% % (c) The University of Glasgow 2006 % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 % % Code generation for tail calls. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-} -- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge. -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix -- any warnings in the module. See -- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/WorkingConventions#Warnings -- for details module CgTailCall ( cgTailCall, performTailCall, performReturn, performPrimReturn, returnUnboxedTuple, ccallReturnUnboxedTuple, pushUnboxedTuple, tailCallPrimOp, pushReturnAddress ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import CgMonad import CgBindery import CgInfoTbls import CgCallConv import CgStackery import CgHeapery import CgUtils import CgTicky import ClosureInfo import SMRep import MachOp import Cmm import CmmUtils import CLabel import Type import Id import StgSyn import PrimOp import Outputable import Control.Monad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tail Calls cgTailCall :: Id -> [StgArg] -> Code -- Here's the code we generate for a tail call. (NB there may be no -- arguments, in which case this boils down to just entering a variable.) -- -- * Put args in the top locations of the stack. -- * Adjust the stack ptr -- * Make R1 point to the function closure if necessary. -- * Perform the call. -- -- Things to be careful about: -- -- * Don't overwrite stack locations before you have finished with -- them (remember you need the function and the as-yet-unmoved -- arguments). -- * Preferably, generate no code to replace x by x on the stack (a -- common situation in tail-recursion). -- * Adjust the stack high water mark appropriately. -- -- Treat unboxed locals exactly like literals (above) except use the addr -- mode for the local instead of (CLit lit) in the assignment. cgTailCall fun args = do { fun_info <- getCgIdInfo fun ; if isUnLiftedType (idType fun) then -- Primitive return ASSERT( null args ) do { fun_amode <- idInfoToAmode fun_info ; performPrimReturn (cgIdInfoArgRep fun_info) fun_amode } else -- Normal case, fun is boxed do { arg_amodes <- getArgAmodes args ; performTailCall fun_info arg_amodes noStmts } } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The guts of a tail-call performTailCall :: CgIdInfo -- The function -> [(CgRep,CmmExpr)] -- Args -> CmmStmts -- Pending simultaneous assignments -- *** GUARANTEED to contain only stack assignments. -> Code performTailCall fun_info arg_amodes pending_assts | Just join_sp <- maybeLetNoEscape fun_info = -- A let-no-escape is slightly different, because we -- arrange the stack arguments into pointers and non-pointers -- to make the heap check easier. The tail-call sequence -- is very similar to returning an unboxed tuple, so we -- share some code. do { (final_sp, arg_assts) <- pushUnboxedTuple join_sp arg_amodes ; emitSimultaneously (pending_assts `plusStmts` arg_assts) ; let lbl = enterReturnPtLabel (idUnique (cgIdInfoId fun_info)) ; doFinalJump final_sp True {- Is LNE -} (jumpToLbl lbl) } | otherwise = do { fun_amode <- idInfoToAmode fun_info ; let assignSt = CmmAssign nodeReg fun_amode node_asst = oneStmt assignSt opt_node_asst | nodeMustPointToIt lf_info = node_asst | otherwise = noStmts ; EndOfBlockInfo sp _ <- getEndOfBlockInfo ; this_pkg <- getThisPackage ; case (getCallMethod fun_name lf_info (length arg_amodes)) of -- Node must always point to things we enter EnterIt -> do { emitSimultaneously (node_asst `plusStmts` pending_assts) ; let target = entryCode (closureInfoPtr (CmmReg nodeReg)) enterClosure = stmtC (CmmJump target []) -- If this is a scrutinee -- let's check if the closure is a constructor -- so we can directly jump to the alternatives switch -- statement. jumpInstr = getEndOfBlockInfo >>= maybeSwitchOnCons enterClosure ; doFinalJump sp False jumpInstr } -- A function, but we have zero arguments. It is already in WHNF, -- so we can just return it. -- As with any return, Node must point to it. ReturnIt -> do { emitSimultaneously (node_asst `plusStmts` pending_assts) ; doFinalJump sp False emitReturnInstr } -- A real constructor. Don't bother entering it, -- just do the right sort of return instead. -- As with any return, Node must point to it. ReturnCon con -> do { emitSimultaneously (node_asst `plusStmts` pending_assts) ; doFinalJump sp False emitReturnInstr } JumpToIt lbl -> do { emitSimultaneously (opt_node_asst `plusStmts` pending_assts) ; doFinalJump sp False (jumpToLbl lbl) } -- A slow function call via the RTS apply routines -- Node must definitely point to the thing SlowCall -> do { when (not (null arg_amodes)) $ do { if (isKnownFun lf_info) then tickyKnownCallTooFewArgs else tickyUnknownCall ; tickySlowCallPat (map fst arg_amodes) } ; let (apply_lbl, args, extra_args) = constructSlowCall arg_amodes ; directCall sp apply_lbl args extra_args (node_asst `plusStmts` pending_assts) } -- A direct function call (possibly with some left-over arguments) DirectEntry lbl arity -> do { if arity == length arg_amodes then tickyKnownCallExact else do tickyKnownCallExtraArgs tickySlowCallPat (map fst (drop arity arg_amodes)) ; let -- The args beyond the arity go straight on the stack (arity_args, extra_args) = splitAt arity arg_amodes ; directCall sp lbl arity_args extra_args (opt_node_asst `plusStmts` pending_assts) } } where fun_name = idName (cgIdInfoId fun_info) lf_info = cgIdInfoLF fun_info untag_node = CmmAssign nodeReg (cmmUntag (CmmReg nodeReg)) -- Test if closure is a constructor maybeSwitchOnCons enterClosure eob | EndOfBlockInfo _ (CaseAlts lbl _ _) <- eob = do { is_constr <- newLabelC -- Is the pointer tagged? -- Yes, jump to switch statement ; stmtC (CmmCondBranch (cmmIsTagged (CmmReg nodeReg)) is_constr) -- No, enter the closure. ; enterClosure ; labelC is_constr ; stmtC (CmmJump (entryCode $ CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) []) } {- -- This is a scrutinee for a case expression -- so let's see if we can directly inspect the closure | EndOfBlockInfo _ (CaseAlts lbl _ _ _) <- eob = do { no_cons <- newLabelC -- Both the NCG and gcc optimize away the temp ; z <- newTemp wordRep ; stmtC (CmmAssign z tag_expr) ; let tag = CmmReg z -- Is the closure a cons? ; stmtC (CmmCondBranch (cond1 tag) no_cons) ; stmtC (CmmCondBranch (cond2 tag) no_cons) -- Yes, jump to switch statement ; stmtC (CmmJump (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) []) ; labelC no_cons -- No, enter the closure. ; enterClosure } -} -- No case expression involved, enter the closure. | otherwise = do { stmtC untag_node ; enterClosure } where --cond1 tag = cmmULtWord tag lowCons -- More efficient than the above? tag_expr = cmmGetClosureType (CmmReg nodeReg) cond1 tag = cmmEqWord tag (CmmLit (mkIntCLit 0)) cond2 tag = cmmUGtWord tag highCons lowCons = CmmLit (mkIntCLit 1) -- CONSTR highCons = CmmLit (mkIntCLit 8) -- CONSTR_NOCAF_STATIC (from ClosureType.h) untagCmmAssign (CmmAssign r cmmExpr) = CmmAssign r (cmmUntag cmmExpr) untagCmmAssign stmt = stmt directCall sp lbl args extra_args assts = do let -- First chunk of args go in registers (reg_arg_amodes, stk_args) = assignCallRegs args -- Any "extra" arguments are placed in frames on the -- stack after the other arguments. slow_stk_args = slowArgs extra_args reg_assts = assignToRegs reg_arg_amodes -- (final_sp, stk_assts) <- mkStkAmodes sp (stk_args ++ slow_stk_args) emitSimultaneously (reg_assts `plusStmts` stk_assts `plusStmts` assts) doFinalJump final_sp False (jumpToLbl lbl) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The final clean-up before we do a