----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Cmm data types -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Cmm ( GenCmm(..), Cmm, RawCmm, GenCmmTop(..), CmmTop, RawCmmTop, ListGraph(..), cmmMapGraph, cmmTopMapGraph, cmmMapGraphM, cmmTopMapGraphM, CmmInfo(..), UpdateFrame(..), CmmInfoTable(..), HasStaticClosure, ClosureTypeInfo(..), ConstrDescription, ProfilingInfo(..), ClosureTypeTag, GenBasicBlock(..), CmmBasicBlock, blockId, blockStmts, mapBlockStmts, CmmReturnInfo(..), CmmStmt(..), CmmActual, CmmActuals, CmmFormal, CmmFormals, HintedCmmFormal, HintedCmmFormals, HintedCmmActual, HintedCmmActuals, CmmSafety(..), CmmCallTarget(..), CallishMachOp(..), pprCallishMachOp, ForeignHint(..), CmmHinted(..), CmmStatic(..), Section(..), module CmmExpr, ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import BlockId import CmmExpr import CLabel import ForeignCall import SMRep import ClosureInfo import Outputable import FastString import Data.Word -- A [[BlockId]] is a local label. -- Local labels must be unique within an entire compilation unit, not -- just a single top-level item, because local labels map one-to-one -- with assembly-language labels. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Cmm, CmmTop, CmmBasicBlock ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A file is a list of top-level chunks. These may be arbitrarily -- re-orderd during code generation. -- GenCmm is abstracted over -- d, the type of static data elements in CmmData -- h, the static info preceding the code of a CmmProc -- g, the control-flow graph of a CmmProc -- -- We expect there to be two main instances of this type: -- (a) C--, i.e. populated with various C-- constructs -- (Cmm and RawCmm below) -- (b) Native code, populated with data/instructions -- -- A second family of instances based on ZipCfg is work in progress. -- newtype GenCmm d h g = Cmm [GenCmmTop d h g] -- | A top-level chunk, abstracted over the type of the contents of -- the basic blocks (Cmm or instructions are the likely instantiations). data GenCmmTop d h g = CmmProc -- A procedure h -- Extra header such as the info table CLabel -- Used to generate both info & entry labels CmmFormals -- Argument locals live on entry (C-- procedure params) -- XXX Odd that there are no kinds, but there you are ---NR g -- Control-flow graph for the procedure's code | CmmData -- Static data Section [d] -- | A control-flow graph represented as a list of extended basic blocks. newtype ListGraph i = ListGraph [GenBasicBlock i] -- ^ Code, may be empty. The first block is the entry point. The -- order is otherwise initially unimportant, but at some point the -- code gen will fix the order. -- BlockIds must be unique across an entire compilation unit, since -- they are translated to assembly-language labels, which scope -- across a whole compilation unit. -- | Cmm with the info table as a data type type Cmm = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo (ListGraph CmmStmt) type CmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic CmmInfo (ListGraph CmmStmt) -- | Cmm with the info tables converted to a list of 'CmmStatic' type RawCmm = GenCmm CmmStatic [CmmStatic] (ListGraph CmmStmt) type RawCmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic [CmmStatic] (ListGraph CmmStmt) -- A basic block containing a single label, at the beginning. -- The list of basic blocks in a top-level code block may be re-ordered. -- Fall-through is not allowed: there must be an explicit jump at the -- end of each basic block, but the code generator might rearrange basic -- blocks in order to turn some jumps into fallthroughs. data GenBasicBlock i = BasicBlock BlockId [i] type CmmBasicBlock = GenBasicBlock CmmStmt instance UserOfLocalRegs i => UserOfLocalRegs (GenBasicBlock i) where foldRegsUsed f set (BasicBlock _ l) = foldRegsUsed f set l blockId :: GenBasicBlock i -> BlockId -- The branch block id is that of the first block in -- the branch, which is that branch's entry point blockId (BasicBlock blk_id _ ) = blk_id blockStmts :: GenBasicBlock i -> [i] blockStmts (BasicBlock _ stmts) = stmts mapBlockStmts :: (i -> i') -> GenBasicBlock i -> GenBasicBlock i' mapBlockStmts f (BasicBlock id bs) = BasicBlock id (map f