-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2001-2003
-- Access to system tools: gcc, cp, rm etc
module SysTools (
-- Initialisation
-- Interface to system tools
runUnlit, runCpp, runCc, -- [Option] -> IO ()
runPp, -- [Option] -> IO ()
runSplit, -- [Option] -> IO ()
runAs, runLink, -- [Option] -> IO ()
touch, -- String -> String -> IO ()
-- Temporary-file management
cleanTempDirs, cleanTempFiles, cleanTempFilesExcept,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import DriverPhases
import Config
import Outputable
import ErrUtils
import Panic
import Platform
import Util
import DynFlags
import Exception
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import System.Exit
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error as IO
import System.Directory
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP hiding (char)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as R
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import qualified System.Posix.Internals
#else /* Must be Win32 */
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.String
import System.Process
import Control.Concurrent
import FastString
import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc, mkSrcLoc, noSrcSpan, mkSrcSpan )
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
# if defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
# define WINDOWS_CCONV stdcall
# elif defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
# define WINDOWS_CCONV ccall
# else
# error Unknown mingw32 arch
# endif
How GHC finds its files
[Note topdir]
GHC needs various support files (library packages, RTS etc), plus
various auxiliary programs (cp, gcc, etc). It starts by finding topdir,
the root of GHC's support files
On Unix:
- ghc always has a shell wrapper that passes a -B
On Windows:
- ghc never has a shell wrapper.
- we can find the location of the ghc binary, which is
where may be "ghc", "ghc-stage2", or similar
- we strip off the "bin/.exe" to leave $topdir.
from topdir we can find package.conf, ghc-asm, etc.
SysTools.initSysProgs figures out exactly where all the auxiliary programs
are, and initialises mutable variables to make it easy to call them.
To to this, it makes use of definitions in Config.hs, which is a Haskell
file containing variables whose value is figured out by the build system.
Config.hs contains two sorts of things
cGCC, The *names* of the programs
cCPP e.g. cGCC = gcc
cUNLIT cCPP = gcc -E
etc They do *not* include paths
cUNLIT_DIR The *path* to the directory containing unlit, split etc
cSPLIT_DIR *relative* to the root of the build tree,
for use when running *in-place* in a build tree (only)
NOTES for an ALTERNATIVE scheme (i.e *not* what is currently implemented):
Another hair-brained scheme for simplifying the current tool location
nightmare in GHC: Simon originally suggested using another
configuration file along the lines of GCC's specs file - which is fine
except that it means adding code to read yet another configuration
file. What I didn't notice is that the current package.conf is
general enough to do this:
{name = "tools", import_dirs = [], source_dirs = [],
library_dirs = [], hs_libraries = [], extra_libraries = [],
include_dirs = [], c_includes = [], package_deps = [],
extra_ghc_opts = ["-pgmc/usr/bin/gcc","-pgml${topdir}/bin/unlit", ... etc.],
extra_cc_opts = [], extra_ld_opts = []}
Which would have the advantage that we get to collect together in one
place the path-specific package stuff with the path-specific tool
End of NOTES
%* *
%* *
initSysTools :: Maybe String -- Maybe TopDir path (without the '-B' prefix)
-> IO Settings -- Set all the mutable variables above, holding
-- (a) the system programs
-- (b) the package-config file
-- (c) the GHC usage message
initSysTools mbMinusB
= do top_dir <- findTopDir mbMinusB
-- see [Note topdir]
