-- | Register coalescing. module RegAlloc.Graph.Coalesce ( regCoalesce, slurpJoinMovs ) where import RegAlloc.Liveness import Instruction import Reg import Cmm import Bag import Digraph import UniqFM import UniqSet import UniqSupply import Data.List -- | Do register coalescing on this top level thing -- -- For Reg -> Reg moves, if the first reg dies at the same time the -- second reg is born then the mov only serves to join live ranges. -- The two regs can be renamed to be the same and the move instruction -- safely erased. regCoalesce :: Instruction instr => [LiveCmmDecl statics instr] -> UniqSM [LiveCmmDecl statics instr] regCoalesce code = do let joins = foldl' unionBags emptyBag $ map slurpJoinMovs code let alloc = foldl' buildAlloc emptyUFM $ bagToList joins let patched = map (patchEraseLive (sinkReg alloc)) code return patched -- | Add a v1 = v2 register renaming to the map. -- The register with the lowest lexical name is set as the -- canonical version. buildAlloc :: UniqFM Reg -> (Reg, Reg) -> UniqFM Reg buildAlloc fm (r1, r2) = let rmin = min r1 r2 rmax = max r1 r2 in addToUFM fm rmax rmin -- | Determine the canonical name for a register by following -- v1 = v2 renamings in this map. sinkReg :: UniqFM Reg -> Reg -> Reg sinkReg fm r = case lookupUFM fm r of Nothing -> r Just r' -> sinkReg fm r' -- | Slurp out mov instructions that only serve to join live ranges. -- -- During a mov, if the source reg dies and the destination reg is -- born then we can rename the two regs to the same thing and -- eliminate the move. slurpJoinMovs :: Instruction instr => LiveCmmDecl statics instr -> Bag (Reg, Reg) slurpJoinMovs live = slurpCmm emptyBag live where slurpCmm rs CmmData{} = rs slurpCmm rs (CmmProc _ _ _ sccs) = foldl' slurpBlock rs (flattenSCCs sccs) slurpBlock rs (BasicBlock _ instrs) = foldl' slurpLI rs instrs slurpLI rs (LiveInstr _ Nothing) = rs slurpLI rs (LiveInstr instr (Just live)) | Just (r1, r2) <- takeRegRegMoveInstr instr , elementOfUniqSet r1 $ liveDieRead live , elementOfUniqSet r2 $ liveBorn live -- only coalesce movs between two virtuals for now, -- else we end up with allocatable regs in the live -- regs list.. , isVirtualReg r1 && isVirtualReg r2 = consBag (r1, r2) rs | otherwise = rs