{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- instance Binary IsBootInterface {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} -- | Unit & Module types -- -- This module is used to resolve the loops between Unit and Module types -- (Module references a Unit and vice-versa). module GHC.Unit.Types ( -- * Modules GenModule (..) , Module , InstalledModule , HomeUnitModule , InstantiatedModule , mkModule , moduleUnitId , pprModule , pprInstantiatedModule , moduleFreeHoles -- * Units , IsUnitId , GenUnit (..) , Unit , UnitId (..) , UnitKey (..) , GenInstantiatedUnit (..) , InstantiatedUnit , DefUnitId , Instantiations , GenInstantiations , mkInstantiatedUnit , mkInstantiatedUnitHash , mkVirtUnit , mapGenUnit , mapInstantiations , unitFreeModuleHoles , fsToUnit , unitFS , unitString , toUnitId , virtualUnitId , stringToUnit , stableUnitCmp , unitIsDefinite , isHoleUnit , pprUnit -- * Unit Ids , unitIdString , stringToUnitId -- * Utils , Definite (..) -- * Wired-in units , primUnitId , bignumUnitId , baseUnitId , rtsUnitId , thUnitId , mainUnitId , thisGhcUnitId , interactiveUnitId , primUnit , bignumUnit , baseUnit , rtsUnit , thUnit , mainUnit , thisGhcUnit , interactiveUnit , isInteractiveModule , wiredInUnitIds -- * Boot modules , IsBootInterface (..) , GenWithIsBoot (..) , ModuleNameWithIsBoot , ModuleWithIsBoot ) where import GHC.Prelude import GHC.Types.Unique import GHC.Types.Unique.DSet import GHC.Utils.Binary import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Data.FastString import GHC.Utils.Encoding import GHC.Utils.Fingerprint import GHC.Utils.Misc import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Data import Data.List (sortBy ) import Data.Function import Data.Bifunctor import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS.Char8 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Module.Name import {-# SOURCE #-} Language.Haskell.Syntax.ImpExp (IsBootInterface(..)) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MODULES --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A generic module is a pair of a unit identifier and a 'ModuleName'. data GenModule unit = Module { moduleUnit :: !unit -- ^ Unit the module belongs to , moduleName :: !ModuleName -- ^ Module name (e.g. A.B.C) } deriving (Eq,Ord,Data,Functor) -- | A Module is a pair of a 'Unit' and a 'ModuleName'. type Module = GenModule Unit moduleUnitId :: Module -> UnitId moduleUnitId = toUnitId . moduleUnit -- | A 'InstalledModule' is a 'Module' whose unit is identified with an -- 'UnitId'. type InstalledModule = GenModule UnitId -- | A 'HomeUnitModule' is like an 'InstalledModule' but we expect to find it in -- one of the home units rather than the package database. type HomeUnitModule = GenModule UnitId -- | An `InstantiatedModule` is a 'Module' whose unit is identified with an `InstantiatedUnit`. type InstantiatedModule = GenModule InstantiatedUnit mkModule :: u -> ModuleName -> GenModule u mkModule = Module instance Uniquable Module where getUnique (Module p n) = getUnique (unitFS p `appendFS` moduleNameFS n) instance Binary a => Binary (GenModule a) where put_ bh (Module p n) = put_ bh p >> put_ bh n get bh = do p <- get bh; n <- get bh; return (Module p n) instance NFData (GenModule a) where rnf (Module unit name) = unit `seq` name `seq` () instance Outputable Module where ppr = pprModule instance Outputable InstalledModule where ppr (Module p n) = ppr p <> char ':' <> pprModuleName n instance Outputable InstantiatedModule where ppr = pprInstantiatedModule instance Outputable InstantiatedUnit where ppr = pprInstantiatedUnit pprInstantiatedUnit :: InstantiatedUnit -> SDoc pprInstantiatedUnit uid = -- getPprStyle $ \sty -> pprUnitId cid <> (if not (null insts) -- pprIf then brackets (hcat (punctuate comma $ [ pprModuleName modname <> text "=" <> pprModule m | (modname, m) <- insts])) else empty) where cid = instUnitInstanceOf uid insts = instUnitInsts uid -- | Class for types that are used as unit identifiers (UnitKey, UnitId, Unit) -- -- We need this class because we create new unit ids for virtual units (see -- VirtUnit) and they have to to be made from units with different kinds of -- identifiers. class IsUnitId u where unitFS :: u -> FastString instance IsUnitId UnitKey where