{- (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1998 \section[ErrsUtils]{Utilities for error reporting} -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module ErrUtils ( -- * Basic types Validity(..), andValid, allValid, isValid, getInvalids, Severity(..), -- * Messages ErrMsg, errMsgDoc, errMsgSeverity, errMsgReason, ErrDoc, errDoc, errDocImportant, errDocContext, errDocSupplementary, WarnMsg, MsgDoc, Messages, ErrorMessages, WarningMessages, unionMessages, errMsgSpan, errMsgContext, errorsFound, isEmptyMessages, isWarnMsgFatal, -- ** Formatting pprMessageBag, pprErrMsgBagWithLoc, pprLocErrMsg, printBagOfErrors, formatErrDoc, -- ** Construction emptyMessages, mkLocMessage, mkLocMessageAnn, makeIntoWarning, mkErrMsg, mkPlainErrMsg, mkErrDoc, mkLongErrMsg, mkWarnMsg, mkPlainWarnMsg, mkLongWarnMsg, -- * Utilities doIfSet, doIfSet_dyn, getCaretDiagnostic, -- * Dump files dumpIfSet, dumpIfSet_dyn, dumpIfSet_dyn_printer, mkDumpDoc, dumpSDoc, -- * Issuing messages during compilation putMsg, printInfoForUser, printOutputForUser, logInfo, logOutput, errorMsg, warningMsg, fatalErrorMsg, fatalErrorMsg'', compilationProgressMsg, showPass, withTiming, debugTraceMsg, ghcExit, prettyPrintGhcErrors, traceCmd ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import GhcPrelude import Bag import Exception import Outputable import Panic import qualified PprColour as Col import SrcLoc import DynFlags import FastString (unpackFS) import StringBuffer (atLine, hGetStringBuffer, len, lexemeToString) import Json import System.Directory import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..), exitWith ) import System.FilePath ( takeDirectory, () ) import Data.List import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import Data.Ord import Data.Time import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import System.IO import System.IO.Error ( catchIOError ) import GHC.Conc ( getAllocationCounter ) import System.CPUTime ------------------------- type MsgDoc = SDoc ------------------------- data Validity = IsValid -- ^ Everything is fine | NotValid MsgDoc -- ^ A problem, and some indication of why isValid :: Validity -> Bool isValid IsValid = True isValid (NotValid {}) = False andValid :: Validity -> Validity -> Validity andValid IsValid v = v andValid v _ = v -- | If they aren't all valid, return the first allValid :: [Validity] -> Validity allValid [] = IsValid allValid (v : vs) = v `andValid` allValid vs getInvalids :: [Validity] -> [MsgDoc] getInvalids vs = [d | NotValid d <- vs] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Basic error messages: just render a message with a source location. type Messages = (WarningMessages, ErrorMessages) type WarningMessages = Bag WarnMsg type ErrorMessages = Bag ErrMsg unionMessages :: Messages -> Messages -> Messages unionMessages (warns1, errs1) (warns2, errs2) = (warns1 `unionBags` warns2, errs1 `unionBags` errs2) data ErrMsg = ErrMsg { errMsgSpan :: SrcSpan, errMsgContext :: PrintUnqualified, errMsgDoc :: ErrDoc, -- | This has the same text as errDocImportant . errMsgDoc. errMsgShortString :: String, errMsgSeverity :: Severity, errMsgReason :: WarnReason } -- The SrcSpan is used for sorting errors into line-number order -- | Categorise error msgs by their importance. This is so each section can -- be rendered visually distinct. See Note [Error report] for where these come -- from. data ErrDoc = ErrDoc { -- | Primary error msg. errDocImportant :: [MsgDoc], -- | Context e.g. \"In the second argument of ...\". errDocContext :: [MsgDoc], -- | Supplementary information, e.g. \"Relevant bindings include ...