# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # (c) 2009-2012 The University of Glasgow # # This file is part of the GHC build system. # # To understand how the build system works and how to modify it, see # http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Building/Architecture # http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Building/Modifying # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For expressing extra dependencies on source files define compiler-hs-dependency # args: $1 = module, $2 = dependency $$(foreach stage,1 2 3,\ $$(foreach way,$$(compiler_stage$$(stage)_WAYS),\ compiler/stage$$(stage)/build/$1.$$($$(way)_osuf))) : $2 endef # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create compiler configuration # # The 'echo' commands simply spit the values of various make variables # into Config.hs, whence they can be compiled and used by GHC itself # This is just to avoid generating a warning when generating deps # involving RtsFlags.h compiler_stage1_MKDEPENDC_OPTS = -DMAKING_GHC_BUILD_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES compiler_stage2_MKDEPENDC_OPTS = -DMAKING_GHC_BUILD_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES compiler_stage3_MKDEPENDC_OPTS = -DMAKING_GHC_BUILD_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES compiler_stage1_C_FILES_NODEPS = compiler/parser/cutils.c ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES" compiler/stage1/package-data.mk : compiler/stage1/build/Config.hs compiler/stage2/package-data.mk : compiler/stage2/build/Config.hs compiler/stage3/package-data.mk : compiler/stage3/build/Config.hs endif compiler/stage%/build/Config.hs : mk/config.mk mk/project.mk | $$(dir $$@)/. $(call removeFiles,$@) @echo 'Creating $@ ... ' @echo '{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}' >> $@ @echo 'module Config where' >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo '#include "ghc_boot_platform.h"' >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo 'data IntegerLibrary = IntegerGMP | IntegerSimple' >> $@ @echo ' deriving Eq' >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo 'cBuildPlatformString :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cBuildPlatformString = BuildPlatform_NAME' >> $@ @echo 'cHostPlatformString :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cHostPlatformString = HostPlatform_NAME' >> $@ @echo 'cTargetPlatformString :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cTargetPlatformString = TargetPlatform_NAME' >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo 'cProjectName :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cProjectName = "$(ProjectName)"' >> $@ @echo 'cProjectVersion :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cProjectVersion = "$(ProjectVersion)"' >> $@ @echo 'cProjectVersionInt :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cProjectVersionInt = "$(ProjectVersionInt)"' >> $@ @echo 'cProjectPatchLevel :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cProjectPatchLevel = "$(ProjectPatchLevel)"' >> $@ @echo 'cBooterVersion :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cBooterVersion = "$(GhcVersion)"' >> $@ @echo 'cStage :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cStage = show (STAGE :: Int)' >> $@ @echo 'cIntegerLibrary :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cIntegerLibrary = "$(INTEGER_LIBRARY)"' >> $@ @echo 'cIntegerLibraryType :: IntegerLibrary' >> $@ ifeq "$(INTEGER_LIBRARY)" "integer-gmp" @echo 'cIntegerLibraryType = IntegerGMP' >> $@ else ifeq "$(INTEGER_LIBRARY)" "integer-simple" @echo 'cIntegerLibraryType = IntegerSimple' >> $@ else ifneq "$(CLEANING)" "YES" $(error Unknown integer library) endif @echo 'cSupportsSplitObjs :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cSupportsSplitObjs = "$(SupportsSplitObjs)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGhcWithInterpreter :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGhcWithInterpreter = "$(GhcWithInterpreter)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGhcWithNativeCodeGen :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGhcWithNativeCodeGen = "$(GhcWithNativeCodeGen)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGhcWithSMP :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGhcWithSMP = "$(GhcWithSMP)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGhcRTSWays :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGhcRTSWays = "$(GhcRTSWays)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGhcEnableTablesNextToCode :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGhcEnableTablesNextToCode = "$(GhcEnableTablesNextToCode)"' >> $@ @echo 'cLeadingUnderscore :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cLeadingUnderscore = "$(LeadingUnderscore)"' >> $@ @echo 'cRAWCPP_FLAGS :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cRAWCPP_FLAGS = "$(RAWCPP_FLAGS)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_DRIVER_DIR :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_DRIVER_DIR = "$(GHC_DRIVER_DIR)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_UNLIT_PGM :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_UNLIT_PGM = "$(GHC_UNLIT_PGM)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_UNLIT_DIR :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_UNLIT_DIR = "$(GHC_UNLIT_DIR)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_SPLIT_PGM :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_SPLIT_PGM = "$(GHC_SPLIT_PGM)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_SPLIT_DIR :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_SPLIT_DIR = "$(GHC_SPLIT_DIR)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_SYSMAN_PGM :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_SYSMAN_PGM = "$(GHC_SYSMAN)"' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_SYSMAN_DIR :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cGHC_SYSMAN_DIR = "$(GHC_SYSMAN_DIR)"' >> $@ @echo 'cDEFAULT_TMPDIR :: String' >> $@ @echo 'cDEFAULT_TMPDIR = "$(DEFAULT_TMPDIR)"' >> $@ @echo 'cLibFFI :: Bool' >> $@ ifeq "$(UseLibFFIForAdjustors)" "YES" @echo 'cLibFFI = True' >> $@ else @echo 'cLibFFI = False' >> $@ endif @echo done. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create platform includes # Here we generate a little header file containing CPP symbols that GHC # uses to determine which platform it is building on/for. The platforms # can differ between stage1 and stage2 if we're cross-compiling, so we # need one of these header files per stage. PLATFORM_H = ghc_boot_platform.h ifeq "$(BuildingCrossCompiler)" "YES" compiler/stage1/$(PLATFORM_H) : compiler/stage2/$(PLATFORM_H) cp $< $@ else compiler/stage1/$(PLATFORM_H) : mk/config.mk mk/project.mk | $$(dir $$@)/. $(call removeFiles,$@) @echo "Creating $@..." @echo "#ifndef __PLATFORM_H__" >> $@ @echo "#define __PLATFORM_H__" >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo "#define BuildPlatform_NAME \"$(BUILDPLATFORM)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define HostPlatform_NAME \"$(BUILDPLATFORM)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define TargetPlatform_NAME \"$(HOSTPLATFORM)\"" >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo "#define $(BuildPlatform_CPP)_BUILD 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(BuildPlatform_CPP)_HOST 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(HostPlatform_CPP)_TARGET 1" >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo "#define $(BuildArch_CPP)_BUILD_ARCH 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(BuildArch_CPP)_HOST_ARCH 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(HostArch_CPP)_TARGET_ARCH 1" >> $@ @echo "#define BUILD_ARCH \"$(BuildArch_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define HOST_ARCH \"$(BuildArch_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define TARGET_ARCH \"$(HostArch_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo "#define $(BuildOS_CPP)_BUILD_OS 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(BuildOS_CPP)_HOST_OS 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(HostOS_CPP)_TARGET_OS 1" >> $@ @echo "#define BUILD_OS \"$(BuildOS_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define HOST_OS \"$(BuildOS_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define TARGET_OS \"$(HostOS_CPP)\"" >> $@ ifeq "$(HostOS_CPP)" "irix" @echo "#ifndef $(IRIX_MAJOR)_TARGET_OS" >> $@ @echo "#define $(IRIX_MAJOR)_TARGET_OS 1" >> $@ @echo "#endif" >> $@ endif @echo >> $@ @echo "#define $(BuildVendor_CPP)_BUILD_VENDOR 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(BuildVendor_CPP)_HOST_VENDOR 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(HostVendor_CPP)_TARGET_VENDOR 1" >> $@ @echo "#define BUILD_VENDOR \"$(BuildVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define HOST_VENDOR \"$(BuildVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define TARGET_VENDOR \"$(HostVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo "#endif /* __PLATFORM_H__ */" >> $@ @echo "Done." endif # For stage2 and above, the BUILD platform is the HOST of stage1, and # the HOST platform is the TARGET of stage1. The TARGET remains the same # (stage1 is the cross-compiler, not