{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- | This is the driver for the 'ghc --backpack' mode, which
-- is a reimplementation of the "package manager" bits of
-- Backpack directly in GHC. The basic method of operation
-- is to compile packages and then directly insert them into
-- GHC's in memory database.
-- The compilation products of this mode aren't really suitable
-- for Cabal, because GHC makes up component IDs for the things
-- it builds and doesn't serialize out the database contents.
-- But it's still handy for constructing tests.
module DriverBkp (doBackpack) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import GhcPrelude
-- In a separate module because it hooks into the parser.
import BkpSyn
import GHC hiding (Failed, Succeeded)
import Packages
import Parser
import Lexer
import GhcMonad
import DynFlags
import TcRnMonad
import TcRnDriver
import Module
import HscTypes
import StringBuffer
import FastString
import ErrUtils
import SrcLoc
import HscMain
import UniqFM
import UniqDFM
import Outputable
import Maybes
import HeaderInfo
import MkIface
import GhcMake
import UniqDSet
import PrelNames
import BasicTypes hiding (SuccessFlag(..))
import Finder
import Util
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import Panic
import Data.List
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad
import System.FilePath
import Data.Version
-- for the unification
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- | Entry point to compile a Backpack file.
doBackpack :: [FilePath] -> Ghc ()
doBackpack [src_filename] = do
-- Apply options from file to dflags
dflags0 <- getDynFlags
let dflags1 = dflags0
src_opts <- liftIO $ getOptionsFromFile dflags1 src_filename
(dflags, unhandled_flags, warns) <- liftIO $ parseDynamicFilePragma dflags1 src_opts
modifySession (\hsc_env -> hsc_env {hsc_dflags = dflags})
-- Cribbed from: preprocessFile / DriverPipeline
liftIO $ checkProcessArgsResult dflags unhandled_flags
liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings dflags warns
-- TODO: Preprocessing not implemented
buf <- liftIO $ hGetStringBuffer src_filename
let loc = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString src_filename) 1 1 -- TODO: not great
case unP parseBackpack (mkPState dflags buf loc) of
PFailed pst -> throwErrors (getErrorMessages pst dflags)
POk _ pkgname_bkp -> do
-- OK, so we have an LHsUnit PackageName, but we want an
-- LHsUnit HsComponentId. So let's rename it.
let bkp = renameHsUnits dflags (packageNameMap pkgname_bkp) pkgname_bkp
initBkpM src_filename bkp $
forM_ (zip [1..] bkp) $ \(i, lunit) -> do
let comp_name = unLoc (hsunitName (unLoc lunit))
msgTopPackage (i,length bkp) comp_name
innerBkpM $ do
let (cid, insts) = computeUnitId lunit
if null insts
then if cid == ComponentId (fsLit "main")
then compileExe lunit
else compileUnit cid []
else typecheckUnit cid insts
doBackpack _ =
throwGhcException (CmdLineError "--backpack can only process a single file")
computeUnitId :: LHsUnit HsComponentId -> (ComponentId, [(ModuleName, Module)])
computeUnitId (L _ unit) = (cid, [ (r, mkHoleModule r) | r <- reqs ])
cid = hsComponentId (unLoc (hsunitName unit))
reqs = uniqDSetToList (unionManyUniqDSets (map (get_reqs . unLoc) (hsunitBody unit)))
get_reqs (DeclD SignatureD (L _ modname) _) = unitUniqDSet modname
get_reqs (DeclD ModuleD _ _) = emptyUniqDSet
get_reqs (IncludeD (IncludeDecl (L _ hsuid) _ _)) =
unitIdFreeHoles (convertHsUnitId hsuid)
-- | Tiny enum for all types of Backpack operations we may do.
data SessionType
-- | A compilation operation which will result in a
-- runnable executable being produced.
