{- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006 (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 -} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module TrieMap( CoreMap, emptyCoreMap, extendCoreMap, lookupCoreMap, foldCoreMap, TypeMap, emptyTypeMap, extendTypeMap, lookupTypeMap, foldTypeMap, LooseTypeMap, MaybeMap, ListMap, TrieMap(..), insertTM, deleteTM, LiteralMap, lkDFreeVar, xtDFreeVar, lkDNamed, xtDNamed, (>.>), (|>), (|>>), ) where import CoreSyn import Coercion import Literal import Name import Type import TyCoRep import Var import UniqDFM import Unique( Unique ) import FastString(FastString) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import VarEnv import NameEnv import Outputable import Control.Monad( (>=>) ) {- This module implements TrieMaps, which are finite mappings whose key is a structured value like a CoreExpr or Type. The code is very regular and boilerplate-like, but there is some neat handling of *binders*. In effect they are deBruijn numbered on the fly. The regular pattern for handling TrieMaps on data structures was first described (to my knowledge) in Connelly and Morris's 1995 paper "A generalization of the Trie Data Structure"; there is also an accessible description of the idea in Okasaki's book "Purely Functional Data Structures", Section 10.3.2 ************************************************************************ * * The TrieMap class * * ************************************************************************ -} type XT a = Maybe a -> Maybe a -- How to alter a non-existent elt (Nothing) -- or an existing elt (Just) class TrieMap m where type Key m :: * emptyTM :: m a lookupTM :: forall b. Key m -> m b -> Maybe b alterTM :: forall b. Key m -> XT b -> m b -> m b mapTM :: (a->b) -> m a -> m b foldTM :: (a -> b -> b) -> m a -> b -> b -- The unusual argument order here makes -- it easy to compose calls to foldTM; -- see for example fdE below insertTM :: TrieMap m => Key m -> a -> m a -> m a insertTM k v m = alterTM k (\_ -> Just v) m deleteTM :: TrieMap m => Key m -> m a -> m a deleteTM k m = alterTM k (\_ -> Nothing) m ---------------------- -- Recall that -- Control.Monad.(>=>) :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (b -> Maybe c) -> a -> Maybe c (>.>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c -- Reverse function composition (do f first, then g) infixr 1 >.> (f >.> g) x = g (f x) infixr 1 |>, |>> (|>) :: a -> (a->b) -> b -- Reverse application x |> f = f x ---------------------- (|>>) :: TrieMap m2 => (XT (m2 a) -> m1 (m2 a) -> m1 (m2 a)) -> (m2 a -> m2 a) -> m1 (m2 a) -> m1 (m2 a) (|>>) f g = f (Just . g . deMaybe) deMaybe :: TrieMap m => Maybe (m a) -> m a deMaybe Nothing = emptyTM deMaybe (Just m) = m {- ************************************************************************ * * IntMaps * * ************************************************************************ -} instance TrieMap IntMap.IntMap where type Key IntMap.IntMap = Int emptyTM = IntMap.empty lookupTM k m = IntMap.lookup k m alterTM = xtInt foldTM k m z = IntMap.fold k z m mapTM f m = IntMap.map f m xtInt :: Int -> XT a -> IntMap.IntMap a -> IntMap.IntMap a xtInt k f m = IntMap.alter f k m instance Ord k => TrieMap (Map.Map k) where type Key (Map.Map k) = k emptyTM = Map.empty lookupTM = Map.lookup alterTM k f m = Map.alter f k m foldTM k m z = Map.fold k z m mapTM f m = Map.map f m {- Note [foldTM determinism] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We want foldTM to be deterministic, which is why we have an instance of TrieMap for UniqDFM, but not for UniqFM. Here's an example of some things that go wrong if foldTM is nondeterministic. Consider: f a b = return (a <> b) Depending on the order that the typechecker generates constraints you get either: f :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => a -> a -> m a or: f :: (Monoid a, Monad m) => a -> a -> m a The generated code will be different after desugaring as the dictionaries will be bound in different orders, leading to potential ABI incompatibility. One way to solve this would be to notice that the typeclasses could be sorted alphabetically. Unfortunately that doesn't quite work with this example: f a b = let x = a <> a; y = b <> b in x where you infer: f :: (Monoid m, Monoid m1) => m1 -> m -> m1 or: f :: (Monoid m1, Monoid m) => m1 -> m -> m1 Here you could decide to take the order of the type variables in the type according to depth first traversal and use it to order the constraints. The real