module CmmMachOp ( MachOp(..) , pprMachOp, isCommutableMachOp, isAssociativeMachOp , isComparisonMachOp, maybeIntComparison, machOpResultType , machOpArgReps, maybeInvertComparison, isFloatComparison -- MachOp builders , mo_wordAdd, mo_wordSub, mo_wordEq, mo_wordNe,mo_wordMul, mo_wordSQuot , mo_wordSRem, mo_wordSNeg, mo_wordUQuot, mo_wordURem , mo_wordSGe, mo_wordSLe, mo_wordSGt, mo_wordSLt, mo_wordUGe , mo_wordULe, mo_wordUGt, mo_wordULt , mo_wordAnd, mo_wordOr, mo_wordXor, mo_wordNot , mo_wordShl, mo_wordSShr, mo_wordUShr , mo_u_8To32, mo_s_8To32, mo_u_16To32, mo_s_16To32 , mo_u_8ToWord, mo_s_8ToWord, mo_u_16ToWord, mo_s_16ToWord , mo_u_32ToWord, mo_s_32ToWord , mo_32To8, mo_32To16, mo_WordTo8, mo_WordTo16, mo_WordTo32, mo_WordTo64 -- CallishMachOp , CallishMachOp(..), callishMachOpHints , pprCallishMachOp , machOpMemcpyishAlign -- Atomic read-modify-write , AtomicMachOp(..) ) where import GhcPrelude import CmmType import Outputable import DynFlags ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MachOp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Machine-level primops; ones which we can reasonably delegate to the native code generators to handle. Most operations are parameterised by the 'Width' that they operate on. Some operations have separate signed and unsigned versions, and float and integer versions. -} data MachOp -- Integer operations (insensitive to signed/unsigned) = MO_Add Width | MO_Sub Width | MO_Eq Width | MO_Ne Width | MO_Mul Width -- low word of multiply -- Signed multiply/divide | MO_S_MulMayOflo Width -- nonzero if signed multiply overflows | MO_S_Quot Width -- signed / (same semantics as IntQuotOp) | MO_S_Rem Width -- signed % (same semantics as IntRemOp) | MO_S_Neg Width -- unary - -- Unsigned multiply/divide | MO_U_MulMayOflo Width -- nonzero if unsigned multiply overflows | MO_U_Quot Width -- unsigned / (same semantics as WordQuotOp) | MO_U_Rem Width -- unsigned % (same semantics as WordRemOp) -- Signed comparisons | MO_S_Ge Width | MO_S_Le Width | MO_S_Gt Width | MO_S_Lt Width -- Unsigned comparisons | MO_U_Ge Width | MO_U_Le Width | MO_U_Gt Width | MO_U_Lt Width -- Floating point arithmetic | MO_F_Add Width | MO_F_Sub Width | MO_F_Neg Width -- unary - | MO_F_Mul Width | MO_F_Quot Width -- Floating point comparison | MO_F_Eq Width | MO_F_Ne Width | MO_F_Ge Width | MO_F_Le Width | MO_F_Gt Width | MO_F_Lt Width -- Bitwise operations. Not all of these may be supported -- at all sizes, and only integral Widths are valid. | MO_And Width | MO_Or Width | MO_Xor Width | MO_Not Width | MO_Shl Width | MO_U_Shr Width -- unsigned shift right | MO_S_Shr Width -- signed shift right -- Conversions. Some of these will be NOPs. -- Floating-point conversions use the signed variant. | MO_SF_Conv Width Width -- Signed int -> Float | MO_FS_Conv Width Width -- Float -> Signed int | MO_SS_Conv Width Width -- Signed int -> Signed int | MO_UU_Conv Width Width -- unsigned int -> unsigned int | MO_XX_Conv Width Width -- int -> int; puts no requirements on the -- contents of upper bits when extending; -- narrowing is simply truncation; the only -- expectation is that we can recover the -- original value by applying the opposite -- MO_XX_Conv, e.g., -- MO_XX_CONV W64 W8 (MO_XX_CONV W8 W64 x) -- is equivalent to just x. | MO_FF_Conv Width Width -- Float -> Float -- Vector element insertion and extraction operations | MO_V_Insert Length Width -- Insert scalar into vector | MO_V_Extract Length Width -- Extract scalar from vector -- Integer vector operations | MO_V_Add Length Width | MO_V_Sub Length Width | MO_V_Mul Length Width -- Signed vector multiply/divide | MO_VS_Quot Length Width | MO_VS_Rem Length Width | MO_VS_Neg Length Width -- Unsigned vector multiply/divide | MO_VU_Quot Length Width | MO_VU_Rem Length Width -- Floting point vector element insertion and extraction operations | MO_VF_Insert Length Width -- Insert scalar into vector | MO_VF_Extract Length Width -- Extract scalar from vector -- Floating point vector operations | MO_VF_Add Length Width | MO_VF_Sub Length Width | MO_VF_Neg Length Width -- unary negation | MO_VF_Mul Length Width | MO_VF_Quot Length Width -- Alignment check (for -falignment-sanitisation) | MO_AlignmentCheck Int Width deriving (Eq, Show) pprMachOp :: MachOp -> SDoc pprMachOp mo = text (show mo) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Some common MachReps -- A 'wordRep' is a machine word on the target architecture -- Specifically, it is the size of an Int#, Word#, Addr# -- and the unit of allocation on the stack and the heap -- Any pointer is also guaranteed to be a wordRep. mo_wordAdd, mo_wordSub, mo_wordEq, mo_wordNe,mo_wordMul, mo_wordSQuot , mo_wordSRem, mo_wordSNeg, mo_wordUQuot, mo_wordURem , mo_wordSGe, mo_wordSLe, mo_wordSGt, mo_wordSLt, mo_wordUGe , mo_wordULe, mo_wordUGt, mo_wordULt , mo_wordAnd, mo_wordOr, mo_wordXor, mo_wordNot, mo_wordShl, mo_wordSShr, mo_wordUShr , mo_u_8ToWord, mo_s_8ToWord, mo_u_16ToWord, mo_s_16ToWord, mo_u_32ToWord, mo_s_32ToWord , mo_WordTo8, mo_WordTo16, mo_WordTo32, mo_WordTo64 :: DynFlags -> MachOp mo_u_8To32, mo_s_8To32, mo_u_16To32, mo_s_16To32 , mo_32To8, mo_32To16 :: MachOp mo_wordAdd dflags = MO_Add (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordSub dflags = MO_Sub (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordEq dflags = MO_Eq (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordNe dflags = MO_Ne (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordMul dflags = MO_Mul (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordSQuot dflags = MO_S_Quot (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordSRem dflags = MO_S_Rem (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordSNeg dflags = MO_S_Neg (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordUQuot dflags = MO_U_Quot (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordURem dflags = MO_U_Rem (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordSGe dflags = MO_S_Ge (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordSLe dflags = MO_S_Le (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordSGt dflags = MO_S_Gt (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordSLt dflags = MO_S_Lt (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordUGe dflags = MO_U_Ge (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordULe dflags = MO_U_Le (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordUGt dflags = MO_U_Gt (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordULt dflags = MO_U_Lt (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordAnd dflags = MO_And (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordOr dflags = MO_Or (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordXor dflags = MO_Xor (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordNot dflags = MO_Not (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordShl dflags = MO_Shl (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordSShr dflags = MO_S_Shr (wordWidth dflags) mo_wordUShr dflags = MO_U_Shr (wordWidth dflags) mo_u_8To32 = MO_UU_Conv W8 W32 mo_s_8To32 = MO_SS_Conv W8 W32 mo_u_16To32 = MO_UU_Conv W16 W32 mo_s_16To32 = MO_SS_Conv W16 W32 mo_u_8ToWord dflags = MO_UU_Conv W8 (wordWidth dflags) mo_s_8ToWord dflags = MO_SS_Conv W8 (wordWidth dflags) mo_u_16ToWord dflags = MO_UU_Conv W16 (wordWidth dflags) mo_s_16ToWord dflags = MO_SS_Conv W16 (wordWidth dflags) mo_s_32ToWord dflags = MO_SS_Conv W32 (wordWidth dflags) mo_u_32ToWord