{- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006 (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 @DsMonad@: monadery used in desugaring -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- instance MonadThings is necessarily an orphan {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module DsMonad ( DsM, mapM, mapAndUnzipM, initDs, initDsTc, initTcDsForSolver, initDsWithModGuts, fixDs, foldlM, foldrM, whenGOptM, unsetGOptM, unsetWOptM, xoptM, Applicative(..),(<$>), duplicateLocalDs, newSysLocalDsNoLP, newSysLocalDs, newSysLocalsDsNoLP, newSysLocalsDs, newUniqueId, newFailLocalDs, newPredVarDs, getSrcSpanDs, putSrcSpanDs, mkPrintUnqualifiedDs, newUnique, UniqSupply, newUniqueSupply, getGhcModeDs, dsGetFamInstEnvs, dsLookupGlobal, dsLookupGlobalId, dsLookupTyCon, dsLookupDataCon, dsLookupConLike, DsMetaEnv, DsMetaVal(..), dsGetMetaEnv, dsLookupMetaEnv, dsExtendMetaEnv, -- Getting and setting pattern match oracle states getPmDelta, updPmDelta, -- Iterations for pm checking incrCheckPmIterDs, resetPmIterDs, dsGetCompleteMatches, -- Warnings and errors DsWarning, warnDs, warnIfSetDs, errDs, errDsCoreExpr, failWithDs, failDs, discardWarningsDs, askNoErrsDs, -- Data types DsMatchContext(..), EquationInfo(..), MatchResult(..), DsWrapper, idDsWrapper, CanItFail(..), orFail, -- Levity polymorphism dsNoLevPoly, dsNoLevPolyExpr, dsWhenNoErrs, -- Trace injection pprRuntimeTrace ) where import GhcPrelude import TcRnMonad import FamInstEnv import CoreSyn import MkCore ( unitExpr ) import CoreUtils ( exprType, isExprLevPoly ) import HsSyn import TcIface import TcMType ( checkForLevPolyX, formatLevPolyErr ) import PrelNames import RdrName import HscTypes import Bag import BasicTypes ( Origin ) import DataCon import ConLike import TyCon import {-# SOURCE #-} PmOracle import Id import Module import Outputable import SrcLoc import Type import UniqSupply import Name import NameEnv import DynFlags import ErrUtils import FastString import UniqFM ( lookupWithDefaultUFM ) import Literal ( mkLitString ) import CostCentreState import Data.IORef {- ************************************************************************ * * Data types for the desugarer * * ************************************************************************ -} data DsMatchContext = DsMatchContext (HsMatchContext Name) SrcSpan deriving () instance Outputable DsMatchContext where ppr (DsMatchContext hs_match ss) = ppr ss <+> pprMatchContext hs_match data EquationInfo = EqnInfo { eqn_pats :: [Pat GhcTc] -- ^ The patterns for an equation -- -- NB: We have /already/ applied 'decideBangHood' to -- these patterns. See Note [decideBangHood] in "DsUtils" , eqn_orig :: Origin -- ^ Was this equation present in the user source? -- -- This helps us avoid warnings on patterns that GHC elaborated. -- -- For instance, the pattern @-1 :: Word@ gets desugared into -- @W# -1## :: Word@, but we shouldn't warn about an overflowed -- literal for /both/ of these cases. , eqn_rhs :: MatchResult -- ^ What to do after match } instance Outputable EquationInfo where ppr (EqnInfo pats _ _) = ppr pats type DsWrapper = CoreExpr -> CoreExpr idDsWrapper :: DsWrapper idDsWrapper e = e -- The semantics of (match vs (EqnInfo wrap pats rhs)) is the MatchResult -- \fail. wrap (case vs of { pats -> rhs fail }) -- where vs are not bound by wrap -- A MatchResult is an expression with a hole in it data MatchResult = MatchResult CanItFail -- Tells whether the failure expression is used (CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr) -- Takes a expression to plug in at the -- failure point(s). The expression should -- be duplicatable! data CanItFail = CanFail | CantFail orFail :: CanItFail -> CanItFail -> CanItFail orFail CantFail CantFail = CantFail orFail _ _ = CanFail {- ************************************************************************ * * Monad functions * * ************************************************************************ -} -- Compatibility functions fixDs :: (a -> DsM a) -> DsM a fixDs = fixM type DsWarning = (SrcSpan, SDoc) -- Not quite the same as a WarnMsg, we have an SDoc here -- and we'll do the print_unqual stuff later on to turn it -- into a Doc. -- | Run a 'DsM' action inside the 'TcM' monad. initDsTc :: DsM a -> TcM a initDsTc thing_inside = do { tcg_env <- getGblEnv ; msg_var <- getErrsVar ; hsc_env <- getTopEnv ; envs <- mkDsEnvsFromTcGbl hsc_env msg_var tcg_env ; setEnvs envs thing_inside } -- | Run a 'DsM' action inside the 'IO' monad. initDs :: HscEnv -> TcGblEnv -> DsM a -> IO (Messages, Maybe a) initDs hsc_env tcg_env thing_inside = do { msg_var <- newIORef emptyMessages ; envs <- mkDsEnvsFromTcGbl hsc_env msg_var tcg_env ; runDs hsc_env envs thing_inside } -- | Build a set of desugarer environments derived from a 'TcGblEnv'. mkDsEnvsFromTcGbl :: MonadIO m => HscEnv -> IORef Messages -> TcGblEnv -> m (DsGblEnv, DsLclEnv) mkDsEnvsFromTcGbl hsc_env msg_var tcg_env = do { pm_iter_var <- liftIO $ newIORef 0 ; cc_st_var <- liftIO $ newIORef newCostCentreState ; let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env this_mod = tcg_mod tcg_env type_env = tcg_type_env tcg_env rdr_env = tcg_rdr_env tcg_env fam_inst_env = tcg_fam_inst_env tcg_env complete_matches = hptCompleteSigs hsc_env ++ tcg_complete_matches tcg_env ; return $ mkDsEnvs dflags this_mod rdr_env type_env fam_inst_env msg_var pm_iter_var cc_st_var complete_matches } runDs :: HscEnv -> (DsGblEnv, DsLclEnv) -> DsM a -> IO (Messages, Maybe a) runDs hsc_env (ds_gbl, ds_lcl) thing_inside = do { res <- initTcRnIf 'd' hsc_env ds_gbl ds_lcl (tryM thing_inside) ; msgs <- readIORef (ds_msgs ds_gbl) ; let final_res | errorsFound dflags msgs = Nothing | Right r <- res = Just r | otherwise = panic "initDs" ; return (msgs, final_res) } where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env -- | Run a 'DsM' action in the context of an existing 'ModGuts' initDsWithModGuts :: HscEnv -> ModGuts -> DsM a -> IO (Messages, Maybe a) initDsWithModGuts hsc_env guts thing_inside = do { pm_iter_var <- newIORef 0 ; cc_st_var <- newIORef newCostCentreState ; msg_var <- newIORef emptyMessages ; let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env type_env = typeEnvFromEntities ids (mg_tcs guts) (mg_fam_insts guts) rdr_env = mg_rdr_env guts fam_inst_env = mg_fam_inst_env guts this_mod = mg_module guts complete_matches = hptCompleteSigs hsc_env ++ mg_complete_sigs guts bindsToIds (NonRec v _) = [v] bindsToIds (Rec binds) = map fst binds ids = concatMap bindsToIds (mg_binds guts) envs = mkDsEnvs dflags this_mod rdr_env type_env fam_inst_env msg_var pm_iter_var cc_st_var complete_matches ; runDs hsc_env envs thing_inside } initTcDsForSolver :: TcM a -> DsM (Messages, Maybe a) -- Spin up a TcM context so that we can run the constraint solver -- Returns any error messages generated by the constraint solver -- and (Just res) if no error happened; Nothing if an error happened -- -- Simon says: I'm not very happy about this. We spin up a complete TcM monad -- only to immediately refine it to a TcS monad. -- Better perhaps to make TcS into its own monad, rather than building on TcS -- But that may in turn interact with plugins initTcDsForSolver thing_inside = do { (gbl, lcl) <- getEnvs ; hsc_env <- getTopEnv ; let DsGblEnv { ds_mod = mod , ds_fam_inst_env = fam_inst_env } = gbl DsLclEnv { dsl_loc = loc } = lcl ; liftIO $ initTc hsc_env HsSrcFile False mod loc $ updGblEnv (\tc_gbl -> tc_gbl { tcg_fam_inst_env = fam_inst_env }) $ thing_inside } mkDsEnvs :: DynFlags -> Module -> GlobalRdrEnv -> TypeEnv -> FamInstEnv -> IORef Messages -> IORef Int -> IORef CostCentreState -> [CompleteMatch] -> (DsGblEnv, DsLclEnv) mkDsEnvs dflags mod rdr_env type_env fam_inst_env msg_var pmvar cc_st_var complete_matches = let if_genv = IfGblEnv { if_doc = text "mkDsEnvs", if_rec_types = Just (mod, return type_env) } if_lenv = mkIfLclEnv mod (text "GHC error in desugarer lookup in" <+> ppr mod) False -- not boot! real_span = realSrcLocSpan (mkRealSrcLoc (moduleNameFS (moduleName mod)) 1 