-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 1994-2004 -- -- Machine-specific info about registers. -- -- Also includes stuff about immediate operands, which are -- often/usually quite entangled with registers. -- -- (Immediates could be untangled from registers at some cost in tangled -- modules --- the pleasure has been foregone.) -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS -w #-} -- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge. -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix -- any warnings in the module. See -- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings -- for details #include "nativeGen/NCG.h" module MachRegs ( -- * Immediate values Imm(..), strImmLit, litToImm, -- * Addressing modes AddrMode(..), addrOffset, -- * The 'Reg' type RegNo, Reg(..), isRealReg, isVirtualReg, renameVirtualReg, RegClass(..), regClass, trivColorable, getHiVRegFromLo, mkVReg, -- * Global registers get_GlobalReg_reg_or_addr, -- * Machine-dependent register-related stuff allocatableRegs, argRegs, allArgRegs, callClobberedRegs, allocatableRegsInClass, freeReg, spRel, #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH fits8Bits, fReg, gp, pv, ra, sp, t9, t10, t11, t12, v0, f0, zeroh, #endif #if i386_TARGET_ARCH EABase(..), EAIndex(..), eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebp, esp, fake0, fake1, fake2, fake3, fake4, fake5, addrModeRegs, #endif #if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH EABase(..), EAIndex(..), ripRel, rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, rsi, rdi, rbp, rsp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebp, esp, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm, addrModeRegs, allFPArgRegs, #endif #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH fits13Bits, fpRel, gReg, iReg, lReg, oReg, largeOffsetError, fp, sp, g0, g1, g2, o0, o1, f0, f6, f8, f26, f27, #endif #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH allFPArgRegs, makeImmediate, sp, r3, r4, r27, r28, f1, f20, f21, #endif ) where #include "HsVersions.h" #if i386_TARGET_ARCH # define STOLEN_X86_REGS 4 -- HACK: go for the max #endif #include "../includes/MachRegs.h" import Cmm import MachOp ( MachRep(..) ) import CgUtils ( get_GlobalReg_addr ) import CLabel ( CLabel, mkMainCapabilityLabel ) import Pretty import Outputable ( Outputable(..), pprPanic, panic ) import qualified Outputable import Unique import UniqSet import Constants import FastTypes import FastBool import UniqFM #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH import Data.Word ( Word8, Word16, Word32 ) import Data.Int ( Int8, Int16, Int32 ) #endif -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Immediates data Imm = ImmInt Int | ImmInteger Integer -- Sigh. | ImmCLbl CLabel -- AbstractC Label (with baggage) | ImmLit Doc -- Simple string | ImmIndex CLabel Int | ImmFloat Rational | ImmDouble Rational | ImmConstantSum Imm Imm | ImmConstantDiff Imm Imm #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH | LO Imm {- Possible restrictions... -} | HI Imm #endif #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH | LO Imm | HI Imm | HA Imm {- high halfword adjusted -} #endif strImmLit s = ImmLit (text s) litToImm :: CmmLit -> Imm litToImm (CmmInt i _) = ImmInteger i litToImm (CmmFloat f F32) = ImmFloat f litToImm (CmmFloat f F64) = ImmDouble f litToImm (CmmLabel l) = ImmCLbl l litToImm (CmmLabelOff l off) = ImmIndex l off litToImm (CmmLabelDiffOff l1 l2 off) = ImmConstantSum (ImmConstantDiff (ImmCLbl l1) (ImmCLbl l2)) (ImmInt off) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Addressing modes data AddrMode #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH = AddrImm Imm | AddrReg Reg | AddrRegImm Reg Imm #endif #if i386_TARGET_ARCH || x86_64_TARGET_ARCH = AddrBaseIndex EABase EAIndex Displacement | ImmAddr Imm Int data EABase = EABaseNone | EABaseReg Reg | EABaseRip data EAIndex = EAIndexNone | EAIndex Reg Int type Displacement = Imm #endif #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH = AddrRegReg Reg Reg | AddrRegImm Reg Imm #endif #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH = AddrRegReg Reg Reg | AddrRegImm Reg Imm #endif #if i386_TARGET_ARCH || x86_64_TARGET_ARCH addrModeRegs :: AddrMode -> [Reg] addrModeRegs (AddrBaseIndex b i _) = b_regs ++ i_regs where b_regs = case b of { EABaseReg r -> [r]; _ -> [] } i_regs = case i of { EAIndex r _ -> [r]; _ -> [] } addrModeRegs _ = [] #endif addrOffset :: AddrMode -> Int -> Maybe AddrMode addrOffset addr off = case addr of #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH _ -> panic "MachMisc.addrOffset