trouble starts when the user enables incoherent instances and the compiler has to make an arbitrary choice. Consider: class T a b where go :: a -> b -> String instance (Show b) => T Int b where go a b = show a ++ show b instance (Show a) => T a Bool where go a b = show a ++ show b f = go 10 True GHC is free to choose either dictionary to implement f, but for the sake of determinism we'd like it to be consistent when compiling the same sources with the same flags. inert_dicts :: DictMap is implemented with a TrieMap. In getUnsolvedInerts it gets converted to a bag of (Wanted) Cts using a fold. Then in solve_simple_wanteds it's merged with other WantedConstraints. We want the conversion to a bag to be deterministic. For that purpose we use UniqDFM instead of UniqFM to implement the TrieMap. See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in UniqDFM for more details on how it's made deterministic. -} instance TrieMap UniqDFM where type Key UniqDFM = Unique emptyTM = emptyUDFM lookupTM k m = lookupUDFM m k alterTM k f m = alterUDFM f m k foldTM k m z = foldUDFM k z m mapTM f m = mapUDFM f m {- ************************************************************************ * * Maybes * * ************************************************************************ If m is a map from k -> val then (MaybeMap m) is a map from (Maybe k) -> val -} data MaybeMap m a = MM { mm_nothing :: Maybe a, mm_just :: m a } instance TrieMap m => TrieMap (MaybeMap m) where type Key (MaybeMap m) = Maybe (Key m) emptyTM = MM { mm_nothing = Nothing, mm_just = emptyTM } lookupTM = lkMaybe lookupTM alterTM = xtMaybe alterTM foldTM = fdMaybe mapTM = mapMb mapMb :: TrieMap m => (a->b) -> MaybeMap m a -> MaybeMap m b mapMb f (MM { mm_nothing = mn, mm_just = mj }) = MM { mm_nothing = fmap f mn, mm_just = mapTM f mj } lkMaybe :: (forall b. k -> m b -> Maybe b) -> Maybe k -> MaybeMap m a -> Maybe a lkMaybe _ Nothing = mm_nothing lkMaybe lk (Just x) = mm_just >.> lk x xtMaybe :: (forall b. k -> XT b -> m b -> m b) -> Maybe k -> XT a -> MaybeMap m a -> MaybeMap m a xtMaybe _ Nothing f m = m { mm_nothing = f (mm_nothing m) } xtMaybe tr (Just x) f m = m { mm_just = mm_just m |> tr x f } fdMaybe :: TrieMap m => (a -> b -> b) -> MaybeMap m a -> b -> b fdMaybe k m = foldMaybe k (mm_nothing m) . foldTM k (mm_just m) {- ************************************************************************ * * Lists * * ************************************************************************ -} data ListMap m a = LM { lm_nil :: Maybe a , lm_cons :: m (ListMap m a) } instance TrieMap m => TrieMap (ListMap m) where type Key (ListMap m) = [Key m] emptyTM = LM { lm_nil = Nothing, lm_cons = emptyTM } lookupTM = lkList lookupTM alterTM = xtList alterTM foldTM = fdList mapTM = mapList mapList :: TrieMap m => (a->b) -> ListMap m a -> ListMap m b mapList f (LM { lm_nil = mnil, lm_cons = mcons }) = LM { lm_nil = fmap f mnil, lm_cons = mapTM (mapTM f) mcons } lkList :: TrieMap m => (forall b. k -> m b -> Maybe b) -> [k] -> ListMap m a -> Maybe a lkList _ [] = lm_nil lkList lk (x:xs) = lm_cons >.> lk x >=> lkList lk xs xtList :: TrieMap m => (forall b. k -> XT b -> m b -> m b) -> [k] -> XT a -> ListMap m a -> ListMap m a xtList _ [] f m = m { lm_nil = f (lm_nil m) } xtList tr (x:xs) f m = m { lm_cons = lm_cons m |> tr x |>> xtList tr xs f } fdList :: forall m a b. TrieMap m => (a -> b -> b) -> ListMap m a -> b -> b fdList k m = foldMaybe k (lm_nil m) . foldTM (fdList k) (lm_cons m) foldMaybe :: (a -> b -> b) -> Maybe a -> b -> b foldMaybe _ Nothing b = b foldMaybe k (Just a) b = k a b {- ************************************************************************ * * Basic maps * * ************************************************************************ -} lkDNamed :: NamedThing n => n -> DNameEnv a -> Maybe a lkDNamed n env = lookupDNameEnv env (getName n) xtDNamed :: NamedThing n => n -> XT a -> DNameEnv a -> DNameEnv a xtDNamed tc f m = alterDNameEnv f m (getName tc) ------------------------ type LiteralMap a = Map.Map Literal a emptyLiteralMap :: LiteralMap a emptyLiteralMap = emptyTM lkLit :: Literal -> LiteralMap a -> Maybe a lkLit = lookupTM xtLit :: Literal -> XT a -> LiteralMap a -> LiteralMap a xtLit = alterTM {- ************************************************************************ * * GenMap * * ************************************************************************ Note [Compressed TrieMap] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The GenMap constructor augments TrieMaps