{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MagicHash, NondecreasingIndentation, UnboxedTuples, RecordWildCards, BangPatterns #-} -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2005-2007 -- -- Running statements interactively -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module InteractiveEval ( Resume(..), History(..), execStmt, ExecOptions(..), execOptions, ExecResult(..), resumeExec, runDecls, runDeclsWithLocation, isStmt, hasImport, isImport, isDecl, parseImportDecl, SingleStep(..), abandon, abandonAll, getResumeContext, getHistorySpan, getModBreaks, getHistoryModule, back, forward, setContext, getContext, availsToGlobalRdrEnv, getNamesInScope, getRdrNamesInScope, moduleIsInterpreted, getInfo, exprType, typeKind, parseName, showModule, moduleIsBootOrNotObjectLinkable, parseExpr, compileParsedExpr, compileExpr, dynCompileExpr, compileExprRemote, compileParsedExprRemote, Term(..), obtainTermFromId, obtainTermFromVal, reconstructType ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import GhcPrelude import InteractiveEvalTypes import GHCi import GHCi.Message import GHCi.RemoteTypes import GhcMonad import HscMain import HsSyn import HscTypes import InstEnv import IfaceEnv ( newInteractiveBinder ) import FamInstEnv ( FamInst ) import CoreFVs ( orphNamesOfFamInst ) import TyCon import Type hiding( typeKind ) import RepType import TcType hiding( typeKind ) import Var import Id import Name hiding ( varName ) import NameSet import Avail import RdrName import VarEnv import ByteCodeTypes import Linker import DynFlags import Unique import UniqSupply import MonadUtils import Module import PrelNames ( toDynName, pretendNameIsInScope ) import Panic import Maybes import ErrUtils import SrcLoc import RtClosureInspect import Outputable import FastString import Bag import Util import qualified Lexer (P (..), ParseResult(..), unP, mkPState) import qualified Parser (parseStmt, parseModule, parseDeclaration, parseImport) import System.Directory import Data.Dynamic import Data.Either import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import Data.List (find,intercalate) import StringBuffer (stringToStringBuffer) import Control.Monad import GHC.Exts import Data.Array import Exception -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- running a statement interactively getResumeContext :: GhcMonad m => m [Resume] getResumeContext = withSession (return . ic_resume . hsc_IC) mkHistory :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> BreakInfo -> History mkHistory hsc_env hval bi = History hval bi (findEnclosingDecls hsc_env bi) getHistoryModule :: History -> Module getHistoryModule = breakInfo_module . historyBreakInfo getHistorySpan :: HscEnv -> History -> SrcSpan getHistorySpan hsc_env History{..} = let BreakInfo{..} = historyBreakInfo in case lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName breakInfo_module) of Just hmi -> modBreaks_locs (getModBreaks hmi) ! breakInfo_number _ -> panic "getHistorySpan" getModBreaks :: HomeModInfo -> ModBreaks getModBreaks hmi | Just linkable <- hm_linkable hmi, [BCOs cbc _] <- linkableUnlinked linkable = fromMaybe emptyModBreaks (bc_breaks cbc) | otherwise = emptyModBreaks -- probably object code {- | Finds the enclosing top level function name -} -- ToDo: a better way to do this would be to keep hold of the decl_path computed -- by the coverage pass, which gives the list of lexically-enclosing bindings -- for each tick. findEnclosingDecls :: HscEnv -> BreakInfo -> [String] findEnclosingDecls hsc_env (BreakInfo modl ix) = let hmi = expectJust "findEnclosingDecls" $ lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName modl) mb = getModBreaks hmi in modBreaks_decls mb ! ix -- | Update fixity environment in the current interactive context. updateFixityEnv :: GhcMonad m => FixityEnv -> m () updateFixityEnv fix_env = do hsc_env <- getSession let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env setSession $ hsc_env { hsc_IC = ic { ic_fix_env = fix_env } } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- execStmt -- | default ExecOptions execOptions :: ExecOptions execOptions = ExecOptions { execSingleStep = RunToCompletion , execSourceFile = "" , execLineNumber = 1 , execWrap = EvalThis -- just run the statement, don't wrap it in anything } -- | Run a statement in the current interactive context. execStmt :: GhcMonad m => String -- ^ a statement (bind or expression) -> ExecOptions -> m ExecResult execStmt stmt ExecOptions{..