not defined for Alpha" #endif #if i386_TARGET_ARCH || x86_64_TARGET_ARCH ImmAddr i off0 -> Just (ImmAddr i (off0 + off)) AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmInt n) -> Just (AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmInt (n + off))) AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmInteger n) -> Just (AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmInt (fromInteger (n + toInteger off)))) AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmCLbl lbl) -> Just (AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmIndex lbl off)) AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmIndex lbl ix) -> Just (AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmIndex lbl (ix+off))) _ -> Nothing -- in theory, shouldn't happen #endif #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH AddrRegImm r (ImmInt n) | fits13Bits n2 -> Just (AddrRegImm r (ImmInt n2)) | otherwise -> Nothing where n2 = n + off AddrRegImm r (ImmInteger n) | fits13Bits n2 -> Just (AddrRegImm r (ImmInt (fromInteger n2))) | otherwise -> Nothing where n2 = n + toInteger off AddrRegReg r (RealReg 0) | fits13Bits off -> Just (AddrRegImm r (ImmInt off)) | otherwise -> Nothing _ -> Nothing #endif /* sparc */ #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH AddrRegImm r (ImmInt n) | fits16Bits n2 -> Just (AddrRegImm r (ImmInt n2)) | otherwise -> Nothing where n2 = n + off AddrRegImm r (ImmInteger n) | fits16Bits n2 -> Just (AddrRegImm r (ImmInt (fromInteger n2))) | otherwise -> Nothing where n2 = n + toInteger off _ -> Nothing #endif /* powerpc */ ----------------- #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH fits8Bits :: Integer -> Bool fits8Bits i = i >= -256 && i < 256 #endif #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH {-# SPECIALIZE fits13Bits :: Int -> Bool, Integer -> Bool #-} fits13Bits :: Integral a => a -> Bool fits13Bits x = x >= -4096 && x < 4096 ----------------- largeOffsetError i = error ("ERROR: SPARC native-code generator cannot handle large offset (" ++show i++");\nprobably because of large constant data structures;" ++ "\nworkaround: use -fvia-C on this module.\n") #endif /* sparc */ #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH fits16Bits :: Integral a => a -> Bool fits16Bits x = x >= -32768 && x < 32768 makeImmediate :: Integral a => MachRep -> Bool -> a -> Maybe Imm makeImmediate rep signed x = fmap ImmInt (toI16 rep signed) where narrow I32 False = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word32) narrow I16 False = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word16) narrow I8 False = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word8) narrow I32 True = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int32) narrow I16 True = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int16) narrow I8 True = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int8) narrowed = narrow rep signed toI16 I32 True | narrowed >= -32768 && narrowed < 32768 = Just narrowed | otherwise = Nothing toI16 I32 False | narrowed >= 0 && narrowed < 65536 = Just narrowed | otherwise = Nothing toI16 _ _ = Just narrowed #endif -- @spRel@ gives us a stack relative addressing mode for volatile -- temporaries and for excess call arguments. @fpRel@, where -- applicable, is the same but for the frame pointer. spRel :: Int -- desired stack offset in words, positive or negative -> AddrMode spRel n #if defined(i386_TARGET_ARCH) = AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg esp) EAIndexNone (ImmInt (n * wORD_SIZE)) #elif defined(x86_64_TARGET_ARCH) = AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg rsp) EAIndexNone (ImmInt (n * wORD_SIZE)) #else = AddrRegImm sp (ImmInt (n * wORD_SIZE)) #endif #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH fpRel :: Int -> AddrMode -- Duznae work for offsets greater than 13 bits; we just hope for -- the best fpRel n = AddrRegImm fp (ImmInt (n * wORD_SIZE)) #endif #if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH ripRel imm = AddrBaseIndex EABaseRip EAIndexNone imm #endif -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global registers -- We map STG registers onto appropriate CmmExprs. Either they map -- to real machine registers or stored as offsets from BaseReg. Given -- a GlobalReg, get_GlobalReg_reg_or_addr produces either the real -- register it is in, on this platform, or a CmmExpr denoting the -- address in the register table holding it. -- (See also get_GlobalReg_addr in CgUtils.) get_GlobalReg_reg_or_addr :: GlobalReg -> Either Reg CmmExpr get_GlobalReg_reg_or_addr mid = case globalRegMaybe mid of