with leaf compression. This helps solve the performance problem detailed in #9960: suppose we have a handful H of entries in a TrieMap, each with a very large key, size K. If you fold over such a TrieMap you'd expect time O(H). That would certainly be true of an association list! But with TrieMap we actually have to navigate down a long singleton structure to get to the elements, so it takes time O(K*H). This can really hurt on many type-level computation benchmarks: see for example T9872d. The point of a TrieMap is that you need to navigate to the point where only one key remains, and then things should be fast. So the point of a SingletonMap is that, once we are down to a single (key,value) pair, we stop and just use SingletonMap. 'EmptyMap' provides an even more basic (but essential) optimization: if there is nothing in the map, don't bother building out the (possibly infinite) recursive TrieMap structure! -} data GenMap m a = EmptyMap | SingletonMap (Key m) a | MultiMap (m a) instance (Outputable a, Outputable (m a)) => Outputable (GenMap m a) where ppr EmptyMap = text "Empty map" ppr (SingletonMap _ v) = text "Singleton map" <+> ppr v ppr (MultiMap m) = ppr m -- TODO undecidable instance instance (Eq (Key m), TrieMap m) => TrieMap (GenMap m) where type Key (GenMap m) = Key m emptyTM = EmptyMap lookupTM = lkG alterTM = xtG foldTM = fdG mapTM = mapG -- NB: Be careful about RULES and type families (#5821). So we should make sure -- to specify @Key TypeMapX@ (and not @DeBruijn Type@, the reduced form) {-# SPECIALIZE lkG :: Key TypeMapX -> TypeMapG a -> Maybe a #-} {-# SPECIALIZE lkG :: Key CoercionMapX -> CoercionMapG a -> Maybe a #-} {-# SPECIALIZE lkG :: Key CoreMapX -> CoreMapG a -> Maybe a #-} lkG :: (Eq (Key m), TrieMap m) => Key m -> GenMap m a -> Maybe a lkG _ EmptyMap = Nothing lkG k (SingletonMap k' v') | k == k' = Just v' | otherwise = Nothing lkG k (MultiMap m) = lookupTM k m {-# SPECIALIZE xtG :: Key TypeMapX -> XT a -> TypeMapG a -> TypeMapG a #-} {-# SPECIALIZE xtG :: Key CoercionMapX -> XT a -> CoercionMapG a -> CoercionMapG a #-} {-# SPECIALIZE xtG :: Key CoreMapX -> XT a -> CoreMapG a -> CoreMapG a #-} xtG :: (Eq (Key m), TrieMap m) => Key m -> XT a -> GenMap m a -> GenMap m a xtG k f EmptyMap = case f Nothing of Just v -> SingletonMap k v Nothing -> EmptyMap xtG k f m@(SingletonMap k' v') | k' == k -- The new key matches the (single) key already in the tree. Hence, -- apply @f@ to @Just v'@ and build a singleton or empty map depending -- on the 'Just'/'Nothing' response respectively. = case f (Just v') of Just v'' -> SingletonMap k' v'' Nothing -> EmptyMap | otherwise -- We've hit a singleton tree for a different key than the one we are -- searching for. Hence apply @f@ to @Nothing@. If result is @Nothing@ then -- we can just return the old map. If not, we need a map with *two* -- entries. The easiest way to do that is to insert two items into an empty -- map of type @m a@. = case f Nothing of Nothing -> m Just v -> emptyTM |> alterTM k' (const (Just v')) >.> alterTM k (const (Just v)) >.> MultiMap xtG k f (MultiMap m) = MultiMap (alterTM k f m) {-# SPECIALIZE mapG :: (a -> b) -> TypeMapG a -> TypeMapG b #-} {-# SPECIALIZE mapG :: (a -> b) -> CoercionMapG a -> CoercionMapG b #-} {-# SPECIALIZE mapG :: (a -> b) -> CoreMapG a -> CoreMapG b #-} mapG :: TrieMap m => (a -> b) -> GenMap m a -> GenMap m b mapG _ EmptyMap = EmptyMap mapG f (SingletonMap k v) = SingletonMap k (f v) mapG f (MultiMap m) = MultiMap (mapTM f m) {-# SPECIALIZE fdG :: (a -> b -> b) -> TypeMapG a -> b -> b #-} {-# SPECIALIZE fdG :: (a -> b -> b) -> CoercionMapG a -> b -> b #-} {-# SPECIALIZE fdG :: (a -> b -> b) -> CoreMapG a -> b -> b #-} fdG :: TrieMap m => (a -> b -> b) -> GenMap m a -> b -> b fdG _ EmptyMap = \z -> z fdG k (SingletonMap _ v) = \z -> k v z fdG k (MultiMap m) = foldTM k m {- ************************************************************************ * * CoreMap * * ************************************************************************ Note [Binders] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * In general we check binders as late as possible because types are less likely to differ than expression structure. That's why cm_lam :: CoreMapG (TypeMapG a) rather than cm_lam :: TypeMapG (CoreMapG a) * We don't need to look at the type of some binders, notalby - the case binder in (Case _ b _ _) - the binders in an alternative because they are totally fixed by the context Note [Empty case