jump at the end of a basic block. -- This code is shared by tail-calls and returns. doFinalJump :: VirtualSpOffset -> Bool -> Code -> Code doFinalJump final_sp is_let_no_escape jump_code = do { -- Adjust the high-water mark if necessary adjustStackHW final_sp -- Push a return address if necessary (after the assignments -- above, in case we clobber a live stack location) -- -- DONT push the return address when we're about to jump to a -- let-no-escape: the final tail call in the let-no-escape -- will do this. ; eob <- getEndOfBlockInfo ; whenC (not is_let_no_escape) (pushReturnAddress eob) -- Final adjustment of Sp/Hp ; adjustSpAndHp final_sp -- and do the jump ; jump_code } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A general return (just a special case of doFinalJump, above) performReturn :: Code -- The code to execute to actually do the return -> Code performReturn finish_code = do { EndOfBlockInfo args_sp sequel <- getEndOfBlockInfo ; doFinalJump args_sp False{-not a LNE-} finish_code } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Primitive Returns -- Just load the return value into the right register, and return. performPrimReturn :: CgRep -> CmmExpr -- The thing to return -> Code performPrimReturn rep amode = do { whenC (not (isVoidArg rep)) (stmtC (CmmAssign ret_reg amode)) ; performReturn emitReturnInstr } where ret_reg = dataReturnConvPrim rep -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unboxed tuple returns -- These are a bit like a normal tail call, except that: -- -- - The tail-call target is an info table on the stack -- -- - We separate stack arguments into pointers and non-pointers, -- to make it easier to leave things in a sane state for a heap check. -- This is OK because we can never partially-apply an unboxed tuple, -- unlike a function. The same technique is used when calling -- let-no-escape functions, because they also can't be partially -- applied. returnUnboxedTuple :: [(CgRep, CmmExpr)] -> Code returnUnboxedTuple amodes = do { eob@(EndOfBlockInfo args_sp sequel) <- getEndOfBlockInfo ; tickyUnboxedTupleReturn (length amodes) ; (final_sp, assts) <- pushUnboxedTuple args_sp amodes ; emitSimultaneously assts ; doFinalJump final_sp False{-not a LNE-} emitReturnInstr } pushUnboxedTuple :: VirtualSpOffset -- Sp at which to start pushing -> [(CgRep, CmmExpr)] -- amodes of the components -> FCode (VirtualSpOffset, -- final Sp CmmStmts) -- assignments (regs+stack) pushUnboxedTuple sp [] = return (sp, noStmts) pushUnboxedTuple sp amodes = do { let (reg_arg_amodes, stk_arg_amodes) = assignReturnRegs amodes -- separate the rest of the args into pointers and non-pointers (ptr_args, nptr_args) = separateByPtrFollowness stk_arg_amodes reg_arg_assts = assignToRegs reg_arg_amodes -- push ptrs, then nonptrs, on the stack ; (ptr_sp, ptr_assts) <- mkStkAmodes sp ptr_args ; (final_sp, nptr_assts) <- mkStkAmodes ptr_sp nptr_args ; returnFC (final_sp, reg_arg_assts `plusStmts` ptr_assts `plusStmts` nptr_assts) } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returning unboxed tuples. This is mainly to support _ccall_GC_, where -- we want to do things in a slightly different order to normal: -- -- - push return address -- - adjust stack pointer -- - r = call(args...) -- - assign regs for unboxed tuple (usually just R1 = r) -- - return to continuation -- -- The return address (i.e. stack frame) must be on the stack before -- doing the call in case the call ends up in the garbage collector. -- -- Sadly, the information about the continuation is lost after we push it -- (in order to avoid pushing it again), so we end up doing a needless -- indirect jump (ToDo). ccallReturnUnboxedTuple :: [(CgRep, CmmExpr)] -> Code -> Code ccallReturnUnboxedTuple amodes before_jump = do { eob@(EndOfBlockInfo args_sp _) <- getEndOfBlockInfo -- Push a return address if necessary ; pushReturnAddress eob ; setEndOfBlockInfo (EndOfBlockInfo args_sp OnStack) (do { adjustSpAndHp args_sp ; before_jump ; returnUnboxedTuple amodes }) } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Calling an out-of-line primop tailCallPrimOp :: PrimOp -> [StgArg] -> Code tailCallPrimOp op args = do { -- We're going to perform a normal-looking tail call, -- except that *all* the arguments will be in registers. -- Hence the ASSERT( null leftovers ) arg_amodes <- getArgAmodes args ; let (arg_regs, leftovers) = assignPrimOpCallRegs arg_amodes jump_to_primop = jumpToLbl (mkRtsPrimOpLabel op) ; ASSERT(null leftovers) -- no stack-resident args emitSimultaneously (assignToRegs arg_regs) ; EndOfBlockInfo args_sp _ <- getEndOfBlockInfo ; doFinalJump args_sp False{-not a LNE-} jump_to_primop } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Return Addresses -- We always push the return address just before performing a tail call -- or return. The reason we leave it until then is because the stack -- slot that the return address is to go into might contain something -- useful. -- -- If the end of block info is 'CaseAlts', then we're in the scrutinee of a -- case expression and the return address is still to be pushed. -- -- There are cases where it doesn't look necessary to push the return -- address: for example, just before doing a return to a known -- continuation. However, the continuation will expect to find the -- return address on the stack in case it needs to do a heap check. pushReturnAddress :: EndOfBlockInfo -> Code pushReturnAddress (EndOfBlockInfo args_sp sequel@(CaseAlts lbl _ _)) = do { sp_rel <- getSpRelOffset args_sp ; stmtC (CmmStore sp_rel (mkLblExpr lbl)) } pushReturnAddress _ = nopC -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Misc. jumpToLbl :: CLabel -> Code -- Passes no argument to the destination procedure jumpToLbl lbl = stmtC (CmmJump (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) [{- No args -}]) assignToRegs :: [(CmmExpr, GlobalReg)] -> CmmStmts assignToRegs reg_args = mkStmts [ CmmAssign (CmmGlobal reg_id) expr | (expr, reg_id) <- reg_args ] \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[CgStackery-adjust]{Adjusting the stack pointers} %* * %************************************************************************ This function adjusts the stack and heap pointers just before a tail call or return. The stack pointer is adjusted to its final position (i.e. to point to the last argument for a tail call, or the activation record for a return). The heap pointer may be moved backwards, in cases where we overallocated at the beginning of the basic block (see CgCase.lhs for discussion). These functions {\em do not} deal with high-water-mark adjustment. That's done by functions which allocate stack space. \begin{code} adjustSpAndHp :: VirtualSpOffset -- New offset for Arg stack ptr -> Code adjustSpAndHp newRealSp = do { -- Adjust stack, if necessary. -- NB: the conditional on the monad-carried realSp -- is out of line (via codeOnly), to avoid a black hole ; new_sp <- getSpRelOffset newRealSp ; checkedAbsC (CmmAssign spReg new_sp) -- Will generate no code in the case ; setRealSp newRealSp -- where realSp==newRealSp -- Adjust heap. The virtual heap pointer may be less than the real Hp -- because the latter was advanced to deal with the worst-case branch -- of the code, and we may be in a better-case branch. In that case, -- move the real Hp *back* and retract some ticky allocation count. ; hp_usg <- getHpUsage ; let rHp = realHp hp_usg vHp = virtHp hp_usg ; new_hp <- getHpRelOffset vHp ; checkedAbsC (CmmAssign hpReg new_hp) -- Generates nothing when vHp==rHp ; tickyAllocHeap (vHp - rHp) -- ...ditto ; setRealHp vHp } \end{code}