= ExeSession
-- | A type-checking operation which produces only
-- interface files, no object files.
| TcSession
-- | A compilation operation which produces both
-- interface files and object files.
| CompSession
deriving (Eq)
-- | Create a temporary Session to do some sort of type checking or
-- compilation.
withBkpSession :: ComponentId
-> [(ModuleName, Module)]
-> [(UnitId, ModRenaming)]
-> SessionType -- what kind of session are we doing
-> BkpM a -- actual action to run
-> BkpM a
withBkpSession cid insts deps session_type do_this = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
let (ComponentId cid_fs) = cid
is_primary = False
uid_str = unpackFS (hashUnitId cid insts)
cid_str = unpackFS cid_fs
-- There are multiple units in a single Backpack file, so we
-- need to separate out the results in those cases. Right now,
-- we follow this hierarchy:
-- $outputdir/$compid --> typecheck results
-- $outputdir/$compid/$unitid --> compile results
key_base p | Just f <- p dflags = f
| otherwise = "."
sub_comp p | is_primary = p
| otherwise = p > cid_str
outdir p | CompSession <- session_type
-- Special case when package is definite
, not (null insts) = sub_comp (key_base p) > uid_str
| otherwise = sub_comp (key_base p)
withTempSession (overHscDynFlags (\dflags ->
-- If we're type-checking an indefinite package, we want to
-- turn on interface writing. However, if the user also
-- explicitly passed in `-fno-code`, we DON'T want to write
-- interfaces unless the user also asked for `-fwrite-interface`.
-- See Note [-fno-code mode]
(case session_type of
-- Make sure to write interfaces when we are type-checking
-- indefinite packages.
TcSession | hscTarget dflags /= HscNothing
-> flip gopt_set Opt_WriteInterface
| otherwise -> id
CompSession -> id
ExeSession -> id) $
dflags {
hscTarget = case session_type of
TcSession -> HscNothing
_ -> hscTarget dflags,
thisUnitIdInsts_ = Just insts,
thisComponentId_ = Just cid,
thisInstalledUnitId =
case session_type of
TcSession -> newInstalledUnitId cid Nothing
-- No hash passed if no instances
_ | null insts -> newInstalledUnitId cid Nothing
| otherwise -> newInstalledUnitId cid (Just (hashUnitId cid insts)),
-- Setup all of the output directories according to our hierarchy
objectDir = Just (outdir objectDir),
hiDir = Just (outdir hiDir),
stubDir = Just (outdir stubDir),
-- Unset output-file for non exe builds
outputFile = if session_type == ExeSession
then outputFile dflags
else Nothing,
-- Clear the import path so we don't accidentally grab anything
importPaths = [],
-- Synthesized the flags
packageFlags = packageFlags dflags ++ map (\(uid0, rn) ->
let uid = unwireUnitId dflags (improveUnitId (getPackageConfigMap dflags) $ renameHoleUnitId dflags (listToUFM insts) uid0)
in ExposePackage
(showSDoc dflags
(text "-unit-id" <+> ppr uid <+> ppr rn))
(UnitIdArg uid) rn) deps
} )) $ do
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
-- pprTrace "flags" (ppr insts <> ppr deps) $ return ()
-- Calls initPackages
_ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags
withBkpExeSession :: [(UnitId, ModRenaming)] -> BkpM a -> BkpM a
withBkpExeSession deps do_this = do
withBkpSession (ComponentId (fsLit "main")) [] deps ExeSession do_this
getSource :: ComponentId -> BkpM (LHsUnit HsComponentId)
getSource cid = do
bkp_env <- getBkpEnv
case Map.lookup cid (bkp_table bkp_env) of
Nothing -> pprPanic "missing needed dependency" (ppr cid)
Just lunit -> return lunit
typecheckUnit :: ComponentId -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -> BkpM ()
typecheckUnit cid insts = do
lunit <- getSource cid
buildUnit TcSession cid insts lunit
compileUnit :: ComponentId -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -> BkpM ()
compileUnit cid insts = do
-- Let everyone know we're building this unit ID
msgUnitId (newUnitId cid insts)
lunit <- getSource cid
buildUnit CompSession cid insts lunit
-- | Compute the dependencies with instantiations of a syntactic
-- HsUnit; e.g., wherever you see @dependency p[A=]@ in a
-- unit file, return the 'UnitId' corresponding to @p[A=]@.