alternatives] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * For a key (Case e b ty (alt:alts)) we don't need to look the return type 'ty', because every alternative has that type. * For a key (Case e b ty []) we MUST look at the return type 'ty', because otherwise (Case (error () "urk") _ Int []) would compare equal to (Case (error () "urk") _ Bool []) which is utterly wrong (Trac #6097) We could compare the return type regardless, but the wildly common case is that it's unnecessary, so we have two fields (cm_case and cm_ecase) for the two possibilities. Only cm_ecase looks at the type. See also Note [Empty case alternatives] in CoreSyn. -} -- | @CoreMap a@ is a map from 'CoreExpr' to @a@. If you are a client, this -- is the type you want. newtype CoreMap a = CoreMap (CoreMapG a) instance TrieMap CoreMap where type Key CoreMap = CoreExpr emptyTM = CoreMap emptyTM lookupTM k (CoreMap m) = lookupTM (deBruijnize k) m alterTM k f (CoreMap m) = CoreMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m) foldTM k (CoreMap m) = foldTM k m mapTM f (CoreMap m) = CoreMap (mapTM f m) -- | @CoreMapG a@ is a map from @DeBruijn CoreExpr@ to @a@. The extended -- key makes it suitable for recursive traversal, since it can track binders, -- but it is strictly internal to this module. If you are including a 'CoreMap' -- inside another 'TrieMap', this is the type you want. type CoreMapG = GenMap CoreMapX -- | @CoreMapX a@ is the base map from @DeBruijn CoreExpr@ to @a@, but without -- the 'GenMap' optimization. data CoreMapX a = CM { cm_var :: VarMap a , cm_lit :: LiteralMap a , cm_co :: CoercionMapG a , cm_type :: TypeMapG a , cm_cast :: CoreMapG (CoercionMapG a) , cm_tick :: CoreMapG (TickishMap a) , cm_app :: CoreMapG (CoreMapG a) , cm_lam :: CoreMapG (BndrMap a) -- Note [Binders] , cm_letn :: CoreMapG (CoreMapG (BndrMap a)) , cm_letr :: ListMap CoreMapG (CoreMapG (ListMap BndrMap a)) , cm_case :: CoreMapG (ListMap AltMap a) , cm_ecase :: CoreMapG (TypeMapG a) -- Note [Empty case alternatives] } instance Eq (DeBruijn CoreExpr) where D env1 e1 == D env2 e2 = go e1 e2 where go (Var v1) (Var v2) = case (lookupCME env1 v1, lookupCME env2 v2) of (Just b1, Just b2) -> b1 == b2 (Nothing, Nothing) -> v1 == v2 _ -> False go (Lit lit1) (Lit lit2) = lit1 == lit2 go (Type t1) (Type t2) = D env1 t1 == D env2 t2 go (Coercion co1) (Coercion co2) = D env1 co1 == D env2 co2 go (Cast e1 co1) (Cast e2 co2) = D env1 co1 == D env2 co2 && go e1 e2 go (App f1 a1) (App f2 a2) = go f1 f2 && go a1 a2 -- This seems a bit dodgy, see 'eqTickish' go (Tick n1 e1) (Tick n2 e2) = n1 == n2 && go e1 e2 go (Lam b1 e1) (Lam b2 e2) = D env1 (varType b1) == D env2 (varType b2) && D (extendCME env1 b1) e1 == D (extendCME env2 b2) e2 go (Let (NonRec v1 r1) e1) (Let (NonRec v2 r2) e2) = go r1 r2 && D (extendCME env1 v1) e1 == D (extendCME env2 v2) e2 go (Let (Rec ps1) e1) (Let (Rec ps2) e2) = length ps1 == length ps2 && D env1' rs1 == D env2' rs2 && D env1' e1 == D env2' e2 where (bs1,rs1) = unzip ps1 (bs2,rs2) = unzip ps2 env1' = extendCMEs env1 bs1 env2' = extendCMEs env2 bs2 go (Case e1 b1 t1 a1) (Case e2 b2 t2 a2) | null a1 -- See Note [Empty case alternatives] = null a2 && go e1 e2 && D env1 t1 == D env2 t2 | otherwise = go e1 e2 && D (extendCME env1 b1) a1 == D (extendCME env2 b2) a2 go _ _ = False emptyE :: CoreMapX a emptyE = CM { cm_var = emptyTM, cm_lit = emptyLiteralMap , cm_co = emptyTM, cm_type = emptyTM , cm_cast = emptyTM, cm_app = emptyTM , cm_lam = emptyTM, cm_letn = emptyTM , cm_letr = emptyTM, cm_case = emptyTM , cm_ecase = emptyTM, cm_tick = emptyTM } instance TrieMap CoreMapX where type Key CoreMapX = DeBruijn CoreExpr emptyTM = emptyE lookupTM = lkE alterTM = xtE foldTM = fdE mapTM = mapE -------------------------- mapE :: (a->b) -> CoreMapX a -> CoreMapX b mapE f (CM { cm_var = cvar, cm_lit = clit , cm_co = cco, cm_type = ctype , cm_cast = ccast , cm_app = capp , cm_lam = clam, cm_letn = cletn , cm_letr = cletr, cm_case = ccase , cm_ecase = cecase, cm_tick = ctick }) = CM { cm_var = mapTM f cvar, cm_lit = mapTM f clit , cm_co = mapTM f cco, cm_type = mapTM f ctype , cm_cast = mapTM (mapTM f) ccast, cm_app = mapTM (mapTM f) capp , cm_lam = mapTM (mapTM f) clam, cm_letn = mapTM (mapTM (mapTM f)) cletn , cm_letr = mapTM (mapTM (mapTM f)) cletr, cm_case = mapTM (mapTM f) ccase , cm_ecase = mapTM (mapTM f) cecase, cm_tick = mapTM (mapTM f) ctick } -------------------------- lookupCoreMap :: CoreMap a -> CoreExpr -> Maybe a lookupCoreMap cm e = lookupTM e cm extendCoreMap :: CoreMap a -> CoreExpr -> a -> CoreMap a extendCoreMap m e v = alterTM e (\_ -> Just v) m foldCoreMap :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> CoreMap a -> b foldCoreMap k z m = foldTM k m z emptyCoreMap :: CoreMap a emptyCoreMap = emptyTM instance Outputable a => Outputable (CoreMap a) where ppr m = text "CoreMap elts" <+> ppr (foldTM (:) m []) ------------------------- fdE :: (a -> b -> b) -> CoreMapX a -> b -> b fdE k m = foldTM k (cm_var m) . foldTM k (cm_lit m) . foldTM k (cm_co m) . foldTM k (cm_type m) . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_cast m) . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_tick m) . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_app m) . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_lam m) . foldTM (foldTM (foldTM k)) (cm_letn m) . foldTM (foldTM (foldTM k)) (cm_letr m) . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_case m) . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_ecase m) -- lkE: lookup in trie for expressions lkE :: DeBruijn CoreExpr -> CoreMapX a -> Maybe a lkE (D env expr) cm = go expr cm where go (Var v) = cm_var >.> lkVar env v go (Lit l) = cm_lit >.> lkLit l go (Type t) = cm_type >.> lkG (D env t) go (Coercion c) = cm_co >.> lkG (D env c) go (Cast e c) = cm_cast >.> lkG (D env e) >=> lkG (D env c) go (Tick tickish e) = cm_tick >.> lkG (D env e) >=> lkTickish tickish go (App e1 e2) = cm_app >.> lkG (D env e2) >=> lkG (D env e1) go (Lam v e) = cm_lam >.> lkG (D (extendCME env v) e) >=> lkBndr env v go (Let (NonRec b r) e) = cm_letn >.> lkG (D env r) >=> lkG (D (extendCME env b) e) >=> lkBndr env b go (Let (Rec prs) e) = let (bndrs,rhss) = unzip prs env1 = extendCMEs env bndrs in cm_letr >.> lkList (lkG . D env1) rhss >=> lkG (D env1 e) >=> lkList (lkBndr env1) bndrs go (Case e b ty as) -- See Note [Empty case alternatives] | null as = cm_ecase >.> lkG (D env e) >=> lkG (D env ty) | otherwise = cm_case >.> lkG (D env e) >=> lkList (lkA (extendCME env b)) as xtE :: DeBruijn CoreExpr -> XT a -> CoreMapX a -> CoreMapX a xtE (D env (Var v)) f m = m { cm_var = cm_var m |> xtVar env v f } xtE (D env (Type t)) f m = m { cm_type = cm_type m |> xtG (D env t) f } xtE (D env (Coercion c)) f m = m { cm_co = cm_co m |> xtG (D env c) f } xtE (D _ (Lit l)) f m = m { cm_lit = cm_lit m |> xtLit l f } xtE (D env (Cast e c)) f m = m { cm_cast = cm_cast m |> xtG (D env e) |>> xtG (D env c) f } xtE (D env (Tick t e)) f m = m { cm_tick = cm_tick m |> xtG (D env e) |>> xtTickish t f } xtE (D env (App e1 e2)) f m = m { cm_app = cm_app m |> xtG (D env e2) |>> xtG (D env e1) f } xtE (D env (Lam v e)) f m = m { cm_lam = cm_lam m |> xtG (D (extendCME env v) e) |>> xtBndr env v f } xtE (D env (Let (NonRec b r) e)) f m = m { cm_letn = cm_letn m |> xtG (D (extendCME env b) e) |>> xtG (D env r) |>> xtBndr env b f } xtE (D env (Let (Rec prs) e)) f m = m { cm_letr = let (bndrs,rhss) = unzip prs env1 = extendCMEs env bndrs in cm_letr m |> xtList (xtG . D env1) rhss |>> xtG (D env1 e) |>> xtList (xtBndr env1) bndrs f } xtE (D env (Case e b ty as)) f m | null as = m { cm_ecase = cm_ecase m |> xtG (D env e) |>> xtG (D env ty) f } | otherwise = m { cm_case = cm_case m |> xtG (D env e) |>> let env1 = extendCME env b in xtList (xtA env1) as f } -- TODO: this seems a bit dodgy, see 'eqTickish' type TickishMap a = Map.Map (Tickish Id) a lkTickish :: Tickish Id -> TickishMap a -> Maybe a lkTickish = lookupTM xtTickish :: Tickish Id -> XT a -> TickishMap a -> TickishMap a xtTickish = alterTM ------------------------ data AltMap a -- A single alternative = AM { am_deflt :: CoreMapG a , am_data :: DNameEnv (CoreMapG a) , am_lit :: LiteralMap (CoreMapG a) } instance TrieMap AltMap where type Key AltMap = CoreAlt emptyTM = AM { am_deflt = emptyTM , am_data = emptyDNameEnv , am_lit = emptyLiteralMap } lookupTM = lkA emptyCME alterTM = xtA emptyCME foldTM = fdA mapTM = mapA instance Eq (DeBruijn CoreAlt) where D env1 a1 == D env2 a2 = go a1 a2 where go (DEFAULT, _, rhs1) (DEFAULT, _, rhs2) = D env1 rhs1 == D env2 rhs2 go (LitAlt lit1, _, rhs1) (LitAlt lit2, _, rhs2) = lit1 == lit2 && D env1 rhs1 == D env2 rhs2 go (DataAlt dc1, bs1, rhs1) (DataAlt dc2, bs2, rhs2) = dc1 == dc2 && D (extendCMEs env1 bs1) rhs1 == D (extendCMEs env2 bs2) rhs2 go _ _ = False mapA :: (a->b) -> AltMap a -> AltMap b mapA f (AM { am_deflt = adeflt, am_data = adata, am_lit = alit }) = AM { am_deflt = mapTM f adeflt , am_data = mapTM (mapTM f) adata , am_lit = mapTM (mapTM f) alit } lkA :: CmEnv -> CoreAlt -> AltMap a -> Maybe a lkA env (DEFAULT, _, rhs) = am_deflt >.