} = do hsc_env <- getSession -- Turn off -fwarn-unused-local-binds when running a statement, to hide -- warnings about the implicit bindings we introduce. let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env -- use the interactive dflags idflags' = ic_dflags ic `wopt_unset` Opt_WarnUnusedLocalBinds hsc_env' = hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ic{ ic_dflags = idflags' } } -- compile to value (IO [HValue]), don't run r <- liftIO $ hscStmtWithLocation hsc_env' stmt execSourceFile execLineNumber case r of -- empty statement / comment Nothing -> return (ExecComplete (Right []) 0) Just (ids, hval, fix_env) -> do updateFixityEnv fix_env status <- withVirtualCWD $ liftIO $ evalStmt hsc_env' (isStep execSingleStep) (execWrap hval) let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env bindings = (ic_tythings ic, ic_rn_gbl_env ic) size = ghciHistSize idflags' handleRunStatus execSingleStep stmt bindings ids status (emptyHistory size) runDecls :: GhcMonad m => String -> m [Name] runDecls = runDeclsWithLocation "" 1 -- | Run some declarations and return any user-visible names that were brought -- into scope. runDeclsWithLocation :: GhcMonad m => String -> Int -> String -> m [Name] runDeclsWithLocation source linenumber expr = do hsc_env <- getSession (tyThings, ic) <- liftIO $ hscDeclsWithLocation hsc_env expr source linenumber setSession $ hsc_env { hsc_IC = ic } hsc_env <- getSession hsc_env' <- liftIO $ rttiEnvironment hsc_env setSession hsc_env' return $ filter (not . isDerivedOccName . nameOccName) -- For this filter, see Note [What to show to users] $ map getName tyThings {- Note [What to show to users] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We don't want to display internally-generated bindings to users. Things like the coercion axiom for newtypes. These bindings all get OccNames that users can't write, to avoid the possiblity of name clashes (in linker symbols). That gives a convenient way to suppress them. The relevant predicate is OccName.isDerivedOccName. See Trac #11051 for more background and examples. -} withVirtualCWD :: GhcMonad m => m a -> m a withVirtualCWD m = do hsc_env <- getSession -- a virtual CWD is only necessary when we're running interpreted code in -- the same process as the compiler. if gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter (hsc_dflags hsc_env) then m else do let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env let set_cwd = do dir <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory case ic_cwd ic of Just dir -> liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory dir Nothing -> return () return dir reset_cwd orig_dir = do virt_dir <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory hsc_env <- getSession let old_IC = hsc_IC hsc_env setSession hsc_env{ hsc_IC = old_IC{ ic_cwd = Just virt_dir } } liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory orig_dir gbracket set_cwd reset_cwd $ \_ -> m parseImportDecl :: GhcMonad m => String -> m (ImportDecl GhcPs) parseImportDecl expr = withSession $ \hsc_env -> liftIO $ hscImport hsc_env expr emptyHistory :: Int -> BoundedList History emptyHistory size = nilBL size handleRunStatus :: GhcMonad m => SingleStep -> String-> ([TyThing],GlobalRdrEnv) -> [Id] -> EvalStatus_ [ForeignHValue] [HValueRef] -> BoundedList History -> m ExecResult handleRunStatus step expr bindings final_ids status history | RunAndLogSteps <- step = tracing | otherwise = not_tracing where tracing | EvalBreak is_exception apStack_ref ix mod_uniq resume_ctxt _ccs <- status , not is_exception = do hsc_env <- getSession let hmi = expectJust "handleRunStatus" $ lookupHptDirectly (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (mkUniqueGrimily