-- The @include_sigs@ parameter controls whether or not we also
-- include @dependency signature@ declarations in this calculation.
-- Invariant: this NEVER returns InstalledUnitId.
hsunitDeps :: Bool {- include sigs -} -> HsUnit HsComponentId -> [(UnitId, ModRenaming)]
hsunitDeps include_sigs unit = concatMap get_dep (hsunitBody unit)
get_dep (L _ (IncludeD (IncludeDecl (L _ hsuid) mb_lrn is_sig)))
| include_sigs || not is_sig = [(convertHsUnitId hsuid, go mb_lrn)]
| otherwise = []
go Nothing = ModRenaming True []
go (Just lrns) = ModRenaming False (map convRn lrns)
convRn (L _ (Renaming (L _ from) Nothing)) = (from, from)
convRn (L _ (Renaming (L _ from) (Just (L _ to)))) = (from, to)
get_dep _ = []
buildUnit :: SessionType -> ComponentId -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -> LHsUnit HsComponentId -> BkpM ()
buildUnit session cid insts lunit = do
-- NB: include signature dependencies ONLY when typechecking.
-- If we're compiling, it's not necessary to recursively
-- compile a signature since it isn't going to produce
-- any object files.
let deps_w_rns = hsunitDeps (session == TcSession) (unLoc lunit)
raw_deps = map fst deps_w_rns
dflags <- getDynFlags
-- The compilation dependencies are just the appropriately filled
-- in unit IDs which must be compiled before we can compile.
let hsubst = listToUFM insts
deps0 = map (renameHoleUnitId dflags hsubst) raw_deps
-- Build dependencies OR make sure they make sense. BUT NOTE,
-- we can only check the ones that are fully filled; the rest
-- we have to defer until we've typechecked our local signature.
-- TODO: work this into GhcMake!!
forM_ (zip [1..] deps0) $ \(i, dep) ->
case session of
TcSession -> return ()
_ -> compileInclude (length deps0) (i, dep)
dflags <- getDynFlags
let deps = map (improveUnitId (getPackageConfigMap dflags)) deps0
mb_old_eps <- case session of
TcSession -> fmap Just getEpsGhc
_ -> return Nothing
conf <- withBkpSession cid insts deps_w_rns session $ do
dflags <- getDynFlags
mod_graph <- hsunitModuleGraph dflags (unLoc lunit)
-- pprTrace "mod_graph" (ppr mod_graph) $ return ()
msg <- mkBackpackMsg
ok <- load' LoadAllTargets (Just msg) mod_graph
when (failed ok) (liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
let hi_dir = expectJust (panic "hiDir Backpack") $ hiDir dflags
export_mod ms = (ms_mod_name ms, ms_mod ms)
-- Export everything!
mods = [ export_mod ms | ms <- mgModSummaries mod_graph
, ms_hsc_src ms == HsSrcFile ]
-- Compile relevant only
hsc_env <- getSession
let home_mod_infos = eltsUDFM (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
linkables = map (expectJust "bkp link" . hm_linkable)
. filter ((==HsSrcFile) . mi_hsc_src . hm_iface)
$ home_mod_infos
getOfiles (LM _ _ us) = map nameOfObject (filter isObject us)
obj_files = concatMap getOfiles linkables
let compat_fs = (case cid of ComponentId fs -> fs)
compat_pn = PackageName compat_fs
return InstalledPackageInfo {
-- Stub data
abiHash = "",
sourcePackageId = SourcePackageId compat_fs,
packageName = compat_pn,
packageVersion = makeVersion [0],
unitId = toInstalledUnitId (thisPackage dflags),
sourceLibName = Nothing,
componentId = cid,
instantiatedWith = insts,
-- Slight inefficiency here haha
exposedModules = map (\(m,n) -> (m,Just n)) mods,
hiddenModules = [], -- TODO: doc only
depends = case session of
-- Technically, we should state that we depend
-- on all the indefinite libraries we used to
-- typecheck this. However, this field isn't
-- really used for anything, so we leave it
-- blank for now.
