapping Instances Implementation] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How is this implemented? It's complicated! So we'll step through it all: 1) `InstEnv.lookupInstEnv` -- Performs instance resolution, so this is where we check if a particular type-class method call is safe or unsafe. We do this through the return type, `ClsInstLookupResult`, where the last parameter is a list of instances that are unsafe to overlap. When the method call is safe, the list is null. 2) `GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.matchClassInst` -- This module drives the instance resolution / dictionary generation. The return type is `ClsInstResult`, which either says no instance matched, or one found, and if it was a safe or unsafe overlap. 3) `GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.doTopReactDict` -- Takes a dictionary / class constraint and tries to resolve it by calling (in part) `matchClassInst`. The resolving mechanism has a work list (of constraints) that it process one at a time. If the constraint can't be resolved, it's added to an inert set. When compiling an `-XSafe` or `-XTrustworthy` module, we follow this approach as we know compilation should fail. These are handled as normal constraint resolution failures from here-on (see step 6). Otherwise, we may be inferring safety (or using `-Wunsafe`), and compilation should succeed, but print warnings and/or mark the compiled module as `-XUnsafe`. In this case, we call `insertSafeOverlapFailureTcS` which adds the unsafe (but resolved!) constraint to the `inert_safehask` field of `InertCans`. 4) `GHC.Tc.Solver.simplifyTop`: * Call simpl_top, the top-level function for driving the simplifier for constraint resolution. * Once finished, call `getSafeOverlapFailures` to retrieve the list of overlapping instances that were successfully resolved, but unsafe. Remember, this is only applicable for generating warnings (`-Wunsafe`) or inferring a module unsafe. `-XSafe` and `-XTrustworthy` cause compilation failure by not resolving the unsafe constraint at all. * For unresolved constraints (all types), call `GHC.Tc.Errors.reportUnsolved`, while for resolved but unsafe overlapping dictionary constraints, call `GHC.Tc.Errors.warnAllUnsolved`. Both functions convert constraints into a warning message for the user. * In the case of `warnAllUnsolved` for resolved, but unsafe dictionary constraints, we collect the generated warning message (pop it) and call `GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad.recordUnsafeInfer` to mark the module we are compiling as unsafe, passing the warning message along as the reason. 5) `GHC.Tc.Errors.*Unsolved` -- Generates error messages for constraints by actually calling `InstEnv.lookupInstEnv` again! Yes, confusing, but all we know is the constraint that is unresolved or unsafe. For dictionary, all we know is that we need a dictionary of type C, but not what instances are available and how they overlap. So we once again call `lookupInstEnv` to figure that out so we can generate a helpful error message. 6) `GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad.recordUnsafeInfer` -- Save the unsafe result and reason in an IORef called `tcg_safeInfer`. 7) `GHC.Driver.Main.tcRnModule'` -- Reads `tcg_safeInfer` after type-checking, calling `GHC.Driver.Main.markUnsafeInfer` (passing the reason along) when safe-inferrence failed. Note [No defaulting in the ambiguity check] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When simplifying constraints for the ambiguity check, we use solveWantedsAndDrop, not simpl_top, so that we do no defaulting. #11947 was an example: f :: Num a => Int -> Int This is ambiguous of course, but we don't want to default the (Num alpha) constraint to (Num Int)! Doing so gives a defaulting warning, but no error. Note [Defaulting insolubles] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If a set of wanteds is insoluble, we have no hope of accepting the program. Yet we do not stop constraint solving, etc., because we may simplify the wanteds to produce better error messages. So, once we have an insoluble constraint, everything we do is just about producing helpful error messages. Should we default in this case or not? Let's look at an example (tcfail004): (f,g) = (1,2,3) With defaulting, we get a conflict between (a0,b0) and (Integer,Integer,Integer). Without defaulting, we get a conflict between (a0,b0) and (a1,b1,c1). I (Richard) find the latter more helpful. Several other test cases (e.g. tcfail005) suggest similarly. So: we should not do class defaulting with insolubles. On the other hand, RuntimeRep-defaulting is different. Witness tcfail078: f :: Integer i => i f = 0 Without RuntimeRep-defaulting, we GHC suggests that Integer should have kind TYPE r0 -> Constraint and then complains that r0 is actually untouchable (presumably, because it can't be sure if `Integer i` entails an equality). If we default, we are told of a clash between (* -> Constraint) and Constraint. The latter seems far better, suggesting we *should* do RuntimeRep-defaulting even on insolubles. But, evidently, not always. Witness UnliftedNewtypesInfinite: newtype Foo = FooC (# Int#, Foo #) This should fail with an occurs-check error on the kind of Foo (with -XUnliftedNewtypes). If we default RuntimeRep-vars, we get Expecting a lifted type, but ‘(# Int#, Foo #)’ is unlifted which is just plain wrong. Conclusion: we should do RuntimeRep-defaulting on insolubles only when the user does not want to hear about RuntimeRep stuff -- that is, when -fprint-explicit-runtime-reps is not set. -} ------------------ simplifyAmbiguityCheck :: Type -> WantedConstraints -> TcM () simplifyAmbiguityCheck ty wanteds = do { traceTc "simplifyAmbiguityCheck {" (text "type = " <+> ppr ty $$ text "wanted = " <+> ppr wanteds) ; (final_wc, _) <- runTcS $ solveWantedsAndDrop wanteds -- NB: no defaulting! See Note [No defaulting in the ambiguity check] ; traceTc "End simplifyAmbiguityCheck }" empty -- Normally report all errors; but with -XAllowAmbiguousTypes -- report only insoluble ones, since they represent genuinely -- inaccessible code ; allow_ambiguous <- xoptM LangExt.AllowAmbiguousTypes ; traceTc "reportUnsolved(ambig) {" empty ; unless (allow_ambiguous && not (insolubleWC final_wc)) (discardResult (reportUnsolved final_wc)) ; traceTc "reportUnsolved(ambig) }" empty ; return () } ------------------ simplifyInteractive :: WantedConstraints -> TcM (Bag EvBind) simplifyInteractive wanteds = traceTc "simplifyInteractive" empty >> simplifyTop wanteds ------------------ simplifyDefault :: ThetaType -- Wanted; has no type variables in it -> TcM () -- Succeeds if the constraint is soluble simplifyDefault theta = do { traceTc "simplifyDefault" empty ; wanteds <- newWanteds DefaultOrigin theta ; unsolved <- runTcSDeriveds (solveWantedsAndDrop (mkSimpleWC wanteds)) ; reportAllUnsolved unsolved ; return () } ------------------ tcCheckSatisfiability :: Bag EvVar -> TcM Bool -- Return True if satisfiable, False if definitely contradictory tcCheckSatisfiability given_ids = do { lcl_env <- TcM.getLclEnv ; let given_loc = mkGivenLoc topTcLevel UnkSkol lcl_env ; (res, _ev_binds) <- runTcS $ do { traceTcS "checkSatisfiability {" (ppr given_ids) ; let given_cts = mkGivens given_loc (bagToList given_ids) -- See Note [Superclasses and satisfiability] ; solveSimpleGivens given_cts ; insols <- getInertInsols ; insols <- try_harder insols ; traceTcS "checkSatisfiability }" (ppr insols) ; return (isEmptyBag insols) } ; return res } where try_harder :: Cts -> TcS Cts -- Maybe we have to search up the superclass chain to find -- an unsatisfiable constraint. Example: pmcheck/T3927b. -- At the moment we try just once try_harder insols | not (isEmptyBag insols) -- We've found that it's definitely unsatisfiable = return insols -- Hurrah -- stop now. | otherwise = do { pending_given <- getPendingGivenScs ; new_given <- makeSuperClasses pending_given ; solveSimpleGivens new_given ; getInertInsols } -- | Normalise a type as much as possible using the given constraints. -- See @Note [tcNormalise]@. tcNormalise :: Bag EvVar -> Type -> TcM Type tcNormalise given_ids ty = do { lcl_env <- TcM.getLclEnv ; let given_loc = mkGivenLoc topTcLevel UnkSkol lcl_env ; wanted_ct <- mk_wanted_ct ; (res, _ev_binds) <- runTcS $ do { traceTcS "tcNormalise {" (ppr given_ids) ; let given_cts = mkGivens given_loc (bagToList given_ids) ; solveSimpleGivens given_cts ; wcs <- solveSimpleWanteds (unitBag wanted_ct) -- It's an invariant that this wc_simple will always be -- a singleton Ct, since that's what we fed in as input. ; let ty' = case bagToList (wc_simple wcs) of (ct:_) -> ctEvPred (ctEvidence ct) cts -> pprPanic "tcNormalise" (ppr cts) ; traceTcS "tcNormalise }" (ppr ty') ; pure ty' } ; return res } where mk_wanted_ct :: TcM Ct mk_wanted_ct = do let occ = mkVarOcc "$tcNorm" name <- newSysName occ let ev = mkLocalId name ty newHoleCt ExprHole ev ty {- Note [Superclasses and satisfiability] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Expand superclasses before starting, because (Int ~ Bool), has (Int ~~ Bool) as a superclass, which in turn has (Int ~N# Bool) as a superclass, and it's the latter that is insoluble. See Note [The equality types story] in TysPrim. If we fail to prove unsatisfiability we (arbitrarily) try just once to find superclasses, using try_harder. Reason: we might have a type signature f :: F op (Implements push) => .. where F is a type function. This happened in #3972. We could do more than once but we'd have to have /some/ limit: in the the recursive case, we would go on forever in the common case where the constraints /are/ satisfiable (#10592 comment:12!). For stratightforard situations without type functions the try_harder step does nothing. Note [tcNormalise] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tcNormalise is a rather atypical entrypoint to the constraint solver. Whereas most invocations of the constraint solver are intended to simplify a set of constraints or to decide if a particular set of constraints is satisfiable, the purpose of tcNormalise is to take a type, plus some local constraints, and normalise the type as much as possible with respect to those constraints. It does *not* reduce type or data family applications or look through newtypes. Why is this useful? As one example, when coverage-checking an EmptyCase expression, it's possible that the type of the scrutinee will only reduce if some local equalities are solved for. See "Wrinkle: Local equalities" in Note [Type normalisation] in Check. To accomplish its stated goal, tcNormalise first feeds the local constraints into solveSimpleGivens, then stuffs the argument type in a CHoleCan, and feeds that singleton Ct into solveSimpleWanteds, which reduces the type in