{- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2000-2006 -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- | Module finder module GHC.Unit.Finder ( FindResult(..), InstalledFindResult(..), FinderCache, initFinderCache, flushFinderCaches, findImportedModule, findPluginModule, findExactModule, findHomeModule, findExposedPackageModule, mkHomeModLocation, mkHomeModLocation2, mkHiOnlyModLocation, mkHiPath, mkObjPath, addHomeModuleToFinder, uncacheModule, mkStubPaths, findObjectLinkableMaybe, findObjectLinkable, ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import GHC.Prelude import GHC.Driver.Session import GHC.Platform.Ways import GHC.Builtin.Names ( gHC_PRIM ) import GHC.Unit.Types import GHC.Unit.Module import GHC.Unit.Home import GHC.Unit.State import GHC.Unit.Finder.Types import GHC.Data.FastString import GHC.Data.Maybe ( expectJust ) import qualified GHC.Data.ShortText as ST import GHC.Utils.Misc import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable import GHC.Utils.Panic import GHC.Linker.Types import Data.IORef import System.Directory import System.FilePath import Control.Monad import Data.Time type FileExt = String -- Filename extension type BaseName = String -- Basename of file -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Finder -- The Finder provides a thin filesystem abstraction to the rest of -- the compiler. For a given module, it can tell you where the -- source, interface, and object files for that module live. -- It does *not* know which particular package a module lives in. Use -- Packages.lookupModuleInAllUnits for that. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The finder's cache initFinderCache :: IO FinderCache initFinderCache = FinderCache <$> newIORef emptyInstalledModuleEnv -- remove all the home modules from the cache; package modules are -- assumed to not move around during a session. flushFinderCaches :: FinderCache -> HomeUnit -> IO () flushFinderCaches (FinderCache ref) home_unit = atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \fm -> (filterInstalledModuleEnv is_ext fm, ()) where is_ext mod _ = not (isHomeInstalledModule home_unit mod) addToFinderCache :: FinderCache -> InstalledModule -> InstalledFindResult -> IO () addToFinderCache (FinderCache ref) key val = atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \c -> (extendInstalledModuleEnv c key val, ()) removeFromFinderCache :: FinderCache -> InstalledModule -> IO () removeFromFinderCache (FinderCache ref) key = atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \c -> (delInstalledModuleEnv c key, ()) lookupFinderCache :: FinderCache -> InstalledModule -> IO (Maybe InstalledFindResult) lookupFinderCache (FinderCache ref) key = do c <- readIORef ref return $! lookupInstalledModuleEnv c key -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The three external entry points -- | Locate a module that was imported by the user. We have the -- module's name, and possibly a package name. Without a package -- name, this function will use the search path and the known exposed -- packages to find the module, if a package is specified then only -- that package is searched for the module. findImportedModule :: FinderCache -> UnitState -> HomeUnit -> DynFlags -> ModuleName -> Maybe FastString -> IO FindResult findImportedModule fc units home_unit dflags mod_name mb_pkg = case mb_pkg of Nothing -> unqual_import Just pkg | pkg == fsLit "this" -> home_import -- "this" is special | otherwise -> pkg_import where home_import = findHomeModule fc home_unit dflags mod_name pkg_import = findExposedPackageModule fc units dflags mod_name mb_pkg unqual_import = home_import `orIfNotFound` findExposedPackageModule fc units dflags mod_name Nothing -- | Locate a plugin module requested by the user, for a compiler -- plugin. This consults the same set of exposed packages as -- 'findImportedModule', unless @-hide-all-plugin-packages@ or -- @-plugin-package@ are specified. findPluginModule :: FinderCache -> UnitState -> HomeUnit -> DynFlags -> ModuleName -> IO FindResult findPluginModule fc units home_unit dflags mod_name = findHomeModule fc home_unit dflags mod_name `orIfNotFound` findExposedPluginPackageModule fc units dflags mod_name -- | Locate a specific 'Module'. The purpose of this function is to -- create a 'ModLocation' for a given 'Module', that is to find out -- where the files associated with this module live. It is used when -- reading the interface for a module mentioned by another interface, -- for example (a "system import"). findExactModule :: FinderCache -> DynFlags -> UnitState -> HomeUnit -> InstalledModule -> IO InstalledFindResult findExactModule fc dflags unit_state home_unit mod = do if isHomeInstalledModule home_unit mod then findInstalledHomeModule fc dflags home_unit (moduleName mod) else findPackageModule fc unit_state dflags mod -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers -- | Given a monadic actions @this@ and @or_this@, first execute -- @this@. If the returned 'FindResult' is successful, return -- it; otherwise, execute @or_this@. If both failed, this function -- also combines their failure messages in a reasonable way. orIfNotFound :: Monad m => m FindResult -> m FindResult -> m FindResult orIfNotFound this or_this = do res <- this case res of NotFound { fr_paths = paths1, fr_mods_hidden = mh1 , fr_pkgs_hidden = ph1, fr_unusables = u1, fr_suggestions = s1 } -> do res2 <- or_this case res2 of NotFound { fr_paths = paths2, fr_pkg = mb_pkg2, fr_mods_hidden = mh2 , fr_pkgs_hidden = ph2, fr_unusables = u2 , fr_suggestions = s2 } -> return (NotFound { fr_paths = paths1 ++ paths2 , fr_pkg = mb_pkg2 -- snd arg is the package search , fr_mods_hidden = mh1 ++ mh2 , fr_pkgs_hidden = ph1 ++ ph2 , fr_unusables = u1 ++ u2 , fr_suggestions = s1 ++ s2 }) _other -> return res2 _other -> return res -- | Helper function for 'findHomeModule': this function wraps an IO action -- which would look up @mod_name@ in the file system (the home package), -- and first consults the 'hsc_FC' cache to see if the lookup has already -- been done. Otherwise, do the lookup (with the IO action) and save -- the result in the finder cache and the module location cache (if it -- was successful.) homeSearchCache :: FinderCache -> HomeUnit -> ModuleName -> IO InstalledFindResult -> IO InstalledFindResult homeSearchCache fc home_unit mod_name do_this = do let mod = mkHomeInstalledModule home_unit mod_name modLocationCache fc mod do_this findExposedPackageModule :: FinderCache -> UnitState -> DynFlags -> ModuleName -> Maybe FastString -> IO FindResult findExposedPackageModule fc units dflags mod_name mb_pkg = findLookupResult fc dflags $ lookupModuleWithSuggestions units mod_name mb_pkg findExposedPluginPackageModule :: FinderCache -> UnitState -> DynFlags -> ModuleName -> IO FindResult findExposedPluginPackageModule fc units dflags mod_name = findLookupResult fc dflags $ lookupPluginModuleWithSuggestions units mod_name Nothing findLookupResult :: FinderCache -> DynFlags -> LookupResult -> IO FindResult findLookupResult fc dflags r = case r of LookupFound m pkg_conf -> do let im = fst (getModuleInstantiation m) r' <- findPackageModule_ fc dflags im pkg_conf case r' of -- TODO: ghc -M is unlikely to do the right thing -- with just the location of the thing that was -- instantiated; you probably also need all of the -- implicit locations from the instances InstalledFound loc _ -> return (Found loc m) InstalledNoPackage _ -> return (NoPackage (moduleUnit m)) InstalledNotFound fp _ -> return (NotFound{ fr_paths = fp, fr_pkg = Just (moduleUnit m) , fr_pkgs_hidden = [] , fr_mods_hidden = [] , fr_unusables = [] , fr_suggestions = []}) LookupMultiple rs -> return (FoundMultiple rs) LookupHidden pkg_hiddens mod_hiddens -> return (NotFound{ fr_paths = [], fr_pkg = Nothing , fr_pkgs_hidden = map (moduleUnit.fst) pkg_hiddens , fr_mods_hidden = map (moduleUnit.fst) mod_hiddens , fr_unusables = [] , fr_suggestions = [] }) LookupUnusable unusable -> let unusables' = map get_unusable unusable get_unusable (m, ModUnusable r) = (moduleUnit m, r) get_unusable (_, r) = pprPanic "findLookupResult: unexpected origin" (ppr r) in return (NotFound{ fr_paths = [], fr_pkg = Nothing , fr_pkgs_hidden = [] , fr_mods_hidden = [] , fr_unusables = unusables' , fr_suggestions = [] }) LookupNotFound suggest -> do let suggest' | gopt Opt_HelpfulErrors dflags = suggest | otherwise = [] return (NotFound{ fr_paths = [], fr_pkg = Nothing , fr_pkgs_hidden = [] , fr_mods_hidden = [] , fr_unusables = [] , fr_suggestions = suggest' }) modLocationCache :: FinderCache -> InstalledModule -> IO InstalledFindResult -> IO InstalledFindResult modLocationCache fc mod do_this = do m <- lookupFinderCache fc mod case m of Just result -> return result Nothing -> do result <- do_this addToFinderCache fc mod result return result -- This returns a module because it's more convenient for users addHomeModuleToFinder :: FinderCache -> HomeUnit -> ModuleName -> ModLocation -> IO Module addHomeModuleToFinder fc home_unit mod_name loc = do let mod = mkHomeInstalledModule home_unit mod_name addToFinderCache fc mod (InstalledFound loc mod) return (mkHomeModule home_unit mod_name) uncacheModule :: FinderCache -> HomeUnit -> ModuleName -> IO () uncacheModule fc home_unit mod_name = do let mod = mkHomeInstalledModule home_unit mod_name removeFromFinderCache fc mod -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The internal workers findHomeModule :: FinderCache -> HomeUnit -> DynFlags -> ModuleName -> IO FindResult findHomeModule fc home_unit dflags mod_name = do let uid = homeUnitAsUnit home_unit r <- findInstalledHomeModule fc dflags home_unit mod_name return $ case r of InstalledFound loc _ -> Found loc (mkHomeModule home_unit mod_name) InstalledNoPackage _ -> NoPackage uid -- impossible InstalledNotFound fps _ -> NotFound { fr_paths = fps, fr_pkg = Just uid, fr_mods_hidden = [], fr_pkgs_hidden = [], fr_unusables = [], fr_suggestions = [] } -- | Implements the search for a module name in the home package only. Calling -- this function directly is usually *not* what you want; currently, it's used -- as a building block for the following operations: -- -- 1. When you do a normal package lookup, we first check if the module -- is available in the home module, before looking it up in the package -- database. -- -- 2. When you have a package qualified import with package name "this", -- we shortcut to the home module. -- -- 3. When we look up an exact 'Module', if the unit id associated with -- the module is the current home module do a look up in the home module. -- -- 4. Some special-case code in GHCi (ToDo: Figure out why that needs to -- call this.) findInstalledHomeModule :: FinderCache -> DynFlags -> HomeUnit -> ModuleName -> IO InstalledFindResult findInstalledHomeModule fc dflags home_unit mod_name = do homeSearchCache fc home_unit mod_name $ let home_path = importPaths dflags hisuf = hiSuf dflags mod = mkHomeInstalledModule home_unit mod_name source_exts = [ ("hs", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod_name "hs") , ("lhs", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod_name "lhs") , ("hsig", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod_name "hsig") , ("lhsig", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod_name "lhsig") ] -- we use mkHomeModHiOnlyLocation instead of mkHiOnlyModLocation so that -- when hiDir field is set in dflags, we know to look there (see #16500) hi_exts = [ (hisuf, mkHomeModHiOnlyLocation dflags mod_name) , (addBootSuffix hisuf, mkHomeModHiOnlyLocation dflags mod_name) ] -- In compilation manager modes, we look for source files in the home -- package because we can compile these automatically. In one-shot -- compilation mode we look for .hi and .hi-boot files only. exts | isOneShot (ghcMode dflags) = hi_exts | otherwise = source_exts in -- special case for GHC.Prim; we won't find it in the filesystem. -- This is important only when compiling the base package (where GHC.Prim -- is a home module). if mod `installedModuleEq` gHC_PRIM then return (InstalledFound (error "GHC.Prim ModLocation") mod) else searchPathExts home_path mod exts -- | Search for a module in external packages only. findPackageModule :: FinderCache -> UnitState -> DynFlags -> InstalledModule -> IO InstalledFindResult findPackageModule fc unit_state dflags mod = do let pkg_id = moduleUnit mod case lookupUnitId unit_state pkg_id of Nothing -> return (InstalledNoPackage pkg_id) Just u -> findPackageModule_ fc dflags mod u -- | Look up the interface file associated with module @mod@. This function -- requires a few invariants to be upheld: (1) the 'Module' in question must -- be the module identifier of the *original* implementation of a module, -- not a reexport (this invariant is upheld by "GHC.Unit.State") and (2) -- the 'UnitInfo' must be consistent with the unit id in the 'Module'. -- The redundancy is to avoid an extra lookup in the package state -- for the appropriate config. findPackageModule_ :: FinderCache -> DynFlags -> InstalledModule -> UnitInfo -> IO InstalledFindResult findPackageModule_ fc dflags mod pkg_conf = do massertPpr (moduleUnit mod == unitId pkg_conf) (ppr (moduleUnit mod) <+> ppr (unitId pkg_conf)) modLocationCache fc mod $ -- special case for GHC.Prim; we won't find it in the filesystem. if mod `installedModuleEq` gHC_PRIM then return (InstalledFound (error "GHC.Prim ModLocation") mod) else let tag = waysBuildTag (ways dflags) -- hi-suffix for packages depends on the build tag. package_hisuf | null tag = "hi" | otherwise = tag ++ "_hi" mk_hi_loc = mkHiOnlyModLocation dflags package_hisuf import_dirs = map ST.unpack $ unitImportDirs pkg_conf -- we never look for a .hi-boot file in an external package; -- .hi-boot files only make sense for the home package. in case import_dirs of [one] | MkDepend <- ghcMode dflags -> do -- there's only one place that this .hi file can be, so -- don't bother looking for it. let basename = moduleNameSlashes (moduleName mod) loc <- mk_hi_loc one basename return (InstalledFound loc mod) _otherwise -> searchPathExts import_dirs mod [(package_hisuf, mk_hi_loc)] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- General path searching searchPathExts :: [FilePath] -- paths to search -> InstalledModule -- module name -> [ ( FileExt, -- suffix FilePath -> BaseName -> IO ModLocation -- action ) ] -> IO InstalledFindResult searchPathExts paths mod exts = search to_search where basename = moduleNameSlashes (moduleName mod) to_search :: [(FilePath, IO ModLocation)] to_search = [ (file, fn path basename) | path <- paths, (ext,fn) <- exts, let base | path == "." = basename | otherwise = path basename file = base <.> ext ] search [] = return (InstalledNotFound (map fst to_search) (Just (moduleUnit mod))) search ((file, mk_result) : rest) = do b <- doesFileExist file if b then do { loc <- mk_result; return (InstalledFound loc mod) } else search rest mkHomeModLocationSearched :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> FileExt -> FilePath -> BaseName -> IO ModLocation mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod suff path basename = mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod (path basename) suff -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constructing a home module location -- This is where we construct the ModLocation for a module in the home -- package, for which we have a source file. It is called from three -- places: -- -- (a) Here in the finder, when we are searching for a module to import, -- using the search path (-i option). -- -- (b) The compilation manager, when constructing the ModLocation for -- a "root" module (a source file named explicitly on the command line -- or in a :load command in GHCi). -- -- (c) The driver in one-shot mode, when we need to construct a -- ModLocation for a source file named on the command-line. -- -- Parameters are: -- -- mod -- The name of the module -- -- path -- (a): The search path component where the source file was found. -- (b) and (c): "." -- -- src_basename -- (a): (moduleNameSlashes mod) -- (b) and (c): The filename of the source file, minus its extension -- -- ext -- The filename extension of the source file (usually "hs" or "lhs"). mkHomeModLocation :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> FilePath -> IO ModLocation mkHomeModLocation dflags mod src_filename = do let (basename,extension) = splitExtension src_filename mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod basename extension mkHomeModLocation2 :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> FilePath -- Of source module, without suffix -> String -- Suffix -> IO ModLocation mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod src_basename ext = do let mod_basename = moduleNameSlashes mod obj_fn = mkObjPath dflags src_basename mod_basename hi_fn = mkHiPath dflags src_basename mod_basename hie_fn = mkHiePath dflags src_basename mod_basename return (ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Just (src_basename <.