stage2). compiler/stage2/$(PLATFORM_H) : mk/config.mk mk/project.mk | $$(dir $$@)/. $(call removeFiles,$@) @echo "Creating $@..." @echo "#ifndef __PLATFORM_H__" >> $@ @echo "#define __PLATFORM_H__" >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo "#define BuildPlatform_NAME \"$(BUILDPLATFORM)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define HostPlatform_NAME \"$(HOSTPLATFORM)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define TargetPlatform_NAME \"$(TARGETPLATFORM)\"" >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo "#define $(BuildPlatform_CPP)_BUILD 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(HostPlatform_CPP)_HOST 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(TargetPlatform_CPP)_TARGET 1" >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo "#define $(BuildArch_CPP)_BUILD_ARCH 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(HostArch_CPP)_HOST_ARCH 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(TargetArch_CPP)_TARGET_ARCH 1" >> $@ @echo "#define BUILD_ARCH \"$(HostArch_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define HOST_ARCH \"$(HostArch_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define TARGET_ARCH \"$(TargetArch_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo "#define $(HostOS_CPP)_BUILD_OS 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(HostOS_CPP)_HOST_OS 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(TargetOS_CPP)_TARGET_OS 1" >> $@ @echo "#define BUILD_OS \"$(HostOS_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define HOST_OS \"$(HostOS_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define TARGET_OS \"$(TargetOS_CPP)\"" >> $@ ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "irix" @echo "#ifndef $(IRIX_MAJOR)_TARGET_OS" >> $@ @echo "#define $(IRIX_MAJOR)_TARGET_OS 1" >> $@ @echo "#endif" >> $@ endif @echo >> $@ @echo "#define $(BuildVendor_CPP)_BUILD_VENDOR 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(HostVendor_CPP)_HOST_VENDOR 1" >> $@ @echo "#define $(TargetVendor_CPP)_TARGET_VENDOR 1" >> $@ @echo "#define BUILD_VENDOR \"$(BuildVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define HOST_VENDOR \"$(HostVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo "#define TARGET_VENDOR \"$(TargetVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@ @echo >> $@ @echo "#endif /* __PLATFORM_H__ */" >> $@ @echo "Done." compiler/stage3/$(PLATFORM_H) : compiler/stage2/$(PLATFORM_H) "$(CP)" $< $@ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate supporting stuff for prelude/PrimOp.lhs # from prelude/primops.txt # XXX: these should go in stage1/stage2/stage3 PRIMOP_BITS = compiler/primop-data-decl.hs-incl \ compiler/primop-tag.hs-incl \ compiler/primop-list.hs-incl \ compiler/primop-has-side-effects.hs-incl \ compiler/primop-out-of-line.hs-incl \ compiler/primop-commutable.hs-incl \ compiler/primop-code-size.hs-incl \ compiler/primop-can-fail.hs-incl \ compiler/primop-strictness.hs-incl \ compiler/primop-primop-info.hs-incl compiler_CPP_OPTS += $(addprefix -I,$(GHC_INCLUDE_DIRS)) compiler_CPP_OPTS += ${GhcCppOpts} $(PRIMOPS_TXT) compiler/parser/Parser.y: %: %.pp compiler/stage1/$(PLATFORM_H) $(CPP) $(RAWCPP_FLAGS) -P $(compiler_CPP_OPTS) -x c $< | grep -v '^#pragma GCC' > $@ $(eval $(call clean-target,compiler,primop, $(PRIMOPS_TXT) compiler/parser/Parser.y $(PRIMOP_BITS))) ifneq "$(BootingFromHc)" "YES" compiler/primop-data-decl.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --data-decl < $< > $@ compiler/primop-tag.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --primop-tag < $< > $@ compiler/primop-list.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --primop-list < $< > $@ compiler/primop-has-side-effects.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --has-side-effects < $< > $@ compiler/primop-out-of-line.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --out-of-line < $< > $@ compiler/primop-commutable.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --commutable < $< > $@ compiler/primop-code-size.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --code-size < $< > $@ compiler/primop-can-fail.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --can-fail < $< > $@ compiler/primop-strictness.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --strictness < $< > $@ compiler/primop-primop-info.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --primop-primop-info < $< > $@ # Usages aren't used any more; but the generator # can still generate them if we want them back compiler/primop-usage.