----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Makefile Dependency Generation -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module DriverMkDepend ( doMkDependHS ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import qualified GHC import GHC ( Session, ModSummary(..) ) import DynFlags ( DynFlags( verbosity, opt_dep ), getOpts ) import Util ( escapeSpaces, splitFilename, joinFileExt ) import HscTypes ( HscEnv, IsBootInterface, msObjFilePath, msHsFilePath ) import Packages ( PackageIdH(..) ) import SysTools ( newTempName ) import qualified SysTools import Module ( Module, ModLocation(..), mkModule, addBootSuffix_maybe ) import Digraph ( SCC(..) ) import Finder ( findModule, FindResult(..) ) import Util ( global, consIORef ) import Outputable import Panic import SrcLoc ( unLoc ) import CmdLineParser #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 408 import Panic ( catchJust, ioErrors ) #endif import ErrUtils ( debugTraceMsg, printErrorsAndWarnings ) import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, readIORef, writeIORef ) import EXCEPTION import System ( ExitCode(..), exitWith ) import Directory import IO import Monad ( when ) import Maybe ( isJust ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The main function -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- doMkDependHS :: Session -> [FilePath] -> IO () doMkDependHS session srcs = do { -- Initialisation dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags session ; files <- beginMkDependHS dflags -- Do the downsweep to find all the modules ; targets <- mapM (\s -> GHC.guessTarget s Nothing) srcs ; GHC.setTargets session targets ; excl_mods <- readIORef v_Dep_exclude_mods ; r <- GHC.depanal session excl_mods True {- Allow dup roots -} ; case r of Nothing -> exitWith (ExitFailure 1) Just mod_summaries -> do { -- Sort into dependency order -- There should be no cycles let sorted = GHC.topSortModuleGraph False mod_summaries Nothing -- Print out the dependencies if wanted ; debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Module dependencies" $$ ppr sorted) -- Prcess them one by one, dumping results into makefile -- and complaining about cycles ; mapM (processDeps session excl_mods (mkd_tmp_hdl files)) sorted -- Tidy up ; endMkDependHS dflags files }} ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- beginMkDependHs -- Create a temporary file, -- find the Makefile, -- slurp through it, etc -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- data MkDepFiles = MkDep { mkd_make_file :: FilePath, -- Name of the makefile mkd_make_hdl :: Maybe Handle, -- Handle for the open makefile mkd_tmp_file :: FilePath, -- Name of the temporary file mkd_tmp_hdl :: Handle } -- Handle of the open temporary file beginMkDependHS :: DynFlags -> IO MkDepFiles beginMkDependHS dflags = do -- slurp in the mkdependHS-style options let flags = getOpts dflags opt_dep _ <- processArgs dep_opts flags -- open a new temp file in which to stuff the dependency info -- as we go along. tmp_file <- newTempName dflags "dep" tmp_hdl <- openFile tmp_file WriteMode -- open the makefile makefile <- readIORef v_Dep_makefile exists <- doesFileExist makefile mb_make_hdl <- if not exists then return Nothing else do makefile_hdl <- openFile makefile ReadMode -- slurp through until we get the magic start string, -- copying the contents into dep_makefile let slurp = do l <- hGetLine makefile_hdl if (l == depStartMarker) then return () else do hPutStrLn tmp_hdl l; slurp -- slurp through until we get the magic end marker, -- throwing away the contents let chuck = do l <- hGetLine makefile_hdl if (l == depEndMarker) then return () else chuck catchJust ioErrors slurp (\e -> if isEOFError e then return () else ioError e) catchJust ioErrors chuck (\e -> if isEOFError e then return () else ioError e) return (Just makefile_hdl) -- write the magic marker into the tmp file hPutStrLn tmp_hdl depStartMarker return (MkDep { mkd_make_file = makefile, mkd_make_hdl = mb_make_hdl, mkd_tmp_file = tmp_file, mkd_tmp_hdl = tmp_hdl}) ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- processDeps -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- processDeps :: Session -> [Module] -> Handle -- Write dependencies to here -> SCC ModSummary -> IO () -- Write suitable dependencies to handle -- Always: -- this.o : this.hs -- -- If the dependency is on something other than a .hi file: -- this.o this.p_o ... : dep -- otherwise -- this.o ... : dep.hi -- this.p_o ... : dep.p_hi -- ... -- (where .o is $osuf, and the other suffixes come from -- the cmdline -s options). -- -- For {-# SOURCE #-} imports the "hi" will be "hi-boot". processDeps session excl_mods hdl (CyclicSCC nodes) = -- There shouldn't be any cycles; report them throwDyn (ProgramError (showSDoc $ GHC.cyclicModuleErr nodes)) processDeps session excl_mods hdl (AcyclicSCC node) = do { extra_suffixes <- readIORef v_Dep_suffixes ; hsc_env <- GHC.sessionHscEnv session ; include_pkg_deps <- readIORef v_Dep_include_pkg_deps ; let src_file = msHsFilePath node obj_file = msObjFilePath node obj_files = insertSuffixes obj_file extra_suffixes do_imp is_boot imp_mod = do { mb_hi <- findDependency hsc_env src_file imp_mod is_boot include_pkg_deps ; case mb_hi of { Nothing -> return () ; Just hi_file -> do { let hi_files = insertSuffixes hi_file extra_suffixes write_dep (obj,hi) = writeDependency hdl [obj] hi -- Add one dependency for each suffix; -- e.g. A.o : B.hi -- A.x_o : B.x_hi ; mapM_ write_dep (obj_files `zip` hi_files) }}} -- Emit std dependency of the object(s) on the source file -- Something like A.o : A.hs ; writeDependency hdl obj_files src_file -- Emit a dependency for each import -- SOURCE imports ; mapM_ (do_imp True) (filter (`notElem` excl_mods) (map unLoc (ms_srcimps node))) -- regular imports ; mapM_ (do_imp False) (filter (`notElem` excl_mods) (map unLoc (ms_imps node))) } findDependency :: HscEnv -> FilePath -- Importing module: used only for error msg -> Module -- Imported module -> IsBootInterface -- Source import -> Bool -- Record dependency on package modules -> IO (Maybe FilePath) -- Interface file file findDependency hsc_env src imp is_boot include_pkg_deps = do { -- Find the module; this will be fast because -- we've done it once during downsweep r <- findModule hsc_env imp True {-explicit-} ; case r of Found loc pkg -- Not in this package: we don't need a dependency | ExtPackage _ <- pkg, not include_pkg_deps -> return Nothing -- Home package: just depend on the .hi or hi-boot file | otherwise -> return (Just (addBootSuffix_maybe is_boot (ml_hi_file loc))) _ -> panic "findDependency" } ----------------------------- writeDependency :: Handle -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO () -- (writeDependency h [t1,t2] dep) writes to handle h the dependency -- t1 t2 : dep writeDependency hdl targets dep = hPutStrLn hdl (unwords (map escapeSpaces targets) ++ " : " ++ escapeSpaces dep) ----------------------------- insertSuffixes :: FilePath -- Original filename; e.g. "foo.o" -> [String] -- Extra suffices e.g. ["x","y"] -> [FilePath] -- Zapped filenames e.g. ["foo.o", "foo.x_o", "foo.y_o"] -- Note that that the extra bit gets inserted *before* the old suffix -- We assume the old suffix contains no dots, so we can strip it with removeSuffix -- NOTE: we used to have this comment -- In order to construct hi files with alternate suffixes, we -- now have to find the "basename" of the hi file. This is -- difficult because we can't just split the hi filename -- at the last dot - the hisuf might have dots in it. So we -- check whether the hi filename ends in hisuf, and if it does, -- we strip off hisuf, otherwise we strip everything after the -- last dot. -- But I'm not sure we care about hisufs with dots in them. -- Lots of other things will break first! insertSuffixes file_name extras = file_name : [ basename `joinFileExt` (extra ++ "_" ++ suffix) | extra <- extras ] where (basename, suffix) = splitFilename file_name ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- endMkDependHs -- Complete the makefile, close the tmp file etc -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- endMkDependHS :: DynFlags -> MkDepFiles -> IO () endMkDependHS dflags (MkDep { mkd_make_file = makefile, mkd_make_hdl = makefile_hdl, mkd_tmp_file = tmp_file, mkd_tmp_hdl = tmp_hdl }) = do -- write the magic marker into the tmp file hPutStrLn tmp_hdl depEndMarker case makefile_hdl of Nothing -> return () Just hdl -> do -- slurp the rest of the original makefile and copy it into the output let slurp = do l <- hGetLine hdl hPutStrLn tmp_hdl l slurp catchJust ioErrors slurp (\e -> if isEOFError e then return () else ioError e) hClose hdl hClose tmp_hdl -- make sure it's flushed -- Create a backup of the original makefile when (isJust makefile_hdl) (SysTools.copy dflags ("Backing up " ++ makefile) makefile (makefile++".bak")) -- Copy the new makefile in place SysTools.copy dflags "Installing new makefile" tmp_file makefile ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Flags -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Flags GLOBAL_VAR(v_Dep_makefile, "Makefile", String); GLOBAL_VAR(v_Dep_include_pkg_deps, False, Bool); GLOBAL_VAR(v_Dep_exclude_mods, [], [Module]); GLOBAL_VAR(v_Dep_suffixes, [], [String]); GLOBAL_VAR(v_Dep_warnings, True, Bool); depStartMarker = "# DO NOT DELETE: Beginning of Haskell dependencies" depEndMarker = "# DO NOT DELETE: End of Haskell dependencies" -- for compatibility with the old mkDependHS, we accept options of the form -- -optdep-f -optdep.depend, etc. dep_opts = [ ( "s", SepArg (consIORef v_Dep_suffixes) ) , ( "f", SepArg (writeIORef v_Dep_makefile) ) , ( "w", NoArg (writeIORef v_Dep_warnings False) ) , ( "-include-prelude", NoArg (writeIORef v_Dep_include_pkg_deps True) ) , ( "-include-pkg-deps", NoArg (writeIORef v_Dep_include_pkg_deps True) ) , ( "-exclude-module=", Prefix (consIORef v_Dep_exclude_mods . mkModule) ) , ( "x", Prefix (consIORef v_Dep_exclude_mods . mkModule) ) ]