{-# OPTIONS -w #-} -- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge. -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix -- any warnings in the module. See -- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings -- for details module CmmCPS ( -- | Converts C-- with full proceedures and parameters -- to a CPS transformed C-- with the stack made manifest. cmmCPS ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import BlockId import Cmm import CmmLint import PprCmm import CmmLive import CmmBrokenBlock import CmmProcPoint import CmmCallConv import CmmCPSGen import CmmUtils import ClosureInfo import MachOp import CLabel import SMRep import Constants import DynFlags import ErrUtils import Maybes import Outputable import UniqSupply import UniqFM import UniqSet import Unique import Monad import IO import Data.List ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Top level driver for the CPS pass ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmmCPS :: DynFlags -- ^ Dynamic flags: -dcmm-lint -ddump-cps-cmm -> [Cmm] -- ^ Input C-- with Proceedures -> IO [Cmm] -- ^ Output CPS transformed C-- cmmCPS dflags cmm_with_calls = do { when (dopt Opt_DoCmmLinting dflags) $ do showPass dflags "CmmLint" case firstJust $ map cmmLint cmm_with_calls of Just err -> do printDump err ghcExit dflags 1 Nothing -> return () ; showPass dflags "CPS" -- TODO: more lint checking -- check for use of branches to non-existant blocks -- check for use of Sp, SpLim, R1, R2, etc. ; uniqSupply <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'p' ; let supplies = listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply ; let cpsd_cmm = zipWith doCpsProc supplies cmm_with_calls ; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cps_cmm "CPS Cmm" (pprCmms cpsd_cmm) -- TODO: add option to dump Cmm to file ; return cpsd_cmm } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |CPS a single CmmTop (proceedure) -- Only 'CmmProc' are transformed 'CmmData' will be left alone. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- doCpsProc :: UniqSupply -> Cmm -> Cmm doCpsProc s (Cmm c) = Cmm $ concat $ zipWith cpsProc (listSplitUniqSupply s) c cpsProc :: UniqSupply -> CmmTop -- ^Input procedure -> [CmmTop] -- ^Output procedures; -- a single input procedure is converted to -- multiple output procedures -- Data blocks don't need to be CPS transformed cpsProc uniqSupply proc@(CmmData _ _) = [proc] -- Empty functions just don't work with the CPS algorithm, but -- they don't need the transformation anyway so just output them directly cpsProc uniqSupply proc@(CmmProc _ _ _ (ListGraph [])) = pprTrace "cpsProc: unexpected empty proc" (ppr proc) [proc] -- CPS transform for those procs that actually need it -- The plan is this: -- -- * Introduce a stack-check block as the first block -- * The first blocks gets a FunctionEntry; the rest are ControlEntry -- * Now break each block into a bunch of blocks (at call sites); -- all but the first will be ContinuationEntry -- cpsProc uniqSupply (CmmProc info ident params (ListGraph blocks)) = cps_procs where -- We need to be generating uniques for several things. -- We could make this function monadic to handle that -- but since there is no other reason to make it monadic, -- we instead will just split them all up right here. (uniqSupply1, uniqSupply2) = splitUniqSupply uniqSupply uniques :: [[Unique]] uniques = map uniqsFromSupply $ listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply1 (stack_check_block_unique:stack_use_unique:adaptor_uniques) : block_uniques = uniques proc_uniques = map (map (map uniqsFromSupply . listSplitUniqSupply) . listSplitUniqSupply) $ listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply2 stack_use = CmmLocal (LocalReg stack_use_unique (cmmRegRep spReg) GCKindPtr) stack_check_block_id = BlockId stack_check_block_unique stack_check_block = make_stack_check stack_check_block_id info stack_use (blockId $ head blocks) forced_blocks = stack_check_block : blocks CmmInfo maybe_gc_block_id update_frame _ = info -- Break the block at each function call. -- The part after the function call will have to become a continuation. broken_blocks :: ([(BlockId, ContFormat)], [BrokenBlock]) broken_blocks = (\x -> (concatMap fst x, concatMap snd x)) $ zipWith3 (breakBlock (maybeToList maybe_gc_block_id)) block_uniques forced_blocks (FunctionEntry info ident params : repeat ControlEntry) f' = selectContinuations (fst broken_blocks) broken_blocks' = map (makeContinuationEntries f') $ concat $ zipWith (adaptBlockToFormat f') adaptor_uniques (snd broken_blocks) -- Calculate live variables for each broken block. -- -- Nothing can be live on entry to the first block -- so we could take the tail, but for now we wont -- to help future proof the code. live :: BlockEntryLiveness live = cmmLiveness $ map cmmBlockFromBrokenBlock broken_blocks' -- Calculate which blocks must be made into full fledged procedures. proc_points :: UniqSet BlockId proc_points = calculateProcPoints broken_blocks' -- Construct a map so we can lookup a broken block by its 'BlockId'. block_env :: BlockEnv BrokenBlock block_env = blocksToBlockEnv broken_blocks' -- Group the blocks into continuations based on the set of proc-points. continuations :: [Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)] continuations = map (gatherBlocksIntoContinuation live proc_points block_env) (uniqSetToList proc_points) -- Select the stack format on entry to each continuation. -- Return the max stack offset and an association list -- -- This is an association list instead of a UniqFM because -- CLabel's don't have a 'Uniqueable' instance. formats :: [(CLabel, -- key (CmmFormalsWithoutKinds, -- arguments Maybe CLabel, -- label in top slot [Maybe LocalReg]))] -- slots formats = selectContinuationFormat live continuations -- Do a little meta-processing on the stack formats such as -- getting the individual frame sizes and the maximum frame size formats' :: (WordOff, WordOff, [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)]) formats'@(_, _, format_list) = processFormats formats update_frame continuations -- Update the info table data on the continuations with -- the selected stack formats. continuations' :: [Continuation CmmInfo] continuations' = map (applyContinuationFormat format_list) continuations -- Do the actual CPS transform. cps_procs :: [CmmTop] cps_procs = zipWith (continuationToProc formats' stack_use) proc_uniques continuations' make_stack_check stack_check_block_id info stack_use next_block_id = BasicBlock stack_check_block_id $ check_stmts ++ [CmmBranch next_block_id] where check_stmts = case info of -- If we are given a stack check handler, -- then great, well check the stack. CmmInfo (Just gc_block) _ _ -> [CmmCondBranch (CmmMachOp (MO_U_Lt $ cmmRegRep spReg) [CmmReg stack_use, CmmReg spLimReg]) gc_block] -- If we aren't given a stack check handler, -- then humph! we just won't check the stack for them. CmmInfo Nothing _ _ -> [] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- collectNonProcPointTargets :: UniqSet BlockId -> BlockEnv BrokenBlock -> UniqSet BlockId -> [BlockId] -> UniqSet BlockId collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks current_targets new_blocks = if sizeUniqSet current_targets == sizeUniqSet new_targets then current_targets else foldl (collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks) new_targets (map (:[]) targets) where blocks' = map (lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks (panic "TODO")) new_blocks targets = -- Note the subtlety that since the extra branch after a call -- will always be to a block that is a proc-point, -- this subtraction will always remove that case uniqSetToList $ (unionManyUniqSets $ map (mkUniqSet . brokenBlockTargets) blocks') `minusUniqSet` proc_points -- TODO: remove redundant uniqSetToList new_targets = current_targets `unionUniqSets` (mkUniqSet targets) -- TODO: insert proc point code here -- * Branches and switches to proc points may cause new blocks to be created -- (or proc points could leave behind phantom blocks that just jump to them) -- * Proc points might get some live variables passed as arguments gatherBlocksIntoContinuation :: BlockEntryLiveness -> UniqSet BlockId -> BlockEnv BrokenBlock -> BlockId -> Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo) gatherBlocksIntoContinuation live proc_points blocks start = Continuation info_table clabel params is_gc_cont body where children = (collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks (unitUniqSet start) [start]) `minusUniqSet` (unitUniqSet start) start_block = lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks unknown_block start children_blocks = map (lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks unknown_block) (uniqSetToList children) unknown_block = panic "unknown block in gatherBlocksIntoContinuation" body = start_block : children_blocks -- We can't properly annotate the continuation's stack parameters -- at this point because this is before stack selection -- but we want to keep the C_SRT around so we use 'Either'. info_table = case start_block_entry of FunctionEntry info _ _ -> Right info ContinuationEntry _ srt _ -> Left srt ControlEntry -> Right (CmmInfo Nothing Nothing CmmNonInfoTable) is_gc_cont = case start_block_entry of FunctionEntry _ _ _ -> False ContinuationEntry _ _ gc_cont -> gc_cont ControlEntry -> False start_block_entry = brokenBlockEntry start_block clabel = case start_block_entry of FunctionEntry _ label _ -> label _ -> mkReturnPtLabel $ getUnique start params = case start_block_entry of FunctionEntry _ _ args -> args ContinuationEntry args _ _ -> args ControlEntry -> uniqSetToList $ lookupWithDefaultUFM live unknown_block start -- it's a proc-point, pass lives in parameter registers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For now just select the continuation orders in the order they are in the set with no gaps selectContinuationFormat :: BlockEnv CmmLive -> [Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)] -> [(CLabel, (CmmFormalsWithoutKinds, Maybe CLabel, [Maybe LocalReg]))] selectContinuationFormat live continuations = map (\c -> (continuationLabel c, selectContinuationFormat' c)) continuations where -- User written