dflags = MO_UU_Conv W32 (wordWidth dflags) mo_WordTo8 dflags = MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth dflags) W8 mo_WordTo16 dflags = MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth dflags) W16 mo_WordTo32 dflags = MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth dflags) W32 mo_WordTo64 dflags = MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth dflags) W64 mo_32To8 = MO_UU_Conv W32 W8 mo_32To16 = MO_UU_Conv W32 W16 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- isCommutableMachOp {- | Returns 'True' if the MachOp has commutable arguments. This is used in the platform-independent Cmm optimisations. If in doubt, return 'False'. This generates worse code on the native routes, but is otherwise harmless. -} isCommutableMachOp :: MachOp -> Bool isCommutableMachOp mop = case mop of MO_Add _ -> True MO_Eq _ -> True MO_Ne _ -> True MO_Mul _ -> True MO_S_MulMayOflo _ -> True MO_U_MulMayOflo _ -> True MO_And _ -> True MO_Or _ -> True MO_Xor _ -> True MO_F_Add _ -> True MO_F_Mul _ -> True _other -> False -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- isAssociativeMachOp {- | Returns 'True' if the MachOp is associative (i.e. @(x+y)+z == x+(y+z)@) This is used in the platform-independent Cmm optimisations. If in doubt, return 'False'. This generates worse code on the native routes, but is otherwise harmless. -} isAssociativeMachOp :: MachOp -> Bool isAssociativeMachOp mop = case mop of MO_Add {} -> True -- NB: does not include MO_Mul {} -> True -- floatint point! MO_And {} -> True MO_Or {} -> True MO_Xor {} -> True _other -> False -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- isComparisonMachOp {- | Returns 'True' if the MachOp is a comparison. If in doubt, return False. This generates worse code on the native routes, but is otherwise harmless. -} isComparisonMachOp :: MachOp -> Bool isComparisonMachOp mop = case mop of MO_Eq _ -> True MO_Ne _ -> True MO_S_Ge _ -> True MO_S_Le _ -> True MO_S_Gt _ -> True MO_S_Lt _ -> True MO_U_Ge _ -> True MO_U_Le _ -> True MO_U_Gt _ -> True MO_U_Lt _ -> True MO_F_Eq {} -> True MO_F_Ne {} -> True MO_F_Ge {} -> True MO_F_Le {} -> True MO_F_Gt {} -> True MO_F_Lt {} -> True _other -> False {- | Returns @Just w@ if the operation is an integer comparison with width @w@, or @Nothing@ otherwise. -} maybeIntComparison :: MachOp -> Maybe Width maybeIntComparison mop = case mop of MO_Eq w -> Just w MO_Ne w -> Just w MO_S_Ge w -> Just w MO_S_Le w -> Just w MO_S_Gt w -> Just w MO_S_Lt w -> Just w MO_U_Ge w -> Just w MO_U_Le w -> Just w MO_U_Gt w -> Just w MO_U_Lt w -> Just w _ -> Nothing isFloatComparison :: MachOp -> Bool isFloatComparison mop = case mop of MO_F_Eq {} -> True MO_F_Ne {} -> True MO_F_Ge {} -> True MO_F_Le {} -> True MO_F_Gt {} -> True MO_F_Lt {} -> True _other -> False -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inverting conditions -- Sometimes it's useful to be able to invert the sense of a -- condition. Not all conditional tests are invertible: in -- particular, floating point conditionals cannot be inverted, because -- there exist floating-point values which return False for both senses -- of a condition (eg. !(NaN > NaN) && !