the CHoleCan as much as possible with respect to the local given constraints. When solveSimpleWanteds is finished, we dig out the type from the CHoleCan and return that. *********************************************************************************** * * * Inference * * *********************************************************************************** Note [Inferring the type of a let-bound variable] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider f x = rhs To infer f's type we do the following: * Gather the constraints for the RHS with ambient level *one more than* the current one. This is done by the call pushLevelAndCaptureConstraints (tcMonoBinds...) in GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.tcPolyInfer * Call simplifyInfer to simplify the constraints and decide what to quantify over. We pass in the level used for the RHS constraints, here called rhs_tclvl. This ensures that the implication constraint we generate, if any, has a strictly-increased level compared to the ambient level outside the let binding. -} -- | How should we choose which constraints to quantify over? data InferMode = ApplyMR -- ^ Apply the monomorphism restriction, -- never quantifying over any constraints | EagerDefaulting -- ^ See Note [TcRnExprMode] in GHC.Tc.Module, -- the :type +d case; this mode refuses -- to quantify over any defaultable constraint | NoRestrictions -- ^ Quantify over any constraint that -- satisfies TcType.pickQuantifiablePreds instance Outputable InferMode where ppr ApplyMR = text "ApplyMR" ppr EagerDefaulting = text "EagerDefaulting" ppr NoRestrictions = text "NoRestrictions" simplifyInfer :: TcLevel -- Used when generating the constraints -> InferMode -> [TcIdSigInst] -- Any signatures (possibly partial) -> [(Name, TcTauType)] -- Variables to be generalised, -- and their tau-types -> WantedConstraints -> TcM ([TcTyVar], -- Quantify over these type variables [EvVar], -- ... and these constraints (fully zonked) TcEvBinds, -- ... binding these evidence variables WantedConstraints, -- Redidual as-yet-unsolved constraints Bool) -- True <=> the residual constraints are insoluble simplifyInfer rhs_tclvl infer_mode sigs name_taus wanteds | isEmptyWC wanteds = do { -- When quantifying, we want to preserve any order of variables as they -- appear in partial signatures. cf. decideQuantifiedTyVars let psig_tv_tys = [ mkTyVarTy tv | sig <- partial_sigs , (_,tv) <- sig_inst_skols sig ] psig_theta = [ pred | sig <- partial_sigs , pred <- sig_inst_theta sig ] ; dep_vars <- candidateQTyVarsOfTypes (psig_tv_tys ++ psig_theta ++ map snd name_taus) ; qtkvs <- quantifyTyVars dep_vars ; traceTc "simplifyInfer: empty WC" (ppr name_taus $$ ppr qtkvs) ; return (qtkvs, [], emptyTcEvBinds, emptyWC, False) } | otherwise = do { traceTc "simplifyInfer {" $ vcat [ text "sigs =" <+> ppr sigs , text "binds =" <+> ppr name_taus , text "rhs_tclvl =" <+> ppr rhs_tclvl , text "infer_mode =" <+> ppr infer_mode , text "(unzonked) wanted =" <+> ppr wanteds ] ; let psig_theta = concatMap sig_inst_theta partial_sigs -- First do full-blown solving -- NB: we must gather up all the bindings from doing -- this solving; hence (runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var). -- And note that since there are nested implications, -- calling solveWanteds will side-effect their evidence -- bindings, so we can't just revert to the input -- constraint. ; tc_env <- TcM.getEnv ; ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds ; psig_theta_vars <- mapM TcM.newEvVar psig_theta ; wanted_transformed_incl_derivs <- setTcLevel rhs_tclvl $ runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var $ do { let loc = mkGivenLoc rhs_tclvl UnkSkol $ env_lcl tc_env psig_givens = mkGivens loc psig_theta_vars ; _ <- solveSimpleGivens psig_givens -- See Note [Add signature contexts as givens] ; solveWanteds wanteds } -- Find quant_pred_candidates, the predicates that -- we'll consider quantifying over -- NB1: wanted_transformed does not include anything provable from -- the psig_theta; it's just the extra bit -- NB2: We do not do any defaulting when inferring a type, this can lead -- to less polymorphic types, see Note [Default while Inferring] ; wanted_transformed_incl_derivs <- TcM.zonkWC wanted_transformed_incl_derivs ; let definite_error = insolubleWC wanted_transformed_incl_derivs -- See Note [Quantification with errors] -- NB: must include derived errors in this test, -- hence "incl_derivs" wanted_transformed = dropDerivedWC wanted_transformed_incl_derivs quant_pred_candidates | definite_error = [] | otherwise = ctsPreds (approximateWC False wanted_transformed) -- Decide what type variables and constraints to quantify -- NB: quant_pred_candidates is already fully zonked -- NB: bound_theta are constraints we want to quantify over, -- including the psig_theta, which we always quantify over -- NB: bound_theta are fully zonked ; (qtvs, bound_theta, co_vars) <- decideQuantification infer_mode rhs_tclvl name_taus partial_sigs quant_pred_candidates ; bound_theta_vars <- mapM TcM.newEvVar bound_theta -- We must produce bindings for the psig_theta_vars, because we may have -- used them in evidence bindings constructed by solveWanteds earlier -- Easiest way to do this is to emit them as new Wanteds (#14643) ; ct_loc <- getCtLocM AnnOrigin Nothing ; let psig_wanted = [ CtWanted { ctev_pred = idType psig_theta_var , ctev_dest = EvVarDest psig_theta_var , ctev_nosh = WDeriv , ctev_loc = ct_loc } | psig_theta_var <- psig_theta_vars ] -- Now construct the residual constraint ; residual_wanted <- mkResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl ev_binds_var name_taus co_vars qtvs bound_theta_vars (wanted_transformed `andWC` mkSimpleWC psig_wanted) -- All done! ; traceTc "} simplifyInfer/produced residual implication for quantification" $ vcat [ text "quant_pred_candidates =" <+> ppr quant_pred_candidates , text "psig_theta =" <+> ppr psig_theta , text "bound_theta =" <+> ppr bound_theta , text "qtvs =" <+> ppr qtvs , text "definite_error =" <+> ppr definite_error ] ; return ( qtvs, bound_theta_vars, TcEvBinds ev_binds_var , residual_wanted, definite_error ) } -- NB: bound_theta_vars must be fully zonked where partial_sigs = filter isPartialSig sigs -------------------- mkResidualConstraints :: TcLevel -> EvBindsVar -> [(Name, TcTauType)] -> VarSet -> [TcTyVar] -> [EvVar] -> WantedConstraints -> TcM WantedConstraints -- Emit the remaining constraints from the RHS. -- See Note [Emitting the residual implication in simplifyInfer] mkResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl ev_binds_var name_taus co_vars qtvs full_theta_vars wanteds | isEmptyWC wanteds = return wanteds | otherwise = do { wanted_simple <- TcM.zonkSimples (wc_simple wanteds) ; let (outer_simple, inner_simple) = partitionBag is_mono wanted_simple is_mono ct = isWantedCt ct && ctEvId ct `elemVarSet` co_vars ; _ <- promoteTyVarSet (tyCoVarsOfCts outer_simple) ; let inner_wanted = wanteds { wc_simple = inner_simple } ; implics <- if isEmptyWC inner_wanted then return emptyBag else do implic1 <- newImplication return $ unitBag $ implic1 { ic_tclvl = rhs_tclvl , ic_skols = qtvs , ic_telescope = Nothing , ic_given = full_theta_vars , ic_wanted = inner_wanted , ic_binds = ev_binds_var , ic_no_eqs = False , ic_info = skol_info } ; return (WC { wc_simple = outer_simple , wc_impl = implics })} where full_theta = map idType full_theta_vars skol_info = InferSkol [ (name, mkSigmaTy [] full_theta ty) | (name, ty) <- name_taus ] -- Don't add the quantified variables here, because -- they are also bound in ic_skols and we want them -- to be tidied uniformly -------------------- ctsPreds :: Cts -> [PredType] ctsPreds cts = [ ctEvPred ev | ct <- bagToList cts , let ev = ctEvidence ct ] {- Note [Emitting the residual implication in simplifyInfer] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider f = e where f's type is inferred to be something like (a, Proxy k (Int |> co)) and we have an as-yet-unsolved, or perhaps insoluble, constraint [W] co :: Type ~ k We can't form types like (forall co. blah), so we can't generalise over the coercion variable, and hence we can't generalise over things free in its kind, in the case 'k'. But we can still generalise over 'a'. So we'll generalise to f :: forall a. (a, Proxy k (Int |> co)) Now we do NOT want to form the residual implication constraint forall a. [W] co :: Type ~ k because then co's eventual binding (which will be a value binding if we use -fdefer-type-errors) won't scope over the entire binding for 'f' (whose type mentions 'co'). Instead, just as we don't generalise over 'co', we should not bury its constraint inside the implication. Instead, we must put it outside. That is the reason for the partitionBag in emitResidualConstraints, which takes the CoVars free in the inferred type, and pulls their constraints out. (NB: this set of CoVars should be closed-over-kinds.) All rather subtle; see #14584. Note [Add signature contexts as givens] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider this (#11016): f2 :: (?x :: Int) => _ f2 = ?x or this f3 :: a ~ Bool => (a, _) f3 = (True, False) or theis f4 :: (Ord a, _) => a -> Bool f4 x = x==x We'll use plan InferGen because there are holes in the type. But: * For f2 we want to have the (?x :: Int) constraint floating around so that the functional dependencies kick in. Otherwise the occurrence of ?x on the RHS produces constraint (?x :: alpha), and we won't unify alpha:=Int. * For f3 we want the (a ~ Bool) available to solve the wanted (a ~ Bool) in the RHS * For f4 we want to use the (Ord a) in the signature to solve the Eq a constraint. Solution: in simplifyInfer, just before simplifying the constraints gathered from the RHS, add Given constraints for the context of any type signatures. ************************************************************************ * * Quantification * * ************************************************************************ Note [Deciding quantification] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the monomorphism restriction does not apply, then we quantify as follows: * Step 1. Take the global tyvars, and "grow" them using the equality constraints E.g. if x:alpha is in the environment, and alpha ~ [beta] (which can happen because alpha is untouchable here) then do not quantify over beta, because alpha fixes beta, and beta is effectively free in the environment too We also account for the monomorphism restriction; if it applies, add the free vars of all the constraints. Result is mono_tvs; we will not quantify over these. * Step 2. Default any non-mono tyvars (i.e ones that are definitely not going to become further constrained), and re-simplify the candidate constraints. Motivation for re-simplification (#7857): imagine we have