TcSession -> []
_ -> map (toInstalledUnitId . unwireUnitId dflags)
$ deps ++ [ moduleUnitId mod
| (_, mod) <- insts
, not (isHoleModule mod) ],
abiDepends = [],
ldOptions = case session of
TcSession -> []
_ -> obj_files,
importDirs = [ hi_dir ],
exposed = False,
indefinite = case session of
TcSession -> True
_ -> False,
-- nope
hsLibraries = [],
extraLibraries = [],
extraGHCiLibraries = [],
libraryDynDirs = [],
libraryDirs = [],
frameworks = [],
frameworkDirs = [],
ccOptions = [],
includes = [],
includeDirs = [],
haddockInterfaces = [],
haddockHTMLs = [],
trusted = False
addPackage conf
case mb_old_eps of
Just old_eps -> updateEpsGhc_ (const old_eps)
_ -> return ()
compileExe :: LHsUnit HsComponentId -> BkpM ()
compileExe lunit = do
msgUnitId mainUnitId
let deps_w_rns = hsunitDeps False (unLoc lunit)
deps = map fst deps_w_rns
-- no renaming necessary
forM_ (zip [1..] deps) $ \(i, dep) ->
compileInclude (length deps) (i, dep)
withBkpExeSession deps_w_rns $ do
dflags <- getDynFlags
mod_graph <- hsunitModuleGraph dflags (unLoc lunit)
msg <- mkBackpackMsg
ok <- load' LoadAllTargets (Just msg) mod_graph
when (failed ok) (liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
addPackage :: GhcMonad m => PackageConfig -> m ()
addPackage pkg = do
dflags0 <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
case pkgDatabase dflags0 of
Nothing -> panic "addPackage: called too early"
Just pkgs -> do let dflags = dflags0 { pkgDatabase =
Just (pkgs ++ [("(in memory " ++ showSDoc dflags0 (ppr (unitId pkg)) ++ ")", [pkg])]) }
_ <- GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags
-- By this time, the global ref has probably already
-- been forced, in which case doing this isn't actually
-- going to do you any good.
-- dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
-- liftIO $ setUnsafeGlobalDynFlags dflags
return ()
-- Precondition: UnitId is NOT InstalledUnitId
compileInclude :: Int -> (Int, UnitId) -> BkpM ()
compileInclude n (i, uid) = do
hsc_env <- getSession
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
msgInclude (i, n) uid
-- Check if we've compiled it already
case lookupPackage dflags uid of
Nothing -> do
case splitUnitIdInsts uid of
(_, Just indef) ->
innerBkpM $ compileUnit (indefUnitIdComponentId indef)
(indefUnitIdInsts indef)
_ -> return ()
Just _ -> return ()
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Backpack monad
-- | Backpack monad is a 'GhcMonad' which also maintains a little extra state
-- beyond the 'Session', c.f. 'BkpEnv'.
type BkpM = IOEnv BkpEnv
-- | Backpack environment. NB: this has a 'Session' and not an 'HscEnv',
-- because we are going to update the 'HscEnv' as we go.
data BkpEnv
= BkpEnv {
-- | The session
bkp_session :: Session,
-- | The filename of the bkp file we're compiling
bkp_filename :: FilePath,
-- | Table of source units which we know how to compile
bkp_table :: Map ComponentId (LHsUnit HsComponentId),
-- | When a package we are compiling includes another package
-- which has not been compiled, we bump the level and compile
-- that.
