module DFMonad ( DataflowLattice(..) , DataflowAnalysis , markFactsUnchanged, factsStatus, getFact, setFact, getExitFact, setExitFact , forgetFact, botFact, setAllFacts, getAllFacts, factsEnv , addLastOutFact, bareLastOutFacts, forgetLastOutFacts, checkFactMatch , subAnalysis , DFM, runDFM, liftToDFM , markGraphRewritten, graphWasRewritten , module OptimizationFuel ) where import BlockId import CmmTx import PprCmm() import OptimizationFuel import Maybes import Outputable import UniqSupply {- A dataflow monad maintains a mapping from BlockIds to dataflow facts, where a dataflow fact is a value of type [[a]]. Values of type [[a]] must form a lattice, as described by type [[Fact a]]. The dataflow engine uses the lattice structure to compute a least solution to a set of dataflow equations. To compute a greatest solution, flip the lattice over. The engine works by starting at the bottom and iterating to a fixed point, so in principle we require the bottom element, a join (least upper bound) operation, and a comparison to find out if a value has changed (grown). In practice, the comparison is only ever used in conjunction with the join, so we have [[fact_add_to]]: fact_add_to new old = let j = join new old in if j <= old then noTx old -- nothing changed else aTx j -- the fact changed -} data DataflowLattice a = DataflowLattice { fact_name :: String, -- documentation fact_bot :: a, -- lattice bottom element fact_add_to :: a -> a -> TxRes a, -- lattice join and compare -- ^ compute join of two args; something changed iff join is greater than 2nd arg fact_do_logging :: Bool -- log changes } -- DFM is the monad of combined analysis and transformation, -- which needs a UniqSupply and may consume optimization fuel -- DFM is defined using a monad transformer, DFM', which is the general -- case of DFM, parameterized over any monad. -- In practice, we apply DFM' to the FuelMonad, which provides optimization fuel and -- the unique supply. data DFState f = DFState { df_rewritten :: !ChangeFlag , df_facts :: !(BlockEnv f) , df_exit_fact :: !f , df_last_outs :: ![(BlockId, f)] , df_facts_change :: !ChangeFlag } newtype DFM' m fact a = DFM' (DataflowLattice fact -> DFState fact -> m (a, DFState fact)) type DFM fact a = DFM' FuelMonad fact a runDFM :: Monad m => DataflowLattice f -> DFM' m f a -> m a runDFM lattice (DFM' f) = (f lattice $ DFState NoChange emptyBlockEnv (fact_bot lattice) [] NoChange) >>= return . fst class DataflowAnalysis m where markFactsUnchanged :: m f () -- ^ Useful for starting a new iteration factsStatus :: m f ChangeFlag subAnalysis :: m f a -> m f a -- ^ Do a new analysis and then throw away -- /all/ the related state. getFact :: BlockId -> m f f setFact :: Outputable f => BlockId -> f -> m f () getExitFact :: m f f setExitFact :: Outputable f => f -> m f () checkFactMatch :: Outputable f => BlockId -> f -> m f () -- ^ assert fact already at this val botFact :: m f f forgetFact :: BlockId -> m f () -- | It might be surprising these next two are needed in a pure analysis, -- but for some problems we do a 'shallow' rewriting in which a rewritten -- graph is not itself considered for further rewriting but merely undergoes -- an analysis. In this case the results of a forward analysis might produce -- new facts that go on BlockId's that reside outside the graph being analyzed. -- Thus these 'lastOutFacts' need to be available even in a pure analysis. addLastOutFact :: (BlockId, f) -> m f () bareLastOutFacts :: m f [(BlockId, f)] forgetLastOutFacts :: m f () getAllFacts :: m f (BlockEnv f) setAllFacts :: BlockEnv f -> m f () factsEnv :: Monad (m f) => m f (BlockId -> f) lattice :: m f (DataflowLattice f) factsEnv = do { map <- getAllFacts ; bot <- botFact ; return $ \id -> lookupBlockEnv map id `orElse` bot } instance Monad m => DataflowAnalysis (DFM' m) where markFactsUnchanged = DFM' f where f _ s = return ((), s {df_facts_change = NoChange}) factsStatus = DFM' f' where