> lkG (D env rhs) lkA env (LitAlt lit, _, rhs) = am_lit >.> lkLit lit >=> lkG (D env rhs) lkA env (DataAlt dc, bs, rhs) = am_data >.> lkDNamed dc >=> lkG (D (extendCMEs env bs) rhs) xtA :: CmEnv -> CoreAlt -> XT a -> AltMap a -> AltMap a xtA env (DEFAULT, _, rhs) f m = m { am_deflt = am_deflt m |> xtG (D env rhs) f } xtA env (LitAlt l, _, rhs) f m = m { am_lit = am_lit m |> xtLit l |>> xtG (D env rhs) f } xtA env (DataAlt d, bs, rhs) f m = m { am_data = am_data m |> xtDNamed d |>> xtG (D (extendCMEs env bs) rhs) f } fdA :: (a -> b -> b) -> AltMap a -> b -> b fdA k m = foldTM k (am_deflt m) . foldTM (foldTM k) (am_data m) . foldTM (foldTM k) (am_lit m) {- ************************************************************************ * * Coercions * * ************************************************************************ -} -- We should really never care about the contents of a coercion. Instead, -- just look up the coercion's type. newtype CoercionMap a = CoercionMap (CoercionMapG a) instance TrieMap CoercionMap where type Key CoercionMap = Coercion emptyTM = CoercionMap emptyTM lookupTM k (CoercionMap m) = lookupTM (deBruijnize k) m alterTM k f (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m) foldTM k (CoercionMap m) = foldTM k m mapTM f (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (mapTM f m) type CoercionMapG = GenMap CoercionMapX newtype CoercionMapX a = CoercionMapX (TypeMapX a) instance TrieMap CoercionMapX where type Key CoercionMapX = DeBruijn Coercion emptyTM = CoercionMapX emptyTM lookupTM = lkC alterTM = xtC foldTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm) = foldTM f core_tm mapTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm) = CoercionMapX (mapTM f core_tm) instance Eq (DeBruijn Coercion) where D env1 co1 == D env2 co2 = D env1 (coercionType co1) == D env2 (coercionType co2) lkC :: DeBruijn Coercion -> CoercionMapX a -> Maybe a lkC (D env co) (CoercionMapX core_tm) = lkT (D env $ coercionType co) core_tm xtC :: DeBruijn Coercion -> XT a -> CoercionMapX a -> CoercionMapX a xtC (D env co) f (CoercionMapX m) = CoercionMapX (xtT (D env $ coercionType co) f m) {- ************************************************************************ * * Types * * ************************************************************************ -} -- | @TypeMapG a@ is a map from @DeBruijn Type@ to @a@. The extended -- key makes it suitable for recursive traversal, since it can track binders, -- but it is strictly internal to this module. If you are including a 'TypeMap' -- inside another 'TrieMap', this is the type you want. Note that this -- lookup does not do a kind-check. Thus, all keys in this map must have -- the same kind. type TypeMapG = GenMap TypeMapX -- | @TypeMapX a@ is the base map from @DeBruijn Type@ to @a@, but without the -- 'GenMap' optimization. data TypeMapX a = TM { tm_var :: VarMap a , tm_app :: TypeMapG (TypeMapG a) , tm_tycon :: DNameEnv a , tm_forall :: TypeMapG (BndrMap a) -- See Note [Binders] , tm_tylit :: TyLitMap a , tm_coerce :: Maybe a } -- Note that there is no tyconapp case; see Note [Equality on AppTys] in Type -- | squeeze out any synonyms, convert Constraint to *, and change TyConApps -- to nested AppTys. Why the last one? See Note [Equality on AppTys] in Type trieMapView :: Type -> Maybe Type trieMapView ty | Just ty' <- coreViewOneStarKind ty = Just ty' trieMapView (TyConApp tc tys@(_:_)) = Just $ foldl AppTy (TyConApp tc []) tys trieMapView (FunTy arg res) = Just ((TyConApp funTyCon [] `AppTy` arg) `AppTy` res) trieMapView _ = Nothing instance TrieMap TypeMapX where type Key TypeMapX = DeBruijn Type emptyTM = emptyT lookupTM = lkT alterTM = xtT foldTM = fdT mapTM = mapT instance Eq (DeBruijn Type) where env_t@(D env t) == env_t'@(D env' t') | Just new_t <- coreViewOneStarKind t = D env new_t == env_t' | Just new_t' <- coreViewOneStarKind t' = env_t == D env' new_t' | otherwise = case (t, t') of (CastTy t1 _, _) -> D env t1 == D env t' (_, CastTy t1' _) -> D env t == D env t1' (TyVarTy v, TyVarTy v') -> case (lookupCME env v, lookupCME env' v') of (Just bv, Just bv') -> bv == bv' (Nothing, Nothing) -> v == v' _ -> False -- See Note [Equality on AppTys] in Type (AppTy t1 t2, s) | Just (t1', t2') <- repSplitAppTy_maybe s -> D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2' (s, AppTy t1' t2') | Just (t1, t2) <- repSplitAppTy_maybe s -> D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2' (FunTy t1 t2, FunTy