bkp_level :: Int
-- Blah, to get rid of the default instance for IOEnv
-- TODO: just make a proper new monad for BkpM, rather than use IOEnv
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} HasDynFlags BkpM where
getDynFlags = fmap hsc_dflags getSession
instance GhcMonad BkpM where
getSession = do
Session s <- fmap bkp_session getEnv
readMutVar s
setSession hsc_env = do
Session s <- fmap bkp_session getEnv
writeMutVar s hsc_env
-- | Get the current 'BkpEnv'.
getBkpEnv :: BkpM BkpEnv
getBkpEnv = getEnv
-- | Get the nesting level, when recursively compiling modules.
getBkpLevel :: BkpM Int
getBkpLevel = bkp_level `fmap` getBkpEnv
-- | Apply a function on 'DynFlags' on an 'HscEnv'
overHscDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
overHscDynFlags f hsc_env = hsc_env { hsc_dflags = f (hsc_dflags hsc_env) }
-- | Run a 'BkpM' computation, with the nesting level bumped one.
innerBkpM :: BkpM a -> BkpM a
innerBkpM do_this = do
-- NB: withTempSession mutates, so we don't have to worry
-- about bkp_session being stale.
updEnv (\env -> env { bkp_level = bkp_level env + 1 }) do_this
-- | Update the EPS from a 'GhcMonad'. TODO move to appropriate library spot.
updateEpsGhc_ :: GhcMonad m => (ExternalPackageState -> ExternalPackageState) -> m ()
updateEpsGhc_ f = do
hsc_env <- getSession
liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' (hsc_EPS hsc_env) (\x -> (f x, ()))
-- | Get the EPS from a 'GhcMonad'.
getEpsGhc :: GhcMonad m => m ExternalPackageState
getEpsGhc = do
hsc_env <- getSession
liftIO $ readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
-- | Run 'BkpM' in 'Ghc'.
initBkpM :: FilePath -> [LHsUnit HsComponentId] -> BkpM a -> Ghc a
initBkpM file bkp m = do
reifyGhc $ \session -> do
let env = BkpEnv {
bkp_session = session,
bkp_table = Map.fromList [(hsComponentId (unLoc (hsunitName (unLoc u))), u) | u <- bkp],
bkp_filename = file,
bkp_level = 0
runIOEnv env m
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Messaging
-- | Print a compilation progress message, but with indentation according
-- to @level@ (for nested compilation).
backpackProgressMsg :: Int -> DynFlags -> String -> IO ()
backpackProgressMsg level dflags msg =
compilationProgressMsg dflags $ replicate (level * 2) ' ' ++ msg
-- | Creates a 'Messager' for Backpack compilation; this is basically
-- a carbon copy of 'batchMsg' but calling 'backpackProgressMsg', which
-- handles indentation.
mkBackpackMsg :: BkpM Messager
mkBackpackMsg = do
level <- getBkpLevel
return $ \hsc_env mod_index recomp mod_summary ->
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
showMsg msg reason =
backpackProgressMsg level dflags $
showModuleIndex mod_index ++
msg ++ showModMsg dflags (hscTarget dflags)
(recompileRequired recomp) mod_summary
++ reason
in case recomp of
MustCompile -> showMsg "Compiling " ""
| verbosity (hsc_dflags hsc_env) >= 2 -> showMsg "Skipping " ""
| otherwise -> return ()
RecompBecause reason -> showMsg "Compiling " (" [" ++ reason ++ "]")
-- | 'PprStyle' for Backpack messages; here we usually want the module to
-- be qualified (so we can tell how it was instantiated.) But we try not
-- to qualify packages so we can use simple names for them.
backpackStyle :: DynFlags -> PprStyle
backpackStyle dflags =
mkUserStyle dflags
(QueryQualify neverQualifyNames
neverQualifyPackages) AllTheWay
-- | Message when we initially process a Backpack unit.
msgTopPackage :: (Int,Int) -> HsComponentId -> BkpM ()
msgTopPackage (i,n) (HsComponentId (PackageName fs_pn) _) = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
level <- getBkpLevel
liftIO . backpackProgressMsg level dflags
$ showModuleIndex (i, n) ++ "Processing " ++ unpackFS fs_pn
-- | Message when we instantiate a Backpack unit.