Just rr -> Left rr Nothing -> Right (get_GlobalReg_addr mid) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Registers -- RealRegs are machine regs which are available for allocation, in -- the usual way. We know what class they are, because that's part of -- the processor's architecture. -- VirtualRegs are virtual registers. The register allocator will -- eventually have to map them into RealRegs, or into spill slots. -- VirtualRegs are allocated on the fly, usually to represent a single -- value in the abstract assembly code (i.e. dynamic registers are -- usually single assignment). With the new register allocator, the -- single assignment restriction isn't necessary to get correct code, -- although a better register allocation will result if single -- assignment is used -- because the allocator maps a VirtualReg into -- a single RealReg, even if the VirtualReg has multiple live ranges. -- Virtual regs can be of either class, so that info is attached. -- Determine the upper-half vreg for a 64-bit quantity on a 32-bit platform -- when supplied with the vreg for the lower-half of the quantity. -- (NB. Not reversible). getHiVRegFromLo (VirtualRegI u) = VirtualRegHi (newTagUnique u 'H') -- makes a pseudo-unique with tag 'H' getHiVRegFromLo other = pprPanic "getHiVRegFromLo" (ppr other) data RegClass = RcInteger | RcFloat | RcDouble deriving Eq instance Uniquable RegClass where getUnique RcInteger = mkUnique 'L' 0 getUnique RcFloat = mkUnique 'L' 1 getUnique RcDouble = mkUnique 'L' 2 type RegNo = Int data Reg = RealReg {-# UNPACK #-} !RegNo | VirtualRegI {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique | VirtualRegHi {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -- High part of 2-word register | VirtualRegF {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique | VirtualRegD {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique deriving (Eq,Ord) -- We like to have Uniques for Reg so that we can make UniqFM and UniqSets -- in the register allocator. instance Uniquable Reg where getUnique (RealReg i) = mkUnique 'C' i getUnique (VirtualRegI u) = u getUnique (VirtualRegHi u) = u getUnique (VirtualRegF u) = u getUnique (VirtualRegD u) = u unRealReg (RealReg i) = i unRealReg vreg = pprPanic "unRealReg on VirtualReg" (ppr vreg) mkVReg :: Unique -> MachRep -> Reg mkVReg u rep = case rep of #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH F32 -> VirtualRegF u #else F32 -> VirtualRegD u #endif F64 -> VirtualRegD u other -> VirtualRegI u isVirtualReg :: Reg -> Bool isVirtualReg (RealReg _) = False isVirtualReg (VirtualRegI _) = True isVirtualReg (VirtualRegHi _) = True isVirtualReg (VirtualRegF _) = True isVirtualReg (VirtualRegD _) = True isRealReg :: Reg -> Bool isRealReg = not . isVirtualReg renameVirtualReg :: Unique -> Reg -> Reg renameVirtualReg u r = case r of RealReg _ -> error "renameVirtualReg: can't change unique on a real reg" VirtualRegI _ -> VirtualRegI u VirtualRegHi _ -> VirtualRegHi u VirtualRegF _ -> VirtualRegF u VirtualRegD _ -> VirtualRegD u instance Show Reg where show (RealReg i) = showReg i show (VirtualRegI u) = "%vI_" ++ show u show (VirtualRegHi u) = "%vHi_" ++ show u show (VirtualRegF u) = "%vF_" ++ show u show (VirtualRegD u) = "%vD_" ++ show u instance Outputable RegClass where ppr RcInteger = Outputable.text "I" ppr RcFloat = Outputable.text "F" ppr RcDouble = Outputable.text "D" instance Outputable Reg where ppr r = Outputable.text (show r) -- trivColorable function for the graph coloring allocator -- This gets hammered by scanGraph during register allocation, -- so needs to be fairly efficient. -- -- NOTE: This only works for arcitectures with just RcInteger and RcDouble -- (which are disjoint) ie. x86, x86_64 and ppc -- -- BL 2007/09 -- Doing a nice fold over the UniqSet makes trivColorable use -- 32% of total compile time and 42% of total alloc when compiling SHA1.lhs from darcs. {- trivColorable :: RegClass -> UniqSet Reg -> UniqSet Reg -> Bool trivColorable classN conflicts exclusions = let acc :: Reg -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) acc r (cd, cf) = case regClass r of RcInteger -> (cd+1, cf) RcDouble -> (cd, cf+1) _ -> panic "MachRegs.trivColorable: reg class not handled" tmp = foldUniqSet acc (0, 0) conflicts (countInt, countFloat) = foldUniqSet acc tmp exclusions squeese = worst countInt classN RcInteger + worst countFloat classN RcDouble in squeese < allocatableRegsInClass classN -- | Worst case displacement -- node N of classN has n neighbors of class C. -- -- We currently only have RcInteger and RcDouble, which don't conflict at all. -- This is a bit