a constraint (C (a->b)), where 'a :: TYPE l1' and 'b :: TYPE l2' are not free in the envt, and instance forall (a::*) (b::*). (C a) => C (a -> b) The instance doesn't match while l1,l2 are polymorphic, but it will match when we default them to LiftedRep. This is all very tiresome. * Step 3: decide which variables to quantify over, as follows: - Take the free vars of the tau-type (zonked_tau_tvs) and "grow" them using all the constraints. These are tau_tvs_plus - Use quantifyTyVars to quantify over (tau_tvs_plus - mono_tvs), being careful to close over kinds, and to skolemise the quantified tyvars. (This actually unifies each quantifies meta-tyvar with a fresh skolem.) Result is qtvs. * Step 4: Filter the constraints using pickQuantifiablePreds and the qtvs. We have to zonk the constraints first, so they "see" the freshly created skolems. -} decideQuantification :: InferMode -> TcLevel -> [(Name, TcTauType)] -- Variables to be generalised -> [TcIdSigInst] -- Partial type signatures (if any) -> [PredType] -- Candidate theta; already zonked -> TcM ( [TcTyVar] -- Quantify over these (skolems) , [PredType] -- and this context (fully zonked) , VarSet) -- See Note [Deciding quantification] decideQuantification infer_mode rhs_tclvl name_taus psigs candidates = do { -- Step 1: find the mono_tvs ; (mono_tvs, candidates, co_vars) <- decideMonoTyVars infer_mode name_taus psigs candidates -- Step 2: default any non-mono tyvars, and re-simplify -- This step may do some unification, but result candidates is zonked ; candidates <- defaultTyVarsAndSimplify rhs_tclvl mono_tvs candidates -- Step 3: decide which kind/type variables to quantify over ; qtvs <- decideQuantifiedTyVars name_taus psigs candidates -- Step 4: choose which of the remaining candidate -- predicates to actually quantify over -- NB: decideQuantifiedTyVars turned some meta tyvars -- into quantified skolems, so we have to zonk again ; candidates <- TcM.zonkTcTypes candidates ; psig_theta <- TcM.zonkTcTypes (concatMap sig_inst_theta psigs) ; let quantifiable_candidates = pickQuantifiablePreds (mkVarSet qtvs) candidates -- NB: do /not/ run pickQuantifiablePreds over psig_theta, -- because we always want to quantify over psig_theta, and not -- drop any of them; e.g. CallStack constraints. c.f #14658 theta = mkMinimalBySCs id $ -- See Note [Minimize by Superclasses] (psig_theta ++ quantifiable_candidates) ; traceTc "decideQuantification" (vcat [ text "infer_mode:" <+> ppr infer_mode , text "candidates:" <+> ppr candidates , text "psig_theta:" <+> ppr psig_theta , text "mono_tvs:" <+> ppr mono_tvs , text "co_vars:" <+> ppr co_vars , text "qtvs:" <+> ppr qtvs , text "theta:" <+> ppr theta ]) ; return (qtvs, theta, co_vars) } ------------------ decideMonoTyVars :: InferMode -> [(Name,TcType)] -> [TcIdSigInst] -> [PredType] -> TcM (TcTyCoVarSet, [PredType], CoVarSet) -- Decide which tyvars and covars cannot be generalised: -- (a) Free in the environment -- (b) Mentioned in a constraint we can't generalise -- (c) Connected by an equality to (a) or (b) -- Also return CoVars that appear free in the final quantified types -- we can't quantify over these, and we must make sure they are in scope decideMonoTyVars infer_mode name_taus psigs candidates = do { (no_quant, maybe_quant) <- pick infer_mode candidates -- If possible, we quantify over partial-sig qtvs, so they are -- not mono. Need to zonk them because they are meta-tyvar TyVarTvs ; psig_qtvs <- mapM zonkTcTyVarToTyVar $ concatMap (map snd . sig_inst_skols) psigs ; psig_theta <- mapM TcM.zonkTcType $ concatMap sig_inst_theta psigs ; taus <- mapM (TcM.zonkTcType . snd) name_taus ; tc_lvl <- TcM.getTcLevel ; let psig_tys = mkTyVarTys psig_qtvs ++ psig_theta co_vars = coVarsOfTypes (psig_tys ++ taus) co_var_tvs = closeOverKinds co_vars -- The co_var_tvs are tvs mentioned in the types of covars or -- coercion holes. We can't quantify over these covars, so we -- must include the variable in their types in the mono_tvs. -- E.g. If we can't quantify over co :: k~Type, then we can't -- quantify over k either! Hence closeOverKinds mono_tvs0 = filterVarSet (not . isQuantifiableTv tc_lvl) $ tyCoVarsOfTypes candidates -- We need to grab all the non-quantifiable tyvars in the -- candidates so that we can grow this set to find other -- non-quantifiable tyvars. This can happen with something -- like -- f x y = ... -- where z = x 3 -- The body of z tries to unify the type of x (call it alpha[1]) -- with (beta[2] -> gamma[2]). This unification fails because -- alpha is untouchable. But we need to know not to quantify over -- beta or gamma, because they are in the equality constraint with -- alpha. Actual test case: typecheck/should_compile/tc213 mono_tvs1 = mono_tvs0 `unionVarSet` co_var_tvs eq_constraints = filter isEqPrimPred candidates mono_tvs2 = growThetaTyVars eq_constraints mono_tvs1 constrained_tvs = filterVarSet (isQuantifiableTv tc_lvl) $ (growThetaTyVars eq_constraints (tyCoVarsOfTypes no_quant) `minusVarSet` mono_tvs2) `delVarSetList` psig_qtvs -- constrained_tvs: the tyvars that we are not going to -- quantify solely because of the monomorphism restriction -- -- (`minusVarSet` mono_tvs2`): a type variable is only -- "constrained" (so that the MR bites) if it is not -- free in the environment (#13785) -- -- (`delVarSetList` psig_qtvs): if the user has explicitly -- asked for quantification, then that request "wins" -- over the MR. Note: do /not/ delete psig_qtvs from -- mono_tvs1, because mono_tvs1 cannot under any circumstances -- be quantified (#14479); see -- Note [Quantification and partial signatures], Wrinkle 3, 4 mono_tvs = mono_tvs2 `unionVarSet` constrained_tvs -- Warn about the monomorphism restriction ; warn_mono <- woptM Opt_WarnMonomorphism ; when (case infer_mode of { ApplyMR -> warn_mono; _ -> False}) $ warnTc (Reason Opt_WarnMonomorphism) (constrained_tvs `intersectsVarSet` tyCoVarsOfTypes taus) mr_msg ; traceTc "decideMonoTyVars" $ vcat [ text "mono_tvs0 =" <+> ppr mono_tvs0 , text "no_quant =" <+> ppr no_quant , text "maybe_quant =" <+> ppr maybe_quant , text "eq_constraints =" <+> ppr eq_constraints , text "mono_tvs =" <+> ppr mono_tvs , text "co_vars =" <+> ppr co_vars ] ; return (mono_tvs, maybe_quant, co_vars) } where pick :: InferMode -> [PredType] -> TcM ([PredType], [PredType]) -- Split the candidates into ones we definitely -- won't quantify, and ones that we might pick NoRestrictions cand = return ([], cand) pick ApplyMR cand = return (cand, []) pick EagerDefaulting cand = do { os <- xoptM LangExt.OverloadedStrings ; return (partition (is_int_ct os) cand) } -- For EagerDefaulting, do not quantify over -- over any interactive class constraint is_int_ct ovl_strings pred | Just (cls, _) <- getClassPredTys_maybe pred = isInteractiveClass ovl_strings cls | otherwise = False pp_bndrs = pprWithCommas (quotes . ppr . fst) name_taus mr_msg = hang (sep [ text "The Monomorphism Restriction applies to the binding" <> plural name_taus , text "for" <+> pp_bndrs ]) 2 (hsep [ text "Consider giving" , text (if isSingleton name_taus then "it" else "them") , text "a type signature"]) ------------------- defaultTyVarsAndSimplify :: TcLevel -> TyCoVarSet -> [PredType] -- Assumed zonked -> TcM [PredType] -- Guaranteed zonked -- Default any tyvar free in the constraints, -- and re-simplify in case the defaulting allows further simplification defaultTyVarsAndSimplify rhs_tclvl mono_tvs candidates = do { -- Promote any tyvars that we cannot generalise -- See Note [Promote momomorphic tyvars] ; traceTc "decideMonoTyVars: promotion:" (ppr mono_tvs) ; (prom, _) <- promoteTyVarSet mono_tvs -- Default any kind/levity vars ; DV {dv_kvs = cand_kvs, dv_tvs = cand_tvs} <- candidateQTyVarsOfTypes candidates -- any covars should already be handled by -- the logic in decideMonoTyVars, which looks at -- the constraints generated ; poly_kinds <- xoptM LangExt.PolyKinds ; default_kvs <- mapM (default_one poly_kinds True) (dVarSetElems cand_kvs) ; default_tvs <- mapM (default_one poly_kinds False) (dVarSetElems (cand_tvs `minusDVarSet` cand_kvs)) ; let some_default = or default_kvs || or default_tvs ; case () of _ | some_default -> simplify_cand candidates | prom -> mapM TcM.zonkTcType candidates | otherwise -> return candidates } where default_one poly_kinds is_kind_var tv | not (isMetaTyVar tv) = return False | tv `elemVarSet` mono_tvs = return False | otherwise = defaultTyVar (not poly_kinds && is_kind_var) tv simplify_cand candidates = do { clone_wanteds <- newWanteds DefaultOrigin candidates ; WC { wc_simple = simples } <- setTcLevel rhs_tclvl $ simplifyWantedsTcM clone_wanteds -- Discard evidence; simples is fully zonked ; let new_candidates = ctsPreds simples ; traceTc "Simplified after defaulting" $ vcat [ text "Before:" <+> ppr candidates , text "After:" <+> ppr new_candidates ] ; return new_candidates } ------------------ decideQuantifiedTyVars :: [(Name,TcType)] -- Annotated theta and (name,tau) pairs -> [TcIdSigInst] -- Partial signatures -> [PredType] -- Candidates, zonked -> TcM [TyVar] -- Fix what tyvars we are going to quantify over, and quantify them decideQuantifiedTyVars name_taus psigs candidates = do { -- Why psig_tys? We try to quantify over everything free in here -- See Note [Quantification and partial signatures] -- Wrinkles 2 and 3 ; psig_tv_tys <- mapM TcM.zonkTcTyVar [ tv | sig <- psigs , (_,tv) <- sig_inst_skols sig ] ; psig_theta <- mapM TcM.zonkTcType [ pred | sig <- psigs , pred <- sig_inst_theta sig ] ; tau_tys <- mapM (TcM.zonkTcType . snd) name_taus ; let -- Try to quantify over variables free in these types psig_tys = psig_tv_tys ++ psig_theta seed_tys = psig_tys ++ tau_tys -- Now "grow" those seeds to find ones reachable via 'candidates' grown_tcvs = growThetaTyVars candidates (tyCoVarsOfTypes seed_tys) -- Now we have to classify them into kind variables and type variables -- (sigh) just for the benefit of -XNoPolyKinds; see quantifyTyVars -- -- Keep the psig_tys first, so that candidateQTyVarsOfTypes produces -- them in that order, so that the final qtvs quantifies in the same -- order as the partial signatures do (#13524) ; dv@DV {dv_kvs = cand_kvs, dv_tvs = cand_tvs} <- candidateQTyVarsOfTypes $ psig_tys ++ candidates ++ tau_tys ; let pick = (`dVarSetIntersectVarSet` grown_tcvs) dvs_plus = dv { dv_kvs = pick cand_kvs, dv_tvs = pick cand_tvs } ; traceTc "decideQuantifiedTyVars" (vcat [ text "candidates =" <+> ppr candidates , text "tau_tys =" <+> ppr tau_tys , text "seed_tys =" <+> ppr seed_tys , text "seed_tcvs =" <+> ppr (tyCoVarsOfTypes seed_tys) , text "grown_tcvs =" <+> ppr grown_tcvs , text "dvs =" <+> ppr dvs_plus]) ; quantifyTyVars dvs_plus } ------------------ growThetaTyVars :: ThetaType -> TyCoVarSet -> TyCoVarSet -- See Note [Growing the tau-tvs using constraints] growThetaTyVars