{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module CmmSwitch ( SwitchTargets, mkSwitchTargets, switchTargetsCases, switchTargetsDefault, switchTargetsRange, switchTargetsSigned, mapSwitchTargets, switchTargetsToTable, switchTargetsFallThrough, switchTargetsToList, eqSwitchTargetWith, SwitchPlan(..), targetSupportsSwitch, createSwitchPlan, ) where import Outputable import DynFlags import Hoopl.Label (Label) import Data.Maybe import Data.List (groupBy) import Data.Function (on) import qualified Data.Map as M -- Note [Cmm Switches, the general plan] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- -- Compiling a high-level switch statement, as it comes out of a STG case -- expression, for example, allows for a surprising amount of design decisions. -- Therefore, we cleanly separated this from the Stg → Cmm transformation, as -- well as from the actual code generation. -- -- The overall plan is: -- * The Stg → Cmm transformation creates a single `SwitchTargets` in -- emitSwitch and emitCmmLitSwitch in StgCmmUtils.hs. -- At this stage, they are unsuitable for code generation. -- * A dedicated Cmm transformation (CmmImplementSwitchPlans) replaces these -- switch statements with code that is suitable for code generation, i.e. -- a nice balanced tree of decisions with dense jump tables in the leafs. -- The actual planning of this tree is performed in pure code in createSwitchPlan -- in this module. See Note [createSwitchPlan]. -- * The actual code generation will not do any further processing and -- implement each CmmSwitch with a jump tables. -- -- When compiling to LLVM or C, CmmImplementSwitchPlans leaves the switch -- statements alone, as we can turn a SwitchTargets value into a nice -- switch-statement in LLVM resp. C, and leave the rest to the compiler. -- -- See Note [CmmSwitch vs. CmmImplementSwitchPlans] why the two module are -- separated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Note [Magic Constants in CmmSwitch] -- -- There are a lot of heuristics here that depend on magic values where it is -- hard to determine the "best" value (for whatever that means). These are the -- magic values: -- | Number of consecutive default values allowed in a jump table. If there are -- more of them, the jump tables are split. -- -- Currently 7, as it costs 7 words of additional code when a jump table is -- split (at least on x64, determined experimentally). maxJumpTableHole :: Integer maxJumpTableHole = 7 -- | Minimum size of a jump table. If the number is smaller, the switch is -- implemented using conditionals. -- Currently 5, because an if-then-else tree of 4 values is nice and compact. minJumpTableSize :: Int minJumpTableSize = 5 -- | Minimum non-zero offset for a jump table. See Note [Jump Table Offset]. minJumpTableOffset :: Integer minJumpTableOffset = 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Switch Targets -- Note [SwitchTargets]: -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- -- The branches of a switch are stored in a SwitchTargets, which consists of an -- (optional) default jump target, and a map from values to jump targets. -- -- If the default jump target is absent, the behaviour of the switch outside the -- values of the map is undefined. -- -- We use an Integer for the keys the map so that it can be used in switches on -- unsigned as well as signed integers. -- -- The map may be empty (we prune out-of-range branches here, so it could be us -- emptying it). -- -- Before code generation, the table needs to be brought into a form where all -- entries are non-negative, so that it can be compiled into a jump table. -- See switchTargetsToTable. -- | A value of type SwitchTargets contains the alternatives for a 'CmmSwitch' -- value, and knows whether the value is signed, the possible range, an -- optional default value and a map from values to jump labels. data SwitchTargets = SwitchTargets Bool -- Signed values (Integer, Integer) -- Range (Maybe Label) -- Default value (M.Map Integer Label) -- The branches deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The smart constructr mkSwitchTargets normalises the map a bit: -- * No entries outside the range -- * No entries equal to the default -- * No default if all elements have explicit values mkSwitchTargets :: Bool -> (Integer, Integer) -> Maybe Label -> M.Map Integer Label -> SwitchTargets mkSwitchTargets signed range@(lo,hi) mbdef ids = SwitchTargets signed range mbdef' ids' where ids' = dropDefault $ restrict ids mbdef' | defaultNeeded = mbdef | otherwise = Nothing -- Drop entries outside the range, if there is a range restrict = restrictMap (lo,hi) -- Drop entries that equal the default, if there is a default dropDefault | Just l <- mbdef = M.filter (/= l) | otherwise = id -- Check if the default is still needed defaultNeeded = fromIntegral (M.size ids') /= hi-lo+1 -- | Changes all labels mentioned in the SwitchTargets value mapSwitchTargets :: (Label -> Label) -> SwitchTargets -> SwitchTargets mapSwitchTargets f (SwitchTargets signed range mbdef branches) = SwitchTargets signed range (fmap f mbdef) (fmap f branches) -- | Returns the list of non-default branches of the SwitchTargets value switchTargetsCases :: SwitchTargets -> [(Integer, Label)] switchTargetsCases (SwitchTargets _ _ _ branches) = M.toList branches -- | Return the default label of the SwitchTargets value switchTargetsDefault :: SwitchTargets -> Maybe Label switchTargetsDefault (SwitchTargets _ _ mbdef _) = mbdef -- | Return the range of the SwitchTargets value switchTargetsRange :: SwitchTargets -> (Integer, Integer) switchTargetsRange (SwitchTargets _ range _ _) = range -- | Return whether this is used for a signed value switchTargetsSigned :: SwitchTargets -> Bool switchTargetsSigned (SwitchTargets signed _ _ _) = signed -- | switchTargetsToTable creates a dense jump table, usable for code generation. -- -- Also returns an offset to add to the value; the list is 0-based on the -- result of that addition. -- -- The conversion from Integer to Int is a bit of a wart, as the actual -- scrutinee might be an unsigned word, but it just works, due to wrap-around -- arithmetic (as verified by the CmmSwitchTest test case). switchTargetsToTable :: SwitchTargets -> (Int, [Maybe Label]) switchTargetsToTable (SwitchTargets _ (lo,hi) mbdef branches) = (fromIntegral (-start), [ labelFor i | i <- [start..hi] ]) where labelFor i = case M.lookup i branches of Just l -> Just l Nothing -> mbdef start | lo >= 0 && lo < minJumpTableOffset = 0 -- See Note [Jump Table Offset] | otherwise = lo -- Note [Jump Table Offset] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- -- Usually, the code for a jump table starting at x will first subtract x from -- the value, to avoid a large amount of empty entries. But if x is very small, -- the extra entries are no worse than the subtraction in terms of code size, and -- not having to do the subtraction is quicker. -- -- I.e. instead of -- _u20N: -- leaq -1(%r14),%rax -- jmp *_n20R(,%rax,8) -- _n20R: -- .quad _c20p -- .quad _c20q -- do -- _u20N: -- jmp *_n20Q(,%r14,8) -- -- _n20Q: -- .quad 0 -- .quad _c20p -- .quad _c20q -- .quad _c20r -- | The list of all labels occuring in the SwitchTargets value. switchTargetsToList :: SwitchTargets -> [Label] switchTargetsToList (SwitchTargets _ _ mbdef branches) = maybeToList mbdef ++ M.elems branches -- | Groups cases with equal targets, suitable for pretty-printing to a -- c-like switch statement with fall-through semantics. switchTargetsFallThrough :: SwitchTargets -> ([([Integer], Label)], Maybe Label) switchTargetsFallThrough (SwitchTargets _ _ mbdef branches) = (groups, mbdef) where groups = map (\xs -> (map fst xs, snd (head xs))) $ groupBy ((==) `on` snd) $ M.toList branches -- | Custom equality helper, needed for "CmmCommonBlockElim" eqSwitchTargetWith :: (Label -> Label -> Bool) -> SwitchTargets -> SwitchTargets -> Bool