boring compared to what's in RegArchX86. -- worst :: Int -> RegClass -> RegClass -> Int worst n classN classC = case classN of RcInteger -> case classC of RcInteger -> min n (allocatableRegsInClass RcInteger) RcDouble -> 0 RcDouble -> case classC of RcDouble -> min n (allocatableRegsInClass RcDouble) RcInteger -> 0 -} -- The number of allocatable regs is hard coded here so we can do a fast comparision -- in trivColorable. It's ok if these numbers are _less_ than the actual number of -- free regs, but they can't be more or the register conflict graph won't color. -- -- There is an allocatableRegsInClass :: RegClass -> Int, but doing the unboxing -- is too slow for us here. -- -- Compare MachRegs.freeRegs and MachRegs.h to get these numbers. -- #if i386_TARGET_ARCH #define ALLOCATABLE_REGS_INTEGER (_ILIT(3)) #define ALLOCATABLE_REGS_DOUBLE (_ILIT(6)) #elif x86_64_TARGET_ARCH #define ALLOCATABLE_REGS_INTEGER (_ILIT(5)) #define ALLOCATABLE_REGS_DOUBLE (_ILIT(2)) #elif powerpc_TARGET_ARCH #define ALLOCATABLE_REGS_INTEGER (_ILIT(16)) #define ALLOCATABLE_REGS_DOUBLE (_ILIT(26)) #else #error ToDo: define ALLOCATABLE_REGS_INTEGER and ALLOCATABLE_REGS_DOUBLE #endif {-# INLINE regClass #-} trivColorable :: RegClass -> UniqSet Reg -> UniqSet Reg -> Bool trivColorable classN conflicts exclusions = {-# SCC "trivColorable" #-} let {-# INLINE isSqueesed #-} isSqueesed cI cF ufm = case ufm of NodeUFM _ _ left right -> case isSqueesed cI cF right of (# s, cI', cF' #) -> case s of False -> isSqueesed cI' cF' left True -> (# True, cI', cF' #) LeafUFM _ reg -> case regClass reg of RcInteger -> case cI +# _ILIT(1) of cI' -> (# cI' >=# ALLOCATABLE_REGS_INTEGER, cI', cF #) RcDouble -> case cF +# _ILIT(1) of cF' -> (# cF' >=# ALLOCATABLE_REGS_DOUBLE, cI, cF' #) EmptyUFM -> (# False, cI, cF #) in case isSqueesed (_ILIT(0)) (_ILIT(0)) conflicts of (# False, cI', cF' #) -> case isSqueesed cI' cF' exclusions of (# s, _, _ #) -> not s (# True, _, _ #) -> False -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Machine-specific register stuff -- The Alpha has 64 registers of interest; 32 integer registers and 32 floating -- point registers. The mapping of STG registers to alpha machine registers -- is defined in StgRegs.h. We are, of course, prepared for any eventuality. #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH fReg :: Int -> RegNo fReg x = (32 + x) v0, f0, ra, pv, gp, sp, zeroh :: Reg v0 = realReg 0 f0 = realReg (fReg 0) ra = FixedReg ILIT(26) pv = t12 gp = FixedReg ILIT(29) sp = FixedReg ILIT(30) zeroh = FixedReg ILIT(31) -- "zero" is used in 1.3 (MonadZero method) t9, t10, t11, t12 :: Reg t9 = realReg 23 t10 = realReg 24 t11 = realReg 25 t12 = realReg 27 #endif {- Intel x86 architecture: - All registers except 7 (esp) are available for use. - Only ebx, esi, edi and esp are available across a C call (they are callee-saves). - Registers 0-7 have 16-bit counterparts (ax, bx etc.) - Registers 0-3 have 8 bit counterparts (ah, bh etc.) - Registers 8-13 are fakes; we pretend x86 has 6 conventionally-addressable fp registers, and 3-operand insns for them, and we translate this into real stack-based x86 fp code after register allocation. The fp registers are all Double registers; we don't have any RcFloat class regs. @regClass@ barfs if you give it a VirtualRegF, and mkVReg above should never generate them. -} #if i386_TARGET_ARCH fake0, fake1, fake2, fake3, fake4, fake5, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esp, ebp, esi, edi :: Reg eax = RealReg 0 ebx = RealReg 1 ecx = RealReg 2 edx = RealReg 3 esi = RealReg 4 edi = RealReg 5 ebp = RealReg 6 esp = RealReg 7 fake0 = RealReg 8 fake1 = RealReg 9 fake2 = RealReg 10 fake3 = RealReg 11 fake4 = RealReg 12 fake5 = RealReg 13 -- On x86, we might want to have an 8-bit RegClass, which would -- contain just regs 1-4 (the others don't have 8-bit versions). -- However, we can get away without this at the moment because the -- only allocatable integer regs are also 8-bit compatible (1, 3, 4). regClass (RealReg i) = if i < 8 then RcInteger else RcDouble regClass (VirtualRegI u) = RcInteger regClass (VirtualRegHi u) = RcInteger regClass (VirtualRegD u) = RcDouble regClass (VirtualRegF u) = pprPanic "regClass(x86):VirtualRegF" (ppr (VirtualRegF u)) regNames = ["%eax", "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx", "%esi", "%edi", "%ebp", "%esp", "%fake0", "%fake1", "%fake2", "%fake3", "%fake4", "%fake5", "%fake6"] showReg :: RegNo -> String showReg n = if n >= 0 && n < 14 then regNames !! n else "%unknown_x86_real_reg_" ++ show n #endif {- AMD x86_64 architecture: - Registers 0-16 have 32-bit