theta tcvs | null theta = tcvs | otherwise = transCloVarSet mk_next seed_tcvs where seed_tcvs = tcvs `unionVarSet` tyCoVarsOfTypes ips (ips, non_ips) = partition isIPPred theta -- See Note [Inheriting implicit parameters] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType mk_next :: VarSet -> VarSet -- Maps current set to newly-grown ones mk_next so_far = foldr (grow_one so_far) emptyVarSet non_ips grow_one so_far pred tcvs | pred_tcvs `intersectsVarSet` so_far = tcvs `unionVarSet` pred_tcvs | otherwise = tcvs where pred_tcvs = tyCoVarsOfType pred {- Note [Promote momomorphic tyvars] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Promote any type variables that are free in the environment. Eg f :: forall qtvs. bound_theta => zonked_tau The free vars of f's type become free in the envt, and hence will show up whenever 'f' is called. They may currently at rhs_tclvl, but they had better be unifiable at the outer_tclvl! Example: envt mentions alpha[1] tau_ty = beta[2] -> beta[2] constraints = alpha ~ [beta] we don't quantify over beta (since it is fixed by envt) so we must promote it! The inferred type is just f :: beta -> beta NB: promoteTyVar ignores coercion variables Note [Quantification and partial signatures] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When choosing type variables to quantify, the basic plan is to quantify over all type variables that are * free in the tau_tvs, and * not forced to be monomorphic (mono_tvs), for example by being free in the environment. However, in the case of a partial type signature, be doing inference *in the presence of a type signature*. For example: f :: _ -> a f x = ... or g :: (Eq _a) => _b -> _b In both cases we use plan InferGen, and hence call simplifyInfer. But those 'a' variables are skolems (actually TyVarTvs), and we should be sure to quantify over them. This leads to several wrinkles: * Wrinkle 1. In the case of a type error f :: _ -> Maybe a f x = True && x The inferred type of 'f' is f :: Bool -> Bool, but there's a left-over error of form (HoleCan (Maybe a ~ Bool)). The error-reporting machine expects to find a binding site for the skolem 'a', so we add it to the quantified tyvars. * Wrinkle 2. Consider the partial type signature f :: (Eq _) => Int -> Int f x = x In normal cases that makes sense; e.g. g :: Eq _a => _a -> _a g x = x where the signature makes the type less general than it could be. But for 'f' we must therefore quantify over the user-annotated constraints, to get f :: forall a. Eq a => Int -> Int (thereby correctly triggering an ambiguity error later). If we don't we'll end up with a strange open type f :: Eq alpha => Int -> Int which isn't ambiguous but is still very wrong. Bottom line: Try to quantify over any variable free in psig_theta, just like the tau-part of the type. * Wrinkle 3 (#13482). Also consider f :: forall a. _ => Int -> Int f x = if (undefined :: a) == undefined then x else 0 Here we get an (Eq a) constraint, but it's not mentioned in the psig_theta nor the type of 'f'. But we still want to quantify over 'a' even if the monomorphism restriction is on. * Wrinkle 4 (#14479) foo :: Num a => a -> a foo xxx = g xxx where g :: forall b. Num b => _ -> b g y = xxx + y In the signature for 'g', we cannot quantify over 'b' because it turns out to get unified with 'a', which is free in g's environment. So we carefully refrain from bogusly quantifying, in GHC.Tc.Solver.decideMonoTyVars. We report the error later, in GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.chooseInferredQuantifiers. Note [Growing the tau-tvs using constraints] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (growThetaTyVars insts tvs) is the result of extending the set of tyvars, tvs, using all conceivable links from pred E.g. tvs = {a}, preds = {H [a] b, K (b,Int) c, Eq e} Then growThetaTyVars preds tvs = {a,b,c} Notice that growThetaTyVars is conservative if v might be fixed by vs => v `elem` grow(vs,C) Note [Quantification with errors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If we find that the RHS of the definition has some absolutely-insoluble constraints (including especially "variable not in scope"), we * Abandon all attempts to find a context to quantify over, and instead make the function fully-polymorphic in whatever type we have found * Return a flag from simplifyInfer, indicating that we found an insoluble constraint. This flag is used to suppress the ambiguity check for the inferred type, which may well be bogus, and which tends to obscure the real error. This fix feels a bit clunky, but I failed to come up with anything better. Reasons: - Avoid downstream errors - Do not perform an ambiguity test on a bogus type, which might well fail spuriously, thereby obfuscating the original insoluble error. #14000 is an example I tried an alternative approach: simply failM, after emitting the residual implication constraint; the exception will be caught in GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.tcPolyBinds, which gives all the binders in the group the type (forall a. a). But that didn't work with -fdefer-type-errors, because the recovery from failM emits no code at all, so there is no function to run! But -fdefer-type-errors aspires to produce a runnable program. NB that we must include *derived* errors in the check for insolubles. Example: (a::*) ~ Int# We get an insoluble derived error *~#, and we don't want to discard it before doing the isInsolubleWC test! (#8262) Note [Default while Inferring] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our current plan is that defaulting only happens at simplifyTop and not simplifyInfer. This may lead to some insoluble deferred constraints. Example: instance D g => C g Int b constraint inferred = (forall b. 0 => C gamma alpha b) /\ Num alpha type inferred = gamma -> gamma Now, if we try to default (alpha := Int) we will be able to refine the implication to (forall b. 0 => C gamma Int b) which can then be simplified further to (forall b. 0 => D gamma) Finally, we /can/ approximate this implication with (D gamma) and infer the quantified type: forall g. D g => g -> g Instead what will currently happen is that we will get a quantified type (forall g. g -> g) and an implication: forall g. 0 => (forall b. 0 => C g alpha b) /\ Num alpha Which, even if the simplifyTop defaults (alpha := Int) we will still be left with an unsolvable implication: forall g. 0 => (forall b. 0 => D g) The concrete example would be: h :: C g a s => g -> a -> ST s a f (x::gamma) = (\_ -> x) (runST (h x (undefined::alpha)) + 1) But it is quite tedious to do defaulting and resolve the implication constraints, and we have not observed code breaking because of the lack of defaulting in inference, so we don't do it for now. Note [Minimize by Superclasses] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When we quantify over a constraint, in simplifyInfer we need to quantify over a constraint that is minimal in some sense: For instance, if the final wanted constraint is (Eq alpha, Ord alpha), we'd like to quantify over Ord alpha, because we can just get Eq alpha from superclass selection from Ord alpha. This minimization is what mkMinimalBySCs does. Then, simplifyInfer uses the minimal constraint to check the original wanted. Note [Avoid unnecessary constraint simplification] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------- NB NB NB (Jun 12) ------------- This note not longer applies; see the notes with #4361. But I'm leaving it in here so we remember the issue.) ---------------------------------------- When inferring the type of a let-binding, with simplifyInfer, try to avoid unnecessarily simplifying class constraints. Doing so aids sharing, but it also helps with delicate situations like instance C t => C [t] where .. f :: C [t] => .... f x = let g y = ...(constraint C [t])... in ... When inferring a type for 'g', we don't want to apply the instance decl, because then we can't satisfy (C t). So we just notice that g isn't quantified over 't' and partition the constraints before simplifying. This only half-works, but then let-generalisation only half-works. ********************************************************************************* * * * Main Simplifier * * * *********************************************************************************** -} simplifyWantedsTcM :: [CtEvidence] -> TcM WantedConstraints -- Solve the specified Wanted constraints -- Discard the evidence binds -- Discards all Derived stuff in result -- Postcondition: fully zonked and unflattened constraints simplifyWantedsTcM wanted = do { traceTc "simplifyWantedsTcM {" (ppr wanted) ; (result, _) <- runTcS (solveWantedsAndDrop (mkSimpleWC wanted)) ; result <- TcM.zonkWC result ; traceTc "simplifyWantedsTcM }" (ppr result) ; return result } solveWantedsAndDrop :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints -- Since solveWanteds returns the residual WantedConstraints, -- it should always be called within a runTcS or something similar, -- Result is not zonked solveWantedsAndDrop wanted = do { wc <- solveWanteds wanted ; return (dropDerivedWC wc) } solveWanteds :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints -- so that the inert set doesn't mindlessly propagate. -- NB: wc_simples may be wanted /or/ derived now solveWanteds wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics }) = do { cur_lvl <- TcS.getTcLevel ; traceTcS "solveWanteds {" $ vcat [ text "Level =" <+> ppr cur_lvl , ppr wc ] ; wc1 <- solveSimpleWanteds simples -- Any insoluble constraints are in 'simples' and so get rewritten -- See Note [Rewrite insolubles] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad ; (floated_eqs, implics2) <- solveNestedImplications $ implics `unionBags` wc_impl wc1 ; dflags <- getDynFlags ; final_wc <- simpl_loop 0 (solverIterations dflags) floated_eqs (wc1 { wc_impl = implics2 }) ; ev_binds_var <- getTcEvBindsVar ; bb <- TcS.getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var ; traceTcS "solveWanteds }" $ vcat [ text "final wc =" <+> ppr final_wc , text "current evbinds =" <+> ppr (evBindMapBinds bb) ] ; return final_wc } simpl_loop :: Int -> IntWithInf -> Cts -> WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints simpl_loop n limit floated_eqs wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples }) | n `intGtLimit` limit = do { -- Add an error (not a warning) if we blow the limit, -- Typically if we blow the limit we are going to report some other error -- (an unsolved constraint), and we don't want that error to suppress -- the iteration limit warning! addErrTcS (hang (text "solveWanteds: too many iterations" <+> parens (text "limit =" <+> ppr limit)) 2 (vcat [ text "Unsolved:" <+> ppr wc , ppUnless (isEmptyBag floated_eqs) $ text "Floated equalities:" <+> ppr