mod_uniq) modl = mi_module (hm_iface hmi) breaks = getModBreaks hmi b <- liftIO $ breakpointStatus hsc_env (modBreaks_flags breaks) ix if b then not_tracing -- This breakpoint is explicitly enabled; we want to stop -- instead of just logging it. else do apStack_fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env apStack_ref let bi = BreakInfo modl ix !history' = mkHistory hsc_env apStack_fhv bi `consBL` history -- history is strict, otherwise our BoundedList is pointless. fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env resume_ctxt status <- liftIO $ GHCi.resumeStmt hsc_env True fhv handleRunStatus RunAndLogSteps expr bindings final_ids status history' | otherwise = not_tracing not_tracing -- Hit a breakpoint | EvalBreak is_exception apStack_ref ix mod_uniq resume_ctxt ccs <- status = do hsc_env <- getSession resume_ctxt_fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env resume_ctxt apStack_fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env apStack_ref let hmi = expectJust "handleRunStatus" $ lookupHptDirectly (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (mkUniqueGrimily mod_uniq) modl = mi_module (hm_iface hmi) bp | is_exception = Nothing | otherwise = Just (BreakInfo modl ix) (hsc_env1, names, span, decl) <- liftIO $ bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack_fhv bp let resume = Resume { resumeStmt = expr, resumeContext = resume_ctxt_fhv , resumeBindings = bindings, resumeFinalIds = final_ids , resumeApStack = apStack_fhv , resumeBreakInfo = bp , resumeSpan = span, resumeHistory = toListBL history , resumeDecl = decl , resumeCCS = ccs , resumeHistoryIx = 0 } hsc_env2 = pushResume hsc_env1 resume setSession hsc_env2 return (ExecBreak names bp) -- Completed successfully | EvalComplete allocs (EvalSuccess hvals) <- status = do hsc_env <- getSession let final_ic = extendInteractiveContextWithIds (hsc_IC hsc_env) final_ids final_names = map getName final_ids liftIO $ Linker.extendLinkEnv (zip final_names hvals) hsc_env' <- liftIO $ rttiEnvironment hsc_env{hsc_IC=final_ic} setSession hsc_env' return (ExecComplete (Right final_names) allocs) -- Completed with an exception | EvalComplete alloc (EvalException e) <- status = return (ExecComplete (Left (fromSerializableException e)) alloc) | otherwise = panic "not_tracing" -- actually exhaustive, but GHC can't tell resumeExec :: GhcMonad m => (SrcSpan->Bool) -> SingleStep -> m ExecResult resumeExec canLogSpan step = do hsc_env <- getSession let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env resume = ic_resume ic case resume of [] -> liftIO $ throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "not stopped at a breakpoint") (r:rs) -> do -- unbind the temporary locals by restoring the TypeEnv from -- before the breakpoint, and drop this Resume from the -- InteractiveContext. let (resume_tmp_te,resume_rdr_env) = resumeBindings r ic' = ic { ic_tythings = resume_tmp_te, ic_rn_gbl_env = resume_rdr_env, ic_resume = rs } setSession hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ic' } -- remove any bindings created since the breakpoint from the -- linker's environment let old_names = map getName resume_tmp_te new_names = [ n | thing <- ic_tythings ic , let n = getName thing , not (n `elem` old_names) ] liftIO $ Linker.deleteFromLinkEnv new_names case r of Resume { resumeStmt = expr, resumeContext = fhv , resumeBindings = bindings, resumeFinalIds = final_ids , resumeApStack = apStack, resumeBreakInfo = mb_brkpt , resumeSpan = span , resumeHistory = hist } -> do withVirtualCWD $ do status <- liftIO $ GHCi.resumeStmt hsc_env (isStep step) fhv let prevHistoryLst = fromListBL 50 hist hist' = case mb_brkpt of Nothing -> prevHistoryLst Just bi | not $canLogSpan span -> prevHistoryLst | otherwise -> mkHistory hsc_env apStack bi `consBL` fromListBL 50 hist handleRunStatus step expr bindings final_ids status hist' back :: GhcMonad m => Int -> m ([Name], Int, SrcSpan, String) back n = moveHist (+n) forward :: GhcMonad m => Int -> m ([Name], Int, SrcSpan, String) forward n = moveHist (subtract n) moveHist :: GhcMonad