-- NB: top_dir is assumed to be in standard Unix
-- format, '/' separated
let settingsFile = top_dir > "settings"
platformConstantsFile = top_dir > "platformConstants"
installed :: FilePath -> FilePath
installed file = top_dir > file
settingsStr <- readFile settingsFile
platformConstantsStr <- readFile platformConstantsFile
mySettings <- case maybeReadFuzzy settingsStr of
Just s ->
return s
Nothing ->
pgmError ("Can't parse " ++ show settingsFile)
platformConstants <- case maybeReadFuzzy platformConstantsStr of
Just s ->
return s
Nothing ->
pgmError ("Can't parse " ++
show platformConstantsFile)
let getSetting key = case lookup key mySettings of
Just xs ->
return $ case stripPrefix "$topdir" xs of
Just [] ->
Just xs'@(c:_)
| isPathSeparator c ->
top_dir ++ xs'
_ ->
Nothing -> pgmError ("No entry for " ++ show key ++ " in " ++ show settingsFile)
getBooleanSetting key = case lookup key mySettings of
Just "YES" -> return True
Just "NO" -> return False
Just xs -> pgmError ("Bad value for " ++ show key ++ ": " ++ show xs)
Nothing -> pgmError ("No entry for " ++ show key ++ " in " ++ show settingsFile)
readSetting key = case lookup key mySettings of
Just xs ->
case maybeRead xs of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> pgmError ("Failed to read " ++ show key ++ " value " ++ show xs)
Nothing -> pgmError ("No entry for " ++ show key ++ " in " ++ show settingsFile)
targetArch <- readSetting "target arch"
targetOS <- readSetting "target os"
targetWordSize <- readSetting "target word size"
targetUnregisterised <- getBooleanSetting "Unregisterised"
targetHasGnuNonexecStack <- readSetting "target has GNU nonexec stack"
targetHasIdentDirective <- readSetting "target has .ident directive"
targetHasSubsectionsViaSymbols <- readSetting "target has subsections via symbols"
myExtraGccViaCFlags <- getSetting "GCC extra via C opts"
-- On Windows, mingw is distributed with GHC,
-- so we look in TopDir/../mingw/bin
-- It would perhaps be nice to be able to override this
-- with the settings file, but it would be a little fiddly
-- to make that possible, so for now you can't.
gcc_prog <- getSetting "C compiler command"
gcc_args_str <- getSetting "C compiler flags"
let unreg_gcc_args = if targetUnregisterised
else []
-- TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE affects the info table layout.
| mkTablesNextToCode targetUnregisterised
| otherwise = []
gcc_args = map Option (words gcc_args_str
++ unreg_gcc_args
++ tntc_gcc_args)
ldSupportsCompactUnwind <- getBooleanSetting "ld supports compact unwind"
ldSupportsBuildId <- getBooleanSetting "ld supports build-id"
ldIsGnuLd <- getBooleanSetting "ld is GNU ld"
perl_path <- getSetting "perl command"
let pkgconfig_path = installed "package.conf.d"
ghc_usage_msg_path = installed "ghc-usage.txt"
ghci_usage_msg_path = installed "ghci-usage.txt"
-- For all systems, unlit, split, mangle are GHC utilities
-- architecture-specific stuff is done when building Config.hs
unlit_path = installed cGHC_UNLIT_PGM
-- split is a Perl script
split_script = installed cGHC_SPLIT_PGM
windres_path <- getSetting "windres command"
tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
touch_path <- getSetting "touch command"
let -- On Win32 we don't want to rely on #!/bin/perl, so we prepend
-- a call to Perl to get the invocation of split.
-- On Unix, scripts are invoked using the '#!' method. Binary
-- installations of GHC on Unix place the correct line on the
-- front of the script at installation time, so we don't want
-- to wire-in our knowledge of $(PERL) on the host system here.
(split_prog, split_args)
| isWindowsHost = (perl_path, [Option split_script])
| otherwise = (split_script, [])
mkdll_prog <- getSetting "dllwrap command"
let mkdll_args = []
-- cpp is derived from gcc on all platforms
-- HACK, see setPgmP below. We keep 'words' here to remember to fix
-- Config.hs one day.