floated_eqs , text "Set limit with -fconstraint-solver-iterations=n; n=0 for no limit" ])) ; return wc } | not (isEmptyBag floated_eqs) = simplify_again n limit True (wc { wc_simple = floated_eqs `unionBags` simples }) -- Put floated_eqs first so they get solved first -- NB: the floated_eqs may include /derived/ equalities -- arising from fundeps inside an implication | superClassesMightHelp wc = -- We still have unsolved goals, and apparently no way to solve them, -- so try expanding superclasses at this level, both Given and Wanted do { pending_given <- getPendingGivenScs ; let (pending_wanted, simples1) = getPendingWantedScs simples ; if null pending_given && null pending_wanted then return wc -- After all, superclasses did not help else do { new_given <- makeSuperClasses pending_given ; new_wanted <- makeSuperClasses pending_wanted ; solveSimpleGivens new_given -- Add the new Givens to the inert set ; simplify_again n limit (null pending_given) wc { wc_simple = simples1 `unionBags` listToBag new_wanted } } } | otherwise = return wc simplify_again :: Int -> IntWithInf -> Bool -> WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints -- We have definitely decided to have another go at solving -- the wanted constraints (we have tried at least once already simplify_again n limit no_new_given_scs wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics }) = do { csTraceTcS $ text "simpl_loop iteration=" <> int n <+> (parens $ hsep [ text "no new given superclasses =" <+> ppr no_new_given_scs <> comma , int (lengthBag simples) <+> text "simples to solve" ]) ; traceTcS "simpl_loop: wc =" (ppr wc) ; (unifs1, wc1) <- reportUnifications $ solveSimpleWanteds $ simples -- See Note [Cutting off simpl_loop] -- We have already tried to solve the nested implications once -- Try again only if we have unified some meta-variables -- (which is a bit like adding more givens), or we have some -- new Given superclasses ; let new_implics = wc_impl wc1 ; if unifs1 == 0 && no_new_given_scs && isEmptyBag new_implics then -- Do not even try to solve the implications simpl_loop (n+1) limit emptyBag (wc1 { wc_impl = implics }) else -- Try to solve the implications do { (floated_eqs2, implics2) <- solveNestedImplications $ implics `unionBags` new_implics ; simpl_loop (n+1) limit floated_eqs2 (wc1 { wc_impl = implics2 }) } } solveNestedImplications :: Bag Implication -> TcS (Cts, Bag Implication) -- Precondition: the TcS inerts may contain unsolved simples which have -- to be converted to givens before we go inside a nested implication. solveNestedImplications implics | isEmptyBag implics = return (emptyBag, emptyBag) | otherwise = do { traceTcS "solveNestedImplications starting {" empty ; (floated_eqs_s, unsolved_implics) <- mapAndUnzipBagM solveImplication implics ; let floated_eqs = concatBag floated_eqs_s -- ... and we are back in the original TcS inerts -- Notice that the original includes the _insoluble_simples so it was safe to ignore -- them in the beginning of this function. ; traceTcS "solveNestedImplications end }" $ vcat [ text "all floated_eqs =" <+> ppr floated_eqs , text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ] ; return (floated_eqs, catBagMaybes unsolved_implics) } solveImplication :: Implication -- Wanted -> TcS (Cts, -- All wanted or derived floated equalities: var = type Maybe Implication) -- Simplified implication (empty or singleton) -- Precondition: The TcS monad contains an empty worklist and given-only inerts -- which after trying to solve this implication we must restore to their original value solveImplication imp@(Implic { ic_tclvl = tclvl , ic_binds = ev_binds_var , ic_skols = skols , ic_given = given_ids , ic_wanted = wanteds , ic_info = info , ic_status = status }) | isSolvedStatus status = return (emptyCts, Just imp) -- Do nothing | otherwise -- Even for IC_Insoluble it is worth doing more work -- The insoluble stuff might be in one sub-implication -- and other unsolved goals in another; and we want to -- solve the latter as much as possible = do { inerts <- getTcSInerts ; traceTcS "solveImplication {" (ppr imp $$ text "Inerts" <+> ppr inerts) -- commented out; see `where` clause below -- ; when debugIsOn check_tc_level -- Solve the nested constraints ; (no_given_eqs, given_insols, residual_wanted) <- nestImplicTcS ev_binds_var tclvl $ do { let loc = mkGivenLoc tclvl info (ic_env imp) givens = mkGivens loc given_ids ; solveSimpleGivens givens ; residual_wanted <- solveWanteds wanteds -- solveWanteds, *not* solveWantedsAndDrop, because -- we want to retain derived equalities so we can float -- them out in floatEqualities ; (no_eqs, given_insols) <- getNoGivenEqs tclvl skols -- Call getNoGivenEqs /after/ solveWanteds, because -- solveWanteds can augment the givens, via expandSuperClasses, -- to reveal given superclass equalities ; return (no_eqs, given_insols, residual_wanted) } ; (floated_eqs, residual_wanted) <- floatEqualities skols given_ids ev_binds_var no_given_eqs residual_wanted ; traceTcS "solveImplication 2" (ppr given_insols $$ ppr residual_wanted) ; let final_wanted = residual_wanted `addInsols` given_insols -- Don't lose track of the insoluble givens, -- which signal unreachable code; put them in ic_wanted ; res_implic <- setImplicationStatus (imp { ic_no_eqs = no_given_eqs , ic_wanted = final_wanted }) ; evbinds <- TcS.getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var ; tcvs <- TcS.getTcEvTyCoVars ev_binds_var ; traceTcS "solveImplication end }" $ vcat [ text "no_given_eqs =" <+> ppr no_given_eqs , text "floated_eqs =" <+> ppr floated_eqs , text "res_implic =" <+> ppr res_implic , text "implication evbinds =" <+> ppr (evBindMapBinds evbinds) , text "implication tvcs =" <+> ppr tcvs ] ; return (floated_eqs, res_implic) } where -- TcLevels must be strictly increasing (see (ImplicInv) in -- Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType), -- and in fact I think they should always increase one level at a time. -- Though sensible, this check causes lots of testsuite failures. It is -- remaining commented out for now. {- check_tc_level = do { cur_lvl <- TcS.getTcLevel ; MASSERT2( tclvl == pushTcLevel cur_lvl , text "Cur lvl =" <+> ppr cur_lvl $$ text "Imp lvl =" <+> ppr tclvl ) } -} ---------------------- setImplicationStatus :: Implication -> TcS (Maybe Implication) -- Finalise the implication returned from solveImplication: -- * Set the ic_status field -- * Trim the ic_wanted field to remove Derived constraints -- Precondition: the ic_status field is not already IC_Solved -- Return Nothing if we can discard the implication altogether setImplicationStatus implic@(Implic { ic_status = status , ic_info = info , ic_wanted = wc , ic_given = givens }) | ASSERT2( not (isSolvedStatus status ), ppr info ) -- Precondition: we only set the status if it is not already solved not (isSolvedWC pruned_wc) = do { traceTcS "setImplicationStatus(not-all-solved) {" (ppr implic) ; implic <- neededEvVars implic ; let new_status | insolubleWC pruned_wc = IC_Insoluble | otherwise = IC_Unsolved new_implic = implic { ic_status = new_status , ic_wanted = pruned_wc } ; traceTcS "setImplicationStatus(not-all-solved) }" (ppr new_implic) ; return $ Just new_implic } | otherwise -- Everything is solved -- Set status to IC_Solved, -- and compute the dead givens and outer needs -- See Note [Tracking redundant constraints] = do { traceTcS "setImplicationStatus(all-solved) {" (ppr implic) ; implic@(Implic { ic_need_inner = need_inner , ic_need_outer = need_outer }) <- neededEvVars implic ; bad_telescope <- checkBadTelescope implic ; let dead_givens | warnRedundantGivens info = filterOut (`elemVarSet` need_inner) givens | otherwise = [] -- None to report discard_entire_implication -- Can we discard the entire implication? = null dead_givens -- No warning from this implication && not bad_telescope && isEmptyWC pruned_wc -- No live children && isEmptyVarSet need_outer -- No needed vars to pass up to parent final_status | bad_telescope = IC_BadTelescope | otherwise = IC_Solved { ics_dead = dead_givens } final_implic = implic { ic_status = final_status , ic_wanted = pruned_wc } ; traceTcS "setImplicationStatus(all-solved) }" $ vcat [ text "discard:" <+> ppr discard_entire_implication , text "new_implic:" <+> ppr final_implic ] ; return $ if discard_entire_implication then Nothing else Just final_implic } where WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics } = wc pruned_simples = dropDerivedSimples simples pruned_implics = filterBag keep_me implics pruned_wc = WC { wc_simple = pruned_simples , wc_impl = pruned_implics } keep_me :: Implication -> Bool keep_me ic | IC_Solved { ics_dead = dead_givens } <- ic_status ic -- Fully solved , null dead_givens -- No redundant givens to report , isEmptyBag (wc_impl (ic_wanted ic)) -- And no children that might have things to report = False -- Tnen we don't need to keep it | otherwise = True -- Otherwise, keep it checkBadTelescope :: Implication -> TcS Bool -- True <=> the skolems form a bad telescope -- See Note [Checking telescopes] in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint checkBadTelescope (Implic { ic_telescope = m_telescope , ic_skols = skols }) | isJust m_telescope = do{ skols <- mapM TcS.zonkTyCoVarKind skols ; return (go emptyVarSet (reverse skols))} | otherwise = return False where go :: TyVarSet -- skolems that appear *later* than the current ones -> [TcTyVar] -- ordered skolems, in reverse order -> Bool -- True <=> there is an out-of-order skolem go _ [] = False go later_skols (one_skol : earlier_skols) | tyCoVarsOfType (tyVarKind one_skol) `intersectsVarSet` later_skols = True | otherwise = go (later_skols `extendVarSet` one_skol) earlier_skols warnRedundantGivens :: SkolemInfo -> Bool warnRedundantGivens (SigSkol ctxt _ _) = case ctxt of FunSigCtxt _ warn_redundant -> warn_redundant ExprSigCtxt -> True _ -> False -- To think about: do we want to report redundant givens for -- pattern synonyms, PatSynSigSkol? c.f #9953, comment:21. warnRedundantGivens (InstSkol {}) = True warnRedundantGivens _ = False neededEvVars :: Implication -> TcS Implication -- Find all the evidence variables that are "needed", -- and delete dead evidence bindings -- See Note [Tracking redundant constraints] -- See Note [Delete dead Given evidence bindings] -- -- - Start from initial_seeds (from nested implications) -- -- - Add free vars of RHS of all Wanted evidence bindings -- and coercion variables accumulated in tcvs (all Wanted) -- -- - Generate 'needed', the needed set of EvVars, by doing transitive -- closure through Given bindings -- e.g. Needed {a,b} -- Given a = sc_sel a2 -- Then a2 is needed too -- -- - Prune out all Given bindings that are not needed -- -- - From the 'needed' set, delete ev_bndrs, the binders of the -- evidence bindings, to give