counterparts (eax, ebx etc.) - Registers 0-7 have 16-bit counterparts (ax, bx etc.) - Registers 0-3 have 8 bit counterparts (ah, bh etc.) -} #if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, rsp, rbp, rsi, rdi, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15 :: Reg rax = RealReg 0 rbx = RealReg 1 rcx = RealReg 2 rdx = RealReg 3 rsi = RealReg 4 rdi = RealReg 5 rbp = RealReg 6 rsp = RealReg 7 r8 = RealReg 8 r9 = RealReg 9 r10 = RealReg 10 r11 = RealReg 11 r12 = RealReg 12 r13 = RealReg 13 r14 = RealReg 14 r15 = RealReg 15 xmm0 = RealReg 16 xmm1 = RealReg 17 xmm2 = RealReg 18 xmm3 = RealReg 19 xmm4 = RealReg 20 xmm5 = RealReg 21 xmm6 = RealReg 22 xmm7 = RealReg 23 xmm8 = RealReg 24 xmm9 = RealReg 25 xmm10 = RealReg 26 xmm11 = RealReg 27 xmm12 = RealReg 28 xmm13 = RealReg 29 xmm14 = RealReg 30 xmm15 = RealReg 31 -- so we can re-use some x86 code: eax = rax ebx = rbx ecx = rcx edx = rdx esi = rsi edi = rdi ebp = rbp esp = rsp xmm n = RealReg (16+n) -- On x86, we might want to have an 8-bit RegClass, which would -- contain just regs 1-4 (the others don't have 8-bit versions). -- However, we can get away without this at the moment because the -- only allocatable integer regs are also 8-bit compatible (1, 3, 4). regClass (RealReg i) = if i < 16 then RcInteger else RcDouble regClass (VirtualRegI u) = RcInteger regClass (VirtualRegHi u) = RcInteger regClass (VirtualRegD u) = RcDouble regClass (VirtualRegF u) = pprPanic "regClass(x86_64):VirtualRegF" (ppr (VirtualRegF u)) regNames = ["%rax", "%rbx", "%rcx", "%rdx", "%rsi", "%rdi", "%rbp", "%rsp" ] showReg :: RegNo -> String showReg n | n >= 16 = "%xmm" ++ show (n-16) | n >= 8 = "%r" ++ show n | otherwise = regNames !! n #endif {- The SPARC has 64 registers of interest; 32 integer registers and 32 floating point registers. The mapping of STG registers to SPARC machine registers is defined in StgRegs.h. We are, of course, prepared for any eventuality. The whole fp-register pairing thing on sparcs is a huge nuisance. See fptools/ghc/includes/MachRegs.h for a description of what's going on here. -} #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH gReg,lReg,iReg,oReg,fReg :: Int -> RegNo gReg x = x oReg x = (8 + x) lReg x = (16 + x) iReg x = (24 + x) fReg x = (32 + x) nCG_FirstFloatReg :: RegNo nCG_FirstFloatReg = unRealReg NCG_FirstFloatReg regClass (VirtualRegI u) = RcInteger regClass (VirtualRegF u) = RcFloat regClass (VirtualRegD u) = RcDouble regClass (RealReg i) | i < 32 = RcInteger | i < nCG_FirstFloatReg = RcDouble | otherwise = RcFloat showReg :: RegNo -> String showReg n | n >= 0 && n < 8 = "%g" ++ show n | n >= 8 && n < 16 = "%o" ++ show (n-8) | n >= 16 && n < 24 = "%l" ++ show (n-16) | n >= 24 && n < 32 = "%i" ++ show (n-24) | n >= 32 && n < 64 = "%f" ++ show (n-32) | otherwise = "%unknown_sparc_real_reg_" ++ show n g0, g1, g2, fp, sp, o0, o1, f0, f1, f6, f8, f22, f26, f27 :: Reg f6 = RealReg (fReg 6) f8 = RealReg (fReg 8) f22 = RealReg (fReg 22) f26 = RealReg (fReg 26) f27 = RealReg (fReg 27) -- g0 is useful for codegen; is always zero, and writes to it vanish. g0 = RealReg (gReg 0) g1 = RealReg (gReg 1) g2 = RealReg (gReg 2) -- FP, SP, int and float return (from C) regs. fp = RealReg (iReg 6) sp = RealReg (oReg 6) o0 = RealReg (oReg 0) o1 = RealReg (oReg 1) f0 = RealReg (fReg 0) f1 = RealReg (fReg 1) #endif {- The PowerPC has 64 registers of interest; 32 integer registers and 32 floating point registers. -} #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH fReg :: Int -> RegNo fReg x = (32 + x) regClass (VirtualRegI u) = RcInteger regClass (VirtualRegHi u) = RcInteger regClass (VirtualRegF u) = pprPanic "regClass(ppc):VirtualRegF" (ppr (VirtualRegF u)) regClass (VirtualRegD u) = RcDouble regClass (RealReg i) | i < 32 = RcInteger | otherwise = RcDouble showReg :: RegNo -> String showReg n | n >= 0 && n <= 31 = "%r" ++ show n | n >= 32 && n <= 63 = "%f" ++ show (n - 32) | otherwise = "%unknown_powerpc_real_reg_" ++ show n sp = RealReg 1 r3 = RealReg 3 r4 = RealReg 4 r27 = RealReg 27 r28 = RealReg 28 f1 = RealReg $ fReg 1 f20 = RealReg $ fReg 20 f21 = RealReg $ fReg 21 #endif {- Redefine the literals used for machine-registers with non-numeric names in the header files. Gag me with a spoon, eh? -} #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH #define f0 32 #define f1 33 #define f2 34 #define f3 35 #define f4 36 #define f5 37 #define f6 38 #define f7 39 #define f8 40 #define f9 41 #define f10 42 #define f11 43 #define f12 44 #define f13 45 #define f14 46 #define f15 47 #define f16 48 #define f17 49 #define f18 50 #define f19 51 #define f20 52 #define f21 53 #define f22 54 #define f23 55 #define f24 56 #define f25 57 #define f26 58 #define f27 59 #define f28 60 #define f29 61 #define f30 62 #define f31 63 #endif #if i386_TARGET_ARCH #define eax 0 #define ebx 1 #define ecx 2 #define edx 3 #define esi 4 #define edi 5 #define ebp 6 #define esp 7 #define fake0 8 #define fake1 9 #define fake2 10 #define fake3 11 #define fake4 12 #define fake5 13 #endif #if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH #define rax 0 #define rbx 1 #define rcx 2 #define rdx 3 #define rsi 4 #define rdi 5 #define rbp 6 #define rsp 7 #define r8 8 #define r9 9 #define r10 10 #define r11 11 #define r12 12 #define r13 13 #define r14 14 #define r15 15 #define xmm0 16 #define xmm1 17 #define xmm2 18 #define xmm3 19 #define xmm4 20 #define xmm5 21 #define xmm6 22 #define xmm7 23 #define xmm8 24 #define xmm9 25 #define xmm10 26 #define xmm11 27 #define xmm12 28 #define xmm13 29 #define xmm14 30 #define xmm15 31 #endif #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH #define g0 0 #define g1 1 #define g2 2 #define g3 3 #define g4 4 #define g5 5 #define g6 6 #define g7 7 #define o0 8 #define o1 9 #define o2 10 #define o3 11 #define o4 12 #define o5 13 #define o6 14 #define o7 15 #define l0 16 #define l1 17 #define l2 18 #define l3 19 #define l4 20 #define l5 21 #define l6 22 #define l7 23 #define i0 24 #define i1 25 #define i2 26 #define i3 27 #define i4 28 #define i5 29 #define i6 30 #define i7 31 #define f0 32 #define f1 33 #define f2 34 #define f3 35 #define f4 36 #define f5 37 #define f6 38 #define f7 39 #define f8 40 #define f9 41 #define f10 42 #define f11 43 #define f12 44 #define f13 45 #define f14 46 #define f15 47 #define f16 48 #define f17 49 #define f18 50 #define f19 51 #define f20 52 #define f21 53 #define f22 54 #define f23 55 #define f24 56 #define f25 57 #define f26 58 #define f27 59 #define f28 60 #define f29 61 #define f30 62 #define f31 63 #endif #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH #define r0 0 #define r1 1 #define r2 2 #define r3 3 #define r4 4 #define r5 5 #define r6 6 #define r7 7 #define r8 8 #define r9 9 #define r10 10 #define r11 11 #define r12 12 #define r13 13 #define r14 14 #define r15 15 #define r16 16 #define r17 17 #define r18 18 #define r19 19 #define r20 20 #define r21 21 #define r22 22 #define r23 23 #define r24 24 #define r25 25 #define r26 26 #define r27 27 #define r28 28 #define r29 29 #define r30 30 #define r31 31 #ifdef darwin_TARGET_OS #define f0 32 #define f1 33 #define f2 34 #define f3 35 #define f4 36 #define f5 37 #define f6 38 #define f7 39 #define f8 40 #define f9 41 #define f10 42 #define f11 43 #define f12 44 #define f13 45 #define f14 46 #define f15 47 #define f16 48 #define f17 49 #define f18 50 #define f19 51 #define f20 52 #define f21 53 #define f22 54 #define f23 55 #define f24 56 #define f25 57 #define f26 58 #define f27 59 #define f28 60 #define f29 61 #define f30 62 #define f31 63 #else #define fr0 32 #define fr1 33 #define fr2 34 #define fr3 35 #define fr4 36 #define fr5 37 #define fr6 38 #define fr7 39 #define fr8 40 #define fr9 41 #define fr10 42 #define fr11 43 #define fr12 44 #define fr13 45 #define fr14 46 #define fr15 47 #define fr16 48 #define fr17 49 #define fr18 50 #define fr19 51 #define fr20 52 #define fr21 53 #define fr22 54 #define fr23 55 #define fr24 56 #define fr25 57 #define fr26 58 #define fr27 59 #define fr28 60 #define fr29 61 #define fr30 62 #define fr31 63 #endif #endif -- allMachRegs is the complete set of machine regs. allMachRegNos :: [RegNo] allMachRegNos = IF_ARCH_alpha( [0..63], IF_ARCH_i386( [0..13], IF_ARCH_x86_64( [0..31], IF_ARCH_sparc( ([0..31] ++ [f0,f2 .. nCG_FirstFloatReg-1] ++ [nCG_FirstFloatReg .. f31]), IF_ARCH_powerpc([0..63], ))))) -- allocatableRegs is allMachRegNos with the fixed-use regs removed. -- i.e., these are the regs for which we are prepared to allow the -- register allocator to attempt to map VRegs to. allocatableRegs :: [RegNo] allocatableRegs = let isFree i = isFastTrue (freeReg i) in filter isFree allMachRegNos -- | The number of regs in each class. -- We go via top level CAFs to ensure that we're not recomputing -- the length of these lists each time the fn is called. allocatableRegsInClass :: RegClass -> Int allocatableRegsInClass cls = case cls of RcInteger -> allocatableRegsInteger RcDouble -> allocatableRegsDouble allocatableRegsInteger = length $ filter (\r -> regClass r == RcInteger) $ map RealReg allocatableRegs allocatableRegsDouble = length $ filter (\r -> regClass r == RcDouble) $ map RealReg allocatableRegs -- these are the regs which we cannot assume stay alive over a -- C