{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-} -- | This module defines types and simple operations over constraints, as used -- in the type-checker and constraint solver. module GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint ( -- QCInst QCInst(..), isPendingScInst, -- Canonical constraints Xi, Ct(..), Cts, CtIrredStatus(..), HoleSet, emptyCts, andCts, andManyCts, pprCts, singleCt, listToCts, ctsElts, consCts, snocCts, extendCtsList, isEmptyCts, isPendingScDict, superClassesMightHelp, getPendingWantedScs, isWantedCt, isDerivedCt, isGivenCt, isUserTypeErrorCt, getUserTypeErrorMsg, ctEvidence, ctLoc, setCtLoc, ctPred, ctFlavour, ctEqRel, ctOrigin, ctEvId, mkTcEqPredLikeEv, mkNonCanonical, mkNonCanonicalCt, mkGivens, mkIrredCt, ctEvPred, ctEvLoc, ctEvOrigin, ctEvEqRel, ctEvExpr, ctEvTerm, ctEvCoercion, ctEvEvId, tyCoVarsOfCt, tyCoVarsOfCts, tyCoVarsOfCtList, tyCoVarsOfCtsList, CanEqLHS(..), canEqLHS_maybe, canEqLHSKind, canEqLHSType, eqCanEqLHS, Hole(..), HoleSort(..), isOutOfScopeHole, WantedConstraints(..), insolubleWC, emptyWC, isEmptyWC, isSolvedWC, andWC, unionsWC, mkSimpleWC, mkImplicWC, addInsols, dropMisleading, addSimples, addImplics, addHoles, tyCoVarsOfWC, dropDerivedWC, dropDerivedSimples, tyCoVarsOfWCList, insolubleCt, insolubleEqCt, isDroppableCt, insolubleImplic, arisesFromGivens, Implication(..), implicationPrototype, checkTelescopeSkol, ImplicStatus(..), isInsolubleStatus, isSolvedStatus, HasGivenEqs(..), SubGoalDepth, initialSubGoalDepth, maxSubGoalDepth, bumpSubGoalDepth, subGoalDepthExceeded, CtLoc(..), ctLocSpan, ctLocEnv, ctLocLevel, ctLocOrigin, ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe, ctLocDepth, bumpCtLocDepth, isGivenLoc, setCtLocOrigin, updateCtLocOrigin, setCtLocEnv, setCtLocSpan, pprCtLoc, -- CtEvidence CtEvidence(..), TcEvDest(..), mkKindLoc, toKindLoc, mkGivenLoc, isWanted, isGiven, isDerived, ctEvRole, wrapType, CtFlavour(..), ShadowInfo(..), ctEvFlavour, CtFlavourRole, ctEvFlavourRole, ctFlavourRole, eqCanRewrite, eqCanRewriteFR, eqMayRewriteFR, eqCanDischargeFR, -- Pretty printing pprEvVarTheta, pprEvVars, pprEvVarWithType, ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import GHC.Prelude import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Types ( TcLclEnv, setLclEnvTcLevel, getLclEnvTcLevel , setLclEnvLoc, getLclEnvLoc ) import GHC.Core.Predicate import GHC.Core.Type import GHC.Core.Coercion import GHC.Core.Class import GHC.Core.TyCon import GHC.Types.Var import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin import GHC.Core import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence import GHC.Utils.FV import GHC.Types.Var.Set import GHC.Driver.Session import GHC.Types.Basic import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Data.Bag import GHC.Utils.Misc import GHC.Utils.Panic import Control.Monad ( msum ) import qualified Data.Semigroup ( (<>) ) {- ************************************************************************ * * * Canonical constraints * * * * These are the constraints the low-level simplifier works with * * * ************************************************************************ Note [CEqCan occurs check] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A CEqCan relates a CanEqLHS (a type variable or type family applications) on its left to an arbitrary type on its right. It is used for rewriting. Because it is used for rewriting, it would be disastrous if the RHS were to mention the LHS: this would cause a loop in rewriting. We thus perform an occurs-check. There is, of course, some subtlety: * For type variables, the occurs-check looks deeply. This is because a CEqCan over a meta-variable is also used to inform unification, in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.solveByUnification. If the LHS appears anywhere, at all, in the RHS, unification will create an infinite structure, which is bad. * For type family applications, the occurs-check is shallow; it looks only in places where we might rewrite. (Specifically, it does not look in kinds or coercions.) An occurrence of the LHS in, say, an RHS coercion is OK, as we do not rewrite in coercions. No loop to be found. You might also worry about the possibility that a type family application LHS doesn't exactly appear in the RHS, but something that reduces to the LHS does. Yet that can't happen: the RHS is already inert, with all type family redexes reduced. So a simple syntactic check is just fine. The occurs check is performed in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.checkTypeEq and forms condition T3 in Note [Extending the inert equalities] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad. -} -- | A 'Xi'-type is one that has been fully rewritten with respect -- to the inert set; that is, it has been rewritten by the algorithm -- in GHC.Tc.Solver.Rewrite. (Historical note: 'Xi', for years and years, -- meant that a type was type-family-free. It does *not* mean this -- any more.) type Xi = TcType type Cts = Bag Ct data Ct -- Atomic canonical constraints = CDictCan { -- e.g. Num ty cc_ev :: CtEvidence, -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant] cc_class :: Class, cc_tyargs :: [Xi], -- cc_tyargs are rewritten w.r.t. inerts, so Xi cc_pend_sc :: Bool, -- See Note [The superclass story] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical -- True <=> (a) cc_class has superclasses -- (b) we have not (yet) added those -- superclasses as Givens cc_fundeps :: Bool -- See Note [Fundeps with instances] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact -- True <=> the class has fundeps, and we have not yet -- compared this constraint with the global -- instances for fundep improvement } | CIrredCan { -- These stand for yet-unusable predicates cc_ev :: CtEvidence, -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant] cc_status :: CtIrredStatus -- For the might-be-soluble case, the ctev_pred of the evidence is -- of form (tv xi1 xi2 ... xin) with a tyvar at the head -- or (lhs1 ~ ty2) where the CEqCan kind invariant (TyEq:K) fails -- See Note [CIrredCan constraints] -- The definitely-insoluble case is for things like -- Int ~ Bool tycons don't match -- a ~ [a] occurs check } | CEqCan { -- CanEqLHS ~ rhs -- Invariants: -- * See Note [inert_eqs: the inert equalities] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad -- * Many are checked in checkTypeEq in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify -- * (TyEq:OC) lhs does not occur in rhs (occurs check) -- Note [CEqCan occurs check] -- * (TyEq:F) rhs has no foralls -- (this avoids substituting a forall for the tyvar in other types) -- * (TyEq:K) tcTypeKind lhs `tcEqKind` tcTypeKind rhs; Note [Ct kind invariant] -- * (TyEq:N) If the equality is representational, rhs has no top-level newtype -- See Note [No top-level newtypes on RHS of representational equalities] -- in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical. (Applies only when constructor of newtype is -- in scope.) -- * (TyEq:TV) If rhs (perhaps under a cast) is also CanEqLHS, then it is oriented -- to give best chance of -- unification happening; eg if rhs is touchable then lhs is too -- Note [TyVar/TyVar orientation] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify -- * (TyEq:H) The RHS has no blocking coercion holes. See GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical -- Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds], wrinkle (2) cc_ev :: CtEvidence, -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant] cc_lhs :: CanEqLHS, cc_rhs :: Xi, -- See invariants above cc_eq_rel :: EqRel -- INVARIANT: cc_eq_rel = ctEvEqRel cc_ev } | CNonCanonical { -- See Note [NonCanonical Semantics] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad cc_ev :: CtEvidence } | CQuantCan QCInst -- A quantified constraint -- NB: I expect to make more of the cases in Ct -- look like this, with the payload in an -- auxiliary type ------------ -- | A 'CanEqLHS' is a type that can appear on the left of a canonical -- equality: a type variable or exactly-saturated type family application. data CanEqLHS = TyVarLHS TcTyVar | TyFamLHS TyCon -- ^ of the family [Xi] -- ^ exactly saturating the family instance Outputable CanEqLHS where ppr (TyVarLHS tv) = ppr tv ppr (TyFamLHS fam_tc fam_args) = ppr (mkTyConApp fam_tc fam_args) ------------ data QCInst -- A much simplified version of ClsInst -- See Note [Quantified constraints] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical = QCI { qci_ev :: CtEvidence -- Always of type forall tvs. context => ty -- Always Given , qci_tvs :: [TcTyVar] -- The tvs , qci_pred :: TcPredType -- The ty , qci_pend_sc :: Bool -- Same as cc_pend_sc flag