the final needed variables -- neededEvVars implic@(Implic { ic_given = givens , ic_binds = ev_binds_var , ic_wanted = WC { wc_impl = implics } , ic_need_inner = old_needs }) = do { ev_binds <- TcS.getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var ; tcvs <- TcS.getTcEvTyCoVars ev_binds_var ; let seeds1 = foldr add_implic_seeds old_needs implics seeds2 = foldEvBindMap add_wanted seeds1 ev_binds seeds3 = seeds2 `unionVarSet` tcvs need_inner = findNeededEvVars ev_binds seeds3 live_ev_binds = filterEvBindMap (needed_ev_bind need_inner) ev_binds need_outer = foldEvBindMap del_ev_bndr need_inner live_ev_binds `delVarSetList` givens ; TcS.setTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var live_ev_binds -- See Note [Delete dead Given evidence bindings] ; traceTcS "neededEvVars" $ vcat [ text "old_needs:" <+> ppr old_needs , text "seeds3:" <+> ppr seeds3 , text "tcvs:" <+> ppr tcvs , text "ev_binds:" <+> ppr ev_binds , text "live_ev_binds:" <+> ppr live_ev_binds ] ; return (implic { ic_need_inner = need_inner , ic_need_outer = need_outer }) } where add_implic_seeds (Implic { ic_need_outer = needs }) acc = needs `unionVarSet` acc needed_ev_bind needed (EvBind { eb_lhs = ev_var , eb_is_given = is_given }) | is_given = ev_var `elemVarSet` needed | otherwise = True -- Keep all wanted bindings del_ev_bndr :: EvBind -> VarSet -> VarSet del_ev_bndr (EvBind { eb_lhs = v }) needs = delVarSet needs v add_wanted :: EvBind -> VarSet -> VarSet add_wanted (EvBind { eb_is_given = is_given, eb_rhs = rhs }) needs | is_given = needs -- Add the rhs vars of the Wanted bindings only | otherwise = evVarsOfTerm rhs `unionVarSet` needs {- Note [Delete dead Given evidence bindings] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a result of superclass expansion, we speculatively generate evidence bindings for Givens. E.g. f :: (a ~ b) => a -> b -> Bool f x y = ... We'll have [G] d1 :: (a~b) and we'll speculatively generate the evidence binding [G] d2 :: (a ~# b) = sc_sel d Now d2 is available for solving. But it may not be needed! Usually such dead superclass selections will eventually be dropped as dead code, but: * It won't always be dropped (#13032). In the case of an unlifted-equality superclass like d2 above, we generate case heq_sc d1 of d2 -> ... and we can't (in general) drop that case expression in case d1 is bottom. So it's technically unsound to have added it in the first place. * Simply generating all those extra superclasses can generate lots of code that has to be zonked, only to be discarded later. Better not to generate it in the first place. Moreover, if we simplify this implication more than once (e.g. because we can't solve it completely on the first iteration of simpl_looop), we'll generate all the same bindings AGAIN! Easy solution: take advantage of the work we are doing to track dead (unused) Givens, and use it to prune the Given bindings too. This is all done by neededEvVars. This led to a remarkable 25% overall compiler allocation decrease in test T12227. But we don't get to discard all redundant equality superclasses, alas; see #15205. Note [Tracking redundant constraints] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With Opt_WarnRedundantConstraints, GHC can report which constraints of a type signature (or instance declaration) are redundant, and can be omitted. Here is an overview of how it works: ----- What is a redundant constraint? * The things that can be redundant are precisely the Given constraints of an implication. * A constraint can be redundant in two different ways: a) It is implied by other givens. E.g. f :: (Eq a, Ord a) => blah -- Eq a unnecessary g :: (Eq a, a~b, Eq b) => blah -- Either Eq a or Eq b unnecessary b) It is not needed by the Wanted constraints covered by the implication E.g. f :: Eq a => a -> Bool f x = True -- Equality not used * To find (a), when we have two Given constraints, we must be careful to drop the one that is a naked variable (if poss). So if we have f :: (Eq a, Ord a) => blah then we may find [G] sc_sel (d1::Ord a) :: Eq a [G] d2 :: Eq a We want to discard d2 in favour of the superclass selection from the Ord dictionary. This is done by GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.solveOneFromTheOther See Note [Replacement vs keeping]. * To find (b) we need to know which evidence bindings are 'wanted'; hence the eb_is_given field on an EvBind. ----- How tracking works * The ic_need fields of an Implic records in-scope (given) evidence variables bound by the context, that were needed to solve this implication (so far). See the declaration of Implication. * When the constraint solver finishes solving all the wanteds in an implication, it sets its status to IC_Solved - The ics_dead field, of IC_Solved, records the subset of this implication's ic_given that are redundant (not needed). * We compute which evidence variables are needed by an implication in setImplicationStatus. A variable is needed if a) it is free in the RHS of a Wanted EvBind, b) it is free in the RHS of an EvBind whose LHS is needed, c) it is in the ics_need of a nested implication. * We need to be careful not to discard an implication prematurely, even one that is fully solved, because we might thereby forget which variables it needs, and hence wrongly report a constraint as redundant. But we can discard it once its free vars have been incorporated into its parent; or if it simply has no free vars. This careful discarding is also handled in setImplicationStatus. ----- Reporting redundant constraints * GHC.Tc.Errors does the actual warning, in warnRedundantConstraints. * We don't report redundant givens for *every* implication; only for those which reply True to GHC.Tc.Solver.warnRedundantGivens: - For example, in a class declaration, the default method *can* use the class constraint, but it certainly doesn't *have* to, and we don't want to report an error there. - More subtly, in a function definition f :: (Ord a, Ord a, Ix a) => a -> a f x = rhs we do an ambiguity check on the type (which would find that one of the Ord a constraints was redundant), and then we check that the definition has that type (which might find that both are redundant). We don't want to report the same error twice, so we disable it for the ambiguity check. Hence using two different FunSigCtxts, one with the warn-redundant field set True, and the other set False in - GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.tcSpecPrag - GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.tcTySig This decision is taken in setImplicationStatus, rather than GHC.Tc.Errors so that we can discard implication constraints that we don't need. So ics_dead consists only of the *reportable* redundant givens. ----- Shortcomings Consider (see #9939) f2 :: (Eq a, Ord a) => a -> a -> Bool -- Ord a redundant, but Eq a is reported f2 x y = (x == y) We report (Eq a) as redundant, whereas actually (Ord a) is. But it's really not easy to detect that! Note [Cutting off simpl_loop] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is very important not to iterate in simpl_loop unless there is a chance of progress. #8474 is a classic example: * There's a deeply-nested chain of implication constraints. ?x:alpha => ?y1:beta1 => ... ?yn:betan => [W] ?x:Int * From the innermost one we get a [D] alpha ~ Int, but alpha is untouchable until we get out to the outermost one * We float [D] alpha~Int out (it is in floated_eqs), but since alpha is untouchable, the solveInteract in simpl_loop makes no progress * So there is no point in attempting to re-solve ?yn:betan => [W] ?x:Int via solveNestedImplications, because we'll just get the same [D] again * If we *do* re-solve, we'll get an infinite loop. It is cut off by the fixed bound of 10, but solving the next takes 10*10*...*10 (ie exponentially many) iterations! Conclusion: we should call solveNestedImplications only if we did some unification in solveSimpleWanteds; because that's the only way we'll get more Givens (a unification is like adding a Given) to allow the implication to make progress. -} promoteTyVar :: TcTyVar -> TcM (Bool, TcTyVar) -- When we float a constraint out of an implication we must restore -- invariant (WantedInv) in Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType -- Return True <=> we did some promotion -- Also returns either the original tyvar (no promotion) or the new one -- See Note [Promoting unification variables] promoteTyVar tv = do { tclvl <- TcM.getTcLevel ; if (isFloatedTouchableMetaTyVar tclvl tv) then do { cloned_tv <- TcM.cloneMetaTyVar tv ; let rhs_tv = setMetaTyVarTcLevel cloned_tv tclvl ; TcM.writeMetaTyVar tv (mkTyVarTy rhs_tv) ; return (True, rhs_tv) } else return (False, tv) } -- Returns whether or not *any* tyvar is defaulted promoteTyVarSet :: TcTyVarSet -> TcM (Bool, TcTyVarSet) promoteTyVarSet tvs = do { (bools, tyvars) <- mapAndUnzipM promoteTyVar (nonDetEltsUniqSet tvs) -- non-determinism is OK because order of promotion doesn't matter ; return (or bools, mkVarSet tyvars) } promoteTyVarTcS :: TcTyVar -> TcS () -- When we float a constraint out of an implication we must restore -- invariant (WantedInv) in Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType -- See Note [Promoting unification variables] -- We don't just call promoteTyVar because we want to use unifyTyVar, -- not writeMetaTyVar promoteTyVarTcS tv = do { tclvl <- TcS.getTcLevel ; when (isFloatedTouchableMetaTyVar tclvl tv) $ do { cloned_tv <- TcS.cloneMetaTyVar tv ; let rhs_tv = setMetaTyVarTcLevel cloned_tv tclvl ; unifyTyVar tv (mkTyVarTy rhs_tv) } } -- | Like 'defaultTyVar', but in the TcS monad. defaultTyVarTcS :: TcTyVar -> TcS Bool defaultTyVarTcS the_tv | isRuntimeRepVar the_tv , not (isTyVarTyVar the_tv) -- TyVarTvs should only be unified with a tyvar -- never with a type; c.f. GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType.defaultTyVar -- and Note [Inferring kinds for type declarations] in GHC.Tc.TyCl = do { traceTcS "defaultTyVarTcS RuntimeRep" (ppr the_tv) ; unifyTyVar the_tv liftedRepTy ; return True } | otherwise = return False -- the common case approximateWC :: Bool -> WantedConstraints -> Cts -- Postcondition: Wanted or Derived Cts -- See Note [ApproximateWC] approximateWC float_past_equalities wc = float_wc emptyVarSet wc where float_wc :: TcTyCoVarSet -> WantedConstraints -> Cts float_wc trapping_tvs (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics }) = filterBag (is_floatable trapping_tvs) simples `unionBags` do_bag (float_implic trapping_tvs) implics where float_implic :: TcTyCoVarSet -> Implication -> Cts float_implic trapping_tvs imp | float_past_equalities || ic_no_eqs imp = float_wc new_trapping_tvs (ic_wanted imp) | otherwise -- Take care with equalities = emptyCts -- See (1) under Note [ApproximateWC] where