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --usage < $< > $@ endif # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=stage1 compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=stage2 compiler_stage3_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=stage3 ifeq "$(GhcWithNativeCodeGen)" "YES" compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=ncg compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=ncg endif ifeq "$(GhcWithInterpreter)" "YES" compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=ghci ifeq "$(BuildSharedLibs)" "YES" # There are too many symbols to make a Windows DLL for the ghc package, # so we don't build it the dyn way; see trac #5987 ifneq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "mingw32" compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --enable-shared # If we are going to use dynamic libraries instead of .o files for ghci, # we will need to always retain CAFs in the compiler. # ghci/keepCAFsForGHCi contains a GNU C __attribute__((constructor)) # function which sets the keepCAFs flag for the RTS before any Haskell # code is run. compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=dynlibs endif endif ifeq "$(GhcEnableTablesNextToCode) $(GhcUnregisterised)" "YES NO" # Should GHCI be building info tables in the TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE style # or not? # XXX This should logically be a CPP option, but there doesn't seem to # be a flag for that compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DGHCI_TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE endif # Should the debugger commands be enabled? ifeq "$(GhciWithDebugger)" "YES" compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DDEBUGGER endif endif ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "openbsd" compiler_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ld-options=-E endif ifeq "$(GhcUnregisterised)" "NO" else compiler_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DNO_REGS endif ifeq "$(GhcProfiled)" "YES" # If we're profiling GHC then we want SCCs. However, adding -auto-all # everywhere tends to give a hard-to-read profile, and adds lots of # overhead. A better approach is to proceed top-down; identify the # parts of the compiler of interest, and then add further cost centres # as necessary. Turn on -auto-all for individual modules like this: # compiler/main/DriverPipeline_HC_OPTS += -auto-all compiler/main/GhcMake_HC_OPTS += -auto-all compiler/main/GHC_HC_OPTS += -auto-all # or alternatively add {-# OPTIONS_GHC -auto-all #-} to the top of # modules you're interested in. # We seem to still build the vanilla libraries even if we say # --disable-library-vanilla, but installation then fails, as Cabal # doesn't copy the vanilla .hi files, but ghc-pkg complains about # their absence when we register the package. So for now, we just # leave the vanilla libraries enabled. # compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --disable-library-vanilla compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-pkg-option=--force endif compiler_stage3_CONFIGURE_OPTS := $(compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS) compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DSTAGE=1 compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DSTAGE=2 compiler_stage3_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DSTAGE=3 compiler_stage2_HADDOCK_OPTS += --optghc=-DSTAGE=2 compiler/stage1/package-data.mk : compiler/ghc.mk compiler/stage2/package-data.mk : compiler/ghc.mk compiler/stage3/package-data.mk : compiler/ghc.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # And build the package compiler_PACKAGE = ghc # Note [fiddle-stage1-version] # The version of the GHC package changes every day, since the # patchlevel is the current date. We don't want to force # recompilation of the entire compiler when this happens, so for stage # 1 we omit the patchlevel from the version number. For stage 2 we # have to include the patchlevel since this is the package we install, # however. # # Note: we also have to tweak the version number of the package itself # when it gets registered; see Note [munge-stage1-package-config] # below. # The ProjectPatchLevel > 20000000 iff it's a date. If it's e.g. 6.12.1 # then we don't want to remove it ifneq "$(CLEANING)" "YES" ifeq "$(shell [ $(ProjectPatchLevel) -gt 20000000 ] && echo YES)" "YES" compiler_stage1_VERSION_MUNGED = YES endif endif ifeq "$(compiler_stage1_VERSION_MUNGED)" "YES" compiler_stage1_MUNGED_VERSION = $(subst .