unitFS (UnitKey fs) = fs instance IsUnitId UnitId where unitFS (UnitId fs) = fs instance IsUnitId u => IsUnitId (GenUnit u) where unitFS (VirtUnit x) = instUnitFS x unitFS (RealUnit (Definite x)) = unitFS x unitFS HoleUnit = holeFS pprModule :: IsLine doc => Module -> doc pprModule mod@(Module p n) = docWithStyle code doc where code = (if p == mainUnit then empty -- never qualify the main package in code else ztext (zEncodeFS (unitFS p)) <> char '_') <> pprModuleName n doc sty | qualModule sty mod = case p of HoleUnit -> angleBrackets (pprModuleName n) _ -> pprUnit p <> char ':' <> pprModuleName n | otherwise = pprModuleName n {-# SPECIALIZE pprModule :: Module -> SDoc #-} {-# SPECIALIZE pprModule :: Module -> HLine #-} -- see Note [SPECIALIZE to HDoc] in GHC.Utils.Outputable pprInstantiatedModule :: InstantiatedModule -> SDoc pprInstantiatedModule (Module uid m) = ppr uid <> char ':' <> ppr m --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UNITS --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A unit key in the database newtype UnitKey = UnitKey FastString -- | A unit identifier identifies a (possibly partially) instantiated library. -- It is primarily used as part of 'Module', which in turn is used in 'Name', -- which is used to give names to entities when typechecking. -- -- There are two possible forms for a 'Unit': -- -- 1) It can be a 'RealUnit', in which case we just have a 'DefUnitId' that -- uniquely identifies some fully compiled, installed library we have on disk. -- -- 2) It can be an 'VirtUnit'. When we are typechecking a library with missing -- holes, we may need to instantiate a library on the fly (in which case we -- don't have any on-disk representation.) In that case, you have an -- 'InstantiatedUnit', which explicitly records the instantiation, so that we -- can substitute over it. data GenUnit uid = RealUnit !(Definite uid) -- ^ Installed definite unit (either a fully instantiated unit or a closed unit) | VirtUnit {-# UNPACK #-} !(GenInstantiatedUnit uid) -- ^ Virtual unit instantiated on-the-fly. It may be definite if all the -- holes are instantiated but we don't have code objects for it. | HoleUnit -- ^ Fake hole unit -- | An instantiated unit. -- -- It identifies an indefinite library (with holes) that has been instantiated. -- -- This unit may be indefinite or not (i.e. with remaining holes or not). If it -- is definite, we don't know if it has already been compiled and installed in a -- database. Nevertheless, we have a mechanism called "improvement" to try to -- match a fully instantiated unit with existing compiled and installed units: -- see Note [VirtUnit to RealUnit improvement]. -- -- An indefinite unit identifier pretty-prints to something like -- @p[H=,A=aimpl:A>]@ (@p@ is the 'UnitId', and the -- brackets enclose the module substitution). data GenInstantiatedUnit unit = InstantiatedUnit { -- | A private, uniquely identifying representation of -- an InstantiatedUnit. This string is completely private to GHC -- and is just used to get a unique. instUnitFS :: !FastString, -- | Cached unique of 'unitFS'. instUnitKey :: !Unique, -- | The (indefinite) unit being instantiated. instUnitInstanceOf :: !unit, -- | The sorted (by 'ModuleName') instantiations of this unit. instUnitInsts :: !(GenInstantiations unit), -- | A cache of the free module holes of 'instUnitInsts'. -- This lets us efficiently tell if a 'InstantiatedUnit' has been -- fully instantiated (empty set of free module holes) -- and whether or not a substitution can have any effect. instUnitHoles :: UniqDSet ModuleName } type Unit = GenUnit UnitId type InstantiatedUnit = GenInstantiatedUnit UnitId type GenInstantiations unit = [(ModuleName,GenModule (GenUnit unit))] type Instantiations = GenInstantiations UnitId holeUnique :: Unique holeUnique = getUnique holeFS holeFS :: FastString holeFS = fsLit "" isHoleUnit :: GenUnit u -> Bool isHoleUnit HoleUnit = True isHoleUnit _ = False instance Eq (GenInstantiatedUnit unit) where u1 == u2 = instUnitKey u1 == instUnitKey u2 instance Ord (GenInstantiatedUnit unit) where u1 `compare` u2 = instUnitFS u1 `lexicalCompareFS` instUnitFS u2 instance Binary InstantiatedUnit where put_ bh indef = do put_ bh (instUnitInstanceOf indef) put_ bh (instUnitInsts