-- | Dynamically lookup up values from modules and loading them. module DynamicLoading ( #ifdef GHCI -- * Force loading information forceLoadModuleInterfaces, forceLoadNameModuleInterface, forceLoadTyCon, -- * Finding names lookupRdrNameInModule, -- * Loading values getValueSafely, lessUnsafeCoerce #endif ) where #ifdef GHCI import Linker ( linkModule, getHValue ) import SrcLoc ( noSrcSpan ) import Finder ( findImportedModule, cannotFindModule ) import DriverPhases ( HscSource(HsSrcFile) ) import TcRnDriver ( getModuleInterface ) import TcRnMonad ( initTc, initIfaceTcRn ) import LoadIface ( loadUserInterface ) import RdrName ( RdrName, Provenance(..), ImportSpec(..), ImpDeclSpec(..) , ImpItemSpec(..), mkGlobalRdrEnv, lookupGRE_RdrName, gre_name ) import RnNames ( gresFromAvails ) import PrelNames ( iNTERACTIVE ) import DynFlags import HscTypes ( HscEnv(..), FindResult(..), ModIface(..), lookupTypeHscEnv ) import TypeRep ( TyThing(..), pprTyThingCategory ) import Type ( Type, eqType ) import TyCon ( TyCon ) import Name ( Name, nameModule_maybe ) import Id ( idType ) import Module ( Module, ModuleName ) import Panic ( GhcException(..), throwGhcException ) import FastString import ErrUtils import Outputable import Exception import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe ) import GHC.Exts ( unsafeCoerce# ) -- | Force the interfaces for the given modules to be loaded. The 'SDoc' parameter is used -- for debugging (@-ddump-if-trace@) only: it is shown as the reason why the module is being loaded. forceLoadModuleInterfaces :: HscEnv -> SDoc -> [Module] -> IO () forceLoadModuleInterfaces hsc_env doc modules = (initTc hsc_env HsSrcFile False iNTERACTIVE $ initIfaceTcRn $ mapM_ (loadUserInterface False doc) modules) >> return () -- | Force the interface for the module containing the name to be loaded. The 'SDoc' parameter is used -- for debugging (@-ddump-if-trace@) only: it is shown as the reason why the module is being loaded. forceLoadNameModuleInterface :: HscEnv -> SDoc -> Name -> IO () forceLoadNameModuleInterface hsc_env reason name = do let name_modules = mapMaybe nameModule_maybe [name] forceLoadModuleInterfaces hsc_env reason name_modules -- | Load the 'TyCon' associated with the given name, come hell or high water. Fails if: -- -- * The interface could not be loaded -- * The name is not that of a 'TyCon' -- * The name did not exist in the loaded module forceLoadTyCon :: HscEnv -> Name -> IO TyCon forceLoadTyCon hsc_env con_name = do forceLoadNameModuleInterface hsc_env (ptext (sLit "contains a name used in an invocation of loadTyConTy")) con_name mb_con_thing <- lookupTypeHscEnv hsc_env con_name case mb_con_thing of Nothing -> throwCmdLineErrorS dflags $ missingTyThingError con_name Just (ATyCon tycon) -> return tycon Just con_thing -> throwCmdLineErrorS dflags $ wrongTyThingError con_name con_thing where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env -- | Loads the value corresponding to a 'Name' if that value has the given 'Type'. This only provides limited safety -- in that it is up to the user to ensure that that type corresponds to the type you try to use the return value at! -- -- If the value found was not of the correct type, returns @Nothing@. Any other condition results in an exception: -- -- * If we could not load the names module -- * If the thing being loaded is not a value -- * If the Name does not exist in the module -- * If the link failed getValueSafely :: HscEnv -> Name -> Type -> IO (Maybe a) getValueSafely hsc_env val_name expected_type = do forceLoadNameModuleInterface hsc_env (ptext (sLit "contains a name used in an invocation of getValueSafely")) val_name -- Now look up the names for the value and type constructor in the type environment mb_val_thing <- lookupTypeHscEnv hsc_env val_name case mb_val_thing of Nothing -> throwCmdLineErrorS dflags $ missingTyThingError val_name Just (AnId id) -> do -- Check the value type in the interface against the type recovered from the type constructor -- before finally casting the value to the type we assume corresponds to that constructor if expected_type `eqType` idType id then do -- Link in the module that contains the value, if it has such a module case nameModule_maybe val_name of Just mod -> do linkModule hsc_env mod return () Nothing -> return () -- Find the value that we just linked in and cast it given that we have proved it's type hval <- getHValue hsc_env val_name value <- lessUnsafeCoerce (hsc_dflags hsc_env) "getValueSafely" hval return $ Just value else return Nothing Just val_thing -> throwCmdLineErrorS dflags $ wrongTyThingError val_name val_thing where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env -- | Coerce a value as usual, but: -- -- 1) Evaluate it immediately to get a segfault early if the coercion was wrong -- -- 2) Wrap it in some debug messages at verbosity 3 or higher so we can see what happened -- if it /does/ segfault lessUnsafeCoerce :: DynFlags -> String -> a -> IO b lessUnsafeCoerce dflags context what = do debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $ (ptext $ sLit "Coercing a value in") <+> (text context) <> (ptext $ sLit "...") output <- evaluate (unsafeCoerce# what) debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $ ptext $ sLit "Successfully evaluated coercion" return output -- | Finds the 'Name' corresponding to the given 'RdrName' in the context of the 'ModuleName'. Returns @Nothing@ if no -- such 'Name' could be found. Any other condition results in an exception: -- -- * If the module could not be found -- * If we could not determine the imports of the module lookupRdrNameInModule :: HscEnv -> ModuleName -> RdrName -> IO (Maybe Name) lookupRdrNameInModule hsc_env mod_name rdr_name = do -- First find the package the module resides in by searching exposed packages and home modules found_module <- findImportedModule hsc_env mod_name Nothing case found_module of Found _ mod -> do -- Find the exports of the module (_, mb_iface) <- getModuleInterface hsc_env mod case mb_iface of Just iface -> do -- Try and find the required name in the exports let decl_spec = ImpDeclSpec { is_mod = mod_name, is_as = mod_name , is_qual = False, is_dloc = noSrcSpan } provenance = Imported [ImpSpec decl_spec ImpAll] env = mkGlobalRdrEnv (gresFromAvails provenance (mi_exports iface)) case lookupGRE_RdrName rdr_name env of [gre] -> return (Just (gre_name gre)) [] -> return Nothing _ -> panic "lookupRdrNameInModule" Nothing -> throwCmdLineErrorS dflags $ hsep [ptext (sLit "Could not determine the exports of the module"), ppr mod_name] err -> throwCmdLineErrorS dflags $ cannotFindModule dflags mod_name err where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env wrongTyThingError :: Name -> TyThing -> SDoc wrongTyThingError name got_thing = hsep [ptext (sLit "The name"), ppr name, ptext (sLit "is not that of a value but rather a"), pprTyThingCategory got_thing] missingTyThingError :: Name -> SDoc missingTyThingError name = hsep [ptext (sLit "The name"), ppr name, ptext (sLit "is not in the type environment: are you sure it exists?")] throwCmdLineErrorS :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> IO a throwCmdLineErrorS dflags = throwCmdLineError . showSDoc dflags throwCmdLineError :: String -> IO a throwCmdLineError = throwGhcException . CmdLineError #endif