let cpp_prog = gcc_prog
cpp_args = Option "-E"
: map Option (words cRAWCPP_FLAGS)
++ gcc_args
-- Other things being equal, as and ld are simply gcc
let as_prog = gcc_prog
as_args = gcc_args
ld_prog = gcc_prog
ld_args = gcc_args
-- We just assume on command line
lc_prog <- getSetting "LLVM llc command"
lo_prog <- getSetting "LLVM opt command"
let platform = Platform {
platformArch = targetArch,
platformOS = targetOS,
platformWordSize = targetWordSize,
platformUnregisterised = targetUnregisterised,
platformHasGnuNonexecStack = targetHasGnuNonexecStack,
platformHasIdentDirective = targetHasIdentDirective,
platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols = targetHasSubsectionsViaSymbols
return $ Settings {
sTargetPlatform = platform,
sTmpDir = normalise tmpdir,
sGhcUsagePath = ghc_usage_msg_path,
sGhciUsagePath = ghci_usage_msg_path,
sTopDir = top_dir,
sRawSettings = mySettings,
sExtraGccViaCFlags = words myExtraGccViaCFlags,
sSystemPackageConfig = pkgconfig_path,
sLdSupportsCompactUnwind = ldSupportsCompactUnwind,
sLdSupportsBuildId = ldSupportsBuildId,
sLdIsGnuLd = ldIsGnuLd,
sPgm_L = unlit_path,
sPgm_P = (cpp_prog, cpp_args),
sPgm_F = "",
sPgm_c = (gcc_prog, gcc_args),
sPgm_s = (split_prog,split_args),
sPgm_a = (as_prog, as_args),
sPgm_l = (ld_prog, ld_args),
sPgm_dll = (mkdll_prog,mkdll_args),
sPgm_T = touch_path,
sPgm_sysman = top_dir ++ "/ghc/rts/parallel/SysMan",
sPgm_windres = windres_path,
sPgm_lo = (lo_prog,[]),
sPgm_lc = (lc_prog,[]),
-- Hans: this isn't right in general, but you can
-- elaborate it in the same way as the others
sOpt_L = [],
sOpt_P = [],
sOpt_F = [],
sOpt_c = [],
sOpt_a = [],
sOpt_l = [],
sOpt_windres = [],
sOpt_lo = [],
sOpt_lc = [],
sPlatformConstants = platformConstants
-- returns a Unix-format path (relying on getBaseDir to do so too)
findTopDir :: Maybe String -- Maybe TopDir path (without the '-B' prefix).
-> IO String -- TopDir (in Unix format '/' separated)
findTopDir (Just minusb) = return (normalise minusb)
findTopDir Nothing
= do -- Get directory of executable
maybe_exec_dir <- getBaseDir
case maybe_exec_dir of
-- "Just" on Windows, "Nothing" on unix
Nothing -> ghcError (InstallationError "missing -B option")
Just dir -> return dir
%* *
\subsection{Running an external program}
%* *
runUnlit :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runUnlit dflags args = do
let p = pgm_L dflags
runSomething dflags "Literate pre-processor" p args
runCpp :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runCpp dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_P dflags
args1 = args0 ++ args
args2 = if dopt Opt_WarnIsError dflags
then Option "-Werror" : args1
else args1
mb_env <- getGccEnv args2
runSomethingFiltered dflags id "C pre-processor" p args2 mb_env
runPp :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runPp dflags args = do
let p = pgm_F dflags
runSomething dflags "Haskell pre-processor" p args
runCc :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runCc dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_c dflags
args1 = args0 ++ args
mb_env <- getGccEnv args1
runSomethingFiltered dflags cc_filter "C Compiler" p args1 mb_env
-- discard some harmless warnings from gcc that we can't turn off
cc_filter = unlines . doFilter . lines
gcc gives warnings in chunks like so:
In file included from /foo/bar/baz.h:11,
from /foo/bar/baz2.h:22,
from wibble.c:33:
/foo/flibble:14: global register variable ...
/foo/flibble:15: warning: call-clobbered r...
We break it up into its chunks, remove any call-clobbered register
warnings from each chunk, and then delete any chunks that we have
emptied of warnings.
doFilter = unChunkWarnings . filterWarnings . chunkWarnings []
-- We can't assume that the output will start with an "In file inc..."