bs) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- graph maps ---------------------------------------------------------------- cmmMapGraph :: (g -> g') -> GenCmm d h g -> GenCmm d h g' cmmTopMapGraph :: (g -> g') -> GenCmmTop d h g -> GenCmmTop d h g' cmmMapGraphM :: Monad m => (String -> g -> m g') -> GenCmm d h g -> m (GenCmm d h g') cmmTopMapGraphM :: Monad m => (String -> g -> m g') -> GenCmmTop d h g -> m (GenCmmTop d h g') cmmMapGraph f (Cmm tops) = Cmm $ map (cmmTopMapGraph f) tops cmmTopMapGraph f (CmmProc h l args g) = CmmProc h l args (f g) cmmTopMapGraph _ (CmmData s ds) = CmmData s ds cmmMapGraphM f (Cmm tops) = mapM (cmmTopMapGraphM f) tops >>= return . Cmm cmmTopMapGraphM f (CmmProc h l args g) = f (showSDoc $ ppr l) g >>= return . CmmProc h l args cmmTopMapGraphM _ (CmmData s ds) = return $ CmmData s ds ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Info Tables ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data CmmInfo = CmmInfo (Maybe BlockId) -- GC target. Nothing <=> CPS won't do stack check -- JD: NOT USED BY NEW CODE GEN (Maybe UpdateFrame) -- Update frame CmmInfoTable -- Info table -- Info table as a haskell data type data CmmInfoTable = CmmInfoTable HasStaticClosure ProfilingInfo ClosureTypeTag -- Int ClosureTypeInfo | CmmNonInfoTable -- Procedure doesn't need an info table type HasStaticClosure = Bool -- TODO: The GC target shouldn't really be part of CmmInfo -- as it doesn't appear in the resulting info table. -- It should be factored out. data ClosureTypeInfo = ConstrInfo ClosureLayout ConstrTag ConstrDescription | FunInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT FunArity ArgDescr SlowEntry | ThunkInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT | ThunkSelectorInfo SelectorOffset C_SRT | ContInfo [Maybe LocalReg] -- stack layout C_SRT data CmmReturnInfo = CmmMayReturn | CmmNeverReturns -- TODO: These types may need refinement data ProfilingInfo = ProfilingInfo CmmLit CmmLit -- closure_type, closure_desc type ClosureTypeTag = StgHalfWord type ClosureLayout = (StgHalfWord, StgHalfWord) -- ptrs, nptrs type ConstrTag = StgHalfWord type ConstrDescription = CmmLit type FunArity = StgHalfWord type SlowEntry = CmmLit -- We would like this to be a CLabel but -- for now the parser sets this to zero on an INFO_TABLE_FUN. type SelectorOffset = StgWord -- | A frame that is to be pushed before entry to the function. -- Used to handle 'update' frames. data UpdateFrame = UpdateFrame CmmExpr -- Frame header. Behaves like the target of a 'jump'. [CmmExpr] -- Frame remainder. Behaves like the arguments of a 'jump'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CmmStmt -- A "statement". Note that all branches are explicit: there are no -- control transfers to computed addresses, except when transfering -- control to a new function. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data CmmStmt -- Old-style = CmmNop | CmmComment FastString | CmmAssign CmmReg CmmExpr -- Assign to register | CmmStore CmmExpr CmmExpr -- Assign to memory location. Size is -- given by cmmExprType of the rhs. | CmmCall -- A call (forign, native or primitive), with CmmCallTarget HintedCmmFormals -- zero or more results HintedCmmActuals -- zero or more arguments CmmSafety -- whether to build a continuation CmmReturnInfo | CmmBranch BlockId -- branch to another BB in this fn | CmmCondBranch CmmExpr BlockId -- conditional branch | CmmSwitch CmmExpr [Maybe BlockId] -- Table branch -- The scrutinee is zero-based; -- zero -> first block -- one -> second block etc -- Undefined outside range, and when there's a Nothing | CmmJump CmmExpr -- Jump to another C-- function, HintedCmmActuals -- with these parameters. (parameters never used) | CmmReturn -- Return from a native C-- function, HintedCmmActuals -- with these return values. (parameters never used) type CmmActual = CmmExpr type CmmFormal = LocalReg type CmmActuals = [CmmActual] type CmmFormals = [CmmFormal] data CmmHinted a = CmmHinted { hintlessCmm :: a, cmmHint :: ForeignHint } deriving( Eq ) type HintedCmmActuals = [HintedCmmActual] type HintedCmmFormals = [HintedCmmFormal] type HintedCmmFormal = CmmHinted CmmFormal type HintedCmmActual = CmmHinted CmmActual data CmmSafety = CmmUnsafe | CmmSafe C_SRT -- | enable us to fold used registers over 'CmmActuals' and 'CmmFormals' instance UserOfLocalRegs CmmStmt where foldRegsUsed f set s = stmt s set where stmt (CmmNop) = id stmt (CmmComment {}) = id stmt (CmmAssign _ e) = gen e stmt (CmmStore e1 e2) = gen e1 . gen e2 stmt (CmmCall target _ es _ _) = gen target . gen es stmt (CmmBranch _) = id stmt (CmmCondBranch e _) = gen e stmt (CmmSwitch e _) = gen e stmt (CmmJump e es) = gen e . gen es stmt (CmmReturn es) = gen es gen a set = foldRegsUsed f set a instance UserOfLocalRegs CmmCallTarget where foldRegsUsed f set (CmmCallee e _) = foldRegsUsed f set e foldRegsUsed _ set (CmmPrim {}) = set instance UserOfSlots CmmCallTarget where foldSlotsUsed f set (CmmCallee e _) = foldSlotsUsed f set e foldSlotsUsed _ set (CmmPrim {}) = set instance UserOfLocalRegs a => UserOfLocalRegs (CmmHinted a) where foldRegsUsed f set a = foldRegsUsed f set (hintlessCmm a) instance UserOfSlots a => UserOfSlots (CmmHinted a) where foldSlotsUsed f set a = foldSlotsUsed f set (hintlessCmm a) instance DefinerOfLocalRegs a => DefinerOfLocalRegs (CmmHinted a) where foldRegsDefd f set a = foldRegsDefd f set (hintlessCmm a) {- Discussion ~~~~~~~~~~ One possible problem with the above type is that the only way to do a non-local conditional jump is to encode it as a branch to a block that contains a single jump. This leads to inefficient code in the back end. [N.B. This problem will go away when we make the transition to the 'zipper' form of control-flow graph, in which both targets of a conditional jump are explicit. ---NR] One possible way to fix this would be: data CmmStat = ... | CmmJump CmmBranchDest | CmmCondJump CmmExpr CmmBranchDest ... data CmmBranchDest = Local BlockId | NonLocal CmmExpr [LocalReg] In favour: + one fewer constructors in CmmStmt + allows both cond branch and switch to jump to non-local destinations Against: - not strictly necessary: can already encode as branch+jump - not always possible to implement any better in the back end - could do the optimisation in the back end (but then plat-specific?) - C-- doesn't have it - back-end optimisation might be more general (jump shortcutting) So we'll stick with the way it is, and add the optimisation to the NCG. -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CmmCallTarget -- -- The target of a CmmCall. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data CmmCallTarget = CmmCallee -- Call a function (foreign or native) CmmExpr -- literal label <=> static call -- other expression <=> dynamic call CCallConv -- The calling convention | CmmPrim -- Call a "primitive" (eg. sin, cos) CallishMachOp -- These might be implemented as inline -- code by the backend. deriving Eq data ForeignHint = NoHint | AddrHint | SignedHint deriving( Eq ) -- Used to give extra per-argument or per-result -- information needed by foreign calling conventions -- CallishMachOps tend to be implemented by foreign calls in some backends, -- so we separate them out. In Cmm, these can only occur in a -- statement position, in contrast to an ordinary MachOp which can occur -- anywhere in an expression. data CallishMachOp = MO_F64_Pwr | MO_F64_Sin | MO_F64_Cos | MO_F64_Tan | MO_F64_Sinh | MO_F64_Cosh | MO_F64_Tanh | MO_F64_Asin | MO_F64_Acos | MO_F64_Atan | MO_F64_Log | MO_F64_Exp | MO_F64_Sqrt | MO_F32_Pwr | MO_F32_Sin | MO_F32_Cos | MO_F32_Tan | MO_F32_Sinh | MO_F32_Cosh | MO_F32_Tanh | MO_F32_Asin | MO_F32_Acos | MO_F32_Atan | MO_F32_Log | MO_F32_Exp | MO_F32_Sqrt | MO_WriteBarrier deriving (Eq, Show) pprCallishMachOp :: CallishMachOp -> SDoc pprCallishMachOp mo = text (show mo) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Static Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Section = Text | Data | ReadOnlyData | RelocatableReadOnlyData | UninitialisedData | ReadOnlyData16 -- .rodata.cst16 on x86_64, 16-byte aligned | OtherSection String data CmmStatic = CmmStaticLit CmmLit -- a literal value, size given by cmmLitRep of the literal. | CmmUninitialised Int -- uninitialised data, N bytes long | CmmAlign Int -- align to next N-byte boundary (N must be a power of 2). | CmmDataLabel CLabel -- label the current position in this section. | CmmString [Word8] -- string of 8-bit values only, not zero terminated.