new_trapping_tvs = trapping_tvs `extendVarSetList` ic_skols imp do_bag :: (a -> Bag c) -> Bag a -> Bag c do_bag f = foldr (unionBags.f) emptyBag is_floatable skol_tvs ct | isGivenCt ct = False | isHoleCt ct = False | insolubleEqCt ct = False | otherwise = tyCoVarsOfCt ct `disjointVarSet` skol_tvs {- Note [ApproximateWC] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ approximateWC takes a constraint, typically arising from the RHS of a let-binding whose type we are *inferring*, and extracts from it some *simple* constraints that we might plausibly abstract over. Of course the top-level simple constraints are plausible, but we also float constraints out from inside, if they are not captured by skolems. The same function is used when doing type-class defaulting (see the call to applyDefaultingRules) to extract constraints that that might be defaulted. There is one caveat: 1. When inferring most-general types (in simplifyInfer), we do *not* float anything out if the implication binds equality constraints, because that defeats the OutsideIn story. Consider data T a where TInt :: T Int MkT :: T a f TInt = 3::Int We get the implication (a ~ Int => res ~ Int), where so far we've decided f :: T a -> res We don't want to float (res~Int) out because then we'll infer f :: T a -> Int which is only on of the possible types. (GHC 7.6 accidentally *did* float out of such implications, which meant it would happily infer non-principal types.) HOWEVER (#12797) in findDefaultableGroups we are not worried about the most-general type; and we /do/ want to float out of equalities. Hence the boolean flag to approximateWC. ------ Historical note ----------- There used to be a second caveat, driven by #8155 2. We do not float out an inner constraint that shares a type variable (transitively) with one that is trapped by a skolem. Eg forall a. F a ~ beta, Integral beta We don't want to float out (Integral beta). Doing so would be bad when defaulting, because then we'll default beta:=Integer, and that makes the error message much worse; we'd get Can't solve F a ~ Integer rather than Can't solve Integral (F a) Moreover, floating out these "contaminated" constraints doesn't help when generalising either. If we generalise over (Integral b), we still can't solve the retained implication (forall a. F a ~ b). Indeed, arguably that too would be a harder error to understand. But this transitive closure stuff gives rise to a complex rule for when defaulting actually happens, and one that was never documented. Moreover (#12923), the more complex rule is sometimes NOT what you want. So I simply removed the extra code to implement the contamination stuff. There was zero effect on the testsuite (not even #8155). ------ End of historical note ----------- Note [DefaultTyVar] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ defaultTyVar is used on any un-instantiated meta type variables to default any RuntimeRep variables to LiftedRep. This is important to ensure that instance declarations match. For example consider instance Show (a->b) foo x = show (\_ -> True) Then we'll get a constraint (Show (p ->q)) where p has kind (TYPE r), and that won't match the tcTypeKind (*) in the instance decl. See tests tc217 and tc175. We look only at touchable type variables. No further constraints are going to affect these type variables, so it's time to do it by hand. However we aren't ready to default them fully to () or whatever, because the type-class defaulting rules have yet to run. An alternate implementation would be to emit a derived constraint setting the RuntimeRep variable to LiftedRep, but this seems unnecessarily indirect. Note [Promote _and_ default when inferring] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When we are inferring a type, we simplify the constraint, and then use approximateWC to produce a list of candidate constraints. Then we MUST a) Promote any meta-tyvars that have been floated out by approximateWC, to restore invariant (WantedInv) described in Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType. b) Default the kind of any meta-tyvars that are not mentioned in in the environment. To see (b), suppose the constraint is (C ((a :: OpenKind) -> Int)), and we have an instance (C ((x:*) -> Int)). The instance doesn't match -- but it should! If we don't solve the constraint, we'll stupidly quantify over (C (a->Int)) and, worse, in doing so skolemiseQuantifiedTyVar will quantify over (b:*) instead of (a:OpenKind), which can lead to disaster; see #7332. #7641 is a simpler example. Note [Promoting unification variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When we float an equality out of an implication we must "promote" free unification variables of the equality, in order to maintain Invariant (WantedInv) from Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables] in TcType. for the leftover implication. This is absolutely necessary. Consider the following example. We start with two implications and a class with a functional dependency. class C x y | x -> y instance C [a] [a] (I1) [untch=beta]forall b. 0 => F Int ~ [beta] (I2) [untch=beta]forall c. 0 => F Int ~ [[alpha]] /\ C beta [c] We float (F Int ~ [beta]) out of I1, and we float (F Int ~ [[alpha]]) out of I2. They may react to yield that (beta := [alpha]) which can then be pushed inwards the leftover of I2 to get (C [alpha] [a]) which, using the FunDep, will mean that (alpha := a). In the end we will have the skolem 'b' escaping in the untouchable beta! Concrete example is in indexed_types/should_fail/ExtraTcsUntch.hs: class C x y | x -> y where op :: x -> y -> () instance C [a] [a] type family F a :: * h :: F Int -> () h = undefined data TEx where TEx :: a -> TEx f (x::beta) = let g1 :: forall b. b -> () g1 _ = h [x] g2 z = case z of TEx y -> (h [[undefined]], op x [y]) in (g1 '3', g2 undefined) ********************************************************************************* * * * Floating equalities * * * ********************************************************************************* Note [Float Equalities out of Implications] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For ordinary pattern matches (including existentials) we float equalities out of implications, for instance: data T where MkT :: Eq a => a -> T f x y = case x of MkT _ -> (y::Int) We get the implication constraint (x::T) (y::alpha): forall a. [untouchable=alpha] Eq a => alpha ~ Int We want to float out the equality into a scope where alpha is no longer untouchable, to solve the implication! But we cannot float equalities out of implications whose givens may yield or contain equalities: data T a where T1 :: T Int T2 :: T Bool T3 :: T a h :: T a -> a -> Int f x y = case x of T1 -> y::Int T2 -> y::Bool T3 -> h x y We generate constraint, for (x::T alpha) and (y :: beta): [untouchables = beta] (alpha ~ Int => beta ~ Int) -- From 1st branch [untouchables = beta] (alpha ~ Bool => beta ~ Bool) -- From 2nd branch (alpha ~ beta) -- From 3rd branch If we float the equality (beta ~ Int) outside of the first implication and the equality (beta ~ Bool) out of the second we get an insoluble constraint. But if we just leave them inside the implications, we unify alpha := beta and solve everything. Principle: We do not want to float equalities out which may need the given *evidence* to become soluble. Consequence: classes with functional dependencies don't matter (since there is no evidence for a fundep equality), but equality superclasses do matter (since they carry evidence). -} floatEqualities :: [TcTyVar] -> [EvId] -> EvBindsVar -> Bool -> WantedConstraints -> TcS (Cts, WantedConstraints) -- Main idea: see Note [Float Equalities out of Implications] -- -- Precondition: the wc_simple of the incoming WantedConstraints are -- fully zonked, so that we can see their free variables -- -- Postcondition: The returned floated constraints (Cts) are only -- Wanted or Derived -- -- Also performs some unifications (via promoteTyVar), adding to -- monadically-carried ty_binds. These will be used when processing -- floated_eqs later -- -- Subtleties: Note [Float equalities from under a skolem binding] -- Note [Skolem escape] -- Note [What prevents a constraint from floating] floatEqualities skols given_ids ev_binds_var no_given_eqs wanteds@(WC { wc_simple = simples }) | not no_given_eqs -- There are some given equalities, so don't float = return (emptyBag, wanteds) -- Note [Float Equalities out of Implications] | otherwise = do { -- First zonk: the inert set (from whence they came) is fully -- zonked, but unflattening may have filled in unification -- variables, and we /must/ see them. Otherwise we may float -- constraints that mention the skolems! simples <- TcS.zonkSimples simples ; binds <- TcS.getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var -- Now we can pick the ones to float -- The constraints are un-flattened and de-canonicalised ; let (candidate_eqs, no_float_cts) = partitionBag is_float_eq_candidate simples seed_skols = mkVarSet skols `unionVarSet` mkVarSet given_ids `unionVarSet` foldr add_non_flt_ct emptyVarSet no_float_cts `unionVarSet` foldEvBindMap add_one_bind emptyVarSet binds -- seed_skols: See Note [What prevents a constraint from floating] (1,2,3) -- Include the EvIds of any non-floating constraints extended_skols = transCloVarSet (add_captured_ev_ids candidate_eqs) seed_skols -- extended_skols contains the EvIds of all the trapped constraints -- See Note [What prevents a constraint from floating] (3) (flt_eqs, no_flt_eqs) = partitionBag (is_floatable extended_skols) candidate_eqs remaining_simples = no_float_cts `andCts` no_flt_eqs -- Promote any unification variables mentioned in the floated equalities -- See Note [Promoting unification variables] ; mapM_ promoteTyVarTcS (tyCoVarsOfCtsList flt_eqs) ; traceTcS "floatEqualities" (vcat [ text "Skols =" <+> ppr skols , text "Extended skols =" <+> ppr extended_skols , text "Simples =" <+> ppr simples , text "Candidate eqs =" <+> ppr candidate_eqs , text "Floated eqs =" <+> ppr flt_eqs]) ; return ( flt_eqs, wanteds { wc_simple = remaining_simples } ) } where add_one_bind :: EvBind -> VarSet -> VarSet add_one_bind bind acc = extendVarSet acc (evBindVar bind) add_non_flt_ct :: Ct -> VarSet -> VarSet add_non_flt_ct ct acc | isDerivedCt ct = acc | otherwise = extendVarSet acc (ctEvId ct) is_floatable :: VarSet -> Ct -> Bool is_floatable skols ct | isDerivedCt ct = not (tyCoVarsOfCt ct `intersectsVarSet` skols) | otherwise = not (ctEvId ct `elemVarSet` skols) add_captured_ev_ids :: Cts -> VarSet -> VarSet add_captured_ev_ids cts skols = foldr extra_skol emptyVarSet cts where extra_skol ct acc | isDerivedCt ct = acc | tyCoVarsOfCt ct `intersectsVarSet` skols = extendVarSet acc (ctEvId ct) | otherwise = acc -- Identify which equalities