-- line, so we start off expecting a list of warnings rather than a
-- location stack.
chunkWarnings :: [String] -- The location stack to use for the next
-- list of warnings
-> [String] -- The remaining lines to look at
-> [([String], [String])]
chunkWarnings loc_stack [] = [(loc_stack, [])]
chunkWarnings loc_stack xs
= case break loc_stack_start xs of
(warnings, lss:xs') ->
case span loc_start_continuation xs' of
(lsc, xs'') ->
(loc_stack, warnings) : chunkWarnings (lss : lsc) xs''
_ -> [(loc_stack, xs)]
filterWarnings :: [([String], [String])] -> [([String], [String])]
filterWarnings [] = []
-- If the warnings are already empty then we are probably doing
-- something wrong, so don't delete anything
filterWarnings ((xs, []) : zs) = (xs, []) : filterWarnings zs
filterWarnings ((xs, ys) : zs) = case filter wantedWarning ys of
[] -> filterWarnings zs
ys' -> (xs, ys') : filterWarnings zs
unChunkWarnings :: [([String], [String])] -> [String]
unChunkWarnings [] = []
unChunkWarnings ((xs, ys) : zs) = xs ++ ys ++ unChunkWarnings zs
loc_stack_start s = "In file included from " `isPrefixOf` s
loc_start_continuation s = " from " `isPrefixOf` s
wantedWarning w
| "warning: call-clobbered register used" `isContainedIn` w = False
| otherwise = True
isContainedIn :: String -> String -> Bool
xs `isContainedIn` ys = any (xs `isPrefixOf`) (tails ys)
askCc :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO String
askCc dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_c dflags
args1 = args0 ++ args
mb_env <- getGccEnv args1
runSomethingWith dflags "gcc" p args1 $ \real_args ->
readCreateProcess (proc p real_args){ env = mb_env }
-- Version of System.Process.readProcessWithExitCode that takes an environment
:: CreateProcess
-> IO (ExitCode, String) -- ^ stdout
readCreateProcess proc = do
(_, Just outh, _, pid) <-
createProcess proc{ std_out = CreatePipe }
-- fork off a thread to start consuming the output
output <- hGetContents outh
outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- forkIO $ evaluate (length output) >> putMVar outMVar ()
-- wait on the output
takeMVar outMVar
hClose outh
-- wait on the process
ex <- waitForProcess pid
return (ex, output)
-- If the -B option is set, add to PATH. This works around
-- a bug in gcc on Windows Vista where it can't find its auxiliary
-- binaries (see bug #1110).
getGccEnv :: [Option] -> IO (Maybe [(String,String)])
getGccEnv opts =
if null b_dirs
then return Nothing
else do env <- getEnvironment
return (Just (map mangle_path env))
(b_dirs, _) = partitionWith get_b_opt opts
get_b_opt (Option ('-':'B':dir)) = Left dir
get_b_opt other = Right other
mangle_path (path,paths) | map toUpper path == "PATH"
= (path, '\"' : head b_dirs ++ "\";" ++ paths)
mangle_path other = other
runSplit :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runSplit dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_s dflags
runSomething dflags "Splitter" p (args0++args)
runAs :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runAs dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_a dflags
args1 = args0 ++ args
mb_env <- getGccEnv args1
runSomethingFiltered dflags id "Assembler" p args1 mb_env
-- | Run the LLVM Optimiser
runLlvmOpt :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runLlvmOpt dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_lo dflags
runSomething dflags "LLVM Optimiser" p (args0++args)
-- | Run the LLVM Compiler
runLlvmLlc :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runLlvmLlc dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_lc dflags
runSomething dflags "LLVM Compiler" p (args0++args)
-- | Run the clang compiler (used as an assembler for the LLVM
-- backend on OS X as LLVM doesn't support the OS X system
-- assembler)
runClang :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runClang dflags args = do
-- we simply assume its available on the PATH
let clang = "clang"
Exception.catch (do
runSomething dflags "Clang (Assembler)" clang args
(\(err :: SomeException) -> do
errorMsg dflags $ text $ "Error running clang! you need clang installed"
++ " to use the LLVM backend"
throw err
-- | Figure out which version of LLVM we are running this session
figureLlvmVersion :: DynFlags -> IO (Maybe Int)
figureLlvmVersion dflags = do
let (pgm,opts) = pgm_lc dflags
args = filter notNull (map showOpt opts)
-- we grab the args even though they should be useless just in
-- case the user is using a customised 'llc' that requires some
-- of the options they've specified. llc doesn't care what other
-- options are specified when '-version' is used.