1) completeMatchMap = mkCompleteMatchMap complete_matches gbl_env = DsGblEnv { ds_mod = mod , ds_fam_inst_env = fam_inst_env , ds_if_env = (if_genv, if_lenv) , ds_unqual = mkPrintUnqualified dflags rdr_env , ds_msgs = msg_var , ds_complete_matches = completeMatchMap , ds_cc_st = cc_st_var } lcl_env = DsLclEnv { dsl_meta = emptyNameEnv , dsl_loc = real_span , dsl_delta = initDelta , dsl_pm_iter = pmvar } in (gbl_env, lcl_env) {- ************************************************************************ * * Operations in the monad * * ************************************************************************ And all this mysterious stuff is so we can occasionally reach out and grab one or more names. @newLocalDs@ isn't exported---exported functions are defined with it. The difference in name-strings makes it easier to read debugging output. Note [Levity polymorphism checking] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ According to the "Levity Polymorphism" paper (PLDI '17), levity polymorphism is forbidden in precisely two places: in the type of a bound term-level argument and in the type of an argument to a function. The paper explains it more fully, but briefly: expressions in these contexts need to be stored in registers, and it's hard (read, impossible) to store something that's levity polymorphic. We cannot check for bad levity polymorphism conveniently in the type checker, because we can't tell, a priori, which levity metavariables will be solved. At one point, I (Richard) thought we could check in the zonker, but it's hard to know where precisely are the abstracted variables and the arguments. So we check in the desugarer, the only place where we can see the Core code and still report respectable syntax to the user. This covers the vast majority of cases; see calls to DsMonad.dsNoLevPoly and friends. Levity polymorphism is also prohibited in the types of binders, and the desugarer checks for this in GHC-generated Ids. (The zonker handles the user-writted ids in zonkIdBndr.) This is done in newSysLocalDsNoLP. The newSysLocalDs variant is used in the vast majority of cases where the binder is obviously not levity polymorphic, omitting the check. It would be nice to ASSERT that there is no levity polymorphism here, but we can't, because of the fixM in DsArrows. It's all OK, though: Core Lint will catch an error here. However, the desugarer is the wrong place for certain checks. In particular, the desugarer can't report a sensible error message if an HsWrapper is malformed. After all, GHC itself produced the HsWrapper. So we store some message text in the appropriate HsWrappers (e.g. WpFun) that we can print out in the desugarer. There are a few more checks in places where Core is generated outside the desugarer. For example, in datatype and class declarations, where levity polymorphism is checked for during validity checking. It would be nice to have one central place for all this, but that doesn't seem possible while still reporting nice error messages. -} -- Make a new Id with the same print name, but different type, and new unique newUniqueId :: Id -> Type -> DsM Id newUniqueId id = mk_local (occNameFS (nameOccName (idName id))) duplicateLocalDs :: Id -> DsM Id duplicateLocalDs old_local = do { uniq <- newUnique ; return (setIdUnique old_local uniq) } newPredVarDs :: PredType -> DsM Var newPredVarDs pred = newSysLocalDs pred newSysLocalDsNoLP, newSysLocalDs, newFailLocalDs :: Type -> DsM Id newSysLocalDsNoLP = mk_local (fsLit "ds") -- this variant should be used when the caller can be sure that the variable type -- is not levity-polymorphic. It is necessary when the type is knot-tied because -- of the fixM used in DsArrows. See Note [Levity polymorphism checking] newSysLocalDs = mkSysLocalOrCoVarM (fsLit "ds") newFailLocalDs = mkSysLocalOrCoVarM (fsLit "fail") -- the fail variable is used only in a situation where we can tell that -- levity-polymorphism is impossible. newSysLocalsDsNoLP, newSysLocalsDs :: [Type] -> DsM [Id] newSysLocalsDsNoLP = mapM newSysLocalDsNoLP newSysLocalsDs = mapM newSysLocalDs mk_local :: FastString -> Type -> DsM Id mk_local fs ty = do { dsNoLevPoly ty (text "When trying to create a variable of type:" <+> ppr ty) -- could improve the msg with another -- parameter indicating context ; mkSysLocalOrCoVarM fs ty } {- We can also reach out and either set/grab location information from the @SrcSpan@ being carried around. -} getGhcModeDs :: DsM GhcMode getGhcModeDs = getDynFlags >>= return . ghcMode -- | Get the current pattern match oracle state. See 'dsl_delta'. getPmDelta :: DsM Delta getPmDelta = do { env <- getLclEnv; return (dsl_delta env) } -- | Set the pattern match oracle state within the scope of the given action. -- See 'dsl_delta'. updPmDelta :: Delta -> DsM a -> DsM a updPmDelta delta = updLclEnv (\env -> env { dsl_delta = delta }) -- | Increase the counter for elapsed pattern match check iterations. -- If the current counter is already over the limit, fail incrCheckPmIterDs :: DsM Int incrCheckPmIterDs = do env <- getLclEnv cnt <- readTcRef (dsl_pm_iter env) max_iters <- maxPmCheckIterations <$> getDynFlags if cnt >= max_iters then failM else updTcRef (dsl_pm_iter env) (+1) return cnt -- | Reset the counter for pattern match check iterations to zero resetPmIterDs :: DsM () resetPmIterDs = do { env <- getLclEnv; writeTcRef (dsl_pm_iter env) 0 } getSrcSpanDs :: DsM SrcSpan getSrcSpanDs = do { env <- getLclEnv ; return (RealSrcSpan (dsl_loc env)) } putSrcSpanDs :: SrcSpan -> DsM a -> DsM a putSrcSpanDs (UnhelpfulSpan {}) thing_inside = thing_inside putSrcSpanDs (RealSrcSpan real_span) thing_inside = updLclEnv (\ env -> env {dsl_loc = real_span}) thing_inside -- | Emit a warning for the current source location -- NB: Warns whether or not -Wxyz is set warnDs :: WarnReason -> SDoc -> DsM () warnDs reason warn = do { env <- getGblEnv ; loc <- getSrcSpanDs ; dflags <- getDynFlags ; let msg = makeIntoWarning reason $ mkWarnMsg dflags loc (ds_unqual env) warn ; updMutVar (ds_msgs env) (\ (w,e) -> (w `snocBag` msg, e)) } -- | Emit a warning only if the correct WarnReason is set in the DynFlags warnIfSetDs :: WarningFlag -> SDoc -> DsM () warnIfSetDs flag warn = whenWOptM flag $ warnDs (Reason flag) warn errDs :: SDoc -> DsM () errDs err = do { env <- getGblEnv ; loc <- getSrcSpanDs ; dflags <- getDynFlags ; let msg = mkErrMsg dflags loc (ds_unqual env) err ; updMutVar (ds_msgs env) (\ (w,e) -> (w, e `snocBag` msg)) } -- | Issue an error, but return the expression for (), so that we can continue -- reporting errors. errDsCoreExpr :: SDoc -> DsM CoreExpr errDsCoreExpr err = do { errDs err ; return unitExpr } failWithDs :: SDoc -> DsM a failWithDs err = do { errDs err ; failM } failDs :: DsM a failDs = failM -- (askNoErrsDs m) runs m -- If m fails, -- then (askNoErrsDs m) fails -- If m succeeds with result r, -- then (askNoErrsDs m) succeeds with result (r, b), -- where b is True iff m generated no errors -- Regardless of success or failure, -- propagate any errors/warnings generated by m -- -- c.f. TcRnMonad.askNoErrs askNoErrsDs :: DsM a -> DsM (a, Bool) askNoErrsDs thing_inside = do { errs_var <- newMutVar emptyMessages ; env <- getGblEnv ; mb_res <- tryM $ -- Be careful to catch exceptions -- so that we propagate errors correctly -- (#13642) setGblEnv (env { ds_msgs = errs_var }) $ thing_inside -- Propagate errors ; msgs@(warns, errs) <- readMutVar errs_var ; updMutVar (ds_msgs env) (\ (w,e) -> (w `unionBags` warns, e `unionBags` errs)) -- And return ; case mb_res of Left _ -> failM Right res -> do { dflags <- getDynFlags ; let errs_found = errorsFound dflags msgs ; return (res, not errs_found) } } mkPrintUnqualifiedDs :: DsM PrintUnqualified mkPrintUnqualifiedDs = ds_unqual <$> getGblEnv instance MonadThings (IOEnv (Env DsGblEnv DsLclEnv)) where lookupThing = dsLookupGlobal dsLookupGlobal :: Name -> DsM TyThing -- Very like TcEnv.tcLookupGlobal dsLookupGlobal name = do { env <- getGblEnv ; setEnvs (ds_if_env env) (tcIfaceGlobal name) } dsLookupGlobalId :: Name -> DsM Id dsLookupGlobalId name = tyThingId <$> dsLookupGlobal name dsLookupTyCon :: Name -> DsM TyCon dsLookupTyCon name = tyThingTyCon <$> dsLookupGlobal name dsLookupDataCon :: Name -> DsM DataCon dsLookupDataCon name = tyThingDataCon <$> dsLookupGlobal name dsLookupConLike :: Name -> DsM ConLike dsLookupConLike name = tyThingConLike <$> dsLookupGlobal name dsGetFamInstEnvs :: DsM FamInstEnvs -- Gets both the external-package inst-env -- and the home-pkg inst env (includes module being compiled) dsGetFamInstEnvs = do { eps <- getEps; env <- getGblEnv ; return (eps_fam_inst_env eps, ds_fam_inst_env env) } dsGetMetaEnv :: DsM (NameEnv DsMetaVal) dsGetMetaEnv = do { env <- getLclEnv; return (dsl_meta env) } -- | The @COMPLETE@ pragmas provided by the user for a given `TyCon`. dsGetCompleteMatches :: TyCon -> DsM [CompleteMatch] dsGetCompleteMatches tc = do eps <- getEps env <- getGblEnv let lookup_completes ufm = lookupWithDefaultUFM ufm [] tc eps_matches_list = lookup_completes $ eps_complete_matches eps env_matches_list = lookup_completes $ ds_complete_matches env return $ eps_matches_list ++ env_matches_list dsLookupMetaEnv :: Name -> DsM (Maybe DsMetaVal) dsLookupMetaEnv name = do { env <- getLclEnv; return (lookupNameEnv (dsl_meta env) name) } dsExtendMetaEnv :: DsMetaEnv -> DsM a -> DsM a dsExtendMetaEnv menv thing_inside = updLclEnv (\env -> env { dsl_meta = dsl_meta env `plusNameEnv` menv }) thing_inside discardWarningsDs :: DsM a -> DsM a -- Ignore warnings inside the thing inside; -- used to ignore inaccessable cases etc. inside generated code discardWarningsDs thing_inside = do { env <- getGblEnv ; old_msgs <- readTcRef (ds_msgs env) ; result <- thing_inside -- Revert messages to old_msgs ; writeTcRef (ds_msgs env) old_msgs ; return result } -- | Fail with an error message if the type is levity polymorphic. dsNoLevPoly :: Type -> SDoc -> DsM () -- See Note [Levity polymorphism checking] dsNoLevPoly ty doc = checkForLevPolyX errDs doc ty -- | Check an expression for levity polymorphism, failing if it is -- levity polymorphic. dsNoLevPolyExpr :: CoreExpr -> SDoc -> DsM () -- See Note [Levity polymorphism checking] dsNoLevPolyExpr e doc | isExprLevPoly e = errDs (formatLevPolyErr (exprType e) $$ doc) | otherwise = return () -- | Runs the thing_inside. If there are no errors, then returns the expr -- given. Otherwise, returns unitExpr. This is useful for doing a bunch -- of levity polymorphism checks and then avoiding making a core App. -- (If we make a core App on a levity polymorphic argument, detecting how -- to handle the let/app invariant might call isUnliftedType, which panics -- on a levity polymorphic type.) -- See #12709 for an example of why this machinery is necessary. dsWhenNoErrs :: DsM a -> (a -> CoreExpr) -> DsM CoreExpr dsWhenNoErrs thing_inside mk_expr = do { (result, no_errs) <- askNoErrsDs thing_inside ; return $ if no_errs then mk_expr result else unitExpr } -- | Inject a trace message into the compiled program. Whereas -- pprTrace prints out information *while compiling*, pprRuntimeTrace -- captures that information and causes it to be printed *at runtime* -- using Debug.Trace.trace. -- -- pprRuntimeTrace hdr doc expr -- -- will produce an expression that looks like -- -- trace (hdr + doc) expr -- -- When using this to debug a module that Debug.Trace depends on, -- it is necessary to import {-# SOURCE #-} Debug.Trace () in that -- module. We could avoid this inconvenience by wiring in Debug.Trace.trace, -- but that doesn't seem worth the effort and maintenance cost. pprRuntimeTrace :: String -- ^ header -> SDoc -- ^ information to output -> CoreExpr -- ^ expression -> DsM CoreExpr pprRuntimeTrace str doc expr = do traceId <- dsLookupGlobalId traceName unpackCStringId <- dsLookupGlobalId unpackCStringName dflags <- getDynFlags let message :: CoreExpr message = App (Var unpackCStringId) $ Lit $ mkLitString $ showSDoc dflags (hang (text str) 4 doc) return $ mkApps (Var traceId) [Type (exprType expr), message, expr]