m => (Int -> Int) -> m ([Name], Int, SrcSpan, String) moveHist fn = do hsc_env <- getSession case ic_resume (hsc_IC hsc_env) of [] -> liftIO $ throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "not stopped at a breakpoint") (r:rs) -> do let ix = resumeHistoryIx r history = resumeHistory r new_ix = fn ix -- when (history `lengthLessThan` new_ix) $ liftIO $ throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "no more logged breakpoints") when (new_ix < 0) $ liftIO $ throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "already at the beginning of the history") let update_ic apStack mb_info = do (hsc_env1, names, span, decl) <- liftIO $ bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack mb_info let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env1 r' = r { resumeHistoryIx = new_ix } ic' = ic { ic_resume = r':rs } setSession hsc_env1{ hsc_IC = ic' } return (names, new_ix, span, decl) -- careful: we want apStack to be the AP_STACK itself, not a thunk -- around it, hence the cases are carefully constructed below to -- make this the case. ToDo: this is v. fragile, do something better. if new_ix == 0 then case r of Resume { resumeApStack = apStack, resumeBreakInfo = mb_brkpt } -> update_ic apStack mb_brkpt else case history !! (new_ix - 1) of History{..} -> update_ic historyApStack (Just historyBreakInfo) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- After stopping at a breakpoint, add free variables to the environment result_fs :: FastString result_fs = fsLit "_result" bindLocalsAtBreakpoint :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> Maybe BreakInfo -> IO (HscEnv, [Name], SrcSpan, String) -- Nothing case: we stopped when an exception was raised, not at a -- breakpoint. We have no location information or local variables to -- bind, all we can do is bind a local variable to the exception -- value. bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack Nothing = do let exn_occ = mkVarOccFS (fsLit "_exception") span = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "") exn_name <- newInteractiveBinder hsc_env exn_occ span let e_fs = fsLit "e" e_name = mkInternalName (getUnique e_fs) (mkTyVarOccFS e_fs) span e_tyvar = mkRuntimeUnkTyVar e_name liftedTypeKind exn_id = Id.mkVanillaGlobal exn_name (mkTyVarTy e_tyvar) ictxt0 = hsc_IC hsc_env ictxt1 = extendInteractiveContextWithIds ictxt0 [exn_id] -- Linker.extendLinkEnv [(exn_name, apStack)] return (hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ictxt1 }, [exn_name], span, "") -- Just case: we stopped at a breakpoint, we have information about the location -- of the breakpoint and the free variables of the expression. bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack_fhv (Just BreakInfo{..}) = do let hmi = expectJust "bindLocalsAtBreakpoint" $ lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName breakInfo_module) breaks = getModBreaks hmi info = expectJust "bindLocalsAtBreakpoint2" $ IntMap.lookup breakInfo_number (modBreaks_breakInfo breaks) vars = cgb_vars info result_ty = cgb_resty info occs = modBreaks_vars breaks ! breakInfo_number span = modBreaks_locs breaks ! breakInfo_number decl = intercalate "." $ modBreaks_decls breaks ! breakInfo_number -- Filter out any unboxed ids; -- we can't bind these at the prompt pointers = filter (\(id,_) -> isPointer id) vars isPointer id | [rep] <- typePrimRep (idType id) , isGcPtrRep rep = True | otherwise = False (ids, offsets) = unzip pointers free_tvs = tyCoVarsOfTypesList (result_ty:map idType ids) -- It might be that getIdValFromApStack fails, because the AP_STACK -- has been accidentally evaluated, or something else has gone wrong. -- So that we don't fall over in a heap when this happens, just don't -- bind any free variables instead, and we emit a warning. mb_hValues <- mapM (getBreakpointVar hsc_env apStack_fhv . fromIntegral) offsets when (any isNothing mb_hValues) $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 1 $ text "Warning: _result has been evaluated, some bindings have been lost" us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'I' -- Dodgy; will