\". errDocSupplementary :: [MsgDoc] } errDoc :: [MsgDoc] -> [MsgDoc] -> [MsgDoc] -> ErrDoc errDoc = ErrDoc type WarnMsg = ErrMsg data Severity = SevOutput | SevFatal | SevInteractive | SevDump -- ^ Log message intended for compiler developers -- No file/line/column stuff | SevInfo -- ^ Log messages intended for end users. -- No file/line/column stuff. | SevWarning | SevError -- ^ SevWarning and SevError are used for warnings and errors -- o The message has a file/line/column heading, -- plus "warning:" or "error:", -- added by mkLocMessags -- o Output is intended for end users deriving Show instance ToJson Severity where json s = JSString (show s) instance Show ErrMsg where show em = errMsgShortString em pprMessageBag :: Bag MsgDoc -> SDoc pprMessageBag msgs = vcat (punctuate blankLine (bagToList msgs)) -- | Make an unannotated error message with location info. mkLocMessage :: Severity -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc mkLocMessage = mkLocMessageAnn Nothing -- | Make a possibly annotated error message with location info. mkLocMessageAnn :: Maybe String -- ^ optional annotation -> Severity -- ^ severity -> SrcSpan -- ^ location -> MsgDoc -- ^ message -> MsgDoc -- Always print the location, even if it is unhelpful. Error messages -- are supposed to be in a standard format, and one without a location -- would look strange. Better to say explicitly "". mkLocMessageAnn ann severity locn msg = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> let locn' = if gopt Opt_ErrorSpans dflags then ppr locn else ppr (srcSpanStart locn) sevColour = getSeverityColour severity (colScheme dflags) -- Add optional information optAnn = case ann of Nothing -> text "" Just i -> text " [" <> coloured sevColour (text i) <> text "]" -- Add prefixes, like Foo.hs:34: warning: -- header = locn' <> colon <+> coloured sevColour sevText <> optAnn in coloured (Col.sMessage (colScheme dflags)) (hang (coloured (Col.sHeader (colScheme dflags)) header) 4 msg) where sevText = case severity of SevWarning -> text "warning:" SevError -> text "error:" SevFatal -> text "fatal:" _ -> empty getSeverityColour :: Severity -> Col.Scheme -> Col.PprColour getSeverityColour SevWarning = Col.sWarning getSeverityColour SevError = Col.sError getSeverityColour SevFatal = Col.sFatal getSeverityColour _ = const mempty getCaretDiagnostic :: Severity -> SrcSpan -> IO MsgDoc getCaretDiagnostic _ (UnhelpfulSpan _) = pure empty getCaretDiagnostic severity (RealSrcSpan span) = do caretDiagnostic <$> getSrcLine (srcSpanFile span) row where getSrcLine fn i = getLine i (unpackFS fn) `catchIOError` \_ -> pure Nothing getLine i fn = do -- StringBuffer has advantages over readFile: -- (a) no lazy IO, otherwise IO exceptions may occur in pure code -- (b) always UTF-8, rather than some system-dependent encoding -- (Haskell source code must be UTF-8 anyway) content <- hGetStringBuffer fn case atLine i content of Just at_line -> pure $ case lines (fix <$> lexemeToString at_line (len at_line)) of srcLine : _ -> Just srcLine _ -> Nothing _ -> pure Nothing -- allow user to visibly see that their code is incorrectly encoded -- (StringBuffer.nextChar uses \0 to represent undecodable characters) fix '\0' = '\xfffd' fix c = c row = srcSpanStartLine span rowStr = show row multiline = row /= srcSpanEndLine span caretDiagnostic Nothing = empty caretDiagnostic (Just srcLineWithNewline) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \ dflags -> let sevColour = getSeverityColour severity (colScheme dflags) marginColour = Col.sMargin (colScheme dflags) in coloured marginColour (text marginSpace) <> text ("\n") <> coloured marginColour (text marginRow) <> text (" " ++ srcLinePre) <> coloured sevColour (text srcLineSpan) <> text (srcLinePost ++ "\n") <> coloured marginColour (text marginSpace) <> coloured sevColour (text (" " ++ caretLine)) where -- expand tabs in a device-independent manner #13664 expandTabs tabWidth i s = case s of "" -> "" '\t' : cs -> replicate effectiveWidth ' ' ++ expandTabs tabWidth (i + effectiveWidth) cs c : cs -> c : expandTabs tabWidth (i + 1) cs where effectiveWidth = tabWidth - i `mod` tabWidth srcLine = filter (/= '\n') (expandTabs 8 0 srcLineWithNewline) start = srcSpanStartCol span - 1 end | multiline = length srcLine | otherwise = srcSpanEndCol span - 1 width = max 1 (end - start) marginWidth = length rowStr marginSpace = replicate marginWidth ' ' ++ " |" marginRow = rowStr ++ " |" (srcLinePre, srcLineRest) = splitAt start srcLine (srcLineSpan, srcLinePost) = splitAt width srcLineRest caretEllipsis | multiline = "..." | otherwise = "" caretLine = replicate start ' ' ++ replicate width '^' ++ caretEllipsis makeIntoWarning :: WarnReason -> ErrMsg -> ErrMsg makeIntoWarning reason err = err { errMsgSeverity = SevWarning , errMsgReason = reason } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting up messages for later ordering and printing. mk_err_msg :: DynFlags -> Severity -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> ErrDoc -> ErrMsg mk_err_msg dflags sev locn print_unqual doc = ErrMsg { errMsgSpan = locn , errMsgContext = print_unqual , errMsgDoc = doc , errMsgShortString = showSDoc dflags (vcat (errDocImportant doc)) , errMsgSeverity = sev , errMsgReason = NoReason } mkErrDoc :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> ErrDoc -> ErrMsg mkErrDoc dflags = mk_err_msg dflags SevError mkLongErrMsg, mkLongWarnMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg -- ^ A long (multi-line) error message mkErrMsg, mkWarnMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg -- ^ A short (one-line) error message mkPlainErrMsg, mkPlainWarnMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg -- ^ Variant that doesn't care about qualified/unqualified names mkLongErrMsg dflags locn unqual msg extra = mk_err_msg dflags SevError locn unqual (ErrDoc [msg] [] [extra]) mkErrMsg dflags locn unqual msg = mk_err_msg dflags SevError locn unqual (ErrDoc [msg] [] []) mkPlainErrMsg dflags locn msg = mk_err_msg dflags SevError locn alwaysQualify (ErrDoc [msg] [] []) mkLongWarnMsg dflags locn unqual msg extra = mk_err_msg dflags SevWarning locn unqual (ErrDoc [msg] [] [extra]) mkWarnMsg dflags locn unqual msg = mk_err_msg dflags SevWarning locn unqual (ErrDoc [msg] [] []) mkPlainWarnMsg dflags locn msg = mk_err_msg dflags SevWarning locn alwaysQualify (ErrDoc [msg] [] []) ---------------- emptyMessages :: Messages emptyMessages = (emptyBag, emptyBag) isEmptyMessages :: Messages -> Bool isEmptyMessages (warns, errs) = isEmptyBag warns && isEmptyBag errs errorsFound :: DynFlags -> Messages -> Bool errorsFound _dflags (_warns, errs) = not (isEmptyBag errs) printBagOfErrors :: DynFlags -> Bag ErrMsg -> IO () printBagOfErrors dflags bag_of_errors = sequence_ [ let style = mkErrStyle dflags unqual in putLogMsg dflags reason sev s style (formatErrDoc dflags doc) | ErrMsg { errMsgSpan = s, errMsgDoc = doc, errMsgSeverity = sev, errMsgReason = reason, errMsgContext = unqual } <- sortMsgBag (Just dflags) bag_of_errors ] formatErrDoc :: DynFlags -> ErrDoc -> SDoc formatErrDoc dflags (ErrDoc important context supplementary) = case msgs of [msg] -> vcat msg _ -> vcat $ map starred msgs where msgs = filter (not . null) $ map (filter (not . Outputable.isEmpty