f' _ s = return (df_facts_change s, s) subAnalysis (DFM' f) = DFM' f' where f' l s = do (a, _) <- f l (subAnalysisState s) return (a, s) getFact id = DFM' get where get lattice s = return (lookupBlockEnv (df_facts s) id `orElse` fact_bot lattice, s) setFact id a = DFM' set where set (DataflowLattice name bot add_fact log) s = case add_fact a old of TxRes NoChange _ -> if initialized then return ((), s) else update old old TxRes SomeChange join -> update join old where (old, initialized) = case lookupBlockEnv (df_facts s) id of Just f -> (f, True) Nothing -> (bot, False) update join old = let facts' = extendBlockEnv (df_facts s) id join debug = if log then pprTrace else \_ _ a -> a in debug name (pprSetFact id old a join) $ return ((), s { df_facts = facts', df_facts_change = SomeChange }) getExitFact = DFM' get where get _ s = return (df_exit_fact s, s) setExitFact a = do DataflowLattice { fact_name = name, fact_do_logging = log} <- lattice DFM' $ \_ s -> let debug = if log then pprTrace else \_ _ a -> a in debug name (pprSetFact "exit" a a a) $ return ((), s { df_exit_fact = a }) getAllFacts = DFM' f where f _ s = return (df_facts s, s) setAllFacts env = DFM' f where f _ s = return ((), s { df_facts = env}) botFact = DFM' f where f lattice s = return (fact_bot lattice, s) forgetFact id = DFM' f where f _ s = return ((), s { df_facts = delFromBlockEnv (df_facts s) id }) addLastOutFact pair = DFM' f where f _ s = return ((), s { df_last_outs = pair : df_last_outs s }) bareLastOutFacts = DFM' f where f _ s = return (df_last_outs s, s) forgetLastOutFacts = DFM' f where f _ s = return ((), s { df_last_outs = [] }) checkFactMatch id a = do { fact <- lattice ; old_a <- getFact id ; case fact_add_to fact a old_a of TxRes NoChange _ -> return () TxRes SomeChange new -> do { facts <- getAllFacts ; pprPanic "checkFactMatch" (f4sep [text (fact_name fact), text "at id" <+> ppr id, text "changed from", nest 4 (ppr old_a), text "to", nest 4 (ppr new), text "after supposedly reaching fixed point;", text "env is", pprFacts facts]) } } where pprFacts env = vcat (map pprFact (blockEnvToList env)) pprFact (id, a) = hang (ppr id <> colon) 4 (ppr a) lattice = DFM' f where f l s = return (l, s) subAnalysisState :: DFState f -> DFState f subAnalysisState s = s {df_facts_change = NoChange} markGraphRewritten :: Monad m => DFM' m f () markGraphRewritten = DFM' f where f _ s = return ((), s {df_rewritten = SomeChange}) graphWasRewritten :: DFM f ChangeFlag graphWasRewritten = DFM' f where f _ s = return (df_rewritten s, s) instance Monad m => Monad (DFM' m f) where DFM' f >>= k = DFM' (\l s -> do (a, s') <- f l s s' `seq` case k a of DFM' f' -> f' l s') return a = DFM' (\_ s -> return (a, s)) -- The `seq` is essential to ensure that entire passes of the dataflow engine -- aren't postponed in a thunk. By making the sequence strict in the state, -- we ensure that each action in the monad is executed immediately, preventing -- stack overflows that previously occurred when finally forcing the old state thunks. instance FuelUsingMonad (DFM' FuelMonad f) where fuelRemaining = liftToDFM' fuelRemaining lastFuelPass = liftToDFM' lastFuelPass fuelExhausted = liftToDFM' fuelExhausted fuelDecrement p f f' = liftToDFM' (fuelDecrement p f f') fuelDec1 = liftToDFM' fuelDec1 instance MonadUnique (DFM' FuelMonad f) where getUniqueSupplyM = liftToDFM' getUniqueSupplyM getUniqueM = liftToDFM' getUniqueM getUniquesM = liftToDFM' getUniquesM liftToDFM' :: Monad m => m x -> DFM' m f x liftToDFM' m = DFM' (\ _ s -> m >>= (\a -> return (a, s))) liftToDFM :: FuelMonad x -> DFM f x liftToDFM m = DFM' (\ _ s -> m >>= (\a -> return (a, s))) pprSetFact :: (Show a, Outputable f) => a -> f -> f -> f -> SDoc pprSetFact id old a join = f4sep [text "at" <+> text (show id), text "added" <+> ppr a, text "to" <+> ppr old, text "yielding" <+> ppr join] f4sep :: [SDoc] -> SDoc f4sep [] = fsep [] f4sep (d:ds) = fsep (d : map (nest 4) ds)