give the same uniques every time let tv_subst = newTyVars us free_tvs filtered_ids = [ id | (id, Just _hv) <- zip ids mb_hValues ] (_,tidy_tys) = tidyOpenTypes emptyTidyEnv $ map (substTy tv_subst . idType) filtered_ids new_ids <- zipWith3M mkNewId occs tidy_tys filtered_ids result_name <- newInteractiveBinder hsc_env (mkVarOccFS result_fs) span let result_id = Id.mkVanillaGlobal result_name (substTy tv_subst result_ty) result_ok = isPointer result_id final_ids | result_ok = result_id : new_ids | otherwise = new_ids ictxt0 = hsc_IC hsc_env ictxt1 = extendInteractiveContextWithIds ictxt0 final_ids names = map idName new_ids let fhvs = catMaybes mb_hValues Linker.extendLinkEnv (zip names fhvs) when result_ok $ Linker.extendLinkEnv [(result_name, apStack_fhv)] hsc_env1 <- rttiEnvironment hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ictxt1 } return (hsc_env1, if result_ok then result_name:names else names, span, decl) where -- We need a fresh Unique for each Id we bind, because the linker -- state is single-threaded and otherwise we'd spam old bindings -- whenever we stop at a breakpoint. The InteractveContext is properly -- saved/restored, but not the linker state. See #1743, test break026. mkNewId :: OccName -> Type -> Id -> IO Id mkNewId occ ty old_id = do { name <- newInteractiveBinder hsc_env occ (getSrcSpan old_id) ; return (Id.mkVanillaGlobalWithInfo name ty (idInfo old_id)) } newTyVars :: UniqSupply -> [TcTyVar] -> TCvSubst -- Similarly, clone the type variables mentioned in the types -- we have here, *and* make them all RuntimeUnk tyvars newTyVars us tvs = mkTvSubstPrs [ (tv, mkTyVarTy (mkRuntimeUnkTyVar name (tyVarKind tv))) | (tv, uniq) <- tvs `zip` uniqsFromSupply us , let name = setNameUnique (tyVarName tv) uniq ] rttiEnvironment :: HscEnv -> IO HscEnv rttiEnvironment hsc_env@HscEnv{hsc_IC=ic} = do let tmp_ids = [id | AnId id <- ic_tythings ic] incompletelyTypedIds = [id | id <- tmp_ids , not $ noSkolems id , (occNameFS.nameOccName.idName) id /= result_fs] hsc_env' <- foldM improveTypes hsc_env (map idName incompletelyTypedIds) return hsc_env' where noSkolems = noFreeVarsOfType . idType improveTypes hsc_env@HscEnv{hsc_IC=ic} name = do let tmp_ids = [id | AnId id <- ic_tythings ic] Just id = find (\i -> idName i == name) tmp_ids if noSkolems id then return hsc_env else do mb_new_ty <- reconstructType hsc_env 10 id let old_ty = idType id case mb_new_ty of Nothing -> return hsc_env Just new_ty -> do case improveRTTIType hsc_env old_ty new_ty of Nothing -> return $ WARN(True, text (":print failed to calculate the " ++ "improvement for a type")) hsc_env Just subst -> do let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env when (dopt Opt_D_dump_rtti dflags) $ printInfoForUser dflags alwaysQualify $ fsep [text "RTTI Improvement for", ppr id, equals, ppr subst] let ic' = substInteractiveContext ic subst return hsc_env{hsc_IC=ic'} pushResume :: HscEnv -> Resume -> HscEnv pushResume hsc_env resume = hsc_env { hsc_IC = ictxt1 } where ictxt0 = hsc_IC hsc_env ictxt1 = ictxt0 { ic_resume = resume : ic_resume ictxt0 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Abandoning a resume context abandon :: GhcMonad m => m Bool abandon = do hsc_env <- getSession let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env resume = ic_resume ic case resume of [] -> return False r:rs -> do setSession hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ic { ic_resume = rs } } liftIO $ abandonStmt hsc_env (resumeContext r) return True abandonAll :: GhcMonad m => m Bool abandonAll = do hsc_env <- getSession let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env resume = ic_resume ic case resume of [] -> return False rs -> do setSession hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ic { ic_resume = [] } } liftIO $ mapM_ (abandonStmt hsc_env. resumeContext) rs return True -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bounded list, optimised for repeated cons data BoundedList a = BL {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- length {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- bound [a] -- left [a] -- right, list is (left ++ reverse right) nilBL :: Int -> BoundedList a nilBL bound = BL 0 bound [] [] consBL :: a -> BoundedList a -> BoundedList a consBL a (BL len bound left right) | len < bound = BL (len+1) bound (a:left) right | null right = BL len bound [a] $! tail (reverse left) | otherwise = BL len bound (a:left) $! tail right toListBL :: BoundedList a -> [a] toListBL (BL _ _ left right) = left ++ reverse right fromListBL :: Int -> [a] -> BoundedList a fromListBL bound l = BL (length l) bound l [] -- lenBL (BL len _ _ _) = len -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Set the interactive evaluation context. -- -- (setContext imports) sets the ic_imports field (which in turn -- determines what is in scope at the prompt) to 'imports', and -- constructs the ic_rn_glb_env environment to reflect it. -- -- We retain in scope all the things defined at the prompt, and kept -- in ic_tythings. (Indeed, they shadow stuff from ic_imports.) setContext :: GhcMonad m => [InteractiveImport] -> m () setContext imports = do { hsc_env <- getSession ; let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env ; all_env_err <- liftIO $ findGlobalRdrEnv hsc_env imports ; case all_env_err of Left (mod, err) -> liftIO $ throwGhcExceptionIO (formatError dflags mod err) Right all_env -> do { ; let old_ic = hsc_IC hsc_env !final_rdr_env = all_env `icExtendGblRdrEnv` ic_tythings old_ic ; setSession hsc_env{ hsc_IC = old_ic { ic_imports = imports , ic_rn_gbl_env = final_rdr_env }}}} where formatError dflags mod err = ProgramError . showSDoc dflags $ text "Cannot add module" <+> ppr mod <+> text "to context:" <+> text err findGlobalRdrEnv :: HscEnv -> [InteractiveImport] -> IO (Either (ModuleName, String) GlobalRdrEnv) -- Compute the GlobalRdrEnv for the interactive context findGlobalRdrEnv hsc_env imports = do { idecls_env <- hscRnImportDecls hsc_env idecls -- This call also loads any orphan modules ; return $ case partitionEithers (map mkEnv imods) of ([], imods_env) -> Right (foldr plusGlobalRdrEnv idecls_env imods_env) (err : _, _) -> Left err } where idecls :: [LImportDecl GhcPs] idecls = [noLoc d | IIDecl d <- imports] imods :: [ModuleName] imods = [m | IIModule m <- imports] mkEnv mod = case mkTopLevEnv (hsc_HPT hsc_env) mod of Left err -> Left (mod, err) Right env -> Right env availsToGlobalRdrEnv :: ModuleName -> [AvailInfo] -> GlobalRdrEnv availsToGlobalRdrEnv mod_name avails = mkGlobalRdrEnv (gresFromAvails (Just imp_spec) avails) where -- We're building a GlobalRdrEnv as if the user imported -- all the specified modules into the global interactive module imp_spec = ImpSpec { is_decl = decl, is_item = ImpAll} decl = ImpDeclSpec { is_mod = mod_name, is_as = mod_name, is_qual = False, is_dloc = srcLocSpan interactiveSrcLoc } mkTopLevEnv :: HomePackageTable -> ModuleName -> Either String GlobalRdrEnv mkTopLevEnv hpt modl = case lookupHpt hpt modl of Nothing -> Left "not a home module" Just details -> case mi_globals (hm_iface details) of Nothing -> Left "not interpreted" Just env -> Right env -- | Get the interactive evaluation context, consisting of a pair of the -- set of modules from which we take the full top-level scope, and the set -- of modules from which we take just the exports respectively. getContext :: GhcMonad m => m [InteractiveImport] getContext = withSession $ \HscEnv{ hsc_IC=ic } -> return (ic_imports ic) -- | Returns @True@ if the specified module is interpreted, and hence has -- its full top-level scope available. moduleIsInterpreted :: GhcMonad m => Module -> m Bool moduleIsInterpreted modl = withSession $ \h -> if moduleUnitId modl /= thisPackage (hsc_dflags h) then return False else case lookupHpt (hsc_HPT h) (moduleName modl) of Just details -> return (isJust (mi_globals (hm_iface details))) _not_a_home_module -> return False -- | Looks up an identifier in the current interactive context (for :info) -- Filter the instances by the ones whose tycons (or clases resp) -- are in scope (qualified or otherwise). Otherwise we list a whole lot too many! -- The exact choice of which ones to show, and