args' = args ++ ["-version"]
ver <- catchIO (do
(pin, pout, perr, _) <- runInteractiveProcess pgm args'
Nothing Nothing
{- > llc -version
Low Level Virtual Machine (http://llvm.org/):
llvm version 2.8 (Ubuntu 2.8-0Ubuntu1)
hSetBinaryMode pout False
_ <- hGetLine pout
vline <- hGetLine pout
v <- case filter isDigit vline of
[] -> fail "no digits!"
[x] -> fail $ "only 1 digit! (" ++ show x ++ ")"
(x:y:_) -> return ((read [x,y]) :: Int)
hClose pin
hClose pout
hClose perr
return $ Just v
(\err -> do
debugTraceMsg dflags 2
(text "Error (figuring out LLVM version):" <+>
text (show err))
errorMsg dflags $ vcat
[ text "Warning:", nest 9 $
text "Couldn't figure out LLVM version!" $$
text "Make sure you have installed LLVM"]
return Nothing)
return ver
runLink :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runLink dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_l dflags
args1 = args0 ++ args
mb_env <- getGccEnv args1
runSomethingFiltered dflags id "Linker" p args1 mb_env
runMkDLL :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runMkDLL dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_dll dflags
args1 = args0 ++ args
mb_env <- getGccEnv (args0++args)
runSomethingFiltered dflags id "Make DLL" p args1 mb_env
runWindres :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runWindres dflags args = do
let (gcc, gcc_args) = pgm_c dflags
windres = pgm_windres dflags
quote x = "\"" ++ x ++ "\""
args' = -- If windres.exe and gcc.exe are in a directory containing
-- spaces then windres fails to run gcc. We therefore need
-- to tell it what command to use...
Option ("--preprocessor=" ++
unwords (map quote (gcc :
map showOpt gcc_args ++
["-E", "-xc", "-DRC_INVOKED"])))
-- ...but if we do that then if windres calls popen then
-- it can't understand the quoting, so we have to use
-- --use-temp-file so that it interprets it correctly.
-- See #1828.
: Option "--use-temp-file"
: args
mb_env <- getGccEnv gcc_args
runSomethingFiltered dflags id "Windres" windres args' mb_env
touch :: DynFlags -> String -> String -> IO ()
touch dflags purpose arg =
runSomething dflags purpose (pgm_T dflags) [FileOption "" arg]
copy :: DynFlags -> String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copy dflags purpose from to = copyWithHeader dflags purpose Nothing from to
copyWithHeader :: DynFlags -> String -> Maybe String -> FilePath -> FilePath
-> IO ()
copyWithHeader dflags purpose maybe_header from to = do
showPass dflags purpose
hout <- openBinaryFile to WriteMode
hin <- openBinaryFile from ReadMode
ls <- hGetContents hin -- inefficient, but it'll do for now. ToDo: speed up
maybe (return ()) (header hout) maybe_header
hPutStr hout ls
hClose hout
hClose hin
-- write the header string in UTF-8. The header is something like
-- {-# LINE "foo.hs" #-}
-- and we want to make sure a Unicode filename isn't mangled.
header h str = do
hSetEncoding h utf8
hPutStr h str
hSetBinaryMode h True
-- | read the contents of the named section in an ELF object as a
-- String.