in CDictCan -- Invariant: True => qci_pred is a ClassPred } instance Outputable QCInst where ppr (QCI { qci_ev = ev }) = ppr ev ------------ -- | A hole stores the information needed to report diagnostics -- about holes in terms (unbound identifiers or underscores) or -- in types (also called wildcards, as used in partial type -- signatures). See Note [Holes]. data Hole = Hole { hole_sort :: HoleSort -- ^ What flavour of hole is this? , hole_occ :: OccName -- ^ The name of this hole , hole_ty :: TcType -- ^ Type to be printed to the user -- For expression holes: type of expr -- For type holes: the missing type , hole_loc :: CtLoc -- ^ Where hole was written } -- For the hole_loc, we usually only want the TcLclEnv stored within. -- Except when we rewrite, where we need a whole location. And this -- might get reported to the user if reducing type families in a -- hole type loops. -- | Used to indicate which sort of hole we have. data HoleSort = ExprHole HoleExprRef -- ^ Either an out-of-scope variable or a "true" hole in an -- expression (TypedHoles). -- The HoleExprRef says where to write the -- the erroring expression for -fdefer-type-errors. | TypeHole -- ^ A hole in a type (PartialTypeSignatures) | ConstraintHole -- ^ A hole in a constraint, like @f :: (_, Eq a) => ... -- Differentiated from TypeHole because a ConstraintHole -- is simplified differently. See -- Note [Do not simplify ConstraintHoles] in GHC.Tc.Solver. instance Outputable Hole where ppr (Hole { hole_sort = ExprHole ref , hole_occ = occ , hole_ty = ty }) = parens $ (braces $ ppr occ <> colon <> ppr ref) <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty ppr (Hole { hole_sort = _other , hole_occ = occ , hole_ty = ty }) = braces $ ppr occ <> colon <> ppr ty instance Outputable HoleSort where ppr (ExprHole ref) = text "ExprHole:" <+> ppr ref ppr TypeHole = text "TypeHole" ppr ConstraintHole = text "ConstraintHole" ------------ -- | Used to indicate extra information about why a CIrredCan is irreducible data CtIrredStatus = InsolubleCIS -- this constraint will never be solved | BlockedCIS HoleSet -- this constraint is blocked on the coercion hole(s) listed -- See Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical -- Wrinkle (4a). Why store the HoleSet? See Wrinkle (2) of that -- same Note. -- INVARIANT: A BlockedCIS is a homogeneous equality whose -- left hand side can fit in a CanEqLHS. | OtherCIS instance Outputable CtIrredStatus where ppr InsolubleCIS = text "(insoluble)" ppr (BlockedCIS holes) = parens (text "blocked on" <+> ppr holes) ppr OtherCIS = text "(soluble)" {- Note [CIrredCan constraints] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CIrredCan constraints are used for constraints that are "stuck" - we can't solve them (yet) - we can't use them to solve other constraints - but they may become soluble if we substitute for some of the type variables in the constraint Example 1: (c Int), where c :: * -> Constraint. We can't do anything with this yet, but if later c := Num, *then* we can solve it Example 2: a ~ b, where a :: *, b :: k, where k is a kind variable We don't want to use this to substitute 'b' for 'a', in case 'k' is subsequently unified with (say) *->*, because then we'd have ill-kinded types floating about. Rather we want to defer using the equality altogether until 'k' get resolved. Note [Ct/evidence invariant] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If ct :: Ct, then extra fields of 'ct' cache precisely the ctev_pred field of (cc_ev ct), and is fully rewritten wrt the substitution. Eg for CDictCan, ctev_pred (cc_ev ct) = (cc_class ct) (cc_tyargs ct) This holds by construction; look at the unique place where CDictCan is built (in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical). In contrast, the type of the evidence *term* (ctev_dest / ctev_evar) in the evidence may *not* be fully zonked; we are careful not to look at it during constraint solving. See Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence]. Note [Ct kind invariant] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CEqCan requires that the kind of the lhs matches the kind of the rhs. This is necessary because these constraints are used for substitutions during solving. If the kinds differed, then the substitution would take a well-kinded type to an ill-kinded one. Note [Holes] ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Note explains how GHC tracks *holes*. A hole represents one of two conditions: - A missing bit of an expression. Example: foo x = x + _ - A missing bit of a type. Example: bar :: Int -> _ What these have in common is that both cause GHC to emit a diagnostic to the user describing the bit that is left out. When a hole is encountered, a new entry of type Hole is added to the ambient WantedConstraints. The type (hole_ty) of the hole is then simplified during solving (with respect to any Givens in surrounding implications). It is reported with all the other errors in GHC.Tc.Errors. For expression holes, the user has the option of deferring errors until runtime with -fdefer-type-errors. In this case, the hole actually has evidence: this evidence is an erroring expression that prints an error and crashes at runtime. The ExprHole variant of holes stores an IORef EvTerm that will contain this evidence; during constraint generation, this IORef was stored in the HsUnboundVar extension field by the type checker. The desugarer simply dereferences to get the CoreExpr. Prior to fixing #17812, we used to invent an Id to hold the erroring expression, and then bind it during type-checking. But this does not support levity-polymorphic out-of-scope identifiers. See typecheck/should_compile/T17812. We thus use the mutable-CoreExpr approach described above. You might think that the type in the HoleExprRef is the same as the type of the hole. However, because the hole type (hole_ty) is rewritten with respect to givens, this might not be the case. That is, the hole_ty is always (~) to the type of the HoleExprRef, but they might not be `eqType`. We need the type of the generated evidence to match what is expected in the context of the hole, and so we must store these types separately. Type-level holes have no evidence at all. -} mkNonCanonical :: CtEvidence -> Ct mkNonCanonical ev = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = ev } mkNonCanonicalCt :: Ct -> Ct mkNonCanonicalCt ct = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = cc_ev ct } mkIrredCt :: CtIrredStatus -> CtEvidence -> Ct mkIrredCt status ev = CIrredCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_status = status } mkGivens :: CtLoc -> [EvId] -> [Ct] mkGivens loc ev_ids = map mk ev_ids where mk ev_id = mkNonCanonical (CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev_id , ctev_pred = evVarPred ev_id , ctev_loc = loc }) ctEvidence :: Ct -> CtEvidence ctEvidence (CQuantCan (QCI { qci_ev = ev })) = ev ctEvidence ct = cc_ev ct ctLoc :: Ct -> CtLoc ctLoc = ctEvLoc . ctEvidence setCtLoc :: Ct -> CtLoc -> Ct setCtLoc ct loc = ct { cc_ev = (cc_ev ct) { ctev_loc = loc } } ctOrigin :: Ct -> CtOrigin ctOrigin = ctLocOrigin . ctLoc ctPred :: Ct -> PredType -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant] ctPred ct = ctEvPred (ctEvidence ct) ctEvId :: Ct -> EvVar -- The evidence Id for this Ct ctEvId ct = ctEvEvId (ctEvidence ct) -- | Makes a new equality predicate with the same role as the given -- evidence. mkTcEqPredLikeEv :: CtEvidence -> TcType -> TcType -> TcType mkTcEqPredLikeEv ev = case predTypeEqRel pred of NomEq -> mkPrimEqPred ReprEq -> mkReprPrimEqPred where pred = ctEvPred ev -- | Get the flavour of the given 'Ct' ctFlavour :: Ct -> CtFlavour ctFlavour = ctEvFlavour . ctEvidence -- | Get the equality relation for the given 'Ct' ctEqRel :: Ct -> EqRel ctEqRel = ctEvEqRel . ctEvidence instance Outputable Ct where ppr ct = ppr (ctEvidence ct) <+> parens pp_sort where pp_sort = case ct of CEqCan {} -> text "CEqCan" CNonCanonical {} -> text "CNonCanonical" CDictCan { cc_pend_sc = psc, cc_fundeps = fds } | psc, fds -> text "CDictCan(psc,fds)" | psc, not fds -> text "CDictCan(psc)" | not psc, fds -> text "CDictCan(fds)" | otherwise -> text "CDictCan" CIrredCan { cc_status = status } -> text "CIrredCan" <> ppr status CQuantCan (QCI { qci_pend_sc = pend_sc }) | pend_sc -> text "CQuantCan(psc)" | otherwise -> text "CQuantCan" ----------------------------------- -- | Is a type a canonical LHS? That is, is it a tyvar or an exactly-saturated -- type family application? -- Does not look through type synonyms. canEqLHS_maybe :: Xi -> Maybe CanEqLHS canEqLHS_maybe xi | Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe xi = Just $ TyVarLHS tv | Just (tc, args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe xi , isTypeFamilyTyCon tc , args `lengthIs` tyConArity tc = Just $ TyFamLHS tc args | otherwise = Nothing -- | Convert a 'CanEqLHS' back into a 'Type' canEqLHSType :: CanEqLHS -> TcType canEqLHSType (TyVarLHS tv) = mkTyVarTy tv canEqLHSType (TyFamLHS fam_tc fam_args) = mkTyConApp fam_tc fam_args -- | Retrieve the kind of a 'CanEqLHS' canEqLHSKind :: CanEqLHS -> TcKind canEqLHSKind (TyVarLHS tv) = tyVarKind tv canEqLHSKind (TyFamLHS fam_tc fam_args) = piResultTys (tyConKind fam_tc) fam_args -- | Are two 'CanEqLHS's equal? eqCanEqLHS :: CanEqLHS -> CanEqLHS -> Bool eqCanEqLHS (TyVarLHS tv1) (TyVarLHS tv2) = tv1 == tv2 eqCanEqLHS (TyFamLHS fam_tc1 fam_args1) (TyFamLHS fam_tc2 fam_args2) = tcEqTyConApps fam_tc1 fam_args1 fam_tc2 fam_args2 eqCanEqLHS _ _ = False {- ************************************************************************ * * Simple functions over evidence variables * * ************************************************************************ -} ---------------- Getting free tyvars ------------------------- -- | Returns free variables of constraints as a non-deterministic set tyCoVarsOfCt :: Ct -> TcTyCoVarSet tyCoVarsOfCt = fvVarSet . tyCoFVsOfCt -- | Returns free variables of constraints as a deterministically ordered. -- list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in "GHC.Utils.FV". tyCoVarsOfCtList :: Ct -> [TcTyCoVar] tyCoVarsOfCtList = fvVarList . tyCoFVsOfCt -- | Returns free variables of constraints as a composable FV computation. -- See Note [Deterministic FV] in "GHC.Utils.FV". tyCoFVsOfCt :: Ct -> FV tyCoFVsOfCt ct = tyCoFVsOfType (ctPred ct) -- This must consult only the ctPred, so that it gets *tidied* fvs if the -- constraint has been tidied. Tidying a constraint does not tidy the -- fields of the Ct, only the predicate in the CtEvidence. -- | Returns free variables of a bag of constraints as a non-deterministic -- set. See Note [Deterministic FV] in "GHC.Utils.FV". tyCoVarsOfCts :: Cts -> TcTyCoVarSet tyCoVarsOfCts = fvVarSet . tyCoFVsOfCts -- | Returns free variables of a bag of constraints as a deterministically -- ordered list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in "GHC.Utils.FV". tyCoVarsOfCtsList :: Cts -> [TcTyCoVar] tyCoVarsOfCtsList = fvVarList . tyCoFVsOfCts -- | Returns free variables of a bag of constraints as a composable FV -- computation. See Note [Deterministic FV] in "GHC.Utils.FV". tyCoFVsOfCts :: Cts -> FV tyCoFVsOfCts = foldr (unionFV . tyCoFVsOfCt) emptyFV -- | Returns free variables of WantedConstraints as a non-deterministic -- set. See Note [Deterministic FV] in "GHC.Utils.FV". tyCoVarsOfWC :: WantedConstraints -> TyCoVarSet -- Only called on *zonked* things tyCoVarsOfWC = fvVarSet . tyCoFVsOfWC -- | Returns free variables of WantedConstraints as a deterministically -- ordered list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in "GHC.Utils.FV". tyCoVarsOfWCList :: WantedConstraints -> [TyCoVar] -- Only called on *zonked* things tyCoVarsOfWCList = fvVarList . tyCoFVsOfWC -- | Returns free variables of WantedConstraints as a composable FV -- computation. See Note [Deterministic FV] in "GHC.Utils.FV". tyCoFVsOfWC :: WantedConstraints -> FV -- Only called on *zonked* things tyCoFVsOfWC (WC { wc_simple = simple, wc_impl = implic, wc_holes = holes }) = tyCoFVsOfCts simple `unionFV` tyCoFVsOfBag tyCoFVsOfImplic implic `unionFV` tyCoFVsOfBag tyCoFVsOfHole holes -- | Returns free variables of Implication as a composable FV computation. -- See Note [Deterministic FV] in "GHC.Utils.FV". tyCoFVsOfImplic :: Implication -> FV -- Only called on *zonked* things tyCoFVsOfImplic (Implic { ic_skols = skols , ic_given = givens , ic_wanted = wanted }) | isEmptyWC wanted = emptyFV | otherwise = tyCoFVsVarBndrs skols $ tyCoFVsVarBndrs givens $ tyCoFVsOfWC wanted tyCoFVsOfHole :: Hole -> FV tyCoFVsOfHole (Hole { hole_ty = ty }) = tyCoFVsOfType ty tyCoFVsOfBag :: (a -> FV) -> Bag a -> FV tyCoFVsOfBag tvs_of = foldr (unionFV . tvs_of) emptyFV --------------------------- dropDerivedWC :: WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints -- See Note [Dropping derived constraints] dropDerivedWC wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples }) = wc { wc_simple = dropDerivedSimples simples } -- The wc_impl implications are already (recursively) filtered -------------------------- dropDerivedSimples :: Cts -> Cts -- Drop all Derived constraints, but make [W] back into [WD], -- so that if we re-simplify these constraints we will get all -- the right derived constraints re-generated. Forgetting this -- step led to #12936 dropDerivedSimples simples = mapMaybeBag dropDerivedCt simples dropDerivedCt :: Ct -> Maybe Ct dropDerivedCt ct = case ctEvFlavour ev of Wanted WOnly -> Just (ct' { cc_ev = ev_wd }) Wanted _ -> Just ct' _ | isDroppableCt ct -> Nothing | otherwise -> Just ct where ev = ctEvidence ct ev_wd = ev { ctev_nosh = WDeriv } ct' = setPendingScDict ct -- See Note [Resetting cc_pend_sc] {- Note [Resetting cc_pend_sc] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When we discard Derived constraints, in dropDerivedSimples, we must set the cc_pend_sc flag to True, so that if we re-process this CDictCan we will re-generate its derived superclasses. Otherwise we might miss some fundeps. #13662 showed this up. See Note [The superclass story] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical. -} isDroppableCt :: Ct -> Bool isDroppableCt ct = isDerived ev && not keep_deriv -- Drop only derived constraints, and then only if they -- obey Note [Dropping derived constraints] where ev = ctEvidence ct loc = ctEvLoc ev orig = ctLocOrigin loc keep_deriv = case ct of CIrredCan { cc_status = InsolubleCIS } -> keep_eq True _ -> keep_eq False keep_eq definitely_insoluble | isGivenOrigin orig -- Arising only from givens = definitely_insoluble -- Keep only definitely insoluble | otherwise = case orig of -- See Note [Dropping derived constraints] -- For fundeps, drop wanted/wanted interactions FunDepOrigin2 {} -> True -- Top-level/Wanted FunDepOrigin1 _ orig1 _ _ orig2 _ | g1 || g2 -> True -- Given/Wanted errors: keep all | otherwise -> False -- Wanted/Wanted errors: discard where g1 = isGivenOrigin orig1 g2 = isGivenOrigin orig2 _ -> False arisesFromGivens :: Ct -> Bool arisesFromGivens ct = case ctEvidence ct of CtGiven {} -> True CtWanted {} -> False CtDerived { ctev_loc = loc } -> isGivenLoc loc isGivenLoc :: CtLoc -> Bool isGivenLoc loc = isGivenOrigin (ctLocOrigin loc) {- Note [Dropping derived constraints] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In general we discard derived constraints at the end of constraint solving; see dropDerivedWC. For example * Superclasses: if we have an unsolved [W] (Ord a), we don't want to complain about an unsolved [D] (Eq a) as well. * If we have [W] a ~ Int, [W] a ~ Bool, improvement will generate [D] Int ~ Bool, and we don't want to report that because it's incomprehensible. That is why we don't rewrite wanteds with wanteds! * We might float out some Wanteds from an implication, leaving behind their insoluble Deriveds. For example: forall a[2]. [W] alpha[1] ~ Int [W] alpha[1] ~ Bool [D] Int ~ Bool The Derived is insoluble, but we very much want to drop it when floating out. But (tiresomely) we do keep *some* Derived constraints: * Type holes are derived constraints, because they have no evidence and we want to keep them, so we get the error report * We keep most derived equalities arising from functional dependencies - Given/Given interactions (subset of FunDepOrigin1): The definitely-insoluble ones reflect unreachable code. Others not-definitely-insoluble ones like [D] a ~ Int do not reflect unreachable code; indeed if fundeps generated proofs, it'd be a useful equality. See #14763. So we discard them. - Given/Wanted interacGiven or Wanted interacting with an instance declaration (FunDepOrigin2) - Given/Wanted interactions (FunDepOrigin1); see #9612 - But for Wanted/Wanted interactions we do /not/ want to report an error (#13506). Consider [W] C Int Int, [W] C Int Bool, with a fundep on class C. We don't want to report an insoluble Int~Bool; c.f. "wanteds do not rewrite wanteds". To distinguish these cases we use the CtOrigin. NB: we keep *all* derived insolubles under some circumstances: * They are looked at by simplifyInfer, to decide whether to generalise. Example: [W] a ~ Int, [W] a ~ Bool We get [D] Int ~ Bool, and indeed the constraints are insoluble, and we want simplifyInfer to see that, even though we don't ultimately want to generate an (inexplicable) error message from it ************************************************************************ * * CtEvidence The "flavor" of a canonical constraint * * ************************************************************************ -} isWantedCt :: Ct -> Bool isWantedCt = isWanted . ctEvidence isGivenCt :: Ct -> Bool isGivenCt = isGiven . ctEvidence isDerivedCt :: Ct -> Bool isDerivedCt = isDerived . ctEvidence {- Note [Custom type errors in constraints] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When GHC reports a type-error about an unsolved-constraint, we check to see if the constraint contains any custom-type errors, and if so we report them. Here are some examples of constraints containing type errors: TypeError msg -- The actual constraint is a type error TypError msg ~ Int -- Some type was supposed to be Int, but ended up -- being a type error instead Eq (TypeError msg) -- A class constraint is stuck due to a type error F (TypeError msg) ~ a -- A type function failed to evaluate due to a type err It is also possible to have constraints where the type error is nested deeper, for example see #11990, and also: Eq (F (TypeError msg)) -- Here the type error is nested under a type-function -- call, which failed to evaluate because of it, -- and so the `Eq` constraint was unsolved. -- This may happen when one function calls another -- and the called function produced a custom type error. -} -- | A constraint is considered to be a custom type error, if it contains -- custom type errors anywhere in it. -- See Note [Custom type errors in constraints] getUserTypeErrorMsg :: Ct -> Maybe Type getUserTypeErrorMsg ct = findUserTypeError (ctPred ct) where findUserTypeError t = msum ( userTypeError_maybe t : map findUserTypeError (subTys t) ) subTys t = case splitAppTys t of (t,[]) -> case splitTyConApp_maybe t of Nothing -> [] Just (_,ts) -> ts (t,ts) -> t : ts isUserTypeErrorCt :: Ct -> Bool isUserTypeErrorCt ct = case getUserTypeErrorMsg ct of Just _ -> True _ -> False isPendingScDict :: Ct -> Maybe Ct -- Says whether this is a CDictCan with cc_pend_sc is True, -- AND if so flips the flag isPendingScDict ct@(CDictCan { cc_pend_sc = True }) = Just (ct { cc_pend_sc = False }) isPendingScDict _ = Nothing isPendingScInst :: QCInst -> Maybe QCInst -- Same as isPendingScDict, but for QCInsts isPendingScInst qci@(QCI { qci_pend_sc = True }) = Just (qci { qci_pend_sc = False }) isPendingScInst _ = Nothing setPendingScDict :: Ct -> Ct -- Set the cc_pend_sc flag to True setPendingScDict ct@(CDictCan { cc_pend_sc = False }) = ct { cc_pend_sc = True } setPendingScDict ct = ct superClassesMightHelp :: WantedConstraints -> Bool -- ^ True if taking superclasses of givens, or of wanteds (to perhaps -- expose more equalities or functional dependencies) might help to -- solve this constraint. See Note [When superclasses help] superClassesMightHelp (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics }) = anyBag might_help_ct simples || anyBag might_help_implic implics where might_help_implic ic | IC_Unsolved <- ic_status ic = superClassesMightHelp (ic_wanted ic) | otherwise = False might_help_ct ct = isWantedCt ct && not (is_ip ct) is_ip (CDictCan { cc_class = cls }) = isIPClass cls is_ip _ = False getPendingWantedScs :: Cts -> ([Ct], Cts) getPendingWantedScs simples = mapAccumBagL get [] simples where get acc ct | Just ct' <- isPendingScDict ct = (ct':acc, ct') | otherwise = (acc, ct) {- Note [When superclasses help] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First read Note [The superclass story] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical. We expand superclasses and iterate only if there is at unsolved wanted for which expansion of superclasses (e.g. from given constraints) might actually help. The function superClassesMightHelp tells if doing this superclass expansion might help solve this constraint. Note that * We look inside implications; maybe it'll help to expand the Givens at level 2 to help solve an unsolved Wanted buried inside an implication. E.g. forall a. Ord a => forall b. [W] Eq a * Superclasses help only for Wanted constraints. Derived constraints are not really "unsolved" and we certainly don't want them to trigger superclass expansion. This was a good part of the loop in #11523 * Even for Wanted constraints, we say "no" for implicit parameters. we have [W] ?x::ty, expanding superclasses won't help: - Superclasses can't be implicit parameters - If we have a [G] ?x:ty2, then we'll have another unsolved [D] ty ~ ty2 (from the functional dependency) which will trigger superclass expansion. It's a bit of a special case, but it's easy to do. The runtime cost is low because the unsolved set is usually empty anyway (errors aside), and the first non-implicit-parameter will terminate the search. The special case is worth it (#11480, comment:2) because it applies to CallStack constraints, which aren't type errors. If we have f :: (C a) => blah f x = ...undefined... we'll get a CallStack constraint. If that's the only unsolved constraint it'll eventually be solved by defaulting. So we don't want to emit warnings about hitting the simplifier's iteration limit. A CallStack constraint really isn't an unsolved constraint; it can always be solved by defaulting. -} singleCt :: Ct -> Cts singleCt = unitBag andCts :: Cts -> Cts -> Cts andCts = unionBags listToCts :: [Ct] -> Cts listToCts = listToBag ctsElts :: Cts -> [Ct] ctsElts = bagToList consCts :: Ct -> Cts -> Cts consCts = consBag snocCts :: Cts -> Ct -> Cts snocCts = snocBag extendCtsList :: Cts -> [Ct] -> Cts extendCtsList cts xs | null xs = cts | otherwise = cts `unionBags` listToBag xs andManyCts :: [Cts] -> Cts andManyCts = unionManyBags emptyCts :: Cts emptyCts = emptyBag isEmptyCts :: Cts -> Bool isEmptyCts = isEmptyBag pprCts :: Cts -> SDoc pprCts cts = vcat (map ppr (bagToList cts)) {- ************************************************************************ * * Wanted constraints These are forced to be in GHC.Tc.Types because TcLclEnv mentions WantedConstraints WantedConstraint mentions CtLoc CtLoc mentions ErrCtxt ErrCtxt mentions TcM * * v%************************************************************************ -} data WantedConstraints = WC { wc_simple :: Cts -- Unsolved constraints, all wanted , wc_impl :: Bag Implication , wc_holes :: Bag Hole } emptyWC :: WantedConstraints emptyWC = WC { wc_simple = emptyBag , wc_impl = emptyBag , wc_holes = emptyBag } mkSimpleWC :: [CtEvidence] -> WantedConstraints mkSimpleWC cts = emptyWC { wc_simple = listToBag (map mkNonCanonical cts) } mkImplicWC :: Bag Implication -> WantedConstraints mkImplicWC implic = emptyWC { wc_impl = implic } isEmptyWC :: WantedConstraints -> Bool isEmptyWC (WC { wc_simple = f, wc_impl = i, wc_holes = holes }) = isEmptyBag f && isEmptyBag i && isEmptyBag holes -- | Checks whether a the given wanted constraints are solved, i.e. -- that there are no simple constraints left and all the implications -- are solved. isSolvedWC :: WantedConstraints -> Bool isSolvedWC WC {wc_simple = wc_simple, wc_impl = wc_impl, wc_holes = holes} = isEmptyBag wc_simple && allBag (isSolvedStatus . ic_status) wc_impl && isEmptyBag holes andWC :: WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints andWC (WC { wc_simple = f1, wc_impl = i1, wc_holes = h1 }) (WC { wc_simple = f2, wc_impl = i2, wc_holes = h2 }) = WC { wc_simple = f1 `unionBags` f2 , wc_impl = i1 `unionBags` i2 , wc_holes = h1 `unionBags` h2 } unionsWC :: [WantedConstraints] -> WantedConstraints unionsWC = foldr andWC emptyWC addSimples :: WantedConstraints -> Bag Ct -> WantedConstraints addSimples wc cts = wc { wc_simple = wc_simple wc `unionBags` cts } -- Consider: Put the new constraints at the front, so they get solved first addImplics :: WantedConstraints -> Bag Implication -> WantedConstraints addImplics wc implic = wc { wc_impl = wc_impl wc `unionBags` implic } addInsols :: WantedConstraints -> Bag Ct -> WantedConstraints addInsols wc cts = wc { wc_simple = wc_simple wc `unionBags` cts } addHoles :: WantedConstraints -> Bag Hole -> WantedConstraints addHoles wc holes = wc { wc_holes = holes `unionBags` wc_holes wc } dropMisleading :: WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints -- Drop misleading constraints; really just class constraints -- See Note [Constraints and errors] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad -- for why this function is so strange, treating the 'simples' -- and the implications differently. Sigh. dropMisleading (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics, wc_holes = holes }) = WC { wc_simple = filterBag insolubleCt simples , wc_impl = mapBag drop_implic implics , wc_holes = filterBag isOutOfScopeHole holes } where drop_implic implic = implic { ic_wanted = drop_wanted (ic_wanted implic) } drop_wanted (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics, wc_holes = holes }) = WC { wc_simple = filterBag keep_ct simples , wc_impl = mapBag drop_implic implics , wc_holes = filterBag isOutOfScopeHole holes } keep_ct ct = case classifyPredType (ctPred ct) of ClassPred {} -> False _ -> True isSolvedStatus :: ImplicStatus -> Bool isSolvedStatus (IC_Solved {}) = True isSolvedStatus _ = False isInsolubleStatus :: ImplicStatus -> Bool isInsolubleStatus IC_Insoluble = True isInsolubleStatus IC_BadTelescope = True isInsolubleStatus _ = False insolubleImplic :: Implication -> Bool insolubleImplic ic = isInsolubleStatus (ic_status ic) insolubleWC :: WantedConstraints -> Bool insolubleWC (WC { wc_impl = implics, wc_simple = simples, wc_holes = holes }) = anyBag insolubleCt simples || anyBag insolubleImplic implics || anyBag isOutOfScopeHole holes -- See Note [Insoluble holes] insolubleCt :: Ct -> Bool -- Definitely insoluble, in particular /excluding/ type-hole constraints -- Namely: a) an equality constraint -- b) that is insoluble -- c) and does not arise from a Given insolubleCt ct | not (insolubleEqCt ct) = False | arisesFromGivens ct = False -- See Note [Given insolubles] | otherwise = True insolubleEqCt :: Ct -> Bool -- Returns True of /equality/ constraints -- that are /definitely/ insoluble -- It won't detect some definite errors like -- F a ~ T (F a) -- where F is a type family, which actually has an occurs check -- -- The function is tuned for application /after/ constraint solving -- i.e. assuming canonicalisation has been done -- E.g. It'll reply True for a ~ [a] -- but False for [a] ~ a -- and -- True for Int ~ F a Int -- but False for Maybe Int ~ F a Int Int -- (where F is an arity-1 type function) insolubleEqCt (CIrredCan { cc_status = InsolubleCIS }) = True insolubleEqCt _ = False -- | Does this hole represent an "out of scope" error? -- See Note [Insoluble holes] isOutOfScopeHole :: Hole -> Bool isOutOfScopeHole (Hole { hole_occ = occ }) = not (startsWithUnderscore occ) instance Outputable WantedConstraints where ppr (WC {wc_simple = s, wc_impl = i, wc_holes = h}) = text "WC" <+> braces (vcat [ ppr_bag (text "wc_simple") s , ppr_bag (text "wc_impl") i , ppr_bag (text "wc_holes") h ]) ppr_bag :: Outputable a => SDoc -> Bag a -> SDoc ppr_bag doc bag | isEmptyBag bag = empty | otherwise = hang (doc <+> equals) 2 (foldr (($$) . ppr) empty bag) {- Note [Given insolubles] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider (#14325, comment:) class (a~b) => C a b foo :: C a c => a -> c foo x = x hm3 :: C (f b) b => b -> f b hm3 x = foo x In the RHS of hm3, from the [G] C (f b) b we get the insoluble [G] f b ~# b. Then we also get an unsolved [W] C b (f b). Residual implication looks like forall b. C (f b) b => [G] f b ~# b [W] C f (f b) We do /not/ want to set the implication status to IC_Insoluble, because that'll suppress reports of [W] C b (f b). But we may not report the insoluble [G] f b ~# b either (see Note [Given errors] in GHC.Tc.Errors), so we may fail to report anything at all! Yikes. The same applies to Derived constraints that /arise from/ Givens. E.g. f :: (C Int [a]) => blah where a fundep means we get [D] Int ~ [a] By the same reasoning we must not suppress other errors (#15767) Bottom line: insolubleWC (called in GHC.Tc.Solver.setImplicationStatus) should ignore givens even if they are insoluble. Note [Insoluble holes] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hole constraints that ARE NOT treated as truly insoluble: a) type holes, arising from PartialTypeSignatures, b) "true" expression holes arising from TypedHoles An "expression hole" or "type hole" isn't really an error at all; it's a report saying "_ :: Int" here. But an out-of-scope variable masquerading as expression holes IS treated as truly insoluble, so that it trumps other errors during error reporting. Yuk! ************************************************************************ * * Implication constraints * * ************************************************************************ -} data Implication = Implic { -- Invariants for a tree of implications: -- see TcType Note [TcLevel invariants] ic_tclvl :: TcLevel, -- TcLevel of unification variables -- allocated /inside/ this implication ic_skols :: [TcTyVar], -- Introduced skolems ic_info :: SkolemInfo, -- See Note [Skolems in an implication] -- See Note [Shadowing in a constraint] ic_given :: [EvVar], -- Given evidence variables -- (order does not matter) -- See Invariant (GivenInv) in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType ic_given_eqs :: HasGivenEqs, -- Are there Given equalities here? ic_warn_inaccessible :: Bool, -- True <=> -Winaccessible-code is enabled -- at construction. See -- Note [Avoid -Winaccessible-code when deriving] -- in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance ic_env :: TcLclEnv, -- Records the TcLClEnv at the time of creation. -- -- The TcLclEnv gives the source location -- and error context for the implication, and -- hence for all the given evidence variables. ic_wanted :: WantedConstraints, -- The wanteds -- See Invariang (WantedInf) in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType ic_binds :: EvBindsVar, -- Points to the place to fill in the -- abstraction and bindings. -- The ic_need fields keep track of which Given evidence -- is used by this implication or its children -- NB: including stuff used by nested implications that have since -- been discarded -- See Note [Needed evidence variables] ic_need_inner :: VarSet, -- Includes all used Given evidence ic_need_outer :: VarSet, -- Includes only the free Given evidence -- i.e. ic_need_inner after deleting -- (a) givens (b) binders of ic_binds ic_status :: ImplicStatus } implicationPrototype :: Implication implicationPrototype = Implic { -- These fields must be initialised ic_tclvl = panic "newImplic:tclvl" , ic_binds = panic "newImplic:binds" , ic_info = panic "newImplic:info" , ic_env = panic "newImplic:env" , ic_warn_inaccessible = panic "newImplic:warn_inaccessible" -- The rest have sensible default values , ic_skols = [] , ic_given = [] , ic_wanted = emptyWC , ic_given_eqs = MaybeGivenEqs , ic_status = IC_Unsolved , ic_need_inner = emptyVarSet , ic_need_outer = emptyVarSet } data ImplicStatus = IC_Solved -- All wanteds in the tree are solved, all the way down { ics_dead :: [EvVar] } -- Subset of ic_given that are not needed -- See Note [Tracking redundant constraints] in GHC.Tc.Solver | IC_Insoluble -- At least one insoluble constraint in the tree | IC_BadTelescope -- Solved, but the skolems in the telescope are out of -- dependency order. See Note [Checking telescopes] | IC_Unsolved -- Neither of the above; might go either way data HasGivenEqs -- See Note [HasGivenEqs] = NoGivenEqs -- Definitely no given equalities, -- except by Note [Let-bound skolems] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad | LocalGivenEqs -- Might have Given equalities, but only ones that affect only -- local skolems e.g. forall a b. (a ~ F b) => ... | MaybeGivenEqs -- Might have any kind of Given equalities; no floating out -- is possible. deriving Eq {- Note [HasGivenEqs] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The GivenEqs data type describes the Given constraints of an implication constraint: * NoGivenEqs: definitely no Given equalities, except perhaps let-bound skolems which don't count: see Note [Let-bound skolems] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad Examples: forall a. Eq a => ... forall a. (Show a, Num a) => ... forall a. a ~ Either Int Bool => ... -- Let-bound skolem * LocalGivenEqs: definitely no Given equalities that would affect principal types. But may have equalities that affect only skolems of this implication (and hence do not affect princial types) Examples: forall a. F a ~ Int => ... forall a b. F a ~ G b => ... * MaybeGivenEqs: may have Given equalities that would affect principal types Examples: forall. (a ~ b) => ... forall a. F a ~ b => ... forall a. c a => ... -- The 'c' might be instantiated to (b ~) forall a. C a b => .... where class x~y => C a b so there is an equality in the superclass of a Given The HasGivenEqs classifications affect two things: * Suppressing redundant givens during error reporting; see GHC.Tc.Errors Note [Suppress redundant givens during error reporting] * Floating in approximateWC. Specifically, here's how it goes: Stops floating | Suppresses Givens in errors in approximateWC | ----------------------------------------------- NoGivenEqs NO | YES LocalGivenEqs NO | NO MaybeGivenEqs YES | NO -} instance Outputable Implication where ppr (Implic { ic_tclvl = tclvl, ic_skols = skols , ic_given = given, ic_given_eqs = given_eqs , ic_wanted = wanted, ic_status = status , ic_binds = binds , ic_need_inner = need_in, ic_need_outer = need_out , ic_info = info }) = hang (text "Implic" <+> lbrace) 2 (sep [ text "TcLevel =" <+> ppr tclvl , text "Skolems =" <+> pprTyVars skols , text "Given-eqs =" <+> ppr given_eqs , text "Status =" <+> ppr status , hang (text "Given =") 2 (pprEvVars given) , hang (text "Wanted =") 2 (ppr wanted) , text "Binds =" <+> ppr binds , whenPprDebug (text "Needed inner =" <+> ppr need_in) , whenPprDebug (text "Needed outer =" <+> ppr need_out) , pprSkolInfo info ] <+> rbrace) instance Outputable ImplicStatus where ppr IC_Insoluble = text "Insoluble" ppr IC_BadTelescope = text "Bad telescope" ppr IC_Unsolved = text "Unsolved" ppr (IC_Solved { ics_dead = dead }) = text "Solved" <+> (braces (text "Dead givens =" <+> ppr dead)) checkTelescopeSkol :: SkolemInfo -> Bool -- See Note [Checking telescopes] checkTelescopeSkol (ForAllSkol {}) = True checkTelescopeSkol _ = False instance Outputable HasGivenEqs where ppr NoGivenEqs = text "NoGivenEqs" ppr LocalGivenEqs = text "LocalGivenEqs" ppr MaybeGivenEqs = text "MaybeGivenEqs" -- Used in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.getHasGivenEqs instance Semigroup HasGivenEqs where NoGivenEqs <> other = other other <> NoGivenEqs = other MaybeGivenEqs <> _other = MaybeGivenEqs _other <> MaybeGivenEqs = MaybeGivenEqs LocalGivenEqs <> LocalGivenEqs = LocalGivenEqs -- Used in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.getHasGivenEqs instance Monoid HasGivenEqs where mempty = NoGivenEqs {- Note [Checking telescopes] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When kind-checking a /user-written/ type, we might have a "bad telescope" like this one: data SameKind :: forall k. k -> k -> Type type Foo :: forall a k (b :: k). SameKind a b -> Type The kind of 'a' mentions 'k' which is bound after 'a'. Oops. One approach to doing this would be to bring each of a, k, and b into scope, one at a time, creating a separate implication constraint for each one, and bumping the TcLevel. This would work, because the kind of, say, a would be untouchable when k is in scope (and the constraint couldn't float out because k blocks it). However, it leads to terrible error messages, complaining about skolem escape. While it is indeed a problem of skolem escape, we can do better. Instead, our approach is to bring the block of variables into scope all at once, creating one implication constraint for the lot: * We make a single implication constraint when kind-checking the 'forall' in Foo's kind, something like forall a k (b::k). { wanted constraints } * Having solved {wanted}, before discarding the now-solved implication, the constraint solver checks the dependency order of the skolem variables (ic_skols). This is done in setImplicationStatus. * This check is only necessary if the implication was born from a 'forall' in a user-written signature (the HsForAllTy case in GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType. If, say, it comes from checking a pattern match that binds existentials, where the type of the data constructor is known to be valid (it in tcConPat), no need for the check. So the check is done /if and only if/ ic_info is ForAllSkol. * If ic_info is (ForAllSkol dt dvs), the dvs::SDoc displays the original, user-written type variables. * Be careful /NOT/ to discard an implication with a ForAllSkol ic_info, even if ic_wanted is empty. We must give the constraint solver a chance to make that bad-telescope test! Hence the extra guard in emitResidualTvConstraint; see #16247 * Don't mix up inferred and explicit variables in the same implication constraint. E.g. foo :: forall a kx (b :: kx). SameKind a b We want an implication Implic { ic_skol = [(a::kx), kx, (b::kx)], ... } but GHC will attempt to quantify over kx, since it is free in (a::kx), and it's hopelessly confusing to report an error about quantified variables kx (a::kx) kx (b::kx). Instead, the outer quantification over kx should be in a separate implication. TL;DR: an explicit forall should generate an implication quantified only over those explicitly quantified variables. Note [Needed evidence variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Th ic_need_evs field holds the free vars of ic_binds, and all the ic_binds in nested implications. * Main purpose: if one of the ic_givens is not mentioned in here, it is redundant. * solveImplication may drop an implication altogether if it has no remaining 'wanteds'. But we still track the free vars of its evidence binds, even though it has now disappeared. Note [Shadowing in a constraint] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We assume NO SHADOWING in a constraint. Specifically * The unification variables are all implicitly quantified at top level, and are all unique * The skolem variables bound in ic_skols are all freah when the implication is created. So we can safely substitute. For example, if we have forall a. a~Int => ...(forall b. ...a...)... we can push the (a~Int) constraint inwards in the "givens" without worrying that 'b' might clash. Note [Skolems in an implication] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The skolems in an implication are used: * When considering floating a constraint outside the implication in GHC.Tc.Solver.floatEqualities or GHC.Tc.Solver.approximateImplications For this, we can treat ic_skols as a set. * When checking that a /user-specified/ forall (ic_info = ForAllSkol tvs) has its variables in the correct order; see Note [Checking telescopes]. Only for these implications does ic_skols need to be a list. Nota bene: Although ic_skols is a list, it is not necessarily in dependency order: - In the ic_info=ForAllSkol case, the user might have written them in the wrong order - In the case of a type signature like f :: [a] -> [b] the renamer gathers the implicit "outer" forall'd variables {a,b}, but does not know what order to put them in. The type checker can sort them into dependency order, but only after solving all the kind constraints; and to do that it's convenient to create the Implication! So we accept that ic_skols may be out of order. Think of it as a set or (in the case of ic_info=ForAllSkol, a list in user-specified, and possibly wrong, order. Note [Insoluble constraints] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some of the errors that we get during canonicalization are best reported when all constraints have been simplified as much as possible. For instance, assume that during simplification the following constraints arise: [Wanted] F alpha ~ uf1 [Wanted] beta ~ uf1 beta When canonicalizing the wanted (beta ~ uf1 beta), if we eagerly fail we will simply see a message: 'Can't construct the infinite type beta ~ uf1 beta' and the user has no idea what the uf1 variable is. Instead our plan is that we will NOT fail immediately, but: (1) Record the "frozen" error in the ic_insols field (2) Isolate the offending constraint from the rest of the inerts (3) Keep on simplifying/canonicalizing At the end, we will hopefully have substituted uf1 := F alpha, and we will be able to report a more informative error: 'Can't construct the infinite type beta ~ F alpha beta' Insoluble constraints *do* include Derived constraints. For example, a functional dependency might give rise to [D] Int ~ Bool, and we must report that. If insolubles did not contain Deriveds, reportErrors would never see it. ************************************************************************ * * Pretty printing * * ************************************************************************ -} pprEvVars :: [EvVar] -> SDoc -- Print with their types pprEvVars ev_vars = vcat (map pprEvVarWithType ev_vars) pprEvVarTheta :: [EvVar] -> SDoc pprEvVarTheta ev_vars = pprTheta (map evVarPred ev_vars) pprEvVarWithType :: EvVar -> SDoc pprEvVarWithType v = ppr v <+> dcolon <+> pprType (evVarPred v) wrapType :: Type -> [TyVar] -> [PredType] -> Type wrapType ty skols givens = mkSpecForAllTys skols $ mkPhiTy givens ty {- ************************************************************************ * * CtEvidence * * ************************************************************************ Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During constraint solving we never look at the type of ctev_evar/ctev_dest; instead we look at the ctev_pred field. The evtm/evar field may be un-zonked. Note [Bind new Givens immediately] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Givens we make new EvVars and bind them immediately. Two main reasons: * Gain sharing. E.g. suppose we start with g :: C a b, where class D a => C a b