which to hide, is a judgement call. -- (see Trac #1581) getInfo :: GhcMonad m => Bool -> Name -> m (Maybe (TyThing,Fixity,[ClsInst],[FamInst], SDoc)) getInfo allInfo name = withSession $ \hsc_env -> do mb_stuff <- liftIO $ hscTcRnGetInfo hsc_env name case mb_stuff of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (thing, fixity, cls_insts, fam_insts, docs) -> do let rdr_env = ic_rn_gbl_env (hsc_IC hsc_env) -- Filter the instances based on whether the constituent names of their -- instance heads are all in scope. let cls_insts' = filter (plausible rdr_env . orphNamesOfClsInst) cls_insts fam_insts' = filter (plausible rdr_env . orphNamesOfFamInst) fam_insts return (Just (thing, fixity, cls_insts', fam_insts', docs)) where plausible rdr_env names -- Dfun involving only names that are in ic_rn_glb_env = allInfo || nameSetAll ok names where -- A name is ok if it's in the rdr_env, -- whether qualified or not ok n | n == name = True -- The one we looked for in the first place! | pretendNameIsInScope n = True | isBuiltInSyntax n = True | isExternalName n = isJust (lookupGRE_Name rdr_env n) | otherwise = True -- | Returns all names in scope in the current interactive context getNamesInScope :: GhcMonad m => m [Name] getNamesInScope = withSession $ \hsc_env -> do return (map gre_name (globalRdrEnvElts (ic_rn_gbl_env (hsc_IC hsc_env)))) -- | Returns all 'RdrName's in scope in the current interactive -- context, excluding any that are internally-generated. getRdrNamesInScope :: GhcMonad m => m [RdrName] getRdrNamesInScope = withSession $ \hsc_env -> do let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env gbl_rdrenv = ic_rn_gbl_env ic gbl_names = concatMap greRdrNames $ globalRdrEnvElts gbl_rdrenv -- Exclude internally generated names; see e.g. Trac #11328 return (filter (not . isDerivedOccName . rdrNameOcc) gbl_names) -- | Parses a string as an identifier, and returns the list of 'Name's that -- the identifier can refer to in the current interactive context. parseName :: GhcMonad m => String -> m [Name] parseName str = withSession $ \hsc_env -> liftIO $ do { lrdr_name <- hscParseIdentifier hsc_env str ; hscTcRnLookupRdrName hsc_env lrdr_name } -- | Returns @True@ if passed string is a statement. isStmt :: DynFlags -> String -> Bool isStmt dflags stmt = case parseThing Parser.parseStmt dflags stmt of Lexer.POk _ _ -> True Lexer.PFailed _ _ _ -> False -- | Returns @True@ if passed string has an import declaration. hasImport :: DynFlags -> String -> Bool hasImport dflags stmt = case parseThing Parser.parseModule dflags stmt of Lexer.POk _ thing -> hasImports thing Lexer.PFailed _ _ _ -> False where hasImports = not . null . hsmodImports . unLoc -- | Returns @True@ if passed string is an import declaration. isImport :: DynFlags -> String -> Bool isImport dflags stmt = case parseThing Parser.parseImport dflags stmt of Lexer.POk _ _ -> True Lexer.PFailed _ _ _ -> False -- | Returns @True@ if passed string is a declaration but __/not a splice/__. isDecl :: DynFlags -> String -> Bool isDecl dflags stmt = do case parseThing Parser.parseDeclaration dflags stmt of Lexer.POk _ thing -> case unLoc thing of SpliceD _ -> False _ -> True Lexer.PFailed _ _ _ -> False parseThing :: Lexer.P thing -> DynFlags -> String -> Lexer.ParseResult thing parseThing parser dflags stmt = do let buf = stringToStringBuffer stmt loc = mkRealSrcLoc (fsLit "") 1 1 Lexer.unP parser (Lexer.mkPState dflags buf loc) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Getting the type of an expression -- | Get the type of an expression -- Returns the type as described by 'TcRnExprMode' exprType :: GhcMonad m => TcRnExprMode -> String -> m Type exprType mode expr = withSession $ \hsc_env -> do ty <- liftIO $ hscTcExpr hsc_env mode expr return $ tidyType emptyTidyEnv ty -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Getting the kind of a type -- | Get the kind of a type typeKind :: GhcMonad m => Bool -> String -> m (Type, Kind) typeKind normalise str = withSession $ \hsc_env -> do liftIO $ hscKcType hsc_env normalise str ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compile