More notes (Aug 11) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * CmmInfo.cmmToRawCmm expands info tables to their representations (needed for .cmm files as well as the code generators) * Why is FCode a lazy monad? That makes it inefficient. We want laziness to get code out one procedure at a time, but not at the instruction level. Things we did * Remove CmmCvt.graphToZgraph (Conversion from old to new Cmm reps) * Remove HscMain.optionallyConvertAndOrCPS (converted old Cmm to new, ran pipeline, and converted back) * Remove CmmDecl. Put its types in Cmm. Import Cmm into OldCmm so it can get those types. More notes (June 11) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * In CmmContFlowOpts.branchChainElim, can a single block be the successor of two calls? * Check in ClosureInfo: -- NB: Results here should line up with the results of SMRep.rtsClosureType More notes (May 11) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In CmmNode, consider spliting CmmCall into two: call and jump Notes on new codegen (Aug 10) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Things to do: - Proc points pass all arguments on the stack, adding more code and slowing down things a lot. We either need to fix this or even better would be to get rid of proc points. - Sort out Label, LabelMap, LabelSet versus BlockId, BlockEnv, BlockSet dichotomy. Mostly this means global replace, but we also need to make Label an instance of Outputable (probably in the Outputable module). EZY: We should use Label, since that's the terminology Hoopl uses. - AsmCodeGen has a generic Cmm optimiser; move this into new pipeline EZY (2011-04-16): The mini-inliner has been generalized and ported, but the constant folding and other optimizations need to still be ported. - AsmCodeGen has post-native-cg branch eliminator (shortCutBranches); we ultimately want to share this with the Cmm branch eliminator. - At the moment, references to global registers like Hp are "lowered" late (in CgUtils.fixStgRegisters). We should do this early, in the new native codegen, much in the way that we lower calling conventions. Might need to be a bit sophisticated about aliasing. - Move to new Cmm rep: * Make native CG consume New Cmm; * Convert Old Cmm->New Cmm to keep old path alive * Produce New Cmm when reading in .cmm files - Top-level SRT threading is a bit ugly - See "CAFs" below; we want to totally refactor the way SRTs are calculated - Garbage-collect moving good stuff into - Currently AsmCodeGen top level calls AsmCodeGen.cmmToCmm, which is a small C-- optimiser. It has quite a lot of boilerplate folding code in AsmCodeGen (cmmBlockConFold, cmmStmtConFold, cmmExprConFold), before calling out to CmmOpt. ToDo: see what optimisations are being done; and do them before AsmCodeGen. - If we stick CAF and stack liveness info on a LastCall node (not LastRet/Jump) then all CAF and stack liveness stuff be completed before we split into separate C procedures. Short term: compute and attach liveness into LastCall right at end, split, cvt to old rep [must split before cvt, because old rep is not expressive enough] Longer term: when old rep disappears, move the whole splitting game into the C back end *only* (guided by the procpoint set) ---------------------------------------------------- Modules in codeGen/ ---------------------------------------------------- ------- Shared --------- Bitmap.hs SMRep.lhs CmmParse.y CgExtCode.hs used in CmmParse.y ------- New codegen --------- StgCmm.hs StgCmmBind.hs StgCmmClosure.hs (corresponds to old ClosureInfo) StgCmmCon.hs StgCmmEnv.hs StgCmmExpr.hs StgCmmForeign.hs StgCmmGran.hs StgCmmHeap.hs StgCmmHpc.hs StgCmmLayout.hs StgCmmMonad.hs StgCmmPrim.hs StgCmmProf.hs StgCmmTicky.hs StgCmmUtils.hs ------- Old codegen (moribund) --------- CodeGen.lhs CgBindery.lhs CgCallConv.hs CgCase.lhs CgClosure.lhs CgCon.lhs CgExpr.lhs CgLetNoEscape.lhs CgForeignCall.hs CgHeapery.lhs CgHpc.hs CgInfoTbls.hs CgMonad.lhs CgParallel.hs CgPrimOp.hs CgProf.hs CgStackery.lhs CgTailCall.lhs CgTicky.hs CgUtils.hs ClosureInfo.lhs ---------------------------------------------------- Modules in cmm/ ---------------------------------------------------- -------- Moribund stuff ------------ OldCmm.hs Definition of flowgraph of old representation Imports some data types from (new) Cmm OldCmmUtil.hs Utilites that operates mostly on on CmmStmt OldPprCmm.hs Pretty print for CmmStmt, GenBasicBlock and ListGraph CmmOpt.hs Hopefully-redundant optimiser -------- Stuff to keep ------------ CmmPipeline.hs Driver for new pipeline CmmLive.hs Liveness analysis, dead code elim CmmProcPoint.hs Identifying and splitting out proc-points CmmSpillReload.hs Save and restore across calls CmmCommonBlockElim.hs Common block elim CmmContFlowOpt.hs Other optimisations (branch-chain, merging) CmmBuildInfoTables.hs New info-table CmmStackLayout.hs and stack layout CmmCallConv.hs CmmInfo.hs Defn of InfoTables, and conversion to exact byte layout ---------- Cmm data types -------------- Cmm.hs Cmm instantiations of dataflow graph framework CmmExpr.hs Type of Cmm expression CmmType.hs Type of Cmm types and their widths CmmMachOp.hs MachOp type and accompanying utilities PprCmm.hs Pretty printer for Cmm PprCmmExpr.hs Pretty printer for CmmExpr MkGraph.hs Interface for building Cmm for codeGen/Stg*.hs modules CmmUtils.hs CmmLint.hs PprC.hs Pretty print Cmm in C syntax CLabel.hs CLabel BlockId.hs BlockId, BlockEnv, BlockSet ---------------------------------------------------- Proc-points ---------------------------------------------------- Consider this program, which has a diamond control flow, with a call on one branch fn(p,x) { h() if b then { ... f(x) ...; q=5; goto J } else { ...; q=7; goto J } J: ..p...q... } then the join point J is a "proc-point". So, is 'p' passed to J as a parameter? Or, if 'p' was saved on the stack anyway, perhaps to keep it alive across the call to h(), maybe 'p' gets communicated to J that way. This is an awkward choice. (We think that we currently never pass variables to join points via arguments.) Furthermore, there is *no way* to pass q to J in a register (other than a parameter register). What we want is to do register allocation across the whole caboodle. Then we could drop all the code that deals with the above awkward decisions about spilling variables across proc-points. Note that J doesn't need an info table. What we really want is for each LastCall (not LastJump/Ret) to have an info table. Note that ProcPoints that are not successors of calls don't need an info table. Figuring out proc-points ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proc-points are identified by CmmProcPoint.minimalProcPointSet/extendPPSet Although there isn't that much code, JD thinks that it could be done much more nicely using a dominator analysis, using the Dataflow Engine. ---------------------------------------------------- CAFs ---------------------------------------------------- * The code for a procedure f may refer to either the *closure* or the *entry point* of another top-level procedure g. If f is live, then so is g. f's SRT must include g's closure. * The CLabel for the entry-point/closure reveals whether g is a CAF (or refers to CAFs). See the IdLabel constructor of CLabel. * The CAF-ness of the original top-level defininions is figured out (by TidyPgm) before we generate C--. This CafInfo is only set for top-level Ids; nested bindings stay with MayHaveCafRefs. * Currently an SRT contains (only) pointers to (top-level) closures. * Consider this Core code f = \x -> let g = \y -> ...x...y...h1... in ...h2...g... and suppose that h1, h2 have IdInfo of MayHaveCafRefs. Therefore, so will f, But g will not (since it's nested). This generates C-- roughly like this: f_closure: .word f_entry f_entry() [info-tbl-for-f] { ...jump g_entry...jump h2... } g_entry() [info-tbl-for-g] { ...jump h1... } Note that there is no top-level closure for g (only an info table). This fact (whether or not there is a top-level closure) is recorded in the InfoTable attached to the CmmProc for f, g INVARIANT: Any out-of-Group references to an IdLabel goes to a Proc whose InfoTable says "I have a top-level closure". Equivalently: A CmmProc whose InfoTable says "I do not have a top-level closure" is referred to only from its own Group. * So: info-tbl-for-f must have an SRT that keeps h1,h2 alive info-tbl-for-g must have an SRT that keeps h1 (only) alive But if we just look for the free CAF refs, we get: f h2 (only) g h1 So we need to do a transitive closure thing to flesh out f's keep-alive refs to include h1. * The SRT info is the C_SRT field of Cmm.ClosureTypeInfo in a CmmInfoTable attached to each CmmProc. CmmPipeline.toTops actually does the attaching, right at the end of the pipeline. The C_SRT part gives offsets within a single, shared table of closure pointers. * DECIDED: we can generate SRTs based on the final Cmm program without knowledge of how it is generated.