readElfSection :: DynFlags -> String -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe String)
readElfSection _dflags section exe = do
prog = "readelf"
args = [Option "-p", Option section, FileOption "" exe]
r <- readProcessWithExitCode prog (filter notNull (map showOpt args)) ""
case r of
(ExitSuccess, out, _err) -> return (doFilter (lines out))
_ -> return Nothing
doFilter [] = Nothing
doFilter (s:r) = case readP_to_S parse s of
[(p,"")] -> Just p
_r -> doFilter r
where parse = do
_ <- R.char '['
_ <- string "0]"
munch (const True)
%* *
\subsection{Managing temporary files
%* *
cleanTempDirs :: DynFlags -> IO ()
cleanTempDirs dflags
= unless (dopt Opt_KeepTmpFiles dflags)
$ do let ref = dirsToClean dflags
ds <- readIORef ref
removeTmpDirs dflags (Map.elems ds)
writeIORef ref Map.empty
cleanTempFiles :: DynFlags -> IO ()
cleanTempFiles dflags
= unless (dopt Opt_KeepTmpFiles dflags)
$ do let ref = filesToClean dflags
fs <- readIORef ref
removeTmpFiles dflags fs
writeIORef ref []
cleanTempFilesExcept :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
cleanTempFilesExcept dflags dont_delete
= unless (dopt Opt_KeepTmpFiles dflags)
$ do let ref = filesToClean dflags
files <- readIORef ref
let (to_keep, to_delete) = partition (`elem` dont_delete) files
writeIORef ref to_keep
removeTmpFiles dflags to_delete
-- find a temporary name that doesn't already exist.
newTempName :: DynFlags -> Suffix -> IO FilePath
newTempName dflags extn
= do d <- getTempDir dflags
x <- getProcessID
findTempName (d > "ghc" ++ show x ++ "_") 0
findTempName :: FilePath -> Integer -> IO FilePath
findTempName prefix x
= do let filename = (prefix ++ show x) <.> extn
b <- doesFileExist filename
if b then findTempName prefix (x+1)
else do -- clean it up later
consIORef (filesToClean dflags) filename
return filename
-- return our temporary directory within tmp_dir, creating one if we
-- don't have one yet
getTempDir :: DynFlags -> IO FilePath
getTempDir dflags
= do let ref = dirsToClean dflags
tmp_dir = tmpDir dflags
mapping <- readIORef ref
case Map.lookup tmp_dir mapping of
Nothing ->
do x <- getProcessID
let prefix = tmp_dir > "ghc" ++ show x ++ "_"
mkTempDir :: Integer -> IO FilePath
mkTempDir x
= let dirname = prefix ++ show x
in do createDirectory dirname
let mapping' = Map.insert tmp_dir dirname mapping
writeIORef ref mapping'
debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (ptext (sLit "Created temporary directory:") <+> text dirname)
return dirname
`catchIO` \e ->
if isAlreadyExistsError e
then mkTempDir (x+1)
else ioError e
mkTempDir 0
Just d -> return d
addFilesToClean :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
-- May include wildcards [used by DriverPipeline.run_phase SplitMangle]
addFilesToClean dflags files = mapM_ (consIORef (filesToClean dflags)) files
removeTmpDirs :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
removeTmpDirs dflags ds
= traceCmd dflags "Deleting temp dirs"
("Deleting: " ++ unwords ds)
(mapM_ (removeWith dflags removeDirectory) ds)
removeTmpFiles :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
removeTmpFiles dflags fs
= warnNon $
traceCmd dflags "Deleting temp files"
("Deleting: " ++ unwords deletees)
(mapM_ (removeWith dflags removeFile) deletees)
-- Flat out refuse to delete files that are likely to be source input
-- files (is there a worse bug than having a compiler delete your source
-- files?)
-- Deleting source files is a sign of a bug elsewhere, so prominently flag
-- the condition.