an expression, run it, and deliver the result -- | Parse an expression, the parsed expression can be further processed and -- passed to compileParsedExpr. parseExpr :: GhcMonad m => String -> m (LHsExpr GhcPs) parseExpr expr = withSession $ \hsc_env -> do liftIO $ runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $ hscParseExpr expr -- | Compile an expression, run it, and deliver the resulting HValue. compileExpr :: GhcMonad m => String -> m HValue compileExpr expr = do parsed_expr <- parseExpr expr compileParsedExpr parsed_expr -- | Compile an expression, run it, and deliver the resulting HValue. compileExprRemote :: GhcMonad m => String -> m ForeignHValue compileExprRemote expr = do parsed_expr <- parseExpr expr compileParsedExprRemote parsed_expr -- | Compile a parsed expression (before renaming), run it, and deliver -- the resulting HValue. compileParsedExprRemote :: GhcMonad m => LHsExpr GhcPs -> m ForeignHValue compileParsedExprRemote expr@(L loc _) = withSession $ \hsc_env -> do -- > let _compileParsedExpr = expr -- Create let stmt from expr to make hscParsedStmt happy. -- We will ignore the returned [Id], namely [expr_id], and not really -- create a new binding. let expr_fs = fsLit "_compileParsedExpr" expr_name = mkInternalName (getUnique expr_fs) (mkTyVarOccFS expr_fs) loc let_stmt = L loc . LetStmt . L loc . HsValBinds $ ValBinds noExt (unitBag $ mkHsVarBind loc (getRdrName expr_name) expr) [] Just ([_id], hvals_io, fix_env) <- liftIO $ hscParsedStmt hsc_env let_stmt updateFixityEnv fix_env status <- liftIO $ evalStmt hsc_env False (EvalThis hvals_io) case status of EvalComplete _ (EvalSuccess [hval]) -> return hval EvalComplete _ (EvalException e) -> liftIO $ throwIO (fromSerializableException e) _ -> panic "compileParsedExpr" compileParsedExpr :: GhcMonad m => LHsExpr GhcPs -> m HValue compileParsedExpr expr = do fhv <- compileParsedExprRemote expr dflags <- getDynFlags liftIO $ wormhole dflags fhv -- | Compile an expression, run it and return the result as a Dynamic. dynCompileExpr :: GhcMonad m => String -> m Dynamic dynCompileExpr expr = do parsed_expr <- parseExpr expr -- > Data.Dynamic.toDyn expr let loc = getLoc parsed_expr to_dyn_expr = mkHsApp (L loc . HsVar . L loc $ getRdrName toDynName) parsed_expr hval <- compileParsedExpr to_dyn_expr return (unsafeCoerce# hval :: Dynamic) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- show a module and it's source/object filenames showModule :: GhcMonad m => ModSummary -> m String showModule mod_summary = withSession $ \hsc_env -> do interpreted <- moduleIsBootOrNotObjectLinkable mod_summary let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env return (showModMsg dflags (hscTarget dflags) interpreted mod_summary) moduleIsBootOrNotObjectLinkable :: GhcMonad m => ModSummary -> m Bool moduleIsBootOrNotObjectLinkable mod_summary = withSession $ \hsc_env -> case lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (ms_mod_name mod_summary) of Nothing -> panic "missing linkable" Just mod_info -> return $ case hm_linkable mod_info of Nothing -> True Just linkable -> not (isObjectLinkable linkable) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RTTI primitives obtainTermFromVal :: HscEnv -> Int -> Bool -> Type -> a -> IO Term obtainTermFromVal hsc_env bound force ty x = cvObtainTerm hsc_env bound force ty (unsafeCoerce# x) obtainTermFromId :: HscEnv -> Int -> Bool -> Id -> IO Term obtainTermFromId hsc_env bound force id = do let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env hv <- Linker.getHValue hsc_env (varName id) >>= wormhole dflags cvObtainTerm hsc_env bound force (idType id) hv -- Uses RTTI to reconstruct the type of an Id, making it less polymorphic reconstructType :: HscEnv -> Int -> Id -> IO (Maybe Type) reconstructType hsc_env bound id = do let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env hv <- Linker.getHValue hsc_env (varName id) >>= wormhole dflags cvReconstructType hsc_env bound (idType id) hv mkRuntimeUnkTyVar :: Name -> Kind -> TyVar mkRuntimeUnkTyVar name kind = mkTcTyVar name kind RuntimeUnk