msgUnitId :: UnitId -> BkpM ()
msgUnitId pk = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
level <- getBkpLevel
liftIO . backpackProgressMsg level dflags
$ "Instantiating " ++ renderWithStyle dflags (ppr pk)
(backpackStyle dflags)
-- | Message when we include a Backpack unit.
msgInclude :: (Int,Int) -> UnitId -> BkpM ()
msgInclude (i,n) uid = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
level <- getBkpLevel
liftIO . backpackProgressMsg level dflags
$ showModuleIndex (i, n) ++ "Including " ++
renderWithStyle dflags (ppr uid) (backpackStyle dflags)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Conversion from PackageName to HsComponentId
type PackageNameMap a = Map PackageName a
-- For now, something really simple, since we're not actually going
-- to use this for anything
unitDefines :: LHsUnit PackageName -> (PackageName, HsComponentId)
unitDefines (L _ HsUnit{ hsunitName = L _ pn@(PackageName fs) })
= (pn, HsComponentId pn (ComponentId fs))
packageNameMap :: [LHsUnit PackageName] -> PackageNameMap HsComponentId
packageNameMap units = Map.fromList (map unitDefines units)
renameHsUnits :: DynFlags -> PackageNameMap HsComponentId -> [LHsUnit PackageName] -> [LHsUnit HsComponentId]
renameHsUnits dflags m units = map (fmap renameHsUnit) units
renamePackageName :: PackageName -> HsComponentId
renamePackageName pn =
case Map.lookup pn m of
Nothing ->
case lookupPackageName dflags pn of
Nothing -> error "no package name"
Just cid -> HsComponentId pn cid
Just hscid -> hscid
renameHsUnit :: HsUnit PackageName -> HsUnit HsComponentId
renameHsUnit u =
HsUnit {
hsunitName = fmap renamePackageName (hsunitName u),
hsunitBody = map (fmap renameHsUnitDecl) (hsunitBody u)
renameHsUnitDecl :: HsUnitDecl PackageName -> HsUnitDecl HsComponentId
renameHsUnitDecl (DeclD a b c) = DeclD a b c
renameHsUnitDecl (IncludeD idecl) =
IncludeD IncludeDecl {
idUnitId = fmap renameHsUnitId (idUnitId idecl),
idModRenaming = idModRenaming idecl,
idSignatureInclude = idSignatureInclude idecl
renameHsUnitId :: HsUnitId PackageName -> HsUnitId HsComponentId
renameHsUnitId (HsUnitId ln subst)
= HsUnitId (fmap renamePackageName ln) (map (fmap renameHsModuleSubst) subst)
renameHsModuleSubst :: HsModuleSubst PackageName -> HsModuleSubst HsComponentId
renameHsModuleSubst (lk, lm)
= (lk, fmap renameHsModuleId lm)
renameHsModuleId :: HsModuleId PackageName -> HsModuleId HsComponentId
renameHsModuleId (HsModuleVar lm) = HsModuleVar lm
renameHsModuleId (HsModuleId luid lm) = HsModuleId (fmap renameHsUnitId luid) lm
convertHsUnitId :: HsUnitId HsComponentId -> UnitId
convertHsUnitId (HsUnitId (L _ hscid) subst)
= newUnitId (hsComponentId hscid) (map (convertHsModuleSubst . unLoc) subst)
convertHsModuleSubst :: HsModuleSubst HsComponentId -> (ModuleName, Module)
convertHsModuleSubst (L _ modname, L _ m) = (modname, convertHsModuleId m)
convertHsModuleId :: HsModuleId HsComponentId -> Module
convertHsModuleId (HsModuleVar (L _ modname)) = mkHoleModule modname
convertHsModuleId (HsModuleId (L _ hsuid) (L _ modname)) = mkModule (convertHsUnitId hsuid) modname
* *
Module graph construction
* *
-- | This is our version of GhcMake.downsweep, but with a few modifications:
-- 1. Every module is required to be mentioned, so we don't do any funny
-- business with targets or recursively grabbing dependencies. (We
-- could support this in principle).