warnNon act
| null non_deletees = act
| otherwise = do
putMsg dflags (text "WARNING - NOT deleting source files:" <+> hsep (map text non_deletees))
(non_deletees, deletees) = partition isHaskellUserSrcFilename fs
removeWith :: DynFlags -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
removeWith dflags remover f = remover f `catchIO`
(\e ->
let msg = if isDoesNotExistError e
then ptext (sLit "Warning: deleting non-existent") <+> text f
else ptext (sLit "Warning: exception raised when deleting")
<+> text f <> colon
$$ text (show e)
in debugTraceMsg dflags 2 msg
-- Running an external program
runSomething :: DynFlags
-> String -- For -v message
-> String -- Command name (possibly a full path)
-- assumed already dos-ified
-> [Option] -- Arguments
-- runSomething will dos-ify them
-> IO ()
runSomething dflags phase_name pgm args =
runSomethingFiltered dflags id phase_name pgm args Nothing
:: DynFlags -> (String->String) -> String -> String -> [Option]
-> Maybe [(String,String)] -> IO ()
runSomethingFiltered dflags filter_fn phase_name pgm args mb_env = do
runSomethingWith dflags phase_name pgm args $ \real_args -> do
r <- builderMainLoop dflags filter_fn pgm real_args mb_env
return (r,())
:: DynFlags -> String -> String -> [Option]
-> ([String] -> IO (ExitCode, a))
-> IO a
runSomethingWith dflags phase_name pgm args io = do
let real_args = filter notNull (map showOpt args)
cmdLine = showCommandForUser pgm real_args
traceCmd dflags phase_name cmdLine $ handleProc pgm phase_name $ io real_args
handleProc :: String -> String -> IO (ExitCode, r) -> IO r
handleProc pgm phase_name proc = do
(rc, r) <- proc `catchIO` handler
case rc of
ExitSuccess{} -> return r
ExitFailure n
-- rawSystem returns (ExitFailure 127) if the exec failed for any
-- reason (eg. the program doesn't exist). This is the only clue
-- we have, but we need to report something to the user because in
-- the case of a missing program there will otherwise be no output
-- at all.
| n == 127 -> does_not_exist
| otherwise -> ghcError (PhaseFailed phase_name rc)
handler err =
if IO.isDoesNotExistError err
then does_not_exist
else IO.ioError err
does_not_exist = ghcError (InstallationError ("could not execute: " ++ pgm))
builderMainLoop :: DynFlags -> (String -> String) -> FilePath
-> [String] -> Maybe [(String, String)]
-> IO ExitCode
builderMainLoop dflags filter_fn pgm real_args mb_env = do
chan <- newChan
(hStdIn, hStdOut, hStdErr, hProcess) <- runInteractiveProcess pgm real_args Nothing mb_env
-- and run a loop piping the output from the compiler to the log_action in DynFlags
hSetBuffering hStdOut LineBuffering
hSetBuffering hStdErr LineBuffering
_ <- forkIO (readerProc chan hStdOut filter_fn)
_ <- forkIO (readerProc chan hStdErr filter_fn)
-- we don't want to finish until 2 streams have been completed
-- (stdout and stderr)
-- nor until 1 exit code has been retrieved.
rc <- loop chan hProcess (2::Integer) (1::Integer) ExitSuccess
-- after that, we're done here.
hClose hStdIn
hClose hStdOut
hClose hStdErr
return rc
-- status starts at zero, and increments each time either
-- a reader process gets EOF, or the build proc exits. We wait
-- for all of these to happen (status==3).
-- ToDo: we should really have a contingency plan in case any of
-- the threads dies, such as a timeout.
loop _ _ 0 0 exitcode = return exitcode
loop chan hProcess t p exitcode = do
mb_code <- if p > 0
then getProcessExitCode hProcess
else return Nothing
case mb_code of
Just code -> loop chan hProcess t (p-1) code
| t > 0 -> do
msg <- readChan chan
case msg of
BuildMsg msg -> do
log_action dflags dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultUserStyle msg
loop chan hProcess t p exitcode
BuildError loc msg -> do
log_action dflags dflags SevError (mkSrcSpan loc loc) defaultUserStyle msg
loop chan hProcess t p exitcode
EOF ->
loop chan hProcess (t-1) p exitcode
| otherwise -> loop chan hProcess t p exitcode
readerProc :: Chan BuildMessage -> Handle -> (String -> String) -> IO ()
readerProc chan hdl filter_fn =
(do str <- hGetContents hdl
loop (linesPlatform (filter_fn str)) Nothing)
writeChan chan EOF
-- ToDo: check errors more carefully
-- ToDo: in the future, the filter should be implemented as
-- a stream transformer.
