% % (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1998 % \section[ErrsUtils]{Utilities for error reporting} \begin{code} module ErrUtils ( Message, mkLocMessage, printError, pprMessageBag, Severity(..), ErrMsg, WarnMsg, ErrorMessages, WarningMessages, errMsgSpans, errMsgContext, errMsgShortDoc, errMsgExtraInfo, Messages, errorsFound, emptyMessages, mkErrMsg, mkPlainErrMsg, mkLongErrMsg, mkWarnMsg, mkPlainWarnMsg, printBagOfErrors, printBagOfWarnings, warnIsErrorMsg, mkLongWarnMsg, ghcExit, doIfSet, doIfSet_dyn, dumpIfSet, dumpIfSet_dyn, dumpIfSet_dyn_or, mkDumpDoc, dumpSDoc, -- * Messages during compilation putMsg, errorMsg, fatalErrorMsg, compilationProgressMsg, showPass, debugTraceMsg, ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import Bag ( Bag, bagToList, isEmptyBag, emptyBag ) import Util ( sortLe ) import Outputable import SrcLoc import DynFlags ( DynFlags(..), DynFlag(..), dopt ) import StaticFlags ( opt_ErrorSpans ) import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..), exitWith ) import Data.List import System.IO -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Basic error messages: just render a message with a source location. type Message = SDoc pprMessageBag :: Bag Message -> SDoc pprMessageBag msgs = vcat (punctuate blankLine (bagToList msgs)) data Severity = SevOutput | SevInfo | SevWarning | SevError | SevFatal mkLocMessage :: SrcSpan -> Message -> Message mkLocMessage locn msg | opt_ErrorSpans = hang (ppr locn <> colon) 4 msg | otherwise = hang (ppr (srcSpanStart locn) <> colon) 4 msg -- always print the location, even if it is unhelpful. Error messages -- are supposed to be in a standard format, and one without a location -- would look strange. Better to say explicitly "". printError :: SrcSpan -> Message -> IO () printError span msg = printErrs (mkLocMessage span msg $ defaultErrStyle) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting up messages for later ordering and printing. data ErrMsg = ErrMsg { errMsgSpans :: [SrcSpan], errMsgContext :: PrintUnqualified, errMsgShortDoc :: Message, errMsgExtraInfo :: Message } -- The SrcSpan is used for sorting errors into line-number order instance Show ErrMsg where show em = showSDoc (errMsgShortDoc em) type WarnMsg = ErrMsg -- A short (one-line) error message, with context to tell us whether -- to qualify names in the message or not. mkErrMsg :: SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> Message -> ErrMsg mkErrMsg locn print_unqual msg = ErrMsg { errMsgSpans = [locn], errMsgContext = print_unqual , errMsgShortDoc = msg, errMsgExtraInfo = empty } -- Variant that doesn't care about qualified/unqualified names mkPlainErrMsg :: SrcSpan -> Message -> ErrMsg mkPlainErrMsg locn msg = ErrMsg { errMsgSpans = [locn], errMsgContext = alwaysQualify , errMsgShortDoc = msg, errMsgExtraInfo = empty } -- A long (multi-line) error message, with context to tell us whether -- to qualify names in the message or not. mkLongErrMsg :: SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> Message -> Message -> ErrMsg mkLongErrMsg locn print_unqual msg extra = ErrMsg { errMsgSpans = [locn], errMsgContext = print_unqual , errMsgShortDoc = msg, errMsgExtraInfo = extra } mkWarnMsg :: SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> Message -> WarnMsg mkWarnMsg = mkErrMsg mkLongWarnMsg :: SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> Message -> Message -> ErrMsg mkLongWarnMsg = mkLongErrMsg -- Variant that doesn't care about qualified/unqualified names mkPlainWarnMsg :: SrcSpan -> Message -> ErrMsg mkPlainWarnMsg locn msg = mkWarnMsg locn alwaysQualify msg type Messages = (Bag WarnMsg, Bag ErrMsg) type WarningMessages = Bag WarnMsg type ErrorMessages = Bag ErrMsg emptyMessages :: Messages emptyMessages = (emptyBag, emptyBag) warnIsErrorMsg :: ErrMsg warnIsErrorMsg = mkPlainErrMsg noSrcSpan (text "\nFailing due to -Werror.") errorsFound :: DynFlags -> Messages -> Bool errorsFound _dflags (_warns, errs) = not (isEmptyBag errs) printBagOfErrors :: DynFlags -> Bag ErrMsg -> IO () printBagOfErrors dflags bag_of_errors = printMsgBag dflags bag_of_errors SevError printBagOfWarnings :: DynFlags -> Bag WarnMsg -> IO () printBagOfWarnings dflags bag_of_warns = printMsgBag dflags bag_of_warns SevWarning printMsgBag :: DynFlags -> Bag ErrMsg -> Severity -> IO () printMsgBag dflags bag sev = sequence_ [ let style = mkErrStyle unqual in