-- 2. We support inline modules, whose summary we have to synthesize ourself.
-- We don't bother trying to support GhcMake for now, it's more trouble
-- than it's worth for inline modules.
hsunitModuleGraph :: DynFlags -> HsUnit HsComponentId -> BkpM ModuleGraph
hsunitModuleGraph dflags unit = do
let decls = hsunitBody unit
pn = hsPackageName (unLoc (hsunitName unit))
-- 1. Create a HsSrcFile/HsigFile summary for every
-- explicitly mentioned module/signature.
let get_decl (L _ (DeclD dt lmodname mb_hsmod)) = do
let hsc_src = case dt of
ModuleD -> HsSrcFile
SignatureD -> HsigFile
Just `fmap` summariseDecl pn hsc_src lmodname mb_hsmod
get_decl _ = return Nothing
nodes <- catMaybes `fmap` mapM get_decl decls
-- 2. For each hole which does not already have an hsig file,
-- create an "empty" hsig file to induce compilation for the
-- requirement.
let node_map = Map.fromList [ ((ms_mod_name n, ms_hsc_src n == HsigFile), n)
| n <- nodes ]
req_nodes <- fmap catMaybes . forM (thisUnitIdInsts dflags) $ \(mod_name, _) ->
let has_local = Map.member (mod_name, True) node_map
in if has_local
then return Nothing
else fmap Just $ summariseRequirement pn mod_name
-- 3. Return the kaboodle
return $ mkModuleGraph $ nodes ++ req_nodes
summariseRequirement :: PackageName -> ModuleName -> BkpM ModSummary
summariseRequirement pn mod_name = do
hsc_env <- getSession
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
let PackageName pn_fs = pn
location <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod_name
(unpackFS pn_fs > moduleNameSlashes mod_name) "hsig"
env <- getBkpEnv
time <- liftIO $ getModificationUTCTime (bkp_filename env)
hi_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
hie_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
let loc = srcLocSpan (mkSrcLoc (mkFastString (bkp_filename env)) 1 1)
mod <- liftIO $ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod_name location
extra_sig_imports <- liftIO $ findExtraSigImports hsc_env HsigFile mod_name
return ModSummary {
ms_mod = mod,
ms_hsc_src = HsigFile,
ms_location = location,
ms_hs_date = time,
ms_obj_date = Nothing,
ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp,
ms_srcimps = [],
ms_textual_imps = extra_sig_imports,
ms_parsed_mod = Just (HsParsedModule {
hpm_module = L loc (HsModule {
hsmodName = Just (L loc mod_name),
hsmodExports = Nothing,
hsmodImports = [],
hsmodDecls = [],
hsmodDeprecMessage = Nothing,
hsmodHaddockModHeader = Nothing
hpm_src_files = [],
hpm_annotations = (Map.empty, Map.empty)
ms_hspp_file = "", -- none, it came inline
ms_hspp_opts = dflags,
ms_hspp_buf = Nothing
summariseDecl :: PackageName
-> HscSource
-> Located ModuleName
-> Maybe (Located (HsModule GhcPs))
-> BkpM ModSummary
summariseDecl pn hsc_src (L _ modname) (Just hsmod) = hsModuleToModSummary pn hsc_src modname hsmod
summariseDecl _pn hsc_src lmodname@(L loc modname) Nothing
= do hsc_env <- getSession
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
-- TODO: this looks for modules in the wrong place
r <- liftIO $ summariseModule hsc_env
Map.empty -- GHC API recomp not supported
(hscSourceToIsBoot hsc_src)
True -- Target lets you disallow, but not here
Nothing -- GHC API buffer support not supported
[] -- No exclusions
case r of
Nothing -> throwOneError (mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc (text "module" <+> ppr modname <+> text "was not found"))
Just (Left err) -> throwErrors err
Just (Right summary) -> return summary
-- | Up until now, GHC has assumed a single compilation target per source file.