loop [] Nothing = return ()
loop [] (Just err) = writeChan chan err
loop (l:ls) in_err =
case in_err of
Just err@(BuildError srcLoc msg)
| leading_whitespace l -> do
loop ls (Just (BuildError srcLoc (msg $$ text l)))
| otherwise -> do
writeChan chan err
checkError l ls
Nothing -> do
checkError l ls
_ -> panic "readerProc/loop"
checkError l ls
= case parseError l of
Nothing -> do
writeChan chan (BuildMsg (text l))
loop ls Nothing
Just (file, lineNum, colNum, msg) -> do
let srcLoc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString file) lineNum colNum
loop ls (Just (BuildError srcLoc (text msg)))
leading_whitespace [] = False
leading_whitespace (x:_) = isSpace x
parseError :: String -> Maybe (String, Int, Int, String)
parseError s0 = case breakColon s0 of
Just (filename, s1) ->
case breakIntColon s1 of
Just (lineNum, s2) ->
case breakIntColon s2 of
Just (columnNum, s3) ->
Just (filename, lineNum, columnNum, s3)
Nothing ->
Just (filename, lineNum, 0, s2)
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
breakColon :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
breakColon xs = case break (':' ==) xs of
(ys, _:zs) -> Just (ys, zs)
_ -> Nothing
breakIntColon :: String -> Maybe (Int, String)
breakIntColon xs = case break (':' ==) xs of
(ys, _:zs)
| not (null ys) && all isAscii ys && all isDigit ys ->
Just (read ys, zs)
_ -> Nothing
data BuildMessage
= BuildMsg !SDoc
| BuildError !SrcLoc !SDoc
traceCmd :: DynFlags -> String -> String -> IO a -> IO a
-- trace the command (at two levels of verbosity)
traceCmd dflags phase_name cmd_line action
= do { let verb = verbosity dflags
; showPass dflags phase_name
; debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text cmd_line)
; case flushErr dflags of
FlushErr io -> io
-- And run it!
; action `catchIO` handle_exn verb
handle_exn _verb exn = do { debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (char '\n')
; debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (ptext (sLit "Failed:") <+> text cmd_line <+> text (show exn))
; ghcError (PhaseFailed phase_name (ExitFailure 1)) }
%* *
\subsection{Support code}
%* *
-- Define getBaseDir :: IO (Maybe String)
getBaseDir :: IO (Maybe String)
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
-- Assuming we are running ghc, accessed by path $(stuff)/bin/ghc.exe,
-- return the path $(stuff)/lib.
getBaseDir = try_size 2048 -- plenty, PATH_MAX is 512 under Win32.
try_size size = allocaArray (fromIntegral size) $ \buf -> do
ret <- c_GetModuleFileName nullPtr buf size
case ret of
0 -> return Nothing
_ | ret < size -> fmap (Just . rootDir) $ peekCWString buf
| otherwise -> try_size (size * 2)
rootDir s = case splitFileName $ normalise s of
(d, ghc_exe)
| lower ghc_exe `elem` ["ghc.exe",
"ghc-stage3.exe"] ->
case splitFileName $ takeDirectory d of
-- ghc is in $topdir/bin/ghc.exe
(d', bin) | lower bin == "bin" -> takeDirectory d' > "lib"
_ -> fail
_ -> fail
where fail = panic ("can't decompose ghc.exe path: " ++ show s)
lower = map toLower
foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h GetModuleFileNameW"
c_GetModuleFileName :: Ptr () -> CWString -> Word32 -> IO Word32
getBaseDir = return Nothing
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
foreign import ccall unsafe "_getpid" getProcessID :: IO Int -- relies on Int == Int32 on Windows
getProcessID :: IO Int
getProcessID = System.Posix.Internals.c_getpid >>= return . fromIntegral
-- Divvy up text stream into lines, taking platform dependent
-- line termination into account.
linesPlatform :: String -> [String]
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
linesPlatform ls = lines ls
linesPlatform "" = []
linesPlatform xs =
case lineBreak xs of
(as,xs1) -> as : linesPlatform xs1
lineBreak "" = ("","")
lineBreak ('\r':'\n':xs) = ([],xs)
lineBreak ('\n':xs) = ([],xs)
lineBreak (x:xs) = let (as,bs) = lineBreak xs in (x:as,bs)