{-# OPTIONS -w #-} -- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge. -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix -- any warnings in the module. See -- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings -- for details module CmmProcPoint ( calculateProcPoints ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import Cmm import CmmBrokenBlock import Dataflow import UniqSet import UniqFM import Panic -- Determine the proc points for a set of basic blocks. -- -- A proc point is any basic block that must start a new function. -- The entry block of the original function is a proc point. -- The continuation of a function call is also a proc point. -- The third kind of proc point arises when there is a joint point -- in the control flow. Suppose we have code like the following: -- -- if (...) { ...; call foo(); ...} -- else { ...; call bar(); ...} -- x = y; -- -- That last statement "x = y" must be a proc point because -- it can be reached by blocks owned by different proc points -- (the two branches of the conditional). -- -- We calculate these proc points by starting with the minimal set -- and finding blocks that are reachable from more proc points than -- one of their parents. (This ensures we don't choose a block -- simply beause it is reachable from another block that is reachable -- from multiple proc points.) These new blocks are added to the -- set of proc points and the process is repeated until there -- are no more proc points to be found. calculateProcPoints :: [BrokenBlock] -> UniqSet BlockId calculateProcPoints blocks = calculateProcPoints' init_proc_points blocks where init_proc_points = mkUniqSet $ map brokenBlockId $ filter always_proc_point blocks always_proc_point BrokenBlock { brokenBlockEntry = FunctionEntry _ _ _ } = True always_proc_point BrokenBlock { brokenBlockEntry = ContinuationEntry _ _ _ } = True always_proc_point _ = False calculateProcPoints' :: UniqSet BlockId -> [BrokenBlock] -> UniqSet BlockId calculateProcPoints' old_proc_points blocks = if sizeUniqSet old_proc_points == sizeUniqSet new_proc_points then old_proc_points else calculateProcPoints' new_proc_points blocks where blocks_ufm :: BlockEnv BrokenBlock blocks_ufm = blocksToBlockEnv blocks owners = calculateOwnership blocks_ufm old_proc_points blocks new_proc_points = unionManyUniqSets (old_proc_points: map (calculateNewProcPoints owners) blocks) calculateNewProcPoints :: BlockEnv (UniqSet BlockId) -> BrokenBlock -> UniqSet BlockId calculateNewProcPoints owners block = unionManyUniqSets (map (maybe_proc_point parent_id) child_ids) where parent_id = brokenBlockId block child_ids = brokenBlockTargets block maybe_proc_point parent_id child_id = if needs_proc_point then unitUniqSet child_id else emptyUniqSet where parent_owners = lookupWithDefaultUFM owners emptyUniqSet parent_id child_owners = lookupWithDefaultUFM owners emptyUniqSet child_id needs_proc_point = -- only if parent isn't dead (not $ isEmptyUniqSet parent_owners) && -- and only if child has more owners than parent (not $ isEmptyUniqSet $ child_owners `minusUniqSet` parent_owners) calculateOwnership :: BlockEnv BrokenBlock -> UniqSet BlockId -> [BrokenBlock] -> BlockEnv (UniqSet BlockId) calculateOwnership blocks_ufm proc_points blocks = fixedpoint dependants update (map brokenBlockId blocks) emptyUFM where dependants :: BlockId -> [BlockId] dependants ident = brokenBlockTargets $ lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks_ufm unknown_block ident update :: BlockId -> Maybe BlockId -> BlockEnv (UniqSet BlockId) -> Maybe (BlockEnv (UniqSet BlockId)) update ident cause owners = case (cause, ident `elementOfUniqSet` proc_points) of (Nothing, True) -> Just $ addToUFM owners ident (unitUniqSet ident) (Nothing, False) -> Nothing (Just cause', True) -> Nothing (Just cause', False) -> if (sizeUniqSet old) == (sizeUniqSet new) then Nothing else Just $ addToUFM owners ident new where old = lookupWithDefaultUFM owners emptyUniqSet ident new = old `unionUniqSets` lookupWithDefaultUFM owners emptyUniqSet cause' unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in calculateOwnership"