dflags)) [important, context, supplementary] starred = (bullet<+>) . vcat pprErrMsgBagWithLoc :: Bag ErrMsg -> [SDoc] pprErrMsgBagWithLoc bag = [ pprLocErrMsg item | item <- sortMsgBag Nothing bag ] pprLocErrMsg :: ErrMsg -> SDoc pprLocErrMsg (ErrMsg { errMsgSpan = s , errMsgDoc = doc , errMsgSeverity = sev , errMsgContext = unqual }) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> withPprStyle (mkErrStyle dflags unqual) $ mkLocMessage sev s (formatErrDoc dflags doc) sortMsgBag :: Maybe DynFlags -> Bag ErrMsg -> [ErrMsg] sortMsgBag dflags = maybeLimit . sortBy (maybeFlip cmp) . bagToList where maybeFlip :: (a -> a -> b) -> (a -> a -> b) maybeFlip | fromMaybe False (fmap reverseErrors dflags) = flip | otherwise = id cmp = comparing errMsgSpan maybeLimit = case join (fmap maxErrors dflags) of Nothing -> id Just err_limit -> take err_limit ghcExit :: DynFlags -> Int -> IO () ghcExit dflags val | val == 0 = exitWith ExitSuccess | otherwise = do errorMsg dflags (text "\nCompilation had errors\n\n") exitWith (ExitFailure val) doIfSet :: Bool -> IO () -> IO () doIfSet flag action | flag = action | otherwise = return () doIfSet_dyn :: DynFlags -> GeneralFlag -> IO () -> IO() doIfSet_dyn dflags flag action | gopt flag dflags = action | otherwise = return () -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dumping dumpIfSet :: DynFlags -> Bool -> String -> SDoc -> IO () dumpIfSet dflags flag hdr doc | not flag = return () | otherwise = putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevDump noSrcSpan (defaultDumpStyle dflags) (mkDumpDoc hdr doc) -- | a wrapper around 'dumpSDoc'. -- First check whether the dump flag is set -- Do nothing if it is unset dumpIfSet_dyn :: DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO () dumpIfSet_dyn dflags flag hdr doc = when (dopt flag dflags) $ dumpSDoc dflags alwaysQualify flag hdr doc -- | a wrapper around 'dumpSDoc'. -- First check whether the dump flag is set -- Do nothing if it is unset -- -- Unlike 'dumpIfSet_dyn', -- has a printer argument but no header argument dumpIfSet_dyn_printer :: PrintUnqualified -> DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> SDoc -> IO () dumpIfSet_dyn_printer printer dflags flag doc = when (dopt flag dflags) $ dumpSDoc dflags printer flag "" doc mkDumpDoc :: String -> SDoc -> SDoc mkDumpDoc hdr doc = vcat [blankLine, line <+> text hdr <+> line, doc, blankLine] where line = text (replicate 20 '=') -- | Write out a dump. -- If --dump-to-file is set then this goes to a file. -- otherwise emit to stdout. -- -- When @hdr@ is empty, we print in a more compact format (no separators and -- blank lines) -- -- The 'DumpFlag' is used only to choose the filename to use if @--dump-to-file@ -- is used; it is not used to decide whether to dump the output dumpSDoc :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO () dumpSDoc dflags print_unqual flag hdr doc = do let mFile = chooseDumpFile dflags flag dump_style = mkDumpStyle dflags print_unqual case mFile of Just fileName -> do let gdref = generatedDumps dflags gd <- readIORef gdref let append = Set.member fileName gd mode = if append then AppendMode else WriteMode unless append $ writeIORef gdref (Set.insert fileName gd) createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory fileName) handle <- openFile fileName mode -- We do not want the dump file to be affected by -- environment variables, but instead to always use -- UTF8. See: -- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/10762 hSetEncoding handle utf8 doc' <- if null hdr then return doc else do t <- getCurrentTime let d = text (show t) $$ blankLine $$ doc return $ mkDumpDoc