call. callClobberedRegs :: [Reg] callClobberedRegs = #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, fReg 0, fReg 1, fReg 10, fReg 11, fReg 12, fReg 13, fReg 14, fReg 15, fReg 16, fReg 17, fReg 18, fReg 19, fReg 20, fReg 21, fReg 22, fReg 23, fReg 24, fReg 25, fReg 26, fReg 27, fReg 28, fReg 29, fReg 30] #endif /* alpha_TARGET_ARCH */ #if i386_TARGET_ARCH -- caller-saves registers map RealReg [eax,ecx,edx,fake0,fake1,fake2,fake3,fake4,fake5] #endif /* i386_TARGET_ARCH */ #if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH -- caller-saves registers map RealReg ([rax,rcx,rdx,rsi,rdi,r8,r9,r10,r11] ++ [16..31]) -- all xmm regs are caller-saves #endif /* x86_64_TARGET_ARCH */ #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH map RealReg ( oReg 7 : [oReg i | i <- [0..5]] ++ [gReg i | i <- [1..7]] ++ [fReg i | i <- [0..31]] ) #endif /* sparc_TARGET_ARCH */ #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH #if darwin_TARGET_OS map RealReg (0:[2..12] ++ map fReg [0..13]) #elif linux_TARGET_OS map RealReg (0:[2..13] ++ map fReg [0..13]) #endif #endif /* powerpc_TARGET_ARCH */ -- argRegs is the set of regs which are read for an n-argument call to C. -- For archs which pass all args on the stack (x86), is empty. -- Sparc passes up to the first 6 args in regs. -- Dunno about Alpha. argRegs :: RegNo -> [Reg] #if i386_TARGET_ARCH argRegs _ = panic "MachRegs.argRegs(x86): should not be used!" #endif #if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH argRegs _ = panic "MachRegs.argRegs(x86_64): should not be used!" #endif #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH argRegs 0 = [] argRegs 1 = freeMappedRegs [16, fReg 16] argRegs 2 = freeMappedRegs [16, 17, fReg 16, fReg 17] argRegs 3 = freeMappedRegs [16, 17, 18, fReg 16, fReg 17, fReg 18] argRegs 4 = freeMappedRegs [16, 17, 18, 19, fReg 16, fReg 17, fReg 18, fReg 19] argRegs 5 = freeMappedRegs [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, fReg 16, fReg 17, fReg 18, fReg 19, fReg 20] argRegs 6 = freeMappedRegs [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, fReg 16, fReg 17, fReg 18, fReg 19, fReg 20, fReg 21] argRegs _ = panic "MachRegs.argRegs(alpha): don't know about >6 arguments!" #endif /* alpha_TARGET_ARCH */ #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH argRegs 0 = [] argRegs 1 = map (RealReg . oReg) [0] argRegs 2 = map (RealReg . oReg) [0,1] argRegs 3 = map (RealReg . oReg) [0,1,2] argRegs 4 = map (RealReg . oReg) [0,1,2,3] argRegs 5 = map (RealReg . oReg) [0,1,2,3,4] argRegs 6 = map (RealReg . oReg) [0,1,2,3,4,5] argRegs _ = panic "MachRegs.argRegs(sparc): don't know about >6 arguments!" #endif /* sparc_TARGET_ARCH */ #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH argRegs 0 = [] argRegs 1 = map RealReg [3] argRegs 2 = map RealReg [3,4] argRegs 3 = map RealReg [3..5] argRegs 4 = map RealReg [3..6] argRegs 5 = map RealReg [3..7] argRegs 6 = map RealReg [3..8] argRegs 7 = map RealReg [3..9] argRegs 8 = map RealReg [3..10] argRegs _ = panic "MachRegs.argRegs(powerpc): don't know about >8 arguments!" #endif /* powerpc_TARGET_ARCH */ -- all of the arg regs ?? #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH allArgRegs :: [(Reg, Reg)] allArgRegs = [(realReg i, realReg (fReg i)) | i <- [16..21]] #endif /* alpha_TARGET_ARCH */ #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH allArgRegs :: [Reg] allArgRegs = map RealReg [oReg i | i <- [0..5]] #endif /* sparc_TARGET_ARCH */ #if i386_TARGET_ARCH allArgRegs :: [Reg] allArgRegs = panic "MachRegs.allArgRegs(x86): should not be used!" #endif #if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH allArgRegs :: [Reg] allArgRegs = map RealReg [rdi,rsi,rdx,rcx,r8,r9] allFPArgRegs :: [Reg] allFPArgRegs = map RealReg [xmm0 .. xmm7] #endif #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH allArgRegs :: [Reg] allArgRegs = map RealReg [3..10] allFPArgRegs :: [Reg] #if darwin_TARGET_OS allFPArgRegs = map (RealReg . fReg) [1..13] #elif linux_TARGET_OS allFPArgRegs = map (RealReg . fReg) [1..8] #endif #endif /* powerpc_TARGET_ARCH */ \end{code} \begin{code} freeReg :: RegNo -> FastBool #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH freeReg 26 = fastBool False -- return address (ra) freeReg 28 = fastBool False -- reserved for the assembler (at) freeReg 29 = fastBool False -- global pointer (gp) freeReg 30 = fastBool False -- stack pointer (sp) freeReg 31 = fastBool False -- always zero (zeroh) freeReg 63 = fastBool False -- always zero (f31) #endif #if i386_TARGET_ARCH freeReg esp = fastBool False -- %esp is the C stack pointer #endif #if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH freeReg rsp = fastBool False -- %rsp is the C stack pointer #endif #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH freeReg g0 = fastBool False -- %g0 is always 0. freeReg g5 = fastBool False -- %g5 is reserved (ABI). freeReg g6 = fastBool False -- %g6 is reserved (ABI). freeReg g7 = fastBool False -- %g7 is reserved (ABI). freeReg i6 = fastBool False -- %i6 is our frame pointer. freeReg i7 = fastBool False -- %i7 tends to have ret-addr-ish things freeReg o6 = fastBool False -- %o6 is our stack pointer. freeReg o7 = fastBool False -- %o7 holds ret addrs (???) freeReg f0 = fastBool False -- %f0/%f1 are the C fp return registers. freeReg f1 = fastBool False #endif #if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH freeReg 0 = fastBool False -- Hack: r0 can't be used in all insns, but it's actually free freeReg 1 = fastBool False -- The Stack Pointer #if !darwin_TARGET_OS -- most non-darwin powerpc OSes use r2 as a TOC pointer or something like that freeReg 2 = fastBool False #endif #endif #ifdef REG_Base freeReg REG_Base = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_R1 freeReg REG_R1 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_R2 freeReg REG_R2 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_R3 freeReg REG_R3 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_R4 freeReg REG_R4 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_R5 freeReg REG_R5 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_R6 freeReg REG_R6 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_R7 freeReg REG_R7 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_R8 freeReg REG_R8 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_F1 freeReg REG_F1 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_F2 freeReg REG_F2 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_F3 freeReg REG_F3 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_F4 freeReg REG_F4 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_D1 freeReg REG_D1 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_D2 freeReg REG_D2 = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_Sp freeReg REG_Sp = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_Su freeReg REG_Su = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_SpLim freeReg REG_SpLim = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_Hp freeReg REG_Hp = fastBool False #endif #ifdef REG_HpLim freeReg REG_HpLim = fastBool False #endif freeReg n = fastBool True -- | Returns 'Nothing' if this global register is not stored -- in a real machine register, otherwise returns @'Just' reg@, where -- reg is the machine register it is stored in. globalRegMaybe :: GlobalReg -> Maybe Reg #ifdef REG_Base globalRegMaybe BaseReg = Just (RealReg REG_Base) #endif #ifdef REG_R1 globalRegMaybe (VanillaReg 1) = Just (RealReg REG_R1) #endif #ifdef REG_R2 globalRegMaybe (VanillaReg 2) = Just (RealReg REG_R2) #endif #ifdef REG_R3 globalRegMaybe (VanillaReg 3) = Just (RealReg REG_R3) #endif #ifdef REG_R4 globalRegMaybe (VanillaReg 4) = Just (RealReg REG_R4) #endif #ifdef REG_R5 globalRegMaybe (VanillaReg 5) = Just (RealReg REG_R5) #endif #ifdef REG_R6 globalRegMaybe (VanillaReg 6) = Just (RealReg REG_R6) #endif #ifdef REG_R7 globalRegMaybe (VanillaReg 7) = Just (RealReg REG_R7) #endif #ifdef REG_R8 globalRegMaybe (VanillaReg 8) = Just (RealReg REG_R8) #endif #ifdef REG_R9 globalRegMaybe (VanillaReg 9) = Just (RealReg REG_R9) #endif #ifdef REG_R10 globalRegMaybe (VanillaReg 10) = Just (RealReg REG_R10) #endif #ifdef REG_F1 globalRegMaybe (FloatReg 1) = Just (RealReg REG_F1) #endif #ifdef REG_F2 globalRegMaybe (FloatReg 2) = Just (RealReg REG_F2) #endif #ifdef REG_F3 globalRegMaybe (FloatReg 3) = Just (RealReg REG_F3) #endif #ifdef REG_F4 globalRegMaybe (FloatReg 4) = Just (RealReg REG_F4) #endif #ifdef REG_D1 globalRegMaybe (DoubleReg 1) = Just (RealReg REG_D1) #endif #ifdef REG_D2 globalRegMaybe (DoubleReg 2) = Just (RealReg REG_D2) #endif #ifdef REG_Sp globalRegMaybe Sp = Just (RealReg REG_Sp) #endif #ifdef REG_Lng1 globalRegMaybe (LongReg 1) = Just (RealReg REG_Lng1) #endif #ifdef REG_Lng2 globalRegMaybe (LongReg 2) = Just (RealReg REG_Lng2) #endif #ifdef REG_SpLim globalRegMaybe SpLim = Just (RealReg REG_SpLim) #endif #ifdef REG_Hp globalRegMaybe Hp = Just (RealReg REG_Hp) #endif #ifdef REG_HpLim globalRegMaybe HpLim = Just (RealReg REG_HpLim) #endif #ifdef REG_CurrentTSO globalRegMaybe CurrentTSO = Just (RealReg REG_CurrentTSO) #endif #ifdef REG_CurrentNursery globalRegMaybe CurrentNursery = Just (RealReg REG_CurrentNursery) #endif globalRegMaybe _ = Nothing \end{code}