(NaN /<= NaN)). maybeInvertComparison :: MachOp -> Maybe MachOp maybeInvertComparison op = case op of -- None of these Just cases include floating point MO_Eq r -> Just (MO_Ne r) MO_Ne r -> Just (MO_Eq r) MO_U_Lt r -> Just (MO_U_Ge r) MO_U_Gt r -> Just (MO_U_Le r) MO_U_Le r -> Just (MO_U_Gt r) MO_U_Ge r -> Just (MO_U_Lt r) MO_S_Lt r -> Just (MO_S_Ge r) MO_S_Gt r -> Just (MO_S_Le r) MO_S_Le r -> Just (MO_S_Gt r) MO_S_Ge r -> Just (MO_S_Lt r) _other -> Nothing -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- machOpResultType {- | Returns the MachRep of the result of a MachOp. -} machOpResultType :: DynFlags -> MachOp -> [CmmType] -> CmmType machOpResultType dflags mop tys = case mop of MO_Add {} -> ty1 -- Preserve GC-ptr-hood MO_Sub {} -> ty1 -- of first arg MO_Mul r -> cmmBits r MO_S_MulMayOflo r -> cmmBits r MO_S_Quot r -> cmmBits r MO_S_Rem r -> cmmBits r MO_S_Neg r -> cmmBits r MO_U_MulMayOflo r -> cmmBits r MO_U_Quot r -> cmmBits r MO_U_Rem r -> cmmBits r MO_Eq {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_Ne {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_S_Ge {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_S_Le {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_S_Gt {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_S_Lt {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_U_Ge {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_U_Le {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_U_Gt {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_U_Lt {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_F_Add r -> cmmFloat r MO_F_Sub r -> cmmFloat r MO_F_Mul r -> cmmFloat r MO_F_Quot r -> cmmFloat r MO_F_Neg r -> cmmFloat r MO_F_Eq {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_F_Ne {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_F_Ge {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_F_Le {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_F_Gt {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_F_Lt {} -> comparisonResultRep dflags MO_And {} -> ty1 -- Used for pointer masking MO_Or {} -> ty1 MO_Xor {} -> ty1 MO_Not r -> cmmBits r MO_Shl r -> cmmBits r MO_U_Shr r -> cmmBits r MO_S_Shr r -> cmmBits r MO_SS_Conv _ to -> cmmBits to MO_UU_Conv _ to -> cmmBits to MO_XX_Conv _ to -> cmmBits to MO_FS_Conv _ to -> cmmBits to MO_SF_Conv _ to -> cmmFloat to MO_FF_Conv _ to -> cmmFloat to MO_V_Insert l w -> cmmVec l (cmmBits w) MO_V_Extract _ w -> cmmBits w MO_V_Add l w -> cmmVec l (cmmBits w) MO_V_Sub l w -> cmmVec l (cmmBits w) MO_V_Mul l w -> cmmVec l (cmmBits w) MO_VS_Quot l w -> cmmVec l (cmmBits w) MO_VS_Rem l w -> cmmVec l (cmmBits w) MO_VS_Neg l w -> cmmVec l (cmmBits w) MO_VU_Quot l w -> cmmVec l (cmmBits w) MO_VU_Rem l w -> cmmVec l (cmmBits w) MO_VF_Insert l w -> cmmVec l (cmmFloat w) MO_VF_Extract _ w -> cmmFloat w MO_VF_Add l w -> cmmVec l (cmmFloat w) MO_VF_Sub l w -> cmmVec l (cmmFloat w) MO_VF_Mul l w -> cmmVec l (cmmFloat w) MO_VF_Quot l w -> cmmVec l (cmmFloat w) MO_VF_Neg l w -> cmmVec l (cmmFloat w) MO_AlignmentCheck _ _ -> ty1 where (ty1:_) = tys comparisonResultRep :: DynFlags -> CmmType comparisonResultRep = bWord -- is it? -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- machOpArgReps -- | This function is used for debugging only: we can check whether an -- application of a MachOp is "type-correct" by checking that the MachReps of -- its arguments are the same as the MachOp expects. This is used when -- linting a CmmExpr. machOpArgReps :: DynFlags -> MachOp -> [Width] machOpArgReps dflags op = case op of MO_Add r -> [r,r] MO_Sub r -> [r,r] MO_Eq r -> [r,r] MO_Ne r -> [r,r] MO_Mul r -> [r,r] MO_S_MulMayOflo r -> [r,r] MO_S_Quot r -> [r,r] MO_S_Rem r -> [r,r] MO_S_Neg r -> [r] MO_U_MulMayOflo r -> [r,r] MO_U_Quot r -> [r,r] MO_U_Rem r -> [r,r] MO_S_Ge r -> [r,r] MO_S_Le r -> [r,r] MO_S_Gt r -> [r,r] MO_S_Lt r -> [r,r] MO_U_Ge r -> [r,r] MO_U_Le r -> [r,r] MO_U_Gt r -> [r,r] MO_U_Lt r -> [r,r] MO_F_Add r -> [r,r] MO_F_Sub r -> [r,r] MO_F_Mul r -> [r,r] MO_F_Quot r -> [r,r] MO_F_Neg r -> [r] MO_F_Eq r -> [r,r] MO_F_Ne r -> [r,r] MO_F_Ge r -> [r,r] MO_F_Le r -> [r,r] MO_F_Gt r -> [r,r] MO_F_Lt r -> [r,r] MO_And r -> [r,r] MO_Or r -> [r,r] MO_Xor r -> [r,r] MO_Not r -> [r] MO_Shl r -> [r, wordWidth dflags] MO_U_Shr r -> [r, wordWidth