indef) get bh = do cid <- get bh insts <- get bh let fs = mkInstantiatedUnitHash cid insts return InstantiatedUnit { instUnitInstanceOf = cid, instUnitInsts = insts, instUnitHoles = unionManyUniqDSets (map (moduleFreeHoles.snd) insts), instUnitFS = fs, instUnitKey = getUnique fs } instance IsUnitId u => Eq (GenUnit u) where uid1 == uid2 = unitUnique uid1 == unitUnique uid2 instance IsUnitId u => Uniquable (GenUnit u) where getUnique = unitUnique instance Ord Unit where nm1 `compare` nm2 = stableUnitCmp nm1 nm2 instance Data Unit where -- don't traverse? toConstr _ = abstractConstr "Unit" gunfold _ _ = error "gunfold" dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "Unit" instance NFData Unit where rnf x = x `seq` () -- | Compares unit ids lexically, rather than by their 'Unique's stableUnitCmp :: Unit -> Unit -> Ordering stableUnitCmp p1 p2 = unitFS p1 `lexicalCompareFS` unitFS p2 instance Outputable Unit where ppr pk = pprUnit pk pprUnit :: Unit -> SDoc pprUnit (RealUnit (Definite d)) = pprUnitId d pprUnit (VirtUnit uid) = pprInstantiatedUnit uid pprUnit HoleUnit = ftext holeFS instance Show Unit where show = unitString -- Performance: would prefer to have a NameCache like thing instance Binary Unit where put_ bh (RealUnit def_uid) = do putByte bh 0 put_ bh def_uid put_ bh (VirtUnit indef_uid) = do putByte bh 1 put_ bh indef_uid put_ bh HoleUnit = putByte bh 2 get bh = do b <- getByte bh case b of 0 -> fmap RealUnit (get bh) 1 -> fmap VirtUnit (get bh) _ -> pure HoleUnit -- | Retrieve the set of free module holes of a 'Unit'. unitFreeModuleHoles :: GenUnit u -> UniqDSet ModuleName unitFreeModuleHoles (VirtUnit x) = instUnitHoles x unitFreeModuleHoles (RealUnit _) = emptyUniqDSet unitFreeModuleHoles HoleUnit = emptyUniqDSet -- | Calculate the free holes of a 'Module'. If this set is non-empty, -- this module was defined in an indefinite library that had required -- signatures. -- -- If a module has free holes, that means that substitutions can operate on it; -- if it has no free holes, substituting over a module has no effect. moduleFreeHoles :: GenModule (GenUnit u) -> UniqDSet ModuleName moduleFreeHoles (Module HoleUnit name) = unitUniqDSet name moduleFreeHoles (Module u _ ) = unitFreeModuleHoles u -- | Create a new 'GenInstantiatedUnit' given an explicit module substitution. mkInstantiatedUnit :: IsUnitId u => u -> GenInstantiations u -> GenInstantiatedUnit u mkInstantiatedUnit cid insts = InstantiatedUnit { instUnitInstanceOf = cid, instUnitInsts = sorted_insts, instUnitHoles = unionManyUniqDSets (map (moduleFreeHoles.snd) insts), instUnitFS = fs, instUnitKey = getUnique fs } where fs = mkInstantiatedUnitHash cid sorted_insts sorted_insts = sortBy (stableModuleNameCmp `on` fst) insts -- | Smart constructor for instantiated GenUnit mkVirtUnit :: IsUnitId u => u -> [(ModuleName, GenModule (GenUnit u))] -> GenUnit u mkVirtUnit uid [] = RealUnit $ Definite uid mkVirtUnit uid insts = VirtUnit $ mkInstantiatedUnit uid insts -- | Generate a uniquely identifying hash (internal unit-id) for an instantiated -- unit. -- -- This is a one-way function. If the indefinite unit has not been instantiated at all, we return its unit-id. -- -- This hash is completely internal to GHC and is not used for symbol names or -- file paths. It is different from the hash Cabal would produce for the same -- instantiated unit. mkInstantiatedUnitHash :: IsUnitId u => u -> [(ModuleName, GenModule (GenUnit u))] -> FastString mkInstantiatedUnitHash cid sorted_holes = mkFastStringByteString . fingerprintUnitId (bytesFS (unitFS cid)) $ hashInstantiations sorted_holes -- | Generate a hash for a sorted module instantiation. hashInstantiations :: IsUnitId u => [(ModuleName, GenModule (GenUnit u))] -> Fingerprint hashInstantiations sorted_holes = fingerprintByteString . BS.concat $ do (m, b) <- sorted_holes [ bytesFS (moduleNameFS m), BS.Char8.singleton ' ', bytesFS (unitFS (moduleUnit b)), BS.Char8.singleton ':', bytesFS (moduleNameFS (moduleName b)), BS.Char8.singleton '\n'] fingerprintUnitId :: BS.ByteString -> Fingerprint -> BS.ByteString fingerprintUnitId prefix (Fingerprint a b) = BS.concat $ [ prefix , BS.Char8.singleton '-' , BS.Char8.pack (toBase62Padded a) , BS.Char8.pack (toBase62Padded b) ] unitUnique :: IsUnitId u => GenUnit u -> Unique unitUnique (VirtUnit x) = instUnitKey x unitUnique (RealUnit (Definite x)) = getUnique (unitFS x) unitUnique HoleUnit = holeUnique -- | Create a new simple unit identifier from a 'FastString'. Internally, -- this is primarily used to specify wired-in unit identifiers. fsToUnit :: FastString -> Unit fsToUnit = RealUnit . Definite . UnitId unitString :: IsUnitId u => u -> String unitString = unpackFS . unitFS stringToUnit :: String -> Unit stringToUnit = fsToUnit . mkFastString -- | Map over the unit type of a 'GenUnit' mapGenUnit :: IsUnitId v => (u -> v) -> GenUnit u -> GenUnit v mapGenUnit f = go where go gu = case gu of HoleUnit -> HoleUnit RealUnit d -> RealUnit (fmap f d) VirtUnit i -> VirtUnit $ mkInstantiatedUnit (f (instUnitInstanceOf i)) (fmap (second (fmap go)) (instUnitInsts i)) -- | Map over the unit identifier of unit instantiations. mapInstantiations :: IsUnitId v => (u -> v) -> GenInstantiations u -> GenInstantiations v mapInstantiations f = map (second (fmap (mapGenUnit f))) -- | Return the UnitId of the Unit. For on-the-fly instantiated units, return -- the UnitId of the indefinite unit this unit is an instance of. toUnitId :: Unit -> UnitId toUnitId (RealUnit (Definite iuid)) = iuid toUnitId (VirtUnit indef) = instUnitInstanceOf indef toUnitId HoleUnit = error "Hole unit" -- | Return the virtual UnitId of an on-the-fly instantiated unit. virtualUnitId :: InstantiatedUnit -> UnitId virtualUnitId i = UnitId (instUnitFS i) -- | A 'Unit' is definite if it has no free holes. unitIsDefinite :: Unit -> Bool unitIsDefinite = isEmptyUniqDSet . unitFreeModuleHoles --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UNIT IDs --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A UnitId identifies a built library in a database and is used to generate -- unique symbols, etc. It's usually of the form: -- -- pkgname-1.2:libname+hash -- -- These UnitId are provided to us via the @-this-unit-id@ flag. -- -- The library in question may be definite or indefinite; if it is indefinite, -- none of the holes have been filled (we never install partially instantiated -- libraries as we can cheaply instantiate them on-the-fly, cf VirtUnit). Put -- another way, an installed unit id is either fully instantiated, or not -- instantiated at all. newtype UnitId = UnitId { unitIdFS :: FastString -- ^ The full hashed unit identifier, including the component id -- and the hash. } deriving (Data) instance Binary UnitId where put_ bh (UnitId fs) = put_ bh fs get bh = do fs <- get bh; return (UnitId fs) instance Eq UnitId where uid1 == uid2 = getUnique uid1 == getUnique uid2 instance Ord UnitId where -- we compare lexically to avoid non-deterministic output when sets of -- unit-ids are printed (dependencies, etc.) u1 `compare` u2 = unitIdFS u1 `lexicalCompareFS` unitIdFS u2 instance Uniquable UnitId where getUnique = getUnique . unitIdFS instance Outputable UnitId where ppr = pprUnitId pprUnitId :: UnitId -> SDoc pprUnitId (UnitId fs) = sdocOption sdocUnitIdForUser ($ fs) -- | A 'DefUnitId' is an 'UnitId' with the invariant that -- it only refers to a definite library; i.e., one we have generated -- code for. type DefUnitId = Definite UnitId unitIdString :: UnitId -> String unitIdString = unpackFS . unitIdFS stringToUnitId :: String -> UnitId stringToUnitId = UnitId . mkFastString --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UTILS --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A definite unit (i.e. without any free module hole) newtype Definite unit = Definite { unDefinite :: unit } deriving (Functor) deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Outputable, Binary, Uniquable, IsUnitId) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WIRED-IN UNITS --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Note [Wired-in units] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Certain packages are known to the compiler, in that we know about certain entities that reside in these packages, and the compiler needs to declare static Modules and Names that refer to these packages. Hence the wired-in packages can't include version numbers in their package UnitId, since we don't want to bake the version numbers of these packages into GHC. So here's the