$(ProjectPatchLevel),,$(ProjectVersion)) define compiler_PACKAGE_MAGIC compiler_stage1_VERSION = $(compiler_stage1_MUNGED_VERSION) endef # Don't register the non-munged package compiler_stage1_REGISTER_PACKAGE = NO endif # haddocking only happens for stage2 compiler_stage1_DO_HADDOCK = NO compiler_stage3_DO_HADDOCK = NO # Don't do splitting for the GHC package, it takes too long and # there's not much benefit. compiler_stage1_SplitObjs = NO compiler_stage2_SplitObjs = NO compiler_stage3_SplitObjs = NO ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "mingw32" # There are too many symbols to make a Windows DLL for the ghc package, # so we don't build it the dyn way; see trac #5987 compiler_stage1_EXCLUDED_WAYS := dyn compiler_stage2_EXCLUDED_WAYS := dyn compiler_stage3_EXCLUDED_WAYS := dyn endif # if stage is set to something other than "1" or "", disable stage 1 ifneq "$(filter-out 1,$(stage))" "" compiler_stage1_NOT_NEEDED = YES endif # if stage is set to something other than "2" or "", disable stage 2 ifneq "$(filter-out 2,$(stage))" "" compiler_stage2_NOT_NEEDED = YES endif # stage 3 has to be requested explicitly with stage=3 ifneq "$(stage)" "3" compiler_stage3_NOT_NEEDED = YES endif $(eval $(call build-package,compiler,stage1,0)) $(eval $(call build-package,compiler,stage2,1)) $(eval $(call build-package,compiler,stage3,2)) # after build-package, because that adds --enable-library-for-ghci # to compiler_stage*_CONFIGURE_OPTS: # We don't build the GHCi library for the ghc package. We can load it # the .a file instead, and as object splitting isn't on for the ghc # package this isn't much slower.However, not building the package saves # a significant chunk of disk space. compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --disable-library-for-ghci compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --disable-library-for-ghci compiler_stage3_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --disable-library-for-ghci # after build-package, because that sets compiler_stage1_HC_OPTS: compiler_stage1_HC_OPTS += $(GhcStage1HcOpts) compiler_stage2_HC_OPTS += $(GhcStage2HcOpts) compiler_stage3_HC_OPTS += $(GhcStage3HcOpts) ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES" compiler_stage2_TAGS_HC_OPTS = -package ghc $(eval $(call tags-package,compiler,stage2)) $(compiler_stage1_depfile_haskell) : compiler/stage1/$(PLATFORM_H) $(compiler_stage2_depfile_haskell) : compiler/stage2/$(PLATFORM_H) $(compiler_stage3_depfile_haskell) : compiler/stage3/$(PLATFORM_H) COMPILER_INCLUDES_DEPS += $(includes_H_CONFIG) COMPILER_INCLUDES_DEPS += $(includes_H_PLATFORM) COMPILER_INCLUDES_DEPS += $(includes_GHCCONSTANTS) COMPILER_INCLUDES_DEPS += $(includes_GHCCONSTANTS_HASKELL_TYPE) COMPILER_INCLUDES_DEPS += $(includes_GHCCONSTANTS_HASKELL_WRAPPERS) COMPILER_INCLUDES_DEPS += $(includes_GHCCONSTANTS_HASKELL_EXPORTS) COMPILER_INCLUDES_DEPS += $(includes_DERIVEDCONSTANTS) COMPILER_INCLUDES_DEPS += $(PRIMOP_BITS) $(compiler_stage1_depfile_haskell) : $(COMPILER_INCLUDES_DEPS) $(compiler_stage2_depfile_haskell) : $(COMPILER_INCLUDES_DEPS) $(compiler_stage3_depfile_haskell) : $(COMPILER_INCLUDES_DEPS) # Every Constants.o object file depends on includes/GHCConstants.h: $(eval $(call compiler-hs-dependency,Constants,$(includes_GHCCONSTANTS) includes/HaskellConstants.hs)) # Every PrimOp.o object file depends on $(PRIMOP_BITS): $(eval $(call compiler-hs-dependency,PrimOp,$(PRIMOP_BITS))) # GHC itself doesn't know about the above dependencies, so we have to # switch off the recompilation checker for those modules: compiler/prelude/PrimOp_HC_OPTS += -fforce-recomp compiler/main/Constants_HC_OPTS += -fforce-recomp # LibFFI.hs #includes ffi.h compiler/stage2/build/LibFFI.hs : $(libffi_HEADERS) # On Windows it seems we also need to link directly to libffi ifeq "$(HostOS_CPP)" "mingw32" define windowsDynLinkToFfi # $1 = way ifneq "$$(findstring dyn, $1)" "" compiler_stage2_$1_ALL_HC_OPTS += -l$$(LIBFFI_WINDOWS_LIB) endif endef $(foreach way,$(GhcLibWays),$(eval $(call windowsDynLinkToFfi,$(way)))) endif # Note [munge-stage1-package-config] # Strip the date/patchlevel from the version of stage1. See Note # [fiddle-stage1-version] above. ifeq "$(compiler_stage1_VERSION_MUNGED)" "YES" compiler/stage1/inplace-pkg-config-munged: compiler/stage1/inplace-pkg-config sed -e 's/^\(version: .*\)\.$(ProjectPatchLevel)$$/\1/' \ -e 's/^\(id: .*\)\.$(ProjectPatchLevel)$$/\1/' \ -e 's/^\(hs-libraries: HSghc-.*\)\.$(ProjectPatchLevel)$$/\1/' \ < $< > $@ "$(compiler_stage1_GHC_PKG)" update --force $(compiler_stage1_GHC_PKG_OPTS) $@ # We need to make sure the munged config is in the database before we # try to configure ghc-bin ghc/stage1/package-data.mk : compiler/stage1/inplace-pkg-config-munged endif endif