dflags] MO_S_Shr r -> [r, wordWidth dflags] MO_SS_Conv from _ -> [from] MO_UU_Conv from _ -> [from] MO_XX_Conv from _ -> [from] MO_SF_Conv from _ -> [from] MO_FS_Conv from _ -> [from] MO_FF_Conv from _ -> [from] MO_V_Insert l r -> [typeWidth (vec l (cmmBits r)),r,wordWidth dflags] MO_V_Extract l r -> [typeWidth (vec l (cmmBits r)),wordWidth dflags] MO_V_Add _ r -> [r,r] MO_V_Sub _ r -> [r,r] MO_V_Mul _ r -> [r,r] MO_VS_Quot _ r -> [r,r] MO_VS_Rem _ r -> [r,r] MO_VS_Neg _ r -> [r] MO_VU_Quot _ r -> [r,r] MO_VU_Rem _ r -> [r,r] MO_VF_Insert l r -> [typeWidth (vec l (cmmFloat r)),r,wordWidth dflags] MO_VF_Extract l r -> [typeWidth (vec l (cmmFloat r)),wordWidth dflags] MO_VF_Add _ r -> [r,r] MO_VF_Sub _ r -> [r,r] MO_VF_Mul _ r -> [r,r] MO_VF_Quot _ r -> [r,r] MO_VF_Neg _ r -> [r] MO_AlignmentCheck _ r -> [r] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CallishMachOp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CallishMachOps tend to be implemented by foreign calls in some backends, -- so we separate them out. In Cmm, these can only occur in a -- statement position, in contrast to an ordinary MachOp which can occur -- anywhere in an expression. data CallishMachOp = MO_F64_Pwr | MO_F64_Sin | MO_F64_Cos | MO_F64_Tan | MO_F64_Sinh | MO_F64_Cosh | MO_F64_Tanh | MO_F64_Asin | MO_F64_Acos | MO_F64_Atan | MO_F64_Asinh | MO_F64_Acosh | MO_F64_Atanh | MO_F64_Log | MO_F64_Log1P | MO_F64_Exp | MO_F64_ExpM1 | MO_F64_Fabs | MO_F64_Sqrt | MO_F32_Pwr | MO_F32_Sin | MO_F32_Cos | MO_F32_Tan | MO_F32_Sinh | MO_F32_Cosh | MO_F32_Tanh | MO_F32_Asin | MO_F32_Acos | MO_F32_Atan | MO_F32_Asinh | MO_F32_Acosh | MO_F32_Atanh | MO_F32_Log | MO_F32_Log1P | MO_F32_Exp | MO_F32_ExpM1 | MO_F32_Fabs | MO_F32_Sqrt | MO_UF_Conv Width | MO_S_QuotRem Width | MO_U_QuotRem Width | MO_U_QuotRem2 Width | MO_Add2 Width | MO_AddWordC Width | MO_SubWordC Width | MO_AddIntC Width | MO_SubIntC Width | MO_U_Mul2 Width | MO_WriteBarrier | MO_Touch -- Keep variables live (when using interior pointers) -- Prefetch | MO_Prefetch_Data Int -- Prefetch hint. May change program performance but not -- program behavior. -- the Int can be 0-3. Needs to be known at compile time -- to interact with code generation correctly. -- TODO: add support for prefetch WRITES, -- currently only exposes prefetch reads, which -- would the majority of use cases in ghc anyways -- These three MachOps are parameterised by the known alignment -- of the destination and source (for memcpy/memmove) pointers. -- This information may be used for optimisation in backends. | MO_Memcpy Int | MO_Memset Int | MO_Memmove Int | MO_Memcmp Int | MO_PopCnt Width | MO_Pdep Width | MO_Pext Width | MO_Clz Width | MO_Ctz Width | MO_BSwap Width | MO_BRev Width -- Atomic read-modify-write. | MO_AtomicRMW Width AtomicMachOp | MO_AtomicRead Width | MO_AtomicWrite Width | MO_Cmpxchg Width deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The operation to perform atomically. data AtomicMachOp = AMO_Add | AMO_Sub | AMO_And | AMO_Nand | AMO_Or | AMO_Xor deriving (Eq, Show) pprCallishMachOp :: CallishMachOp -> SDoc pprCallishMachOp mo = text (show mo) callishMachOpHints :: CallishMachOp -> ([ForeignHint], [ForeignHint]) callishMachOpHints op = case op of MO_Memcpy _ -> ([], [AddrHint,AddrHint,NoHint]) MO_Memset _ -> ([], [AddrHint,NoHint,NoHint]) MO_Memmove _ -> ([], [AddrHint,AddrHint,NoHint]) MO_Memcmp _ -> ([], [AddrHint, AddrHint, NoHint]) _ -> ([],[]) -- empty lists indicate NoHint -- | The alignment of a 'memcpy'-ish operation. machOpMemcpyishAlign :: CallishMachOp -> Maybe Int machOpMemcpyishAlign op = case op of MO_Memcpy align -> Just align MO_Memset align -> Just align MO_Memmove align -> Just align MO_Memcmp align -> Just align _ -> Nothing