eqSwitchTargetWith eq (SwitchTargets signed1 range1 mbdef1 ids1) (SwitchTargets signed2 range2 mbdef2 ids2) = signed1 == signed2 && range1 == range2 && goMB mbdef1 mbdef2 && goList (M.toList ids1) (M.toList ids2) where goMB Nothing Nothing = True goMB (Just l1) (Just l2) = l1 `eq` l2 goMB _ _ = False goList [] [] = True goList ((i1,l1):ls1) ((i2,l2):ls2) = i1 == i2 && l1 `eq` l2 && goList ls1 ls2 goList _ _ = False ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Code generation for Switches -- | A SwitchPlan abstractly describes how a Switch statement ought to be -- implemented. See Note [createSwitchPlan] data SwitchPlan = Unconditionally Label | IfEqual Integer Label SwitchPlan | IfLT Bool Integer SwitchPlan SwitchPlan | JumpTable SwitchTargets deriving Show -- -- Note [createSwitchPlan] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- -- A SwitchPlan describes how a Switch statement is to be broken down into -- smaller pieces suitable for code generation. -- -- createSwitchPlan creates such a switch plan, in these steps: -- 1. It splits the switch statement at segments of non-default values that -- are too large. See splitAtHoles and Note [Magic Constants in CmmSwitch] -- 2. Too small jump tables should be avoided, so we break up smaller pieces -- in breakTooSmall. -- 3. We fill in the segments between those pieces with a jump to the default -- label (if there is one), returning a SeparatedList in mkFlatSwitchPlan -- 4. We find and replace two less-than branches by a single equal-to-test in -- findSingleValues -- 5. The thus collected pieces are assembled to a balanced binary tree. -- | Does the target support switch out of the box? Then leave this to the -- target! targetSupportsSwitch :: HscTarget -> Bool targetSupportsSwitch HscC = True targetSupportsSwitch HscLlvm = True targetSupportsSwitch _ = False -- | This function creates a SwitchPlan from a SwitchTargets value, breaking it -- down into smaller pieces suitable for code generation. createSwitchPlan :: SwitchTargets -> SwitchPlan -- Lets do the common case of a singleton map quicky and efficiently (#10677) createSwitchPlan (SwitchTargets _signed _range (Just defLabel) m) | [(x, l)] <- M.toList m = IfEqual x l (Unconditionally defLabel) -- And another common case, matching booleans createSwitchPlan (SwitchTargets _signed (lo,hi) Nothing m) | [(x1, l1), (x2,l2)] <- M.toAscList m , x1 == lo , x2 == hi , x1 + 1 == x2 = IfEqual x1 l1 (Unconditionally l2) createSwitchPlan (SwitchTargets signed range mbdef m) = -- pprTrace "createSwitchPlan" (text (show ids) $$ text (show (range,m)) $$ text (show pieces) $$ text (show flatPlan) $$ text (show plan)) $ plan where pieces = concatMap breakTooSmall $ splitAtHoles maxJumpTableHole m flatPlan = findSingleValues $ mkFlatSwitchPlan signed mbdef range pieces plan = buildTree signed $ flatPlan --- --- Step 1: Splitting at large holes --- splitAtHoles :: Integer -> M.Map Integer a -> [M.Map Integer a] splitAtHoles _ m | M.null m = [] splitAtHoles holeSize m = map (\range -> restrictMap range m) nonHoles where holes = filter (\(l,h) -> h - l > holeSize) $ zip (M.keys m) (tail (M.keys m)) nonHoles = reassocTuples lo holes hi (lo,_) = M.findMin m (hi,_) = M.findMax m --- --- Step 2: Avoid small jump tables --- -- We do not want jump tables below a certain size. This breaks them up -- (into singleton maps, for now). breakTooSmall :: M.Map Integer a -> [M.Map Integer a] breakTooSmall m | M.size m > minJumpTableSize = [m] | otherwise = [M.singleton k v | (k,v) <- M.toList m] --- --- Step 3: Fill in the blanks --- -- | A FlatSwitchPlan is a list of SwitchPlans, with an integer inbetween every -- two entries, dividing the range. -- So if we have (abusing list syntax) [plan1,n,plan2], then we use plan1 if -- the expression is < n, and plan2 otherwise. type FlatSwitchPlan = SeparatedList Integer SwitchPlan mkFlatSwitchPlan :: Bool -> Maybe Label -> (Integer, Integer) -> [M.Map Integer