{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RecordWildCards #-} -- | -- Package configuration information: essentially the interface to Cabal, with -- some utilities -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2004 -- module PackageConfig ( -- $package_naming -- * PackageKey packageConfigId, -- * The PackageConfig type: information about a package PackageConfig, InstalledPackageInfo(..), InstalledPackageId(..), SourcePackageId(..), PackageName(..), Version(..), defaultPackageConfig, installedPackageIdString, sourcePackageIdString, packageNameString, pprPackageConfig, ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import GHC.PackageDb import Data.Version import FastString import Outputable import Module import Unique -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Our PackageConfig type is the InstalledPackageInfo from ghc-boot, -- which is similar to a subset of the InstalledPackageInfo type from Cabal. type PackageConfig = InstalledPackageInfo InstalledPackageId SourcePackageId PackageName Module.PackageKey Module.ModuleName -- TODO: there's no need for these to be FastString, as we don't need the uniq -- feature, but ghc doesn't currently have convenient support for any -- other compact string types, e.g. plain ByteString or Text. newtype InstalledPackageId = InstalledPackageId FastString deriving (Eq, Ord) newtype SourcePackageId = SourcePackageId FastString deriving (Eq, Ord) newtype PackageName = PackageName FastString deriving (Eq, Ord) instance BinaryStringRep InstalledPackageId where fromStringRep = InstalledPackageId . mkFastStringByteString toStringRep (InstalledPackageId s) = fastStringToByteString s instance BinaryStringRep SourcePackageId where fromStringRep = SourcePackageId . mkFastStringByteString toStringRep (SourcePackageId s) = fastStringToByteString s instance BinaryStringRep PackageName where fromStringRep = PackageName . mkFastStringByteString toStringRep (PackageName s) = fastStringToByteString s instance Uniquable InstalledPackageId where getUnique (InstalledPackageId n) = getUnique n instance Uniquable SourcePackageId where getUnique (SourcePackageId n) = getUnique n instance Uniquable PackageName where getUnique (PackageName n) = getUnique n instance Outputable InstalledPackageId where ppr (InstalledPackageId str) = ftext str instance Outputable SourcePackageId where ppr (SourcePackageId str) = ftext str instance Outputable PackageName where ppr (PackageName str) = ftext str -- | Pretty-print an 'ExposedModule' in the same format used by the textual -- installed package database. pprExposedModule :: (Outputable a, Outputable b) => ExposedModule a b -> SDoc pprExposedModule (ExposedModule exposedName exposedReexport exposedSignature) = sep [ ppr exposedName , case exposedReexport of Just m -> sep [text "from", pprOriginalModule m] Nothing -> empty , case exposedSignature of Just m -> sep [text "is", pprOriginalModule m] Nothing -> empty ] -- | Pretty-print an 'OriginalModule' in the same format used by the textual -- installed package database. pprOriginalModule :: (Outputable a, Outputable b) => OriginalModule a b -> SDoc pprOriginalModule (OriginalModule originalPackageId originalModuleName) = ppr originalPackageId <> char ':' <> ppr originalModuleName defaultPackageConfig :: PackageConfig defaultPackageConfig = emptyInstalledPackageInfo installedPackageIdString :: PackageConfig -> String installedPackageIdString pkg = unpackFS str where InstalledPackageId str = installedPackageId pkg sourcePackageIdString :: PackageConfig -> String sourcePackageIdString pkg = unpackFS str where SourcePackageId str = sourcePackageId pkg packageNameString :: PackageConfig -> String packageNameString pkg = unpackFS str where PackageName str = packageName pkg pprPackageConfig :: PackageConfig -> SDoc pprPackageConfig InstalledPackageInfo {..} = vcat [ field "name" (ppr packageName), field "version" (text (showVersion packageVersion)), field "id" (ppr installedPackageId), field "key" (ppr packageKey), field "exposed" (ppr exposed), field "exposed-modules" (if all isExposedModule exposedModules then fsep (map pprExposedModule exposedModules) else pprWithCommas pprExposedModule exposedModules), field "hidden-modules" (fsep (map ppr hiddenModules)), field "trusted" (ppr trusted), field "import-dirs" (fsep (map text importDirs)), field "library-dirs" (fsep (map text libraryDirs)), field "hs-libraries" (fsep (map text hsLibraries)), field "extra-libraries" (fsep (map text extraLibraries)), field "extra-ghci-libraries" (fsep (map text extraGHCiLibraries)), field "include-dirs" (fsep (map text includeDirs)), field "includes" (fsep (map text includes)), field "depends" (fsep (map ppr depends)), field "cc-options" (fsep (map text ccOptions)), field "ld-options" (fsep (map text ldOptions)), field "framework-dirs" (fsep (map text frameworkDirs)), field "frameworks" (fsep (map text frameworks)), field "haddock-interfaces" (fsep (map text haddockInterfaces)), field "haddock-html" (fsep (map text haddockHTMLs)) ] where field name body = text name <> colon <+> nest 4 body isExposedModule (ExposedModule _ Nothing Nothing) = True isExposedModule _ = False -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PackageKey (package names, versions and dep hash) -- $package_naming -- #package_naming# -- Mostly the compiler deals in terms of 'PackageKey's, which are md5 hashes -- of a package ID, keys of its dependencies, and Cabal flags. You're expected -- to pass in the package key in the @-this-package-key@ flag. However, for -- wired-in packages like @base@ & @rts@, we don't necessarily know what the -- version is, so these are handled specially; see #wired_in_packages#. -- | Get the GHC 'PackageKey' right out of a Cabalish 'PackageConfig' packageConfigId :: PackageConfig -> PackageKey packageConfigId = packageKey