continuations selectContinuationFormat' (Continuation (Right (CmmInfo _ _ (CmmInfoTable _ _ (ContInfo format srt)))) label formals _ _) = (formals, Just label, format) -- Either user written non-continuation code -- or CPS generated proc-points selectContinuationFormat' (Continuation (Right _) _ formals _ _) = (formals, Nothing, []) -- CPS generated continuations selectContinuationFormat' (Continuation (Left srt) label formals _ blocks) = -- TODO: assumes the first block is the entry block let ident = brokenBlockId $ head blocks -- TODO: CLabel isn't a uniquable, but we need a better way than this in (formals, Just label, map Just $ uniqSetToList $ lookupWithDefaultUFM live unknown_block ident) unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in selectContinuationFormat" processFormats :: [(CLabel, (CmmFormalsWithoutKinds, Maybe CLabel, [Maybe LocalReg]))] -> Maybe UpdateFrame -> [Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)] -> (WordOff, WordOff, [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)]) processFormats formats update_frame continuations = (max_size + update_frame_size, update_frame_size, formats') where max_size = maximum $ 0 : map (continuationMaxStack formats') continuations formats' = map make_format formats make_format (label, (formals, top, stack)) = (label, ContinuationFormat { continuation_formals = formals, continuation_label = top, continuation_frame_size = stack_size stack + if isJust top then label_size else 0, continuation_stack = stack }) update_frame_size = case update_frame of Nothing -> 0 (Just (UpdateFrame _ args)) -> label_size + update_size args update_size [] = 0 update_size (expr:exprs) = width + update_size exprs where width = machRepByteWidth (cmmExprRep expr) `quot` wORD_SIZE -- TODO: it would be better if we had a machRepWordWidth -- TODO: get rid of "+ 1" etc. label_size = 1 :: WordOff stack_size [] = 0 stack_size (Nothing:formats) = 1 + stack_size formats -- one dead word stack_size (Just reg:formats) = width + stack_size formats where width = machRepByteWidth (localRegRep reg) `quot` wORD_SIZE -- TODO: it would be better if we had a machRepWordWidth continuationMaxStack :: [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)] -> Continuation a -> WordOff continuationMaxStack _ (Continuation _ _ _ True _) = 0 continuationMaxStack formats (Continuation _ label _ False blocks) = max_arg_size + continuation_frame_size stack_format where stack_format = maybe unknown_format id $ lookup label formats unknown_format = panic "Unknown format in continuationMaxStack" max_arg_size = maximum $ 0 : map block_max_arg_size blocks block_max_arg_size block = maximum (final_arg_size (brokenBlockExit block) : map stmt_arg_size (brokenBlockStmts block)) final_arg_size (FinalReturn args) = argumentsSize (cmmExprRep . kindlessCmm) args final_arg_size (FinalJump _ args) = argumentsSize (cmmExprRep . kindlessCmm) args final_arg_size (FinalCall next _ _ args _ _ True) = 0 final_arg_size (FinalCall next _ _ args _ _ False) = -- We have to account for the stack used when we build a frame -- for the *next* continuation from *this* continuation argumentsSize (cmmExprRep . kindlessCmm) args + continuation_frame_size next_format where next_format = maybe unknown_format id $ lookup next' formats next' = mkReturnPtLabel $ getUnique next final_arg_size _ = 0 stmt_arg_size (CmmJump _ args) = argumentsSize (cmmExprRep . kindlessCmm) args stmt_arg_size (CmmCall _ _ _ (CmmSafe _) _) = panic "Safe call in processFormats" stmt_arg_size (CmmReturn _) = panic "CmmReturn in processFormats" stmt_arg_size _ = 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- applyContinuationFormat :: [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)] -> Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo) -> Continuation CmmInfo -- User written continuations applyContinuationFormat formats (Continuation (Right (CmmInfo gc update_frame (CmmInfoTable prof tag (ContInfo _ srt)))) label formals is_gc blocks) = Continuation (CmmInfo gc update_frame (CmmInfoTable prof tag (ContInfo format srt))) label formals is_gc blocks where format = continuation_stack $ maybe unknown_block id $ lookup label formats unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in applyContinuationFormat" -- Either user written non-continuation code or CPS generated proc-point applyContinuationFormat formats (Continuation (Right info) label formals is_gc blocks) = Continuation info label formals is_gc blocks -- CPS generated continuations applyContinuationFormat formats (Continuation (Left srt) label formals is_gc blocks) = Continuation (CmmInfo gc Nothing (CmmInfoTable prof tag (ContInfo (continuation_stack $ format) srt))) label formals is_gc blocks where gc = Nothing -- Generated continuations never need a stack check -- TODO prof: this is the same as the current implementation -- but I think it could be improved prof = ProfilingInfo zeroCLit zeroCLit tag = rET_SMALL -- cmmToRawCmm may convert it to rET_BIG format = maybe unknown_block id $ lookup label formats unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in applyContinuationFormat"