class (E a, F a) => D a If we generate all g's superclasses as separate EvTerms we might get selD1 (selC1 g) :: E a selD2 (selC1 g) :: F a selC1 g :: D a which we could do more economically as: g1 :: D a = selC1 g g2 :: E a = selD1 g1 g3 :: F a = selD2 g1 * For *coercion* evidence we *must* bind each given: class (a~b) => C a b where .... f :: C a b => .... Then in f's Givens we have g:(C a b) and the superclass sc(g,0):a~b. But that superclass selector can't (yet) appear in a coercion (see evTermCoercion), so the easy thing is to bind it to an Id. So a Given has EvVar inside it rather than (as previously) an EvTerm. -} -- | A place for type-checking evidence to go after it is generated. -- Wanted equalities are always HoleDest; other wanteds are always -- EvVarDest. data TcEvDest = EvVarDest EvVar -- ^ bind this var to the evidence -- EvVarDest is always used for non-type-equalities -- e.g. class constraints | HoleDest CoercionHole -- ^ fill in this hole with the evidence -- HoleDest is always used for type-equalities -- See Note [Coercion holes] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep data CtEvidence = CtGiven -- Truly given, not depending on subgoals { ctev_pred :: TcPredType -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant] , ctev_evar :: EvVar -- See Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence] , ctev_loc :: CtLoc } | CtWanted -- Wanted goal { ctev_pred :: TcPredType -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant] , ctev_dest :: TcEvDest , ctev_nosh :: ShadowInfo -- See Note [Constraint flavours] , ctev_loc :: CtLoc } | CtDerived -- A goal that we don't really have to solve and can't -- immediately rewrite anything other than a derived -- (there's no evidence!) but if we do manage to solve -- it may help in solving other goals. { ctev_pred :: TcPredType , ctev_loc :: CtLoc } ctEvPred :: CtEvidence -> TcPredType -- The predicate of a flavor ctEvPred = ctev_pred ctEvLoc :: CtEvidence -> CtLoc ctEvLoc = ctev_loc ctEvOrigin :: CtEvidence -> CtOrigin ctEvOrigin = ctLocOrigin . ctEvLoc -- | Get the equality relation relevant for a 'CtEvidence' ctEvEqRel :: CtEvidence -> EqRel ctEvEqRel = predTypeEqRel . ctEvPred -- | Get the role relevant for a 'CtEvidence' ctEvRole :: CtEvidence -> Role ctEvRole = eqRelRole . ctEvEqRel ctEvTerm :: CtEvidence -> EvTerm ctEvTerm ev = EvExpr (ctEvExpr ev) ctEvExpr :: CtEvidence -> EvExpr ctEvExpr ev@(CtWanted { ctev_dest = HoleDest _ }) = Coercion $ ctEvCoercion ev ctEvExpr ev = evId (ctEvEvId ev) ctEvCoercion :: HasDebugCallStack => CtEvidence -> TcCoercion ctEvCoercion (CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev_id }) = mkTcCoVarCo ev_id ctEvCoercion (CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest }) | HoleDest hole <- dest = -- ctEvCoercion is only called on type equalities -- and they always have HoleDests mkHoleCo hole ctEvCoercion ev = pprPanic "ctEvCoercion" (ppr ev) ctEvEvId :: CtEvidence -> EvVar ctEvEvId (CtWanted { ctev_dest = EvVarDest ev }) = ev ctEvEvId (CtWanted { ctev_dest = HoleDest h }) = coHoleCoVar h ctEvEvId (CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev }) = ev ctEvEvId ctev@(CtDerived {}) = pprPanic "ctEvId:" (ppr ctev) instance Outputable TcEvDest where ppr (HoleDest h) = text "hole" <> ppr h ppr (EvVarDest ev) = ppr ev instance Outputable CtEvidence where ppr ev = ppr (ctEvFlavour ev) <+> pp_ev <+> braces (ppr (ctl_depth (ctEvLoc ev))) -- Show the sub-goal depth too <> dcolon <+> ppr (ctEvPred ev) where pp_ev = case ev of CtGiven { ctev_evar = v } -> ppr v CtWanted {ctev_dest = d } -> ppr d CtDerived {} -> text "_" isWanted :: CtEvidence -> Bool isWanted (CtWanted {}) = True isWanted _ = False isGiven :: CtEvidence -> Bool isGiven (CtGiven {}) = True isGiven _ = False isDerived :: CtEvidence -> Bool isDerived (CtDerived {}) = True isDerived _ = False {- %************************************************************************ %* * CtFlavour %* * %************************************************************************ Note [Constraint flavours] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Constraints come in four flavours: * [G] Given: we have evidence * [W] Wanted WOnly: we want evidence * [D] Derived: any solution must satisfy this constraint, but we don't need evidence for it. Examples include: - superclasses of [W] class constraints - equalities arising from functional dependencies or injectivity * [WD] Wanted WDeriv: a single constraint that represents both [W] and [D] We keep them paired as one both for efficiency The ctev_nosh field of a Wanted distinguishes between [W] and [WD] Wanted constraints are born as [WD], but are split into [W] and its "shadow" [D] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.maybeEmitShadow. See Note [The improvement story and derived shadows] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad -} data CtFlavour -- See Note [Constraint flavours] = Given | Wanted ShadowInfo | Derived deriving Eq data ShadowInfo = WDeriv -- [WD] This Wanted constraint has no Derived shadow, -- so it behaves like a pair of a Wanted and a Derived | WOnly -- [W] It has a separate derived shadow -- See Note [The improvement story and derived shadows] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad deriving( Eq ) instance Outputable CtFlavour where ppr Given = text "[G]" ppr (Wanted WDeriv) = text "[WD]" ppr (Wanted WOnly) = text "[W]" ppr Derived = text "[D]" ctEvFlavour :: CtEvidence -> CtFlavour ctEvFlavour (CtWanted { ctev_nosh = nosh }) = Wanted nosh ctEvFlavour (CtGiven {}) = Given ctEvFlavour (CtDerived {}) = Derived -- | Whether or not one 'Ct' can rewrite another is determined by its -- flavour and its equality relation. See also -- Note [Flavours with roles] in "GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad" type CtFlavourRole = (CtFlavour, EqRel) -- | Extract the flavour, role, and boxity from a 'CtEvidence' ctEvFlavourRole :: CtEvidence -> CtFlavourRole ctEvFlavourRole ev = (ctEvFlavour ev, ctEvEqRel ev) -- | Extract the flavour and role from a 'Ct' ctFlavourRole :: Ct -> CtFlavourRole -- Uses short-cuts to role for special cases ctFlavourRole (CDictCan { cc_ev = ev }) = (ctEvFlavour ev, NomEq) ctFlavourRole (CEqCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_eq_rel = eq_rel }) = (ctEvFlavour ev, eq_rel) ctFlavourRole ct = ctEvFlavourRole (ctEvidence ct) {- Note [eqCanRewrite] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (eqCanRewrite ct1 ct2) holds if the constraint ct1 (a CEqCan of form lhs ~ ty) can be used to rewrite ct2. It must satisfy the properties of a can-rewrite relation, see Definition [Can-rewrite relation] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad. With the solver handling Coercible constraints like equality constraints, the rewrite conditions must take role into account, never allowing a representational equality to rewrite a nominal one. Note [Wanteds do not rewrite Wanteds] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We don't allow Wanteds to rewrite Wanteds, because that can give rise to very confusing type error messages. A good example is #8450. Here's another f :: a -> Bool f x = ( [x,'c'], [x,True] ) `seq` True Here we get [W] a ~ Char [W] a ~ Bool but we do not want to complain about Bool ~ Char! Note [Deriveds do rewrite Deriveds] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ However we DO allow Deriveds to rewrite Deriveds, because that's how improvement works; see Note [The improvement story] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact. However, for now at least I'm only letting (Derived,NomEq) rewrite (Derived,NomEq) and not doing anything for ReprEq. If we have eqCanRewriteFR (Derived, NomEq) (Derived, _) = True then we lose property R2 of Definition [Can-rewrite relation] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad R2. If f1 >= f, and f2 >= f, then either f1 >= f2 or f2 >= f1 Consider f1 = (Given, ReprEq) f2 = (Derived, NomEq) f = (Derived, ReprEq) I thought maybe we could never get Derived ReprEq constraints, but we can; straight from the Wanteds during improvement. And from a Derived ReprEq we could conceivably get a Derived NomEq improvement (by decomposing a type constructor with Nomninal role), and hence unify. This restriction bites, in an obscure scenario: data T a type role T nominal type family F a g :: forall b a. (F a ~ T a, Coercible (F a) (T b)) => () g = () f :: forall a. (F a ~ T a) => () f = g @a The problem is in the body of f. We have [G] F a ~N T a [WD] F alpha ~N T alpha [WD] F alpha ~R T a The Wanteds aren't of use, so let's just look at Deriveds: [G] F a ~N T a [D] F alpha ~N T alpha [D] F alpha ~R T a As written, this makes no progress, and GHC errors. But, if we allowed D/N to rewrite D/R, the first D could rewrite the second: [G] F a ~N T a [D] F alpha ~N T alpha [D] T alpha ~R T a Now we decompose the second D to get [D] alpha ~N a noting the role annotation on T. This causes (alpha := a), and then everything else unlocks. What to do? We could "decompose" nominal equalities into nominal-only ("NO") equalities and representational ones, where a NO equality rewrites only nominals. That is, when considering whether [D] F alpha ~N T alpha should rewrite [D] F alpha ~R T a, we could require splitting the first D into [D] F alpha ~NO T alpha, [D] F alpha ~R T alpha. Then, we use the R half of the split to rewrite the second D, and off we go. This splitting would allow the split-off R equality to be rewritten by other equalities, thus avoiding the problem in Note [Why R2?] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad. -} eqCanRewrite :: EqRel -> EqRel -> Bool eqCanRewrite NomEq _ = True eqCanRewrite ReprEq ReprEq = True eqCanRewrite ReprEq NomEq = False eqCanRewriteFR :: CtFlavourRole -> CtFlavourRole -> Bool -- Can fr1 actually rewrite fr2? -- Very important function! -- See Note [eqCanRewrite] -- See Note [Wanteds do not rewrite Wanteds] -- See Note [Deriveds do rewrite Deriveds] eqCanRewriteFR (Given, r1) (_, r2) = eqCanRewrite r1 r2 eqCanRewriteFR (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) (Derived, NomEq) = True eqCanRewriteFR (Derived, NomEq) (Derived, NomEq) = True eqCanRewriteFR _ _ = False eqMayRewriteFR :: CtFlavourRole -> CtFlavourRole -> Bool -- Is it /possible/ that fr1 can rewrite fr2? -- This is used when deciding which inerts to kick out, -- at which time a [WD] inert may be split into [W] and [D] eqMayRewriteFR (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) = True eqMayRewriteFR (Derived, NomEq) (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) = True eqMayRewriteFR fr1 fr2 = eqCanRewriteFR fr1 fr2 {- Note [eqCanDischarge] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose we have two identical CEqCan equality constraints (i.e. both LHS and RHS are the same) (x1:lhs~t) `eqCanDischarge` (xs:lhs~t) Can we just drop x2 in favour of x1? Answer: yes if eqCanDischarge is true. Note that we do /not/ allow Wanted to discharge Derived. We must keep both. Why? Because the Derived may rewrite other Deriveds in the model whereas the Wanted cannot. However a Wanted can certainly discharge an identical Wanted. So eqCanDischarge does /not/ define a can-rewrite relation in the sense of Definition [Can-rewrite relation] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad. We /do/ say that a [W] can discharge a [WD]. In evidence terms it certainly can, and the /caller/ arranges that the otherwise-lost [D] is spat out as a new Derived. -} eqCanDischargeFR :: CtFlavourRole -> CtFlavourRole -> Bool -- See Note [eqCanDischarge] eqCanDischargeFR (f1,r1) (f2, r2) = eqCanRewrite r1 r2 && eqCanDischargeF f1 f2 eqCanDischargeF :: CtFlavour -> CtFlavour -> Bool eqCanDischargeF Given _ = True eqCanDischargeF (Wanted _) (Wanted _) = True eqCanDischargeF (Wanted WDeriv) Derived = True eqCanDischargeF Derived Derived = True eqCanDischargeF _ _ = False {- ************************************************************************ * * SubGoalDepth * * ************************************************************************ Note [SubGoalDepth] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 'SubGoalDepth' takes care of stopping the constraint solver from looping. The counter starts at zero and increases. It includes dictionary constraints, equality simplification, and type family reduction. (Why combine these? Because it's actually quite easy to mistake one for another, in sufficiently involved scenarios, like ConstraintKinds.) The flag -freduction-depth=n fixes the maximium level. * The counter includes the depth of type class instance declarations. Example: [W] d{7} : Eq [Int] That is d's dictionary-constraint depth is 7. If we use the instance $dfEqList :: Eq a => Eq [a] to simplify it, we get d{7} = $dfEqList d'{8} where d'{8} : Eq Int, and d' has depth 8. For civilised (decidable) instance declarations, each increase of depth removes a type constructor from the type, so the depth never gets big; i.e. is bounded by the structural depth of the type. * The counter also increments when resolving equalities involving type functions. Example: Assume we have a wanted at depth 7: [W] d{7} : F () ~ a If there is a type function equation "F () = Int", this would be rewritten to [W] d{8} : Int ~ a and remembered as having depth 8. Again, without UndecidableInstances, this counter is bounded, but without it can resolve things ad infinitum. Hence there is a maximum level. * Lastly, every time an equality is rewritten, the counter increases. Again, rewriting an equality constraint normally makes progress, but it's possible the "progress" is just the reduction of an infinitely-reducing type family. Hence we need to track the rewrites. When compiling a program requires a greater depth, then GHC recommends turning off this check entirely by setting -freduction-depth=0. This is because the exact number that works is highly variable, and is likely to change even between minor releases. Because this check is solely to prevent infinite compilation times, it seems safe to disable it when a user has ascertained that their program doesn't loop at the type level. -} -- | See Note [SubGoalDepth] newtype SubGoalDepth = SubGoalDepth Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Outputable) initialSubGoalDepth :: SubGoalDepth initialSubGoalDepth = SubGoalDepth 0 bumpSubGoalDepth :: SubGoalDepth -> SubGoalDepth bumpSubGoalDepth (SubGoalDepth n) = SubGoalDepth (n + 1) maxSubGoalDepth :: SubGoalDepth -> SubGoalDepth -> SubGoalDepth maxSubGoalDepth (SubGoalDepth n) (SubGoalDepth m) = SubGoalDepth (n `max` m) subGoalDepthExceeded :: DynFlags -> SubGoalDepth -> Bool subGoalDepthExceeded dflags (SubGoalDepth d) = mkIntWithInf d > reductionDepth dflags {- ************************************************************************ * * CtLoc * * ************************************************************************ The 'CtLoc' gives information about where a constraint came from. This is important for decent error message reporting because dictionaries don't appear in the original source code. type will evolve... -} data CtLoc = CtLoc { ctl_origin :: CtOrigin , ctl_env :: TcLclEnv , ctl_t_or_k :: Maybe TypeOrKind -- OK if we're not sure , ctl_depth :: !SubGoalDepth } -- The TcLclEnv includes particularly -- source location: tcl_loc :: RealSrcSpan -- context: tcl_ctxt :: [ErrCtxt] -- binder stack: tcl_bndrs :: TcBinderStack -- level: tcl_tclvl :: TcLevel mkKindLoc :: TcType -> TcType -- original *types* being compared -> CtLoc -> CtLoc mkKindLoc s1 s2 loc = setCtLocOrigin (toKindLoc loc) (KindEqOrigin s1 s2 (ctLocOrigin loc) (ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe loc)) -- | Take a CtLoc and moves it to the kind level toKindLoc :: CtLoc -> CtLoc toKindLoc loc = loc { ctl_t_or_k = Just KindLevel } mkGivenLoc :: TcLevel -> SkolemInfo -> TcLclEnv -> CtLoc mkGivenLoc tclvl skol_info env = CtLoc { ctl_origin = GivenOrigin skol_info , ctl_env = setLclEnvTcLevel env tclvl , ctl_t_or_k = Nothing -- this only matters for error msgs , ctl_depth = initialSubGoalDepth } ctLocEnv :: CtLoc -> TcLclEnv ctLocEnv = ctl_env ctLocLevel :: CtLoc -> TcLevel ctLocLevel loc = getLclEnvTcLevel (ctLocEnv loc) ctLocDepth :: CtLoc -> SubGoalDepth ctLocDepth = ctl_depth ctLocOrigin :: CtLoc -> CtOrigin ctLocOrigin = ctl_origin ctLocSpan :: CtLoc -> RealSrcSpan ctLocSpan (CtLoc { ctl_env = lcl}) = getLclEnvLoc lcl ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe :: CtLoc -> Maybe TypeOrKind ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe = ctl_t_or_k setCtLocSpan :: CtLoc -> RealSrcSpan -> CtLoc setCtLocSpan ctl@(CtLoc { ctl_env = lcl }) loc = setCtLocEnv ctl (setLclEnvLoc lcl loc) bumpCtLocDepth :: CtLoc -> CtLoc bumpCtLocDepth loc@(CtLoc { ctl_depth = d }) = loc { ctl_depth = bumpSubGoalDepth d } setCtLocOrigin :: CtLoc -> CtOrigin -> CtLoc setCtLocOrigin ctl orig = ctl { ctl_origin = orig } updateCtLocOrigin :: CtLoc -> (CtOrigin -> CtOrigin) -> CtLoc updateCtLocOrigin ctl@(CtLoc { ctl_origin = orig }) upd = ctl { ctl_origin = upd orig } setCtLocEnv :: CtLoc -> TcLclEnv -> CtLoc setCtLocEnv ctl env = ctl { ctl_env = env } pprCtLoc :: CtLoc -> SDoc -- "arising from ... at ..." -- Not an instance of Outputable because of the "arising from" prefix pprCtLoc (CtLoc { ctl_origin = o, ctl_env = lcl}) = sep [ pprCtOrigin o , text "at" <+> ppr (getLclEnvLoc lcl)]