-- Backpack files with inline modules break this model, since a single file
-- may generate multiple output files. How do we decide to name these files?
-- Should there only be one output file? This function our current heuristic,
-- which is we make a "fake" module and use that.
hsModuleToModSummary :: PackageName
-> HscSource
-> ModuleName
-> Located (HsModule GhcPs)
-> BkpM ModSummary
hsModuleToModSummary pn hsc_src modname
hsmod = do
let imps = hsmodImports (unLoc hsmod)
loc = getLoc hsmod
hsc_env <- getSession
-- Sort of the same deal as in DriverPipeline's getLocation
-- Use the PACKAGE NAME to find the location
let PackageName unit_fs = pn
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
-- Unfortunately, we have to define a "fake" location in
-- order to appease the various code which uses the file
-- name to figure out where to put, e.g. object files.
-- To add insult to injury, we don't even actually use
-- these filenames to figure out where the hi files go.
-- A travesty!
location0 <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags modname
(unpackFS unit_fs >
moduleNameSlashes modname)
(case hsc_src of
HsigFile -> "hsig"
HsBootFile -> "hs-boot"
HsSrcFile -> "hs")
-- DANGEROUS: bootifying can POISON the module finder cache
let location = case hsc_src of
HsBootFile -> addBootSuffixLocnOut location0
_ -> location0
-- This duplicates a pile of logic in GhcMake
env <- getBkpEnv
time <- liftIO $ getModificationUTCTime (bkp_filename env)
hi_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
hie_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
-- Also copied from 'getImports'
let (src_idecls, ord_idecls) = partition (ideclSource.unLoc) imps
-- GHC.Prim doesn't exist physically, so don't go looking for it.
ordinary_imps = filter ((/= moduleName gHC_PRIM) . unLoc . ideclName . unLoc)
implicit_prelude = xopt LangExt.ImplicitPrelude dflags
implicit_imports = mkPrelImports modname loc
implicit_prelude imps
convImport (L _ i) = (fmap sl_fs (ideclPkgQual i), ideclName i)
extra_sig_imports <- liftIO $ findExtraSigImports hsc_env hsc_src modname
let normal_imports = map convImport (implicit_imports ++ ordinary_imps)
required_by_imports <- liftIO $ implicitRequirements hsc_env normal_imports
-- So that Finder can find it, even though it doesn't exist...
this_mod <- liftIO $ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env modname location
return ModSummary {
ms_mod = this_mod,
ms_hsc_src = hsc_src,
ms_location = location,
ms_hspp_file = (case hiDir dflags of
Nothing -> ""
Just d -> d) > ".." > moduleNameSlashes modname <.> "hi",
ms_hspp_opts = dflags,
ms_hspp_buf = Nothing,
ms_srcimps = map convImport src_idecls,
ms_textual_imps = normal_imports
-- We have to do something special here:
-- due to merging, requirements may end up with
-- extra imports
++ extra_sig_imports
++ required_by_imports,
-- This is our hack to get the parse tree to the right spot
ms_parsed_mod = Just (HsParsedModule {
hpm_module = hsmod,
hpm_src_files = [], -- TODO if we preprocessed it
hpm_annotations = (Map.empty, Map.empty) -- BOGUS
ms_hs_date = time,
ms_obj_date = Nothing, -- TODO do this, but problem: hi_timestamp is BOGUS
ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp
-- | Create a new, externally provided hashed unit id from
-- a hash.
newInstalledUnitId :: ComponentId -> Maybe FastString -> InstalledUnitId
newInstalledUnitId (ComponentId cid_fs) (Just fs)
= InstalledUnitId (cid_fs `appendFS` mkFastString "+" `appendFS` fs)
newInstalledUnitId (ComponentId cid_fs) Nothing
= InstalledUnitId cid_fs