{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, Strict, RecordWildCards #-} module UpdateCafInfos ( updateModDetailsCafInfos ) where import GhcPrelude import CoreSyn import HscTypes import Id import IdInfo import InstEnv import NameEnv import NameSet import Util import Var import Outputable #include "HsVersions.h" -- | Update CafInfos of all occurences (in rules, unfoldings, class instances) updateModDetailsCafInfos :: NameSet -- ^ Non-CAFFY names in the module. Names not in this set are CAFFY. -> ModDetails -- ^ ModDetails to update -> ModDetails updateModDetailsCafInfos non_cafs mod_details = {- pprTrace "updateModDetailsCafInfos" (text "non_cafs:" <+> ppr non_cafs) $ -} let ModDetails{ md_types = type_env -- for unfoldings , md_insts = insts , md_rules = rules } = mod_details -- type TypeEnv = NameEnv TyThing ~type_env' = mapNameEnv (updateTyThingCafInfos type_env' non_cafs) type_env -- Not strict! !insts' = strictMap (updateInstCafInfos type_env' non_cafs) insts !rules' = strictMap (updateRuleCafInfos type_env') rules in mod_details{ md_types = type_env' , md_insts = insts' , md_rules = rules' } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rules -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateRuleCafInfos :: TypeEnv -> CoreRule -> CoreRule updateRuleCafInfos _ rule@BuiltinRule{} = rule updateRuleCafInfos type_env Rule{ .. } = Rule { ru_rhs = updateGlobalIds type_env ru_rhs, .. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateInstCafInfos :: TypeEnv -> NameSet -> ClsInst -> ClsInst updateInstCafInfos type_env non_cafs = updateClsInstDFun (updateIdUnfolding type_env . updateIdCafInfo non_cafs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TyThings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateTyThingCafInfos :: TypeEnv -> NameSet -> TyThing -> TyThing updateTyThingCafInfos type_env non_cafs (AnId id) = AnId (updateIdUnfolding type_env (updateIdCafInfo non_cafs id)) updateTyThingCafInfos _ _ other = other -- AConLike, ATyCon, ACoAxiom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unfoldings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateIdUnfolding :: TypeEnv -> Id -> Id updateIdUnfolding type_env id = case idUnfolding id of CoreUnfolding{ .. } -> setIdUnfolding id CoreUnfolding{ uf_tmpl = updateGlobalIds type_env uf_tmpl, .. } DFunUnfolding{ .. } -> setIdUnfolding id DFunUnfolding{ df_args = map (updateGlobalIds type_env) df_args, .. } _ -> id -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Expressions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateIdCafInfo :: NameSet -> Id -> Id updateIdCafInfo non_cafs id | idName id `elemNameSet` non_cafs = -- pprTrace "updateIdCafInfo" (text "Marking" <+> ppr id <+> parens (ppr (idName id)) <+> text "as non-CAFFY") $ id `setIdCafInfo` NoCafRefs | otherwise = id -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateGlobalIds :: NameEnv TyThing -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -- Update occurrences of GlobalIds as directed by 'env' -- The 'env' maps a GlobalId to a version with accurate CAF info -- (and in due course perhaps other back-end-related info) updateGlobalIds env e = go env e where go_id :: NameEnv TyThing -> Id -> Id go_id env var = case lookupNameEnv env (varName var) of Nothing -> var Just (AnId id) -> id Just other -> pprPanic "UpdateCafInfos.updateGlobalIds" $ text "Found a non-Id for Id Name" <+> ppr (varName var) $$ nest 4 (text "Id:" <+> ppr var $$ text "TyThing:" <+> ppr other) go :: NameEnv TyThing -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr go env (Var v) = Var (go_id env v) go _ e@Lit{} = e go env (App e1 e2) = App (go env e1) (go env e2) go env (Lam b e) = assertNotInNameEnv env [b] (Lam b (go env e)) go env (Let bs e) = Let (go_binds env bs) (go env e) go env (Case e b ty alts) = assertNotInNameEnv env [b] (Case (go env e) b ty (map go_alt alts)) where go_alt (k,bs,e) = assertNotInNameEnv env bs (k, bs, go env e) go env (Cast e c) = Cast (go env e) c go env (Tick t e) = Tick t (go env e) go _ e@Type{} = e go _ e@Coercion{} = e go_binds :: NameEnv TyThing -> CoreBind -> CoreBind go_binds env (NonRec b e) = assertNotInNameEnv env [b] (NonRec b (go env e)) go_binds env (Rec prs) = assertNotInNameEnv env (map fst prs) (Rec (mapSnd (go env) prs)) -- In `updateGlobaLIds` Names of local binders should not shadow Name of -- globals. This assertion is to check that. assertNotInNameEnv :: NameEnv a -> [Id] -> b -> b assertNotInNameEnv env ids x = ASSERT(not (any (\id -> elemNameEnv (idName id) env) ids)) x