t1' t2') -> D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2' (TyConApp tc tys, TyConApp tc' tys') -> tc == tc' && D env tys == D env' tys' (LitTy l, LitTy l') -> l == l' (ForAllTy (TvBndr tv _) ty, ForAllTy (TvBndr tv' _) ty') -> D env (tyVarKind tv) == D env' (tyVarKind tv') && D (extendCME env tv) ty == D (extendCME env' tv') ty' (CoercionTy {}, CoercionTy {}) -> True _ -> False instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Outputable a => Outputable (TypeMapG a) where ppr m = text "TypeMap elts" <+> ppr (foldTM (:) m []) emptyT :: TypeMapX a emptyT = TM { tm_var = emptyTM , tm_app = EmptyMap , tm_tycon = emptyDNameEnv , tm_forall = EmptyMap , tm_tylit = emptyTyLitMap , tm_coerce = Nothing } mapT :: (a->b) -> TypeMapX a -> TypeMapX b mapT f (TM { tm_var = tvar, tm_app = tapp, tm_tycon = ttycon , tm_forall = tforall, tm_tylit = tlit , tm_coerce = tcoerce }) = TM { tm_var = mapTM f tvar , tm_app = mapTM (mapTM f) tapp , tm_tycon = mapTM f ttycon , tm_forall = mapTM (mapTM f) tforall , tm_tylit = mapTM f tlit , tm_coerce = fmap f tcoerce } ----------------- lkT :: DeBruijn Type -> TypeMapX a -> Maybe a lkT (D env ty) m = go ty m where go ty | Just ty' <- trieMapView ty = go ty' go (TyVarTy v) = tm_var >.> lkVar env v go (AppTy t1 t2) = tm_app >.> lkG (D env t1) >=> lkG (D env t2) go (TyConApp tc []) = tm_tycon >.> lkDNamed tc go ty@(TyConApp _ (_:_)) = pprPanic "lkT TyConApp" (ppr ty) go (LitTy l) = tm_tylit >.> lkTyLit l go (ForAllTy (TvBndr tv _) ty) = tm_forall >.> lkG (D (extendCME env tv) ty) >=> lkBndr env tv go ty@(FunTy {}) = pprPanic "lkT FunTy" (ppr ty) go (CastTy t _) = go t go (CoercionTy {}) = tm_coerce ----------------- xtT :: DeBruijn Type -> XT a -> TypeMapX a -> TypeMapX a xtT (D env ty) f m | Just ty' <- trieMapView ty = xtT (D env ty') f m xtT (D env (TyVarTy v)) f m = m { tm_var = tm_var m |> xtVar env v f } xtT (D env (AppTy t1 t2)) f m = m { tm_app = tm_app m |> xtG (D env t1) |>> xtG (D env t2) f } xtT (D _ (TyConApp tc [])) f m = m { tm_tycon = tm_tycon m |> xtDNamed tc f } xtT (D _ (LitTy l)) f m = m { tm_tylit = tm_tylit m |> xtTyLit l f } xtT (D env (CastTy t _)) f m = xtT (D env t) f m xtT (D _ (CoercionTy {})) f m = m { tm_coerce = tm_coerce m |> f } xtT (D env (ForAllTy (TvBndr tv _) ty)) f m = m { tm_forall = tm_forall m |> xtG (D (extendCME env tv) ty) |>> xtBndr env tv f } xtT (D _ ty@(TyConApp _ (_:_))) _ _ = pprPanic "xtT TyConApp" (ppr ty) xtT (D _ ty@(FunTy {})) _ _ = pprPanic "xtT FunTy" (ppr ty) fdT :: (a -> b -> b) -> TypeMapX a -> b -> b fdT k m = foldTM k (tm_var m) . foldTM (foldTM k) (tm_app m) . foldTM k (tm_tycon m) . foldTM (foldTM k) (tm_forall m) . foldTyLit k (tm_tylit m) . foldMaybe k (tm_coerce m) ------------------------ data TyLitMap a = TLM { tlm_number :: Map.Map Integer a , tlm_string :: Map.Map FastString a } instance TrieMap TyLitMap where type Key TyLitMap = TyLit emptyTM = emptyTyLitMap lookupTM = lkTyLit alterTM = xtTyLit foldTM = foldTyLit mapTM = mapTyLit emptyTyLitMap :: TyLitMap a emptyTyLitMap = TLM { tlm_number = Map.empty, tlm_string = Map.empty } mapTyLit :: (a->b) -> TyLitMap a -> TyLitMap b mapTyLit f (TLM { tlm_number = tn, tlm_string = ts }) = TLM { tlm_number = Map.map f tn, tlm_string = Map.map f ts } lkTyLit :: TyLit -> TyLitMap a -> Maybe a lkTyLit l = case l of NumTyLit n -> tlm_number >.> Map.lookup n StrTyLit n -> tlm_string >.> Map.lookup n xtTyLit :: TyLit -> XT a -> TyLitMap a -> TyLitMap a xtTyLit l f m = case l of NumTyLit n -> m { tlm_number = tlm_number m |> Map.alter f n } StrTyLit n -> m { tlm_string = tlm_string m |> Map.alter f n } foldTyLit :: (a -> b -> b) -> TyLitMap a -> b -> b foldTyLit l m = flip (Map.fold l) (tlm_string m) . flip (Map.fold l) (tlm_number m) ------------------------------------------------- -- | @TypeMap a@ is a map from 'Type' to @a@. If you are a client, this -- is the type you want. The keys in this map may have different kinds. newtype TypeMap a = TypeMap (TypeMapG (TypeMapG a)) lkTT :: DeBruijn Type -> TypeMap a -> Maybe a lkTT (D env ty) (TypeMap m) = lkG (D env $ typeKind ty) m >>= lkG (D env ty) xtTT :: DeBruijn Type -> XT a -> TypeMap a -> TypeMap a xtTT (D env ty) f (TypeMap m) = TypeMap (m |> xtG (D env $ typeKind ty) |>> xtG (D env ty) f) -- Below are some client-oriented functions which operate on 'TypeMap'. instance TrieMap TypeMap where type Key TypeMap = Type emptyTM = TypeMap emptyTM lookupTM k m = lkTT (deBruijnize k) m alterTM k f m = xtTT (deBruijnize k) f m foldTM k (TypeMap m) = foldTM (foldTM k) m mapTM f (TypeMap m) = TypeMap (mapTM (mapTM f) m) foldTypeMap :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> TypeMap a -> b foldTypeMap k z m = foldTM k m z emptyTypeMap :: TypeMap a emptyTypeMap = emptyTM lookupTypeMap :: TypeMap a -> Type -> Maybe a lookupTypeMap cm t = lookupTM t cm extendTypeMap :: TypeMap a -> Type -> a -> TypeMap a extendTypeMap m t v = alterTM t (const (Just v)) m -- | A 'LooseTypeMap' doesn't do a kind-check. Thus, when lookup up (t |> g), -- you'll find entries inserted under (t), even if (g) is non-reflexive. newtype LooseTypeMap a = LooseTypeMap (TypeMapG a) instance TrieMap LooseTypeMap where type Key LooseTypeMap = Type emptyTM = LooseTypeMap emptyTM lookupTM k (LooseTypeMap m) = lookupTM (deBruijnize k) m alterTM k f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m) foldTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = foldTM f m mapTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (mapTM f m) {- ************************************************************************ * * Variables * * ************************************************************************ -} type BoundVar = Int -- Bound variables are deBruijn numbered type BoundVarMap a = IntMap.IntMap a data CmEnv = CME { cme_next :: BoundVar , cme_env :: VarEnv BoundVar } emptyCME :: CmEnv emptyCME = CME { cme_next = 0, cme_env = emptyVarEnv } extendCME :: CmEnv -> Var -> CmEnv extendCME (CME { cme_next = bv, cme_env = env }) v = CME { cme_next = bv+1, cme_env = extendVarEnv env v bv } extendCMEs :: CmEnv -> [Var] -> CmEnv extendCMEs env vs = foldl extendCME env vs lookupCME :: CmEnv -> Var -> Maybe BoundVar lookupCME (CME { cme_env = env }) v = lookupVarEnv env v -- | @DeBruijn a@ represents @a@ modulo alpha-renaming. This is achieved -- by equipping the value with a 'CmEnv', which tracks an on-the-fly deBruijn -- numbering. This allows us to define an 'Eq' instance for @DeBruijn a@, even -- if this was not (easily) possible for @a@. Note: we purposely don't -- export the constructor. Make a helper function if you find yourself -- needing it. data DeBruijn a = D CmEnv a -- | Synthesizes a @DeBruijn a@ from an @a@, by assuming that there are no -- bound binders (an empty 'CmEnv'). This is usually what you want if there -- isn't already a 'CmEnv' in scope. deBruijnize :: a -> DeBruijn a deBruijnize = D emptyCME instance Eq (DeBruijn a) => Eq (DeBruijn [a]) where D _ [] == D _ [] = True D env (x:xs) == D env' (x':xs') = D env x == D env' x' && D env xs == D env' xs' _ == _ = False --------- Variable binders ------------- -- | A 'BndrMap' is a 'TypeMapG' which allows us to distinguish between -- binding forms whose binders have different types. For example, -- if we are doing a 'TrieMap' lookup on @\(x :: Int) -> ()@, we should -- not pick up an entry in the 'TrieMap' for @\(x :: Bool) -> ()@: -- we can disambiguate this by matching on the type (or kind, if this -- a binder in a type) of the binder. type BndrMap = TypeMapG -- Note [Binders] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- We need to use 'BndrMap' for 'Coercion', 'CoreExpr' AND 'Type', since all -- of these data types have binding forms. lkBndr :: CmEnv -> Var -> BndrMap a -> Maybe a lkBndr env v m = lkG (D env (varType v)) m xtBndr :: CmEnv -> Var -> XT a -> BndrMap a -> BndrMap a xtBndr env v f = xtG (D env (varType v)) f --------- Variable occurrence ------------- data VarMap a = VM { vm_bvar :: BoundVarMap a -- Bound variable , vm_fvar :: DVarEnv a } -- Free variable instance TrieMap VarMap where type Key VarMap = Var emptyTM = VM { vm_bvar = IntMap.empty, vm_fvar = emptyDVarEnv } lookupTM = lkVar emptyCME alterTM = xtVar emptyCME foldTM = fdVar mapTM = mapVar mapVar :: (a->b) -> VarMap a -> VarMap b mapVar f (VM { vm_bvar = bv, vm_fvar = fv }) = VM { vm_bvar = mapTM f bv, vm_fvar = mapTM f fv } lkVar :: CmEnv -> Var -> VarMap a -> Maybe a lkVar env v | Just bv <- lookupCME env v = vm_bvar >.> lookupTM bv | otherwise = vm_fvar >.> lkDFreeVar v xtVar :: CmEnv -> Var -> XT a -> VarMap a -> VarMap a xtVar env v f m | Just bv <- lookupCME env v = m { vm_bvar = vm_bvar m |> alterTM bv f } | otherwise = m { vm_fvar = vm_fvar m |> xtDFreeVar v f } fdVar :: (a -> b -> b) -> VarMap a -> b -> b fdVar k m = foldTM k (vm_bvar m) . foldTM k (vm_fvar m) lkDFreeVar :: Var -> DVarEnv a -> Maybe a lkDFreeVar var env = lookupDVarEnv env var xtDFreeVar :: Var -> XT a -> DVarEnv a -> DVarEnv a xtDFreeVar v f m = alterDVarEnv f m v