log_action dflags sev s style (d $$ e) | ErrMsg { errMsgSpans = s:_, errMsgShortDoc = d, errMsgExtraInfo = e, errMsgContext = unqual } <- sorted_errs ] where bag_ls = bagToList bag sorted_errs = sortLe occ'ed_before bag_ls occ'ed_before err1 err2 = case compare (head (errMsgSpans err1)) (head (errMsgSpans err2)) of LT -> True EQ -> True GT -> False ghcExit :: DynFlags -> Int -> IO () ghcExit dflags val | val == 0 = exitWith ExitSuccess | otherwise = do errorMsg dflags (text "\nCompilation had errors\n\n") exitWith (ExitFailure val) doIfSet :: Bool -> IO () -> IO () doIfSet flag action | flag = action | otherwise = return () doIfSet_dyn :: DynFlags -> DynFlag -> IO () -> IO() doIfSet_dyn dflags flag action | dopt flag dflags = action | otherwise = return () -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dumping dumpIfSet :: Bool -> String -> SDoc -> IO () dumpIfSet flag hdr doc | not flag = return () | otherwise = printDump (mkDumpDoc hdr doc) dumpIfSet_dyn :: DynFlags -> DynFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO () dumpIfSet_dyn dflags flag hdr doc | dopt flag dflags || verbosity dflags >= 4 = dumpSDoc dflags flag hdr doc | otherwise = return () dumpIfSet_dyn_or :: DynFlags -> [DynFlag] -> String -> SDoc -> IO () dumpIfSet_dyn_or dflags flags hdr doc | or [dopt flag dflags | flag <- flags] || verbosity dflags >= 4 = printDump (mkDumpDoc hdr doc) | otherwise = return () mkDumpDoc :: String -> SDoc -> SDoc mkDumpDoc hdr doc = vcat [blankLine, line <+> text hdr <+> line, doc, blankLine] where line = text (replicate 20 '=') -- | Write out a dump. -- If --dump-to-file is set then this goes to a file. -- otherwise emit to stdout. dumpSDoc :: DynFlags -> DynFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO () dumpSDoc dflags dflag hdr doc = do let mFile = chooseDumpFile dflags dflag case mFile of -- write the dump to a file -- don't add the header in this case, we can see what kind -- of dump it is from the filename. Just fileName -> do handle <- openFile fileName AppendMode hPrintDump handle doc hClose handle -- write the dump to stdout Nothing -> do printDump (mkDumpDoc hdr doc) -- | Choose where to put a dump file based on DynFlags -- chooseDumpFile :: DynFlags -> DynFlag -> Maybe String chooseDumpFile dflags dflag -- dump file location is being forced -- by the --ddump-file-prefix flag. | dumpToFile , Just prefix <- dumpPrefixForce dflags = Just $ prefix ++ (beautifyDumpName dflag) -- dump file location chosen by DriverPipeline.runPipeline | dumpToFile , Just prefix <- dumpPrefix dflags = Just $ prefix ++ (beautifyDumpName dflag) -- we haven't got a place to put a dump file. | otherwise = Nothing where dumpToFile = dopt Opt_DumpToFile dflags -- | Build a nice file name from name of a DynFlag constructor beautifyDumpName :: DynFlag -> String beautifyDumpName dflag = let str = show dflag cut = if isPrefixOf "Opt_D_" str then drop 6 str else str dash = map (\c -> case c of '_' -> '-' _ -> c) cut in dash -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Outputting messages from the compiler -- We want all messages to go through one place, so that we can -- redirect them if necessary. For example, when GHC is used as a -- library we might want to catch all messages that GHC tries to -- output and do something else with them. ifVerbose :: DynFlags -> Int -> IO () -> IO () ifVerbose dflags val act | verbosity dflags >= val = act | otherwise = return () putMsg :: DynFlags -> Message -> IO () putMsg dflags msg = log_action dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultUserStyle msg errorMsg :: DynFlags -> Message -> IO () errorMsg dflags msg = log_action dflags SevError noSrcSpan defaultErrStyle msg fatalErrorMsg :: DynFlags -> Message -> IO () fatalErrorMsg dflags msg = log_action dflags SevFatal noSrcSpan defaultErrStyle msg compilationProgressMsg :: DynFlags -> String -> IO () compilationProgressMsg dflags msg = ifVerbose dflags 1 (log_action dflags SevOutput noSrcSpan defaultUserStyle (text msg)) showPass :: DynFlags -> String -> IO () showPass dflags what = ifVerbose dflags 2 (log_action dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultUserStyle (text "***" <+> text what <> colon)) debugTraceMsg :: DynFlags -> Int -> Message -> IO () debugTraceMsg dflags val msg = ifVerbose dflags val (log_action dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultDumpStyle msg) \end{code}