hdr d defaultLogActionHPrintDoc dflags handle doc' dump_style hClose handle -- write the dump to stdout Nothing -> do let (doc', severity) | null hdr = (doc, SevOutput) | otherwise = (mkDumpDoc hdr doc, SevDump) putLogMsg dflags NoReason severity noSrcSpan dump_style doc' -- | Choose where to put a dump file based on DynFlags -- chooseDumpFile :: DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> Maybe FilePath chooseDumpFile dflags flag | gopt Opt_DumpToFile dflags || flag == Opt_D_th_dec_file , Just prefix <- getPrefix = Just $ setDir (prefix ++ (beautifyDumpName flag)) | otherwise = Nothing where getPrefix -- dump file location is being forced -- by the --ddump-file-prefix flag. | Just prefix <- dumpPrefixForce dflags = Just prefix -- dump file location chosen by DriverPipeline.runPipeline | Just prefix <- dumpPrefix dflags = Just prefix -- we haven't got a place to put a dump file. | otherwise = Nothing setDir f = case dumpDir dflags of Just d -> d f Nothing -> f -- | Build a nice file name from name of a 'DumpFlag' constructor beautifyDumpName :: DumpFlag -> String beautifyDumpName Opt_D_th_dec_file = "th.hs" beautifyDumpName flag = let str = show flag suff = case stripPrefix "Opt_D_" str of Just x -> x Nothing -> panic ("Bad flag name: " ++ str) dash = map (\c -> if c == '_' then '-' else c) suff in dash -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Outputting messages from the compiler -- We want all messages to go through one place, so that we can -- redirect them if necessary. For example, when GHC is used as a -- library we might want to catch all messages that GHC tries to -- output and do something else with them. ifVerbose :: DynFlags -> Int -> IO () -> IO () ifVerbose dflags val act | verbosity dflags >= val = act | otherwise = return () errorMsg :: DynFlags -> MsgDoc -> IO () errorMsg dflags msg = putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevError noSrcSpan (defaultErrStyle dflags) msg warningMsg :: DynFlags -> MsgDoc -> IO () warningMsg dflags msg = putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevWarning noSrcSpan (defaultErrStyle dflags) msg fatalErrorMsg :: DynFlags -> MsgDoc -> IO () fatalErrorMsg dflags msg = putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevFatal noSrcSpan (defaultErrStyle dflags) msg fatalErrorMsg'' :: FatalMessager -> String -> IO () fatalErrorMsg'' fm msg = fm msg compilationProgressMsg :: DynFlags -> String -> IO () compilationProgressMsg dflags msg = ifVerbose dflags 1 $ logOutput dflags (defaultUserStyle dflags) (text msg) showPass :: DynFlags -> String -> IO () showPass dflags what = ifVerbose dflags 2 $ logInfo dflags (defaultUserStyle dflags) (text "***" <+> text what <> colon) -- | Time a compilation phase. -- -- When timings are enabled (e.g. with the @-v2@ flag), the allocations -- and CPU time used by the phase will be reported to stderr. Consider -- a typical usage: @withTiming getDynFlags (text "simplify") force pass@. -- When timings are enabled the following costs are included in the -- produced accounting, -- -- - The cost of executing @pass@ to a result @r@ in WHNF -- - The cost of evaluating @force r@ to WHNF (e.g. @()@) -- -- The choice of the @force@ function depends upon the amount of forcing -- desired; the goal here is to ensure that the cost of evaluating the result -- is, to the greatest extent possible, included in the accounting provided by -- 'withTiming'. Often the pass already sufficiently forces its result during -- construction; in this case @const ()@ is a reasonable choice. -- In other cases, it is necessary to evaluate the result to normal form, in -- which case something like @Control.DeepSeq.rnf@ is appropriate. -- -- To avoid adversely affecting compiler performance when timings are not -- requested, the result is only forced when timings are enabled. withTiming :: MonadIO m => m DynFlags -- ^ A means of getting a 'DynFlags' (often -- 'getDynFlags' will work here) -> SDoc -- ^ The name of the phase -> (a -> ()) -- ^ A function to force the result -- (often either @const ()@ or 'rnf') -> m a -- ^ The body of the phase to be timed -> m a withTiming getDFlags what force_result action = do dflags <- getDFlags if verbosity dflags >= 2 then do liftIO $ logInfo dflags (defaultUserStyle dflags) $ text "***" <+> what <> colon alloc0 <- liftIO getAllocationCounter start <- liftIO getCPUTime !r <- action () <- pure $ force_result r end <- liftIO getCPUTime alloc1 <- liftIO getAllocationCounter -- recall that allocation counter counts down let alloc = alloc0 - alloc1 liftIO $ logInfo dflags (defaultUserStyle dflags) (text "!!!" <+> what <> colon <+> text "finished in" <+> doublePrec 2 (realToFrac (end - start) * 1e-9) <+> text "milliseconds" <> comma <+> text "allocated" <+> doublePrec 3 (realToFrac alloc / 1024 / 1024) <+> text "megabytes") pure r else action debugTraceMsg :: DynFlags -> Int -> MsgDoc -> IO () debugTraceMsg dflags val msg = ifVerbose dflags val $ logInfo dflags (defaultDumpStyle dflags) msg putMsg :: DynFlags -> MsgDoc -> IO () putMsg dflags msg = logInfo dflags (defaultUserStyle dflags) msg printInfoForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> IO () printInfoForUser dflags print_unqual msg = logInfo dflags (mkUserStyle dflags print_unqual AllTheWay) msg printOutputForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> IO () printOutputForUser dflags print_unqual msg = logOutput dflags (mkUserStyle dflags print_unqual AllTheWay) msg logInfo :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> MsgDoc -> IO () logInfo dflags sty msg = putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevInfo noSrcSpan sty msg logOutput :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> MsgDoc -> IO () -- ^ Like 'logInfo' but with 'SevOutput' rather then 'SevInfo' logOutput dflags sty msg = putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevOutput noSrcSpan sty msg prettyPrintGhcErrors :: ExceptionMonad m => DynFlags -> m a -> m a prettyPrintGhcErrors dflags = ghandle $ \e -> case e of PprPanic str doc -> pprDebugAndThen dflags panic (text str) doc PprSorry str doc -> pprDebugAndThen dflags sorry (text str) doc PprProgramError str doc -> pprDebugAndThen dflags pgmError (text str) doc _ -> liftIO $ throwIO e -- | Checks if given 'WarnMsg' is a fatal warning. isWarnMsgFatal :: DynFlags -> WarnMsg -> Maybe (Maybe WarningFlag) isWarnMsgFatal dflags ErrMsg{errMsgReason = Reason wflag} = if wopt_fatal wflag dflags then Just (Just wflag) else Nothing isWarnMsgFatal dflags _ = if gopt Opt_WarnIsError dflags then Just Nothing else Nothing traceCmd :: DynFlags -> String -> String -> IO a -> IO a -- trace the command (at two levels of verbosity) traceCmd dflags phase_name cmd_line action = do { let verb = verbosity dflags ; showPass dflags phase_name ; debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text cmd_line) ; case flushErr dflags of FlushErr io -> io -- And run it! ; action `catchIO` handle_exn verb } where handle_exn _verb exn = do { debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (char '\n') ; debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Failed:" <+> text cmd_line <+> text (show exn)) ; throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError (show exn))}