are candidates for floating -- Float out alpha ~ ty, or ty ~ alpha which might be unified outside -- See Note [Which equalities to float] is_float_eq_candidate ct | pred <- ctPred ct , EqPred NomEq ty1 ty2 <- classifyPredType pred = case (tcGetTyVar_maybe ty1, tcGetTyVar_maybe ty2) of (Just tv1, _) -> float_tv_eq_candidate tv1 ty2 (_, Just tv2) -> float_tv_eq_candidate tv2 ty1 _ -> False | otherwise = False float_tv_eq_candidate tv1 ty2 -- See Note [Which equalities to float] = isMetaTyVar tv1 && (not (isTyVarTyVar tv1) || isTyVarTy ty2) {- Note [Float equalities from under a skolem binding] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Which of the simple equalities can we float out? Obviously, only ones that don't mention the skolem-bound variables. But that is over-eager. Consider [2] forall a. F a beta[1] ~ gamma[2], G beta[1] gamma[2] ~ Int The second constraint doesn't mention 'a'. But if we float it, we'll promote gamma[2] to gamma'[1]. Now suppose that we learn that beta := Bool, and F a Bool = a, and G Bool _ = Int. Then we'll we left with the constraint [2] forall a. a ~ gamma'[1] which is insoluble because gamma became untouchable. Solution: float only constraints that stand a jolly good chance of being soluble simply by being floated, namely ones of form a ~ ty where 'a' is a currently-untouchable unification variable, but may become touchable by being floated (perhaps by more than one level). We had a very complicated rule previously, but this is nice and simple. (To see the notes, look at this Note in a version of GHC.Tc.Solver prior to Oct 2014). Note [Which equalities to float] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Which equalities should we float? We want to float ones where there is a decent chance that floating outwards will allow unification to happen. In particular, float out equalities that are: * Of form (alpha ~# ty) or (ty ~# alpha), where * alpha is a meta-tyvar. * And 'alpha' is not a TyVarTv with 'ty' being a non-tyvar. In that case, floating out won't help either, and it may affect grouping of error messages. * Nominal. No point in floating (alpha ~R# ty), because we do not unify representational equalities even if alpha is touchable. See Note [Do not unify representational equalities] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact. Note [Skolem escape] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You might worry about skolem escape with all this floating. For example, consider [2] forall a. (a ~ F beta[2] delta, Maybe beta[2] ~ gamma[1]) The (Maybe beta ~ gamma) doesn't mention 'a', so we float it, and solve with gamma := beta. But what if later delta:=Int, and F b Int = b. Then we'd get a ~ beta[2], and solve to get beta:=a, and now the skolem has escaped! But it's ok: when we float (Maybe beta[2] ~ gamma[1]), we promote beta[2] to beta[1], and that means the (a ~ beta[1]) will be stuck, as it should be. Note [What prevents a constraint from floating] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What /prevents/ a constraint from floating? If it mentions one of the "bound variables of the implication". What are they? The "bound variables of the implication" are 1. The skolem type variables `ic_skols` 2. The "given" evidence variables `ic_given`. Example: forall a. (co :: t1 ~# t2) => [W] co2 : (a ~# b |> co) Here 'co' is bound 3. The binders of all evidence bindings in `ic_binds`. Example forall a. (d :: t1 ~ t2) EvBinds { (co :: t1 ~# t2) = superclass-sel d } => [W] co2 : (a ~# b |> co) Here `co` is gotten by superclass selection from `d`, and the wanted constraint co2 must not float. 4. And the evidence variable of any equality constraint (incl Wanted ones) whose type mentions a bound variable. Example: forall k. [W] co1 :: t1 ~# t2 |> co2 [W] co2 :: k ~# * Here, since `k` is bound, so is `co2` and hence so is `co1`. Here (1,2,3) are handled by the "seed_skols" calculation, and (4) is done by the transCloVarSet call. The possible dependence on givens, and evidence bindings, is more subtle than we'd realised at first. See #14584. How can (4) arise? Suppose we have (k :: *), (a :: k), and ([G} k ~ *). Then form an equality like (a ~ Int) we might end up with [W] co1 :: k ~ * [W] co2 :: (a |> co1) ~ Int ********************************************************************************* * * * Defaulting and disambiguation * * * ********************************************************************************* -} applyDefaultingRules :: WantedConstraints -> TcS Bool -- True <=> I did some defaulting, by unifying a meta-tyvar -- Input WantedConstraints are not necessarily zonked applyDefaultingRules wanteds | isEmptyWC wanteds = return False | otherwise = do { info@(default_tys, _) <- getDefaultInfo ; wanteds <- TcS.zonkWC wanteds ; let groups = findDefaultableGroups info wanteds ; traceTcS "applyDefaultingRules {" $ vcat [ text "wanteds =" <+> ppr wanteds , text "groups =" <+> ppr groups , text "info =" <+> ppr info ] ; something_happeneds <- mapM (disambigGroup default_tys) groups ; traceTcS "applyDefaultingRules }" (ppr something_happeneds) ; return (or something_happeneds) } findDefaultableGroups :: ( [Type] , (Bool,Bool) ) -- (Overloaded strings, extended default rules) -> WantedConstraints -- Unsolved (wanted or derived) -> [(TyVar, [Ct])] findDefaultableGroups (default_tys, (ovl_strings, extended_defaults)) wanteds | null default_tys = [] | otherwise = [ (tv, map fstOf3 group) | group'@((_,_,tv) :| _) <- unary_groups , let group = toList group' , defaultable_tyvar tv , defaultable_classes (map sndOf3 group) ] where simples = approximateWC True wanteds (unaries, non_unaries) = partitionWith find_unary (bagToList simples) unary_groups = equivClasses cmp_tv unaries unary_groups :: [NonEmpty (Ct, Class, TcTyVar)] -- (C tv) constraints unaries :: [(Ct, Class, TcTyVar)] -- (C tv) constraints non_unaries :: [Ct] -- and *other* constraints -- Finds unary type-class constraints -- But take account of polykinded classes like Typeable, -- which may look like (Typeable * (a:*)) (#8931) find_unary :: Ct -> Either (Ct, Class, TyVar) Ct find_unary cc | Just (cls,tys) <- getClassPredTys_maybe (ctPred cc) , [ty] <- filterOutInvisibleTypes (classTyCon cls) tys -- Ignore invisible arguments for this purpose , Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty , isMetaTyVar tv -- We might have runtime-skolems in GHCi, and -- we definitely don't want to try to assign to those! = Left (cc, cls, tv) find_unary cc = Right cc -- Non unary or non dictionary bad_tvs :: TcTyCoVarSet -- TyVars mentioned by non-unaries bad_tvs = mapUnionVarSet tyCoVarsOfCt non_unaries cmp_tv (_,_,tv1) (_,_,tv2) = tv1 `compare` tv2 defaultable_tyvar :: TcTyVar -> Bool defaultable_tyvar tv = let b1 = isTyConableTyVar tv -- Note [Avoiding spurious errors] b2 = not (tv `elemVarSet` bad_tvs) in b1 && (b2 || extended_defaults) -- Note [Multi-parameter defaults] defaultable_classes :: [Class] -> Bool defaultable_classes clss | extended_defaults = any (isInteractiveClass ovl_strings) clss | otherwise = all is_std_class clss && (any (isNumClass ovl_strings) clss) -- is_std_class adds IsString to the standard numeric classes, -- when -foverloaded-strings is enabled is_std_class cls = isStandardClass cls || (ovl_strings && (cls `hasKey` isStringClassKey)) ------------------------------ disambigGroup :: [Type] -- The default types -> (TcTyVar, [Ct]) -- All classes of the form (C a) -- sharing same type variable -> TcS Bool -- True <=> something happened, reflected in ty_binds disambigGroup [] _ = return False disambigGroup (default_ty:default_tys) group@(the_tv, wanteds) = do { traceTcS "disambigGroup {" (vcat [ ppr default_ty, ppr the_tv, ppr wanteds ]) ; fake_ev_binds_var <- TcS.newTcEvBinds ; tclvl <- TcS.getTcLevel ; success <- nestImplicTcS fake_ev_binds_var (pushTcLevel tclvl) try_group ; if success then -- Success: record the type variable binding, and return do { unifyTyVar the_tv default_ty ; wrapWarnTcS $ warnDefaulting wanteds default_ty ; traceTcS "disambigGroup succeeded }" (ppr default_ty) ; return True } else -- Failure: try with the next type do { traceTcS "disambigGroup failed, will try other default types }" (ppr default_ty) ; disambigGroup default_tys group } } where try_group | Just subst <- mb_subst = do { lcl_env <- TcS.getLclEnv ; tc_lvl <- TcS.getTcLevel ; let loc = mkGivenLoc tc_lvl UnkSkol lcl_env ; wanted_evs <- mapM (newWantedEvVarNC loc . substTy subst . ctPred) wanteds ; fmap isEmptyWC $ solveSimpleWanteds $ listToBag $ map mkNonCanonical wanted_evs } | otherwise = return False the_ty = mkTyVarTy the_tv mb_subst = tcMatchTyKi the_ty default_ty -- Make sure the kinds match too; hence this call to tcMatchTyKi -- E.g. suppose the only constraint was (Typeable k (a::k)) -- With the addition of polykinded defaulting we also want to reject -- ill-kinded defaulting attempts like (Eq []) or (Foldable Int) here. -- In interactive mode, or with -XExtendedDefaultRules, -- we default Show a to Show () to avoid graututious errors on "show []" isInteractiveClass :: Bool -- -XOverloadedStrings? -> Class -> Bool isInteractiveClass ovl_strings cls = isNumClass ovl_strings cls || (classKey cls `elem` interactiveClassKeys) -- isNumClass adds IsString to the standard numeric classes, -- when -foverloaded-strings is enabled isNumClass :: Bool -- -XOverloadedStrings? -> Class -> Bool isNumClass ovl_strings cls = isNumericClass cls || (ovl_strings && (cls `hasKey` isStringClassKey)) {- Note [Avoiding spurious errors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When doing the unification for defaulting, we check for skolem type variables, and simply don't default them. For example: f = (*) -- Monomorphic g :: Num a => a -> a g x = f x x Here, we get a complaint when checking the type signature for g, that g isn't polymorphic enough; but then we get another one when dealing with the (Num a) context arising from f's definition; we try to unify a with Int (to default it), but find that it's already been unified with the rigid variable from g's type sig. Note [Multi-parameter defaults] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With -XExtendedDefaultRules, we default only based on single-variable constraints, but do not exclude from defaulting any type variables which also appear in multi-variable constraints. This means that the following will default properly: default (Integer, Double) class A b (c :: Symbol) where a :: b -> Proxy c instance A Integer c where a _ = Proxy main = print (a 5 :: Proxy "5") Note that if we change the above instance ("instance A Integer") to "instance A Double", we get an error: No instance for (A Integer "5") This is because the first defaulted type (Integer) has successfully satisfied its single-parameter constraints (in this case Num). -}