Label] -> FlatSwitchPlan -- If we have no default (i.e. undefined where there is no entry), we can -- branch at the minimum of each map mkFlatSwitchPlan _ Nothing _ [] = pprPanic "mkFlatSwitchPlan with nothing left to do" empty mkFlatSwitchPlan signed Nothing _ (m:ms) = (mkLeafPlan signed Nothing m , [ (fst (M.findMin m'), mkLeafPlan signed Nothing m') | m' <- ms ]) -- If we have a default, we have to interleave segments that jump -- to the default between the maps mkFlatSwitchPlan signed (Just l) r ms = let ((_,p1):ps) = go r ms in (p1, ps) where go (lo,hi) [] | lo > hi = [] | otherwise = [(lo, Unconditionally l)] go (lo,hi) (m:ms) | lo < min = (lo, Unconditionally l) : go (min,hi) (m:ms) | lo == min = (lo, mkLeafPlan signed (Just l) m) : go (max+1,hi) ms | otherwise = pprPanic "mkFlatSwitchPlan" (integer lo <+> integer min) where min = fst (M.findMin m) max = fst (M.findMax m) mkLeafPlan :: Bool -> Maybe Label -> M.Map Integer Label -> SwitchPlan mkLeafPlan signed mbdef m | [(_,l)] <- M.toList m -- singleton map = Unconditionally l | otherwise = JumpTable $ mkSwitchTargets signed (min,max) mbdef m where min = fst (M.findMin m) max = fst (M.findMax m) --- --- Step 4: Reduce the number of branches using == --- -- A sequence of three unconditional jumps, with the outer two pointing to the -- same value and the bounds off by exactly one can be improved findSingleValues :: FlatSwitchPlan -> FlatSwitchPlan findSingleValues (Unconditionally l, (i, Unconditionally l2) : (i', Unconditionally l3) : xs) | l == l3 && i + 1 == i' = findSingleValues (IfEqual i l2 (Unconditionally l), xs) findSingleValues (p, (i,p'):xs) = (p,i) `consSL` findSingleValues (p', xs) findSingleValues (p, []) = (p, []) --- --- Step 5: Actually build the tree --- -- Build a balanced tree from a separated list buildTree :: Bool -> FlatSwitchPlan -> SwitchPlan buildTree _ (p,[]) = p buildTree signed sl = IfLT signed m (buildTree signed sl1) (buildTree signed sl2) where (sl1, m, sl2) = divideSL sl -- -- Utility data type: Non-empty lists with extra markers in between each -- element: -- type SeparatedList b a = (a, [(b,a)]) consSL :: (a, b) -> SeparatedList b a -> SeparatedList b a consSL (a, b) (a', xs) = (a, (b,a'):xs) divideSL :: SeparatedList b a -> (SeparatedList b a, b, SeparatedList b a) divideSL (_,[]) = error "divideSL: Singleton SeparatedList" divideSL (p,xs) = ((p, xs1), m, (p', xs2)) where (xs1, (m,p'):xs2) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs -- -- Other Utilities -- restrictMap :: (Integer,Integer) -> M.Map Integer b -> M.Map Integer b restrictMap (lo,hi) m = mid where (_, mid_hi) = M.split (lo-1) m (mid, _) = M.split (hi+1) mid_hi -- for example: reassocTuples a [(b,c),(d,e)] f == [(a,b),(c,d),(e,f)] reassocTuples :: a -> [(a,a)] -> a -> [(a,a)] reassocTuples initial [] last = [(initial,last)] reassocTuples initial ((a,b):tuples) last = (initial,a) : reassocTuples b tuples last -- Note [CmmSwitch vs. CmmImplementSwitchPlans] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- I (Joachim) separated the two somewhat closely related modules -- -- - CmmSwitch, which provides the CmmSwitchTargets type and contains the strategy -- for implementing a Cmm switch (createSwitchPlan), and -- - CmmImplementSwitchPlans, which contains the actuall Cmm graph modification, -- -- for these reasons: -- -- * CmmSwitch is very low in the dependency tree, i.e. does not depend on any -- GHC specific modules at all (with the exception of Output and Hoople -- (Literal)). CmmImplementSwitchPlans is the Cmm transformation and hence very -- high in the dependency tree. -- * CmmSwitch provides the CmmSwitchTargets data type, which is abstract, but -- used in CmmNodes. -- * Because CmmSwitch is low in the dependency tree, the separation allows -- for more parallelism when building GHC. -- * The interaction between the modules is very explicit and easy to -- understand, due to the small and simple interface.