> ext), ml_hi_file = hi_fn, ml_obj_file = obj_fn, ml_hie_file = hie_fn }) mkHomeModHiOnlyLocation :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> FilePath -> BaseName -> IO ModLocation mkHomeModHiOnlyLocation dflags mod path basename = do loc <- mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod (path basename) "" return loc { ml_hs_file = Nothing } mkHiOnlyModLocation :: DynFlags -> Suffix -> FilePath -> String -> IO ModLocation mkHiOnlyModLocation dflags hisuf path basename = do let full_basename = path basename obj_fn = mkObjPath dflags full_basename basename hie_fn = mkHiePath dflags full_basename basename return ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Nothing, ml_hi_file = full_basename <.> hisuf, -- Remove the .hi-boot suffix from -- hi_file, if it had one. We always -- want the name of the real .hi file -- in the ml_hi_file field. ml_obj_file = obj_fn, ml_hie_file = hie_fn } -- | Constructs the filename of a .o file for a given source file. -- Does /not/ check whether the .o file exists mkObjPath :: DynFlags -> FilePath -- the filename of the source file, minus the extension -> String -- the module name with dots replaced by slashes -> FilePath mkObjPath dflags basename mod_basename = obj_basename <.> osuf where odir = objectDir dflags osuf = objectSuf dflags obj_basename | Just dir <- odir = dir mod_basename | otherwise = basename -- | Constructs the filename of a .hi file for a given source file. -- Does /not/ check whether the .hi file exists mkHiPath :: DynFlags -> FilePath -- the filename of the source file, minus the extension -> String -- the module name with dots replaced by slashes -> FilePath mkHiPath dflags basename mod_basename = hi_basename <.> hisuf where hidir = hiDir dflags hisuf = hiSuf dflags hi_basename | Just dir <- hidir = dir mod_basename | otherwise = basename -- | Constructs the filename of a .hie file for a given source file. -- Does /not/ check whether the .hie file exists mkHiePath :: DynFlags -> FilePath -- the filename of the source file, minus the extension -> String -- the module name with dots replaced by slashes -> FilePath mkHiePath dflags basename mod_basename = hie_basename <.> hiesuf where hiedir = hieDir dflags hiesuf = hieSuf dflags hie_basename | Just dir <- hiedir = dir mod_basename | otherwise = basename -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filenames of the stub files -- We don't have to store these in ModLocations, because they can be derived -- from other available information, and they're only rarely needed. mkStubPaths :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> ModLocation -> FilePath mkStubPaths dflags mod location = let stubdir = stubDir dflags mod_basename = moduleNameSlashes mod src_basename = dropExtension $ expectJust "mkStubPaths" (ml_hs_file location) stub_basename0 | Just dir <- stubdir = dir mod_basename | otherwise = src_basename stub_basename = stub_basename0 ++ "_stub" in stub_basename <.> "h" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- findLinkable isn't related to the other stuff in here, -- but there's no other obvious place for it findObjectLinkableMaybe :: Module -> ModLocation -> IO (Maybe Linkable) findObjectLinkableMaybe mod locn = do let obj_fn = ml_obj_file locn maybe_obj_time <- modificationTimeIfExists obj_fn case maybe_obj_time of Nothing -> return Nothing Just obj_time -> liftM Just (findObjectLinkable mod obj_fn obj_time) -- Make an object linkable when we know the object file exists, and we know -- its modification time. findObjectLinkable :: Module -> FilePath -> UTCTime -> IO Linkable findObjectLinkable mod obj_fn obj_time = return (LM obj_time mod [DotO obj_fn]) -- We used to look for _stub.o files here, but that was a bug (#706) -- Now GHC merges the stub.o into the main .o (#3687)