plan. Wired-in units are still versioned as normal in the packages database, and you can still have multiple versions of them installed. To the user, everything looks normal. However, for each invocation of GHC, only a single instance of each wired-in package will be recognised (the desired one is selected via @-package@\/@-hide-package@), and GHC will internally pretend that it has the *unversioned* 'UnitId', including in .hi files and object file symbols. Unselected versions of wired-in packages will be ignored, as will any other package that depends directly or indirectly on it (much as if you had used @-ignore-package@). The affected packages are compiled with, e.g., @-this-unit-id base@, so that the symbols in the object files have the unversioned unit id in their name. Make sure you change 'GHC.Unit.State.findWiredInUnits' if you add an entry here. -} bignumUnitId, primUnitId, baseUnitId, rtsUnitId, thUnitId, mainUnitId, thisGhcUnitId, interactiveUnitId :: UnitId bignumUnit, primUnit, baseUnit, rtsUnit, thUnit, mainUnit, thisGhcUnit, interactiveUnit :: Unit primUnitId = UnitId (fsLit "ghc-prim") bignumUnitId = UnitId (fsLit "ghc-bignum") baseUnitId = UnitId (fsLit "base") rtsUnitId = UnitId (fsLit "rts") thisGhcUnitId = UnitId (fsLit "ghc") interactiveUnitId = UnitId (fsLit "interactive") thUnitId = UnitId (fsLit "template-haskell") thUnit = RealUnit (Definite thUnitId) primUnit = RealUnit (Definite primUnitId) bignumUnit = RealUnit (Definite bignumUnitId) baseUnit = RealUnit (Definite baseUnitId) rtsUnit = RealUnit (Definite rtsUnitId) thisGhcUnit = RealUnit (Definite thisGhcUnitId) interactiveUnit = RealUnit (Definite interactiveUnitId) -- | This is the package Id for the current program. It is the default -- package Id if you don't specify a package name. We don't add this prefix -- to symbol names, since there can be only one main package per program. mainUnitId = UnitId (fsLit "main") mainUnit = RealUnit (Definite mainUnitId) isInteractiveModule :: Module -> Bool isInteractiveModule mod = moduleUnit mod == interactiveUnit wiredInUnitIds :: [UnitId] wiredInUnitIds = [ primUnitId , bignumUnitId , baseUnitId , rtsUnitId , thUnitId , thisGhcUnitId ] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Boot Modules --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Note [Boot Module Naming] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Why is this section here? After all, these modules are supposed to be about -- ways of referring to modules, not modules themselves. Well, the "bootness" of -- a module is in a way part of its name, because 'import {-# SOURCE #-} Foo' -- references the boot module in particular while 'import Foo' references the -- regular module. Backpack signatures live in the normal module namespace (no -- special import), so they don't matter here. When dealing with the modules -- themselves, however, one should use not 'IsBoot' or conflate signatures and -- modules in opposition to boot interfaces. Instead, one should use -- 'DriverPhases.HscSource'. See Note [HscSource types]. instance Binary IsBootInterface where put_ bh ib = put_ bh $ case ib of NotBoot -> False IsBoot -> True get bh = do b <- get bh return $ case b of False -> NotBoot True -> IsBoot -- | This data type just pairs a value 'mod' with an IsBootInterface flag. In -- practice, 'mod' is usually a @Module@ or @ModuleName@'. data GenWithIsBoot mod = GWIB { gwib_mod :: mod , gwib_isBoot :: IsBootInterface } deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show , Functor, Foldable, Traversable ) -- the Ord instance must ensure that we first sort by Module and then by -- IsBootInterface: this is assumed to perform filtering of non-boot modules, -- e.g. in GHC.Driver.Env.hptModulesBelow type ModuleNameWithIsBoot = GenWithIsBoot ModuleName type ModuleWithIsBoot = GenWithIsBoot Module instance Binary a => Binary (GenWithIsBoot a) where put_ bh (GWIB { gwib_mod, gwib_isBoot }) = do put_ bh gwib_mod put_ bh gwib_isBoot get bh = do gwib_mod <- get bh gwib_isBoot <- get bh pure $ GWIB { gwib_mod, gwib_isBoot } instance Outputable a => Outputable (GenWithIsBoot a) where ppr (GWIB { gwib_mod, gwib_isBoot }) = hsep $ ppr gwib_mod : case gwib_isBoot of IsBoot -> [ text "{-# SOURCE #-}" ] NotBoot -> []